All composers. The most famous composers in the world: list of names, brief overview of works. Famous composers of Russia

The Russian school of composition, the continuation of whose traditions were the Soviet and today's Russian schools, began in the 19th century with composers who combined European musical art with Russian folk melodies, linking together the European form and the Russian spirit.

You can tell a lot about each of these famous people; they all have difficult, and sometimes even tragic fates, but in this review we tried to give only brief description life and work of composers.

1. Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka


Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka during the composition of the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. 1887, artist Ilya Efimovich Repin

“To create beauty, you yourself must be pure in soul.”

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka is the founder of Russian classical music and the first Russian classical composer to achieve world fame. His works, based on the centuries-old traditions of Russian folk music, were a new word in the musical art of our country.

Born in the Smolensk province, he received his education in St. Petersburg. The formation of the worldview and the main idea of ​​​​Mikhail Glinka’s work was facilitated by direct communication with such personalities as A.S. Pushkin, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Griboyedov, A.A. Delvig. The creative impetus for his work was added by a many-year trip to Europe in the early 1830s and meetings with the leading composers of the time - V. Bellini, G. Donizetti, F. Mendelssohn and later with G. Berlioz, J. Meyerbeer.

Success came to M.I. Glinka in 1836, after the production of the opera “Ivan Susanin” (“Life for the Tsar”), which was enthusiastically received by everyone; for the first time in world music, Russian choral art and European symphonic and opera practice were organically combined, and a hero like Susanin also appeared, whose image summarizes best features national character.

V.F. Odoevsky described the opera as “a new element in Art, and a new period begins in its history - the period of Russian music.”

The second opera is the epic “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (1842), work on which was carried out against the backdrop of Pushkin’s death and in the difficult living conditions of the composer, due to the deeply innovative nature of the work, was received ambiguously by the audience and the authorities, and brought difficult times for M.I. Glinka experiences. After that, he traveled a lot, alternately living in Russia and abroad, without stopping composing. His legacy includes romances, symphonic and chamber works. In the 1990s, Mikhail Glinka's "Patriotic Song" was the official anthem of the Russian Federation.

Quote about M.I. Glinka:“The entire Russian symphonic school, like an entire oak tree in an acorn, is contained in the symphonic fantasy “Kamarinskaya”. P.I.Tchaikovsky

Interesting fact: Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka was no different good health, despite this, he was very easy-going and knew geography very well; perhaps, if he had not become a composer, he would have become a traveler. He knew six foreign languages, including Persian.

2. Alexander Porfirievich Borodin


Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, one of the leading Russian composers of the second half of the 19th century, in addition to his talent as a composer, was a chemist, doctor, teacher, critic and had literary talent.

Born in St. Petersburg, from childhood everyone around him noted his unusual activity, passion and abilities in various fields, primarily in music and chemistry.

A.P. Borodin is a Russian composer-nugget, he did not have professional musician teachers, all his achievements in music are thanks to independent work on mastering compositing techniques.

The formation of A.P. Borodin was influenced by the work of M.I. Glinka (as indeed all Russian composers of the 19th century), and the impetus for intensive study of composition in the early 1860s was given by two events - firstly, his acquaintance and marriage with the talented pianist E.S. Protopopova, and secondly, a meeting with M.A. Balakirev and joining the creative community of Russian composers, known as the “Mighty Handful”.

In the late 1870s and 1880s, A.P. Borodin traveled and toured a lot in Europe and America, met with leading composers of his time, his fame grew, he became one of the most famous and popular Russian composers in Europe at the end of the 19th century. th century.

The central place in the work of A.P. Borodin is occupied by the opera “Prince Igor” (1869-1890), which is an example of a national heroic epic in music and which he himself did not have time to complete (it was completed by his friends A.A. Glazunov and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov). In “Prince Igor”, against the backdrop of majestic paintings historical events, reflected the main idea throughout the composer's work - courage, calm greatness, spiritual nobility of the best Russian people and the mighty strength of the entire Russian people, manifested in the defense of their homeland.

Despite the fact that A.P. Borodin left a relatively small number of works, his work is very diverse and he is considered one of the fathers of Russian symphonic music, who influenced many generations of Russian and foreign composers.

Quote about A.P. Borodin:“Borodin’s talent is equally powerful and amazing in symphony, opera and romance. Its main qualities are gigantic strength and breadth, colossal scope, swiftness and impetuosity, combined with amazing passion, tenderness and beauty.” V.V. Stasov

Interesting fact: The chemical reaction of silver salts of carboxylic acids with halogens, resulting in halogenated hydrocarbons, which he was the first to study in 1861, is named after Borodin.

3. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky


“The sounds of human speech, as outward manifestations of thought and feeling, must, without exaggeration and violence, become music that is truthful, accurate, but artistic, highly artistic.”

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky is one of the most brilliant Russian composers of the 19th century, a member of the “Mighty Handful”. Mussorgsky's innovative work was far ahead of its time.

Born in the Pskov province. Like many talented people, from childhood he showed abilities in music, studied in St. Petersburg, was, family tradition, military. The decisive event that determined that Mussorgsky was born not for military service, but for music, was his meeting with M.A. Balakirev and joining the “Mighty Handful”.

Mussorgsky is great because in his grandiose works - the operas "Boris Godunov" and "Khovanshchina" - he captured in music the dramatic milestones of Russian history with a radical novelty that Russian music had not known before him, showing in them a combination of mass folk scenes and a diverse wealth of types, the unique character of the Russian people. These operas, in numerous editions by both the author and other composers, are among the most popular Russian operas in the world.

Another outstanding work of Mussorgsky is the cycle of piano pieces "Pictures at an Exhibition", colorful and inventive miniatures permeated with a Russian theme-refrain and Orthodox faith.

Mussorgsky's life had everything - both greatness and tragedy, but he was always distinguished by genuine spiritual purity and selflessness.

His last years were difficult - unsettled life, lack of recognition of creativity, loneliness, addiction to alcohol, all this determined him early death at 42, he left relatively few works, some of which were completed by other composers.

Mussorgsky's specific melody and innovative harmony anticipated some features of the musical development of the 20th century and played an important role in the formation of the styles of many world composers.

Quote about M.P. Mussorgsky:“The original Russian sounds in everything that Mussorgsky created” N.K. Roerich

Interesting fact: At the end of his life, Mussorgsky, under pressure from his “friends” Stasov and Rimsky-Korsakov, renounced the copyright to his works and donated them to Tertius Filippov.

4. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky


“I am an artist who can and should bring honor to my Motherland. I feel great in myself artistic power, I haven't done even a tenth of what I can do yet. And I want to do this with all the strength of my soul.”

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, perhaps the greatest Russian composer of the 19th century, raised Russian musical art to unprecedented heights. He is one of the most important composers of world classical music.

A native of the Vyatka province, although his paternal roots are in Ukraine, Tchaikovsky showed from childhood musical abilities, however, my first education and work was in the field of jurisprudence.

Tchaikovsky was one of the first Russian “professional” composers; he studied music theory and composition at the new St. Petersburg Conservatory.

Tchaikovsky was considered a “Western” composer, as opposed to the popular figures of the “Mighty Handful”, with whom he had good creative and friendly relations, but his work is no less permeated with the Russian spirit, he managed to uniquely combine the Western symphonic heritage of Mozart, Beethoven and Schumann with the Russians traditions inherited from Mikhail Glinka.

The composer led an active life - he was a teacher, conductor, critic, public figure, worked in two capitals, toured in Europe and America.

Tchaikovsky was a rather emotionally unstable person; enthusiasm, despondency, apathy, hot temper, violent anger - all these moods changed in him quite often; being a very sociable person, he always strived for loneliness.

Selecting something best from Tchaikovsky’s work is a difficult task; he has several equal works in almost all musical genres - opera, ballet, symphony, chamber music. And the content of Tchaikovsky’s music is universal: with inimitable melodicism it embraces images of life and death, love, nature, childhood, it reveals works of Russian and world literature in a new way, and reflects the deep processes of spiritual life.

Composer quote:“Life has beauty only when it consists of alternation of joys and sorrows, of the struggle between good and evil, of light and shadow, in a word - of diversity in unity.”

“Great talent requires great hard work.”

Quote about the composer: “I am ready to stand as a guard of honor day and night at the porch of the house where Pyotr Ilyich lives - that is how much I respect him.” A.P. Chekhov

Interesting fact: The University of Cambridge awarded Tchaikovsky the title of Doctor of Music in absentia and without defending a dissertation, as did the Paris Academy Fine Arts elected him a corresponding member.

5. Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov


N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A.K. Glazunov with their students M.M. Chernov and V.A. Senilov. Photo 1906

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov is a talented Russian composer, one of the most important figures in the creation of an invaluable Russian musical heritage. His unique world and worship of the eternal all-encompassing beauty of the universe, admiration for the miracle of existence, unity with nature have no analogues in the history of music.

Born in the Novgorod province, according to family tradition he became a naval officer, and visited many countries in Europe and the two Americas on a warship. Musical education received first from his mother, then taking private lessons from pianist F. Canille. And again, thanks to M.A. Balakirev, the organizer of the “Mighty Handful,” who introduced Rimsky-Korsakov into the musical community and influenced his work, the world did not lose a talented composer.

The central place in Rimsky-Korsakov's legacy is made up of operas - 15 works demonstrating the diversity of genre, stylistic, dramatic, compositional solutions of the composer, nevertheless having a special style - with all the richness of the orchestral component, the main ones are melodic vocal lines.

Two main directions distinguish the composer’s work: the first is Russian history, the second is the world of fairy tales and epics, for which he received the nickname “storyteller.”

In addition to his direct independent creative activity, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov is known as a publicist and compiler of collections folk songs, in which he showed great interest, and also as a completionist of the works of his friends - Dargomyzhsky, Mussorgsky and Borodin. Rimsky-Korsakov was the creator of a school of composition; as a teacher and director of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, he trained about two hundred composers, conductors, and musicologists, among them Prokofiev and Stravinsky.

Quote about the composer:“Rimsky-Korsakov was a very Russian man and a very Russian composer. I believe that this primordially Russian essence of it, its deep folklore-Russian basis should be especially appreciated today.” Mstislav Rostropovich

Fact about the composer: Nikolai Andreevich began his first counterpoint lesson like this:

- Now I will talk a lot, and you will listen very carefully. Then I will talk less, and you will listen and think, and finally, I will not speak at all, and you will think with your own head and work independently, because my task as a teacher is to become unnecessary to you...

Famous musicians

Adan Adolph Charles(1803–1856) - French composer, romanticist, author of the ballets “Giselle” and “Corsair”.

Aznavour Charles (Aznauryan Varenag)(b. 1924) - French chansonnier, composer, film actor, author and performer of many songs; had a huge influence on the mass musical culture of France and throughout Europe.

Alyabyev Alexander Alexandrovich(1787–1851) - Russian composer, author of many songs and romances (“The Nightingale”, “Beggar Woman”, etc.), as well as operas, ballets, chamber and instrumental works.

Armstrong Louis(1901–1971) - trumpeter, vocalist, often called the "Father of Jazz". Louis Armstrong is one of the most popular personalities in the musical art of the 20th century, with whom the public identifies traditional jazz.

Balakirev Miliy Alekseevich(1836 (1837)-1910) - Russian composer, pianist, conductor, head and one of the founders of the “Mighty Handful” - a creative community of Russian composers that formed in the late 1850s - early 1860s.

Balanchine George (Balanchivadze Georgy Melitonovich)(1904–1963) - American choreographer, founder of the famous ballet troupe"New York City Ballet".

Bartok Bela(1881–1945) - Hungarian composer, pianist and musicologist-folklorist. Combining elements of folklore with techniques of the musical avant-garde (expressionism, etc.), he became one of the most profound and influential innovators in the music of the 20th century.

Bach Johann Sebastian(1685–1750) - German composer, author of about 1000 works of various genres, master of polyphony (preludes and fugues, St. Matthew Passion, etc.).

Bashmet Yuri Abramovich(b. 1953) - Russian violist, teacher. The first performer of many works for viola by modern composers.

Berlioz Hector Louis(1803–1869) - French innovative composer, conductor, author of the Symphony Fantastique, creator new school conducting.

Bernstein Leonard(1918–1990) - American composer and conductor, author of music for many famous musicals (West Side Story, etc.).

Berry Chuck(R. 1926) - famous American singer, composer, one of the founders of rock and roll.

Beethoven Ludwig van(1770–1827) - German composer, major symphonist. Most of Beethoven's works belong to the masterpieces of world music (Moonlight Sonata, IX Symphony, etc.).

Bizet Georges (1838–1875) - French composer, author of operas (Carmen, etc.).

Borodin Alexander Porfirievich(1833–1887) - Russian composer and chemist, one of the creators of Russian classical symphonies and quartets.

Bortnyansky Dmitry Stepanovich(1751–1825) - Russian and Ukrainian composer, author of sacred music, works for choir, etc.

Brahms Johannes(1833–1897) - German composer and conductor, representative of romanticism.

Wagner Richard(1813–1883) - German composer, conductor, opera reformer. The tetralogy “The Ring of the Nibelung” is written on its own libretto, based on German national mythology. Wagner is also the author of the operas Tristan and Isolde, Parsifal, and others.

Verdi Giuseppe(1813–1901) - Italian composer, whose work is the pinnacle of the development of Italian opera and operatic art around the world (operas Aida, Rigoletto, La Traviata, etc.).

Vertinsky Alexander Nikolaevich(1889–1957) - Russian poet and composer, performer of his own songs, one of the founders of the art song genre.

Vivaldi Antonio(1678–1741) - Italian composer, violinist, conductor; created the genre of solo instrumental concert.

Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich(1938–1980) - Soviet poet, musician, actor, author of hundreds of songs based on his own poems. As a songwriter and performer own composition with guitar gained wide popularity.

Haydn Franz Joseph(1732–1809) - Austrian composer, teacher of Beethoven. His works are characterized by harmony and proportionality of proportions.

Handel Georg Friedrich(1685–1759) - German composer, author of many operas and oratorios that combine powerful choruses and strict architecture.

Gershwin George(1898–1937) - American composer and pianist. Together with his brother Ira, George Gershwin composed more than three dozen musicals for theater and film. Among George Gershwin's best works are Rhapsody in Blue for piano and jazz orchestra and the opera Porgy and Bess, which many critics consider the peak of the composer's work and one of the best (if not the best) American opera.

Gillespie John "Dizzy" Burks(1917–1993) - American jazz trumpet virtuoso, organizer of one of the most famous jazz orchestras in the history of music, author of many jazz compositions.

Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich(1804–1857) - Russian composer, creator of Russian national epic operas and many popular romances.

Glier Reingold Moritsevich(1874–1956) - Russian Soviet composer, conductor, teacher (ballet “Don Quixote”).

Gluck Christoph Willibald(1714–1787) - German composer, representative of classicism, opera reformer.

Grig Edward(1843–1907) - Norwegian composer, pianist, musical figure, conductor.

Gounod Charles(1818–1893) - French composer, one of the largest representatives of French opera of the 19th century. The pinnacle of creativity is the opera "Faust".

Dankevich Konstantin Fedorovich(1905–1984) - Ukrainian composer and musicologist, author of the opera “Bogdan Khmelnytsky”, ballet “Liley”, etc.

Dargomyzhsky Alexander Sergeevich(1813–1869) - Russian composer (opera “Rusalka”, etc.). Along with M.I. Glinka, he was the founder of the Russian classical school of music.

Dassin Joe(1938–1980) - French singer, composer, whose songs were very popular in the 1960s and 1970s.

Dvorak Antonin(1841–1904) - Czech composer, conductor, one of the founders of the Czech musical school of classical music.

Debussy Claude Achille(1862–1918) - French composer, considered the founder of the so-called musical impressionism.

Dylan Bob (Robert Allen Zimmerman)(b. 1941) - American rock musician, according to most critics, who influenced the development of popular music (and not just rock) more than anyone else in the post-war period, and his work became a role model for several generations of rock musicians. musicians.

Domingo Placido(b. 1941) - Spanish singer (tenor) and conductor, one of the most outstanding singers in the history of opera.

Donizetti Gaetano(1797–1848) - Italian composer (operas “Lucia di Lammermoor”, “Don Pasquale”, etc.), master of the art of bel canto.

Dunaevsky Isaac Osipovich(1900–1955) - Soviet composer, the greatest master of Soviet mass song and operetta.

Caballe Montserrat(b. 1933) - Spanish singer (soprano). One of the outstanding contemporary bel canto singers.

Callas Maria (Maria Kalogeropoulos)(1923–1977) - Greek singer, had a voice of a wide range, one of the greatest singers in the history of music, was a soloist of the largest theaters in the world.

Kalman Imre(1882–1953) - Hungarian composer, master of classical Viennese operetta (“Silva”, etc.).

Carreras Jose(b. 1947) - Spanish opera singer, tenor, has a deep, beautiful voice, along with P. Domingo and L. Pavarotti for a long time one of the three best tenors of our time.

Caruso Enrico(1873–1921) - Italian singer, one of the greatest tenors in the history of opera, a master of bel canto.

Clyburn Van (Clyburn Harvey Laban)(b. 1934) - American pianist, winner of the 1st International competition them. P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow (1958).

Kozlovsky Ivan Semenovich(1900–1995) - Russian Soviet singer, lyric tenor, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater (1926–1954), one of the best performers of his time.

Leghar Ferenc (Franz)(1870–1948) - composer, outstanding master Viennese operetta (The Merry Widow).

Lemeshev Sergey Yakovlevich(1902–1977) - an outstanding Russian opera singer, lyric tenor. The owner of the most delicate timbre, an inimitable performer of songs and romances.

Lennon John(1940–1980) - British rock musician, singer, poet, composer, artist, writer. Founder and member of The Beatles, one of the most popular musicians of the 20th century.

Leoncavallo Ruggiero(1857–1919) - Italian opera composer, whose works were and are very successful (operas “Pagliacci”, “La Bohème”, etc.).

Leontovich Nikolai Dmitrievich(1877–1921) - Ukrainian composer, author of many arrangements of folk melodies. Founder of the first Ukrainian symphony orchestra.

Liszt Ferenc(1811–1886) - an outstanding Hungarian composer, conductor and pianist. He created a school of concert piano performance.

Lloyd-Webber Andrew(b. 1948) - famous British composer, author of musicals and rock operas (“Jesus Christ Superstar”; “The Phantom of the Opera”, etc.).

Lysenko Nikolay Vitalievich(1842–1912) - composer, conductor, founder of the Ukrainian national music school, contributed to the formation of Ukrainian opera.

Lyudkevich Stanislav Filippovich (Pilipovich)(1879–1979) - Ukrainian composer and musicologist, one of the largest Ukrainian symphonists.

Miles Davis(1926–1991) - American jazz trumpeter, one of the most prominent jazzmen in the history of music. Since the late 1960s he has performed in the jazz-rock style.

McCartney James Paul(b. 1942) - British rock musician, singer and composer, one of the founders of The Beatles.

Mahler Gustav(1860–1911) - Austrian composer and conductor, one of the largest symphonists of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1908–1909 he was conductor of the Metropolitan Opera in New York, and in 1909–1911 he directed the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Jacob Ludwig Felix(1809–1847) - German composer, organist, conductor and public figure, founder of the first German conservatory. Author of the “Italian”, “Scottish” symphonies, etc.

Mercury Freddie(1956–1991) - British singer and musician, vocalist of the legendary rock band Queen. Until now, many years after death, he is one of the most popular singers in the world.

Miller Glenn(1904–1944) - American trombonist, arranger, leader of one of the best swing orchestras of the late 1930s - early 1940s.

Morricone Ennio(b. 1928) - Italian composer, arranger, conductor, one of the most famous composers writing music for cinema.

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus(1756–1791) - Austrian composer, one of the greatest in the history of music. He had an outstanding melodic gift (the operas “The Magic Flute” and others, “Little Night Serenade”, created about 600 works of various genres). He composed music from the age of five and performed as a performer from the age of six.

Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich(1839–1881) - Russian composer. He created monumental folk musical dramas (“Boris Godunov”, “Khovanshchina”), dramatic scenes (“Pictures at an Exhibition”), etc.

Oistrakh David Fedorovich(1908–1974) - Soviet virtuoso violinist, teacher, one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century.

Offenbach Jacques(1819–1880) - French composer, one of the founders of classical French operetta (“Beautiful Helen”, “Pericola”, etc.).

Pavarotti Luciano(1935–2007) - an outstanding Italian singer, one of the most outstanding tenors in the history of music.

Paganini Niccolo(1782–1840) - Italian virtuoso violinist and composer. One of the most prominent personalities musical history XVIII–XIX centuries Recognized genius of the world musical art.

Pauls Raymond(b. 1936) - Latvian composer, pianist, author of many songs, musicals, film scores, etc.

Petrusenko Oksana Andreevna(1900–1940) - Ukrainian Soviet singer (lyric-dramatic soprano), who had a voice of a unique timbre.

Piaf Edith (Gacion)(1915–1963) - French singer and actress, one of the greatest pop singers in the world.

Presley Elvis(1935–1977) - legendary American rock singer and film actor, “King of Rock and Roll.”

Prokofiev Sergey Sergeevich(1891–1953) - Russian innovative composer, one of the largest composers of the 20th century.

Puccini Giacomo (1858-1924) - Italian composer who combined lyricism with heroism and tragedy in his operas (Tosca, La Bohème, etc.).

Ravel Maurice(1875–1937) - French composer and performing pianist. The most famous work is “Bolero”.

Rachmaninov Sergei Vasilievich(1873–1943) - Russian composer, pianist and conductor. He played the piano from the age of four. Operas, romances, concerts, etc. combine stormy, passionate impulses and poetic contemplation in music. One of the greatest pianists in the history of music.

Rimsky-Korsakov Nikolai Andreevich(1844–1908) - Russian composer, teacher, conductor, public figure, music critic; member of the “Mighty Handful”, author of 15 operas, 3 symphonies, symphonic works, instrumental concerts, cantatas, chamber instrumental, vocal and sacred music.

Richter Svyatoslav Teofilovich(1915–1997) - Soviet pianist, outstanding performer.

Rossini Gioacchino(1792–1868) - Italian composer. The pinnacle of his work was the opera “The Barber of Seville”. He also created numerous vocal and piano miniatures.

Rostropovich Mstislav Leopoldovich(1927–2007) - an outstanding cellist, conductor and public figure.

Rota Nino(1911–1979) - Italian composer, author of music for many films by Federico Fellini, as well as for the film " Godfather» Francis Ford Coppola.

Sviridov Georgy (Yuri) Vasilievich(1915–1998) - Russian Soviet composer and pianist. Author of music for the works of A. S. Pushkin, S. A. Yesenin and others, sacred music.

Saint-Saens Charles Camille(1835–1921) - French composer, pianist, conductor, music critic and public figure. Author of numerous works of various musical genres, the most famous of which are the opera “Samson and Delilah”, the 3rd symphony (with organ), the symphonic poem “Dance of Death”, the 3rd concert and “Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso” (1863) for violin and orchestra.

Sibelius Jan(1865–1957) - Finnish composer, founder of the national Finnish romantic style. In his work he used the rhythmic and harmonic features of Finnish folklore.

Sinatra Francis Albert(1915–1998) - American singer, one of the most popular in the history of American pop music.

Skryabin Alexander Nikolaevich(1872–1915) - Russian composer and pianist. Scriabin's mystical philosophy was reflected in his musical language, especially in innovative harmony, far beyond the boundaries of traditional tonality. The score of his symphonic “Poem of Fire” (“Prometheus”) includes a light keyboard: searchlight rays different colors should change on the screen synchronously with changes in themes, keys, chords.

Smetana Bedřich(1824–1884) - Czech composer, conductor, pianist, author of the operas “The Bartered Bride”, “Libushe” (based on the Zelenogorsk manuscript and genuine Czech legends), the cycle of symphonic poems “My Country” (the second one is especially famous - “Vltava”) .

Spivakov Vladimir Teodorovich(b. 1944) - Russian violinist, conductor. Since 1979, he has been the director of the Moscow Virtuosi orchestra, which quickly won recognition and love from the public. Laureate of many international competitions.

Stravinsky Igor Fedorovich(1882–1971) - Russian and later American composer and conductor. Stravinsky's ballets (The Rite of Spring, etc.) were successfully demonstrated by S. P. Diaghilev at the Russian Seasons in Paris. He turned to ancient and biblical subjects.

Utesov Leonid Osipovich(1895–1982) - Russian and Soviet pop artist, singer and film actor, National artist THE USSR. One of the founders of Soviet jazz and Russian chanson.

Fitzgerald Ella Jane(1917–1996) - American jazz singer, recognized as one of the greatest vocalists in jazz history.

Khachaturyan Aram Ilyich(1903–1978) - Armenian composer, conductor, teacher. His work uniquely combined the traditions of world and national musical art (ballets “Gayane”, “Spartacus”, etc.).

Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich(1840–1893) - Russian composer, one of the best melodists, conductor, teacher, musical and public figure.

Shalyapin Fedor Ivanovich(1873–1938) - great Russian opera singer, bass, one of the most famous singers peace.

Schnittke Alfred Garrievich(1934–1998) - Russian composer, pianist, music theorist and teacher (author of articles on Russian and Soviet composers), one of the most significant musical figures of the late 20th century.

Chopin Frederic(1810–1849) - Polish composer (études, nocturnes, waltzes, polonaises, piano concertos, etc.), virtuoso pianist. Author of numerous works for piano.

Shostakovich Dmitry Dmitrievich(1906–1975) - Russian Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure, one of the most significant composers of the 20th century, who had and continues to have a creative influence on composers.

Strauss Johann(1825–1899) - Austrian composer, the greatest master of the Viennese waltz and Viennese operetta, “The Waltz King”. Created great amount works: 168 waltzes, 117 polkas, 73 quadrilles, 43 marches, 31 mazurkas, 16 operettas, comic opera and ballet.

Strauss Richard(1864–1949) - German composer and conductor, author of many symphonic poems and operas.

Schubert Franz(1797–1828) - Austrian composer. Waltzes, fantasies, impromptu, symphonies, etc. Created over 600 songs. First major representative musical romanticism, one of the greatest melodists.

Schumann Robert(1810–1856) - German composer, romanticist. His work fostered high musical culture, beauty and strength of human feelings (symphonies, oratorio “Paradise and Peri”, etc.).

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Listen to something from the classics - what could be better?! Especially on weekends, when you want to relax, forget about the worries of the day, the worries of the work week, dream about beautiful things, and just lift your spirits. Just think about it, classical works were created by brilliant authors so long ago that it’s hard to believe that something can survive so many years. And these works are still loved and listened to, arrangements and modern interpretations are created. Even in modern adaptation, the works of brilliant composers remain classical music. As he admits, classical works are ingenious, and everything ingenious cannot be boring.

Probably all great composers have a special ear, a special sensitivity to tone and melody, which allowed them to create music that is enjoyed by dozens of generations not only of their compatriots, but also of classical music fans around the world. If you still doubt whether you love classical music, then you need to meet with, and you will see that in fact, you are already a long-time fan of beautiful music.

And today we will talk about the 10 most famous composers in the world.

Johann Sebastian Bach

The first place deservedly belongs. A genius was born in Germany. The most talented composer wrote music for harpsichord and organ. The composer did not create a new style in music. But he was able to create perfection in all the styles of his time. He is the author of more than 1000 essays. In his works Bach connected different musical styles, with whom he became acquainted throughout his life. Often musical romanticism combined with the Baroque style. In life Johann Bach As a composer he did not receive the recognition he deserved, interest in his music arose almost 100 years after his death. Today he is called one of the greatest composers who ever lived on earth. His uniqueness as a person, teacher and musician was reflected in his music. Bach laid the foundations of the music of New and Contemporary times, dividing the history of music into pre-Bach and post-Bach. There is an opinion that music Bach gloomy and gloomy. His music is rather fundamental and thorough, restrained and focused. Like the reflections of a mature, world-wise person. Creation Bach influenced many composers. Some of them took cues from his works or used themes from them. And musicians all over the world play music Bach, admiring her beauty and perfection. One of the most sensational works - "Brandenburg Concerts"- excellent proof that music Bach can't be considered too gloomy:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

He is rightfully considered a genius. At the age of 4 he was already fluent in playing the violin and harpsichord, at the age of 6 he began composing music, and at 7 he was already skillfully improvising on the harpsichord, violin and organ, competing with famous musicians. Already at 14 years old Mozart- a recognized composer, and at the age of 15 - a member of the music academies of Bologna and Verona. By nature he had a phenomenal musical ear, memory and ability to improvise. He created an astonishing number of works - 23 operas, 18 sonatas, 23 piano concertos, 41 symphonies and much more. The composer did not want to imitate, he tried to create a new model that reflected the new individuality of the music. It is no coincidence that in Germany music Mozart called “music of the soul”, in his works the composer showed traits of his sincere, loving nature. The Greatest Melodist special meaning gave to the opera. Operas Mozart- an era in the development of this type of musical art. Mozart widely recognized as one of the greatest composers: his uniqueness lies in the fact that he worked in all musical forms of his time and achieved the highest success in all. One of the most recognizable works - "Turkish March":

Ludwig van Beethoven

Another great German was an important figure of the Romantic-Classical period. Even those who know nothing at all about classical music know about it. Beethoven is one of the most performed and respected composers in the world. The great composer witnessed the tremendous upheavals that occurred in Europe and redrew its map. These great upheavals, revolutions and military confrontations are reflected in the composer’s work, especially symphonic works. He embodied pictures of heroic struggle in music. In immortal works Beethoven you will hear the struggle for freedom and brotherhood of people, the unshakable faith in the victory of light over darkness, as well as dreams of freedom and happiness for mankind. One of the most famous and amazing facts his life - the ear disease developed into complete deafness, but despite this, the composer continued to write music. He was also considered one of the best pianists. Music Beethoven Surprisingly simple and understandable to the widest circles of listeners. Generations and even eras change, and music Beethoven still excites and delights the hearts of people. One of his best works - "Moonlight Sonata":

Richard Wagner

With the name of the great Richard Wagner most often associated with his masterpieces "Wedding Choir" or "Ride of the Valkyries". But he is known not only as a composer, but also as a philosopher. Wagner considered his musical works as a way of expressing a certain philosophical concept. WITH Wagner a new musical era of operas began. The composer tried to bring opera closer to life; music for him is only a means. Richard Wagner– creator of musical drama, reformer of operas and the art of conducting, innovator of the harmonic and melodic language of music, creator of new forms musical expressiveness. Wagner- author of the world's longest solo aria (14 minutes 46 seconds) and the world's longest classical opera (5 hours and 15 minutes). In life Richard Wagner was considered a controversial person, who was either adored or hated. And often both together. Mystical symbolism and anti-Semitism made him Hitler's favorite composer, but closed the way for his music to Israel. However, neither supporters nor opponents of the composer deny his greatness as a composer. Wonderful music from the very first notes Richard Wagner absorbs you completely, leaving no room for disputes and disagreements:

Franz Schubert

Austrian composer - musical genius, one of the best song composers. He was only 17 when he wrote his first song. In one day he could write 8 songs. For my creative life he created more than 600 compositions, based on poems by more than 100 great poets, including Goethe, Schiller and Shakespeare. That's why Franz Schubert in the top 10. Although creativity Schubert very diverse in the use of genres, ideas and reincarnations, the predominant and defining thing in his music is vocal and song lyrics. Before Schubert the song was considered an insignificant genre, and it was he who elevated it to the level of artistic perfection. Moreover, he combined the seemingly incompatible song and chamber symphonic music, which gave rise to a new direction of lyrical-romantic symphony. Vocal and song lyrics are a world of simple and deep, subtle and even intimate human experiences, expressed not in words, but in sound. Franz Schubert lived very short life, only 31 years old. The fate of the composer's works is no less tragic than his life. After death Schubert many unpublished manuscripts remained, stored in bookcases and drawers of relatives and friends. Even those closest to him did not know everything he wrote, and throughout for long years he was recognized mainly only as the king of song. Some of the composer's works were published only half a century after his death. One of the most beloved and famous works Franz Schubert"Evening Serenade":

Robert Schumann

With an equally tragic fate, the German composer is one of best composers romantic era. He created music of amazing beauty. To get an idea of ​​19th century German romanticism, just listen to "Carnival" Robert Schumann. He was able to break free from the musical traditions of the classical era, creating his own interpretation of the romantic style. Robert Schumann was gifted with many talents, and even for a long time he could not decide between music, poetry, journalism and philology (he was a polyglot and translated fluently from English, French and Italian). He was also an amazing pianist. And yet the main calling and passion Schumann there was music. His poetic and deeply psychological music largely reflects the duality of the composer’s nature, a rush of passion and escape into the world of dreams, awareness of vulgar reality and the desire for the ideal. One of the masterpieces Robert Schumann, which everyone simply must hear:

Frederic Chopin

Perhaps the most famous Pole in the world of music. Neither before nor after the composer was a musical genius of this level born in Poland. The Poles are incredibly proud of their great compatriot, and in his work the composer more than once glorifies his homeland, admires the beauty of the landscapes, laments the tragic past, and dreams of a great future. Frederic Chopin- one of the few composers who wrote music exclusively for piano. His creative heritage includes neither operas nor symphonies, but piano pieces are presented in all their diversity. His works form the basis of the repertoire of many famous pianists. Frederic Chopin is a Polish composer who is also known as a talented pianist. He lived only 39 years, but managed to create many masterpieces: ballads, preludes, waltzes, mazurkas, nocturnes, polonaises, etudes, sonatas and much, much more. One of them - "Ballad No. 1, G minor".

Franz Liszt

He is one of the world's greatest composers. He lived a relatively long and surprisingly rich life, experienced poverty and wealth, met love and faced contempt. In addition to his natural talent, he had a fantastic ability to work. Franz Liszt earned not only the admiration of music connoisseurs and fans. Both as a composer and as a pianist he received universal approval from European XIX critics centuries. He created more than 1300 works and similar Frederic Chopin gave preference to works for piano. Brilliant pianist Franz Liszt he knew how to reproduce the sound of an entire orchestra on the piano, he improvised masterfully, he had a fantastic memory of musical compositions, and he had no equal in reading notes from sight. He had a pathetic style of performance, which was also reflected in his music, which was emotionally passionate and heroically upbeat, creating colorful musical pictures and making an indelible impression on listeners. The composer's calling card is his piano concertos. One of these works. And one of the most famous works Liszt"Dreams of Love":

Johannes Brahms

A significant figure of the romantic period in music is Johannes Brahms. Listen and love music Brahms considered good taste and a characteristic sign of a romantic nature. Brahms did not write a single opera, but he created works in all other genres. Special glory Brahms brought his symphonies. Already in the first works the composer’s originality is evident, which over time transformed into his own style. If we consider all the works Brahms, it cannot be said that the composer was greatly influenced by the work of his predecessors or contemporaries. And in terms of the scale of creativity Brahms often compared to Bach And Beethoven. Perhaps this comparison is justified in the sense that the work of the three great Germans represents the culmination of an entire era in the history of music. Unlike Franz Liszt life Johannes Brahms was devoid of turbulent events. He preferred quiet creativity, during his lifetime he earned recognition of his talent and universal respect, and was also awarded considerable honors. The most outstanding music in which the creative force Brahms had a particularly bright and original effect, is his "German Requiem", a work that the author created for 10 years and dedicated to his mother. In your music Brahms sings praises Eternal values human life, which lie in the beauty of nature, the art of great talents of the past, the culture of their homeland.

Giuseppe Verdi

What are the top ten composers without?! The Italian composer is best known for his operas. He became the national glory of Italy, his work is the culmination of the development of Italian opera. His achievements and merits as a composer cannot be overestimated. His works still, a century after the death of the author, remain the most popular, widely performed, known to both connoisseurs and lovers of classical music.

For Verdi The most important thing in opera was drama. The musical images of Rigoletto, Aida, Violetta, and Desdemona created by the composer organically combine bright melody and depth of characters, democracy and sophistication musical characteristics, violent passions and bright dreams. Verdi was a real psychologist in understanding human passions. His music is nobility and power, amazing beauty and harmony, inexpressibly beautiful melodies, wonderful arias and duets. Passions run high, comedy and tragedy intertwine and merge together. The plots of operas, by his own admission Verdi, must be “original, interesting and... passionate, with passion above all else.” And most of his works are serious and tragic, demonstrating emotional dramatic situations, and the music of the great Verdi gives expressiveness to what is happening and emphasizes the accents of the situation. Having absorbed all the best that had been achieved by the Italian opera school, he did not deny operatic traditions, but reformed Italian opera, filled it with realism, gave it the unity of the whole. At the same time, he did not announce his reform, did not write articles about it, but simply wrote operas in a new way. Triumphant procession of one of the masterpieces Verdi- operas - swept across Italian stages and continued in Europe, as well as in Russia and America, forcing even skeptics to recognize the talent of the great composer.

10 most famous composers in the world updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena

Almost every resident of a civilized society is probably aware of the benefits of classical music; scientists have long proven its positive impact on a person’s psychological state.

Classics are classics for that reason, they remain immortal forever, each new generation has its own admirers of this trend, while classical music progresses, develops and transforms, while always remaining at the proper level.

Among the impressive variety of composers of the past and present, I would like to highlight ten of those whose names have already gone down in history, because they managed to compose music the highest level, which significantly expanded the boundaries of classical sounds, reaching a new level of beauty.

This time our top 10 will not contain numbers and places of honor, because evaluating and comparing the greatest and, to hide it, the most famous composers in the world, whose names, in fact, should be familiar to every minimally educated person, is somehow stupid.

Therefore, we present to you their names, as well as several interesting facts from the biography, without numbers and comparisons. If you are not yet an active fan of classical music, then listen, at least for the sake of interest, to several works of these great composers, and you will understand that music that has inspired dozens of generations cannot be ordinary or, even worse, boring.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Today he is one of the most respected, popular and performed composers in the world. Beethoven wrote in all musical genres known at that time, but it is believed that the most significant among his works are his instrumental creations, including concertos for violin and piano, symphonies, overtures and sonatas.

Little Beethoven grew up in a musical family, and therefore from a very young age he was taught to play the harpsichord, organ, flute and violin. In the last few years of his life, Beethoven lost his hearing, amazingly, but this did not stop him from writing a whole series of unique works, including the famous Ninth Symphony.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

A famous and beloved German composer all over the world, who is a prominent representative of the Baroque era. In total, he wrote about 1000 pieces of music, which were presented by all significant genres of that era, except opera.

Among Johann Bach's closest relatives and ancestors there were many professional musicians; he himself became the founder of one of the most famous dynasties. Surprisingly, Bach did not receive a special calling during his lifetime; interest in his work increased a whole century after his death.

Some connoisseurs argue that Bach's music is too gloomy and gloomy, however, according to followers of his work, it is rather thorough and fundamental.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

The greatest Austrian composer, who is rightly called the genius of his craft: Mozart had a truly phenomenal ear, the ability to improvise, memory, and also proved himself as a talented conductor, virtuoso violinist, organist and harpsichordist.

He composed more than 600 musical works, many of which are recognized as the pinnacle of chamber, concert, opera and symphonic music. It is believed that Mozart's music has a special healing effect; it is recommended for listening to pregnant and nursing mothers.

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)

The most famous German composer, who is considered the most influential reformer of opera, he contributed colossal influence on German and European musical culture in general.

Wagner's operas never cease to amaze, amaze, inspire, and also shock with their incredible scale, which fit into eternal human values.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

Who is not yet familiar with the most famous ballet Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker"? Then you definitely need to do this! Pyotr Ilyich is one of the best Russian composers of all time, who, thanks to his musical works, was able to make an invaluable contribution to the society of musical culture around the world.

Franz Schubert/ Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828)

Another famous Austrian composer, an honored musical genius, as well as the author of the best song compositions of his time. During his career, Schubert managed to write more than 600 compositions, which were based on poems by more than 100 famous poets.

Unfortunately, Franz lived a very short life, only 31 years old; who knows how many more beautiful and great things this brilliant man could have created. Some works of the brilliant author were published only after his death, because Schubert left behind many unpublished manuscripts with unique musical creations.

Johann Strauss/ Johann Strauß (1825-1899)

The recognized “king of the waltz”, a brilliant Austrian composer, virtuoso violinist and conductor, who worked in the genre of operetta and dance music all his life.

He wrote about 500 waltzes, quadrilles, polkas and other types of dance music; by the way, it was thanks to him that the waltz rose to the top of its popularity in the 19th century in Vienna. Another interesting fact is that Johann Strauss is the son of a famous Austrian composer, whose name was also Johann.

Frederic Chopin / Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849)

Without exaggeration, it will be said that this is the most famous Pole in the field of classical music, who in his work tirelessly praised his homeland, the beauty of its landscapes, and also dreamed of its future greatness.

Unique is the fact that Chopin is one of the few composers who created music exclusively for the piano; in his work you will not find either symphonies or operas. It is the works of this brilliant composer that form the basis for the work of many modern pianists.

Giuseppe Francesco Verdi / Giuseppe Francesco Verdi (1813-1901)

Giuseppe Verdi, first of all, is known throughout the world for his operas, among which dramatic works occupy a special place. His legacy as the greatest composer can hardly be overestimated, because his music made a huge contribution to the development of Italian and world opera in general.

Verdi's works are considered incredibly emotional, burning, passionate, interesting, emotions are seething in them and life is seething. And today, despite the century-old age of most of his operas, they remain one of the most performed, popular and famous among classical music lovers.

Hans Zimmer / Hans Zimmer (September 12, 1957)

A famous German composer of our time, who gained wide popularity thanks to his works written for computer games and famous films. Of course, it is difficult to compare modern composers with the geniuses of the past who have strengthened their fame through the centuries, however, they deserve our attention.

Hans' music can be completely diverse: tender, touching, exciting, cruel and exciting; you have probably heard many of his melodies, but did not know who their author was. You can hear the creations of this author in such films and cartoons as “The Lion King”, “Pirates” Caribbean Sea", "Pearl Harbor", "Rain Man" and others.

06/30/2019 at 16:26 · VeraSchegoleva · 17 930

10 most famous Russian composers who made a huge contribution to the world cultural development

World classical music cannot be imagined without the works of composers from Russia.

This country, with its culture and talents, has always been one of the main “engines” of art and development.

Composers from Russia united folk music With foreign art. They managed to combine the Russian spirit and European form.

This article presents a list of the most famous composers from Russia who made the greatest contribution to world cultural development.

10. Alexander Scriabin

Alexander Scriabin– a very significant musician in world culture, Russian pianist and popular composer. Born in 1872, passed away in 1915.

His work was distinguished by deep poetry and originality. It was considered innovative even for the beginning of the 20th century.

The period from 1903 to 1908 became the most fruitful in the composer's life. It was then that the “Satanic”, “Tragic” piano poems, “Poem of Ecstasy”, the Third Symphony and many of his other works were created.

“Prometheus” is another masterpiece of the composer. It was in this creation that he departed from the generally accepted tonal system.

Scriabin's harmonic language turned out to be completely updated. The composer's work greatly influenced symphonic and piano music of the 20th century.

9. Mikael Tariverdiev

Mikael Tariverdiev was born in 1931 and passed away in 1996. He is a People's Artist of the RSFSR, a Russian and Soviet composer.

Tariverdiev created concerts, symphonies, chamber vocal cycles, operas, ballets, and romances. This composer wrote music for a number of performances and a large number of films (“The Irony of Fate”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and many others).

Tariverdiev’s homeland is Tbilisi. The origin of Sato Akopova, the composer’s mother, was noble, but in the years Civil War she began to become interested in the ideas of the Bolsheviks. Her husband was the red commander of the cavalry regiment.

Mikael became Sato's only son. Wanting to give him the best education, she took him to a music school. Then Mikael ended up in a music school.

The musician wrote two one-act ballets in his youth. Then Tariverdiev moved to Moscow and entered the Gnessin Institute. There, the range of his interests was finally determined: music for films, chamber vocal and operatic works.

8. Isaac Dunaevsky

Soviet conductor and composer Isaac Dunaevsky was born in 1900 and passed away in 1955.

People's Artist of the RSFSR, creator of famous film scores, 4 ballets and 11 operettas.

The future composer was born into a Jewish family. His musical talent manifested itself from an early age: the boy amazed with the purity of his voice and easily reproduced complex melodies.

Dunaevsky studied at music school, but his main specialty became legal. However, then the young man still chose music.

He worked in the orchestra of the Kharkov Drama Theater, and then wrote music for one of the productions. After some time, Dunaevsky moved to Moscow, and there his talent was fully revealed.

7. Igor Stravinsky

Igor Stravinsky- composer from Russia, was a citizen of the USA and France. Born in 1882, passed away in 1971.

His music combines a large number of styles. At the beginning creative path Stravinsky created works that bore a vivid imprint of Russian culture.

The composer's later work was influenced by the New Viennese school, neoclassicism.
Stravinsky was born near St. Petersburg. At the university he studied to become a lawyer and studied music himself.

The composer subjected the melodies to his own rules. He freely combined styles, forms and genres, so his work was always difficult to classify.

6. Sergei Rachmaninov

Sergei Rachmaninov created his own style, distinguished by its originality and uniqueness. He combined the traditions of St. Petersburg and Moscow composer schools. The composer was born in 1873 and died in 1943.

This brilliant musician and hereditary Russian nobleman began to symbolize Russian music throughout the world. When the composer graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, Tchaikovsky took his exam.

For a one-act opera created as a graduation work, he gave the young Rachmaninov an A with several pluses. Then this opera was recommended for production at the Bolshoi Theater.

The Moscow public very quickly fell in love with the novice composer. Then Rachmaninov was overtaken by an internal and creative crisis, but he was able to overcome it and again won the status of a famous Russian artist.

The composer conducted, wrote, and gave concerts in Canada, America and European countries. After the 1917 revolution, Rachmaninov left Russia with his family.

5. Dmitri Shostakovich

Dmitry Shostakovich- Soviet pianist, composer, teacher, professor. He was born in 1906 and passed away in 1975.

Shostakovich studied at the Petrograd Conservatory from the age of 13. His graduation work was the First Symphony, which was received very well by the audience. Then this work became known outside the Soviet Union.

Shostakovich created a large number of musical works, including symphonies, ballets, operas, concerts, quartets, music for theaters and films.

His creations expressed the chronicle of the difficult events of the 20th century and internal drama person.

4. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was born in 1844 and passed away in 1908. This is a Russian musician, public figure, teacher, music critic, conductor.

This composer created symphonies, operas, sacred and vocal music, cantatas, and instrumental concerts.

Rimsky-Korsakov was born into an old noble family. He worked in the navy, sailed to the Southern and North America, however, the craving for the musical field did not leave him.

When Rimsky-Korsakov returned to Russia, he began creating musical works and gained a reputation as a composer.

3. Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky was born in 1840 and passed away in 1893. He was also music critic, teacher, conductor.

The work of this great Russian composer combines a large number of genres. We can say that he was a psychologist because, with the help of creativity, he analyzed the contradictory and complex phenomena of life.

Tchaikovsky traveled a lot and worked as a touring conductor in Europe and Russia.

2. Modest Mussorgsky

Modest Mussorgsky created works in different genres: choirs, orchestral pieces, songs, romances, . This Russian composer was born in 1839 and passed away in 1881.

Russian national traits found very bright and original expression in his work. The last years of Mussorgsky's life were marred by an addiction to alcohol and "nervous fever."

1. Mikhail Glinka

The work of this famous composer greatly influenced many famous musicians: for example, on Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorsky. Mikhail Glinka born in 1804 and died in 1857.

His musical works confirmed the powerful rise of national culture. This composer paid great attention to folklore; in his operas he opened the world of folk tales and epic epics.

Glinka traveled extensively and lived in several European countries.

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