Rita Kern house 2 biography. Rita Kern (Maria Kunaeva). Unsettled personal life

Busty Kern only had two months at Dom-2 to become a star on an all-Russian scale and a role model for teenagers who were passionate about the project. The brunette already has more than 100 thousand subscribers on Instagram alone. The secret of her popularity is simple: she often posts candid photos. And how can one hide such a prominent bust under clothes?


The liberated Rita loves to film herself in the bath and then share erotic selfies with eager fans. This time she called a professional photographer and lay down completely naked in front of him. The beauty's body is covered only with a thin layer of acid pink paint.

Kern does not hide the fact that her breasts are silicone. “I don’t plan to increase it further. I absolutely like it now. The first time I had my breasts done was when I was 20. C grade. For my man. And then I think: “Let me make myself bigger.” And this is where my problems started. It’s wrong for me implants were installed. And it shifted. The second time I did 600 milliliters. And I decided to have a third operation - I did 800,” Rita shared her rich experience in bust augmentation.

However, even after the third surgical intervention, the “House-2” star began to have problems with her breasts. "The implant shifted again, and it turned out that it was necessary to operate again. There was a choice: either 800 milliliters, or order. I thought: “Why am I suffering in vain?” And I ordered new ones. They cost 35 thousand dollars at the old rate. I want them They delivered it perfectly. I couldn’t be happier,” admitted a pleased Kern.

Margarita Kern. Born on March 28, 1990 in Izhevsk. Ex-participant of the show “Dom-2”, model.

Margarita Kern's height: 170 centimeters.

Margarita Kern became one of the most colorful participants of “Dom-2” in 2016. Namely, in a new project of the show at that time - “Love Island”.

According to the rules of this innovation, 12 girls land in the Seychelles and compete for the attention of two project participants who do not have a partner. IN in this case- Alexandra Zadoinova and Ivan Barzikov.

Margarita Kern, having appeared on the island, immediately became the center of attention. First of all, because of his rather non-standard external data, as well as because of some biographical details - real or fictitious as a legend to attract the attention of the public.

No one can say for sure whether the name and surname Margarita Kern are real or is it just a pseudonym?

The girl also claims that she is the daughter of a priest and was raised in severity and chastity until the age of 18. And after that she ran away from home and began to make a career out of her appearance.

How true it is that her parent is really a priest is a question. Moreover, a photo of Margarita allegedly with her father-priest appeared on the Internet, but he looks rather like some kind of Hare Krishna, and besides, he is a head shorter than his supposed daughter.

According to Ekaterina’s acquaintances, she was a complex girl, so in 2009 she began attending training courses on the skill of seducing men.

"Rita has a high speed of integration and analytical thinking. She completed every task of divorcing men without unnecessary questions or hostility. For example, she set up setups. She sent her close friend to her boyfriend to test her fidelity. If the suitor took this bait, she allowed intimacy - she recorded sex on video and posted it on the Internet. Rita could also enter into a relationship with two young men at once and then introduce them both and give them an ultimatum: “Boys, we live together or I’m leaving you!”, said one of the friends. Kern.

Allegedly, Rita mastered the art of manipulating men for two whole years. And persistent study bore fruit: no one can resist it.

“Other girls are not rivals for Kern. She definitely doesn’t go to the show for a million. She had rich men who gave her a lot of money. It seems to me that she fell in love if she even went in front of the cameras. Because there was a case in her life when she lived with a guy and paid for his apartment, food, clothes. All because of love!” says Margarita’s friend.

True, the information about the girl’s supposedly chaste upbringing is shattered by the information that her photo is on the “Prostitutes of Moscow” website - under the nickname Elena.

On this occasion, fans of “Dom-2” contacted the producer of the show - they say, although the project is scandalous, it is not to the same extent, they say, the priestess of love is too much. But he allegedly replied that for Margarita, intimate services were a thing of the past.

Elena, aka Margarita Kern on the Moscow prostitutes website

There is no doubt that Margarita Kern went under the plastic surgeon’s knife more than once. Her breasts are size eight - obviously thanks to silicone implants. The girl also pumped up her lips. In addition, the strict contours of the nose indicate rhinoplasty.

She herself admitted: “The first time I had my breasts done was when I was 20. A C grade. For my man. And then I thought: “Let me make myself bigger.” And this is where my problems started. They installed the implants incorrectly. And they moved. The second time I did 600 milliliters. It shifted. And I decided to do the third operation - I put in 800."

IN " interesting places"Margarita has tattoos.

Directly on the project “Dom-2. Love Island”, the owner of size 8 breasts was not at all shy about showing off her charms in front of the cameras.

At the same time, her transformations during plastic surgery were vigorously discussed on the Internet. Many are sure that the girl simply disfigured herself and, after correcting her appearance, began to look older.

After leaving Dom-2, she focused on her modeling career and began acting for men's magazines.

Rita Kern (Maria Kunaeva)

Participant of "House-2" Date of birth March 28 (Aries) 1990 (29) Place of birth Izhevsk Instagram @ritakern.official

Rita Kern - former member TV project “Dom-2. Island of love". She became famous thanks to her exotic appearance and scandalous reputation. Rita underwent several plastic surgeries, which changed her facial features and increased her breast size. Considers it possible to build relationships with several men at the same time.

Biography of Rita Kern

At the end of March 1990, priest Vladimir Kunaev gave birth to a daughter, who was named Maria (Margarita Kern is her pseudonym). It is generally accepted that Rita’s hometown is Izhevsk, but journalists found information that the girl was born and lived until adulthood in the village of Yakshur-Bodya in Udmurtia. The father kept his daughters strict, limited all contacts with boys and punished them for disobedience. It is not surprising that upon reaching the age of eighteen, Kern ran away from home, hitting all the hardest.

Complexes about her appearance that appeared in childhood and adolescence soon brought Rita under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Having completed training on attracting male attention, the girl began to use the capabilities of her suitors: she pumped up her lips and enlarged her breasts. The first time twenty-year-old Kern got an implant for herself was as a gift to her lover. Then she acquired a third bust size. Further more. Rita increased her breasts to size 6, and later to size 8.

She loved to prepare provocations for her men. For example, I persuaded my friends to arouse the interest of their boyfriend and persuade her to have an intimate relationship. If this happened, Kern mercilessly posted videos of the betrayal on the Internet. Often a girl dated several men at the same time, without considering this something reprehensible. It is not surprising that Rita’s unconventional appearance and provocative behavior eventually led her to the Dom-2 project. Island of love". Together with other girls and guys, in September 2016, Kern went on a two-month filming of “Building Love” in the Seychelles.

The public knows this girl with large breasts and a curvy figure because of her participation in the television project “Dom-2” on the TNT channel. She came to the casting with a confident statement that she wanted to find her future husband on Love Island. As you know, the project has two sites: a clearing and Rita Kern came as part of a team of twelve brides to compete for the heart of one of the grooms and win a cash prize.

Rita Kern: biography and family

The heroine of the article was born on March 28, 1990. For her age, she has changed her appearance a lot. The girl has undergone five plastic surgeries. For the first time, Rita Kern increased her bust volume as a gift to her man. Today she has a clear line of cheekbones, size eight breasts and Botox-pumped lips. Before the correction of her appearance, she was sweet and charming, but now her body can drive any man crazy.

Looking at Rita's photo, one cannot assume that this girl was born into a very modest family. Her dad is an active priest of the church. From childhood she was brought up in strictness, so she grew up as an introverted child. Thanks to her appearance, Rita was always the center of attention, but she did not know how to react correctly to the abundance of male glances in her direction. Absolutely everyone liked the kind and sincere girl; her beauty captivated her fans. Having reached adulthood, she left for Moscow, hiding her plans from her parents.

Unsettled personal life

Arriving to build new love In front of the cameras, Rita Kern immediately began talking about her past relationships. She lived in a civil marriage with a Moscow businessman. But, despite her prosperous life, Margarita Kern realized that she had no feelings for her chosen one and decided to try her luck by taking part in the project. She admits that, despite her gorgeous appearance, she is unhappy as a woman. Her fans include the richest foreign businessmen, sheikhs and oligarchs. Rita Kern is ready for any transformation for the sake of love. Her breasts are further proof of this. Not every woman will agree to experiment with her body for male pleasure.

Participation in the project "Dom-2"

The famous reality show attracts millions of viewers every day. The attractive brunette, who appeared as one of the brides of the Love Island season, divided viewers into two camps. Some looked at the “remade” girl with disgust, while others admired the forms of the charismatic participant. She failed to build real relationships on the project. She was not even noticed in any intrigues related to male representatives. She made it clear from the very beginning that her appearance is just an image, but in fact she is a decent girl who wants true love. During her two months in the Seychelles, Rita Kern helped other brides understand their situations and gave practical advice. She left pleasant impression from the show organizers. After “House-2,” Rita’s fans increased, and her Instagram page became more visited.

Rita Kern uses Instagram to get attention. After the completion of the project “Dom-2. Love Island” she was not offered to renew her contract, but the girl was not upset. Now she surprises her followers on Instagram - she posts photos of varying degrees of candor, thoughts about breast enlargement and reduction, and pictures of skydiving.


The girl was born in 1990 in large family, her father is an archpriest. In her native village of Yakshur-Bodya, she is known under the name Maria Kunaeva; fellow villagers say that the girl was brought up in strictness, and at the age of 18 she ran away from home.

In September 2016, the outrageous brunette came to the project “Dom-2. Island of Love,” Rita Kern indicated opposite her name in the questionnaire. Her fate between escaping from her parents and joining the project is full of rumors and speculation.

It is known that before Love Island she did at least one plastic surgery– enlarged my breasts to size eight. According to her, the priest’s daughter decided to take such a step for the sake of her boyfriend.

Having become a participant in Dom-2, the archpriest’s daughter found herself at the center of a scandal - subscribers accused Rita of engaging in prostitution, a screenshot of a certain Elina’s page on the website of “Moscow prostitutes” is circulating online, the photo and data on the page correspond to Rita Kern. The producers of the project announced that intimate services for the girl are a thing of the past, and now it is difficult to assess whether the organizers fueled interest in the show, or whether Kern actually worked as a priestess of love.

The girl’s appearance is of considerable interest; subscribers are most often interested in how many times she went under the surgeon’s knife, and how much natural remains in her. Rita Kern does not have a photo on Instagram before plastic surgery, the only available photo is a childhood one family photo, in which she is with her father and sisters. It is reliably known about the girl’s five operations. The first changes were made to the breasts - the second size was increased to eight. Then she enlarged her lips, and a little later she had rhinoplasty.

Subscribers agreed that the new lips greatly spoiled the girl; Rita began to look much older. In 2016, she enlarged her buttocks, and a year later, announcing on Instagram that she was going to reduce her breasts, she unexpectedly posted a photo after her second rhinoplasty. The size eight breasts remained untouched to the delight of followers.

News on Instagram

It must be said that the priest’s daughter, even leaving the project, continues to attract attention - in May, Rita Kern, a participant in Dom-2, posted a photo in a wet T-shirt on her official Instagram @rita666kern. In the photo, the nipples are visible under the wet clothes. Subscribers reacted ambiguously to the shocking photo, some of them wrote to the support service - and the girl’s account was blocked for some time.
In September, Rita Kern shared photos from the set of “Dom-2” on her official Instagram page. A fairly thin girl in a maid costume seduced Nikita Kuznetsov, and it is quite possible that the priest’s daughter will soon return to the project.