Where is Yulia Kovalchuk? Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov about life together and the stamp in the passport

Yulia was born on November 12, 1982, in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. She was the second child in the family of the chief designer of the design institute and teacher of the Volzhsky Polytechnic College. Yulia has a sister, Zhanna, who is 7 years older than Yulia.
In her youth, Julia was an energetic and very inquisitive girl. I tried to imitate adults in everything. Five-year-old Yulenka got the opportunity to show her character: the girl has been persistent since childhood and strived to become a leader. Everything was going well in gymnastics, but one day at a competition, while performing a somersault, my daughter fell on her back and was injured. The doctors convinced Yulina’s mother that nothing bad had happened, and after completing a rehabilitation course, she would be able to continue doing gymnastics. Svetlana Vasilievna was afraid for her daughter’s health and transferred her to a choreography club. From the age of six, Yulia began dancing at the Rusinka center; she absolutely loved the new activity. Dancing did not interfere with her studies: she was always an excellent student. She taught the lessons until the last moment: at 11-12 at night, the parents carried their sleeping daughter in their arms from the desk to the bed.
In addition, Kovalchuk became an activist of the city committee for youth affairs: she was inundated with public work and assignments. At the age of 14, Yulia earned a ticket to Orlyonok.
- From there she returned matured and declared that she wanted to sing. Enrolled in the evening music school and in two years, instead of the required four, she graduated from the guitar class.
At this time, Julia began to compose poems and perform songs for loved ones own composition. But main love the girls stayed dancing. Kovalchuk from “Rusinka” moved to the ensemble folk dance“Venets”, where there was a more mature team and strict requirements for choreography. With the ensemble, the future “Brilliant” went on tour throughout Russia and performed abroad.
At the age of 15, she organized her own pop dance ensemble “Elite”, which became the best in the region, after which the group went to represent the Yulin region at a festival in St. Petersburg. Even then, the talent of the young dance director was noticed by the dean of the choreographic department of the Moscow University of Arts...
The provincial girl took Moscow with her work and talent.
Recruitment to the choreography department of a prestigious metropolitan university took place every three years. It so happened that happy year I was in 10th grade in Yulin. Then the girl set herself the task of finishing the 10th and 11th grades in a year. And after the 9th grade she goes to study at a technical school, where in the 1st year she takes the program for two senior classes at once, and at the same time goes to classes at evening school. He graduates with honors and goes to Moscow.
The choreographic department of the University of the Arts recruited 25 people. There were only 8 free places. Yulia Kovalchuk entered the lucky “eight” and began new life in the capital.
- She lived in a hostel.
Kovalchuk completed her first year with honors, and the dean of the faculty immediately took her into his ensemble. Before the first and, as it turned out, the last summer student holidays in their lives in 2001, friends told Yulia that the group “Brilliant” was going to do a big dance program and was holding a casting among dancers.
Kovalchuk decided to try her luck. At that moment, when she was waiting for her turn in the corridor, the producer of “Brilliant” passed by. He liked Julia at first sight. He asked if the girl could sing, and, having received a positive answer, took her to the studio. Kovalchuk performed several of her songs, after which she was asked for coordinates.
The student went to Volzhsky, where she enjoyed her vacation. And on July 31 she received a call from Moscow. “On August 1, you should be in Moscow, you are starting to work as a soloist in the group “Brilliant,” they said on the other end of the line.
Flying away to Once again into a new life, Yulia still did not fully believe in her success. In the capital, she began to study the group’s repertoire, watched videotapes of their dances and prepared to meet colleagues who were on tour at that time. At first she was received with hostility, but after a month Kovalchuk became one of her own and told her parents “how cool her girls are.” Julia successfully joined the team, replacing Olga Orlova, who went on maternity leave.
The Volga residents saw their fellow countrywoman for the first time on Central Television on the eve of the new year, 2002: in the updated composition of the group, she performed at the final concert of “Songs of the Year” and in “Blue Light”.
Volzhans are proud of their famous countrywoman, Svetlana Vasilievna’s students tell the star’s mother what programs her daughter appeared in, what and where they write about her, and when mom goes to visit Yulia or she comes home, they ask her daughter to sign tapes, disks, photographs.
Nothing was given to Yulia for nothing: she achieved everything through her own labor. In 2006, Yulia graduated from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. In 2007, she took a master class with choreographers from London (Drive Dance School). In the summer of 2007, Yulia became a participant in the Ice Show of the Rossiya TV channel - “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season". Yulia's partner was the Five-time US champion - Pyotr Chernyshov, with whom she won this show.

On January 1, 2008, Yulia began new page in her musical life. Together with producer Marat Khairutdinov and poet-composer Konstantin Arsenev, Yulia took up a solo project.

Musicians Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov spoke for the first time about their joyful anticipation: very soon they will become parents.

Photo: Dimitry Fainstein

On the eve of the happy event, the spouses Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov met and talked with the editor-in-chief of OK! Vadim Vernik. Julia was the first to arrive at the meeting. Lyosha appeared a little later: he is working in the studio on a new album.

Julia, are you driving yourself?

In Spain I often travel by myself, but in Moscow I travel with a driver. And I am ready to erect a monument to all pregnant girls who even get to the maternity hospital on their own, since this is physically very difficult. And this happens - I know.

Why did you need to drive in Spain yourself?

What do you mean why? I absolutely love driving and enjoy the process, especially when it’s the traffic-free roads of the Costa Brava and my mother is sitting next to me. But in the presence of my husband, I am always just a passenger. Perhaps he is the only one I completely trust, and in my current situation it is also much more convenient. Moreover, this was the first such a long vacation in my life.

You know, I remember this picture, it was several years ago. We met with you in Sheremetyevo, you were in transit there - from one tour to another: exhausted, tired, in a huge hood, only your eyes were visible, curled up and instantly fell asleep.

I love this, yes. To be precise, I have been living in this mode for 17 years.

With such a schedule, there’s probably no time for a child.

But I’m still a girl and subconsciously, of course, I thought about it and understood that, of course, there would come a time in my life when I would want to take a short break and enjoy motherhood.

Have you changed in any way in your new position? Have you become capricious or sensitive?

I can honestly tell you, Vadim, I’m not one of those girls who fanatically spend time on the Internet, delving into women’s forums or thematic sites. I really trust my feelings and believe that my body itself will tell me how to react to the magic that happens to me.

Besides, pregnancy is such a universal joy! From the very beginning, I knew that I would not have the whims and speculations characteristic of a large number of pregnant girls. It seems to me that this only angers and pushes away the man I love.

And did you stoically withstand such an attitude?

Now Lyosha will join us and tell us. ( Smiles.) But I admit, I tried. Although, of course, I’m not a robot and anything can happen. Still, changes in hormonal levels leave a certain imprint on a woman’s behavior, but I didn’t have many such emotional outbursts. And strong whims about food or lack of attention too. Although at some points I could be unrestrained, overly sentimental and could even cry. For example, funny story. I wanted to treat Lyosha to homemade freshly brewed compote. I’m bringing him a decanter and suddenly on the way I break it. Lyosha jokingly says to me: “Well, I tried the compote.” And it hurt me so much! Basically, I start crying.

I don’t understand why I’m crying: either it’s a pity that I never gave my husband something to drink, or because I’m careless, or because his words pricked me at that moment. Within a few minutes I realized the absurdity of the situation, went to wash my face, and I myself felt both funny and sad. But this is an isolated case.

Tell me, Yul, what about courses for young parents? Or are they not needed?

I don't think they are unnecessary. But firstly, we are not twenty, we are very conscious guys, and secondly, we just somehow didn’t even think about it. Again, we trust our inner voice and each other. On November 12, I will be thirty-five, and I could not even dream of such an anniversary gift. Thank you God! ( Smiles.)

Was Lyosha internally prepared for such a turn of events?

But for Lyosha and me this topic is so intimate that we decided to talk about it only now. And we realized that we could trust and tell it so sincerely, in a family way, only to you, Vadim.

Thank you, Julia, I really appreciate your trust. You said that you have only recently matured for motherhood...

It was important for me to achieve success at work - it's no secret. I was a real careerist, especially at the age of 25, when I left Blestyashchie. It was morally necessary for me to prove to everyone that I could assert myself in this difficult business and become needed in the profession, even without having a producer. At that moment, important career changes were taking place for Lyosha. He left producer Evgeniy Fridlyand, and he also had to build his own from scratch musical history. Therefore, to be honest, we didn’t even have time to think about children. But from the age of thirty, thoughts about motherhood and the fact that with all my being I was ready for this began to come to me more and more often. But here our schedule made its own adjustments. We just weren't physically close in right time V in the right place. And at some point we decided to relax, realizing that everything would happen when it was supposed to happen.

Many of your friends and colleagues became mothers early, and they probably shared with you some of their thoughts on this matter. Didn't your heart skip a beat at that moment?

In fact, I admire and rejoice at the girls, my peers, who are raising adult children. Yes, Lyosha and I recently discussed that it would be great, maybe to think about it a little earlier, but everyone has their own destiny. And so, returning to my colleagues, I, of course, am delighted with Vera Brezhneva, who looks like the elder sister of her daughters, or with Natasha Ionova - she and her eldest daughter are already friends. And they both look amazing. And I will try.

I'm sure it will be so. Even now, on the eve of giving birth, you look great!

Thanks a lot. It's all tan. ( Smiles.) I have a sporty character and a choreographic background, so, of course, I don’t relax much. I don’t have any terrible gluttony, and, most importantly, I don’t want it. I somehow negotiate with my body.

Well, you haven't recovered much.

Doctors say no. In the middle of the term, I did yoga with a specialist, and then on my own. In Spain I swam every day and, by the way, I filmed my “Dance” video when I was four months pregnant, dancing and running so that no one noticed my position. Well, and most importantly, I made it a rule to walk at least five thousand steps every day in any condition, in any weather.

Well done! Lyosha tours and records all the time. Who is helping you?

Lyosha helps me regardless of the tour. We have been able to find a balance between personal and work for almost 10 years. But we must admit, we seemed to feel changes in our lives: a year ago I moved my parents here from Volzhsky. They doubted it for a long time - after all, there were still friends there, father’s hobbies (fishing and hunting), mother’s students and students with whom she is still friends. But after the move there was not a moment that they regretted it. Now they live side by side and, naturally, help as much as they can: dad supervises the reconstruction of the house (we are finishing the nursery), mom was with me in Spain when Lyosha flew off on tour.

(Alexey appears.) Lyosha, hello. Handsome, all in white!

Julia: It seems to me that I have already told you so much, now you will complement me.

Julia said that at your age there is some certain wisdom that allows you to look at expecting a child differently. Do you agree with this?

Alexey: Absolutely. I heard that God gives a child when people are ready for it. Everything is on time. If I were seventeen years old, I don't think I would quite understand what was in her belly.

Yu.: In fact, like a true man, he says: “Well, let’s hurry up, you communicate there, I also want to see you.”

Lyosha, tell me, was Yulia capricious? I'm interested in your version.

Yu.: Yes, tell me.

A.: In general, I noticed her pregnancy less than she did. She's a real man. ( Laughs.)

Yu.: I told you about that stupid incident when I burst into tears because of a broken decanter.

A.: Well, of course, a woman without a slight brainwash! ( Smiles.)

“Yulia is like a man” - what do you mean?

A.: She treats everything normally, without any unnecessary facial expressions. She's not capricious. Julia is basically quite pragmatic. And pragmatism plus romance give rise to realism, and it exists in this realism. Therefore, to say that I ran into the desert for pickles - this did not happen.

Maybe this is a stupid question, but still. Has your relationship changed somehow, have you started looking at Yulia differently?

Yu.: Can I tell you while Lyosha is thinking? I kept worrying: “Honey, I’m probably plump, unsexy and ugly.” And Lyosha always said words that were very important to me.

A.: I just immediately told her, “You are fat and very unsexy,” so that at the time of pregnancy she would not feel the difference.

“Good” Lyosha!

Yu.: In fact, he said: “You know, there is something attractive in the shape of a pregnant woman.” This was very important for me to hear. Now every time I go up to him and say that I am a bun, and Lyosha always answers that I have hardly gained any weight.

A.: One hundred fourteen kilograms and seventeen grams do not count.

Certainly. Yulia says that you are finishing the nursery.

A.: Yes, but in fact we are chic, to be honest. I remember how I was raised...

Yu: And me.

A.: Lord, it was some small fifty-meter apartment in which the four of us lived.

In Samarkand?

A.: Yes. Then there was a house, very small, about seventy squares. And nothing, they raised me well!

Yu.: And when I was born, my parents lived in a dormitory, there was only one room. I am the second child, there were four of us too. We were given the long-awaited apartment when I was eleven months old. Mom stood in these lines for a very long time, and in the end a miracle happened. True, the apartment was on the fifth floor without an elevator, so it was very “convenient” to carry strollers. They let me into this apartment, and that was the first time I went.

My sister and I lived in the same room, we didn’t have our own personal space, but I, as a little girl, always wanted to have it. I found a way out: we had a big table, dad made it himself, I covered it with a blanket, and under my table I had my own world, no one went there.

When did you get your own real space?

This was the first rented apartment in Moscow. She was small, ugly, black, all covered with carpets.

A.: You describe me exactly as a child - small, black, ugly. ( Laughs.)

YU.: ( Laughs.) And I was happy, I was nineteen years old then. I had already joined the “Brilliant” group, worked for a year and saved up money to rent an apartment for two hundred and fifty dollars. This was my small victory and pride. But I was able to truly feel what my personal space was only when Lyosha and I bought a house.

How old is this house?

Yu: Four years.

And as it turned out, there is still not enough space.

A.: I want it to small man played and didn't bother anyone. Just kidding, of course. I understand that I will have to leave my comfort zone.

For example, we like to watch TV series at night, but the children’s room is right through the wall. We soundproofed it to such an extent that now you can't hear anything at all. Such things will not hurt the child’s pride in any way, but they will help us.

Yulia says that she began to think seriously about having a child only after she was thirty. And you?

A.: Creative people mostly selfish, you know that. We do everything for the sake of attention to ourselves. Music, songs, concerts are nothing more than an attempt to attract attention. You revel in your work, you have a lot of plans and a lot of problems that need to be solved, and, let’s say, you have no time for children. But now I understand that I probably should have done it earlier.

Yu.: That’s what I said too.

A.: If I had an adult son or daughter now, I would already have something interesting to tell them. And so, when the child grows up, I will already be old.

You'll be in the juice.

Maybe. I'll see how I survive. It also depends on how our songs will be listened to, how long our creative longevity will last, hence the moral state. We depend on the viewer.

In this sense, everything is in your favor. You gave me two of your books, I will read them with pleasure. You will have big concerts in Moscow very soon - in Vegas City Hall November 4th and 5th. This says a lot.

A.: Yulia is also doing great in this sense. Although, of course, she devoted these months more to herself and her pregnancy.

Yu.: I managed to release the track “Dance”, and the album is now being mixed in America, so in a musical sense there will be no breaks. At the same time, I really gave myself the opportunity to take a break from concerts and television projects.

Did you have a creative itch?

Yu.: At first it was.

A.: She still has it.

Yu.: Lyosha means that I cannot be a woman who just sits at home, turns on the TV, lies down and enjoys pregnancy.

A: She needs to do something.

You know, I love that you guys are both on your own creative paths. Lyosha, you don’t adapt to any specific formats of show business, you sing as you feel. Julia also chose her own path. You have proven yourself wonderfully as a TV presenter, as an actress, and in parallel, of course, your vocal history.

A.: Each of us is independent, we have not had producers for many years. Freedom is important to me in creativity.

Have you ever wanted to slightly adjust your views so that, for example, you could be on the air more on radio stations?

A.: I am certainly looking for a compromise. But the viewer who comes to my concert loves what he loves about me. And if now I adapt too much to the general trend, change myself to suit all sorts of formats, then I will simply lose all those who love me and those whom I love. And most importantly, I will lose myself. Let my small but high-quality listener remain with me, so that millions of those who do not care about sincerity in music will join.

Have you thought about recording a duet album?

A.: There was a successful duet song “To Notes”. As for the album, no, we don’t plan. Yulia and I have completely different audiences. My audience is people 25–45 years old, wealthy, comfortable in life, who have the right to listen to the music they want. Yulia is loved by younger viewers. More reckless, like herself. That’s why we don’t give joint concerts. Some people will wait for me to come out, and the other part will wait for me to leave.

Returning to what's to come important event. You have now spent so much time in Spain. Have you thought about flying from there to New York or Paris, for example, to give birth?

A.: No, we deliberately chose Russia. We are patriots and we don't joke. We adore Russia so much, we are so grateful to it for what we have here, that...

Yu.: ...we didn’t even consider other options. I can’t imagine how it’s possible in these important points communicate in another language, not feel or see your loved ones nearby.

Will Lyosha be present at the birth?

Yu.: All my adult life I thought that a man should not be present at childbirth. I swear. But as a normal woman, I tend to change my mind, and now, when this miracle is about to happen, I just need him to be nearby. Although he is a very restless young man.

A.: I’m just balanced, just impressionable, I take everything to heart. I know that I won’t be able to stay at home, because I will be nervous, I will need to control everything. And there I will worry no less... I make up my mind. I'm still afraid.

Julia, how are you setting yourself up - do you plan to quickly return to duty or not?

A: Man proposes, but God disposes.

Yu: That's right. But to be honest, we are already planning concerts for November-December. Pregnancy and a child are, of course, a qualitatively different format of life. But this does not mean that Lyosha and I need to reshape our lives.

A.: We are so free in our profession, so much on our own, that even tomorrow we can say: “Okay, stop. Don’t touch me this month, I left.” We don't sit in offices. Because of this, the child is absolutely not a story that pulls the ground out from under your feet. Independence and freedom are the main reward for creativity.

Now you are both excited.

Yu.: Of course, I already dream every day that I am giving birth. I thought I was crazy, but the doctors confirmed my mental stability with a smile and said that it was very good sign. It’s impossible to remain completely pragmatic, both in dreams and in life, my thoughts are now mainly occupied only with preparing for this incredibly happy event.

You talk about it and beam. And Lyosha, although wearing dark glasses, too. Keep shining, dear ones!

Thanks a lot!

Photo: Dimitry Fainstein. Style: Konstantin Koshkin. Makeup: Alina Starkova. Hair: Kristina Konstantinova. Producer: Anna Chernavskikh

Yulia Kovalchuk is a famous Russian singer who started in the group “Brilliant” and continues to sing solo, and is a TV presenter of many popular programs. Husband of Yulia Kovalchuk - - no less famous singer, TV presenter, composer, who began his career with “People’s Artist”. Young people have been together since 2009. In 2013, the long-awaited wedding took place, and more recently the couple became parents.

Biography of Alexey Chumakov

Alexey was born on March 12, 1981 in Uzbekistan (Samarkand) into a simple family. Mother - Liliya Avanesovna (Armenian), a doctor by profession, father - Georgiy Georgievich (Bulgarian), graphic designer. Alexey also has an older brother, Sergei Georgievich.


The boy's parents discovered his singing talent at the age of 5. Alexey went to study at a music school at percussion instruments. In parallel with his studies at school, Lyosha mastered guitar lessons.

During his school years, the boy was always visible: he participated in various events, was the host and performed songs. Besides music lessons And public life, the guy found time for sports: basketball and kickboxing.

At the age of 11, the talented boy performed songs of his own composition. When the Morning Star competition was held in Samarkand, Alexey was a participant and winner.

At a young age, Alexey began to earn money on his own by selling at the market and working part-time at a construction site.

In 1995, Chumakov’s parents decided to move to Tyumen. In the city, Alexey entered the VKI for vocals, and later moved to the Tashkent VKI for the conducting and choral department. Chumakov completed his studies in 1998.

Creative activity

Alexey had to pave the way to success himself: he composed music and poetry, made arrangements. He made money by performing in restaurants and bars.

But real fame and popularity came to the singer after the project “ National artist", in which the guy took part. He easily passed the casting and reached the finals, but became only third. The song “I'm Going Crazy About You” won the hearts of fans.

Alexey Chumakov has released three albums:

  • “Dreams of Something More” in 2006;
  • “Here and There” in 2013;
  • “The sky is in your eyes” - in 2017

In 2011, Chumakov sang a duet with Michael Bolton “Hold on I am coming,” which became popular among connoisseurs of the young star’s talent.

Besides singing career , Chumakov writes and publishes novels. The first novel, “The Color of the Last Sunset,” was not published; the guy destroyed it. Later, from the failed novel, the work “Alien Sunset” appeared, which became the script for the film. Alexey's second creation - the short story "In Search of Ghosts" - was published and flew off store shelves very quickly. The novel “47” was published in 2015.

Working on television

In 2005, Alexey began his career as a TV presenter. Together with Elena Vorobey, they hosted the show “The Secret of Success,” which later became known as “Factor A.”

In 2013, Alexey participated in the “One to One” project on Channel One. Chumakov was magnificent in his characters, charmed the jury and audience with his precise transformation and became the winner of the show. In 2016, as part of the show “Battle of the Seasons”, the TV show “One on One” talented singer repeated his success.

Chumakov’s popularity grew, he was offered participation in different projects. He became the host of the show "Who's on top?" together with his future wife (channel “U”), “Catch before midnight” with Timur Rodriguez (Channel One), “Open up, you have guests!” (STS).

On the Russia-1 channel, Alexey was on the jury in the “One to One” competition.

Life of Yulia Kovalchuk

The biography of Yulia Kovalchuk also began in ordinary family. Julia's date of birth is November 12, 1982, hometown- Volzhsky ( Volgograd region). Parents of the girl:

  • father Kovalchuk Oleg Aleksandrovich - designer at the design institute;
  • mother Kovalchuk Svetlana Vasilievna is a technical school teacher.

The making of a future star

As a child, Yulia dreamed of becoming a famous gymnast and winning top medals. But a back injury did not allow the girl to continue training. After recovery, Yulia changed her gymnastics group to a choreography group. The future singer achieved good results in dancing: she was part of the group “Rusinka”, later - “Venets”. At the same time, Kovalchuk did not forget about school and received good grades.

Interest in music and vocals appeared after returning from the Orlyonok camp, to which Yulia received a ticket for participating in public life. The girl began to write poetry and music based on them, and enrolled in a guitar class at a music school.

At the age of 15, Kovalchuk became the founder of the Elite group. While speaking in St. Petersburg, the girl was noticed by the dean of Moscow State University of Culture and Culture, who invited her to enter the university. To become a student, Yulia had to graduate from technical school as an external student with an excellent student certificate and enter MGUKI.

“Brilliant” and solo career

In 2001, Kovalchuk won over the jury at the casting for the group “Brilliant” with songs of her own composition. At first she was a backup dancer, and later (when Olga Orlova left the team) she joined the main cast. Popular hits and beautiful girls as part of the group allowed the team to be heard for a long time.

Julia sang in “Brilliant” until her contract ended in 2007, after which she began solo career.

The first hit in the singer’s work was the song “Push Me,” which occupied the top lines in the charts. This is how Julia’s solo career from “Brilliant” began, and her surname became popular. Then there were more hits, a duet with “Tea for Two”, a video with Alexey Chumakov “In Notes”. The singer’s first album “JK 2015” was released in 2015.

Participation in TV projects

Yulia's first appearance on television occurred in 2007 in the program “Dancing on Ice”. In 2008 - reality show " Last Hero", in which the girl demonstrated her perseverance and endurance. In project " glacial period“Yulia and her partner were always among the favorites in the top positions.

Subsequently, Julia often appeared in various programs. As a presenter, Kovalchuk, along with Igor Vernik, appeared in the program “One to One.”

Living together

Who was the chosen one, and how many years Kovalchuk dated previous men is unknown. The same can be said about Alexey. They did not advertise their lives too much then, and even now they prefer not to make their personal relationships public.

The first acquaintance took place when Kovalchuk sang in “Brilliant”, and Chumakov gained fame after the “People’s Artist” project. Their relationship began much later. In 2009, Alexey invited the girl to his concert, and Yulia, in turn, invited her to hers. There was sympathy, the young people began to meet. They were in no hurry to formalize the relationship and lived in a civil marriage for a long time, testing their feelings. During this time they acquired real estate in Moscow and Spain.

In 2013, young people signed at the registry office. At this event they were alone, without prying eyes. Only the closest ones were invited to the wedding ceremony, which took place in Spain. Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk, whose personal lives are not publicly displayed, look like a happy and confident couple in their relationship.

Since Yulia has been married to Alexei, the couple also live in two houses (in Moscow and Spain). They have three dogs. There were a lot of questions and expectations from fans about Yulia Kovalchuk about children. In 2017, the girl gave birth to a long-awaited daughter. Young parents do not reveal the girl’s name and do not show off her pictures.

Attention, TODAY only!

Yulia Chumakova (Kovalchuk)

Yulia Olegovna Chumakova (nee Kovalchuk). Born on November 12, 1982 in Volzhsky. Russian singer, TV presenter.

His mother was a teacher at a polytechnic school, and his father was the chief designer of a design institute.

Has a sister who is 7 years older.

At the age of five, her mother took her to rhythmic gymnastics. Julia herself trained without enthusiasm. “I didn’t have enough creativity in gymnastics. And once I was doing a flip, threw a mace, and it fell on my back. There was a severe hematoma, after which my mother said: “That’s enough!”,” she recalled.

Then I went to the dance. In addition, she attended various clubs: puppet theater, macrame courses, foreign languages, went to the art studio.

What occupied her most was the choreography. “I lived and suffered from this,” said Yulia.

From the age of seventeen, Yulia Kovalchuk performed in her own pop dance group “Elite”.

After school, I went to Moscow for entrance exams at the University of Arts, but found out that there was no enrollment in the pop department. Therefore, she entered the Saratov Socio-Economic University to major in economics.

But a year later she came to Moscow again and entered the pop and choreographic department.

In 2001, she became a member of the group, replacing the one who had left. Yulia’s debut in the group was the song and video “Ay-ay”, recorded at the end of 2001.

During the 6 years and 4 months that Yulia was in the Blestyashchie group, 3 CDs were released, about 40 songs were recorded and 9 video clips were shot.

On December 31, 2007, after the expiration of the contract, Julia left the group and began a solo career.

On January 16, 2008, Julia began her solo career. The singer's producer was Marat Khairutdinov. Together with composer Konstantin Arsenyev, Yulia recorded debut song“Push Me”, for which a video was shot. Later the song “Fly Away” was recorded.

Julia’s first duet was the song “Look into my eyes” with the group “Tea for Two”.

On July 1, 2014, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov presented their first joint video clip, “In Notes,” filmed independently on a small video camera. At the RU TV Channel Awards, the video won in the “Myself Director” category.

On June 18, 2015, the debut album JK2015 was released. A video clip was presented for the first single from this album, “Into the Smoke,” main role in which Mikhail Evgrafov, a participant in the show “Dancing” on TNT, performed. The video director was Denis Khrushchev.

Participated in various TV projects.

In 2007, paired with Pyotr Chernyshev, she won the project “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season".

In the fall of 2008, she took part in the reality show “The Last Hero. Forgotten in paradise. Season 6”, where she took second place.

In 2009, together with Roman Kostomarov, she won the project “Ice Age. A fabulous continuation."

In 2015, she was invited to the show “Empire of Illusions” on the STS channel, being one of the jury members in the 1st season of the 5th episode.

Since 2010 she has been working as a TV presenter.

In October 2017. The singer gave birth in one of the Moscow clinics.

Discography of Yulia Chumakova (Kovalchuk):

“Brilliant” includes:

2002 - Beyond the Four Seas
2003 - Orange Paradise
2005 - Oriental tales


Singles by Yulia Chumakova (Kovalchuk):

“Brilliant” includes:

2001 - Au-ay
2002 - Crane
2002 - And I kept flying
2002 - Beyond the Four Seas
2003 - Me and You
2003 - Orange Song
2004 - New Year's song
2005 - Palm trees in pairs
2005 - My brother is a paratrooper
2005 - Oriental Tales
2005 - Sea captain
2005 - Honestly speaking (together with Boris Moiseev)
2005 - Like a star
2005 - Believed
2006 - Agent 007
2007 - Tili dough


2008 Push me
2008 Look into my eyes
2009 Fly away
2009 Your girlfriend
2009 The Last Hero
2010 Me and you
2010 When they burn
2010 Margarita
2010 Call me loving
2010 Drawn
2010 Samurai
2010 Straight to the heart
2011 Generation of Summer
2012 Between Us
2013 Mojito
2014 In Notes (feat. Alexey Chumakov)
2015 Into the smoke
2016 Become strangers

Video clips of Yulia Chumakova (Kovalchuk):

“Brilliant” includes:

2001 “Ay-ay”
2002 “Over the Four Seas...”
2002 “And I kept flying”
2003 "Orange Song"
2004 “New Year’s Song”
2005 “Palm trees in pairs”
2005 “My Brother Paratrooper”
2005 “Oriental Tales”
2006 "Agent 007"


2008 “Push Me”
2009 “The Last Hero”
2010 “Straight to the Heart”
2012 “Between Us”
2013 "Mojito"
2014 “In notes feat. Alexey Chumakov"
2015 “Into the Smoke”
2016 “Becoming strangers” (feat. Vova)

Yulia Kovalchuk is one of the most popular pop singers. She became famous from the moment the girl began singing in the group “Brilliant”. IN last years the artist performs solo, she tours to the most remote corners Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

The singer's personal life has been happy since the beginning of 2009. She is in a relationship with her colleague Alexei Chumakov. In 2013, the stars got married. At the end of 2017, the girl became a mother. She gave birth to a wonderful daughter, Amelia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Kovalchuk

At the beginning of the new millennium began music career Yulia Kovalchuk. She became a member of the "Brilliant". From that time on, the girl’s number of fans began to grow in arithmetic progression. They were interested in everything related to our heroine, including what height, weight, and age the pop artist was. It’s easy to find out how old Yulia Kovalchuk is, knowing that the singer was born in 1982. In 2017, the girl celebrated her 35th birthday. The celebration took place in a quiet family circle, although Julia began touring just a few weeks after giving birth to her daughter.

Yulia Kovalchuk, whose photos in her youth and now are of interest to her fans, weighs 50 kilograms with a height of 165 cm. An artist with youth adheres to healthy image life. She does not eat flour, sweets or alcoholic drinks.

Biography and personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk

The future star was born in a small town, which is located next to the legendary Volgograd. Father - Oleg Aleksandrovich Kovalchuk worked in a design bureau. Mother - Svetlana Vasilievna Kovalchuk taught at one of the nearby technical schools.

The girl always amazed me with her plasticity. From the age of 3 she studied rhythmic gymnastics. But my dreams of a career did not come true. One day Yulia fell, as a result of which doctors forbade her to play sports.

Then the talented girl began to dance. From that time on, she thought that she would become a professional dancer. Although Kovalchuk traveled very often with the ensemble in which she performed, she was one of the best students in the class.

At the age of 15, the girl began to head the school dance group, who performed at all events. Having received a certificate, our heroine goes to the capital of the Russian Federation to become a student at the Moscow state university culture and art. IN student years popular pop singer becomes a member popular group"Brilliant." It was at this time that the biography and personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk became incredibly popular. Fans do not give the girl permission to go on dates. She laughs, agrees and... doesn’t come. During this period, Yulia met Alexei Chumakov. At first the relationship was friendly, but after some time it gradually grew into love.

Since 2008, the girl has been engaged in solo work. She participates in various television show programs, managing to successfully tour and record new music albums.

In 2013, the pop star married Alexei Chumakov. In 2017 star couple became the parents of a charming daughter, who was named Amelia.

Family and children of Yulia Kovalchuk

Julia's family was ordinary. Mom and father wanted their daughter to be a creative person.

My father worked in a design bureau. He is the author of several projects.

The star’s mother worked at a technical school, where she taught the basics of professional skills.

Currently, the family and children of Yulia Kovalchuk a large number of The couple spends time in their own house, which was built in Spain. Yulia and her husband often spend their holidays here in moments of relaxation.

Daughter of Yulia Kovalchuk - Amelia Chumakova

In 2017, the popular pop singer and her husband went abroad. It soon became known that they would soon become parents.

At the end of September, a wonderful little girl was born. Her mother shared this with her fans. The singer said that her daughter is a complete copy of her husband. She is dark-haired and brown-eyed. The baby's name was unknown for a long time. Only in the spring of 2018, the singer shared the name of her daughter - Amelia.

The singer quickly got into shape after the birth of her daughter. The girl is being raised by her grandparents.

Yulia Kovalchuk’s daughter Amelia is still small. Your baby popular singer and her husband are hidden from others. They say that the child is still small, so they shouldn’t show it to strangers. The singer says that she gave birth to a special child. Amelia, despite her young age, amazes her parents with her achievements every day.

Yulia Kovalchuk's husband - Alexey Chumakov

Yulia Kovalchuk’s husband, Alexey Chumakov, became a popular pop performer after the release of the “People’s Artist” project. Although the young man did not become the winner of the show project, he won the hearts of a large television audience. From that moment on, Alexey began to tour a lot. He visited not only many cities of the Russian Federation, but also neighboring countries.

In 2003, two popular pop singers met. Then they met often, but friendship only turned into love in 2009. They started dating, but were in no hurry to share with anyone yet. Only in 2011 it became known that Yulia Kovalchuk was dating Alexei Chumakov, who is her beloved man.

It was at this time that they participated in the One-to-One show program. Yulia hosted the program, and Alexey was one of its participants. He proved himself to be a master of disguise. It is not surprising that the man became the winner of the project. The audience loved his images. From that moment on, the artist’s popularity grew incredibly. His tour schedule from now on, it is planned literally several months in advance.

In 2013, Alexey proposes to Yulia. For her engagement, the bride was given a two-carat diamond ring. Kovalchuk proudly showed the gift to her fans. Soon, the marriage of two lovers took place on the Spanish coast. Only relatives and friends attended the ceremony. Numerous photographs were posted on the singer’s Instagram page.

Then popular pop singers often went to Spain. Here they built a house. Lovers give each other gifts and surprises. Julia considers the best gift for herself to be a Labrador named Teddy. It was given to my beloved for her second birthday life together.

In 2017, his wife made Alexei best gift. The couple had a daughter, who was named Amelia.

Hot photos of Yulia Kovalchuk delight her fans. On her Instagram page, the girl often posts candid pictures of herself. Julia's swimsuits come in separate and one-piece styles. They do not hide the breathtaking curves of the body.

After the birth of her daughter, Julia quickly got into shape. She amazes with her body, which can drive men crazy and make women jealous.

The naked artist was filmed several times. In 2014, she graced the pages of the popular men's magazine Maxim. She appeared in a revealing manner. On the cover, the pop star starred in a swimsuit that veiled the girl’s white skin.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Kovalchuk

Instagram and Wikipedia of Yulia Kovalchuk are updated very often. They are the sources that help fans find out the latest and most verified information about the popular pop singer.

Wikipedia contains information about Julia’s parents, indicating their type of activity. Here you can find out what the artist likes to do, what albums she released and when. The page indicates how many years the popular performer worked in the group “Brilliant” and how her solo career is progressing.

Our heroine’s Instagram is updated frequently. The girl often posts photos with her family, avoiding showing pictures of her newborn daughter. Article found on alabanza.ru