What topics to talk about with a girl. What to talk about with a girl: interesting topics

  • What to talk about with a guy?
  • 7 Tips to Improve Your Communication Skills

Life constantly confronts us with new people and the need to searchtopics for conversation,be it while away the time with fellow travelers on the train or on a first date. But what if you don't have public speaking talent? How to start a conversation if there is a ringing emptiness in your head, but in your heart only wish- to fall through the ground from awkwardness?

It’s enviable to look at those who can easily talk with a saleswoman in a store or a neighbor on a trolleybus. Such people always have a lot of acquaintances, they don’t need to be tormented by the question: what to do if you're bored ? They will always find entertainment in the form of a pleasant conversation, they are welcome to be seen at parties and events. This is such an innate talent - modest silent people think sadly. But learning to communicate spontaneously is not that difficult, and today we will tell you how it’s done.

Interesting topics for conversation

There are a number of topics that are relevant always and everywhere because they unite people. We live under the same sky, so we can talk to the first person we meet about the weather. We all work somewhere and are passionate about something, so talking about our favorite pastime is interesting to everyone. We were once children, fell in love, watched movies... Any phenomenon in our life can be used as the basis for a lively conversation.

The most top topics for conversation This:

The topics described above are not a “panacea” and will not necessarily make a new acquaintance want to continue the conversation. There are people who are allergic to sports or those who consider the issue of finances to be purely personal. But by asking several leading questions at random on each topic, you can find the one that is closest to your interlocutor. And you can usually tell from a person what is interesting to him and what is not so interesting.

What to talk about with a guy?

This and the next section deal mainly with the beginning romantic relationships, because a conversation between two old acquaintances begins by itself. But for a guy, in order not to fail out of shame on his first date with a girl, it is important to be able to find an interesting topic for dialogue. Of course, a lady must show herself with the best side, be able to listen, maintain a conversation, and not ask unnecessary or stupid questions.

What can you talk about with a guy?so that you can have a good time, show yourself in the right light, and get to know him better as a person? Alternate general topics, given above (cinema, travel, world news), with personal ones in which your young man can open up. Having found out how much good relationship he has with his relatives, one can understand how a hypothetical spouse will build relationships in his family. Work and hobbies clearly demonstrate a person’s personal qualities. You can also ask what kind of girls he likes, how he sees his future relationships.

Many girls (and guys too) ask about their exes to draw a parallel. The logic is simple: what happened in past relationships will be the same in current ones. But this is a bad way. Firstly, people tend to draw conclusions from their mistakes (although not always). Secondly, asking such questions is tactless. And thirdly, this is a good opportunity to turn into a vest, and then into a girl playing a role best friend. Why do you need this?

Questions for a guy to ask for a first date

  • Do you love books? Which one are you reading now?
  • Do you go to any events? Concerts, exhibitions, festivals?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Do you like to walk in nature?
  • What time of year and weather do you like most?
  • Do you like it in our city? Would you like to live there forever or are you dreaming of moving?
  • How do you see your future?
  • What exotic dishes do you like?
  • Do you have any siblings? Do you see each other often?
  • What was your childhood dream?

Topics for conversation with a girl

The main fear that torments girls is to be interesting only as a sexual object, to be used and abandoned. To reassure your interlocutor and show that, first of all, her personality is important, you need to be tactful.Read, how to compliment a girl , so as not to have the opposite effect.

The more attention you pay to the spiritual and intellectual qualities of your interlocutor, the greater will be her gratitude and sincerity. Saying with a sly wink, “You probably ate a lot of cabbage as a child,” the guy is already dotting the i’s: “I’m only interested in your body and its parameters.”

What can you talk about with a girl?so that she feels in the interlocutor and interesting man, and a delicate friend? Many questions have already been raised above, including the previous section. Conversations about books and music are essentially universal. They can be asked to representatives of both sexes, so we will not duplicate them. But there are also questions that well reveal the girl’s character.

Questions to ask a girl on the first date

  • What do you do in the evenings?
  • How are you spending the holidays?
  • Are you interested in charity?
  • Do you love shopping? Do you often go shopping?
  • What should your man be like?
  • How do you feel about feminists?
  • Do you have many girlfriends? What do you do when you see each other?
  • Do you like nightclubs?

For a woman, conversation is one of the most important factors interaction with a man. Sociologists conducted an interesting experiment. A group of women went to a session male striptease. During the incendiary action, indicators responsible for emotional arousal were measured: pulse, breathing, blood pressure, brain activity. All the ladies tested admitted that they perceived what they saw only as an object of art, beautiful dance. The same cool reaction was recorded by the instruments.

But when the guys got dressed and started talking, all the test subjects’ indicators jumped up. The women were clearly more excited by the conversation than by the sight of naked male body. It turns out that girls really love with their ears!

Dangerous topics: how not to ruin the conversation?

There are topics that are best not touched upon or raised with caution.

For example, religious and Political Views- a good reason to fight. There are many parties and religions in the world, and the ideologies of many of them are diametrically opposed to each other.

Health is an intimate topic. Diseases can be “indecent”; it is not customary to talk about them in society. For example, hemorrhoids or cystitis. Therefore, asking direct questions about health is the same as playing minesweeper. The chance of touching a person's nerve is very high. And talking about your illnesses and complaining is also bad form.

Do not ask tactless questions regarding family and personal life. If a thirty-year-old woman says that she has no children, then you should not ask: “Why?” And if you try to find out the girl’s age - God forbid you!

There are unwritten rules of communication etiquette . Knowing them makes the communication process easier, more interesting and even, strange as it may sound, safer. Tips on how to improve your communication skills will also be helpful.

Tip 1. Fill yourself up new information , knowledge, impressions. Only a fulfilled person can talk about something interesting: he reads books, travels, observes people and events. And what can a poor fellow, who has never been anywhere and is not interested in anything, tell?

- I went to work. I had dinner. Here I come. Sitting. I'm looking at you...

Tip 2. Don’t teach others about life . It's nice to seem smart, but if you're not an expert in the field, then why give unsolicited advice?

Tip 3. Don’t “yak” and do not demonstrate your superiority to others. There are characters who have achieved little more than nothing in life, and after every word they beat themselves in the chest: “Here I am!” And they look at everyone as if they are defective, and they only hear themselves, and they are not interested in anyone else. Don't be like that.

Tip 4. Don’t turn the conversation into an interrogation. . All of the above questions should not sound as if the interlocutor is at an appointment with a psychologist. It is better to “wrap” them in context, like in a wrapper. You don’t even have to frame them as questions, but voice some kind of interesting fact on the topic and see if the interlocutor picks up the thread. For example, instead of asking a direct question about shopping, neutrally remark: “Dressing beautifully is probably not easy. You need to constantly go shopping, look for promotions and discounts...”

Tip 5. Don’t be a one-man show . We have been told for a long time and persistently that a good interlocutor is considered to be one who knows how to listen competently. But there are still a lot of people around who need a second person only as “free ears.” This role is not pleasant for anyone, so it is better not to forget to take long pauses in the monologue.

Tip 6. Don't use negative labels . It may turn out that in front of you is just the bearer of such a “label”.

- Oh, these lawyers are such charlatans!

- By the way, I am a lawyer, and you are wrong!

- Well, everyone except you...

Tip 7. Say nice things to the person about him, praise him. Everyone loves to be praised. The main thing is not to cross the line of rude flattery and notice only features that truly aroused your respect or admiration.

Be able to carry on a conversation - useful quality. It makes life more interesting and enjoyable. From the first date, when two kindred spirits get to know each other in the process of conversation, it may further conclude happy marriage. Many important deals are concluded at social parties during “chatter about nothing.” What can I say, most conflict situations can be extinguished by the ability to direct the conversation in a constructive direction.

To a person who is open to communication life is easier, because he has a hundred friends, and they are much better than a hundred rubles. However, one does not interfere with the other!

Develop your communication skills, offer interesting topics for conversation and awkward protracted silence you will never have!

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Want to know what to talk about with the girl you like? Then read on for 30 tips to help you keep a conversation going with your friend.

Most guys know what it's like if they like a girl. When she is nearby, the presence of butterflies in the stomach is guaranteed.

You feel nervous every time a girl comes into your attention, and when it comes to communication, things get even more difficult.

Why is it that when you like a girl, it becomes so difficult to talk to her? Your palms sweat, your mouth becomes dry, and for some inexplicable reason, although you are a completely normal and adequate person, you are unable to express even a single trivial thought, let alone transform it into something articulate.

While you are usually the center of the universe and the life of the party and can talk to anyone about any topic, if your conversation partner is someone you can't stop thinking about, suddenly everything changes.

If you have a problem starting and developing a conversation with a girl due to internal depression, you are not alone in your trouble.

The best way to deal with such a situation is to prepare for it in advance. Even though you may not be able to behave in a completely natural way during a conversation, you cannot look stupid when the conversation suddenly stops and there is a long and uncomfortable silence.

An additional stone in your garden will be the inability to find a way out of the trap of your own silence. That's why great idea will be adopted interesting topics to carry on a conversation.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to start communicating with a girl for the first time, having an insidious plan to capture her phone number, or you already, but want to be sure that communication will proceed without a hitch, having prepared interesting topics and questions for the girl, you can guarantee that you will have a great time with her.

What to talk about with a girl

Starting a conversation with a girl you like is actually simple, and the suggested topics for communication will help you on the right path.

Once the conversation starts, you will find yourself relaxing and everything becomes much easier.

But having cheat sheets prepared, just in case, will give you peace of mind, because now you will know exactly what to talk about with the girl.

1. Did you see what they showed on TV yesterday..?

Popular culture and the media are unlikely to ignore your friend. This is a very easy way to start a casual conversation.

If, thanks to television or the Internet, you have witnessed a particularly interesting information, talk about it.

2. Do you have brothers, sisters?

By the way, that's pretty useful information. What if her brother is Roman Abramovich?

3. Do you have good relations with your relatives?

This is a rather personal but important question.

If you decide to build a long-term relationship, a girl from a close-knit family will be the right choice.

Moreover, talking about relationships with your family brings you closer.

4. Where do you work and study?

Ask where the girl works or studies, and whether she likes this type of activity or her chosen specialty.

Showing interest in professional activities girls will be a good way to start a conversation, since most people can talk for hours about their work or school and how they love it or hate it.

5. What did you dream of becoming as a child?

This question will help you move on to the topic of childhood and develop your dialogue with children's stories.

6. Which your favorite dish?

Pay attention to your girlfriend's favorite dish, because if all goes well, you can cook her a wonderful dinner later, adding priceless points to your male knight appearance.

7. What do you usually do in your free time?

Find out about her hobbies and interests. This question will show your compatibility, and give a hint on choosing a place for.

8. What kind of music do you listen to?

If you don't know what to talk about with the girl you like, start a conversation about music.

Music is a completely neutral topic, because every person has his favorites. musical preferences, and also musical genres which they hate.

Tell us about the concerts and festivals you attended. You may have a lot more in common than you expected.

9. What is associated with the best day of your life?

Who knows. Maybe she will answer what’s wrong with you...

10. What was the most memorable night of your life?

Information about your friend's nightly adventures can give you another round of ideas.

Moreover, what if this girl is not your destiny? Then you are absolutely handsome. Use the free idea you received to organize a date night with another girl.

11. If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would it be?

This is a funny and moderately stupid question that can still tell a lot about a girl.

12. What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?

Dreaming together about what you will do if you become super rich is interesting way spend time.

13. What would you do if you had a week to live?

It is unlikely that such a question will become painful. Rather, it will start a fun and light-hearted conversation about many crazy activities and things.

14. Do you have an idol?

A role model is an important characteristic of a person.

15. Why did you agree to the date?

A stupid question that shows your weakness.

24. What is your hobby?

The more eventful your life and the life of your friend, the more interesting the conversation will be.

25. Topics for conversation with a girl:
  • Childhood, both hers and yours.
  • Current interests and hobbies.
  • Plans for the future.
  • Personal preferences and outlook on life.
  • Family.
  • Relationships with the opposite sex without specifics and memories of your ex.
  • Psychology and esoterics.
  • Current problems of your generation.
  • Own stories from life.
26. Thinking out loud

Practice talking about whatever you want, i.e. about everything that comes to your mind, and do not turn the conversation with the girl into an interrogation. Don't act as an investigator, so add your own stories to the conversation.

27. Be confident

You don't need to agree with everything the girl says, but you shouldn't argue either.

28. Be emotional

You may well talk about what interests you, however, by doing it expressively and emotionally, the girl will enjoy the communication.

29. Practice on other girls

Go on a few dates with girls you don't have exciting feelings about.

It will be much easier for you when you finally muster the courage to talk to the girl of your dreams.

30. Smile and eye contact

It's nothing worthwhile way proper positioning of yourself, which works wonders.

31. Keep the end goal in mind

Don't forget to get the girl's phone number. Or did you just want to kill your time?

32. Look attractive

If you are silent by nature, then your appearance can rehabilitate you at least a little.


You will never get a 100% guarantee that a date or conversation will go smoothly, because external factors there are countless successful conversations. However, the more you interact with people, the more confident and natural you become.

So practice often and eventually you will understand what to talk about with a girl.

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We've all been in a situation where you've just met someone and are trying to find common topics of conversation. This baffles many, and that same awkward silence ensues.

website I found out what Internet users were talking about in order to quickly make friends with new acquaintances.

Ask a person a question from any field, for which he will need to find 3 different options answers. For example, ask your interlocutor to name His 3 favorite foods, movies, or funniest childhood memories. This little exercise will not only help your friend feel more relaxed, but also help you get to know him better. It may sound a little childish, but it really works.

We can discuss How your day usually goes, what you like and don’t like about your job(people love to complain about their work, but it’s important not to overdo it with negativity). It is also always interesting to know why you chose this particular profession (childhood dreams, example of adults, etc.).

If you have the same profession, then consider it a great success, because it will be easy for you to find common topics.

It is difficult to find a person who does not love pets, especially cats and dogs. Some people will start talk passionately about your pets(maybe they will even show photos) , others talk about how they dream of having a four-legged friend. In an emergency, if you completely lose your communication skills, take out your smartphone and turn on YouTube. A sincere laugh at the habits of another cute cat will immediately break the ice between you and your interlocutor.

Even if it turns out that your interlocutor collects edged weapons, and you collect rare dolls, you will probably It will be interesting to discuss each other's passions. This is also a great opportunity to learn about different hobbies and perhaps find a new activity that you enjoy.

The number of people who have not seen a single episode of Game of Thrones can soon be counted on one hand. Therefore, if your interlocutor (and you, of course) watched a cult series, then topics for conversation will appear by themselves. Don't forget about famous films. After all cinema is the best source of collective memories. You can always talk about how much you cared about Mufasa from The Lion King or the fate of Jack and Rose from Titanic.

If the conversation doesn't go well, you can always turn to the childhood memories of your interlocutor. Ask what he was interested in, what he dreamed about, what subjects he liked or disliked most at school. The main thing is not to be overly persistent and avoid relationships with parents. Questions like these may be considered too personal.

Of course, there are no universal topics for conversation when communicating with a new acquaintance. But good manners, a sense of humor and the ability to listen to your interlocutor will always help you.

What do you prefer to talk about at the first meeting? Share in the comments!

If you are just taking your first steps in a pickup truck, and you don’t have much experience communicating with girls, the question naturally arises: what to talk about with a new friend. After all, when it’s the first time, a lot of different nuances arise: since she’s for you, you start to worry, and because of this, communication doesn’t go well.

Therefore, before a meeting, it is better to have a plan in your head: what kind of communication you can get hold of, where to lead it and how to avoid awkward pauses.

The first question you should ask yourself is: “for what purpose am I going for a walk now, and what exactly do I want from a girl?” After all, this is very important! Why do so many dates end in nothing? The guy likes the girl and he meets completely aimlessly, he doesn’t know what to do and where to direct his communication. Girls feel such uncertainty very well, and they quickly become bored and uninteresting.

For example, you say to yourself: I like this girl. In a meeting, I want her to be interested in me. I want to get closer to her and kiss her. Ultimately I want to have sex with her.

And when the goals are set, you can conduct the conversation in a certain way. What kind of communication can lead to sex? Obviously not a discussion of your hobbies, and who is studying for whom.

Therefore, flirting should be present in your communication. And the initiative for this flirting should come from you.

Interesting topics to talk to a girl

  • Her appearance. After you have greeted her, hugged her and kissed her, you can pay attention to her appearance. For example, say that she has a cool top with an interesting print, and start discussing it, what it means. In this case, you are driving her into an evaluative framework, and she is already starting to think about how to please you, and that there may be something wrong with her.)
  • Extreme Sports. Tell her how you do road jumping, how cool it is and what emotions you experience. Invite her to try it too. Your girlfriend will imagine all this and begin to experience emotions. What's the most important thing on a date? Emotions!
  • Tell me about some cool or interesting case from my life, in which you find yourself with your girlfriend. That is, you talk about the situation and casually mention that there is at least one other woman in your life. This immediately creates competition for you in the girl’s head. For example: a friend was driving me on a date, and we saw such a terrible accident... and then blah blah blah... the emphasis is on the incident, but the girl will immediately notice that you have a friend who is also doing something for you.
  • Ask how she would behave in a given situation. An example of a situation should also be provocative. For example, you are sitting in some establishment, and you ask: how would you behave if that girl over there came up to me now and asked me to dance? It doesn't matter what she says. The main thing is that the necessary mental image has already been created in her head, which also works to compete for you.
  • Tell us about your travels. Where have you been and what have you seen? About the most memorable moments. Ask her the same. By the way, this is a good test for a girl. Usually, people who have never been anywhere, and don’t even have the desire to do so, turn out to be quite closed and boring. Why do you need a girl who is not interested in anything?

Topics for conversation with a girl on VK

I don't recommend delaying it. Try to get the girl’s phone number as quickly as possible and agree to meet in real life. In VK it is quite difficult to maintain a conversation at the desired level, and it is pointless. If a girl doesn't give her number and breaks down, forget about her and move on to someone else.

How to communicate with a girl

No less important point. After all, if you use all of the above points, but are unsure of yourself and boring, then no amount of conversation, even super interesting and intriguing topics, will help you. Therefore, keep in mind that it is important not even WHAT talk and HOW speak.

Talk to the girl confidently. Don't fawn on her. Don't try to please her.

Imagine that during your communication you are mentally giving her a gift. In the form of positive energy, good mood, interesting information. Look how her reaction has changed.

As you gain experience, you will have less and less questions about how to find topics to talk to a girl in real life, on the Internet, on VK, by phone, yes in all situations. It's like boxing. When you come to training for the first time, your hands don’t obey you, everything works out just barely. But after just a few months of regular training, you’ve already gotten the hang of it, you defend yourself well, and you don’t think about your every action. So here, you stop worrying about how to start a conversation and what you can talk about with a girl.

Running out of topics to chat with a girl?

Have a few more options:

  • Ask about a dream.
  • About whether he knows how to cook. You can have a good joke here)
  • “What do you want to be when you grow up?”)
  • Talk about women's and men's fashion.

That's all. Good luck!

Movie- a universal theme. We start with the question: “Have you been to the cinema *?” We find out what he likes to watch, whether he goes to night shows, talk about new releases and invite you to a movie - it’s in the bag!

Hobbies. For example, you roller skate or collect stamps. In the first case, after a short conversation, you can invite him for a ride. If he doesn’t know how, promise to teach him. In the second - tell romantic story associated with your favorite brand and invite you to view the collection. During the conversation, do not forget to ask what the girl is interested in and give her time to talk about it.

Literature. Does the girl like to read? If yes, go ahead. What I read in lately? Which writer is your favorite? Tell us what you are reading yourself. Maybe you know which book will soon be filmed? Already read new book from a series she liked? Promise to let me read it.

Museums, memorial places. There are tons of them in any city. You need to pick up a guidebook and remember information at least about those where you visit most often. Then at any moment you can strike your intellect in something like this: “Do you know that Pushkin (James Bond, Carlson) lived in this house?” We are interested in the lady’s favorite places, tell her a romantic story about her favorite park and invite her to take a walk.

Bad habits. It’s better to talk about “cute” shortcomings: the habit of constantly being late, losing pens, or vice versa - unbeknownst to yourself, collecting them from everyone you know. The main thing is to have fun.

Money. Talking about how much daily travel and food, CDs, books cost is a good opportunity to start a conversation. True, you shouldn’t drag it out, he’ll think that you’re a miser. After a couple of opinions, move on to another topic. For example, to food.

Food. From family dinners with grandma’s pies to favorite dishes, exotic seafood, good cafes, barbecue trips, etc. An invitation to your favorite cafe or out of town on the weekend will be completely logical in this case.

Travel, walks. You can talk about your recent trip. Ask where the girl likes to go, travel, about her favorite weather for walking, where she would like to visit. What do you like best: forests, mountains or diving into the unknown depths of the sea for treasures?

Cars, transport. Ask if the girl drives a car. If not, is there a desire? What cars do you like? What other transport would you like to drive? spaceship or an armored personnel carrier? Share your thoughts about your dream car.

Work and study. Tell a couple funny situations from your work or educational practice. Ask about relationships in the team: are there common holidays, ask about the bosses and teachers. There will definitely be something in common in these stories, something to laugh at.

Rest. What do you do on the weekend? Regardless of the answer to the question, we don’t criticize anything, even if the girl doesn’t get off the couch all day, eating kilos of cakes. Maybe she has a terribly stressful job, and this is compensation for stress. Your task is to keep the conversation going.

Sport. Start carefully with your favorite sports. If you hear that a girl is doing ballet or dancing, do not rush to laugh “at the top of your lungs.” Try at home in front of a mirror, standing on tiptoes, raising your legs, sitting down, jumping and at the same time beautifully waving your arms for a couple of hours in a row. Your torment will have nothing in common with ballet, but you will feel the degree of stress. Famous athletes, gyms, types of swimming, sports tourism - there are many.

From sport to health. Here is the time to say that it is better to ride bicycles on fresh air than sniffing glue in basements. We can philosophize a little on this topic together. Unless, of course, the girl yawns during your moral lecture.

Religion. Do you believe in God, in fate, are you interested in Buddhism, the history of religions, don’t even believe in chance, etc.? Don’t be shy, ask: does she believe in predestination from above or does she believe that a person creates his own destiny. Do you feel that your meetings are not accidental? Hint about it. This could make for an interesting conversation.

Relationship. Here you can ask what kind of guy she would like to meet. What he will not tolerate: betrayal, boringness, greed, etc. In response, express your opinions. Ask about your friends, tell us about yours. Just don’t start scrutinizing your ex-girlfriends.

Children. Kids, younger brothers and sisters, nephews and just acquaintances. There will definitely be something to discuss: funny sayings, pranks, whims. If the lady you choose is already a mother, the conversation can be endless. You can find out how serious the person in front of you is.

Gifts, holidays. Which holiday is the best? What gifts does he like? Give or receive? About yourself - definitely. For example: you love winter, New Year, Santa Claus and swimming in an ice hole under tangerine rain wearing only fins.

Cloth. Be sure to compliment her on how beautiful she is appearance. Make fun of your favorite jeans. Ask: How does she feel about the guys working the runway? Hint that a woman is beautiful in any clothes - any a real man knows about this.

Pets. The topic is a win-win, unless you run into an outright psychopath. Does she have a cat, a dog, a rat, a fish, a parrot? Praise! It is mandatory to talk about your pets. Imagine what your favorite iguana and her guinea pigs would do together.

Sex. You can shock a girl by immediately informing her about your sexual preferences. True, the result will be extremely doubtful. Therefore, wait until your relationship becomes really close. In the meantime, you can talk about famous couples: are they really suitable for each other?