Why do you dream about plump lips? Why do you dream about Lips? Lips: the meaning of sleep according to the interpretation of different dream books

The lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and the kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in your lips indicates possible betrayal by your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) indicate that your partner is frivolous.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is dissatisfied with you, but has not yet told you about it.

Clean, tender lips indicate a desire to find the ideal partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fears of losing him.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Seeing Lips in a dream

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad relationship in family;
Pleasant, full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the home;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
Also see Face.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Lips mean?

Too bright, sensual - bad temper, quarrel with a loved one, divorce, separation due to one’s own fault;
beautiful, clearly defined - reciprocity;
subtle - hasty conclusions.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Seeing Lips in a dream

Lips - Separately - longing for the affection of the opposite sex. Bright on the face - pay attention to your appearance, cosmetics, put everything in order.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What do Lips dreams mean?

Seeing beautiful lips in a dream means good news and good health. But if they are wearing makeup, then beware of saying too much, so as not to bring trouble on yourself. Dry and cracked lips in a dream mean that quarrels with friends and subsequent separation await you. If in a dream your lips become fuller or larger (but without deformity), then an addition to your family awaits you. Burning your lips in a dream means that you need to blame yourself for the current situation. See interpretation: mouth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does Lips mean in a dream?

If you dream that you are being kissed on the lips, but this is unpleasant for you, you will experience hostility towards your boyfriend.

Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

What do Lips mean in a dream?

Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone’s face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in your relationships with loved ones and abundance in your home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you can easily master foreign language which you will undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are applying lipstick to your lips, then this portends the opportunity to achieve what you want through a sacrifice that will not cost you anything financially, but can cause moral damage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Meaning of the dream Lips

“his lip is not stupid” have good taste.

"lip slap", "lip slap" idle talker, onlooker.

"having sensual lips" sexual attractiveness. “Pouting lips” is resentment, conceit, capriciousness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Interpretation of the dream Lips

Vivid and sensual absurd character, whims, quarrels, frivolity, selfishness. Beautiful, clearly defined happiness in love; pale deterioration of relationships, health; subtle revenge, envy. See Add. Kiss (p. Relationships), kiss (p. States) and mouth (p. idiom. Sl.).

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does Lips predict in a dream?

This is human help. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream will not have good relationships with friends. in the best possible way. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower ones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does it mean to see Lips in a dream?

Having big lips means upcoming anxiety.

Very thick lips - to a successful solution to problems.

Dirty lips in a dream mean trouble.

Dreaming of someone else’s clearly defined lips means reciprocity and favor from others.

Thin lips in a dream - to new problems that will appear due to a hasty solution to old ones.

You see thick lips - you need to take care of your health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Interpretation of sleep Lips

Parted lips mean a quarrel with relatives.

Swollen - means trouble for your loved one.

Subtle - to hasty conclusions about something.

Deliberately bright, sensual lips - to separation from a loved one through one’s own fault, to divorce.

Beautiful, clearly defined lips - for reciprocity in love.

Interpretation of dreams from

Lips in a dream - Big lips in a dream- there will be anxiety, thick ones - you will successfully solve your problems, and thick and dirty lips - to the approach of big troubles in your life.
Seeing ulcerated, stained, swollen lips in a dream promises major problems.
Seeing ugly lips in a dream- to unpleasant acquaintances.
Seeing sensual lips in a dream- to disagreements with the other half, and neatly outlined ones - to unanimity and agreement.
Seeing sensual, bright lips in a dream- to a quarrel with a person close to you, separation through your own fault, divorce in the family, frivolity and selfishness on your part.
Seeing your lips red means that your loved ones are healthy.
If in a dream you are forced a large number of time to think about your lips, it is possible that you will become a victim of a disease arising from excessive fatigue. In this case, you should seriously think about relaxation, be it a vacation or just a weekend away from business.
If in a dream a girl is very concerned about the beauty of her lips, this indicates that men play too important a role in her life.
If you dreamed of lips, then such a dream may promise you dinner party.
If you dreamed of plump lips, this means that in the foreseeable future you will experience happiness in life, good luck in your accomplishments and financial stability.
If you dreamed that a person with cold lips was kissing you. This is unfortunate.
If you dreamed that you were being kissed on the lips, but this was extremely unpleasant for you, then this predicts that you will experience hostility towards your boyfriend.
If you dreamed that your lips were becoming stiff and numb, this means that you are close to an emotional breakdown, since in reality you are forced to accumulate all the negativity in yourself.
If you dreamed that your lips were chapped, it means that you feel lonely because of your pride.
If you are kissed on the lips in a dream, it means that you will receive a certain boost of vivacity.
If in a dream you paint your lips with lipstick, it means that in your soul you dream of love.
If you saw pursed lips in a dream, it means something is bothering you. Perhaps this is a health problem.
If your lips hurt in a dream, then in reality one of your relatives may get sick.
If you saw lips in a dream, then you should remember what exactly they were.
If you saw large lips, then in reality it will begin Time of Troubles.
If your lips hurt, then your children or relatives may get sick.
If your lips were too pale, then this is a warning that your health will deteriorate in the near future.
If a girl dreams of putting something on her lips, it means that she is not satisfied with the sex she is having.
If a man saw himself with painted lips in a dream, it means that there are obscene rumors about him.
If a man dreams of a woman with too bright lips, it means that he will soon have a date.
There is a possibility that she does not feel love for her partner, or she is under pressure from some unpleasant situation that has developed.
Admire your lips in the mirror in a dream- to vanity.
Injure your lips in a dream- to troubles in the house.
I dreamed that your lips were swollen- a sign of approaching troubles.
Thin lips in a dream mean steadfastness of character.
Seeing plump or pink lips in a dream- to well-being.
Seeing a man without lips in a dream- to disappointment in a loved one.
If you see beautiful and clearly defined lips, then such a dream predicts reciprocity of feelings for you, happy love, but the subtle ones lead to hasty conclusions, revenge and instigation.
Kissing someone on the lips in a dream- to need.
A person can dream about lips absolutely various forms, shades, sizes.

Correct interpretation of dreams helps to protect yourself from possible dangers, get rid of unpleasant situations, and sometimes radically change the course of development of life itself. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to any objects and actions seen in a dream, they can become a real prophecy.

Lips in a dream. Modern interpretations

First of all, be sure to try to remember the details of the dream, this will help you choose the most exact interpretation. Be guided by the following principles.

Lip shape in a dream

If you see inharmonious thick lips, then do not rush to make hasty conclusions and decide quickly important questions. IN in this case Be diligent and think carefully about every step. The thin shape of the lips promises noticeable progress in solving serious problems, especially in the family field. If the lips you dreamed of have beautiful outlines, then soon you will experience favorable changes on the love front, and perhaps you will meet a new love.

Defects on the lips in a dream

Labial herpes or other similar rashes in the lip area are reported as a sign of deception from the outside loved one, and about spontaneous intimacy with bad consequences for you. In this situation, be especially vigilant. Blood on the lips carries information about relatives. Exciting changes may occur in your relationship with them. A swollen lip conveys unimaginable passion and very vivid, long meetings with a long-awaited person who is incredibly dear to you.

Actions with lips in a dream

An important role is played by the actions performed with the lips in a dream:

  • putting on lipstick means attracting the attention of the opposite sex;
  • painting your lips in front of the mirror means internal dissatisfaction with your appearance;
  • worrying about your lips - fear of the possibility of not being liked by your loved one;
  • painting someone’s lips - someone lacks your attention;
  • water coming out between the lips - a quarrel with friends is approaching.

Lips and a kiss in a dream. Dream Interpretation Magini

In dreams, lips are often accompanied by a kiss, and according to Magini’s dream book this means the following:

  • If a guy kisses you in a dream, it means that you lack a serious attitude from your loved one.
  • If a girl kisses you in a dream, then expect it soon interesting adventures with a bit of flirting.
  • If you dreamed of a kiss between a man and a woman, expect the appearance of a rival in love affairs.

Lips in a dream according to the Islamic dream book

The Islamic dream book associates lips in a dream with a woman or a patron. A dream in which you see your lips cut off suggests that you like to slander other people. If you dream of lips with a cut off upper lip, your assistant or significant other will soon leave you.

Believe your dreams, and all the best will definitely come true.

Associations evoked by thoughts of lips are usually the most pleasant, sensual and tender. Women all over the world have always paid the most attention to their lips. close attention, tinting them and trying to add volume. Now there are many ways to draw attention to this part of the body, even with the help plastic surgery. Lips are an indicator of sexuality, they can kiss and caress, this is roughly how most dream books and interpreters view this organ. And in order to understand what lips mean in dreams, you should not neglect the details, but rather remember the circumstances in the dream, the owner of the lips and your attitude to the main action.

What dream books say about dreams

  • Respected American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets similar dream ambiguous. It’s worth remembering exactly what the mouth looked like, according to the dream book. Lips that caused disgust with their appearance, if they were too thick, covered with cracks or of an abnormal color, dream of meeting an unpleasant and cunning person, and you should beware of him. And pleasant-looking, beautiful lips are a good time for a meeting true love, with whom subsequent marriage is not at all ruled out.
  • Also, Miller’s dream book explains to women why they dream of too red lips in the mirror. The psychologist is sure: a person who has such a dream does not feel any sympathy for his person in reality; internal uncertainty prevents him from living and communicating with the opposite sex. Perhaps it's time to take care of yourself or, if necessary, consult a specialist. Love yourself and others will love you.
  • Herpes in a dream or a sore on the lip can be regarded as getting a sexually transmitted disease. In this case, you should be more attentive to sexual partners and girls of non-difficult behavior. Also, such a dream may be evidence of disappointment in the other half due to her physical betrayal.
  • Also, herpes on the lip indicates the dreamer’s shortsightedness. The dream book advises you to be more careful about your health and life, despite the voice of momentary hobbies.
  • The outcome of what big lips mean in a dream depends on the behavior while sleeping in reality. He should carefully plan his role in the upcoming event so that it fully lives up to the hopes placed on it.
  • For men, bright lips in a dream promise a meeting with a real bitch, capable of not only ruining the life of the sleeping person, but also getting his wealth and living space. For women, a similar plot predicts the appearance of a rival.
  • Blood on the lips means the sleeper’s inability to remain silent at the right moment. Perhaps the dreamer is very sorry for the rudeness he said to his loved one and is trying to make amends as soon as possible. It won't be easy.
  • Breaking your lips in a dream means losing your savings due to squandering. The dreamer should learn to save and properly distribute expenses.
  • What to prepare for if you dreamed of swollen lips on your loved one’s face is a disaster. She will lie in wait for her soulmate in the near future.
  • Excitement in a dream from the sight of plump lips suggests that the dreamer has a lack of intimacy in life.
  • Smeared lipstick on a man’s lips indicates his tendency to be unstable in relationships. For married people, such a dream promises the appearance of a young woman, interesting girl, with which the sleeper will have a lot of erotic adventures.

Lips in the context of makeup, as well as a kiss

  • What you dream about kissing on the lips will depend on the sensations experienced in the dream. If we are talking about an incredibly realistic dream that cannot be distinguished from reality, then most likely the dreamer will have to part with her loved one.
  • Kissing a man in a dream can be interpreted as a quick betrayal of a loved one. The Dream Interpretation believes that it is time for the dreamer to sort out her relationship with her other half and decide whether they are really so valuable to her.
  • But why a girl dreams of kissing an acquaintance on the lips can be interpreted as trouble from this person in reality. The dream book is sure that this relationship will not bring anything good.
  • Kissing a stranger in a dream means changes for the worse in the sphere of communication. Soon you will have to go through many conflicts and quarrels, and in order to avoid this, you will have to isolate yourself for a while so as not to once again provoke fate.
  • A serious illness is what you dream of kissing on the lips dead person. However, the disease will not have serious health consequences.
  • For a man, kissing a pretty girl on the lips, who is also pretty in reality, can be regarded as a direct prophecy. Soon you will be able to gain her favor and with accompanying luck, friendship will develop into something more.
  • Also, why you dream of a kiss on the lips can be interpreted from the point of view of psychology and physiology. Perhaps the dreamer simply lacks sexual satisfaction and needs a change of scenery or rest to relax.
  • For a woman to paint her lips in a dream , direct evidence that it’s time to unwind and get deserved attention from men. Perhaps the girl is so withdrawn and shy that she is simply unable to adequately perceive herself in male society.

  • Painting your lips with bright red lipstick in a woman’s dream is evidence not only of psychological dissatisfaction with male attention, but also physical. It's time to find a sexual partner or urgently revive your current intimate relationship. If there is any problem regarding intimacy, you can contact a specialist: a sexologist or psychologist.
  • To understand , he needs to take a closer look at his surroundings. It is possible that a girl has appeared in it who frankly doesn’t care for the dreamer and is trying in every possible way to attract attention to herself.
  • Lip gloss may be a dream due to a sleeping habit of putting your visual appeal above internal attractiveness. Such girls often believe that achieving their goal through beauty is the only way The right way. It is worth thinking about how goals will be achieved when beauty begins to fade, and there is no time or desire to develop intellectual abilities.

Lips are a symbol of passion, sexual attraction, pleasure, and most often the dream book interprets a dream in which you perform any actions with sponges from an intimate point of view. But in order to reliably find out why such a plot is dreamed of, and at the same time not get confused in conflicting interpretations, you need to remember all the details in the dream.

One of the main characteristics that the dream book uses when making predictions is the color of the sponges and their integrity. It is equally important what actions you observed in your dream: maybe someone kissed you passionately, or you wore lipstick. By combining the details of the dream, you can reveal the secrets of the future.

Lips: the meaning of sleep according to the interpretation of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book, lips in a dream are an ambiguous symbol. If they are too thick or thin, or ugly, then you should beware of suspicious individuals. On the contrary, if they are even, smooth, slightly plump, then you will have a pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex, and even a protracted romance is possible.

If, looking in the mirror in a dream, you notice that your lips are too red, it means that in reality you are dissatisfied with your external appearance, and are striving in every way to improve it. The dream book advises you to love yourself, and then those around you will appreciate your spiritual beauty.

Cold on the lip, according to interpretation An ancient dream book- an unfavorable sign. Soon someone close to you will be struck by illness. But do not despair, it can be easily healed, it will not have fatal consequences.

Why do you dream about a sore on your lip? The dream book foretells the emergence of big troubles that will be associated with the dreamer’s active sex life. Most likely, you will be disappointed in your partner, or catch a sexually transmitted disease.

Unreasonable, momentary desires will lead to a bad outcome if you dreamed of herpes on your lips. You can easily lose many benefits if you don’t think before you do anything.

Big lips in a dream are a harbinger of the fact that you will have to worry about the success of a previously planned event. Worry will be in vain only if you carefully plan your contingency actions when difficulties arise.

Why do you dream about bright lips? For a man, such a plot foreshadows a meeting with a beautiful stranger, who will ultimately turn out to be a dummy with a bitchy character. For women, the dream book predicts a deterioration in relations with their spouse, a violation of family harmony with the participation of third parties.

Blood on the lips indicates that the dreamer is excessively talkative. In fact, you are very repentant of the harsh statements you made the day before, but correcting your guilt in front of a loved one will not be at all easy.

Why do you dream about a broken lip? The dream book predicts that you will soon lose almost all your accumulated money. This unpleasant incident will happen due to your wastefulness and inability to increase capital.

If in a dream you saw swollen lips on the face of your significant other, then big trouble awaits her. Try with all your might to protect your love from outside attacks, and then nothing bad will happen to it.

Why do you dream about plump lips? If such a picture in a dream caused you excitement, then in reality you lack affectionate relationships with the opposite sex. The dream book predicts that soon you will have the opportunity to show your tenderness.

For a man, smeared lipstick on his lips in a dream is a sign of infidelity. If he is married, it means that he will soon meet a pretty seductress who can destroy even the strongest marriage bonds.

Kisses and makeup

Why dream of kissing on the lips? If in a dream you felt your lips being touched, as in reality, then you will be separated from your loved one for a long period of time.

For a woman, kissing a man on the lips in a dream is an unfavorable symbol. The dream book warns you against rash actions that will lower your dignity in the eyes of your lover. You can forever lose the trust of a man dear to your heart.

If a guy you know kisses you on the lips in a dream, then the dream book predicts that problems will arise in life due to the fault of the character from the dream. Do not trust this person in reality, even if there is no intimate connection between you, communicating with him will only bring you suffering and loss.

If unknown man kisses you on the lips in a dream, then soon your relationships with loved ones will worsen. Misunderstandings and disagreements will arise literally out of nowhere. The dream book advises being alone for a while so as not to get into conflicts and quarrels.

Quite unpleasant feelings arise if a deceased person kisses you on the lips in a dream. And this disgust becomes understandable if we consider the interpretations of the dream book. soon you will be overtaken by a serious illness, which, however, will not leave any consequences.

If in a dream you happened to kiss a girl on the lips, and at the same time in reality you are not indifferent to this person, then after a while you will begin a friendly relationship, which, under favorable circumstances, can develop into a long-term romance.

From a psychoanalytic point of view, it can be interpreted if you were kissed on the lips in a dream. The subconscious mind throws up erotic images in dreams, since the dreamer’s dissatisfaction already goes beyond all limits. You need to unwind and change the situation.

Why dream of painting your lips? You are experiencing a lack of male attention, you just need to unwind in a cheerful company, attend a casual party, flirt, and attract admiring glances.

The dream book gives slightly different interpretations about why you dream of wearing red lipstick. On the one hand, you still lack attention, but on the other hand, you crave something more than advances and flirting - you need sexual intimacy.

If a man happened to see the painted lips of an unfamiliar girl in a dream, then in reality an attractive person will show interest in him, hoping for serious relationship. Why do you dream about lip gloss? If it is bright and provocative, then in reality you are striving to assert yourself through your attractiveness. At the same time, it is important not to hurt the feelings of your loved ones, otherwise you will lose good friends.