Biography. Biography He is a talented musician or opportunist

Vasily Goncharov, known under the pseudonym Vasya Oblomov, is a Russian musician, poet and composer, founder and leader of the Cheboza group.

He became famous in mid-2010 when he wrote the satirical song “Going to Magadan”, which became business card singer

Childhood and youth

Vasily was born and raised in Rostov-on-Don in an intelligent family. His father is a candidate of technical sciences, who later founded his own, quite profitable enterprise. Mom is a philologist. Through her efforts, her son acquired the experience of his first poetic experiments.

Parents sought to give Vasya a good upbringing and education, so they assigned the boy to high school with in-depth study of the English language, as well as to a music school for piano. By the age of 15, the young man was able to play not only the keys, but also the guitar, drums and some wind instruments.

In the 9th grade, Goncharov founded the first musical group called "Cheboza". Together with his classmates, the young man plays sentimental songs in the style of British pop music and enjoys success on school discos.

After receiving his matriculation certificate, Vasily Goncharov, who has long dreamed of becoming famous singer, enters the history department of Rostov state university. A completely unexpected choice. The young man and parents understand that this profession will not become Vasily’s life path. It’s even more surprising that Vasya is receiving his second education in a completely different field: almost in parallel with world history, Goncharov is studying jurisprudence.

And only after receiving two diplomas of higher education, the young man leaves for St. Petersburg and begins to do what his heart was in - music.

Music and creativity

In St. Petersburg, a young man meets a fellow countryman who helps him break into the dense ranks of show business workers. Vasily Goncharov produces new album“Model for assembly” by the legendary rock musician, and a year later - the song “Everything is Empty”, which Victor Reznik wrote specifically for. The musician also participated in the filming of the group’s “Such a Feeling” video.

Vasya Oblomov in the video "Caste" - "Such a feeling"

In those same years, Vasily took the pseudonym Vasya Oblomov, which brought enormous popularity to the artist. The appearance of a new name is quite natural: the popular character of the Russian writer, the namesake of the musician, is called Oblomov. The first performing experience had some success. The parody song “Cornflowers” ​​was, in fact, a rehash famous hit"Stan" by American rapper.

But in May 2010, the success was already stunning. A new period has begun in creative biography author-performer. The composition “Going to Magadan” appeared on the Internet as a hand-drawn video clip and became a parody of modern Russian chanson. The song gained all-Russian popularity, so a story about it and the author was shown on television. In addition, Magadan wins in music program“Video Battle” becomes the soundtrack to the comedy “Yolki”.

Vasya Oblomov - “I’m going to Magadan”

The song by Vasya Oblomov and the group “Cheboza” was performed at the New Year’s performance “20 best songs of the Year", which was broadcast on Channel One on January 1, 2011. This year Oblomov will present a full-length album “Tales and Stories”, which also includes the tracks “Chief” about a manager who saved on employees’ salaries, and “Letter of happiness” about a video message common people to the head of state. After the premiere of the disc, fans no longer have to wait long for new creations: since then, Vasya has been delighting fans with another album every year.

Vasya Oblomov - "Chief"

At the same time passed solo concert musician, who performed the hits of the album “Tales and Stories”. In the middle of the year, the video for the song “UG” blew up the Internet: in the first hours of the video’s appearance on YouTube hosting, the number of views amounted to 100 thousand. An actor was invited to film the video. The popular artist soon became a co-author of the “Citizen Poet” project, the music for which was also written by Vasily Oblomov. Later, the singer will perform in the final episode of the musical and poetic project with the number “Gogol’s Rap about Timoshenko.”

To record the composition “Letter of Chain”, the singer again invited his colleagues - rapper Noggano (), actor. The video also featured the writer. A year later, a video appeared for the hit “Bye, Bear!”, in which television stars and.

Vasya Oblomov - "Bye, Bear!"

Soon new compositions performed by Vasya Oblomov appear - “Who Wants to Become a Policeman?”, “Where the Motherland Begins” and “From the Heart”. The last song, like Pravda, which was released a little later, Vasya sings together with the frontman of the group. Like "Magadan", these hits again ridicule the tastes of Russian citizens.

In 2012, Vasya began collaborating with the director of the Gogol Center, organizing an evening at the Winzavod creative center called “Vasya and the Thugs. Songs of the Revolution", at which artists of Serebrennikov’s troupe and musicians of the Cheboza group performed covers revolutionary songs.

In November, the musician’s solo disc “Stability” was released, which included the songs “GDP”, “Pravda”, “Our People Are Nasty”. The album spent its first week in second place on the iTunes music rankings, and then dropped to fifth place.

In 2013, the singer pleased fans with another solo album– the record “Lomki”, which included musical compositions project “Good Mister”, in which Vasily Oblomov participated. The songs were initially broadcast on the Dozhd radio station. In the same year, another concert of the singer-songwriter “For the Benefit of All Russians” took place on the stage of the Gogol Center.

Fyodor Bondarchuk performs a song by Vasya Oblomov

It is worth noting the significance of Vasya Oblomov’s work for modern cinema. In addition to the film “Christmas Trees,” several other film directors took the musician’s works into their own projects. In the film adaptations of the novels by Sergei Minaev, with whom Vasily is on friendly terms, the compositions “Rhythms of Windows” and “Memento Mori” are heard.

In the film “Duhless” the song “Rhythms of Windows” becomes the title track. Oblomov also wrote the main song for Alexander Voitinsky’s new film “Ghost”, and performed it. Despite the somewhat unformatted genre of his own work, Vasya Oblomov has repeatedly become the winner of honorary awards. For example, Maxim magazine awarded the singer the Golden Joker award as the best musician, and in 2013 Vasya became the winner of the Made in Russia award, surpassing him in this category.

In 2016, Vasily Oblomov presented fans with his first live album - “Alive than all the living”. In the same year, work on Pavel Bardin’s series “Salam, Maskva” was completed, in which Vasily participated in the filming. The singer played cameo role policeman and created musical material for the film, which premiered on Channel One. The film was awarded the main Russian cinematographic award “Nika” in the category “For creative achievements in the art of television cinematography.”

At the end of the year on the artist’s page in

People remember Vasya Oblomov as soon as the first chords of the song “I’m going to Magadan” sound. But this is far from the only achievement of the Russian musician, poet and composer.

Hereditary intellectual

Vasily Goncharov (that’s the singer’s actual name) was born in the south of Russia into an intelligent family. The father of the future show business star devoted a lot of time to the development of technical sciences until he created his own profitable enterprise. Vasya’s mother, a philologist by training, introduced her son to poetic experiments, which he continues successfully to this day.

Intelligent parents tried to give their son better education and education by the standards of Rostov, placing the boy in a comprehensive school with in-depth study of the English language and enrolling him in a music school. During his teenage period, Vasily not only spoke passably foreign language, but also played the piano, drums, guitar and was on friendly terms with many wind instruments.

So that all these talents do not lie like a dog in the manger, the young man, together with his classmates, created the musical group “Cheboza”. Having rehearsed several sentimental compositions in the style of British music, the guys successfully began performing at school discos and other youth events.

Having taken his secondary education certificate from school, Vasily Goncharov stepped on the throat of his own song. He wanted to tie everything later life with music, but the parents convinced their son that only a serious profession would support him.

The young man entered the history department of the university in hometown, and at the same time I also studied law. Having received two diplomas of higher education, Vasily brought them home and gave them to his parents. For himself, he decided on a completely different path.

Direction – north

From the south of Russia, Goncharov moved to the city on the Neva to do what he was passionate about - music. In St. Petersburg, he quickly became friends with representatives of the domestic show business and took part in the recording of Vyacheslav Butusov’s new album “Model for Assembly”; helped create the song “Everything Is Empty” performed by Mikhail Boyarsky and organized the filming of the video “Such a Feeling” for musicians from the group “Casta”.

In St. Petersburg, the young man came up with a pseudonym for himself, which brought him great fame throughout the country. Vasya Oblomov appeared on the stage with the parody song “Cornflowers,” which was just a domestic variation of Eminem’s composition called “Stan.” The public, in general, warmly accepted the appearance of the new artist, but did not react violently to this fact.

Events began to develop completely differently after In 2010, Vasya Oblomov posted on the Internet a recording of the composition “I’m going to Magadan”. Accompanied by a hand-drawn video clip, this song became a unique parody of the entire Russian chanson. The clip soon had so many views that the author began to be invited to television to get to know this phenomenon better. And after the motif “Going to Magadan” became the soundtrack to the comedy “Yolki”, the composition became popular among the people forever.

In January 2011, “Going to Magadan” was included in the list of 20 best compositions previous year, and its author consolidated the success with the release of the album “Tales and Stories”. After the debut album, fans of Vasya Oblomov and the Cheboza group don’t have to wait long for new discs - the band and its ideological inspirer are recording one album after another: “Stability”, “Lomki”, “Multiple Move”, “More Alive”. Some phrases from them immediately become catchphrases and are scattered throughout the Internet.

Leonid Parfenov, Ksenia Sobchak, Andrey Vasiliev appear in the video clips that accompany Vasya Oblomov’s musical compositions. The musician sings in a duet with an equally outrageous colleague and with a Russian rock legend.

Interesting notes:

Despite the fact that Oblomov’s compositions are difficult to fit into any format, their author has been repeatedly awarded various popular awards. And in one of the 2013 nominations, Oblomov was higher than the singer Zemfira.

In 2012, the musician begins collaboration with, a popular Russian director. On the stage of the Winzavod creative center, artists from Serebrennikov’s troupe and the guys from Cheboza are putting on a great performance, voicing famous revolutionary songs in a new way.

Participation in “Yolki” is far from the musician’s only achievement in Russian cinema. In the film adaptations of the works of the writer Sergei Minaev, who is a friend of Oblomov, you can hear the compositions “Memento Mori” and “Rhythms of Windows”. The music of the Cheboza group is also heard in the film project Dukhless. For the film “Ghost” Vasily wrote the title song, and Fyodor Bondarchuk performed it.

Oblomov not only writes music for films, but also participates in the filming himself. In particular, in the series “Salam, Maskva” he played a small role as a policeman.

In 2017, the musician pleased his fans with an album of solo songs “Long and unhappy life" After the release of this disc, Oblomov went on a tour around the country, and in September 2018 he performed in Moscow with a grandiose concert “Life is getting better.”

Secrets of family life

The first love for Vasily came while studying at a Rostov school. “Splinter”’s name was Katya, and she studied in a parallel class. School love continued until the girl left for another city to study as an actress. This feeling could not stand the test of distance and letters.

At the university future star domestic show business became closer friends with Olesya Serbina, Vasily’s classmate and Ekaterina’s classmate. It can be said that young people have known each other for a long time, but only at the history department took a closer look.

Olesya’s father, a famous Russian painter, did not object when Goncharov asked him for his blessing. The wedding took place in the last year of study, but for some subjective reasons the spouses hide this fact. Each of them even takes photos from the vacation spot separately and in such a way that the other half does not get into the frame.

On December 26, 2018, Vasya Oblomov had a son. The performer has not yet shown the child on social networks.

You can learn about many moments of creativity, leisure and relaxation of Vasya Oblomov from the profile of the musician in social network Instagram, which he tries to update regularly.

Vasya Oblomov, song "I'm going to Magadan", video

The famous Russian musician and performer Vasya Oblomov was born in the south of Russia, in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Vasya Oblomov’s date of birth is March twenty-first, 1984 (03/21/1984). Vasya Oblomov - pseudonym young musician. Vasya Oblomov’s real name is Vasily Vladimirovich Goncharov. As you know, the Russian writer Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov wrote the novel “Oblomov”. Hence, apparently, the creative pseudonym of Vasya Oblomov.

Vasya Oblomov is the leader music group"Cheboza".

Vasily Oblomov studied at the one hundred and seventh and thirty-fourth schools in the city of Rostov-on-Don. In the latter he completed the tenth and eleventh grades. After school, Vasya Oblomov entered the history department of the Russian State University (Rostov State University). In addition, he received a lawyer's education.
Five years ago (2008) Vasya Oblomov produced music album the famous Russian musician, leader of the Nautilus Pompilius group Vyacheslav Butusov. The album was called “Model for Assembly”. A year later, he became the producer of a song by Viktor Reznikov ( famous composer, died tragically in an accident in 1992) “Everything is empty.” The song was performed by actor and singer Mikhail Boyarsky.

In the spring of 2010, Vasya Oblomov posted an animated video for his song “Magadan” on the popular video hosting site Youtube; the video instantly became popular among Internet users, typing short time hundreds of thousands of views. The song "Magadan" makes fun of Russian mass culture. The song became so popular that it began to be broadcast on radio and television shows.

In the fall of the same year, Vasya Oblomov recorded songs entitled “Where the Motherland Begins” and “Who Wants to Become a Policeman.” Journalists from the television company REN-TV filmed a large report about Vasya Oblomov in a political story.

In December 2010, the song “Magadan” was included as a soundtrack in the film of the popular Hollywood and Russian director Timur Bekmambetov “Christmas trees”. The film was shot as a good New Year's comedy.

On December 24, 2010 (December 24, 2010) Vasya Oblomov gave his first solo concert in the Moscow China Town cafe, which was sold out. The famous showman, TV presenter of the STS channel Alexander Pushnoy acted as an invited guest.

In the fall of 2011, Vasya Oblomov, together with famous musicians Sergei Shnurov (Shnur) and Noize MC (Ivan Alekseev) created a satirical music video for the songs “Pravda”. The song became widely known, not least thanks to its not very correct chorus, “Our people love all kinds of shit.” The song caustically ridicules the bad taste of some of our fellow citizens.

Vasya Oblomov’s work also reflects his active civic position and disagreement with the current government. For example, the video clip for the song “Letter of Chain” tells how people, brought by the authorities to the very bottom of the social ladder, nevertheless write a letter to this very authority with words of gratitude.

In December 1911, Vasya Oblomov took part in a rally on Sakharov Avenue and spoke out for fair elections in Russia.

Vasya Oblomov presented his second music album entitled “Stability” in November last year (2012).

This year, Vasya Oblomov began participating in the “Good Mister” project, which airs on the Dozhd TV channel.

Russian musician Vasily Vladimirovich Goncharov was born on March 21, 1984 in Rostov-on-Don. He is the author of all the songs and the leader of the group. Also known as Vasya Oblomov, creator of the musical project of the same name.

Studied in Rostov-on-Don. The schools have 107 (up to grade 10) and 34 (grades 10 and 11). Graduated from the history department of Rostov State University. Has a second higher education(legal).

Since 1999 is the leader of the Cheboz group.

In addition to his main activities in the group, in 2008 he acted as the music producer of the album.

In 2009 produced a new song for Mikhail Boyarsky(song Viktor Reznikov « Everything is empty»).

In May 2010 Vasily Goncharov, under the pseudonym Vasya Oblomov, posts an animated video for the song on the Internet Magadan, which instantly became popular, collecting by August 2010 over 300,000 views. Magadan- a story full of sarcasm, practically a manifesto ridiculing popular culture Russia. The resonance from this becomes so noticeable that the NTV channel filmed a story about the song.

In July 2010 the video for this song appears on the air of First Alternative. In August, Nashe Radio begins rotation Magadan, in September Vasily presents the song on the STS channel in the “Video Battle” program. The video becomes the winner of the program.

September 12, 2010 on the Sunday broadcast of Channel One song Magadan was performed live for the first time. In the program the team was named Vasya Oblomov and his friends.

Autumn 2010 Two more songs by Vasya Oblomov appear on the Internet: Who wants to become a policeman? And Where does the Motherland begin?. Both songs are also attracting media interest. NTV is broadcasting Oblomov’s performance on Sunday, and Ren TV is filming him in a film about musicians and politics. Number of video views Magadan on YouTube exceeds a million.

December 16, 2010 Timur Bekmambetov’s film “Yolki” opens in Russian distribution. Song I'm going to Magadan included in the soundtrack of this film.

December 24 Vasya Oblomov gives his first solo concert at the Moscow China-Town-Cafe. The special guest of the concert was Alexander Pushnoy. The concert is sold out.

January 1, 2011 Channel One is showing the “20 Best Songs of the Year” concert, where, among other participants, Vasya Oblomov and his friends performed their hit. By that time the video for the song I'm going to Magadan gathers more than a million views on the Internet

Early 2011 Vasily Goncharov plays a concert Vasya Oblomov and Cheboz Group for the First Alternative TV Channel, where he presents the songs of two musical projects. Vasily Goncharov promises to record new songs from the Cheboz group in the very near future, while simultaneously working on Vasya Oblomov’s album.

At the end of February, a black and white video for a song written on behalf of the hero of the song appears online. I'm going to Magadan. The track is entitled Vasya Oblomov and the city of Leningrad - From the heart. In the video clip Vasya Oblomov and appear in the frame of a continuously moving camera. The song immediately goes on the air on Our Radio and causes bewilderment among listeners, since neither Vasya Oblomov nor Sergey Shnurov gave any comments about the track.

June 4 Vasya is presenting the album, the presentation took place in Moscow at the Tochka club.

July 7, 2011 in St. Petersburg, Vasya Oblomov receives the Steppen Wolf award in the Internet category. At the Vasya award in the company Sergei Shnurov And Noise MC sings a new song with the chorus " Our people love all kinds of shit"The trio promises to record a new hit in the near future.

July 9, 2011 Vasya Oblomov performs triumphantly at main stage anniversary festival "Invasion". On the same day, Vasya appeared on the Positive Stage during a Noize MC set. Together they performed a cover of the song I'm going to Magadan.

July 19, 2011 Vasya Oblomov posted it online new clip to the song UG. In just one day, the video collected more than 100,000 views. In addition to Vasya Oblomov, the famous Russian actor Mikhail Efremov.

Other news

Famous rapper and composer Vasya Oblomov - in reality Vasily Goncharov - was born on March 21, 1984. His place of birth is Rostov-on-Don. Music education Vasya limited himself to music school. However, at the age of fifteen, the ambitious teenager created the group Cheboz, which performed the compositions of its leader in the Britpop style and was quite popular in his hometown. By Vasily’s own admission, English language he learned it not at school with the appropriate bias, but by listening to The Beatles. While studying at the Faculty of History at Rostov University and simultaneously mastering law, Vasily Goncharov was fond of rap and dreamed of fame.

After graduating from high school, Vasya set off to conquer the musical spaces of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Surprisingly, in 2009 he managed to produce two famous performers- more precisely, first an album by Vyacheslav Butusov, and then a song by Mikhail Boyarsky. In 2010, Vasily Goncharov created the protest-social song I'm Going to Magadan and a video for it, which will gather more than three hundred thousand views on the Internet and create truly national fame for Vasya Oblomova - this is the pseudonym the musician chooses for himself. The song will be promoted by NTV and Channel One. It will be included in the soundtrack of the film Yolki famous director Timur Bekmambetov. In 2011 it will be named one of the best songs of the year.

Wikipedia calls the Vasya Oblomov brand the most controversial, but still one of the most popular in modern show business. The next songs of the group Vasya Oblomov and his friends - Who wants to become a millionaire, The Chief and Where does the Motherland begin - are also among the highest rated. Oblomov’s work has been awarded such significant awards as Steppenwolf 2011 and 2012, Golden Joker 2013 from Maxim magazine, Made in Russia 2013. Mikhail Efremov and Maxim Vitorgan starred in the videos for his songs, his compositions were performed with him at concerts by Ksenia Sobchak, Leonid Parfenov and his revered Garik Sukachev.

Vasya Oblomov started 2015 with anniversary concert We are going to Magadan. Five years is not a long time! at the Yotaspace club in Moscow and intends to carry out a series of such performances throughout the country. Vasya Oblomov has brown eyes, naturally dark hair color, fair skin and medium lips. The face shape is oval, the forehead is medium, the hair is straight and soft. Vasya Oblomov does not change his hair color, preferring natural hair. The musician has an average straight nose and a rounded chin. Vasya Oblomov sometimes wears glasses and grows a mustache and beard. The musician's height is 168 cm, no tattoos.

Zodiac sign - Aries (03/21/1984)

The famous rapper and composer Vasya Oblomov - in reality Vasily Goncharov - was born on March 21, 1984. His place of birth is Rostov-on-Don. Vasya's musical education was limited to the music school. However, at the age of fifteen, the ambitious teenager created the group Cheboz, which performed the compositions of its leader in the Britpop style and was quite popular in his hometown. By Vasily’s own admission, he learned English not at a school with an appropriate bias, but by listening to The Beatles. While studying at the Faculty of History at Rostov University and simultaneously mastering law, Vasily Goncharov was fond of rap and dreamed of fame. After graduating from high school, Vasya set off to conquer the musical spaces of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Surprisingly, in 2009 he managed to