Marina Afrikantova from house 2. Afrikantova Marina: height, weight, biography, personal life. Participation in various beauty contests

Marina was born in October 1987 in Moscow. Unlike many project participants, she did not come up with pseudonyms for herself. Her last name is real. Marina is the daughter of quite famous and wealthy personalities. The girl’s mother and father devoted their entire lives to history and archeology, in which they were able to achieve noticeable results.

Children's hobbies

Considering the fact that Marina was born into a hardworking family dedicated to their work, it is not surprising that her daughter decided to follow the example of her parents. From a young age, she regularly attended various clubs and sections, trying to understand in which industry she felt more comfortable. Initially, she decided to try her hand at dancing. She accounted for on a regular basis attend training and improve your skills to achieve noticeable results. As a result, she was able not only to become the best in her group, but also to attract the attention of teachers from Alla Dukhova’s popular Russian dance school “Todes”. As a result, Marina entered there with ease.

However, despite being so busy, Afrikantova also found time to study. She was an excellent student and never skipped classes. All this has led to serious interest in the study of foreign languages. Marina is now fluent in English and French languages. All this is clearly due to her teachers and the hard work of Marina herself.

Higher education

After school, Marina Afrikantova entered a prestigious Moscow institute. She didn't do so much at will, how much at the insistence of parents. They considered this option the most acceptable for their beloved daughter. As a result, such a fragile and pretty girl had to study a rather atypical profession related to metal alloying. Not every guy is able to cope with the tasks that are set for students in this educational institution. As a result, Marina successfully completed her studies and became a metallurgical engineer in non-ferrous and rare earth metals.

However, possessing incredible beauty and model appearance, Afrikantova perfectly understood that her true calling was in a completely different field of activity. Without thinking twice, she enters another educational institution and gets the second one higher education. Marina received a prestigious diploma as a TV presenter, which opens the way for her to the world of show business.

Modeling career

A girl of her height and slenderness was simply created to become a model. Marina managed to do this without any difficulty. Some time later, in 2012, she even took part in the Miss Russia competition, in which she took an honorable third place. She also has several other awards that Marina is very proud of. However, she did not want to focus her attention on this business and decided to try her hand at something else.

Participation in the television project “Dom-2”

According to the girl herself, she has been a big fan of the popular Russian reality show “Dom-2” since back in 2007. And ever since then, she dreamed of getting there someday. But she managed to do this only in 2014. Many believe that she was invited by a friend, who at that time was one of the participants in the project. But Afrikantova denies this information and claims that she, like all the other participants, had to go through many castings and tests before appearing on television.

Relationships on the project

Arriving at the TV project, Marina almost immediately stated that she showed sympathy for one of the most popular participants in “House-2” - Andrei Cherkasov. These feelings turned out to be mutual, after which they tried to build a relationship. But nothing good came of it. So Marina continued to look for her soul mate.

Bogdan Lenchuk is the second gentleman of the show participant. Quite quickly, the couple managed to find mutual understanding and move into a city apartment located outside the main scene. But, unfortunately for Marina, this relationship also did not lead to anything good. But she didn’t have to be alone for the third time, since a third suitor appeared on the horizon - Yegor Khalyavin. For quite a long time she accepted signs of attention in the form of bouquets and gifts. It seemed that Afrikantova was finally able to find her love. But after the romantic trip, the romance finally dried up, which put an end to this relationship.

Leaving the project and subsequent return

In light of all these failures, as well as health problems, Marina Afrikantova decided to leave the project. But she wasn't gone that long. In 2015, the girl decided to return. Moreover, she returned renewed, slimmer and noticeably prettier. Many even began to suspect the participant that she had resorted to the help of surgeons. But this information was never confirmed. As a result, she began a relationship with Andrei Chuev. There was complete understanding and love between them, which led to Chuev proposing to his beloved. She accepted him, after which a magnificent wedding ceremony followed. However, after all these events, many serious problems arose in their personal lives, which led to the sale of one of his apartments.

Age: 31 years old

City: Moscow

Height: 169 cm Weight: 55 kg

1497 days on project

Marina Afrikantova lives and was born in Moscow. Marina was born into the family of an archaeologist and historian. Afrikantova’s remarkable surname is a real one, inherited from her father. The girl probably inherited her striking model appearance from her mother.

Marina Afrikantova is a multifaceted person. As a child, she became interested in sports and dancing. At one time she attended Alla Dukhova’s dance school “Todes”. However, the girl seemed to have time to study and loved it. Afrikantova showed interest in learning foreign languages. Marina is fluent in English and French.

After graduating from school, the daughter, at the insistence of her parents, became a student at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, receiving a serious “male” specialty: metallurgical engineer for non-ferrous and rare earth metals. But the love of communication and bright appearance should not be wasted. This is probably what the Muscovite decided and received another higher education: she graduated High school"Ostankino" and became the owner of a second diploma in the specialty "host of television and radio programs."

In the modeling business, Afrikantova also managed to achieve heights. Marina participated in the Miss Moscow 2012 competition, where she received the title " Best model"and became the third vice-miss of the capital. Since then, the girl has repeatedly appeared in modeling competitions and castings. In 2014, the beauty received the Grand Prix at the World Russian Beauty beauty contest in New York.

In May 2018, Marina Afrikantova, together with the actress of the series “Street” Lelya Baranova, became the host of the fashion show “Style in 90 Seconds”. For a minute and a half, the girls talked and showed the audience how they can easily create a fashionable look that would suit any occasion.

It was no coincidence that the bright, spectacular blonde appeared on the perimeter of House 2. Marina Afrikantova, a friend, has been an ardent fan of House 2 and in particular since 2007. Naturally, Afrikantova expressed her sympathy to Cherkasov, who, judging by the expression on his face, was simply delighted that such a beauty had singled him out. According to her, they were ideal for each other based on the compatibility of their zodiac signs: Aquarius and Libra. Andrey also liked the beauty. But this couple failed to “build love.”

Soon, Cherkasov’s place was taken by another participant in the show -. The Muscovite settled with him in a city apartment, outside the perimeter. But even here the relationship did not work out. Afrikantova began to willingly accept the courtship of the charming man. He found the way to the beauty’s heart with the help of simple romantic tricks: luxurious bouquets, limousine rides around the capital in the evening and other pleasant surprises for any girl. This continued until the young people ended up in the Seychelles. On the Island, the couple's relationship deteriorated, and this led to Marina's prolonged depression. Due to health problems, Afrikantova had to leave the project.

In June 2015, having lost 10 kg and become prettier, Marina returned to the show and immediately began dating. In September 2016, Chuev proposed to Marina, and she accepted. Later, the couple submitted an application to the registry office and began to prepare for the celebration.

In 2016, Chuev became the winner annual competition“Person of the Year” held on the project. He received the keys to the apartment and could finish participating in the project, but stated that he would sell the apartment he received and use the proceeds to build houses for all the semi-finalists of the competition. Afrikantova, having congratulated her lover on the project on her Instagram page, did not, however, want to invest her own funds in his venture, which is why rumors about their imminent separation appeared on the Internet. They were refuted, and in March 2017 the separation still happened. Andrei left the project, and Marina wanted to stay on House 2. According to them, Chuev remained in debt to his former lover.

In May 2018, Marina Afrikantova got the place as the host of the show “Flame of Love,” which is filmed as part of House 2. The guests of the program are the most ordinary people who are faced with certain problems in life. Celebrity hosts help guests sort out their problems.

After a painful breakup with Andrei Chuev in March 2017, Marina Afrikantova was unable to build a relationship with anyone in House 2. However, on the TV set, by default, it is not customary to stay alone for too long, and Afrikantova still decided to have an affair with Roman Kapakly . Marina's fans wrote to her in the comments that Roman was absolutely not suitable for her. However, despite the predictions of reality fans, the couple of Afrikantova and Kapakly turned out to be quite strong. According to Marina, the young man eclipsed all the previous guys, and the 9-year age difference does not affect the relationship.

In the summer of 2018, Afrikantova and Kapakly had an unofficial wedding in the Seychelles. However, this did not help the couple win the “Million Dollar Wedding” competition. After Roman, together with a participant without a significant other, went outside the perimeter to have fun, Marina was offended. The young people publicly expressed their complaints to each other, which surprised TV viewers and show participants, thereby lowering their ratings. However, Marina received an expensive present. In a competition in which 8 couples participated, she won a ring worth 1 million rubles. The jewelry is made of white gold with a ruby ​​and 38 diamonds.

In December 2018, the 20-year-old made an official marriage proposal to Marina Afrikantova. At the same time, the couple announced their wedding date: July 7, 2019. Marina’s chosen one immediately announced on social networks that after the wedding, Afrikantova would take his last name and become Marina Kapakly. The couple plans to simply sign at the registry office, sit with their closest relatives in a restaurant, and then leave for their honeymoon. In addition, Marina Afrikantova admitted that on at the moment She is not yet ready for children and is not yet planning to give birth to a child.

Marina Afrikantova's VKontakte page.

Date of birth: 10/14/1987
Place of birth: Moscow

Biography of Marina Afrikantova

Marina Afrikantova, a participant in the scandalous television project Dom-2, was born on October 14, 1987. Marina grew up and studied in Moscow; the girl was brought up in a very wealthy family. Marina's father is a successful businessman.
After graduating from school, the girl entered Moscow University, where she studied technical sciences and received a diploma in metallurgical engineering. However, Marina had no particular desire to work in the technical field, so she decided to get a second education. Afrikantova received her second higher education at the Ostankino school, as a TV presenter. After graduation, Marina was unable to get on television. The girl did not despair and began to build a career in the modeling business.

Life before the TV project Dom-2

Since 2011, Marina has become a successful Moscow model. She took part in various beauty contests. In 2012, Afrikantova became the third vice-miss in the Miss Moscow competition. After many victories in the capital, Afrikantova decided to take part in foreign beauty contests. In 2014, Marina became the winner of the New York beauty contest.

Marina Afrikantova does not talk about her personal life before the project. It is only known that the girl had serious relationship, but on the eve of the wedding, a big quarrel broke out between Maria and her boyfriend. Because of this, the wedding was cancelled.

Marina Afrikantova on Dom-2

Marina came to the television project in the summer of 2014. The girl wanted to get to Dom-2 for a long time; she watched the TV project with great interest and followed the personal lives of the participants. On the first day, Afrikantova showed sympathy for Andrei Cherkasov. The young man reciprocated - Marina and Andrey began to spend a lot of time together. Unfortunately, they failed to build a relationship; the guys decided to remain friends.
Soon, Marina began a romantic relationship with Bogdan Lenchuk. The couple was watched large number TV viewers. It was obvious to everyone that the guys were made for each other. However, everything was not so smooth. After several months of dating, the couple broke up.
Later, Marina began to accept the courtship of Yegor Kholyavin. The young people were sent to Love Island, and it was there that Marina realized that Yegor was not suitable for her. After the breakup, Marina left the television project.

For the second time, Marina Afrikantova came to Dom-2 to see Andrei Chuev. According to Marina, Chuev is the ideal man. The young couple had a successful relationship. Andrey treated Marina with great trepidation. According to the girl, Chuev is the most caring and attentive man in her life. In 2016, Andrei Chuev proposed to Afrikantova, the couple was preparing for the wedding. The guys managed to take part in the “Wedding for a Million” competition. They made it to the top three finalists, but failed to win.
Soon, on one of the talk shows, Marina surprised everyone with her confession. Afrikantova stated that she no longer wants to build a relationship with Andrei Chuev. All the feelings for young man her feelings cooled down, the girl wanted to break off the relationship. For the entire team and TV viewers of the project, this was shocking news. Many turned away from the girl, thinking that Marina was not sincere and always deceived Andrei and played with his feelings. After the breakup, Chuev could not come to his senses for a long time. He left the television project. Realizing the whole situation, Andrei tried in every possible way to regain Marina’s favor. But the girl was serious, she didn’t give any chances.

In 2017 he came to the project. The guy declared his sympathy for Marina Afrikantova. Despite the 10-year age difference, Roman wanted to win Marina’s heart. The guys were sent to Love Island. There Marina began to accept the guy’s advances. After two weeks of communication, Roman Kapakly and Marina declared themselves a couple. Now the guys have an excellent relationship, they are happy together. Many TV viewers support the couple and believe in their bright future.

Marina Afrikantova on Instagram

Marina Afrikantova’s Instagram is full of photos with her new lover Roman Kapakly. Photos of the young couple collect many likes and pleasant comments.

Marina is a very charming girl, she is an example for many girls to rise in price. Afrikantova often posts her beauty secrets on Instagram. More than one million people follow her life. On her Instagram, Marina Afrikantova demonstrates beautiful life. There you can see photos of the girl from vacation, shopping or social events.

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The TV project Dom-2 is rich in bright participants so much so that one can often get confused in their diversity. Moreover, considering their constant departures and arrivals on the show (it’s no secret that this is not the first time that many participants are trying to build their love within the framework of the project) and Santa Barbara in relationships. The slightest drop from the air threatens with serious difficulties in the intricacies and intrigues of the guys and girls of the TV set building love. Today’s article is addressed to fans (and not only) of Marina Afrikantova, who have forgotten a little and want to refresh their memory, who met Marina Afrikantova from the first moment of her appearance on House-2.

In the photo - Marina Afrikantova and Bogdan Lenchuk

It’s worth clarifying right away that this participant first crossed the television threshold on June 6, 2014. Naturally, we will not consider all those who met Marina Afrikantova before her participation in the project. The girl’s stated goal for building a relationship at that time was Andrei Cherkasov. His spectacular appearance captivated the seasoned womanizer, and the couple actually began a romantic relationship, but this fuse did not last long. True, the project participant did not grieve and grieve over the destroyed dream that prompted her to come to the project, because she soon found comfort in the arms of her new chosen one - Bogdan Lenchuk. Marina Afrikantova even moved into the notorious city apartments with him, but this could not save the relationship, which was not built on real feelings. Another of those who met with Marina Afrikantova has joined the list of ex-boyfriends.

In the photo - Marina Afrikantova and Egor Kholyavin

Next on the list of potential suitors for the girl was Yegor Kholyavin. However, this relationship was also expected to fail - beautiful courtship, flowers and gifts, romantic dates ended immediately after the couple found themselves in Seychelles love. This affair was followed by Marina Afrikantova’s short departure from the project due to health problems. Returning in triumph at the end of June this year, she immediately set her eyes on Andrei Chuev. Naturally, like all couples on the project, the lovers had quarrels. After the next one, our heroine’s chosen one went on vacation to Turkey, from where he returned with new girl— Ksenia Filatova. However, in the current love triangle I still had to figure it out. And Andrey Chuev made a choice in favor ex-girlfriend Marina Afrikantova. Now the couple is not only in romantic relationships, and is even preparing for a wedding, which, according to Andrei Chuev’s statement, should take place next year in the spring or summer. By the way, Marina Afrikantova herself is somewhat skeptical, because her chosen one has not yet filed a divorce from his legal wife. But this does not stop the couple from packing their bags for an imminent trip to the Seychelles.

Marina Afrikantova is one of the most prominent participants in the rating project “” on TNT, where she has been hosting the TV show’s news block since 2018. The bright blonde repeatedly participated in the “Wedding for a Million” competition, and, despite the fact that Marina never managed to become a finalist in the competition, her wedding still took place. Today she is a happy wife, and the couple’s fans were able to verify the sincerity of their idols’ feelings.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born in October 1987 in Moscow into the family of an archaeologist and historian. Afrikantova’s remarkable surname is a real one, inherited from her father. The girl inherited a spectacular model appearance from her mother. Marina Afrikantova is a multifaceted person. As a child, she became interested in sports, dancing and learning foreign languages. At one time I attended the Todes dance school.

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Wedding of Marina Afrikantova and Roman Kapakly

In the spring, Marina received an expensive present. In a competition in which 8 couples participated, she won a ring worth 1 million rubles. The jewelry is made of white gold with a ruby ​​and 38 diamonds. Soon Afrikantova’s vehicle fleet was replenished new car. The girl bought a black Mercedes-Benz. The participant’s fans were perplexed: where did she get the funds for such an expensive purchase? Marina did not comment on the fans’ questions.

Despite the fact that the wedding date was postponed several times, in mid-2019 Marina married Roman. Photos of the ceremony appeared on the bride’s Instagram. The newlyweds visited the registry office of Krasnogorsk. The ceremony was modest: only the couple's friends were present at the wedding.