Why do you dream of a shard of glass in your hand? Why do you dream about broken glass: a good or bad sign?

It is no secret that a person can dream of anything in his dreams. The most incredible things in the night “cinema” may well become reality. It won't surprise anyone and broken glass in a dream. In principle, this is far from the most unusual thing that happens to be seen in night dreams. But what does broken glass mean in dreams? This is what we will try to figure out today.

Seeing from the point of view of psychologists can mean either the elimination of any obstacles, or an attempt to break out of the vicious circle of everyday problems. that he breaks a window, glass wall or door and breaks out, this indicates that you need to pay attention to your inner world. Perhaps subconsciously such a person is constantly tormented by some problems and unresolved issues.

If in a dream he got out of the glass room with virtually no losses - without cuts, scratches, serious wounds - this means that in real life In the end, you will be able to overcome all obstacles and get rid of internal torment. If a person sees himself bloodied and cut in a dream, this means that the problems have not yet been solved, and he needs to work on himself, understand what negative mental attitudes prevent him from feeling comfortable, and try to replace them with positive ones. You need to think about why you can’t relax and live in harmony with yourself and with others, and eliminate the reasons that prevent you from doing this.

Eastern dream book

And according to eastern dream book? If it is under your feet, it means in real world You should be alert and perform any actions with great caution. If a person dreams that he is walking on glass barefoot, this means that the deal he wants to conclude or the enterprise he is about to enter into is an adventure.

It is likely that you will later regret what you did. If a person dreamed that he was stepping on glass, and that it was crumbling into tiny particles under his feet, this signifies a wrong decision; speaks of a lost rare chance, and the opportunity to return everything and start over will no longer present itself.

Slavic dream book

According to this dream book, seeing broken glass in a dream is an alarm bell. So, if you dream of a house in which all or most of the windows are broken, this means correcting the mistakes of others. You may have to redo someone's work. A

For people who are husband and wife, this can mean the collapse of the family. There is a possibility that you will have to build new relationships. In general, glass cracked or shattered into small pieces in a dream indicates broken illusions, lost harmony and a feeling of uncertainty and insecurity.

Such a dream can also indicate that a person should be careful and prudent in his actions so that all the efforts made do not go to waste. But if you dream that you cut yourself with glass, this, oddly enough, is a sign of success. The planned work will be one hundred percent successful, people will express their delight and praise the results of the work.

according to Medea's dream book?

Such a dream means that the balance that has reigned in a person’s life is quite fragile, and one wrong word or careless action will be enough to destroy it.

Hasse’s dream book says the following about why you dream that glass is broken. If in a dream a person tries to collect glass that has shattered into pieces, this indicates that his hopes of returning what was lost are futile and will not lead to anything good. You shouldn't live with an eye on the past. It is necessary to focus on creating something new, and not waste time in fruitless attempts to resurrect something that has long sunk into oblivion. It is worth paying attention to the simple joys that each new day brings.

And why according to the esoteric dream book? He interprets any chipped, chipped or broken glass things in a dream as obstacles standing in the way of a person. They must be overcome at all costs. However, there is no need to break and demolish everything in order to reach your goal; it is better to try to intelligently bypass the obstacles.

According to the modern dream book, beautiful, multi-colored pieces of glass, as well as bright mosaics in a dream mean fateful meeting, which can change the future and turn the world upside down. If such colored pieces, as in a kaleidoscope, form beautiful patterns, this promises extraordinary luck and a worthy way out of any life situation.

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, if a person breaks a glass wall, fence or other obstacle in a dream, this means that his secret dream will soon come true, his innermost desire will come true, or his hopes placed on someone will come true.

Why do you dream that a woman broke the glass?

Such a dream foreshadows deception, slander or discussion behind your back. Long experiences will be associated with this.

According to the Mayan dream book, broken glass in a dream means shattered dreams. At the same time, he offers a rather funny “insurance” against the problem: to prevent the dream from coming true, you should draw a circle on a piece of glass with melted wax and hide it in a dark place until the first rain. True, the dream book does not specify what to do with the piece of glass after the rain has passed. You can probably throw it away - most likely, during this period the glass managed to fulfill its intended function and protected it from the collapse of hopes.

Noble dream book

The noble dream book claims that seeing broken glass figurines, vases and other not very large things means dangerous situations on the road. While driving, you must be extremely careful and attentive. If in a dream you see a cloudy, cracked glass, through which a person looks out onto the street, this means that the business you have started, to which you have devoted a lot of effort, time and energy, will end in failure. Also, dull, dirty glass indicates that a loved one is fickle, and maybe even unfaithful.

According to the dream book of health, to see many small glass fragments in a dream means that old connections that once wounded a person or are still quite painful will soon remind of themselves. The dream book warns that there is no need to return to the past, this does not bode well. If in a dream you dreamed of a broken stained glass window, this means that on the way to the goal a person is scattered into small, unnecessary actions; he needs to concentrate. If a patient dreams of broken glass, this threatens to worsen his condition.

Women's dream book

The women's dream book assures that breaking glass in a night dream means averting misfortune. Seeing crushed glass in a dream means safety. Shards shining in the sun signify good fortune, luck and happiness. If you suddenly dreamed of broken glass in your mouth, this means that some unfavorable period will come in your life. Perhaps it will be illness, troubles at work, or failure in personal relationships. If a person voluntarily eats shards of glass in a dream, he is an insecure person, and this prevents him from achieving his goals.

Like these ones different interpretations... We wish that all your dreams promise you only the best events!

Many, if you want to show your abilities.

If you admire cleanly washed window panes- the dream promises obtaining a prestigious job position, which will be associated with conflicts in your environment.

If the glass is cloudy- failures await you.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Glass- symbolizes the presence of a fragile situation, ideals that can easily be broken.

see broken glass- a quarrel, a call to look at life more realistically.

Notice the window glass- your wait will be prolonged.

Freud's Dream Book

Sheet glass- is a female symbol.

Dirty glass- symbolize various diseases of the genital organs.

Clean, shiny glass- they talk about the dreamer’s good health and sexual attractiveness.

The process of washing or wiping glass- usually associated with fertilization and the desire to have children, but sometimes it can simply characterize a strong passion.

Dream book of lovers

If you cut yourself with glass in a dream- this means that you will be able to achieve the admiration of the person you are in love with.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Transparent glass in a dream- this is a symbol of your detached curiosity.

Looking through glass at someone you know- a sign of possible alienation between you and this person.

Raindrops drumming on glass- mean other people's tears, which, perhaps, will evoke sympathy in you, but nothing more.

Dirty glass- portend a small conflict with outsiders.

Clean glasses- a sign that you look at things soberly and have a correct idea of ​​current events.

Frosted glass- a symbol of false illusions.

If in your dream you look through frosted glass- the dream suggests that you completely misunderstand some fact or event.

Broken window glass- suggests that some extraneous events that you would like to distance yourself from will cause great complications in your life. The dream suggests that in reality you are trying in vain to avoid solving some problems - you will not succeed.

Dream book for a bitch

Glass is clean, transparent- after a persistent and lengthy struggle, you will receive a promotion and deservedly take a very good place in the service, which will cause a lot of empty talk and problems with colleagues.

Break window glass- you will waste time and energy on doing something that will fail and fail.

New family dream book

If in a dream you looked through glass- expect trouble.

Broken window glass- portends an unsuccessful completion of a task to which you devoted a lot of effort.

Cloudy glass- dream of failure.

Cut yourself on glass- show your abilities and very quickly win the admiration of others.

Admired the cleanly washed window panes- get a prestigious place, but you will earn a lot of conflicts.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are looking through glass- V real life Bitter disappointments will not allow your brightest hopes to come true.

Smash glassware - predicts unsuccessful completion of affairs.

If the glass is cloudy- You will find yourself in unpleasant circumstances.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Glass- they will find out your personal secrets.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Replacing a car windshield- to buy a new car.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Psychologist and the most famous dream interpreter Gustav Hindman Miller interprets this dream this way. Looking through glass and then breaking it in a dream means failure in reality, unsuccessful completion of affairs, wasted energy. If you cut yourself with broken glass in a dream, then in real life you can quickly win the admiration of others.

A favorable dream is one in which the dreamer breaks glass while cleaning it. In reality, this promises to receive a prestigious job position. Just don’t rejoice ahead of time! The fact is that this place may be associated with constant conflicts and nervous shocks of the dreamer. If the glass turns out to be cloudy, then in reality complete failures are coming.

Broken glass according to the eastern dream book

The interpreters of this dream book focused on walking on broken glass. According to them, walking on broken glass in a dream means an unpleasant development of events. The dreamer needs to perform any of his actions with extreme caution. If you dreamed of walking barefoot on broken glass, in reality you need to refuse any transactions and advantageous offers, since all this is nothing more than an ordinary adventure. Injuring yourself while walking on glass means material loss.

Broken glass in the Slavic dream book

This one sees broken glass as a warning sign. If the dreamer sees a house with broken windows, then in reality he will have to correct someone else’s mistakes. This is not an easy task! Shards of broken glass in a dream can mean the collapse of a family. Perhaps the husband and wife have not been able to find mutual language. As sad as it is, the matter is approaching divorce.

If glass breaks in a dream, scattering into small pieces, then this indicates some imaginary illusions, lost harmony, an impending feeling of insecurity and lack of self-confidence. In addition, dreams in which glass literally breaks into pieces can advise a person to be more careful and prudent in his actions and deeds in reality.

Broken glass. Dream Interpretation of Juno

The compilers of this dream book claim that broken vases, glass figurines and other things symbolize dangerous situations on the roads. This is where you need to be very careful. Motorists are advised to be more careful while driving after such dreams. It is better not to drive unless necessary. Looking through a cloudy shard of broken glass in a dream means long journey associated with risk.

They can help you figure out why you dream about broken glass without the help of a professional fortune teller. modern dream books. Today there is great amount meanings, and this article will focus on the interpretation of just such a dream.

Modern dream books help you figure out why you dream of broken glass without the help of a professional fortune teller.

Almost all modern dream books interpret such a dream from an unfavorable side, symbolizing it with danger, fear and deception. Often, any broken object is dreamed of before any significant event in the dreamer’s life. Such a dream hints to a person that one should not make hasty conclusions and should not take risks.

The main interpretations should be considered:

  • For a dreamer who is planning a trip in the near future, such a dream speaks of some danger on the road. It may be worth postponing your trip for a while;
  • such a dream also indicates a person’s fear, perhaps he fears for the safety of a close relative;
  • pregnant women face some difficulties during childbirth: women who are pregnant last date, you should be more careful;
  • also seeing broken glass in night dreams means for the owner of the dream the renewal of old relationships that are unpleasant for him;
  • such a dream warns a person about the treachery of people around him; it is worth taking a closer look at colleagues, acquaintances and friends;
  • Believers should go to church and light a candle for good health.

Basically, such a dream is not accidental, and for a more detailed decoding it is necessary to remember all the small details.

Why do you dream about glass (video)

Break glass with your feet in a dream

Broken glass in itself is an unfavorable sign, and when actions are taken to break it, then it is worth taking a closer look at which part of the body is doing the destruction. Kicking glass is a sign of attracting new troubles, and means that one trouble will be followed by another. Therefore, when you wake up, you should be more attentive.

When a dreamer breaks a glass door with his foot in a dream, this means that he needs to understand himself. Tormenting thoughts that torment a person’s consciousness will actually turn out to be not so serious.

Broken glass in itself is an unfavorable sign

If the dreamer breaks a glass object, then in the real world he will receive bad news about a loved one.

Break glass with your fist in a dream

When the dreamer breaks the glass with his fist, then he will create problems for himself with his own hands, which will haunt him in the near future. The cause of such troubles is irritability and anger. Having seen such a dream in your night dreams, you should be restrained and try to calm down. You also need to be careful in your statements and actions in order to avoid scandals and problems.

When the dreamer breaks the glass with his fist, then he will create problems for himself with his own hands

Breaking glass is a dangerous act in itself, as it can cause serious cuts. Such a dream is of a warning nature, hinting that in real life one should be more attentive and careful. Sometimes a fist can act as a symbol loved one(husband or wife), such a dream promises all of the above troubles for the other half.

Break glass with a ball

The ball is a symbol of childhood and the carefree nature associated with it. There are several interpretations of such a dream:

  1. When the ball breaks the glass, children will be the cause of the ensuing failures.
  2. Glass that has been broken by a small child's ball means that problems arising on life path the problems will not be serious and the person will be able to overcome them with ease.
  3. Breaking glass in a window with a soccer ball means undeservedly offending a loved one and a good person.

Seeing broken phone glass in a dream

Broken glass on a phone promises the dreamer some financial losses in the real world. Loss or damage to expensive items is also possible. Some modern dream books indicate such a dream with loss of contacts and cessation of communication with a loved one. Perhaps when you wake up you should call dear person, which long time there was no communication.

Broken glass on a phone promises the dreamer some financial losses in the real world

The meaning of such a dream should also be considered according to the interpretation of the American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller, who explains this dream in his own way. He claims that such a dream is for the dreamer a harbinger of the appearance of deceitful and two-faced people along the way. Soon such personalities will meet on a person’s life path; you need to be more careful and circumspect.

Why do you dream of broken glass in a house window?

The windows themselves symbolize the barrier between outside world and human. By breaking glass in the window of a house, the dreamer introduces some troubles into his life. Dream books help to consider the meaning of broken glass in a window, according to which there are several interpretations of such a dream:

  • For innocent girls, such a dream promises the loss of virginity in the near future;
  • predicts for women that betrayal by a husband or lover is possible;
  • also, such a dream sometimes hints that close people suspect the owner of the dream of betrayal;
  • when I dreamed that the glass received a large number of cracks, but still whole, then the dreamer will withstand the upcoming problems with dignity, and they will not be able to break him;
  • if a child accidentally breaks a window, this means that adolescence will be an unfavorable period;
  • broken glass in the window indicates that misunderstanding between spouses can lead the family to divorce.

Collecting glass shards in a dream

  1. Attempts to collect broken glass shards mean that the owner of the dream is risking his health and life in attempts to return irretrievably lost things. You should put maximum effort and time into creating something new, and not waste precious time trying to restore what was lost. You should not get attached to past events, you need to look into the future from a positive side and find reasons for joy.
  2. There is also another interpretation of collecting fragments, which predicts the dreamer collecting the problems of strangers. Such a dream prophesies a solution to other people’s problems, for which the dreamer will not be grateful.

Attempts to collect broken glass shards mean that the owner of the dream is risking his health and life in attempts to return irretrievably lost things

To see fragments under your feet in a dream - such a dream is of a warning nature; it hints that you need to be careful. Before you accept important decision, you should weigh the pros and cons. Holding a piece of glass in the mouth tells the dreamer about the onset of a difficult period in life, serious illnesses and failures are possible.

Break glass in a car

Cars are both a means of transportation and an object of human luxury. A broken car glass promises failures and problems related to work and business; there may be some difficulties in implementing the plan.

There is another meaning of such a dream related to travel. Such a dream suggests that a planned important business trip will be disrupted in the near future. Perhaps it should be postponed for a while, so as not to bring about failure.

Glass in a dream book (video)

Based on all of the above, a small logical conclusion should be drawn. Dreams with broken glass do not bode well for a person’s life. Having seen such a dream, you should prepare for the onset of sad events, but you shouldn’t be too upset right away, because dreams give us hints and hints, the main thing is to interpret it correctly.

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A dream in which a person sees broken glass is usually interpreted as unfavorable. But, depending on the nuances, interpretations may be different. Therefore, do not rush to solve your night visions yourself. Look into the dream book. Glass breaking in a dream has many meanings. Let's try to understand their diversity.

Interpretation according to Fedorovskaya’s dream book

For this interpreter, almost all dreams in which broken glass appears have a negative meaning:

  • Seeing a piece of glass means that the dreamer's unreasonable jealousy can lead him to a quarrel with his soul mate.
  • I dreamed of a lot of glass fragments - in reality, you will really quarrel with your husband (wife) because of completely vain suspicions.
  • If you dreamed that you yourself broke the glass, a scandal awaits you over some trifle.
  • Someone else interprets broken glass in a dream as the likelihood of a big family scandal due to the fact that you tried to come to a solution to an important problem with the help of force.
  • If in your night dreams you had to insert new glass to replace the broken one, it is your fault that a family scandal may break out among your relatives.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Various dream books give explanations for a variety of situations that involve broken glass.

In the ABC of Dream Interpretation, seeing broken glass is interpreted as a possible quarrel. And such a dream can be considered a call for more realistic views on life.

The Small Velesov dream book explains breaking glass in a dream in such a way that in reality you will be able not to succumb to someone’s deception or avoid danger.

According to Family dream book, a broken window may foreshadow the dreamer's failure in a business in which he has invested a lot of strength and energy. But if you happen to cut yourself with glass, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your talents, which will win sincere admiration from those around you.

The Slavic dream book also considers glass broken by you in a dream to be a symbol of getting rid of dangers.

The modern dream book considers broken glassware to be a sign of the unsuccessful completion of some of the dreamer’s undertakings.

The 21st century dream book explains that shiny glass shards in your night vision are a symbol of happiness and luck.

The Dream Book for Lovers says that cutting yourself with glass in a dream is a sign that you will be admired by a person to whom you are not indifferent.

IN Esoteric dream book it is written that dreaming of broken glass can lead you to meeting very old acquaintances. Perhaps in real life you don’t really want this. Therefore, to avoid this, consider your dream a warning.

Dream Interpretation. Broken glass in the window

Almost every famous interpreter gives at least one explanation for such a dream.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream can be explained in such a way that the undertaking into which you have invested all your experience and knowledge will end in failure.

Dream Interpretation Modern woman also believes that a broken window in a dream foretells failure in business.

The Wanderer's Dream Book examines a situation in which the dreamer broke a window glass and climbed out. This image means that your current wish will be fulfilled.

In the Dream Book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, such a vision is explained as the emergence of great complications in your life due to some extraneous events from which you wanted to stay away. The dream warns that in reality you will not be able to step back from solving the problems that have arisen.

What else is important to know? As they say in the dream book, glass in a window can be broken completely or partially. If it is completely broken, you will not be able to cope with troubles. And if the window glass is just cracked, you will safely overcome all the obstacles that arise. True, sometimes a broken window glass in a dream can be a call for you to have your vision checked by a specialist.

Why do you dream about broken glass in a car?

Various dream books Glass broken in a car is interpreted in a rather contradictory way. Sometimes a dream can be a harbinger of what you will buy new car, and can warn about possible dangers that may occur on the road.

If you accidentally broke a windshield in a dream, in life you need to strive to expand your horizons or make new acquaintances.

If the glass was broken by you intentionally, the time has come to correct the mistake you once made.

A dream in which you replace the broken glass in your car with a new one speaks of your desire to isolate yourself from everyone.

And some dream books replace the broken one windshield They explain that you will soon buy a new car.

Why do you dream about breaking the glass on your watch?

Such a dream, depending on the details, can be interpreted in different ways:

  • If the dreamer accidentally breaks the glass in his watch, danger awaits him in reality, but he will be able to avoid it. At the same time, it would be nice if you remember the time that the arrows pointed to. This may indicate the moment when you need to be most attentive.
  • If you deliberately hit the glass of your wall clock and broke it - this dream foreshadows that you can consciously break off your relationship with some person.
  • The dream book explains why you dream of broken glass on a wristwatch. This is also considered not a very good sign. Because of your frivolous behavior, you risk finding yourself in a delicate situation in reality.
  • Another similar image in a dream can mean a missed chance.

Why do you dream about breaking glassware?

In dreams, each type of dishware has its own eigenvalue. For example, plates dream of fun and celebrations, cups - of family affairs. And glasses in a dream have a romantic purpose. Therefore, it is easy to understand that dishes broken in a dream clearly do not promise the fulfillment of planned plans. So what could this or that broken vessel that you saw in your night dreams mean?

A crystal vase is a symbol of positive changes.

If you break a glass - you may have to move. And such a dream may also mean that you will have a new partner.

If a bottle shatters into fragments, such night vision may indicate a quarrel or illness.

A broken glass in a dream means that you are afraid of something.

If the saucer turns out to be split - in reality yours romantic relationship may end.

The center of such a dream turned out to be a plate - expect domestic squabbles that will make you upset.

A large dish broke in a dream - this may mean that you are directing your energy in the wrong direction.

Interpretation of dreams depending on the size of the fragments and the color of the glass

In the dream book, broken glass can have different meaning depending on the size of the fragments:

  • If a glass object breaks into large fragments, a quarrel may arise between the dreamer and his beloved, as a result of which their relationship will become cool.
  • If the thing shatters into small pieces, you will be lucky in all minor matters.
  • If you are trying to look at something through a fragment, in real life you are waiting for something or someone.

In dream books, the interpretation of broken glass also depends on what color it was:

  • If it is dark, it means the revival of old connections.
  • Colored glass promises that your life will become more diverse.
  • If it is transparent, you will be able to completely control the situation that is important to you.
  • And if the glass was opaque, it’s because of a matter that is important to you that you are in the dark.

Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams about broken glass depending on the behavior of the sleeping person

Important for correct decoding night vision has characteristics of the dreamer’s actions:

  • If you hit the glass deliberately, your affairs will go well.
  • If it was broken accidentally, you may be deceived.
  • If you were driven by anger, be more careful in your actions, control your behavior.
  • A glass object was smashed into happy rush- joyful events await you; all circumstances will turn out well in the implementation of your projects.
  • If you broke glass in a dream and hid it from others, in reality you are keeping some kind of secret.

Explanation of dreams about broken glass from the point of view of psychologists

Experts in the field of psychology explain the broken glass seen in a dream either as the dreamer’s attempt to remove any obstacles from his path, or as his desire to break the vicious circle of domestic problems.

If a person in night visions tries to break out of a broken window, glass door or wall, he needs to quickly deal with accumulated problems and unresolved issues.

If he managed to get out without getting hurt, in reality he will definitely overcome all the difficulties.

But if the dreamer, while trying to get out through the broken glass, cuts himself or scratches himself, to solve his problems he will still need some time to collect his thoughts and decide on a plan of action. It is also important to understand what is stopping him from achieving his goals. If he can remove all obstacles, his affairs will go well.

Due to the fact that glass is fragile, in a dream it can become a characteristic of a fragile situation. And broken glass symbolizes your readiness for certain actions. To find out which line of behavior you should choose, refer to dream books. By comparing all the details of the dream, you will receive a transcript that will help you understand this or that situation.