Fortune telling love triangle who he will choose. Tarot fortune telling "Mysterious Triangle"

Unfortunately, relationships with your loved one are not always cloudless. Therefore, Tarot fortune telling for a rival is a very popular way to understand how your chosen one really treats you, and what place another woman occupies in his life. There are many different layouts that allow you to find out whether you have a rival. In addition, you can understand about the presence of another woman in the life of your chosen one in the process of any relationship fortune-telling. But sometimes you need to understand how important you are to your chosen one, and what place your rival occupies in his life. To do this, it is recommended to use Tarot fortune telling for a rival, which is called “ love triangle».

Layout rules

The layout is a pyramid of three rows, for which eight cards are used. They are laid out in rows. Their sequence is as follows:
    First row - 5, 1, 2, 6 cards. Second row - 4, 7, 3 cards. Third row - 8 card.
The positions are interpreted as follows:
    The first card describes the feelings of the chosen one in relation to the fortuneteller. The second card describes the feelings of the chosen one towards the rival. The third card describes the feelings of the rival towards your chosen one. The fourth card describes what can happen if you fight for your chosen one. The fifth card focuses attention on what could happen if you let go of the situation. The sixth card sums up the relationship if you manage to defend your relationship with your chosen one. The seventh card indicates how great the chances of your rival are to build a relationship with your chosen one. The eighth card provides summary information and highlights possible prospects.
Tarot fortune telling for a rival involves using a full deck of cards, so it is very important to first read the descriptions of the meanings of the cards presented in a special section of our website.

You should not rush to interpret the cards that appear in the layout. Having analyzed their meaning separately, you need to read the entire layout like a book. Of course, first of all, look for positive interpretations that will provide the right direction for the necessary actions. But there are cards that have a strong Negative influence and this advice from the layout should definitely be heeded. Some negative interpretations of Tarot cards:
    Jester may indicate that the chosen one has childish feelings for you, but at the same time there is big chance that over time, with effort, you will be able to build a serious relationship with this person. But if this card appears in the layout in an inverted position, then it is better to abandon the relationship. Devil is a card that always carries a negative load. It symbolizes insincerity and betrayal. It’s very bad if this card appears in an inverted position, it can be a harbinger of sexual violence. Eight of Wands symbolizes only that the partner dreams exclusively of sex with you, and there can be no talk of pure and sincere love. Three of Cups indicates that the chosen one is satisfied with the current state of affairs, so he will continue to fool you and your rival. Five of Pentacles indicates the futility of the relationship. Four of Pentacles indicates that your chosen one will agree to continue the relationship with you if you accept his dominance and superiority in everything. Two of Swords indicates some tension in the relationship, which can be overcome if you show patience and endurance. Moon indicates that both now and in the future, there is a high probability of betrayal. Wheel of Fate always indicates that the relationship between partners is a simple hobby based on an emotional connection. Seven of Swords indicates that there are other women in your partner’s life. Hermit indicates that the chosen one does not have strong feelings either for you or for the woman whom you consider your rival. King of Pentacles denies sincere love, since such relationships are more reminiscent of the feelings of a father for his daughter. Ace of Wands in an inverted position is a card that symbolizes that partners are not meant for each other, since they have completely opposite natural characters. Three of Swords indicates that even if you manage to strike up a relationship with a person, it will be boring, and the future living together will be filled with routine. Eight of Swords symbolizes the instability of the situation; the development of relationships can depend on many factors. Knight of Swords indicates that your chosen one is in a state of search for love, which is why he may prefer his rival to you. King of Swords symbolizes for a man exclusively the pursuit of sex, therefore, in this case we can hardly talk about sincere feelings Oh.

A love triangle is an online fortune telling that helps to find out the future of the relationship with a partner, the opponent’s intentions, ways to overcome obstacles and a way out of the current situation.

Have a nice session!

1. Before fortune telling, focus on the request. 2. It is important to be in a calm environment. 3. You can take a couple of deep breaths. 4. It is useful to think about the time of the fortune telling in advance. 5. You should not often guess at the same situation. 6. See answers as opportunities for personal growth. 7. You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • Your partner's plans and feelings for you
  • Plans and feelings of the Partner towards the rival (rival)
  • Plans and feelings of the rival (rival) about the Partner
  • What happens if you fight for a relationship?
  • What happens if you let go?
  • Will you stay with your Partner in the end?
  • Will the rival(s) stay with the Partner?
  • Postscript: Your personal love prospects.

  • Your Partner's plans and feelings for you.
  • Plans and feelings of the Partner towards the rival (rival).
  • Plans and feelings of the rival (rival) about the Partner.
  • What happens if you fight for a relationship?
  • What happens if you let go?
  • Will you stay with your Partner in the end?
  • Will the rival(s) stay with the Partner?
  • Postscript: Your personal love prospects.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


Interpretation of the layout

Pay attention to the first three cards of the layout. They can fill in the missing information about the feelings and plans of the Partner or the rival party.

Points 4 and 5 show the results of two different elections: in the case when you let the situation take its course and will not interfere in events, or take the most active part and fight for your feelings and the person. Positions 4, 5 – probable consequences of the steps taken. If the answer suits you, then the very meaning of the arcana will suggest the method of action in the intended question.

Election cards can be turned upside down, with a negative connotation, which does not mean a lack of prospects, but more often indicates that the way out of the situation will take time and may be accompanied by pain and sacrifices. The inverted Tarot lasso sometimes indicates the end of suffering (or those events that the negative upright card symbolizes).

We pay most attention to positions 6 and 7, which describe the future of all participants in the triangle in the form of an answer to the question: yes or no. Sometimes the answer to both questions is “yes” as a sign that the Partner has not yet decided or does not want to make a choice, everything suits him. Or one of the rival parties is interested in maintaining the relationship.

Often in layouts like the Love Triangle, Return of a Beloved, or Test of Fidelity, many inverted cards appear. They should be regarded as signals for change. They suggest where conflicts, restrictions, suppressed feelings, strong negative emotions are possible, including fear, unfinished situations, unmet important needs of you or your Partner.

Point 8 shows your prospects not only in the current situation, but also in general. Aces and friendly Major Arcana (their names in English) dropped here are often associated with favorable opportunities, relief, forgiveness. And figured cards can be recommendations to develop specific qualities, be it the stability of pentacles, the ardor of wands, the unpredictability of swords or the tenderness of cups.

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A well-known problem in personal life is the love triangle, which can destroy even the strongest unions. Couples living long years together, enviable lovers, lovers who have recently found each other: any union can suffer from the tricks of a rival.

The love triangle is a well-known problem that destroys even the strongest unions. Fortune telling will help clarify the situation

Fortune telling for love playing cards ah or Tarot cards (Lenormand) will help you find out for whom your loved one exchanged their soulmate. A quick and effective fortune telling about your rival will help you identify the homewrecker, find out her ins and outs, and even identify a love spell.

Why guess about your opponent?

Fortune telling so that a rival will open up to the gaze of an offended wife or beloved woman allows you to free the soul from unnecessary worries and suffering. Do I have a rival?

Trying to find an answer to complex issue, woman rushes about, loses vital energy and loses the last inner beauty.

A man’s attitude is always indicative of those around him, his children, and his significant other. He is a breadwinner, a conqueror and a wall for his own family. magic ritual will open the eyes of the offended wife to her rival. She will literally indicate her name, occupation and intentions of her unfortunate husband.

Fortune telling on cards serves as an accurate clue in all everyday matters. People of different ages, faiths, professions appeal to ancient symbols, begging for help.

Predictions using a deck of fortune telling or playing cards can tell:

  • the other person's ulterior motives;
  • secret events of the recent past;
  • thoughts of a homewrecker;
  • future discord in the family (their cause and effect);
  • the outcome of the conflict between lovers.

Should I resort to fortune telling or let the situation go? A woman needs to know the causes and consequences of everything that happens in her home. Family is a reflection of feminine energy.

If the home fire becomes dim, it should not be lit again until the pest has been identified. For such purposes, fortune telling for the homewrecker is used. The cards will give a hint about what to expect and what points to pay attention to close attention. A fortune-telling woman can do anything if a sincere desire comes from her heart.

Maps are an attribute that will tell you what to expect and what nuances you should pay attention to

Types of fortune telling for another woman

Experienced magicians say - choose fortune telling with your soul. The human mind resists the truth; it seeks rational things in what the soul’s prompting is needed for. If you choose the path of logic, you will not be able to find the homewrecker. Only magic points to the thoughts of other women, those predators who lay claim to someone else’s man. Card fortune telling should be approached consciously without unnecessary emotions and claims.

Ancient symbols feel increased stress and an unfavorable atmosphere. If you are nervous, qualified magicians warn, your husband will disappear and the family will collapse. The problem already exists - the man you love has grown cold and is behaving suspiciously, what should I do?

To begin with, you can turn to fortune tellers who will put the whole situation in order. If this is not possible, then you can create a fortune telling for the homewrecker yourself.

Effective rituals will help you learn:

  1. Does your husband have another lover? The carat will answer this question “yes” or “no”. A symbol indicating problems in your personal life also confirms the presence of an outside woman. Positive cards indicate that the man has no one, and will not have anyone in the near future. The woman’s worries are in vain.
  2. Who is the other lover? When asking such a question, the wife wants to receive a comprehensive answer. The cards will help describe the appearance, character and habits of a homewrecker woman. The exact names of the Lenormand symbols will not be indicated, but they will provide more valuable information. The hidden motives of an insidious woman will be revealed to the rightful chosen one.
  3. Secret relationships. The cards will reveal the picture of what is happening. Their union will be reflected in ancient magical symbols.
  4. Does he love you or not? An important detail is the reciprocity of the feelings of the traitor and his new darling. Maps can show the duration of such relationships, their strength. Positive signs in this case will only frustrate the woman asking.
  5. Card tips and tricks. The symbols of the ancient deck do not always give clear answers, but they never leave a person without advice. The wife who is cheated on by her lover loses life priorities. Fight for love or leave a cheater with your head held high?

Tarot cards do not always give a clear answer, but they never leave the questioner without a clue.

The homewrecker will get what she deserves, because, as you know, you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune.

Tarot card spread

Tarot cards or the Lenormand deck will help you get quick answers about the homewrecker. Anyone, both a beginner and an experienced magician, can tell fortunes on a magic deck. Who will be easier to interpret the results of the alignment?

A combination of cards that fell out of the deck for a specific reason will indicate the real reason what happened. Will such fortune telling become salvation? The information obtained, which one of the ancient magical attributes offers, will not help you move forward. Only the will of a devoted woman will show her the future path.

The universal layout consists of eight cards. The first bottom row is the longest, containing four symbols at once. Then there are three cards, a couple of ancient signs and the last row consists of one single card. Magic symbols are interpreted in order. Eight characters can answer the following questions:

  • the plans that the chosen one makes in relation to his legal wife;
  • intentions towards a strange woman (plans ripened in a man’s heart);
  • the sensual side of a woman who takes a man away from the family;
  • the likely struggle for the relationship and its outcome;
  • the outcome of the situation if she is released in peace;
  • who are destined to be together;
  • will there be a continuation of the hidden relationship;
  • love future of the questioner.

The main points of the current situation will be revealed, and all the secrets will come out. Nothing can be hidden from the ancients magic symbols. Fortune telling whether there is a rival or not is carried out in one or several stages.

Interpretation of the layout

When the cards from the deck are selected, and the outcome of the situation is predetermined, all that remains is to correctly interpret the symbols. It happens that the cards flatly refuse to give any advice. In such cases, there is no need to insist. The time has not come to find out the truth. This forecast will reveal the thoughts of someone else’s soul, but much later.

The first three cards provide the most valuable information. The outcome of the situation may change, so you should not rely only on prediction. If the person asking takes matters into her own hands, the outcome changes in her favor.

For this purpose, fortune telling with Tarot cards serves a person. A warning about danger, especially moral danger that destroys the soul, will help improve the life of a person asking for help from the ancient deck. The consequences of decisive actions will also be indicated by the symbols that appear in the layout.

You need to listen to them, because they warn against committing rash acts. The future of all participants in the events may surprise the person asking, because in the end the man may remain completely alone or suffer with a homewrecker in a painful relationship. Misfortune does not always lead to a bad outcome for a woman.

Tarot cards can warn the questioner from committing rash acts

Fortune telling results

Should we believe the results of fortune telling or not? It is not so important whether he (lover, spouse, boyfriend) loves someone else's woman. Much more important are the reasons why the betrayal became possible. A woman or girl who has lost harmony should not delve into herself.

If you resort to magic, then for the sake of your own happiness, and not dedication own life to other people. A man who does not appreciate the spiritual organization of his chosen one will not be happy with anyone.

A love triangle occurs in cases where there is not enough understanding and protection in the family that all-consuming love creates. Spouses, young people in love, long-established unions are obliged to create harmony every day, which no one can get through. Homewreckers have no place in good families.

Wondering if he has another is a simple way to calm worries and be convinced of the difficulties that are about to manifest themselves in a quarrel between spouses. Special amulets, amulets and protective spells. The wife needs to show wisdom and not lead a careless lifestyle.

Feelings will be strong and loyalty will be impeccable if people in a couple can openly discuss problems and express dissatisfaction. In other cases, magic and secret rituals will come to the rescue and correct injustice.

Unfortunately, situations often arise in life when a third party interferes in a relationship, that is, a love triangle is created. If you assume (or are absolutely sure) that you have a rival (or rival), then we offer you a layout called “Tarot Love Triangle”, with the help of which you will analyze the current situation and be able to find the right way out of it.

Fortune-telling “Love Triangle” is used in cases where they want to identify the hidden, subconscious motives and goals of the participants in the situation. It happens that the motive that guides a rival is ordinary envy of her friend or “sports interest” that allows her to assert herself (this applies more to the stronger sex). And often the “third wheel” does not have any sincere feelings for the object of his claims, but simply pursues his own selfish motives.

By resorting to the “Love Triangle Tarot” layout, you can assess how much your opponent/rival can harm your couple. When the suspicion arises that your loved one is unfaithful to you, of course, the easiest way is to succumb to emotions, throw a huge scandal at him and dramatically throw things off the balcony. However, with such actions you will most likely put an end to your relationship without even understanding what is really happening. Therefore, we advise you to take control of your emotions and make a real assessment of the degree of danger.

It may turn out that your situation is not so difficult at all, you see it in a more negative light. Therefore, do not rush to express your boiling feelings to your significant other, but rather use the following layout options, which we will present later in the article.

Examples of “Love Triangle” layouts

Three card spread

By resorting to it, you can find out how your partner really treats you, and also establish whether you have a rival. The cards are laid out in three rows, one above the other.

In this case, the cards are interpreted as follows:

  • The first will reveal your partner’s attitude towards you;
  • The second is what your relationship means to him, what he wants to get from it;
  • The third one will help you find out whether you have a rival or whether this is all empty speculation.

When the relationship with your loved one is quite complex, he finds it difficult to decide with whom to stay, it will be necessary to resort to specialized arrangements. Next we will look at two variants of the classic Love Triangle Tarot layouts. With their help, you will find out whether they are cheating on you, and also understand how you can improve your relationship with your partner.

Classic Love Triangle method one

First, as usual, shuffle the Tarot deck, and then lay out the cards according to this scheme:

  1. There are five rows of cards in total;
  2. In the first there is one card in the middle, which is also the first in a row;
  3. In the second - two cards (second and third) above the first;
  4. In the third there are also two cards (fourth and fifth) one position away from the previous arcana;
  5. In the fourth - two cards a position further than the previous ones;
  6. In the fifth there are four cards (the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh in a row) - this is the base of the triangle.

The left side of the lasso will tell you about you, and the right side will shed light on the personality of your rival. Now let's turn to the interpretation of the cards in the layout:

  • The first is the representative of the opposite sex you are interested in, all the information you need about him;
  • The second will tell about the feelings and emotions of a man regarding the fortuneteller;
  • The third is the lasso of feelings and emotions that a man experiences for your rival;
  • The fourth one will tell you how sexually attractive you are in the eyes of a man;
  • Fifth - will tell you about the sexual magnetism of your competitor in men's eyes;
  • Sixth – qualities of your personality that are difficult for a man to come to terms with;
  • The seventh is what a man does not like in another woman;
  • Eighth - does he want to be with you? Serious relationships, enter into a marriage;
  • The ninth is the same as the previous lasso, but only in relation to another girl;
  • Tenth – how your relationship with a man will develop;
  • Eleventh – forecast for the development of relations with your competitor.

Classic Love Triangle method two

It is necessary to lay out the cards in such a way that you get 6 rows according to this pattern:

  • In the first row - one card on top;
  • In the second - similarly;
  • In the third - one card at the beginning, then skip 6 positions and put one card at the end;
  • In the fourth, you do the same as in the third;
  • In the fifth - one card at the beginning;
  • In the sixth - similar to the third row, but skip 7 positions.

Before laying out the cards, you should think about the question that interests you (in in this case it will certainly deal with the topic of relationships).

And then we turn our attention to the interpretation of the fallen lassos:

  • First lasso– will tell you about the man’s plans and feelings regarding you
  • Second- the same thing, but in relation to the opponent
  • Third– what will be the development of events if you continue to fight for the relationship?
  • Fourth– the outcome of events if you let go of the situation.
  • Fifth– will you be together with your lover in the end?
  • Sixth– will your competitor stay with the man?
  • Seventh– what is the best way to behave in the current situation?
  • Eighth- your own personal life, independent of the triangle.

Layout “What are my chances in a love triangle”

You will need to shuffle the deck, select eleven cards at random and arrange them as shown in the following photo. Then look at the interpretation:

  1. First lasso– characterizes the personality of your partner.
  2. Second– will tell you what is most important for a man this moment time.
  3. Third- will shed light on a man’s true attitude towards you.
  4. Fourth- will show how he perceives your rival.
  5. Fifth- will open the most main reason, due to which a man cannot settle on one of the women.
  6. Sixth– what a man enjoys in a relationship with you.
  7. Seventh– what he experiences in his relationship with your competitor.
  8. Eighth– will tell you about your partner’s further actions regarding you (what intentions he has).
  9. Ninth- will tell about the same thing, but only in relation to a competitor.
  10. Tenth– will predict further development love relationship between you and your partner in the near future.
  11. Eleventh– what will come of the relationship between the man you are interested in and your rival.

"Rival" layout

With its help, you will be able to clarify for yourself the personality traits of your competitor, understand what strengths and weaknesses she has, as well as how she wins against your background. Thanks to this, you will know what you need to pay more attention to, what to work on so that your rival stops attracting your man. In addition, if you wish, you can add additional positions to this layout that will shed light on the plan further actions your rival.

In reality, this layout acts as a brief expert analysis of her personality.

The layout is carried out according to this scheme:

  • Shuffle the deck of Tarot cards, remove five cards from it;
  • In the first row, place two cards, skipping one position, with the first one in a row being the first, and the second being the fourth;
  • In the second row, skip seven positions and place a card that will become the fifth;
  • The third row is similar to the first, the first card is the second, and the second is the third.

Now let's turn to the interpretation of the arcana:

  1. First lasso- How do you beat your competitors?
  2. Second– yours weak sides, which should be given special attention.
  3. Third– what shortcomings does your competitor have, her weaknesses.
  4. Fourth- in what way are you inferior to your opponent, her advantage over you.
  5. Fifth– will tell you about possible dangers and unexpected actions of your competitor.

By completing the Love Triangle Tarot spread, you will be able to understand what is really happening between you and your partner, what role your competitor plays in this, and what is the best way to deal with the current situation.

If you still have any questions about the Love Triangle, we recommend that you watch an informative video on this topic