Children's choir Vesna named after Ponomarev. History of the school. Artistic director and conductor of the Children's Choir "Spring" -

The history of the school began on the north-eastern outskirts of Moscow back in 1964, when, at the request of residents, a student music school recently returned from military service, organized a children's choir club. March 31, 1965 (performance at the regional House of Pioneers at the "Musical Spring" festival) became the choir's birthday. “Then we sang an interesting and, as it seemed to us, difficult program, took first place in the competition and were happy,” recalled. It was then that the children gave the name to the choir - “Spring”, and began to call themselves “freckles”.

understood that full-fledged choral music-making is impossible without comprehensive musical development children. It was for this purpose that in 1966 the circle was transformed into the children's choral studio "Vesna". Children began to study solfeggio, musical literature, and playing the piano. In the same year, the choir’s first serious concert took place at the All-Union House of Composers. Gradually, the choir becomes a regular participant in various concerts and festivals organized by the Union of Composers and the Moscow Philharmonic.

In 1972 the studio was converted into an evening studio music school in which more than 200 children were already studying. The authority of "Spring" was so high that four years later the evening school became a day school, a budget one. It received the official status of a choir school, i.e. schools where the basis music education are choral classes, but all children are good at playing the instrument and understand the theory and history of music. The culminating and final stage of study for all the “freckles” at school is the Senior Choir - Children's choir"Spring", known today for its achievements, both in our country and far beyond its borders, and the eventful history of the choir is the history of "Spring".

The school grew and developed, but for almost 25 years “Vesna” did not have decent premises.Choir club organized byin 1964, for two years it was located in the semi-basement of the housing office (Verkhoyanskaya St., 18, building 1).The Vesna choir studio trained within the walls for three years secondary school No. 299 (24 Lenskaya St.). For almost 18 years, the school huddled in several rooms of a small kindergarten(Yasny Proezd, 7, building 3). Only in December 1987 "Vesna" moved to its own house. The construction of the building lasted two years and all the “freckles” took part in it: teachers, parents, children. And the main driving and inspiring force was . Through the joint efforts of children and adults, it was gradually possible to breathe life into an ordinary typical school building, and today beauty, warmth and comfort reign here...

The famous choir and choir school “Vesna” began its history with an amateur circle, organized in January 1965 by Alexander Ponomarev. On March 31, the choir’s first performance took place at the “Musical Spring” competition, where the choir took first place. This day is considered the birthday of the “Spring” choir, and its name appeared at the same time. Children's choir "Vesna" - winner international competitions, winner of the highest European choral award “Grand Prix of Europe” (2000). Among the team’s latest achievements is the Grand Prix of the International Competition modern music named after Bartok (Hungary) and the Grand Prix of the XII International Choir Festival Silver Bells (Latvia). On November 1, 2017, the choir again won the European Grand Prix competition, becoming the only children's choir and the only choir from Russia to receive the award twice.

The Vesna choir has performed in more than 50 cities of Russia and almost all European countries, as well as in Japan, China and Canada. Every year the group's concerts are held in the Bolshoi, Small and Rachmaninov Halls of the Conservatory, and the Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music. “Vesna” collaborates with famous orchestras, conductors and soloists, including Vladimir Fedoseev, Mikhail Pletnev, Vladimir Minin, Vladimir Ovchinnikov, Alexander Buzlov. The choir's repertoire includes hundreds of works different eras, styles and genres. Choral music Mozart, Schubert, Handel, Poulenc, Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Rachmaninov, Sviridov, Chesnokov and others - the golden fund of the “Spring” repertoire. Special attention is given to works of large form, including those performed by the choir in different years Gloria by Vivaldi, Heiligmesse by Haydn, A ceremony of Carols by Britten and others.

The collective has been in long-term cooperation with Moscow composers Efrem Podgayets and Vladimir Rubin, many of whose works were created specifically for the Vesna choir. In 2015, the team celebrated its 50th anniversary. For more than forty years, the artistic director of the Vesna choir was its founder, Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Ponomarev (1938–2012). Since 2012, the choir and school have been led by his student, honorary artist of Moscow, laureate of international competitions Nadezhda Averina.

Children's choir "Spring" named after A.S. Ponomarev is the Senior Choir of the Children's Music Choir School "Vesna" named after A.S. Ponomarev, who celebrated his 50th birthday in March 2015. The founder of the school and the artistic director of the Vesna choir for almost 50 years was the Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of international competitions - Alexander Sergeevich Ponomarev (1938-2012). Since 2012, the choir and school have been led by his student, honorary artist of Moscow, laureate of international competitions Nadezhda Averina.

“Vesna” is the winner of the most significant and prestigious international competitions, winner of the “European Grand Prix 2000” among choirs of all categories and ages. In July 2016, the choir received first place and the Grand Prix at the most difficult choral competition - the Contemporary Music Competition named after. Bella Bartok (Debrecen, Hungary), and in January 2017 the Grand Prix at the 12th International Choir Festival “Silver Bells” (Daugavpils, Latvia).

The Vesna children's choir has performed concerts in more than 50 cities of Russia and almost all European countries, as well as in Japan, China and Canada. The choir gives every year solo concerts in the main halls of Moscow - in the Bolshoi, Small and Rachmaninov Halls of the Conservatory, the Svetlanov Hall of the House of Music and others. “Vesna” collaborates with famous professional musicians, conductors, orchestras and soloists, such as V. Fedoseev, M. Pletnev, V. Minin, V. Ovchinnikov, A. Buzlov and others.

The choir’s repertoire is huge and beautiful, numbering hundreds of works. musical classics different eras and peoples, styles and genres. Choral music greatest composers past and present (W.A. Mozart, F. Schubert, G.F. Handel, F. Poulenc, P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka, S. Rachmaninov, G. Sviridov, P. Chesnokov, etc.) make up the “golden fund" of the choir's repertoire. Particular attention is paid to works of large form, including those performed by the choir in different years: “Gloria” by A. Vivaldi, “Heiligmesse” by J. Haydn, “A ceremony of Carols” by B. Britten, etc. Long-term creative cooperation connects the choir with modern Moscow composers E. Podgaits and V. Rubin, many of whose compositions were created specifically for “Spring”.

Artistic director and conductor
Children's choir "Spring" -

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Averina

N.V. Averina - artistic director and conductor Children's choir"Spring" named after. A.S. Ponomarev, laureate of international competitions, candidate of art history, professor at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, honorary artist of Moscow.

She studied at the "Vesna" Children's Choir School, sang in the "Vesna" choir under the guidance of the outstanding teacher and musician A.S. Ponomarev, which determined further life path and choice of profession.

Graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky and her graduate school. In 1996 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “The problem of repertoire in children’s choral performance.”

In parallel with N.V.’s studies. Averina has been teaching at the Children's Choir School "Vesna" since 1984 to this day (she worked with the junior and Candidate Choirs, taught recorder, solfeggio, was a choirmaster and conductor of the Senior Choir), and since May 2012 she has been the director of the Children's Choir School "Vesna" them. A.S. Ponomareva. Since 1999, he has been working at the Moscow Conservatory in the Department of Choral Conducting, where he conducts practice with children's choirs and practice in teaching conducting.

In 2008 N.V. Averina became the “best teacher-performer of a children’s art school,” receiving first place in the “Moscow Masters” competition, and in 2014 she became the winner of the All-Russian competition “Best teacher of a children’s art school.”

Children's choir "Spring" named after. A.S. Ponomarev under the leadership of N.V. Averina has repeatedly won first places and Grand Prix in international competitions: Spain (2006), Hungary (2010), Italy (2012), Germany and Belgium (2014). The choir has performed with great success at International Choral Festivals and concerts in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, China and France. Since 2012, the choir, under the direction of N.V. Averina, gave more than 50 concerts in the best concert halls Moscow and abroad.

N.V. Averina author methodological articles, transcriptions and arrangements for children's choirs, author-compiler of numerous choral collections (among the latest, seven editions of the Choirmaster's Music Folders from the Golden Library of Pedagogical Repertoire series have already been published). He systematically conducts seminars and master classes for choirmasters, and is a member of the jury of Russian and International choir competitions.

The choir's programs are recorded on gramophone records and in television and radio funds. Over the past few years, Vesna has released thirteen CDs.

“Spring” is a real miracle, created for ordinary children on the northern outskirts of Moscow. This is a choir that “distinguishes the originality of creative thinking, exquisite taste, brilliant, virtuoso choral technique, stage expression and artistry, depth of interpretation. This is an outstanding singing ensemble that has become a role model and, in many ways, a criterion for assessing modern children’s choral music-making.” This is a team that has been giving people happiness and joy with their “spring” creativity for five decades.

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The famous choir and choir school “Vesna” began its history with an amateur club, which was organized in January 1965 talented musician, student of “Merzlyakovka” Alexander Sergeevich Ponomarev. On March 31, the group’s first performance took place at the “Musical Spring” competition, organized by the regional house of pioneers, where the guys took first place. This day is considered the birthday of the “Spring” choir, and its name appeared at the same time. Already in the first concert, the choir performed works by classics - M. P. Mussorgsky and A. G. Rubinstein.<>

A year later, the group was noticed by the Moscow Choral Society, and on September 1, 1966, the circle was transformed into the children's choral studio "Spring", A. S. Ponomarev became its official director, and P. V. Merkuryev became its first assistant. Children began to learn to play the piano, solfeggio lessons and musical literature. A very important event in the life of the collective was the organization of junior choirs and the creation of a system of continuity in the learning process.

On November 15, 1966, the group performed at the All-Union House of Composers. This concert began the friendship and cooperation of the choir with composers T. A. Popatenko, Yu. A. Levitin, A. N. Pakhmutova, M. A. Partskhaladze and others. Z. L. Kompaneets presented the children with his work “Spring” - the first composition written specifically for the choir. The team became a regular participant in various concerts and festivals organized by the Union of Composers and the Moscow Philharmonic.

In 1968, the studio moved to the premises of secondary school No. 299, a unified schedule appeared, where general education subjects alternated with special ones. A radio newspaper was published weekly, and the anthem of all school students was G. A. Struve’s song “School Ship.” The very next year, “Vesna” took part in the first gathering of choral studios of the RSFSR in “Orlyonok”.

In the year of the fifth anniversary, “Vesna” was evicted from the building of school No. 299 - many years of ordeal began in search of a permanent place of study. An empty and unsuitable premises of the former kindergarten. Parents of studio students with their own hands in short term The part of the building reserved for the choir was renovated. Tiny was created by children winter garden, an aquarium corner appeared, and the tame squirrel Mulya was jumping around all the rooms. Instead of the expected six months, the choir had to live in this building for 18 years. During this time, “In the Spring” the outstanding works of G. Schutz, C. Monteverdi, A. Scarlatti, G. Pergolesi, A. Vivaldi, J. Haydn were performed.

In 1972, the studio was transformed into an evening music school, and four years later - into a day one, becoming a budget school. At the same time, the first foreign trip to Bulgaria took place - a country famous for its traditions choral singing, – which immediately brought “Vesna” success. In 1977, the choir went on tour to Georgia, presenting complex and varied programs of performances in different cities, participating in philharmonic concerts together with the Madrigal ensemble and the State Chamber Orchestra of Georgia conducted by Lev Marquis. In the 1980s, trips to Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Austria followed. At the same time, the first gramophone record was recorded, in which, in particular, “Vocalise” by S. V. Rachmaninov and “Dawn” by P. I. Tchaikovsky were sounded, accompanied by an orchestra. The orchestrations for them were made by the young Moscow author Efrem Podgayets - from that time on, a long-term creative friendship between the choir and the composer began, as a result of which many wonderful compositions appeared - from wonderful songs for kids, such as “Clouds”, “Amazing Cat”, “Name Day” , “River Song”, to the most complex works of large form, written in original modern language. Among them are “How to Draw a Bird”, “Poetry of the Earth”, “Moon Pipe”, “Black Pool”, “Spring Mass”, “Seasons”, “Ode to a Greek Urn”, “New York Mass”. These and other works based on highly artistic texts are distinguished by a special manner of rhythmic and harmonic thinking, a subtle understanding and penetration into the world of child psychology. All works by E. Podgaets are very humanistic; learning them requires great emotional commitment from the performers.

In 1987, the choir school acquired a new beautiful building.

“Spring” toured in 12 European countries, Canada, Japan and China, and almost 50 cities in Russia. The choir collaborates with famous orchestras conducted by Vladimir Fedoseev, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Mikhail Pletnev, Dmitry Kitayenko, Saulius Sondeckis, Thomas Sanderling, Semyon Bychkov and other conductors.

Winner of the most prestigious international choir competitions in Bulgaria, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Canada, France, in 2000 the group won the highest European award among choirs of all types and ages - “Grand Prix Europe 2000”. Among the choir's latest achievements are victories at international competition-festival Cantemus in Hungary (2010) and a children's choir competition in Italy (2012).

The Vesna archive contains many gramophone records, stock recordings on television and radio. Over the past few years, Vesna has released thirteen CDs.