If the mole is on the right cheek. Mystical secrets of moles. Moles on the face and their meaning. What does a mole on the chin mean?

They give a unique charm to their owners, but besides this, they can say a lot about a person, about his character, about his life, how it will turn out well or not. Each mole should be considered individually. Mole on the cheek - what does this symbol mean?

Mole on the cheek - what does it mean?

A lot of controversy is caused by a mole located on a person’s cheek. Everyone famous actress Marilyn Monroe was the owner of this beautiful sign fate. What can this sign tell you?

Mole on a woman's cheek

Women with a mole on their cheek are distinguished by their unbalanced character, cheerful disposition and special attractiveness; they are talented in literally everything. They master music, painting, architecture or another form of art very quickly and achieve significant success. Even a woman with a mole on her cheek who is at home, that is, a housewife, will be able to show her talent in household chores, she will be able to become a skilled cook or learn sewing and create beautiful outfits for herself that will be the envy of everyone around her. In addition, women are predicted to have a great future in creativity, but if they decide not to use their talent, they will become wonderful wives in a happy marriage, from which there will be many children.

When a woman has a neat mole on her cheek, it is always considered very attractive and feminine. Some men with a mole on their cheek are even sure that the owners of such interesting spots on the face of the woman are extraordinary, they are both gentle and passionate at the same time. However, only professionals can tell what a mole on a woman’s neck means.

So, a mole on a lady’s left cheek is a clear sign of natural charm. And oddly enough, it is a real “magnet” that attracts the attention of not only men, but even female rivals. Women with a dark mole on their cheek often have great talents, regardless of where exactly she found herself, in her career or at home. Such women are brilliant housewives, they have culinary talent and excellent needlewomen.

Mole on a man's cheek

Men are calmer by nature than women, but they are also ready to explode at any moment; calmness is not their strong point, although they are very reasonable when making any decision. The most striking example of this is Peter the Great, who had outstanding abilities; many sciences submitted to him. Men with a mole on their cheek have a sharp and inventive mind. They are constantly improving and if they choose a spiritual direction, they will be able to achieve significant results, including the development of extrasensory abilities. Men with a mole on their cheek create happy families and live long life, giving yourself completely to your neighbors.

A mole on the cheek means that its owners will never need anything, their life will be filled with meaning, for some it will be creativity, for others it will be family.

Depending on the location of the mole on the cheek, the characteristics listed above will either be strengthened or weakened. For example, a mole located closer to the lips enhances happy marriage, if it is closer to the ear, then its owner is capable of self-sacrifice in the name of art or family.

To obtain more detailed information and a reliable prediction, you should contact specialists in this field; they are able to predict events in a person’s life with great accuracy, as they have knowledge, experience and well-developed intuition.

Quite often you can see both small and large entities this type of person. This is the most common occurrence and no one is surprised when they see them. Most people are happy to have a little bump on their cheek, it really does look special. However, how does this sign influence the character and fate of its owner.

Other meanings of a mole on a man’s cheek

If a man has a mole on his cheek, especially on the right side of his face, then this is evidence of the owner’s lively, active and lively character. The owners of such a spot are distinguished by great unbridled character, as well as originality, quick temper, attentiveness and sharpness of mind. An example of such a man with a mole on his cheek is the Russian Emperor Peter I, he is an equally talented military leader, a brave and grandiose reformer.

A mole that is located on a man’s left cheek is a sign of great talent, often in the arts (music, cinema, painting). Such talents are very easy to see from childhood, so it’s worth taking a closer look at boys with a mole on their cheek and channeling their talent in the right direction in time.

If a mole appears on the left cheek closer to the ear, this means that the person is capable of great dedication and self-sacrifice.

A mole on the cheek of any person is truly a real sign of fate. It is inherent in people who have pronounced kindness, tenderness and sensuality.

What does a mole on the right cheek mean?

Moles can be located on both hidden and open areas of the body. They cannot go unnoticed if they are located on the face. The certain aesthetics of such dark dots has always attracted people's views. However, this may also indicate a certain character of a person or his life path.

A mole on the right cheek can be large or very tiny. Its color varies from light to dark, rich shades. Moles on the cheeks are often found on celebrities, creative people. What this sign predicts for its owner will be described below.

Interpretation of signs on the face

Some people may be wondering what a mole on the right cheek means. This sign is available at large quantity people, including celebrities. A mole on your cheek is hard to miss. It gives its owner a certain charm. It’s not for nothing that artificial moles, called “flies,” were used in the past.

However, such signs have not only aesthetic appeal. For those who do not ignore the hints of fate, try to comprehend the secrets of their character or penetrate the secrets of others, a mole is the key to the solution.

Such a mark can reveal the attachments of its owner, and even the direction of his life path. Understand whether such a mole is good or bad sign, is possible by studying its interpretation.


When interpreting the meaning of a mole on the right cheek, it is also necessary to evaluate the color and size of this formation. It is believed that the more pronounced the spot, the greater the influence it has on the fate of its owner.

However, one should not assume that small moles do not mean anything. It’s just that the meaning that such a mark has appears more hidden. A person feels it on a subconscious level. This symbol suggests that fate does not shout to the owner of the spot, but quietly whispers about its intentions.

It is considered a good sign if the mole has a regular, round shape. Convex varieties also carry a positive prediction. It is worse if the mole on the face has an elongated shape. This indicates that a person has overcome serious obstacles along his path. However, you should not take negative predictions to heart. They do not frighten, but warn a person, allowing them to prepare for future events.

A woman's mole

Since ancient times, a mole on a woman’s cheek has been considered a real gift from nature. It emphasized the tenderness and beauty of the face, giving its owner a special charm and romance. Regardless of location, such a sign portends happiness.

A mole on the right cheek in women portends a successful marriage. Moreover, the husband will be wealthy and devoted. He will devote himself completely to his half. From where on the cheek it is located dark spot, the character of the girl will depend.

In all respects, such a representative of the fair sex is talented. She can masterfully cook, sew, draw or write. She will also be able to show her talents in the acting field. Many actresses have a mole on their right cheek.

This girl has good taste. Her image is always interesting and extraordinary. She can look elegant even in simple clothes. Romance and beauty are her main companions.


When interpreting the meaning of a mole on the face, it is important to pay attention to the place where it is located. This will make it possible to determine the outstanding character traits and fate of the owner of this sign. It is considered a good sign if a mole is located closer to the lips on the right cheek of women. The meaning of this symbol is very favorable. In the future, the girl will not only marry successfully, but will also become the envy of many other women.

If the mole is closer to the ear, this may indicate the girl’s self-sacrifice for the sake of her loved ones. She strives to help others, sometimes forgetting about herself. IN family life A real idyll awaits her. The husband and children of such a woman will always be neatly dressed, tasty fed and warmed by her warmth.

A mole on the cheekbone speaks of a strong-willed character. For such a woman, the situation never gets out of her control. This is a typical manager, a leader in any team. A sensitive nature is indicated by a mole located closer to the lower eyelid.

Mole on the right cheek in men

A mole on the right cheek in men carries slightly different omens. The meaning of this sign is also positive. Most often, such men are talented. These are typical sanguine people. They are smiling and open.

The minds of such people are inquisitive. A person is capable of thinking deeply about different things, is constantly evolving and does not stand still. This is an extraordinary personality. A lively character helps such people find their way in life. They make talented directors, actors, and writers.

In company, a man with a mole on his right cheek is sociable. Many people are drawn to him. Observation allows him to carefully select his friends. If during communication such a man does not like the interlocutor, he will not waste his time on empty talk.

Location Features

The character of its owner also depends on what part of the face the mole is located in. If the dark spot is located closer to the nose, this person has dictatorial tendencies. He sincerely believes that only his opinion is correct. He zealously tries to prove this to others.

When considering what moles on the right cheek mean, you should also consider the case when such a sign is closer to the ear. This shows a predisposition towards jurisprudence. These are competent, successful lawyers.

If the mole is located close to the lower eyelid, this indicates a sincere, open character. Such people practically do not know how to lie. They are also unable to hide their plans or feelings. A mole on the cheekbones reveals a leader.

Common interpretation for all

A mole on the right cheek is a good sign for both men and women. They demonstrate talent, insight and focus. If the mole is located under the right eyelid, this indicates generosity and great sensuality of character. However, they cannot always wait for reciprocal steps from others.

A mole near the outer corner of the eye on the right speaks of a passionate nature. These are real jealous people. They are demanding of their significant other, but in return they give themselves entirely. If the mark is in the center of the cheek, this indicates excessive temperament. Such a person often gets into conflicts.

A mole closer to the ear speaks of extraordinary mental abilities. However, such people react very sharply to the vicissitudes of fate. A mole on the cheekbone speaks of focus, good self-organization and leadership qualities.

It should be noted that the brighter the mole on the face stands out, the more the presented meanings of such marks appear in the character. Therefore, knowing these secrets, a person who communicates with the owner of a mole on the right side of the face can predict his behavior and even his future fate.

Signs from moles

If a person has not one, but two moles on his right cheek or even more, this also has a certain meaning. A scattering of dark spots can form a certain figure.

If it is a cross, a rectangle or a star, a person should beware of rash decisions. Avoiding unexpected negative events requires wisdom and restraint. This is a warning that the owner of such a sign must heed.

Moles that form a circle, oval or triangle are considered a good sign. They talk about a person's luck. However, such people should not take the gifts of fate for granted. You always need to think about the consequences of your actions. After all, to whom more is given, more will be required. However, under certain circumstances, such people miraculously get away with it.

Medical point of view

A mole on the right cheek should first be considered from a medical point of view. There are different types of education. If they are voluminous, they interfere with their owner’s Everyday life, you should contact an oncodermatologist. It is possible that he will advise removing such a nevus surgically. This is especially important if the mole is voluminous and constantly increasing in size.

Any changes to such formations should also cause concern. For example, if a voluminous mole changes shape, becomes inflamed, and inclusions or shoots become visible in it. Also, do not delay going to the doctor if the halo around the nevus is inflamed or the formation is bleeding. Injury to such a mole can result in significant bleeding. Therefore, even with a small cut, you should go to the hospital.

Large dark spots on the skin should not cause concern. They appear due to increased accumulation of pigment. This is the most common and harmless type of mole. However, even they can influence the character and fate of their owner.

Having considered the meanings that a mole on the right cheek has, we can say that it is almost always a positive omen. Owners of such signs on their faces have extraordinary intelligence and talent. Negative predictions should be treated as a warning. Any undesirable consequences can be avoided if you constantly work on yourself, develop and learn self-control.

What do moles on the face of men mean?

They can tell a lot about the character and fate of a person. Depending on their location, moles on a man's face mean many things and can help women understand a man more.

Moles on the face of men - what does the symbol mean?

Mole on the cheekbone tells us that such a man is strong and determined. He has leadership qualities. In the life of a man with a mole on his cheekbone, there may be a noble idea that he is ready to carry with him until the end of his days. Such people know how to gather people around them and influence others with their words and their own example. As a rule, a mole on the cheekbone appears in a single copy or becomes pronounced, so that it is simply impossible to notice it.

Mole on the face of men on the scalp indicates deep mental activity of a person. Such men know how to work with their brains, but are secretive and reserved. They do not share their problems and experiences with others, but carry everything within themselves. If a mole is flat, then a person may not know about its existence until the end of his life. And if the mole is convex and palpable, then all the characteristic signs increase.

Mole on the face of men on the cheek on the right side indicates that the man has a lively and lively character. He knows how to communicate with people and people of the opposite sex. A mole on the left cheek can tell about a man as a great talent. This could be the talent of an artist or writer, dancer or singer. Such a mole is very attractive to women and will not go unnoticed.

Moles on the face of men on the nose and at the base of the nose speaks of the connection of good intuition. This sign is usually endowed with sages and soothsayers. If the mole is located on the right side, then this is a sure sign that the man is a good listener and adviser. He listens and gives helpful advice. Also, such men know how to keep secrets, so you can tell them anything. But a mole on the left side indicates that a man can find mutual language with the stars.

Mole on the chin of men tells us that he is determined, tenacious and power-hungry. Such men always know what they want, and go towards their intended goal very decisively. They are distinguished by their courage. Such people have success in their careers and are distinguished by their enviable hard work.

Thus, moles on a man’s face can tell a lot about him. But no matter what character traits they carry, it is always in our power to change ourselves in better side. And do not forget that these are just moles that need to be monitored in order to prevent the development of cancer.

A couple of days ago a mole appeared on my right cheek, does it have any significance? or not?

Yulia Kupriyanova

A woman with a mole on her left cheek has a strong natural charm and charm. It can be said without exaggeration that a mole on the left cheek is a real “magnet” of looks. It’s hard to take away the look of admiration from a face with a mole on its cheek. By the way, the owner of a mole on her cheek was the famous American actress Marilyn Monroe is the “dream girl” who won the hearts of millions of people with her appearance and charisma.
the meaning of a mole on the cheek in women
Women with a mole on their cheek are feminine, talented and almost always happily married
Women with a mole on the right cheek are always very talented, and even if you are a simple housewife, you will probably find many outstanding abilities in her, for example, she skillfully cross-stitches or masterfully bakes cakes.
What does a mole on the left and right cheek mean for men?
A mole on the right cheek in men indicates the lively and lively character of the owner. The owners of such a mole are distinguished by great originality, observation, an inquisitive and sharp mind. Bright to that an example is the great Russian Emperor Peter Alekseevich Romanov (Peter I), a talented military leader and brave reformer who cut a window to Europe for Russia.
A mole on a man’s left cheek is a sign of great talent (most often in the field of art), which begins to manifest itself from childhood. The famous Russian composer Alexander Glazunov, who wrote his first symphony at the age of 16, had such a mole.
What does a mole on the cheek mean for men?
Most often, a mole on the cheek appears in extraordinary and creative men
A mole on a person’s cheek is a real sign of fate, telling about the natural tenderness and kindness of the owner. If the mole is on the left cheek closer to the ear, it means that the person is capable of self-sacrifice. The presence of a mole on the cheek is also a sign of a happy marriage (the closer the nevus is to the lips, the more favorable the sign). A person with a mole on his right cheek rarely experiences need in his life.

The meaning of moles on a woman’s body: the karmic meaning of marks

Moles are usually given sacred meaning. They predetermine a person’s fate, characterize his attitude towards life and people, and speak about the individual’s abilities. The meaning of moles on a woman’s body will reveal the secrets of the future and tell you which abilities are best to develop. In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition persecuted witches, distinguishing them from innocents by the presence of these “devilish marks.” In the 18th century, moles gained popularity and those beauties who did not have them by nature used artificial “front sights”. Let's try to figure out what the presence of this or that mole on the body promises.

The karmic meaning of pigment formations in this part of the body relates to past lives. Moles on the back appear due to betrayal that happened in one of the past lives. It is characteristic that it was those close to him who betrayed the person. A person with moles on his back is advised to behave carefully and not trust the first person he meets. You should communicate only with those who have proven their loyalty and reliability. Its esoteric meaning also depends on the location of the formation.

  • Moles located near the shoulder on the back - the meaning for women is as follows: a tendency to get carried away in a healthy way life and sports. Such people and those around them are attracted to morning jogging and exercise.
  • Many formations in the upper back indicate a woman’s weakness. She tends to fall under the influence of others, especially men. Frequent illnesses, both physical and spiritual, accompany her throughout life.
  • A mole on the left side of the back predetermines a woman’s good sense of humor.

Formation above the shoulder blades predicts a difficult path in life. A person will endure all trials with honor.

As a rule, such a mark does not bode well. Either this is a sign of a family curse received by the woman’s ancestors, or failures and troubles awaiting her throughout her life. Such a spot makes you think about hereditary diseases and check your own health.

  • A mole on a woman’s left palm has a special meaning: potential witches receive such marks. If you have such a spot in this place, try to use your gift wisely.
  • The mark can also mean a series of unsuccessful marriages: only the last of them promises to be happy.
  • A mole in the center of the left palm means a tendency to scandals and a quarrelsome character. At the same time, it promises the owner good luck in life.

The formation of a mark in this part of the body promises a woman great luck. Such people make excellent housewives and caring mothers. However, they are hard to find new love after the breakup. Moles on the neck have different meanings for women, depending on their location.

  • The mark on the front promises success at work and in your personal life. Women strive for creative professions and devote a lot of time to charity.
  • A difficult life awaits those people who have a mole on the back of their neck. The person will have a changeable character.
  • Education anywhere on the neck promises the owner financial well-being.

Such marks are often endowed with the most important meaning. There are more than a hundred areas where moles are located on the face. Signs on the face are energy channels connecting a person with the biocurrents of the Earth. Let's take a closer look at moles on the face - their significance for women, because they have the greatest influence on fate and character, suppressing the influence of other marks.

Such women are sexy and popular with men. They are frivolous and easily rush into adventures. A mole above the left lip in women means: a tendency towards a cheerful character and even frivolity. Coquettes by nature, they love to be the center of attention. Despite this, such people make good mothers.

Mole above the lip on the right in women: meaning

Spots on the other side indicate strong-willed strong character, combined with a dose of deceit. Career growth is guaranteed for such young ladies. They also rule in their own family. A mole is on the right side of the lip in women; its meaning is as follows: life collisions force a person to take it out on others, especially on a partner. At the same time, ladies are very responsible and are able to take balanced decisions. important decisions and carefully control your emotions. Children are brought up with great severity.

Moles on the cheek

It’s not for nothing that “flies” were so popular in this place in the past. They give incredible charm to the fair sex and make women attractive to the male half of humanity. People with such marks lead a bright, eventful life, often changing partners until they find someone who makes them happy.

Such formations characterize a person who is inclined to completely surrender to his passions. They often have to experience disappointments in love relationships. A mole on the right cheek in women has a slightly different meaning if the mark is located high on the cheekbone. Persons with this sign make excellent organizers and they live only for the ideas that they want to bring to life. Because of this, women remain lonely, and relationships with the opposite sex are short-lived.

Mole on the left cheek in women: meaning

Ladies with similar marks are characterized by increased sentimentality. They constantly need new sensations and adventures. A mole on the left cheek in women, the meaning is simple: owners of such marks are prone to worry and often come up with reasons for depression on their own. Negative manifestations of the formation on the left cheek are hysteria and moodiness. Such persons tend to stir up a quarrel from scratch. However, they easily agree to reconciliation and take the first step, apologizing for their temper.

Creative by nature, such women choose the profession of an artist, writer, or build a career in music. While doing other things, they show artistry and devote themselves entirely to work.

Mole on the forehead: meaning

Spots of this kind mark people who have talent in politics or military affairs.

  • They make prominent company leaders and talented managers.
  • They have an incredible mind.
  • Women have an inexhaustible supply of vitality.
  • A person with a mole on the bridge of his nose is able to achieve enlightenment and often engages in esoteric practices. It is no coincidence that the “third eye” is located above this place. Women marked in this way have psychic abilities. However, they can be blocked by other moles and to unlock their potential it is necessary to practice meditation and yoga.
  • Such people know how to predict the future and see prophetic dreams.
  • The appearance of a mole on the forehead predicts a meeting with a potential groom.
  • A mark located closer to the hair suggests a penchant for studying sciences such as history, biology and archaeology. Women achieve great success if, in addition, they have a hard work ethic.
  • A mole on the right forehead attracts material well-being into a lady's life.

Moles on the legs: meaning

  • For women, marks on the left side bring good luck.
  • If they are on the inner side of the thigh, then it indicates a tendency towards narcissism and independence. Such persons are distinguished by pride and arrogance. The mark in this place means love for animals and nature.
  • Located on the knee, the mole is a symbol of haste. People with this sign do not have much patience. On the left side foreshadows a successful marriage.
  • On the right calf, the sign portends business success and career growth. On the left are many good friends. Work that involves traveling around the country and abroad.
  • A mole on the ankles indicates the spirituality of a woman. She is religious and attends church on all holidays. On the left side they talk about silence, on the right - about oratorical talent.

The meaning of moles on a woman’s body is not a death sentence. They only predict possible developments. They should be removed only if this is the doctor's recommendation. However, a mole may appear again in the same place if its karmic meaning has not been changed. By engaging in esoteric practices, a person is able to change his destiny. Meditation and aromatherapy, performing simple rituals will change what was destined at birth.

If a guy has such a mole, this indicates that, most likely, he will have an early and at the same time very happy marriage. The same can be said about the mole above the right eyebrow. Mole is enough big size says that the guy will live with his chosen one all his life.

A small mole or a scattering of them in this place is evidence that although a person will be quite happy in his first early marriage, this union will still be short-lived and he will try his luck again by remarrying.

On the left eyebrow.

A person will have a late marriage, but not necessarily an unhappy one. A young man will start a family quite late, but not because he doesn’t like women, but because he takes his choice of a partner very seriously. A mole above the left eyebrow indicates a deeply feeling but secretive nature. Such a guy can be very worried about any, even the most insignificant event, and it is also difficult for him to open his soul to another person. Sometimes such people are pedantic to the point of being boring.

Between the eyebrows.

Such a mole in men indicates a tendency to think and reflect; philosophers can often boast of this decoration. IN ordinary life such a person is quite absent-minded. He can leave his travel card at home, completely forget about the date, we can’t guarantee that he even remembers the date of his birth. However, if you ask him about the problem he is thinking about at that moment, such a guy will give out comprehensive information, and you will be amazed at his erudition.

If the mole is located between the eyebrows, but the eyebrows are thick and fused on the bridge of the nose, this is a clear sign of a jealous nature. Such a person has a heightened sense of ownership, “tears and rushes” every time his chosen one looks at another man.

On the right temple.

The man is smart, but rather superficial. He could have become famous in any field he chose, but for some reason known only to him, and most likely simply because of natural laziness, he does not see the point in this. This person is somewhat frivolous in personal relationships. Such a guy can desperately seek a girl’s attention today, and the next day he can hardly remember her name.

On the left temple.

Evidence of an extraordinary mind, the guy is probably prone to thinking. All sciences are easy for such a person; he makes almost no effort to solve difficult task or a theorem. However, he is disgusted and bored by thinking too long about any one problem. He is very bored by the turnover, third-party quick decisions and change of occupation. Such a man feels comfortable where a sharp mind, rapid brainstorming, and creative output are required.

On the right forehead.

The owner of such a mole loves to give orders, but not carry them out. Such a man is probably stubborn, has great willpower, moves towards his goal, stepping over other people. He knows no pity, but he has a keen sense of justice. Good generals and politicians are often made from boys who have a mole on the right side of their forehead.

On the left forehead.

Fate has prepared enough for man high position in society. However, on the path to success he is often faced with many obstacles. Thanks to willpower and strong character, such a guy will, of course, overcome all obstacles, because for him his career comes first. If such a man marries, it is not out of love, but out of sober calculation, which, by the way, will certainly be justified.

In the middle of the forehead or on the scalp.

A mole, especially a large one, and even more so a birthmark in this place promises a guy dizzying career rises (just remember M.S. Gorbachev). The purposefulness of such individuals is combined with extreme secrecy; men do not reveal these secrets to anyone, even the closest people.

Mole under the right eye.

A guy with such a mole is as simple as three kopecks, and with his characteristic spontaneity, he believes that everyone around him should be the same. He is not able to understand a complex nature; everything is always easy for him. He does not stand on ceremony with other people, but he does not expect tactful treatment of himself. This guy is sociable and loves big companies, but, by the way, he is inclined to impose his will and views. This is a master of argument, and he cannot be convinced, even if he himself knows that he is wrong.

Mole under left eye.

This is a sign that the guy is very partial to the opposite sex. In a marriage, such a person is rarely faithful to his half, and it is not at all easy to keep him. But this does not mean that he is completely promiscuous. These men stay with a woman as long as they feel some kind of mystery in her, as long as it seems to them that their beloved can leave for someone else at any moment. But as soon as they realize that the woman is completely in their power, their feelings immediately cool down.

In the corners of the eyes.

Such moles are a sign of a calm, balanced character. All life's troubles are perceived by a person quite calmly, with philosophical equanimity. These people are usually somewhat phlegmatic, slowly but surely moving towards their goal. You can be sure that over time the guy will become a good family man and will adore his wife. Both in their personal life and in work, such men are very responsible and you can rely on them.

Moles or birthmarks on the eyelids.

The phenomenon is quite rare. A guy with such a mole is a very honest, open and peaceful person. He can be a wonderful friend, a wonderful comrade, he will always listen with attention to the story of your troubles and will definitely help in trouble. But he also demands the same respectful attitude toward himself, without deceiving himself, and does not tolerate being deceived. This guy will not be friends with cunning people and tricksters, he is too straightforward, he never forgives betrayal or betrayal, he cannot stand quarrels at all, he tries to solve all problems peacefully.

On the right cheek.

A man with a mole on his right cheek is a romantic, prone to violent love experiences. Serenades under the window or a bouquet is amazing beautiful roses on a winter morning, it's like him. Most of the time, such a young man is hovering somewhere in the clouds, and it can be quite difficult for him to return to the sinful earth. When planning to marry such a man, a girl should be prepared for the fact that she will have to shoulder everyday routine worries, because her chosen one is not concerned about dirty dishes and a peeling ceiling, but about the perfection of the designs of castles in the air. True, if you shame him a little, he will immediately jump up from the sofa, clean the whole house until it shines, and finally set the table for a romantic dinner by candlelight. As soon as you eat, it’s no longer his concern, he’s all out of this world.

On the left cheek.

A mole on the left cheek predicts many difficulties for a person on the path to success. Fate is not too kind to him. However, men of this type are not inclined to retreat; each time they overcome obstacles more and more confidently, thanks to which their character is strengthened. And when such a person achieves success in life, it means one thing - a pure, well-deserved victory, forged with his own hands, despite all unfavorable circumstances.

Two or more moles on the left cheek indicate that their owner, alas, will always be poor. Even if he is ever lucky in life (say, a large inheritance lands on his head), the money will still not stay with him for long, it will slip through his fingers. But if moles on the cheek are adjacent to a mole on the nose, the person will achieve respect and make good career, although he will still get rich only at the end of his life’s journey.

On the nose.

Unlike women with such a mark, a man with a mole on his nose is guaranteed success in all his endeavors. Luck is always on his side. A man of this type is so confident in his own irresistibility that in a dream he sees himself as a crowned person, and in reality, in any circumstances, he is free and harmonious, like a fish in water. As a child, such a person most likely played favorites and was always the center of attention. He may be somewhat spoiled, but only because everything in life comes easier to him than to others. Hence the tendency to narcissism. Creative potential There are a huge number of such men; they often make excellent actors and directors. However, a family union with such a person requires a lot of mental strength from a woman and constant control over her behavior.

If a guy, in addition to everything else, has the habit of constantly touching a mole with his hands, rest assured, this is a complete egoist in front of you. He is used to being always lucky, and on this basis he believes that he is a step above other people. Everyone should please him, but his wife, first of all.

Near the right nostril.

This is a sign of a carefully hidden tendency to steal. Guys with a large mole on their right nostril often turn out to be complete kleptomaniacs. This may be the result of painful envy of the owner of the desired item or simply a specific painful condition. The value of someone else's thing may be negligible, but the hands of a kleptomaniac are still drawn to it.

If a mole is barely noticeable, this defect does not appear throughout a person’s entire life, although deep down in his soul he has more than once imagined himself in the role of a thief. The best way extinguish dark energy, go racing.

Near the left nostril.

Such a mole indicates the cunning and cunning of a person. This guy is always on his own in everything and can easily fool anyone around his finger. He doesn’t do anything for nothing; every action he takes pursues some selfish goal.

Such men are very resourceful, they manage to get out of any situation to their advantage.

Above the upper lip.

A sign of a cheerful disposition and sensuality. Often such a guy is the life of the party, a merry fellow and a joker. He doesn’t mind hitting on the girl he likes, he knows a lot about love, and easily charms the fair sex. This is a true connoisseur of luxury, good food, and beautiful women. It's easy and simple to go on a spree with him, but trying to start with him serious relationship are doomed to failure, he immediately steps aside.

If he ever marries, it will only be to a girl he chooses.

In the corners of the lips.

The guy easily starts relationships with girls, loves female company, and is prone to love adventures. He can become an excellent friend, but it is difficult to count on a serious relationship. Even if this seducer swears eternal love and friendship, you should think carefully; in a few days he may forget about his promises, having noticed another passion. A person who is flighty and passionate, most likely has an impressive appearance, is well aware of his attractiveness and skillfully uses it.

Under the lower lip.

Such a person completely surrenders to the feeling that engulfs him; these are very passionate and selfless natures in love. However, while quickly and sincerely falling in love, such men just as quickly cool down. It’s safe to say that in the lives of these impulsive subjects, both dizzying ups and absolutely murderous crashes await. Unfortunately, their destiny depends more on the prevailing circumstances than on their own actions.

On the right chin.

It promises success in all matters and a happy marriage (although, most likely, it will be late). Such a person is usually sedate and reliable. He does everything thoroughly, without haste, rarely has higher education, thinks quite slowly. In their chosen profession, such people value, above all, stability and a decent income; they usually quickly climb the career ladder, although they do not reach significant heights. Men of this type also approach the choice of a wife very thoroughly; they marry only once and are happy in their marriage; they consider their wife to be their “soul mate.”

On the lower right side of the chin.

Evidence that a person will be favored by high-ranking officials predicts good luck in business and travel. Such a person will experience good luck and pleasant acquaintances along the way. It’s safe to say that the guy will choose a profession that involves long and frequent business trips. He enthusiastically strives to change the situation more often. He cannot stand being bored and, moreover, simply cannot engage in any monotonous activity. Such people often make excellent travelers, geographers, geologists and, oddly enough, traveling salesmen. If you see a man with a mole on the lower right side of his chin, engaged in trade, be sure that he will sell you not only his goods, but also last year’s snow, and at home you will begin to wonder how you managed to shell out so much money for completely unnecessary things.

In the middle of the right side of the chin.

Such a mole promises a person great wealth in life. And even if he doesn’t have big money in his life yet, everything can change suddenly, and he will definitely become rich. Money loves such subjects, perhaps also because they do not waste it on trifles and have a great talent for properly managing finances. They like to take risks, but the risks are mostly justified. Such a person may be somewhat stingy, but only for strangers, and not for your loved ones.

On the left chin.

Most often, a guy with such a mole is distinguished by immeasurable kindness and breadth of nature. As a child, he probably more than once brought home a kitten picked up on the street or a pigeon with a broken wing. He still tries to help everyone, wishes no harm to anyone, and is on good terms with everyone. Such a guy is very generous and selfless, he can give his last shirt completely to a stranger. A little sentimental, he always remembers the date of his first kiss or his girlfriend’s outfit on the day of their first meeting. It is very easy to communicate with such a person, he good friend, and in the future - an exemplary husband.

Top right ear.

This mole is also called “the sign of Fortune’s favorite”; it is a real mark of happiness. A lucky person practically knows no failures; he is successful both in his personal life and in professional activity. Such people often hit the jackpot in the lottery; they are incredibly lucky in any gambling game. When you meet a guy with such a mole, don’t let him go, perhaps you will get a piece of his luck too.

On the right ear in the center.

It is possible that the person is hot-tempered and cruel. It is better to stay away from him, nevertheless remaining on friendly terms. Having such an enemy is a rather sad prospect. He can bully you all your life just because you accidentally stepped on his foot on a trolleybus. Being in the grip of anger, he does not control himself at all, and then often repents, although he is in no hurry to correct his mistakes. If a person has a mole in the center of his right ear combined with a mole on his right nostril, he cannot escape prison.

Bottom of right ear.

A person with such a mole is extremely hot-tempered and flighty in nature. The guy flutters through life like a moth, not striving for anything and not wanting anything in particular. Today he is with one girl, tomorrow with another, and the day after tomorrow with a third, and he is sure that this is in the order of things. He does not tolerate it when his shortcomings are pointed out, and he instantly explodes. But his rage passes as quickly as it arises.

On the left ear at the top or in the center, evidence of nature’s penchant for adventurous adventures.

The guy's head is always full of some plans, and from time to time he tries to bring them to life, which he does not always succeed in. This young man is from the category of people who constantly get into some kind of story. It is he who has to answer for the broken window, although his only fault is that he was passing by, it was he who was hit by the bus, although there were several other people nearby, it was his wallet that was stolen in the crowd. At the same time, one remains surprised how this “happy loser” manages to get out of all the troubles, remain unharmed, or get away with what is called a slight fright.

Bottom of left ear, speaks of a person’s modesty and timidity, and the larger the mole, the more shy the person.

It is difficult for a guy with such a “mark” to meet people; it is very difficult for him to cope with his shyness and talk freely with girls. Over time, of course, a person becomes relaxed, but still he cannot completely overcome his timidity.

From a medical point of view, moles or nevi exist on the body of every person and are a malformation of skin cells. Not a very romantic description, right? But we will look at moles from the other side - from a fascinating, educational and interesting side.

A little history...

In the harsh Middle Ages, when the Holy Inquisition flourished, people with moles had a hard time. The witch hunters were convinced that the Devil was branding his servants and minions in order to seal their dark pact. He marks those who worship him by running his sharp claw along the body. Any mole, papilloma, or wart was considered a “witch’s mark.” Naturally, it was not difficult to suspect and accuse almost any person of conspiring with the Devil, thereby dooming the unfortunate person to public burning.

But in the wise East, everything was completely different - there it was believed that a girl without a mole on her face was “like a dawn without the sun,” since a mole on a woman’s face was considered a sign of a passionate nature. But not every Scheherazade got a mole on her face. This is exactly how one inventive loser came up with an artificial mole. This trend spread throughout the world at a dizzying speed, and now the ancient Greek poets are singing the praises of the beautiful woman's face with an intriguing mole...

Soon this fashion took root at the court of the King of France, Louis XIII. Under elegant velvet flies, the ladies hid pimples and smallpox marks, and even used them to convey informational messages to their fans. The number of flies on the faces of fashionistas sometimes reached the point of absurdity.

Nowadays, fortunately, there is no longer a need to disguise moles, as well as to use false ones. Those moles that we see on the faces of others are natural signs that indicate certain qualities of a person. Moles can tell a lot about their owner, you just need to be able to read them.

What does a mole on the left cheek mean?

A mole on the left cheek of both women and men indicates their sensuality. Such a person is fickle; everyday life and everyday routine put pressure on him. He is constantly in search of new sensations, new acquaintances, new connections. He needs vivid experiences, adventures, an extravaganza of colors, and in all areas of life, without exception. Naturally, getting along with such a person is very, very difficult. If his life becomes orderly and monotonous, he is capable of falling into the deepest depression, throwing hysterics and bringing himself and his loved ones to a nervous breakdown.

There is another interpretation of a mole on the left cheek - it is a sign of a creative personality. Even if the owner of a mole is a housewife, perhaps she bakes a brilliant charlotte or artistically decorates a bed of petunias. They can turn the most ordinary work into a masterpiece. Also, people whose mole is on the left often have an inquisitive mind and are good business partners. They know how to smooth out any conflict and find a compromise in every problem.

To date, scientists have been able to find out that a mole on the left cheek in men can mean a large creative talent. Such a person can become famous artist, popular writer, famous composer and even an astrologer. These men are able to boast of a unique memory. They are easy to communicate and have no problems finding a common language with people.

If the mole is on the left cheek of a woman, its owner has unsurpassed charm. Such a woman attracts all eyes, her face will be etched in the memory for a long time.

Mole on the right cheek - what does it mean?

A mole on the right cheek in both men and women is good sign. It testifies to the insight, talent and focus, generosity and great sensuality of its wearer. If you have such a mole, you are a loyal friend and an excellent family man, a happy owner of a pleasant character, however, at times you fall into jealousy and attacks of irritability. You have a hot temper, you are quick-tempered, but if reconciliation takes place in the marital bedroom, your significant other will not remain offended.

A mole on a woman’s right cheek speaks of the fantastic luck of its owner: she will always catch the last train, choose the best husband and will never know what need is.

A man with a mole on his right cheek is usually cheerful, active and very charming. He has a lively and lively character, sometimes unbridled and hot-tempered. But this man is attentive, witty and extraordinary. He clearly sees the goal in front of him and purposefully moves towards it, a born leader, determined only for success.

Colors and shapes...

Research by scientists says that the more intense and pronounced a mole is, the greater the impact it has on the fate of its owner. The shape of the mole is also important - an oval, the sun is considered lucky signs. Rectangles, squares, stars carry a negative meaning. However, if you treat each of your moles with love and positivity, regardless of its location, number, shape, color, a lucky star will shine for you all your life...

In ancient times, moles were considered signs of a connection with evil spirits. The cause of skin pigmentation was unknown, and that is why people whose bodies were covered with these spots could even be executed. A couple of centuries later, a mole on the face became a symbol of aristocracy, and society ladies depicted it on their faces in every possible way. Until now, birthmarks on the cheekbones are for many a sign of the special attractiveness of its owner. In addition, they say that a mole on the right cheek is a distinctive symbol of talented people who can build a successful career in acting, music and other creative activities.

Nevi are different. Bright and pronounced spots determine the fate of the carrier more strongly than small and pale ones. Long years researchers have been studying the connection between moles and human character. Certain conclusions have been drawn, but whether to believe in them or not is a personal matter for each person.

In men

Many talented young people have moles on one cheek, and often even on both. Such men successfully become actors, record music, perform on stage, or engage in other creative activities.

Singer Enrique Igleias' birthmark has always been his recognizable sign, but the young man chose to get rid of the nevus

Actor Colin Farrell

A nevus located on one or another part of the cheek indicates the characteristics of a young man’s temperament and character:

  • near the eyes - emotional young people who are able to sincerely demonstrate their feelings;
  • in the area of ​​the wings of the nose - smart, at the same time tough and determined men, striving to individually control the situation and always know how to solve problems;
  • next to the ear - insightful people with developed intuition;
  • on the cheekbone - its owners have a strong character and are always decisive in their actions.

Among women

A mole on a woman's cheek is considered a sign of her attractiveness. Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford, Natalie Portman have become real symbols of beauty and sexuality, and yet each of them has a noticeable birthmark on their cheek, which only adds piquancy to their images.

Beautiful Marilyn Monroe

Model Cindy Crawford

Actress Natalie Portman

Nevi appear on the cheeks of talented women who have a penchant for art, cooking and are able to build a successful career in this field. Depending on their location, moles also carry Additional information about its owner:

  • on the cheeks closer to the eyes - sensitive and vulnerable girls, prone to worries even without any particular reason;
  • in the lip area - women who are successful in relationships with the opposite sex, their marriages are successful;
  • in the ear area - representatives of the fair sex, ready for self-sacrifice, striving to please others, pushing their personal desires and needs into the background;
  • on the line of the cheekbones - this sign marks a purposeful and organized girl, capable of handling leadership positions, able to control everything that happens around her.

On the right and left cheeks

Depending on which side of the face the mole appears on, you can also draw some conclusions about the person.

Mole on right cheek

Moles on the right are signs of talent for acting. Their owners are usually distinguished by an inquisitive mind, high speed of decision-making, and resistance to life’s adversities. They clearly see the goal in front of them and confidently move towards it. These people are leaders by nature. A nevus located in the middle of the right cheek indicates a hot-tempered character; near the eye - that the person is most likely jealous and demanding of others.

Mole on left cheek

People who have moles on the left side of their face are good life partners. They know how to give in, smooth out corners in conflicts, and are distinguished by their ability to self-sacrifice. They think about their loved ones more than about themselves, and are ready to adapt to those around them. All this makes them good diplomats. A mole on the left cheek also means that the person has an inquisitive mind.

The location of the mole is important not only on a specific area of ​​the left or right cheek, but also in relation to other nevi. Specks that form an oval or a circle are considered lucky signs. The triangle of moles also carries positive energy. Figures with more than three angles, for example, rectangles, squares, stars, etc., are usually recognized as symbols that have a negative meaning. If such a sign appears on a person’s body, it means that its bearer may be unhappy, find himself in unpleasant situations, and fail.

A medical look at moles

Nevi themselves are abnormalities on the skin. Melanin begins to accumulate in the cells, resulting in brown spots. Moles themselves do not pose any danger if they do not change their shape, size and color.

If we talk specifically about such a phenomenon as a mole on the cheek, then it is worth noting several points. Firstly, it is necessary to protect it from ultraviolet rays, which provoke additional formation of melanin in cells. This can lead to a harmless mole developing into a malignant tumor.

Secondly, it is better to avoid any external mechanical impact on nevi. A mole on the cheek is not subject to friction by clothing, but it may come into contact, for example, with a pillow. It is important for young people to be careful when shaving - they should not rip off or scratch birthmarks.

A mole on the cheek itself is not dangerous. However, it is constantly open to external factors.

Ultraviolet rays can lead to the growth of nevus, which is why it needs to be protected from the sun using special creams. People with a large number of moles should not spend a lot of time on the beach or visit a solarium without a doctor's permission.

If the nevus begins to change and grow, then you should immediately see a doctor, who will decide whether or not it is necessary to remove the spot.

Symptoms for which you should definitely visit a specialist:

  • change in the shape of a mole;
  • darkening;
  • height;
  • bleeding from a nevus;
  • inflammation of the area around it.

Thus, a mole on the cheek is not only a sign of talented people, but is also considered a very attractive detail of the image. They attract the attention of others and often look advantageous without spoiling the face. But even if the birthmark has become yours business card, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition, protect it from negative external influences and remove it at the request of a doctor.

Every person has moles on their body. A mole on the right cheek is a special sign. The meaning of these pigment formations has worried people since time immemorial, so it is not at all surprising that everyone tried to explain the appearance of these spots on the body by connecting them with signs from the outside. In the Middle Ages, when the Inquisition had control over everything, moles were perceived as devilish marks, and if their shape or color did not suit the inspector, a person could pay with his life.

Just a few centuries later, the entire bourgeoisie and aristocracy, on the contrary, actively supplemented their images with flies. An artificial mole on the left cheek, chest or shoulders is an integral element of the image of any aristocrat of that time. They were made from velvet or drawn with a special pencil. Particularly popular were artificial moles whose shape resembles a moon or star.

IN modern world not so much attention is paid to moles, but still many argue that each nevus has its own meaning, and sometimes you can even predict the future based on age spots.

The meaning of nevi on the face

For the fair sex, the location of a mole on the lower half of the face is considered favorable. A mole on the cheek is not only beautiful, but also speaks of a woman’s sensuality and her future happiness in love.

But this is only in cases where honey or Brown. Carriers of red nevi will not arrange their personal lives right away, since their love happiness, even with innate charm and sensuality, will be hampered by their irritable nature.

All moles on the left side of the face have a double meaning - they cannot be called unfavorable, but they are not considered lucky either. Owners of such nevi will have to deal with them for a long time. a huge amount minor troubles in order to ultimately achieve your personal happiness. A mole on the left cheek has always been considered a sign of a calm, prosperous old age surrounded by family.

Brown or red small nevi are often present not only on women, but also on the face of men, whose main features are pride and dignity. True, these qualities will for a long time prevent him from getting settled in life and achieving what he wants. But the main thing is in this case don’t give up, if you wait, all attempts will be appreciated, and the reward will be even greater than expected.

A black mole on the cheek is a sign of the cruel and sometimes even evil character of the owner.

They occur in both men and women. Official medicine insists that a formation with this color can predict the development of a serious disease in the body - melanoma.

Moles on cheekbones

If a man has a scattering of pale nevi on his cheekbones (not to be confused with freckles), his life will most likely have a lot of constant worries that bring short-term but frequent joy.

What does a mole on a man's cheek mean? Moles on men's cheekbones are a symbol of authority and the opportunity to achieve considerable heights in social activities.

Also, such nevi often appear in people who are ready to devote their whole lives to the implementation of one thing or to the fight for a single idea.

Cheekbones and cheeks are the location of moles in women who have a reserved or even reserved character. Such women are able to wait for a long period of time for the right or necessary moment. They do not like reproaches in their direction, even fair ones, and are also particularly sensitive and receptive.

Such representatives of the fairer sex spend half their lives in defensive positions - they protect themselves from the negativity of the world around them, which is why they often deprive themselves of personal happiness.

For men, a single mole on the left cheekbone can mean an indecisive character and excessive pedantry in all aspects of life. Such a person prefers to spend time in solitude and communicate, for the most part, only with close and dear people. But a nevus in the same place in the woman opposite speaks of the owner’s domineering character.

The life priority of such a representative of the fair sex is to dominate the people around her and strive to always be the first in everything.