I dreamed that I cut my hair into a bob. A stranger cuts your hair. Cutting one's hair in a dream or cutting someone's hair in a dream according to Freud's dream book

Dreams are a consequence of the activity of the subconscious, therefore images that appear in dreams should not be understood literally and unambiguously.

According to the dream book, cutting hair can mean all sorts of troubles. The location of the events, the number of people - everything plays a significant role. Moreover, one event is interpreted differently in the kaleidoscope of dream books, and sometimes in completely opposite ways.

Hair represents vitality and resilience. Most dreams in which hair is cut are associated with its loss and the negativity that lies ahead. However, this is not entirely true: changes in a positive direction can occur. A haircut or a change in hairstyle symbolizes change.

Ambiguity in the interpretation of dreams occurs due to the diversity of dream books and the divergence in the meanings of images in dreams. Cutting hair in some means a change in life, a major loss (depending on the length of hair being cut). If they cut long braid, then a complete loss awaits, and other details of the dream speak about the subject of the loss. In addition to the positive aspects and dear people, there is a possibility of losing enemies, obstacles and debts.

Cutting bangs

Cutting bangs means a bad trip, especially if long bangs are cut too short. In case of self-cutting You should pay attention to your spending. If they are just trimming, then do not rush to make changes in your life, especially delay moving: circumstances will naturally develop in such a way that you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and long-term cruise or trip.

New hairstyle

In some dream books, a new haircut means flirting on your part towards the newly-minted desired gentleman, on whom the desire to produce an irresistible effect will awaken. If beautiful hairstyle, then communication will be spontaneous, exciting and enjoyable. In case of ugly hairstyle the object of desire will open from a completely different side, different from the fictitious image created in dreams.

In other sources, a new hairstyle means a positive outcome and pleasant long-awaited changes. The future will be filled with fundamentally new circumstances and phenomena associated with the replacement of work or position. There are interpretations in some dream books that personify a new haircut with the formation of shameful and insane desires.

Under the square

In dream books, cutting your hair into a bob means there is a fear of losing friends. If the dream is detailed in terrible detail, when the haircut does not suit the type of face or is poorly executed, then the fears will appear more intense. In some dream books, the square promises disappointment.

In other sources, a bob haircut in a dream means a romantic relationship, especially if such a hairstyle is new. Whether the acquaintance will be a joy or will bring only sorrow and suffering, the details of the hairstyle, the location of the action, the participants and how the events developed will tell.

An unscrupulously executed hairstyle will manifest itself as negative phenomena: all planned things will not go at all as expected. A high-quality hairstyle warns of a tendency to exaggerate one’s strengths and capabilities. Feelings of superiority often keep you from auditioning necessary advice and offers of assistance. This is typical for people with an uncontrollable and self-righteous character.

Cut your hair to zero

According to the dream book, cut your hair bald means a desire to radically change your life, transforming it into a better quality. If someone else cuts your hair, this foreshadows sudden changes in life coming from a person who will burst into your life.

In some interpretations, a “zero” haircut warns of caution in actions and prudent management of assets, especially when making any transactions. Dreaming about something like this means loss and waste of money.

Other details of the dream

The interpretation depends on other details of the dream. A lot depends on who is doing the haircut, where the action takes place, appearance participants. Perhaps a person is cutting his hair not for himself, but for someone else, and this will have a completely different meaning.

In deciphering dreams, hair color is of significant importance:

  • white is a symbol of courage and bravery;
  • chestnut ones dream of defeats and career failures;
  • redheads emphasize the changeability of relationships with loved ones;
  • black means life choice associated with difficulties.

A short haircut portends a renewal in life, with clean slate and quite differently, achieving heights in other areas.

Cut your own hair

In many dream books, cutting your own hair predicts negative experiences in the near future, lack of finances and difficulties at work. It is possible that your partner will betray you, and in this case it is better to break up, giving the opportunity to develop new feelings instead of the exhausted current ones. Of course, it all depends on other circumstances and the plot:

There is also an interpretation of this event: in the need to work hard, a source of income can be added, especially when a person removes clumps of hair. If the action takes place in your own home, everything earned will be spent on him and his family.

shorten someone

Cutting someone else's hair portends growth and success in all areas of life, respect in one's surroundings. In the case of pleasure, this speaks of a desire to dominate others, often hinting at the existence of a feeling of superiority. Depending on other details of the dream it is interpreted:

  • Cutting your hair for money means quick favorable changes: any business you start will be crowned with success.
  • Doing your hair with the intention of changing the appearance of another means unexpected gifts.
  • Grooming the wrong person by mistake - in life this will result in confusion and arguments with loved ones.
  • You are deliberately careless with your hair, wanting to show off the object later - you lack determination and have a burning desire to change the situation.
  • When you cut a child's hair, he needs advice or help.
  • If you cut your hair against your will, expect significant difficulties.

With such dreams, public recognition can be expected in life. When shearing an enemy or rival, victory over him is expected. Some of the relatives - praise from them.

Perform actions on you

A lot of information comes from dreaming about having your hair cut. This dream involves handing over property to a stranger who performs this action. If this someone close, then wait positive manifestations: promotion, marriage, addition to the family, healing from a long illness.

If friend cuts hair, then very soon you will catch her cheating because of your enviable position. She will weave intrigues, persuading you to do bad things.

When all the action takes place in a dream at the hairdresser, then you need to be careful about your feelings. When you are satisfied with your hairstyle and positive emotions changes await you in better side. If you feel dissatisfied when you see your hairstyle, then don’t expect anything good. When the hairdressing salon is full of people in the dream, then there will be proceedings concerning you. This means that someone has the intention of depriving you of something valuable. It can be not only material values.

Interpretation by psychologists

Hair cutting in a dream differs in meaning not only in dream books, but also among psychologists. Some interpret this as a negative sign, others the opposite. This applies not only to the main action, but to the plot, participants and other details. Here we will briefly consider the opinions of some psychologists and the seer Vanga.

Psychologist Miller

He considers hair cutting in a dream as a negative manifestation. Rivals and envious people do not sleep and are constantly jealous of you and your life. Depending on the plot of the dream, its meaning changes:

  • cutting hair short - to trouble, illness or injury;
  • cut their hair strangers- to loss of love due to outside instigation;
  • a friend is doing the haircut - you should not believe her that she is secretly jealous of you and wants to cause harm;
  • a bob in a hairdresser - to cause terrible harm to your honor.

Doctor Freud

Freud does not see anything bad in such a dream, but believes that radical changes in life await the dreamer. You have invisible internal reserves that no one suspects. Uncover your talents and be sure to use them! The started activity will be successful and profitable. When a person cuts his own hair, the emu will have significant luck. If the scissors break during the action, then there is a chance of losing friends due to your temper and extravagance.

Loff's opinion

Hair in Loff's dream book is discussed in classical meaning: they point to vital energy and health. By cutting them off, a person loses his vitality. If you cut your hair in a dream long hair, then the carelessness and empty thoughts coming from you should be stopped in order to avoid shame when answering for what you have done in front of people. Cutting your hair bald means losing your entire fortune.

Vanga's judgments

Vanga claimed that a dream in which hair is cut short represents losses, illnesses and a feeling of dissatisfaction, leading to loss of faith. Unexpected news will come and unpleasant events will occur. Your untarnished reputation will be slandered and discredited, and it will be difficult to clear your name.

If a girl’s long, lovely braid was cut off in a dream, this means significant damage. This doesn't bode well. It is better to suspend all matters of primary importance and travel. One must be far-sighted and prudent to a large extent.

Very bad sign There will be a dream in which hair falls out during a haircut. Such a dream predicts serious illness. There is a high chance of getting sick soon. The more hair falls out, the more diseases are predicted.

Everyone has their own life and a corresponding perception that evokes individual associations with a particular subject. A person himself can, depending on his mood, perception and details of the dream, listening to the heart and observing life, interpret one or another of his dreams.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many people would like to find out why they dream of cutting hair on their heads. After all, dreams related to curls are very common. Many dream books have interesting interpretations, you will need to take into account other details of the dream in order to choose the appropriate option that will help you avoid trouble.

Many people would like to find out why they dream of cutting hair on their heads.

Great psychologist advises keeping your ears open if you have to cut your hair bald in the land of dreams. Such a dream promises shame for a woman; she should be as careful as possible when communicating with people, since some information can easily compromise her. For a man, such a dream promises loss of money. He should be careful in spending and try to spend less money on all kinds of entertainment. It is not recommended to visit gambling houses, as you can lose every last penny in a fit of excitement. At the same time, the psychologist does not advise investing money in any projects. Their profitability will be only theoretical, and therefore should raise doubts. It is important to try to analyze everything well, in this case you will be able to find more minuses than pluses.

If new hairstyle the girl really liked the girl in her dream, she admired her appearance, then in reality the dreamer will meet a gentleman who will fall into her soul. He will be nice, courteous, and shower you with gifts. After a short courtship, he will propose. It is better for the sleeping woman to agree, since the person will become an excellent husband for her, who will not refuse her anything.

If a new hairstyle really suited a girl in a dream, she admired her appearance, then in reality the dreamer will meet a gentleman who will fall into her soul

When a new hairstyle causes horror in a dream, you should prepare for trouble. The person will feel worse and fall asleep. A dream in which the dreamer's hair was shortened has a bad interpretation. Such a dream promises a serious illness that will be difficult for him to cope with. However, you should not give up, since the situation can still be improved, you just need to believe that recovery will come soon.

You may also dream of cutting a bob haircut in a dream, in which case you should not worry. Minor troubles may arise, but later they will be replaced by success, and fate will provide new opportunities. You shouldn’t give up, you need to start taking action, then you will be able to achieve a lot in life.

If there were curls in a dream unusual color(red, green, yellow), then in reality some unexpected event will happen that will be very surprising. The dreamer will be impressed for several days. However, there is no need to wait for negative events; the dream will not affect the state of affairs or health in any way, therefore Special attention You don’t have to pay attention to this.

Getting your hair cut by a relative in a dream means a quarrel with him. He will want to take something away from the dreamer. It is important to prevent such a development of events, otherwise you will have to pay dearly for it. Sometimes such a dream indicates that the sleeper has been damaged. This was done by the relative who manipulated the person’s hair. It is important to find a magician and ask him to perform a ritual that will remove the negative message.

If a person dreams that he cut his own hair in a dream, then in reality he is harming his health. You should work less, forget about bad habits and try to improve your diet. It is important to try now because in a few months it will be too late.

If you see a person with a bad haircut, you should expect trouble in business sphere. It is not recommended to trust everyone; it is better to double-check incoming information and try to gather a team of like-minded people who will help and not intrigue.

Cutting hair in a dream (video)

Lunar dream book

If you believe “ Lunar dream book”, then a short haircut in a dream promises a person a loss of strength and illness. He should be more careful and monitor his health, otherwise it will be difficult and a lot of money will be spent on treatment. When you dream that a hairdresser is cutting your hair in a dream and the hairstyle turned out well, in reality the changes will be positive. A person will experience success in all endeavors, many interesting proposals and meetings with people who can help in solving complex problems.

If, after visiting the hairdresser, a girl in a dream was very pleased, then in reality she wants to be the center of attention, but this does not work out for her. But she shouldn’t come to the fore and envy those who are more beautiful than her. It is better to develop yourself spiritually, then gentlemen will be drawn to her and she will not feel lonely. IN this moment the dreamer is passionate only about her appearance, which does not benefit her. As soon as the sleeping woman looks inside herself, she will discover facets that she simply did not notice before.

If, after visiting the hairdresser, a girl in a dream was very pleased, then in reality she wants to be the center of attention, but this does not work out for her

Admiring your new haircut in front is a sign of good luck and success. However, such positive changes will lead the dreamer to vanity. She will look at some people with contempt, so she will lose those who really treated her well.

If in a dream a woman not only cut her hair, but also changed the color of her curls, a surprise awaits her in reality. Perhaps someone she knows will give her good gift or the spouse will express gratitude for the fact that she has been with him all these years and supported him in failures.

Most often, a haircut is a harbinger of changes in a person’s life. If the hairstyle turned out beautiful and made the person happy, then they will be positive. When in a dream he became despondent or depressed, one should be wary negative consequences. It is not recommended to make serious decisions in the near future, nor should you spend money. It is better to wait a while so that there are no financial problems.

Why do you dream about hair (video)

Dream book of the 21st century

According to " Dream Interpretation XXI century”, cutting hair is an ambiguous sign. If a stranger gave a person a haircut, then the dream is a harbinger of health problems. It is important to take a closer look at yourself and understand in time what is wrong. You may have a dream in which the boss cuts the hair of the sleeping person. In this case, there is a high probability that the dreamer will be picked on at work over trifles. It is better to try to behave quietly and inconspicuously, but at the same time perform your duties well. Thanks to this strategy, it will be possible to maintain your workplace and not lose permanent income. Sometimes such a dream promises dismissal. The boss will bully the person into writing his resignation letter on his own. Most likely, they will not directly tell him that the company no longer needs him.

If in a dream a woman was given a fashionable hairstyle with which she was satisfied, in reality she will meet a man who will show her signs of attention. However, you should not fall into his arms, since your spouse may find out about the relationship. When unmarried ladies have such a dream, they should try to build a relationship with a new admirer. There is a high probability that you will be able to create a strong family.

If in a dream a woman had a fashionable hairstyle that she was pleased with, in reality she will meet a man who will show her signs of attention

Seeing a relative who is having his hair cut in a dream means that he has a long illness. The dreamer should be given all possible help, dear person I would have done the same.

Luxurious hair after a haircut in a dream promises a person excellent health. He doesn’t have to worry about being overwhelmed by anything; he can easily avoid difficult situations and problems.

Hair cutting often promises positive changes in life. However, when a new hairstyle causes despondency, you should pay attention to your affairs and health.

Attention, TODAY only!

IN different dream books such a dream can be interpreted in different ways, cutting hair in a dream is a sign of new beginnings, and such a dream is also a warning that on this day it is better to stay at home and postpone all planned trips. However, in some dream books, such a dream foreshadows misfortune, illness and great losses. Cutting your hair in a dream means betrayal or treason.

Cutting your hair in a dream means disappointment and losses; if in a dream you cut someone’s hair yourself, then in reality expect a sudden big profit. A dream in which you cut your hair can also mean that in reality you will lose your case in court.

As the dream book interprets it, cutting hair in a dream for guys means that in reality you will soon serve in the army. If in a dream you are getting a haircut from a hairdresser, in reality you will have a scandalous story with some girl whom you will soon meet.

In Miller’s dream book, cutting your hair means you will become stingy and unsympathetic in communicating with business partners. If you get your hair cut in a dream, in reality you will be deceived by some impostor.

According to the dream book, cutting your friend’s hair or if she cuts your hair means that in reality you should not listen to your friend, since her advice will not lead to anything good, be vigilant and do not succumb to provocations.

If in a dream you are getting a haircut from a hairdresser, it means that in reality expect some kind of scandal. Perhaps you will lose your reputation due to some unpleasant love story.

In Freud's dream book, cutting your own hair means success in business. Seeing broken scissors in a dream means that in reality you risk losing friends and losing your position in society; this may result in your eccentric behavior.

Why else do you dream of cutting your hair in a dream?

Why dream of cutting hair with scissors in your hands - such a dream suggests that in reality you will achieve what you want, your ideas will come true and your wishes will come true. The main thing is to use your capabilities and intelligence correctly, a little cunning and you are on top!

A dream in which you saw sheep being sheared means well-being and prosperity. At the same time, the more sheared wool you see in a dream, the more profit you will receive in reality.

A dream in which you had your hair cut very short foreshadows financial problems associated with your wastefulness and inability to save.

If in a dream one of your acquaintances cut your hair, it means that in reality you should expect a trick from relatives or people close to you, and this will not necessarily be the person who appeared to you in the dream.

Why dream of cutting your hair and at the same time talking with your hairdresser means that in reality some action will glorify you.

A dream in which you were forcibly cut off means dishonor, perhaps they will want to trample your good name in the dirt, try not to react to your spiteful critics.

If in a dream you are sweeping your cut hair, in reality you will repent of your ignorance, it will not be easy, but having experienced such changes, you will be renewed for a new life and other relationships.


A dream about a haircut speaks of the position you occupy in society and shows how stable it is. In addition, this symbol can predict new beginnings, projects, and interesting things.

What haircut did you have in mind?

New haircut Beautiful haircut

What type of haircut did you see in your dream?

Short haircut

Haircut under a bob according to the dream book

If you dream of having a bob haircut, you often commit rash acts due to your frivolity, and this causes many problems. Don’t complicate your life, start treating your actions and words more thoughtfully and carefully.


Why do you dream of cutting your hair?

Everything that relates to the person sleeping in a dream has increased significance. The way a person looks, his figure and clothes symbolize him life path now and where it should go in the future. In general, a person’s appearance in a dream is often his idea of ​​how to live.

However, the subconscious, which knows everything about the past and future of the sleeper, often makes its own adjustments to his intentions and beliefs. Through certain symbols, it brings to the level of consciousness information about what is to be experienced in the future, and, sometimes, reports the reasons for this. People have long noticed that before certain events in life, the same images or characters appear in dreams. Based on these observations, well-known interpreters of dreams - dream books - were compiled. Hair is one of the most common and important symbols. IN real life they have always been endowed with a special mystical meaning. It is not without reason that people have long used hair for witchcraft purposes. All this was reflected in the kingdom of Hypnos. And here they personify human strength, including in the magical sense. It is known that powerful vital energy allows you to achieve the highest and unattainable goals, because it provides a person with excellent performance and optimism. Therefore, everything that happens to the sleeper’s hair in a dream is always reflected in his real life.

In order to understand as accurately as possible what a dream predicts, you need to carefully study everything that you remember from it. It is important to pay attention to how this dream left the sleeper feeling. You should know that the more you reflect on what you saw in a dream, the more clearly you remember all its details.

If you cut the hair of a loved one, it means cutting off the road to him. That is, in reality, after such actions in a dream, there will be a cooling in the relationship between the sleeper and the one whose hair he straightened. Since the subconscious does not do anything in vain, since such a plot appears in a dream, it means that in reality there are all the prerequisites for what it predicts. Perhaps these are quarrels with this person or an increasingly growing internal hostility towards him. It is important to know that nothing is just a dream. Cutting hair is a very important sign that can tell a lot about what will happen in a person’s destiny. Hair often symbolizes the life and health of the sleeper. It is known that to see suddenly grown long hair beautiful hair- to a long life. If in a dream the sleeping person cuts off his own hair, this foreshadows losses in material terms or losses in personal relationships. To more accurately understand the prediction, you need to analyze the development of the dream plot. Cutting hair can also mean a deterioration in health, as it symbolizes a person's vital energy. The condition of your hair also tells you a lot. Thick and beautiful foreshadow a life without hardships and worries.

Cutting off dull, lifeless hair means the beginning of a new stage in life. Often, such a dream foreshadows a person’s decision to change his life, which, as they say, has already been matured and prepared by his previous thoughts about his fate. Cutting your child’s hair in a dream means his health will deteriorate. If someone forcibly cuts a sleeping person’s hair, it means that in real life he will have to fulfill someone’s order, which will significantly infringe on his rights to something. If the person who cut the sleeping person’s hair is known to him, this is a sign that it is through this person that troubles and losses will come. Getting a haircut in a dream foreshadows the betrayal of a loved one. Seeing a hairdresser behind the construction of a tall woman’s hair means that soon someone will “comb” the sleeping person in life, that is, they will knock down his arrogance. Seeing a wife cutting her husband's hair means separation between these people. If a hairdresser cuts off the straight hair of a sleeping person in a dream (no matter what kind of hair he has in reality), it means that the planned trip (road) will not take place. Being a hairdresser yourself portends success in professional activity. The more hair cut, the greater the achievement.

If a sleeper cuts off his own hair, which has suddenly become curly, it means that he will soon part with the person who cheated on him or betrayed him. If the dreamer's hair turns golden in a dream and he mercilessly cuts it off, this means losses through his own stupidity.

If a man dreams of his wife with long flowing hair, it means that she is hiding her secret relationship with her lover from him. Cutting off her hair means exposing the woman in reality and preventing her from further meetings with her admirer.


Dream Interpretation, explain to us! Why do you dream of cutting your hair?

Everyone knows that cutting one's hair in reality is considered a bad omen. After all, in this case the person changes own life for the worse. I wonder why you dream about cutting your hair? This also counts bad sign Or are there still some bright prospects?

Getting a haircut in a dream. General interpretation

That's all today famous dream books all over the world they tell us that any hair that we see in a dream symbolizes fortitude and willpower. That is why you need to try to remember everything down to the smallest detail: their appearance, length, color, etc.

Usually, all interpretations are explained in two ways: a dream is a projection of real events or a harbinger of certain future events. The first option happens by itself if you are going to visit a hairdresser in the near future or have already visited one. This is not discussed. We are interested in precisely the mystical aspect of this problem, that is, when we didn’t even think about hair, but for some reason we dreamed about it. Let's talk about this.

Why do you dream of cutting your hair? Miller's Dream Book

Family dream book. Getting a haircut in a dream

If you dream about being forcibly cut against your of one's own will, then think about your soft character and your low self-esteem. In addition, this dream affects the sexual aspect of your life: in reality you do not attract the opposite sex. Look at your appearance and change something about it.

Why do you dream of cutting your hair? Hosse's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of cutting your hair? Vanga's Dream Book

  1. Do you dream about how you yourself want to cut someone’s hair? This means that in reality your intelligence and resourcefulness will help you realize some ideas, and prudence and insight will make it easy to find contact with any person.
  2. If a man cuts his hair in a dream, then serious conflicts with a devoted friend are coming. Your long-term relationship may be on the verge of breaking down. You will disagree on everything: in ideology, in outlook on life, etc.
  3. If in life you have long hair, but in a dream you cut it short, moral and financial losses are coming. At the same time, the dreamer himself will act as a provocateur of his own losses!
  4. In a dream, did you cut your own enemies' hair? Congratulations! You fooled them! Expect incredible happiness, profit and relief from the burden that has been on your shoulders for a certain amount of time.


I dreamed that my hair was being cut.


Marina Podolyan

Hair can be a symbol of our personality, and the meaning of this image can depend on what form it takes. For example, combing your hair may indicate a desire to untangle the situation. A haircut can symbolize new beginnings. The person who cut your hair can harm you or is already harming you, perhaps because of envy and this is connected with work or study (career path), but the fact that the braid is on the other side means that this person is not constantly in your life, that is, for work or study (you only meet there).


in general, hair is a road, you were getting ready to go on a long journey somewhere, unfortunately something or someone will interfere with you, but in general, what was not done is for the better! Good luck!


Cutting your hair means everything bad: misfortune, mourning, sadness, loss, melancholy, revenge, etc. So take care of yourself.


Many dream books say... if they cut your hair... there will be betrayal

Sasha Prokopyev

There is a danger of catching shingles.

Olga Kuznetsova

If in a dream a young woman combs her beautiful, well-groomed hair, then in reality she does not attach due importance to her personal life. If a man dreams that he is beginning to go bald, then this warns him against wastefulness, which can lead to serious financial problems. If you dream that your hair is turning grey, then such a dream can predict the imminent death of a close friend or relative. If you saw in a dream a young boy or girl with gray hair, be prepared for loss. Perhaps your lover will leave your life. With special care like a dream should be treated by a woman, because troubles can occur through her fault. If a young lady dreams of women with gray hair, she should beware of her rivals, as she risks losing her beau. If you dreamed that your entire body was covered with hair, then perhaps you are overindulging in the pleasures of the flesh, and this can lead to problems in communicating with others. Black curly hair is a symbol of flirtation and temptation. If a young woman dreams of them, then she may become a victim of a love affair. If a man dreamed that he had such hair, then he would drive many women crazy. Red hair is a symbol of impermanence. If young man dreamed that his beloved had red hair, then he should be prepared for jealousy. Snow-white hair means that fate will be favorable to you. If a woman dreams that she has hair different color, then this means that in real life she will be faced with the problem of choice. If she is reasonable enough, her life will change for the better. Seeing lush hair is a sign of prosperity. If you dream that your hair is carefully arranged in your hair, this may mean that good luck awaits you. If you dreamed that you had short hair, be prepared for financial problems due to your extravagance. Disheveled hair may mean that problems await you in business and family life. If a young woman dreamed that she could not comb her hair, then she should pacify her obstinate temper. A dream in which you were cut warns that you should be prepared for deception and disappointment. If the hair begins to fall out on its own, this means serious financial difficulties. If a man dreamed that he was fingering a woman’s delicate curls, this good sign. Such a dream promises him mutual love with a good woman who will be faithful to him no matter what. If you dreamed that your hair was decorated with flowers, then you cannot avoid trouble. However, they will turn out to be much less serious than they initially seemed.


Some losses, deprivations. And you won’t be to blame for this, you just won’t be able to do anything.

Positive Drop

Cutting your hair means losses and disappointments, but a braid is an intrigue.

Daria Daria

Well, in general, yes, it’s a loss, but it’s best to believe in what you like))) good advice

Why do you dream of cutting your hair?


Vladimir Rudakov

The dream suggests that at night you breathed either cold or dry air. And nothing more.

Eustace Aleksovich

To the loss of some influence on others.


to a loss.



they cut it but there was a clump of hair left



I dreamed that my mother was cutting my boyfriend's hair. What is this for?


My brother has long hair, I dreamed that he cut his hair short...


Good afternoon.
I dreamed that I cut my hair with one swipe of scissors, it turned out to be a short haircut under the bark, which really surprised me because... I have never worn short hair at all.
Thank you.


good morning! I dreamed that my husband cut my hair short and left a ponytail behind, and at the same time he was still laughing. What could this mean? Thank you.


I often dream that I am a hairdresser and I am cutting someone’s hair...


My grandmother cut my hair in the bathhouse


I dreamed that I cut my beloved guy’s hair, but it seemed too short, and I was very ashamed. Please tell me what this was for?


that I have a bob haircut, but I have long hair.


In the dream I had a desire to get a bob haircut, I couldn’t see who was doing the haircut...then I saw the result in the mirror, in principle the hairstyle was neat and well done, but I was overcome by doubt: maybe I should not have cut it, but grown my hair.


My mother has hair just below her shoulders, and I dreamed that she cut her hair almost bald, like a boy... and I really shouted at her that I didn’t like it, and all that...
Why do you dream about this, please tell me?


I have long hair. and in a dream I saw how I cut my hair into a bob and my hair was blond, but I myself had dark hair. and I was so sorry in my dream


I have medium-long black hair, but I dreamed that I had short reddish hair, and on the parietal area it was cut like a hedgehog and I try to comb it in front of the mirror so that this hedgehog is not visible because the person I love very much, but! We're not together in real life, he says he doesn't like it that way


I dreamed that I saw a friend of mine have a new haircut, it was a bob. Her hair was light brown (her natural color). This hairstyle did not suit her and I was surprised that she decided to take this step.


I dreamed that I was trying to cut my hair with a clipper... then I asked a friend to sharpen the blade and carefully straighten my hair... then I ran to some multi-story shopping center... where for some reason I ran without a T-shirt... although people don’t seem to pay much attention.


Good evening, I dreamed that they gave me a bob, that is, I didn’t see who was doing the haircut, but I told the hairdresser: not too short? And she told me: no, it will be fine for you. Then I look in the mirror and instead of long hair (in life I have long brown hair), I have a light bob. And my aunt (I didn’t see her, but I knew that she was): well, what are you talking about, it suits you and you wanted a bob... And I told her: yes, but then... My aunt and I are returning home and the stump is just hysterical because of this haircut, I I was very sorry for my long hair. This is such a dream


I dreamed that I asked my younger sister to trim the ends of my hair, a little, half a millimeter, and she cut it off for me by as much as six centimeters, I cried a lot in my sleep because of this, I tell her. that I grew them for half a year. and you cut them.. then I had a braided hair, short, I touched it with my hand and got upset..


I had a dream about how I cut my hair into a bob, but for some reason no one noticed this, when I told my dad and he looked at me more attentively, he scolded me) and I cut my hair because it was split


I dreamed that I had a very short haircut and my hair became so thin. I look at myself in the mirror and cry...

[email protected]:

Hello, I have long, dark hair, but my bangs began to fall out a lot (this is in real life), and I dreamed that I had a boy’s haircut, my hair was light brown, and where my bangs were, my hair became very thick.


I sit on a chair in a multi-colored sundress and comb my hair in front of the mirror, and then take scissors and cut my bangs.


I have my own very long hair, in a dream I dreamed that I had a short haircut, neat, beautiful and styled hair.


in a dream they cut my hair, my hair is light brown, but in the dream it looked like bleached blonde. The haircut was short, like a short bob; I have long hair. The hairstyle didn't suit me. not at all. I cried, I just roared, and everyone else around was pretty calm. scared and woke up


I saw myself in the mirror as I cut my hair with a clipper only on the sides and in the front. Why is this? It was from Saturday to Sunday. Thank you.


I dreamed that my late grandmother was cutting my hair (it was short in front and longer in the back, like a ladder bob) - I was sitting on the floor and she was on the sofa. At the same time, my living aunt (grandmother’s eldest daughter) was present.


Good evening, please tell me what the dream is about: a woman is cutting my hair, I see very light hair on my head short hair and I start crying because of this, I felt sorry for cutting them very short


Mom cut my long hair into a bob, and I just asked to trim the ends, my hair became vibrant and healthy and I liked it, but I was very sorry for the length and it made me cry a lot


I just dreamed that I had a bob haircut. And it suited me very well. It was summer. It was as if I was in some kind of forest or park.


At the moment I want to grow my hair and I don’t always succeed, I got a topocut or something else, but this time I manage to grow it, but in a dream I dreamed about how I cut my hair short only on the sides. Thank you in advance!


in a dream my mother cut my hair. At the same time, I liked it, the hair looked beautiful and thick, it was just unusual, since in life I always have long hair


Hello. In my dream I was cut into a bob. My friend said it suits me very well. What is it for? Sleep from Sunday to Monday.


Hello! Today I came home from the night shift and lay down to rest. I had a dream that my now deceased mother was cutting my hair.. she cut the top of my head short and at the edges there was long hair about to the shoulder. At the same time, there was a conversation about some kind of car so that I could take it for myself supposedly belonged to her, then I woke up in alarm. And I don’t understand why such a dream, I wrote to you, thank you in advance.


3 years ago I lost my mother; in life she was a hairdresser. And yesterday I had a dream about her cutting my long hair. Then they became very short, bob to the chin. What does it mean?


I dreamed that they cut my long and beautiful hair in a salon and gave me a short haircut. but I didn’t want to and cried a lot, even though the haircut turned out to be very beautiful and successful. And she only allowed half of her head to be cut, then she ran away from there.


I was asked to stay with the children (I don’t know these children - a girl and two boys - the boy had wounds on his face with green paint - chickenpox) - a woman who asked me to sit with the children - my distant relative (there was a whole group of us relatives - we were together , then the concept appeared that I had to go to a wedding and it turned out that my relative had no one to stay with the children... she and a woman still unknown to me supposedly brought me to her home, but I understand that this is a multi-story building unknown to me, we With difficulty (in some confusing way) we get into the house - there are children with whom I have to stay. The girl in the woman’s arms begins to cry - I calm her down and the children and I begin to play happily. My relative is getting ready for a wedding, but I see her in white clothes with a white scarf on her head. We all find ourselves in a large building, like a cinema, we came to watch a film. We sit in the chairs of the cinema hall, she (a relative) takes and bows my head and begins to cut my hair, then ties my head with a simple white one a scarf through which my cropped hair is visible. I ask her: didn’t you cut my hair very short? Suddenly it turns out that this is not a cinema, but something similar to a cathedral, a church, where some people occasionally sit.... Suddenly some kind of misunderstanding arises between the manager, they begin to argue and the woman who ordered this hall begins to run away, she her assistants help her quickly get into the car and drive away...And I woke up


I dreamed that I went to my hairdresser to cut my hair a little, and she cut me short like a boy, leaving only two strands of hair. When I saw this, I cried for a very long time and loudly.


I dreamed that I cut my hair very short and cried all day long. In fact, I have hair down to my waist. What could this mean?


I dreamed that I had lice in my hair, I began to take them out of my hair and realized that there were a lot of them. I called my brother and he used a clipper to shave me to 1cm.


I dreamed that my hair was cut into a bob, although in fact I have long hair


I actually have long hair below my shoulder blades, almost to my waist... I dreamed that I was looking in the mirror and I had a short haircut like a bob (and my hair was either wet or greasy), at first I was scared, then I was upset... and then I thought I’ll grow nothing...


In fact, I have very short hair. And today I had a dream, I saw myself in the mirror, my hair was just below my shoulders and my mother was trimming it for me with scissors. My daughter was standing next to me. I felt that I didn’t want my hair to be cut.


Last night I dreamed that my hairdresser cut my hair into a bob, I didn’t ask her for it. When I saw that I had my hair cut, I cried a lot.


Hello, help me explain the dream. I remember that I dreamed about relatives, then someone I knew cut my hair into a bob, and then there was a date! In general, I often dream about a date with a stranger, and I have a pleasant feeling, what could this mean?


I dreamed that my mother cut my hair, a very short bob, I look in the mirror and see that I feel very good, everyone around me is delighted, my mother and friends, but I am upset because I want very long hair. In a dream, I just can’t come to terms with the fact that my hair is not the long one I would like, but looking in the mirror I understand that I feel good, but I can’t admit it in any way.


I dreamed that I was crying a lot because of cutting my hair, on the left there was a bob haircut that was too short and on the right there was a long normal haircut... and I scream what a shame how to walk with this haircut now, that’s what I remember


Hello, my name is Elena. I dreamed today that my mother was telling me to cut my hair shorter, she tells you it’s better this way, (I now have shoulder-length hair) and she started cutting me, just above my ear in the dream and said at the same time that it’s better to cut it this way, and she says it’s better this way, I’m at I cried a lot and my mother laughed so loudly. And I laughed and laughed..... And in a dream I closed my eyes very tightly so as not to see anything, and then I couldn’t open my eyes, as if someone was holding them to me, in fact, then after a while I managed to open them and I have a son in my room he cried and called me. Can you tell me what this is for?


I dreamed that my grandmother, who died, cut my daughter’s hair short (she has long white hair), as if I followed her to kindergarten, and there was my grandmother instead of a teacher. I saw my daughter’s hair cut and asked: “Why???” And she tells me: “She was so cold!” I was beside myself! She screamed, I think she even wanted to call the police! Allegedly, what is she doing in kindergarten? She's crazy! Although I never thought of anything like this in reality and I love her very much! She invested a lot in me! I live in her apartment. And also, there, in the same kindergarten, it was as if not only my daughter was there, but also supposedly the son (of the same age) of my ex-husband (in reality he is ex-husband, but we still live together and he definitely doesn’t have any son no) and he defended my daughter and as if he received it from his grandmother. It turns out she cut my daughter's hair and beat my ex-husband's son


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I cut my own hair using a trimmer... In the dream I cut my hair short, I even remember that the attachment was 1 mm. All this action took place at home, near the mirror. I would be grateful if you write to me the meaning of this dream)


I dreamed that I was ready to do anything for the sake of fashion, and then they put a mask on me, and a woman begins to paint me, then I look and understand that this is my mother, she says that now she needs her to scalp me a little, like she had already gone through this, I said no, then agreed, but she cut off my hair a little, and I shaved off one side of my head a little with a clipper, and I really liked it, I had thick curly hair in a ponytail, in my dream I wanted it to I saw everyone, I met old friends, they asked what I was doing, I told the truth to the models and I go to art school, in general, in the dream I was not upset, but on the contrary, I was very confident and I liked everything. Help me to understand.


good afternoon, last night I dreamed that my hair was cut like a boy, not forcibly, but suddenly I look at myself and my haircut is short, although now my hair is 40 cm long, in the dream I like the haircut and I think to myself that the hair It’s a shame, but it doesn’t work for me and my hair will grow back anyway


Hello Tatiana. Today I dreamed that I was cutting my boyfriend’s son’s hair. My son is 11 years old, I cut him short with a clipper and then his bangs with scissors, overall the haircut was a success, I only didn’t like the bangs, I tried to do everything better, but it didn’t work.


Hello! I dreamed that my mother Vera was getting her hair cut by her friend Natalya, and then my mother and I were sitting in the room, and Vera was shaking her cut hair off her bare shoulders and complaining to me that it was hurting her. What could this mean?


Hello! I had a dream in which my mother cut my hair, she cut my bob. Could this mean the loss of a loved one?


I dreamed of a bob haircut and I felt very beautiful and easily comfortable with this haircut and the hair color was dark cherry.


My daughter has long hair (11 years old). I didn’t dream that my daughter and grandmother were returning from somewhere and her hair was cut very short. I remember that I cried very hard in my sleep and woke up. (the relationship with my grandmother is not very good, and she does not take any part in our life with our daughter). She takes her somewhere very rarely.

If you were getting a haircut in a dream, be extremely careful in real life. The dream book does not claim that something necessarily bad will happen. There will just be certain changes. To find out more precisely why you dream about this, look not at one, but at several interpreters at the same time.

Universal dream book

Did you dream that you were cutting your hair at a hairdresser? Be afraid of unpleasant gossip about your person. Unkind rumors will grow like a snowball, and to stop their spread you will have to demonstrate your character to the gossipers.

If the new haircut considered in a dream is similar to the one worn by someone you know, it means that you should turn your attention to this person. close attention. It is possible that it is this citizen who starts the above-mentioned unkind gossip.

Universal dream book recommends deciding to have an extremely frank conversation. This source also explains why you dream about a bad haircut. If the hair on your head is not styled at all the way you would like it to be, you should be wary of strangers encroaching on your personal property. Litigation and prolonged conflicts cannot be ruled out.

Did you dream that you acted as a hairdresser yourself and gave someone a haircut yourself? The universal dream book predicts all kinds of success and wealth. But you will not achieve these benefits yourself, but with the help of another person. Another option for why you dream of a similar plot is a feeling of superiority over others.

Modern interpreter

Cutting the hair on your head in a dream means losses and bitter disappointment. Moreover, the shorter the new haircut was, the more severe and prolonged your suffering will be. If you dreamed that you yourself were giving someone a short haircut, then expect an improvement in your material well-being. Another version of the explanation for why you dream of a haircut is a likely win in the case in court.

For young guys, dreaming of a bald haircut predicts immediate military service. If a girl saw in a dream that she was cut bald, then her honor will be seriously disgraced. Modern dream book recommends taking care of your reputation in advance and, if possible, avoiding any dubious companies. Often it is illegibility and carelessness in relationships with other people that become the causes of numerous troubles.

As the dream book explains, cutting hair in a dream for guys means that service in the well-known army awaits in the very near future. If in a dream you are getting your hair cut by a professional hairdresser, in reality you will have a very scandalous story with some girl whom you will soon meet.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book believes that a dreamed haircut is a sign that in reality you will show stinginess and sober calculation in your relationships with business partners. If you dream that your head is getting a short haircut, beware of deception.

Did you dream that you were giving your friend a short bob? Under no circumstances should you listen to the advice she gives. Her words will not help solve the problem, but will only worsen it. Miller's dream book recommends not paying attention to provocations and acting only as your mind tells you.

Various interpretations

The women's dream book believes that a dreamed haircut and coloring is a sign that you need to change something in your life. Any changes will be beneficial, even the smallest ones. If you dream that you have a bob haircut on your head, be afraid in reality of losing friends dear to your heart. Especially if this hairstyle was bad and did not suit your face at all.

Getting rid of bangs in a dream means moving. You will have to move quite urgently due to sudden life circumstances.

Cutting hair according to the dream book

In different dream books, such a dream can be interpreted differently, cutting hair in a dream is a sign of new beginnings, and such a dream is also a warning that on this day it is better to stay at home and postpone all planned trips. However, in some dream books, such a dream foreshadows misfortune, illness and great losses. Cutting your hair in a dream means betrayal or treason.

Cutting your hair in a dream means disappointment and losses; if in a dream you cut someone’s hair yourself, then in reality expect a sudden big profit. A dream in which you cut your hair can also mean that in reality you will lose your case in court.

As the dream book interprets it, cutting hair in a dream for guys means that in reality you will soon serve in the army. If in a dream you are getting a haircut from a hairdresser, in reality you will have a scandalous story with some girl whom you will soon meet.

In Miller’s dream book, cutting your hair means you will become stingy and unsympathetic in communicating with business partners. If you get your hair cut in a dream, in reality you will be deceived by some impostor.

According to the dream book, cutting your friend’s hair or if she cuts your hair means that in reality you should not listen to your friend, since her advice will not lead to anything good, be vigilant and do not succumb to provocations.

If in a dream you are getting a haircut from a hairdresser, it means that in reality expect some kind of scandal. Perhaps you will lose your reputation due to some unpleasant love story.

In Freud's dream book, cutting your own hair means success in business. Seeing broken scissors in a dream means that in reality you risk losing friends and losing your position in society; this may result in your eccentric behavior.

Why else do you dream of cutting your hair in a dream?

Why dream of cutting hair with scissors in your hands - such a dream suggests that in reality you will achieve what you want, your ideas will come true and your wishes will come true. The main thing is to use your capabilities and intelligence correctly, a little cunning and you are on top!

A dream in which you saw sheep being sheared means well-being and prosperity. At the same time, the more sheared wool you see in a dream, the more profit you will receive in reality.

A dream in which you had your hair cut very short foreshadows financial problems associated with your wastefulness and inability to save.

If in a dream one of your acquaintances cut your hair, it means that in reality you should expect a trick from relatives or people close to you, and this will not necessarily be the person who appeared to you in the dream.

Why dream of cutting your hair and at the same time talking with your hairdresser means that in reality some action will glorify you.

A dream in which you were forcibly cut off means dishonor, perhaps they will want to trample your good name in the dirt, try not to react to your spiteful critics.

If in a dream you are sweeping your cut hair, in reality you will repent of your ignorance, it will not be easy, but having experienced such changes, you will be renewed for a new life and other relationships.

Dream interpretation of cutting hair

Why dream of cutting hair in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about cutting your hair is a harbinger of losses and loss of authority. If they cut your hair, you won’t be able to keep what you value.

For the poor, the dream has reciprocal value and portends a noticeable improvement in the financial situation.

Have you cut someone's hair in a dream? Have you seen someone get their hair cut in a dream? How did you get your hair cut in your dream? Who cut your hair in your dream?

Have you cut someone's hair in a dream?

Cutting another person's hair in a dream

Why dream of cutting someone's hair? The dream promises finding happiness and joy in life. Another person cuts hair - you will experience joyful moments and achieve good results.

Cutting a man's hair in a dream

The dream book considers a man's haircut as a warning. Soon the situation may develop in such a way that you harm another, albeit unknowingly. Be careful what you say and do.

Cutting your husband's hair in a dream

If you cut your husband’s hair in a dream, in reality you will soon break up with him. Cut hair ex-husband- soon cope with the grievances experienced and forget about him.

Cutting the hair of a dead person in a dream

You dream about cutting the hair of a deceased person - good sign. It will be possible to recover from a long-standing illness. For a healthy person, a dream promises strong immunity and the absence of illnesses.

Cutting your mother's hair in a dream

I dreamed that you were cutting your mother’s hair - the need for your support and help in reality. Show participation in the life of the parent, take an interest in her needs and desires.

Cutting a child's hair in a dream

A dream about cutting a child's hair indicates your excessive guardianship of your child in reality. Your concern does not allow him to learn to make decisions on his own and deal with problems. Continuing in the same spirit, you risk raising a person unadapted to life.

Have you seen someone get their hair cut in a dream?

Dream about my daughter's hair being cut

Why do you dream about your daughter's cut hair? The dream indicates your daughter's strong attachment to you. It's time to study independent life, you must let her choose her own path.

Cutting long hair in a dream

Cutting long hair is interpreted in the dream book as impending losses, misfortune, slander. Cutting your own long hair means unexpected sad events, misfortune, poverty. Pay attention to your health; a serious illness is possible.

How did you get your hair cut in your dream?

In a dream, the ends of your hair were cut

In a dream, the ends of your hair were cut - good events will pass you by. Cutting your own hair means you experience fear of the future, indecision to make a choice and decide on a position.

Cut your hair into a bob in a dream

If you dream that you cut your hair into a bob, you will experience hardships and losses. You will have to return the property entrusted to you for a time. If in reality you feel the need for material resources- you will be able to achieve prosperity in financial matters.

Who cut your hair in your dream?

Cutting your own hair in a dream

If you dreamed that you were cutting your own hair, it meant revealing secrets that were carefully hidden from other secrets. You should beware of betrayal that can cause problems at work.

Why dream of cutting hair at a hairdresser?

A dream about cutting hair at a hairdresser foretells a fun time with friends, attending parties, etc. entertainment events. It will be easy and joyful for you.

A dead man cuts his hair in a dream

Why do you dream of a dead man cutting his hair? An extremely negative sign. You should take care of your own health and safety; tragic events with a fatal outcome cannot be ruled out.

A dream about a haircut speaks of the position you occupy in society and shows how stable it is. In addition, this symbol can predict new beginnings, projects, and interesting things.

What haircut did you have in mind?

New haircut Beautiful haircut

What type of haircut did you see in your dream?

Short haircut

Haircut under a bob according to the dream book

If you dream of having a bob haircut, you often commit rash acts due to your frivolity, and this causes many problems. Don’t complicate your life, start treating your actions and words more thoughtfully and carefully.

Why do you dream about having your hair cut?


Lina Krasilnikova

The hair itself in a dream is a symbol of hair on the genitals, most often female, but all the actions that are associated with it: cutting, washing or putting hair in a hairstyle are a symbol of sexual intercourse. Long hair symbolizes your lack of self-confidence during sexual encounters. On the contrary, short-cropped hair or a shaved head symbolizes your self-confidence. A complex or elaborate hairstyle symbolizes your inferiority complex and failure in the sexual sphere. If a woman combs her hair, then she regrets missed opportunities. If a man combs his hair, then he is preparing for a new sexual encounter. [link blocked by decision of the project administration]



To a change of life! something will change in your life! what color is the hair? If it’s light, then it’s a change for the better, but if it’s dark, you’ll understand it yourself...

Edya Pskovsky

To hair loss.


It's not very good to cut. Perhaps some danger awaits you.

Smart girl

Hasse's Dream Interpretation:: Hair
Scratching is a good income; cut your hair - a death in the family; to see how they grow - prudence in business; falling out - loss of property; selling is misfortune; redheads are false; white - peace of mind; combed - affection; on the chest - health; disheveled - family troubles; beautiful black ones - you are loved; weave - you will start a relationship; paint - emptiness and delusion; long - they respect and love you; scratching others - constantly bothering someone; on your hand - think about the future; scorch - avoid trouble; loose - anxiety; wash - anxiety; light - flexibility and kindness.


To change life for the worse.

Natalya Shchepilina

This is a financial loss, and someone will push you into it, be careful and careful.



If in a dream a young woman combs her beautiful, well-groomed hair, then in reality she does not attach due importance to her personal life. If a man dreams that he is beginning to go bald, then this warns him against wastefulness, which can lead to serious financial problems. If you dream that your hair is turning grey, then such a dream can predict the imminent death of a close friend or relative. If you saw in a dream a young boy or girl with gray hair, be prepared for loss. Perhaps your lover will leave your life. A woman should treat such a dream with special caution, because troubles can occur through her fault. If a young lady dreams of women with gray hair, she should beware of her rivals, as she risks losing her beau. If you dreamed that your entire body was covered with hair, then perhaps you are overindulging in the pleasures of the flesh, and this can lead to problems in communicating with others. Black curly hair is a symbol of flirtation and temptation. If a young woman dreams of them, then she may become a victim of a love affair. If a man dreamed that he had such hair, then he would drive many women crazy. Red hair is a symbol of impermanence. If a young man dreamed that his beloved had red hair, then he should be prepared for jealousy. Snow-white hair means that fate will be favorable to you. If a woman dreams that she has hair of different colors, this means that in real life she will be faced with the problem of choice. If she is reasonable enough, her life will change for the better. Seeing lush hair is a sign of prosperity. If you dream that your hair is carefully arranged in your hair, this may mean that good luck awaits you. If you dreamed that you had short hair, be prepared for financial problems due to your extravagance. Disheveled hair may mean that problems await you in business and family life. If a young woman dreamed that she could not comb her hair, then she should pacify her obstinate temper. A dream in which you were cut warns that you should be prepared for deception and disappointment. If the hair begins to fall out on its own, this means serious financial difficulties. If a man dreamed that he was fingering a woman’s delicate curls, this is a good sign. Such a dream promises him mutual love with a good woman who will be faithful to him, no matter what. If you dreamed that your hair was decorated with flowers, then you cannot avoid trouble. However, they will turn out to be much less serious than they initially seemed.


cutting your hair in a dream means an important moment in your life will come soon!!!

Short head haircut

Dream Interpretation - Hair

Black short and curly ones mean grief and misfortune.

Smoothly combed hair portends friendship and the end of disasters.

Tousled hair portends boredom, grief, insult and quarrel.

Hair falling carelessly over the shoulders marks the death of a relative or friend.

Not being able to distinguish your hair from someone else’s in a dream is a sign of litigation and long work.

To have hair as long as a woman's in a dream signifies cowardice, timidity and deceit from the female sex.

Seeing your hair longer and blacker than usual means an increase in honors and wealth.

To dream that your hair is falling apart foretells ruin and poverty.

To see in a dream that your hair has turned white means complete exhaustion of strength, a decline in property, and sometimes illness.

Seeing a woman without any hair portends hunger, poverty and illness.

Seeing a man without hair is a sign of abundance, wealth and health.

Scratching your hair in a dream is a sign of the end of a complicated case.

Weaving your hair into a braid portends that you will mess up some business and end up in prison for debts.

Cutting the hair of another portends profit for the one whose hair is being cut.

Cutting your own hair portends unexpected sadness and annoyance, and sometimes misfortune, poverty and even illness.

Smearing your hair with lard signifies an insult from others.

Smearing them with lipstick or soaking them in some perfume foretells honors and respect from others.

Seeing hair coming out of your head is a very bad dream and means leaving us in trouble and misfortune by our family and friends.

Seeing hair growing on the arms, legs, chest and face portends unexpected happiness, an increase in wealth and an improvement in fortune.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

If a man dreams that he has a woman's braid, this is a sign that he will be deceived by some woman.

A hairless woman in a dream means a time of famine, poverty and illness.

A man with a shaved head symbolizes the opposite.

Black, short, curly or tangled hair portends boredom, grief, and sometimes insult and quarrel.

A person who dreams that he is itching and can hardly comb his hair is in for a lawsuit, some controversial matter or difficult work.

Seeing well-combed and tastefully styled hair in a dream promises friendship and liberation from unpleasant matters.

If anyone dreams that his hair or beard is being shaved, this threatens him with illness, the loss of a loved one, a respected person, or most of his fortune.

To dream of hair falling means boredom and loss.

When an official sees in a dream that he has large, beautiful hair, this is a sign that great honors and glory await him.

If he dreams that his hair has turned grey, then this dream predicts that his wealth and happiness are heading towards complete decline.

If an official sees in a dream that his hair has become longer and darker than usual, then he should expect even greater honors and wealth.

If you dream that your hair has become thinner than it was before, grief or poverty is ahead.

To dream that one's hair can be pulled out only with difficulty means that the time is approaching when one will have to make every effort to get rid of poverty.

When someone dreams of an unknown woman with beautiful long hair, this is a very good sign.

Such a dream portends joy, friendship and prosperity for both women and men.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

Disheveled hair means family troubles.

Combing your hair is good money.

White hair means peace of mind.

Thick hair - strength, health.

Long hair means you are respected and loved.

Washing your hair is a worry.

Hair cut - loss.

Loose hair means anxiety.

Combing your hair means business losses.

Gray hair is a concern.

A red-haired woman is an unstable love.

Red hair is false.

Black-haired woman see gossip.

Black hair - we love you

Dream Interpretation - Hair

The hair itself in a dream is a symbol of hair on the genitals, most often female, but all the actions that are associated with it: cutting, washing or putting hair in a hairstyle are a symbol of sexual intercourse.

Long hair symbolizes your lack of self-confidence during sexual encounters. On the contrary, short-cropped hair or a shaved head symbolizes your self-confidence.

A complex or elaborate hairstyle symbolizes your inferiority complex and failure in the sexual sphere.

If a woman combs her hair, then she regrets missed opportunities.

If a man combs his hair, then he is preparing for a new sexual encounter.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

If you see thick and long hair in a dream, then for young people, women and military men this means wealth, honor, and longevity, and for others it means grief and mental anxiety. If someone sees in a dream that the hair on his head has fallen out, but not to the extent that a bald spot is revealed, then he will get rid of debt, or be freed from any sadness and anxiety and will experience contentment and joy. If anyone sees white hair among his black hair, he will have a beloved child. But if a woman sees such a dream, then she will experience anxiety and concern because of her husband. If anyone sees that his hair is being cut, he will lose the property given to him for temporary use (amonat). If the one who sees such a dream is poor, then he will be freed from want. And if someone sees that he himself is cutting his hair, this means that his secrets will be revealed, and he will be removed from his superiors. If a woman sees in a dream that her hair is not covered, then her absent husband will return, and if she does not have a husband, she will receive him. If she sees in a dream that the hair on her head is being cut, it means that her husband will give her a divorce. If someone sees in a dream that the hair on his wife’s head is cut off, it means that his wife is intimate with another man.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

Hair is a good sign. If you dream of black, curly hair, the dream foreshadows sadness and failure; well-combed hair promises friendship and an end to troubles; tangled hair means trouble and suffering. If you cannot untangle your hair in a dream, this foretells worries, litigation and long work. If men see their hair as long as a woman's, they will be deceived. Seeing your hair longer than usual promises you increased honors and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

Dirty, tangled - if for you, then to problems on the way; if for someone else - you are worried about difficulties in the upcoming journey.

Imagine that it was not hair, but wool (see Wool).

Long - long road, short - close journey. Gray - long, happy life. Fall out - to renewal of life. Thick - to profit. Changes in a person’s appearance associated with hair mean changes in life: combing your hair means you will be able to get out of difficult situation; cutting hair - business endeavors will bring success; braid your hair - new acquaintances await you that can provide invaluable support in career advancement; shaving your head bald - a dream foreshadows a quick release from all debts; backcombing - awaits you big win; the master made a creative haircut - progress in love relationships with the object of your attention; getting a perm means moving to a new place awaits you.

Imagine that your hair is shiny, thick and clean. Run your hands through them, feel how much hair you have, how strong it is.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

They symbolize thoughts, ideas and various kinds of ideas.

To see your hair beautiful and clean in a dream is a sign that some idea can lead you to success.

Disheveled hair: they say that it’s time for you to put your thoughts in order.

If in a dream you noticed someone’s hairstyle: such a dream suggests that in reality you may find yourself involved in someone’s plans or receive some advice.

At the same time, an intricate hairstyle is too long, if its length confuses you: most often they talk about delay in implementing certain ideas.

Dandruff or dirt in the hair: mean harmful thoughts that threaten to lead you to big troubles or even shame.

It’s even worse to see lice or fleas in your hair: after such a dream, it will be better for you to avoid the advice of strangers, they can lead you to big trouble! If you dream of going bald, such a dream foreshadows the futility of your plans.

In general, the image of hair should be understood as follows: beautiful hair: these are fruitful thoughts, and ugly ones.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

Long hair - for a long journey.

Beautiful, lush, shiny hair means health and wealth.

Rare, emerging - to losses and troubles.

Braiding hair means worries, troubles.

Combing is frivolity, deception.

Tangled hair means chaos in business.

Seeing short, cropped hair is a warning not to be wasteful.

A lush hairstyle means boundless happiness.

Gray hair is a deterioration in affairs, but absolutely snow-white hair is a sign of comforting news, interesting meetings and travel.

Stroking someone's hair is a sign of a good turn in matters of the heart: you will have a worthy lover.

Cutting hair means treason, betrayal.

Burning hair means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Body hair

Having a lot of body hair is lucky.

To have a body overgrown with thick black hair is a sign of great happiness / disorder in mental life, to be under the rule of primitive instincts.

To grow curly hair means to overestimate your sexual capabilities.

To grow white hair means to experience fear of death / to become clairvoyant.

The hair on the palms has grown - something unpleasant.

Hair on the lips has grown - a threat violent death, you should be very careful.

Why did you dream about Haircut (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Why see a haircut depends on what exactly is being trimmed.

  • Cutting your own hair means losses, unfulfilled dreams, and disappointments. But shortening someone else’s strands means big profits and unexpected luck.
  • If you see a friend in the role of a hairdresser, you cannot listen to her advice in reality.
  • Shearing sheep means wealth, prosperity, and big income.
  • Having a short haircut is a sign of wastefulness and financial problems.

Seeing yourself cutting your nails is extremely unfavorable. This is a warning about loss of status, broken dreams, broken contracts.

Why did you dream about Haircuts (Psychiatric dream book)

Why did you dream about cutting your own or another person’s hair? On a subconscious level, this is how the desire to let in the wind of change manifests itself. In reality, to turn a page in life, many women change their hairstyle. The same goes for dreams.

If you enjoy watching a hairdresser do a haircut and chatting with him, changes in your life will happen for the better. You dreamed that a stranger was cutting your hair, someone was trying to harm you or get into your life without asking. In a dream, you are giving a person a haircut, which means that you subconsciously want to change this person.

Why do you dream of a Haircut (Romantic dream book)

Why you dream of a haircut depends on the characters.

  • Cutting your loved one's hair and then sweeping the hair means changes in your personal life. They may not be easy for you, but renewal is simply necessary to find happiness and harmony.
  • Cutting the nails of a deceased means returning the family idyll, enjoying the warmth and care of a partner.
  • Seeing your spouse cut your nails means that in reality you will be deceived in your hopes. Perhaps your significant other will present an unpleasant surprise.

Negative interpretation of a dream in which you are forcibly cut off. Quarrels with a loved one due to gossip and slander are not excluded.

To dream about a Haircut, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

If you cut your nails in a dream, it means loss, illness, trouble. Authority will be lost. Trimming your mustache in a dream means impotence in your love affairs. If you dreamed of cutting your hair, it means treason, betrayal, deceit, loss, sadness, illness. To cut someone's hair in a dream means to rob, to take advantage of someone or something: to profit.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about a Hairstyle (according to the Everyday Dream Book)

If in a dream you dreamed of a haircut, it is you who is cutting your hair, not you, then the dream means that a betrayal of a loved one awaits you ahead or loved one. Seeing a haircut with scissors in your hands means that you will achieve what you want. And even a little more, only thanks to the fact that you will use your mind and ingenuity. A little trick, a little game - and you're on top.

If you dreamed about shearing sheep, then this dream promises well-being and prosperity. At the same time, the more wool comes out of shearing sheep, the more profits you will receive. In general, if you get your hair cut in a dream, it means losses, and if you get your hair cut, it means gains. If you dream that you have short hair, then you should expect financial problems related directly to your extravagance.

Getting a haircut from a hairdresser can often be seen before some scandalous story ahead in life. If a man had a dream, then most likely the story will be connected with a femme fatale whom he will meet in the near future. For a woman, getting her hair cut by a hairdresser in a dream also means some kind of scandal. There is also a possible loss of reputation associated with ugly love story, coming soon.