How old is Grandma's hope in a year? Photo of Nadezhda Babkina before and after plastic surgery. Plastic surgery by Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda Babkina is a Soviet and Russian singer who performs mainly folk songs. Babkina, the owner of an alto voice, performs solo and with her group “Russian Song”. She is a People's Artist of the RSFSR and a professor of art history at the International Academy of Sciences.

Childhood and adolescence

The future singer was born and raised in a small village in the Astrakhan region. Father, Georgy Ivanovich, hereditary Cossack, was the chairman of the collective farm. Mom, Tamara Alexandrovna, worked as a teacher at a local school. The Babkin family was very musical, everyone sang beautifully and played various instruments.

It is not surprising that little Nadya youth dreamed of becoming an artist. She loved to sing and dance, and together with her older brother Valery, who accompanied her on the button accordion, she performed in amateur performances. But the parents did not take this hobby seriously and dreamed of seeing their daughter as a doctor. Therefore, when, after the eighth grade, Nadya announced her desire to enter a music school, they categorically opposed and insisted on medical school.

Nadezhda studied there for one semester and became a student at the Astrakhan Music College. But Babkina failed to finish it. She fell in love with a married senior and tried to destroy his family. The school management found out about this, and Nadezhda was expelled for being “immoral.” Babkina returned home in disgrace, where everyone already knew about her offense. Read more below in the “personal life” section.

Because of this, her father started having problems at work; her fellow villagers constantly gossiped behind her back. Unable to withstand such an oppressive situation, Babkina packed her things and left for Moscow, where she entered the Gnessin School on her first try. Compared to the rest of the applicants, she looked like Frosya Burlakova, but apparently that was what “hooked” her admissions committee, who decided to give the vociferous provincial girl a chance. Nadya began her studies with great zeal, while simultaneously gaining experience in the capital folk ensemble"Accordion".

Music career

In 1975, the Russian Song ensemble was formed within the walls of Gnesinka, and Nadya became one of its six participants. A year later, the group loudly announced itself at the prestigious song festival in Sochi, famous composers began to help beginning artists with professional arrangements folk songs. Nadezhda did not remain an ordinary vocalist for long; she soon began to take a direct part in the production of numbers and became the artistic director of the group.

In the spring of 1994, the ensemble became a folklore center, and six years later - a Theater under the direction of Babkina. By that time, Nadezhda had graduated from the directing department of GITIS and relied not only on the repertoire, but also on the entertainment value of the group’s performances. The costumes for the artists were designed by the presenters Russian designers, during the performances the light and scenery changed several times, turning the action taking place on stage into a real holiday folk song.

For lovers folk music impressed by the work of “Russian Song”, many liked Babkina’s duets with others famous singers- for example, Alexander Marshall or Anna Veski. IN different times Nadezhda Babkina collaborated with Oleg Mityaev and Gennady Gladkov.

Since 2001 - member of the party " United Russia" She has repeatedly spoken at rallies in support of Putin, and since 2012 she has been his confidant. She supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia and participated in the elections to the State Duma.

Since 2009, Nadezhda Babkina has been hosting the program “ Fashionable verdict"and delights the audience with her style.

Personal life of Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda fell in love for the first time at the age of seventeen, while still a first-year student. The wife of her chosen one, Honored Artist Oleg Goldes, having learned about their affair, complained about the homewrecker to the dean’s office, and Babkina was expelled from the music school in disgrace.

In 1974, she became the wife of musician Vladimir Zasedatelev, to whom she gave birth to a son, Daniil. The couple lived together for seventeen years and divorced because of Vladimir's betrayal: he got a job in Lev Leshchenko's ensemble and fell in love with backing vocalist Albina Levchenko.

Since then, they have not communicated and saw each other only at their son’s wedding in 2007. In May 2012, Vladimir passed away due to coronary heart disease.

In 2003, Babkina met the aspiring singer Evgeny Gor ( real name Gorshechkov), who was thirty years younger than her. Things started between them romantic relationship, which continue to this day. True, there are persistent rumors that Gore lives in a separate apartment and uses Babkina’s money and influence for personal gain, but the singer claims that she is happy and is quite satisfied with such a “guest” marriage.

In 2010, Danil Zasedatelev made Nadezhda a grandmother: his son Georgy was born. In 2013, he also gave his mother a granddaughter, Vera.

In one moment, Nadezhda Babkina is able to conquer the entire hall. Inner strength and amazing energy allowed her to achieve considerable success and pass life's trials with dignity.

Her personal life is surrounded by gossip and conversations. But of all difficult situations the actress came out with her head held high.


On March 19, 2015, Nadezhda celebrated her 65th birthday. Few people know that famous performer born in the village of Cherny Yar, which is located near Astrakhan. Her father came from a Cossack family; he held a good position on a collective farm. Nadya's mother worked as a school teacher. Two years after the birth of her daughter, she gave birth to a son.

Nadezhda Babkina in childhood with her brother Valery

The girl’s parents were serious and respected people, and Nadya was a tomboy in a skirt. She spent her entire childhood on the banks of the Volga. Together with the boys, they fished, swam in the river, rode down the mountain in the snow, and played in the yard.

Babkina was distinguished by her artistry from childhood. Her father loved to sing and played many instruments. WITH early years Nadya was thinking about creative profession. But her parents wanted her to become a doctor or teacher.


Back in primary school Nadezhda began performing on stage with folk songs in front of students and teachers. Teachers talked about her talent and prospects, her parents were proud of her. Nadya went to creative circle, where she finally decided on the profession of a singer.

After school, she began studying music at the Astrakhan school. She defended her diploma in 1969 and immediately began performing in the cinema. Before the film was shown, she went on stage and performed her songs.

In 1971, Babkina went to the capital and entered the educational institution them. Gnesins. There she graduated from two faculties at once. Studying at the university helped her gain the necessary skills and knowledge in performing Russian folk compositions. During his studies, the ensemble “Russian Song” was created under the leadership of Babkina.

The first performances attracted only a few halls. In 1976, the ensemble performed at the All-Russian song competition. Then the team gained popularity.

In 1981, the Moscow Folklore Center was opened under the name “Russian Song”. Babkina's ensemble filled the halls. The girls' performances were colorful and impressive. Nadezhda staged five programs in which she sang solo. In 1985, she entered courses at the Faculty of Directing at GITIS.


In 1994, Babkina's ensemble became a separate organization subordinate to the capital's Committee of Culture, and in 2000 - the State Musical folklore theater, which was also led by Nadezhda.

The ensemble consisted of girls, and soon male artists and talented students of the Gnessin Institute were added to it. The team had its own individual style performances of Russian songs with modern elements. Nadezhda staged all the performances herself. The ensemble's repertoire includes ritual performances: “Maslenitsa”, “Carols”, “Wedding”.

Babkina and her band gave many concerts in Russia and abroad. The artists glorified the rich culture of the Russian people. They performed for military personnel in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. The Russian Song collective existed for 40 years and left about two thousand songs for listeners.

Since the beginning of 1994, many records with the singer’s songs have been released. Among them there are quite popular folk compositions, as well as not very well-known songs from the outbacks of Russia. Babkina published the books “Russian Folk Singers” and “From the Repertoire of the Russian Song Ensemble.” Some universities use these collections as textbooks.

In 1986, Babkina began to bear the title of Honored Artist, and six years later she received the status of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In addition, she has large number awards, she was awarded the rank of colonel of the Cossack troops.

The singer hosted the “Babkin’s House” program for 10 years, which aired on Russian Radio. The costumes for the artist were prepared by such famous Russian designers as Slava Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin. This collaboration led to Babkina becoming a co-host of the “Fashionable Verdict” program in 2010.

Personal life

Nadezhda has never been deprived of attention from men. But she was married only once. At the age of 24, they married Vladimir Zasedatelev, who was a musician and played the drums. They met at a festival where they performed together. After 6 months, the young people got married. In 1975, the couple had a son, who was named Daniel.

The artists were together for seventeen years. The husband could not come to terms with his wife’s enormous fame and was constantly jealous of her. As a result, he himself started an affair on the side and, at the request of his mistress, secretly divorced. Having learned about her husband’s betrayal, Nadezhda left forever, taking Daniel with her.

Trying to protect herself from sad thoughts and experiences, the singer plunged headlong into her work. She did not look at the men, her heart seemed to have turned to stone. Some time passed until Nadezhda finally recovered from the shock. She started going on dates and allowed herself to be taken care of.

Unexpectedly, in 2003, she had a new lover. Nadezhda acted as a judge at a song competition where Evgeniy Gor entered. Babkina fell in love with a young and talented singer. New novel shocked the audience. Of course, there were some condemnations and gossip. Friends and colleagues dissuaded the singer, saying that Evgeniy was using her.

Gore is 30 years younger than Babkina. Despite the fact that there are rumors in the press about their separation, they have been together for several years, and few people doubt the sincerity of their feelings.

Soon a new beloved man appeared in her life. On the eve of her 60th birthday, the singer became a grandmother. Son Daniil and his chosen one Tatyana gave Babkina a grandson, George. Later, granddaughters Vera and Martha were born.

Nadezhda Babkina today

It is impossible to believe that Babkina was born in 1950. Despite her age, the artist still looks amazing. A slender and toned figure, fresh velvety skin - this is how the singer appears before the audience. She admits that she follows strict diet, and does not hide the presence of tightening operations on the face.

The main secret of her youth lies in endless energy, openness, activity, and dedication to her work.

Nadezhda participates in political life states. She's famous pop singer, tries to influence the culture of the country. Babkina is a representative of the ruling party, she is a confidant of the current President V. Putin. The artist is actively involved in social activities.

She travels to different cities of Russia, communicates with artists, leaders and directors of clubs and theaters, collects and analyzes the information received, and then passes it on to the presidential reception.

She was born into the family of Georgy and Tamara Babkin in 1950. Her father was a manager at large enterprises in the Astrakhan region. Mom worked as a primary school teacher.

The singer’s ancestors moved to the Astrakhan region after graduating Civil War, where they bought a small house and started farming. Nadezhda had a younger brother who suddenly passed away in 2003 (data taken from Wikipedia).


The biography of Nadezhda Babkina is quite rich and interesting. She developed a love for music when she was early childhood. She loved to organize performances at home for her family, where she sang and danced, and her little brother accompanied her. The girl had acting skills. In addition, she was interested in fine arts.

Seeing such a craving for creativity, especially music, the parents gave their daughter a piano. After graduating from school, Nadezhda decided to enter medical school, where she studied for only two years. Babkina left her second year in 1967, when she became eager to become a student at a music school in Astrakhan.

Soon Nadezhda became a vocalist at the Astrakhan film theater and performed Russian songs. Before the start of the film show, she delighted the audience with her amazing voice, performing the most beautiful Russian songs. After graduating from music school, Babkina became a student in the conducting and choral department of the Musical Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins. It was this educational institution that contributed to the beginning of her career.

Nadezhda Babkina is known and loved by Russian listeners; she is also known outside of Russia. Not every performer manages to achieve such popularity. In 1992, the singer received the title of People's Artist of Russia. Such recognition of her talent at the highest state level was due to her magnificent voice and inimitable performance of compositions in the genre of folk music.

Today Nadezhda Babkina is an outstanding artist performing wonderful compositions. She is also the artistic director of the Russian Song ensemble.


As a tenth-grader, Babkina constantly participated in festivals and competitions. It was a huge success among movie theater visitors in Astrakhan. But the girl's dream was to become popular singer and realize yourself in creativity.

She became a vocalist of the Bayan orchestra, famous at that time. Together with Nadezhda, the team went on tour throughout the country. They performed on stages in cities and villages, where they were always eagerly awaited.

However, the Russian Song ensemble brought true success and popularity to the artist. The singer stood at the very origins of this creative team and today is its leader. At first, the ensemble's performances were not very successful, due to the fact that the ensemble performed only at enterprises. But the participants of the “Russian Song” did not stop, continuing to work, creating new compositions and trying to move forward.

Soon the ensemble received recognition. 1976 was a decisive year for them, as the artists had the opportunity to take part in the All-Russian Soviet Song Competition in Sochi. During career growth Hope was supported by such famous people as dancer Makhmud Esambaev. It was he who, having heard the singer’s magnificent voice, told her that she would become an outstanding artist and would enjoy enormous popularity.

The victory in Sochi brought huge success, and soon the team began to win many competitions. Nadezhda Georgievna's ensemble has become popular and in demand due to the diversity of its repertoire and excellent performance of Russian songs. The singer put all her strength and love into music, and it was thanks to her efforts that “Russian Song” became incredibly popular and one of the most beloved ensembles performing folk compositions.

The artist not only helped the Russian Song reach a serious level, but also contributed to the popularization of the genre of folk song itself. Since 1986, the singer has released discs with Russian folk compositions. In addition, Babkina was a presenter on Russian Radio. Here she spent a lot of time talking in interesting topics with folklorists and ethnographers.

Personal life

The performer’s personal life did not work out at first. Nadezhda Babkina's first husband caused her a lot of pain. Her husband was musician Vladimir Zasedatelev. The young people met on the plane while flying to one of the festivals. It was at this festival that Nadezhda and Vladimir realized that they could not live without each other, and 6 months later they got married. Nadezhda Babkina's son, Daniil, was born in 1975.

However, after 17 years living together the spouses separated. The reason for the divorce was the husband's jealousy. The singer's popularity haunted him. How much suffering and experiences did this one have to go through? married couple before you file for divorce!

Vladimir took a mistress, who did everything to ensure that he divorced his wife. She contributed to Nadezhda finding out about their affair. Babkina could no longer stay with her husband, could not forgive the betrayal, took her son and left Zasedatelev’s life forever.

The singer experienced this betrayal for a long time. She didn't want to know men anymore. To escape from her worries and cope with the pain, she threw herself into work. But then she did not know that a new, most sincere and true love. Nadezhda herself did not expect such a turn of events in her personal life.

It all happened in 2003, when the next festival took place, where Babkina met her chosen one. It was a young, handsome singer Evgeniy Gore. The romance began very quickly, and since then they have not parted.

At first, their relationship shocked everyone and caused a lot of negative comments due to the large age difference between the partners. But today Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeniy Gor are happy spouses. Bright, well-groomed, always sincerely smiling, the singer amazes the audience with her beauty. Many people cannot believe that she is 67 years old.


  • The album “Soul in the Steppe” was released in 1986.
  • The album “Noisy Reeds” was released in 1994.
  • The album “Cossack Nadya” was released in 1995.
  • The album “I Believed, I Believed,” released in 1998, brought great success to the ensemble.
  • The album “Black Moth” appeared in 1999.
  • Album "How we're dying!" pleased fans in 2000.
  • The album “Russian Lady” was released in 2001.
  • The album “I Didn’t Think, I Didn’t Know” (2004) was released together with the group “Diskomafia” and brought huge success to the ensemble.
  • The album “Grand Collection” was released in 2004 and includes the best and most popular songs.
  • The album “Four Yards” was released in 2006.
  • The group released the album “Forged Wheel” in 2006.
  • The album “Ducks Are Flying” was released in 2007.
  • The album “In the Starry Round Dance” was released in 2007.
  • The 2008 album “Songs of Russia” is one of the most beloved discs among fans of the ensemble.
  • The album “Babkin Rock” was released in 2010 together with the group “After 11”.
  • The album “New and Unreleased” includes the most famous and beloved songs; the disc was released in 2010.

Nadezhda Babkina is a singer who has overturned the stereotypical attitude towards folk song as something boring, intended for a narrow circle of specialists. The colorful stage numbers of the ensemble led by her are not inferior to the staged clips. And if there is shock in the eyes of the viewer, it means the goal has been achieved.

The artist does not strive to pack stadiums, but she is sure that both “Russian Song” and the 8 other groups that are part of the theater she organized will be able to adequately present at any time national culture abroad. The French channel France 5, the analogue of Channel One in Russia, has already named Nadezhda Georgievna as an ambassador of Russian traditions.

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda was born in the early spring of 1950 in the village of Cherny Yar, located on the banks of the Volga. As a child, the girl was a rather restless child, screamed a lot at night and, as her mother Tamara Aleksandrovna said, “developed her voice.”

Babkina’s first dreams of becoming an artist appeared at the age of 4. But the parents were categorically against such a profession; they saw their daughter with a serious education as a doctor, engineer or teacher.

Already in the 1st grade, Nadezhda gathered a full house of teachers and performed folk songs that aroused the admiration of teachers and parents. The Babkins were proud of their daughter, but they were in no hurry to teach music specifically. Brother Valera was luckier. Already at the age of 5 he was sent to music school, where he learned to play the button accordion.

Soon the family acquired a piano and a guitar. Valery became the first person to accompany Nadezhda at her children's performances.

Nadezhda Babkina in her youth and youth

At school, Babkina enrolled in an amateur arts club and finally settled on the profession of a singer. But she had no idea where or how to get such an education. Fortunately, after the 8th grade, the school students were taken to a music school in Astrakhan and had an audition.

The young artist waited with bated breath for the vocal teacher’s verdict. The teacher suggested waiting 2 years and letting the young singer’s voice get stronger, after which she happily agreed to listen to the girl again.

2 years at school flew by unnoticed for the inspired Babkina. However, the parents did not accept their daughter’s decision and persuaded her to apply to medical school. But the future artist studied there for only a semester, after which she went to one of her relatives, who at that time worked as a conductor. Nadezhda persuaded him to help with admission to the music school and already in 1967 she became a student.

Education helped her decide on the genre and future career. After graduating from college, the singer moved to Moscow, where she entered the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute in the conducting and choral department.


The artist began making her first successes in the musical field back in the 10th grade. Then she regularly attended various festivals, which allowed her to become a laureate of the All-Russian Youth Competition in the folk song genre.

The next step creative biography There was a job in the regional film distribution department, where before the start of cinema sessions, a young singer performed Russian compositions. Soon people began to come to listen to her speeches more often than to watch films.

Nadezhda did not stop there, but continued to engage in creativity and became a soloist of the Bayan orchestra. Together with musical group she traveled around the country, performing on stages in cities and villages, along the way collecting folk art from all over Russia.

Nadezhda Babkina and the ensemble "Russian Song" at the beginning creative path

Real success and recognition of Babkina was given by the vocal ensemble "Russian Song". She joined the first line-up of the reorganized group, becoming its artistic director, and went on tour with him.

The first concerts were not in great demand, since the ensemble performed mainly in factories. But gradually the fame of “Russian Song” grew, and after performing at the All-Russian Soviet Song Competition in Sochi in 1976, the group began to gain its first fans.

Nadezhda Babkina and the ensemble "Russian Song"

No less important for Nadezhda was support and approval famous people. Once a young artist performed on the same stage with a dance and ballet star, a favorite of women of all ages.

After the rehearsal, the young performers ran into the courtyard to watch the dancer surrounded by fans. Then Esambaev called the singer to him and said that one day she would achieve incredible popularity. Nadezhda felt both awkward and flattered. Subsequently, the Soviet ballet star always supported the folk song performer and became her good friend and comrade.

Nadezhda Babkina and "Russian Song" - "Sweater"

Following the victory in Sochi, other awards followed. "Russian Song" and its leader received gold medal in Bratislava, we won again All-Russian competition and received a prize for the best performance of a folk song. Nadezhda put a lot of effort into this ensemble, coming up with performances from beginning to end so that the viewer could fully enjoy the performance.

The variety of the repertoire is also amazing. No wonder the artist collected masterpieces in her time folk art to the far corners of Russia, and now the team can satisfy the needs of any resident of the vast country.

Nadezhda Babkina and "Russian Song" - "Kalinka"

In 1993-1994, "Russian Song" was reorganized first into a folklore center, and then into a state musical theater. Artistic director Babkina remained, whose name was inseparably linked with the ensemble. Nadezhda worked closely with the best designers in Russia who came up with costumes for the performances. For her bright stage image, we should thank such fashion gurus as and others.

Babkina also did a lot to popularize the genre of folk song itself. Since 1994, she has published albums with recordings of Russian compositions in her performance. They sound both well-known songs (“Kalinka”, “Sviterok”), and tunes from Russian outback, previously unknown to the listener (“Cuckoo”).

Nadezhda Babkina and "Russian Song" - "Cuckoo"

Nadezhda was also a presenter on Russian Radio, where in live talked with ethnographers and folklorists.

Her merits did not go unnoticed, and already in 1986 Babkina became honored, and 6 years later she received the title “People’s Artist Russian Federation».

Nadezhda Babkina on the "Fashionable Sentence" program

In 2010, Nadezhda Babkina, known for her collaboration with the best designers in Russia, became the co-host of the popular program “Fashionable Sentence”.

Social activities

Nadezhda Georgievna did not remain aloof from political and economic transformations. Thus, the singer wants to influence culture from the side of the law, and not just as a popular pop star. The artist inherited her desire for leadership positions from her father, who at the dawn of the 20th century served in the White Army and taught his daughter responsibility.

Nadezhda Babkina - member of the United Russia party

Babkina is a member of the United Russia party, which she has been a member of almost since its founding. Her social activities includes traveling around the country and collecting materials, opinions, as well as problems faced by ordinary cultural figures, from leaders of small circles to directors of orchestras and theaters. Nadezhda collects their proposals and passes them on to the president’s reception so that when developing important laws that have an impact on art, the opinion of the people and professionals in this field is taken into account.

Since February 2012, the singer has been a trustee of the current Russian President and fully supports his current policies.

Closeness to those in power allowed the international group Transparency International to accuse Babkina of corruption. Nadezhda Georgievna is a deputy of the Moscow City Duma and a member of the cultural commission. The organization, recognized in Russia as a foreign agent, saw this as a violation of the law. Allegedly, the head of “Russian Song”, using his official position, illegally receives government contracts.

In 2018, according to Transparency International, the theater earned 7 million rubles in this way. Representatives of the artist stated that there is no conflict of interest in this situation.

Personal life

The first time Nadezhda married musician Vladimir Zasedatelev. The couple met on the plane; as it turned out, the artists were to perform at the same festival. Already at the banquet the lovers were together and six months later they got married. In 1975, the couple had a son, Daniel.

Their marriage lasted 17 years, but it was ruined by Vladimir’s professional jealousy. The musician did not come to terms with his wife’s fame and started an affair secretly from her. At the insistence of his mistress, he divorced. The performer learned about the betrayal only when she accidentally saw the man’s passport. Nadezhda silently packed her things, took her son and left her husband forever.

According to other information, Nadezhda’s personal life was affected by a tragic incident. As a teenager, Daniil stole a car with friends and got into an accident. In the middle of the night, the mother went to the hospital, and the father calmly stayed at home to sleep. Babkina, of course, did not forgive such indifference.

Daniil Zasedatelev started a family. He and his wife Tatyana are raising three children – son George and daughters Marfa and Vera. Moreover, the grandchildren do not call the artist grandmother, but call her by her first name – Nadya.

Babkina plunged headlong into work in order to forget about the family misfortune. New love came unexpectedly in 2003, during a song competition, where the performer acted as a judge. The singer became Nadezhda's chosen one. Even though the man younger celebrity for 30 years, a romance began between colleagues, which at first shocked the public. Eugene was accused of selfish motives, but after several years of civil marriage no one doubted the sincerity of his feelings.

At the heir's wedding, Nadezhda Georgievna caught the bride's bouquet. And Evgeniy twice invited the woman he loved to officially register the marriage, and twice Babkina refused. The singer is not one of those who believes that a stamp does not affect relationships.

“I think he makes a significant difference in people's lives. We feel so good together now, and I'm not sure I'm ready to make changes. This responsibility will simply destroy me. I need freedom, and in this regard I feel like an absolute free bird!”

Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeniy Gor have a civil marriage

The artist is not afraid to shock her fans at times. Nadezhda sees nothing wrong with the fact that "Instagram" Photos appear of her without makeup or hair styling, in a dressing gown. And how much talk there was about Babkina’s plastic surgery.

According to subscribers, the results of the surgical intervention turned out to be quite good, but with cosmetic procedures, in particular with beauty injections, their favorite still goes overboard. Fans came to this conclusion by comparing recent photographs of the singer with those taken, if not in her youth, then at least in the mid-2000s.

Her slimmer figure - Nadezhda has lost 36 kg - is due not to operations, but to fractional meals, sports and good mood. Babkina admitted that she has equipped a kitchen in the Russian Song office and takes jars and containers of food with her everywhere. Favorite cakes and pancakes gave way to apples with cinnamon and honey. Now, with a height of 165 cm, the artist’s weight is in the range of 65-67 kg.

While still a “corpulent” lady, as Nadezhda herself says, in collaboration with designer Victoria Vidzhani she released a collection of clothes for women with a non-standard figure. The next time, fashion designer Svetlana Naumova became Babkina’s partner.

Nadezhda Babkina now

The work schedule of the Russian Song Theater is planned for the year ahead. Musical performances, concerts, tours did not leave Nadezhda Georgievna time to defend the “defendants” in the show “Fashionable Verdict”. For some time, the singer will be replaced by the former “brilliant”.

Babkina and Gore spent the 2019 New Year holidays in Dubai, as evidenced by photographs on Instagram of the artist. In hot weather eastern country The singer set off at the end of a tour of the cities of Siberia with the play “Kalina Krasnaya”. As the celebrity noted, Siberians, like no one else, accept and appreciate creativity, based on the works of which the production was carried out.

As New Year's gift Moscow Department of Culture presented state theater"Russian Song" academic title. So far this is the only theater in Russia preaching folk culture, with this status.

“This was my goal, and I achieved it,” said the head of the institution, Nadezhda Babkina, at a press conference with journalists from Primorye, where she came to give concerts as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the region.


  • 1986 – “Soul in the Steppe”
  • 1995 – “Cossack Nadya”
  • 1998 – “I believed. I believed"
  • 2000 – “How we’re dying!”
  • 2001 – “Russian Lady”
  • 2004 - Grand Collection
  • 2006 – “Forged Wheel”
  • 2007 – “In a starry round dance”
  • 2008 – “Songs of Russia”
  • 2010 – “New and Unreleased”

Over time, thanks to living together, husband and wife begin to slowly acquire common features. Both in appearance and in character and behavior. Each spouse begins to instinctively copy the facial expressions and gestures of their lover. This has even been proven by many scientific research. Moreover, those spouses who live happily in marriage become similar.

Fans also noticed this feature. Russian singer Nadezhda Babkina. In mid-December, the People's Artist of Russia published in social network photos with her common-law husband Evgeniy Gore.

Many Internet users noticed that Nadezhda and Evgeniy look alike, like brother and sister. Moreover, like twins. “It’s such a similarity, it’s amazing, very similar, really two halves...” “Very similar. This means you will always be together.” Such comments are left by friendly subscribers on the singer’s Instagram.

Indeed, if you look closely, you can see individual details external resemblance. And this despite the fact that the folk singer is older common-law husband for thirty years. Now Babkina is 67 years old, and her chosen one is 37. They have been together for fourteen years. But lovers do not feel this difference.

Thanks to Evgeniy’s love, Nadezhda feels several decades younger. Judging by the way the singer’s eyes glow, Babkina and Gore actually live in perfect harmony. Perhaps the secret to a strong marriage is that the couple spends only three days a week together. Apparently, they only have time to miss each other. And they simply don’t have time for quarrels and conflicts.