Alexander Buynov biography personal life children. What is Alexander Buinov’s wife capable of? An interesting incident from life

  1. Alexander was born into the family of a blacksmith. His grandfather owned one of the two cousins ​​in the entire city of Efremov. Nikolai Buinov named his son in honor of his father; he himself chose the profession of a pilot and was actively involved in sports; in several disciplines he earned the title of master.
  2. Alexander's mother, Claudia, studied music. She graduated from the conservatory with great pleasure. Parents tried to give musical education to all children. In addition to Alexander, there were children Andrei, Vladimir and Arkady. All children chose professions related to music.
  3. Vladimir became a jazz performer and loved to improvise. Andrey was also fond of jazz and was a jazz teacher. Arkady is a producer and conductor.


  • parents vaccinated aesthetic taste children not only in art, but also in clothing. The little Buynovs always left the house neat and elegant. As a child, Alexander got involved with local hooligans. He was an obedient child and wore clothes, but that was only to the nearest corner;
  • then he took off his cap and turned into an ordinary boy who likes to play with other guys and build explosive devices. One day the game almost cost Alexander his sight;
  • he went to see why the next firecracker did not explode, at which time an explosion occurred. The boy's eyes were damaged, after this incident Buinov began wearing glasses.

The beginning of creativity

  1. At the end of the 60s, the singer graduated music school. For seven years, his parents forced him to study, but after that, Alexander seriously thought about a career in this profession. The creative path begins with the creation of his own group called “Antianarchists”.
  2. A tangible boost to my career came after meeting Alexander Gradsky. It was he who recognized the talent and potential of young Buinov. Gradsky invites him to play keyboards in the group “Skomorokhi”. The rapid takeoff was interrupted by army duty.
  3. Having returned, Alexander decides that he will continue to make music. He performs with other groups, and then in a truly famous group of that time - “Jolly Fellows”. While still playing the keyboard, Buinov and the group recorded more than one hit.
  4. It was a long period from 1973 to 1989, which provided great and invaluable experience. With this group, the name of Alexander Buinov became famous throughout the Union. The “Jolly Fellows” traveled to many Soviet countries, each of which had concert tours.


Having extensive experience in touring life and holding concerts, Buinov decides to start an independent career. After “Guys,” there were other groups in which Alexander was no longer a keyboard player, but a vocalist. “Rio” is a musical ballet and group created by Buinov. For the rest of his life, colleagues from this team became true friends for Alexander. Now the singer has tried on several new roles, artistic director, songwriter, director, performer.

  • "Captain Katalkin."
  • "Early Winter"
  • "Leaves are falling."
  • “Shard.”
  • "Dance like Petya."
  • "Hotel" and others.

Despite his increased popularity, Alexander decides to enroll in directing at GITIS. Upon its completion in 1992, Buinov presented his thesis, namely, a concert in St. Petersburg with the program “Captain Katalkin,” which he himself directed. After this, there were several more tours, which were entirely owned by Buinov.

Peak of popularity

  1. The 90s became the peak of popularity of the musician and performer. Alexander meets many outstanding personalities in the field of show business. Among them is Igor Krutoy, who will later develop a true friendship. In 1997, they released a new album together concert program"Islands of Love"
  2. In total, the singer’s discography includes 17 albums. From the very first, titled “Ticket to Copenhagen,” released in 1991, to the latest in 2017, “One Hundred Weeks.” Fame is fleeting and unpredictable. Alexander Buinov managed to catch luck by the tail and did not leave the stage after the first tour. His work became truly folk and classic for its time.
  3. Now the artist’s name does not appear on the music charts so often, but he continues to work, write songs, and release new compositions, often in collaboration with other artists. IN different time, Alika Smekhova, Yulia Savicheva, Anzhelika Agurbash and others sang in a duet with him.


Alexander has many titles and awards. The most significant of them:

  1. Honored Artist of Russia, which he received in 2002, for services to art.
  2. Order of Honor 2005, It is awarded for contribution to the development of Russian musical art.
  3. Order of Friendship 2017. This order is awarded for great contribution to the preparation and conduct of important events at the international level.

Personal life

  1. The singer's personal life includes three official marriage. The first of which lasted almost two years, since the guys were very young. The girl was only 17 years old when soldier Buinov ran to her 12 kilometers from his unit. There were no children from this union.
  2. The second marriage lasted from 1972 to 1985. Alexander admitted that it was not worth tying oneself into family ties just because the girl was pregnant. He was not happy in his family. The couple had a daughter, Yulia, who gave Buinov three wonderful grandchildren.
  3. In 1985, Alexander met his true love. She turned out to be cosmetologist and producer Elena Gutman. Buinov is still happily married to this woman. There are no children from this union.

More recently, Alexander found out that he has illegitimate son, born in 1987. He was on tour in Sochi, and he had an affair with a Hungarian woman.


  • Even celebrities cannot boast of excellent health. Buinov was given a terrible diagnosis in 2011 - cancer. Alexander did not give up in the face of the disease, he steadfastly endured all the instructions and agreed to the operation. After it was carried out, the singer’s condition improved significantly;
  • the artist himself spoke of his illness as a punishment for sins. He was confident that everything would be fine and did not panic. His father also trusted the “scalpel,” that is, surgical intervention. Alexander really didn’t want anyone to know about his illness, because it was only his misfortune;
  • Alexander Buynov is still a welcome guest at any event, he collaborates with representatives of modern pop music, enters into duets and does not intend to leave the stage.

What do you think about Alexander Buynov? We are waiting for your comments.

As we know, our country is rich in talent. Today we will tell you about life famous singer Alexandra Buinova.

Why about Buynov?

We were interested in the biography of Alexander Buinov - a singer, composer, actor, whose formative period was in the 60s and 70s. These, as you know, are the times of the hippies and the Thaw. The musician’s creativity flourished in the 80s and 90s, and his creative potential, despite everything, does not fade away even today.

Perhaps that is why singer Alexander Buinov, the biography and creative path of this man are still of interest to many. The life of Alexander Buinov, like any other creative personality, is full of many exciting events that intrigue his many fans. And of course, we will do everything to satisfy this curiosity.

Buynov's childhood and youth

Singer Alexander Buynov ( full name- Nikolaevich) was born in Moscow on March 24, 1950. Alexander Buinov's family was large: his parents, the future singer and his two more brothers, one of whom, Arkady, is also associated with music.

Buinov’s father was a military pilot, and his mother had a musical education, so as a child the boy was forced to go to music school.

The area in which the Buinovs lived was criminal, so from childhood the future singer had to learn to defend himself from hooligans. So, he became friends with them and became like them: he loved to spend time on the street, fought, broke glass, swore and even dealt with explosives. One such experiment was unsuccessful, and the boy injured his eye, after which he had to wear glasses all his life.

In the 60s, the fashion for rock came, and the future singer nevertheless graduated from music school. He even founded his own group, and later joined Alexander Gradsky’s group “Skomorokhi”.

Buynov's early years

The biography of Alexander Buinov in his youth is connected with the search for his creative path. At this time he met such celebrities as Alla Pugacheva.

In the late 70s and early 80s of the twentieth century, Buinov worked as part of the “Jolly Fellows” team. During the International Olympics held in 1980, Buinov recorded many foreign hits.

Career blossoming

The biography of Alexander Buinov during the heyday of his career is characterized by many areas of activity. Since the late 80s, Alexander Buinov worked in many places, was a singer, musician, artist, until he became the artistic director of the Chao ensemble.

In the 90s, Buinov’s abilities were fully revealed, he performed as a soloist, became the director of his own show programs and numerous concerts, his songs were already hits, the videos of those times are now true classics of that time.

Since the mid-90s, Buinov was already known not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Europe, Israel, and America.

His albums gained popularity: “Islands of Love”, “Finance Sings Romances”, “Cold and Ice” and many of his songs.

In the late nineties, Buinov voiced Rasputin in the US-produced cartoon “Anastasia”, was on the jury of the show “Stars of the 21st Century”, and starred in the film “Old Songs about the Main Thing”.

How does a musician live now?

Now Alexander Buinov is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, who has won the music festival"Song of the Year" has many other awards. Today, almost no official event or holiday is complete without his performance.

Alexander Buynov is one of the most significant figures in the world of modern show business. Having become a veteran of the Soviet and Russian stage, he takes part in many actions, projects and celebrations, but at the same time considers himself a person far from politics.

Buinov, as before, considers it necessary to deal only with his creativity. His songs, like the songs of any artist, today can be easily found and downloaded online for free. There is even a musician’s personal website on the Internet, where anyone can visit.

The only thing we can add about Alexander Buinov’s personal preferences in music is that they have now changed towards the classics. Buinov, as always, values ​​​​his listeners, but prefers to conduct more quiet life, devote less time to journalists and more family. He still loves horses, cars and beautiful women.

About the singer's personal life

Alexander met his first wife, Vdovina Lyubov Vasilyevna, in the army, but their life together was short-lived. In her youth, the girl was very beautiful, her life ended tragically at the age of 49, she died in a fire. In the 70s, Buinov married again, his new wife name was Lyudmila, with her the singer had a daughter, Yulia.

Today Alexander Buinov, whose personal life was long years restless, has two adult children - a daughter and a son, a grandson. The singer himself is already 65 years old. Alexander Buynov, whose wife died tragically, now began to value life and his family. Alexander Buinov’s current wife, Alena, is also his personal image consultant.

Fight against cancer

Many years ago, doctors diagnosed the singer with a serious illness - cancer. It may seem very strange to some, but many creative people are subject to this terrible diagnosis. Many celebrities have had this disease and died from it. Perhaps the mental and emotional predisposition of certain people to this disease is to blame. After all, cancer, as we know, can appear not only from bad heredity, but also from an excess of experiences. This led to the premature death of many, but in the case of Alexander Buinov everything ended well. According to him, it was his innate optimism that helped him finally overcome the disease.

Rumors about the disease are far-fetched

As you know, not all people are friendly and responsive, especially towards celebrities. Many people simply envy them and therefore strive to do harm and ruin their lives in every possible way. Once upon a time A. Buinov actually suffered from cancer. And now the topic “what is wrong with Alexander Buinov”, the topic of relapse of the disease, periodically pops up in various media. But rumors about the return of the singer’s terrible illness have no basis. Buinov himself is very dissatisfied with what is happening. “People, take care of yourself, stop prying into other people’s personal lives!” - that's his life position, which quite logically appeals to many.

According to the singer, now, at sixty-five years old, he feels good and is constantly working on new creative projects.

Recipes for happiness from Buinov

What is the secret of the singer’s optimism and creative longevity? In one of the interviews, he revealed his simple secrets. Here are some of them:

  1. Having a job you love helps you never get discouraged.
  2. If suddenly something doesn’t work out, you should definitely switch, try yourself in a related activity, or take a short break to rethink your actions.
  3. Pay due attention to rest.
  4. A hobby helps you not to be depressed. Buinov's most famous hobbies are collecting cars and football - the favorite game of millions of people around the world.
  5. You need to enjoy every day, not spoil each other’s mood over trifles, let pedestrians pass at the intersection and not get angry at novice drivers.
  6. Appreciate life and those who remain close to you, no matter what.

These are the secrets of success from Buinov. In general, they are universal and will be quite useful for many.

Alexander Buinov wishes all the admirers of his talent all the best and assures that he will certainly delight them with his performances for a very long time. We hope that the information we provide detailed biography Alexandra Buinova told a lot of new things about his life path.

Alexander Buinov was born into the family of a military pilot, as well as a craftsman. different types sports and mother of a musician. The love of music was instilled in Sasha and his two brothers by his creative mother. early years- all three children attended music school.


Profession: singer
Date of Birth: March 24, 1950
Height and weight: 180 cm. 82 kg.
Place of Birth: Efremov, Tula region, Russia
Best works:"Finance Sings Romances", "Leaves Are Falling"
Awards: Title of Honored Artist of Russia
Social network: Facebook , Twitter

However, boring music lessons did not please the future artist, and a stack of sheet music and a funny beret aroused ridicule from the yard boys with whom little Buinov so liked to play pranks. During one of these pranks, Alexander almost lost his sight - the contents of an exploding carbide bomb damaged the retina of the boy's eyes.

In the early 1960s, Alexander graduated from music school, where he studied for seven years. That's when it started music career Buinova, wandering from one vocal-instrumental ensemble to another.

When the musician was in ninth grade high school, he and two friends organized their own ensemble “Antianarchists”. It was then that Alexander joined the hippie culture, and that’s all free time spent with new friends on Pushkin Square and in the iconic pub "Yama".

In 1966, Buynov met the young composer Alexander Gradsky and joined his group. Buinov played the piano in the ensemble "Skomorokhi". A later Alexander served in the army, ending up in engineering troops to Altai.

Buinov received his higher education only in 1992, graduating Russian Academy theatrical arts(that is, GITIS) and received a diploma in the specialty of "production director". Before that, he managed to play in the Araks group and team. And "Flowers". And from 1973 to 1989, Alexander played keyboards in the VIA "Jolly Fellows", thanks to which he became famous.

The group took part in various festivals and competitions, such as “Yerevan-81” and “Bratislava Lyra”. As part of the "Jolly Fellows" Buinov recorded several albums: "Love is a huge country", "Musical Globe", "We need to be friends", "Disco Club", "Banana Islands" and "Just a Minute".

Alexander Buinov began his solo career in 1989. At first he became a soloist-vocalist of the Moscow concert association "Era", and two years later he became an artist of the ARS company. A few years later he became artistic director music and ballet group "Rio".

During my solo career the singer released 18 records, tried himself in cinema and even wrote a couple of soundtracks.

Personal life

Married three times. His first marriage to Lyubov Vdovina lasted from 1970 to 1972. From his second marriage, Buinov had a daughter, Yulia. Third official wife Alexandra became a cosmetologist Elena Gutman in 1985. The artist also has an illegitimate son, Alexey, born in 1987.

Interesting Facts

The original emphasis in the singer's surname was on the first syllable

His vocals were used in 1988 in the film "Primorsky Boulevard" and in 2000 in the cartoon " The Bremen Town Musicians& Co"

Starred in the following films: “Primorsky Boulevard”, “Old songs about the main thing - 3”, “Good and bad”, “Old songs about the main thing. Postscript” and “And the snow falls”

His older brother Arkady sings in the choir of the Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Zagornovo near Moscow and works as a producer music programs"Channel One"

In 2012 he participated in the project “Battle of the Choirs” on the channel “Russia-1”

Member of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", member of the political council of the Moscow organization of the United Russia party

In 2005, he signed a “Letter in Support of the Verdict” former leaders"YUKOS", where they talked about Khodorkovsky. In 2011, Buinov said that he was ashamed of this act


1991 - Ticket to Copenhagen

1992 - E-mine

1993 - Hotel Razgulnaya

1994 - Wow, life has brought it!

1995 - I Knew Love

1996 - I am Moscow!

1997 - Islands of Love

1999 - Finance sings romances

2000 - Love for two

2001 - No words

2003 - Catch

2004 - All things to do

2006 - Into the clouds

2006 - Adult songs

2010 - P.R.O. Love

Alexander Buinov has been living with Alena for thirty years. In the crowd, everyone without exception calls their marriage ideal. Alexander himself previously assured that he was the main one in their relationship, but now everything has changed. The singer states that his wife rules their family life. And he seems to have come to terms with this.

A few years ago, I said that my husband is the boss of everything,” says the artist. - But during my family life I realized that this is not so. My wife bears not only production responsibilities, but also the entire household. We live outside the city. She looks after the house, yard and servants. This is very difficult: you need to keep your finger on the pulse all the time so that everything grows, blooms and develops. Eighty percent of all matters rest with the spouse. I understand technology and heating. But sometimes she doesn’t let me near them either. He often says: “I know everything better without you! Where are you going? My Alena has logical thinking, unlike other women. Although before that I believed that logic was the prerogative of men.

There are no conflicts in the star family. Buinov says: just the other day Alena gave him another scolding. And all because of the costume: Alexander for a long time could not decide on the choice of outfit for the stage.

You won't get bored with my Alyonka! - the singer smiles. “We couldn’t get used to each other for a long time.” Everything seems to be going smoothly for us, but a small war is constantly going on. It seems to me that this even benefits the relationship. Today Alena started asking me what costume I would wear to perform. When he answered, she began: “Are you crazy? It doesn’t suit you!” As a result, I was given three stage outfits so that I could decide on the spot which one I would wear on stage. Alena knows that, according to my horoscope, I am a stubborn sheep and will still do everything my way - the way I see fit.

However, Alexander over the years life together I found the right approach to my wife. Sharp corners During quarrels, he learned to bypass immediately.

Laughter saves me,” the singer continues. - When there is a serious attack on her part, I step aside and start laughing. Alena, however, my words that she is funny only provoke her. “Oh, do you think I’m a clown?!” - she tells me. In general, I smooth out all the rough edges with humor and a smile.

Alexandra is glad that Alena is also responsible for the family budget. Buinov himself has a very cool attitude towards money and does not even know how much is in his pocket.

Money issues have ceased to interest me since Gradsky and I started the group “Skomorokhi,” says the artist. - We made decent money. And Gradsky, by the way, was very worried that because of me he could be left without money. And here's why. We worked with him on behalf of the Gomel Philharmonic, which granted me a deferment from the army. But at twenty years old the summons still came. Gradsky, having learned about my decision to go to serve, became indignant: “Are you an idiot? We have a group!” I was going to find a professor who, for five hundred rubles, would agree to make sure I didn’t serve. But my male sociable instinct kicked in. My father is a military pilot, my brothers served. And I, having read Jack London, perceived the army as a bright journey in my life. That’s how it turned out, by the way. I ran AWOL and froze my hands and cheeks. Now, when I walk the dogs, I have to wear a special bandage on my face. Otherwise, when you later come to the concert, all your cheeks are leaden. The army is like a wedding for me. Bright trip! I’ve lived with mine for thirty years and I don’t get bored!

Our planet is rich in outstanding people who light up new stars with their sparkling talent. Today we will talk about one bright, cheerful and famous person. His name is Alexander Buynov. Biography, personal life, children of the singer - all this interests his fans. When his name is mentioned, songs about traveling artists, about his aunt, and about falling leaves immediately come to mind. The list of popular hits could take a long time. But let's start from the beginning.

Why Buynov?

Nowadays music from the 80s and 90s is in quite high demand; hits from this period can often be heard on radio and television. People are nostalgic about the past, remembering their youth.

Heyday creative career Alexandra came precisely at this time. But, it must be added that interest in the singer does not fade to this day.

It's hard to find now pop performer, who would be able to stay on stage for so many years and remain in demand by the people.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that this public favorite was chosen, whose creative potential is rich and continues to delight numerous fans.

Biography of Alexander Buinov: childhood, teenage years

The boy Sasha was born in Moscow in the spring of March 24, 1950. Buinov's family was large. Mom, dad and two more brothers, one of whom, Arkady, will also begin to get involved in music over time.

Alexander's father is a gallant officer who worked as a military pilot. But the singer’s mother had a musical education. That is why it is not at all surprising that Sasha, as soon as he grew up, was sent to study at a music school.

The area where the idol spent his childhood was at one time considered dangerous, even criminal, so from childhood Alexander had to defend himself from the attacks of swindlers and hooligans on his own. Although over time he even became friends with them, learned to shoot glass with a slingshot, fight, and steal. Let us also note that the young talent at one time even had to deal with explosives. After this incident, the guy began to have vision problems. Buinov still wears glasses.

In the 60s, Sasha finally graduated from college and founded his own group. After rehearsing a little, the team is noticed by Alexander Gradsky and offers to join his group called “Skomorokhi”.


All his young years Buinov was in search of himself, creative ideas, thoughts, new songs.

In those years, he established friendly relations with such outstanding personalities as Alla Pugacheva and Stas Namin.

At the end of the 70s of the last century, a creative team was created with everything famous name"Funny boys". In the 80s he became very popular, collecting concert halls, songs performed by Glyzin and Buinov are shown on television. One fine day, the artists, as they say, woke up famous.


The biography of Alexander Buinov says that it was in the 80s that Alexander’s creative path began to flourish. He tried himself in many directions. Worked in different teams. I tried to be both a singer and a musician, as well as an artist and a leader.

At one time, Buinov began to manage the ensemble “Chao”, but then decided that it was better to try himself in a solo career.

In the early 90s, the singer’s bright personality revealed itself and began to play with many bright colors. Alexander created his own show program, where he acted as a singer, director, and screenwriter.

Video clips are being filmed, each of which is a hit. But in those days, every video was a small movie. Now these musical roles have become classics.

In the mid-90s, the name Buinov was recognized not only in Russia; his songs were listened to in Israel, America and even in European countries. The most popular hits: “Islands of Love”, “Finance and Romances”, “Cold and Fire” and many others.

At the end of the outgoing 20th century, the singer was trusted to voice Rasputin in full-length cartoon, released in the USA, and then in Russia.

Alexander also takes part in the sensational project “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” as well as in a show called “Stars of the 21st Century.”

Our days

Now Buynov has the title of Honored Artist. He won many times various competitions, festivals, and also has many cups, certificates and awards in its arsenal.

Now it is difficult to find an event where Alexander will not shine. No one musical evening cannot do without an eminent personality, because he is one of the most prominent figures in the world of the domestic elite.

Buynov can be called a veteran big stage. He regularly participates in various events and multiple projects, while trying to stay as far away from politics as possible.

On this moment, as in my youth, creative person considers it right for himself to devote time to new songs and interesting projects.

Now Alexander notes that he began to like the classics more and more, and he dreams of creating something new, taking into account current tastes and preferences.

A famous personality always relies on the opinions of fans, values ​​and respects them. Now he is trying to devote more free time to home and family, expressing a desire to lead a more measured life.

Horses, expensive cars and beautiful women- the singer’s three main hobbies.

Buynov Alexander: biography, family

The first wife of the eternal artist is Lyuba Vdovina. The young boy met her while serving in the army. But the relationship did not last too long; the marriage broke up a few years later. The wife was very pretty, but her life was tragically cut short at the age of 49. The woman died when the fire broke out. Is Alexander Buinov married now? The biography, children, and personal life of this man have always been the subject of observation by his fans.

Yes, in the 70s Alexander married again. Lyudmila is the singer’s second wife and gives birth to his daughter. Alexander Buinov rediscovered the joy of fatherhood. The singer’s biography and personal life have always been very rich and multifaceted. U legendary personality two adult children - a son and a daughter, and a beloved grandson.

Now the artist is already 66 years old, he values ​​every minute of his life and values ​​his family very much. Alena's wife - last love Buinova. She is the one who helps him choose suits and gives advice on buying and updating his wardrobe. She is his personal image maker.


The biography of Alexander Buinov contains not only joyful moments. In earlier times, the singer was diagnosed with a dangerous disease - doctors diagnosed him with cancer. Alexander managed to recover - in his case, everything went without any special consequences.

The singer claims that his innate optimism, faith and willpower, as well as the support of friends and family, helped him.

Rumors and gossip

We have all probably encountered the fact that a certain part of people are not distinguished by goodwill, as well as condescension and responsiveness. A lot of dirt and negativity is often poured onto the heads of public figures. This all happens due to banal envy of the lives of stars. The biography of Alexander Buinov is no exception; it is also full of rumors and gossip.

Alexander was once sick with cancer, and now details of the relapse of the terrible disease in the singer regularly appear in the press.

Buinov refutes the rumors and claims that he feels great, and he also appeals to journalists with a request not to meddle in other people’s lives. He is very dissatisfied and even annoyed with their behavior.

The artist assures that he is happy, still young and ready to implement new projects.

Recipe from Buynov

Alexander is always cheerful, smiling and incredibly energetic. It is in great physical fitness. What is his secret? What secret is the legendary personality hiding from us?

We managed to find out a couple of the singer’s secrets, and we share them with the reader:

  1. At bad mood, despondency and dissatisfaction with yourself, depression, do the work you love - and everything will pass.
  2. When something doesn’t work out and everything falls out of hand, try switching to another activity and distracting yourself. Take a break, think: maybe it’s worthwhile to occupy yourself with another activity for a while.
  3. Always remember to rest and give yourself the opportunity to relax.
  4. A favorite hobby helps with any blues; if you don’t have one, you should definitely start one. By the way, Buynov collects small cars and also loves football.
  5. Rejoice at every day that comes, never lash out at a friend in a bad mood and don’t be sad over trifles. Give way to hurrying pedestrians and don’t get angry at inexperienced drivers, you, too, once started driving a car.
  6. Always value your life, as well as those around you.

Such simple truths are the rules of life for Alexander Buinov. They are universal and will suit every person.

We hope that the singer will delight the public with wonderful music and the multifaceted features of his talent for many years to come. Let's wish him creative success, more reasons to be happy and appear on the screen as often as possible. Everyone is looking forward to his new works.