Catherine Nouville: artist who paints gymnastics. Drawing a gymnast Drawings on the topic of rhythmic gymnastics in pencil

Gymnastics is a type of non-human activity, reminiscent of yoga, only in active movement. Not everyone can do it. It is inaccessible to mere mortals, because to practice it is necessary to fulfill two conditions: firstly, understand your self-esteem from the couch and go to the gym, and secondly, have the willpower to repeat these actions over a long period of life. If you go to the gym once and kick your legs, you cannot call yourself an athlete. So people who do gymnastics deserve respect. Especially girls. Especially in swimsuits. Somehow I deviated from the topic.

So here's what's typical:

  • They also have injuries, perhaps even more often than in other sports;
  • To practice rhythmic gymnastics you need not only a beautiful suit and slender body, but also special makeup, this also applies to men;
  • They must adhere to a strict diet, specially prepared by the trainer. Although it would not hurt everyone to do this. At least occasionally;
  • They are a pleasure to look at on the box;
  • It’s even more pleasant to watch them live;

And you still have a chance to draw it:

How to draw a gymnast with a pencil step by step

Step one. In the center of the sheet we draw several circles connected to each other. Like the picture below. Step two. Using the contours of these figures, we will depict the girl’s body. Step three. Let's correct the contours, highlight the hair, face, arms, torso and legs. Step four. Let's remove unnecessary lines and add shading. Do you want to draw more girls? We have such lessons.

It would seem that drawing a person in motion is quite difficult. But for those who really want to learn the basics visual arts, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to be patient and hone your skills step by step. Let's try, first, to draw a ballerina standing in the “swallow” pose. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, take a sheet of paper, a pencil, a soft eraser and start creating.

Before you draw a ballerina, you need to outline her so-called base. It will consist of three circles and lines connecting them. We place the circles in such a way that the ballerina is standing in profile towards you, with her head slightly thrown back. The first circle is, in fact, the head itself, the second is the chest and the third is the hips. Since the dancer's posture involves an arched back, therefore, the circles should be positioned in such a way that when they are connected with the help of auxiliary lines, an angle is formed.

The next step on how to draw a ballerina will be a schematic representation of her limbs. We barely draw to the second circle curved line, directed backwards. This will be a hand. We add lines to the lowest circle, which are then “transformed” into legs: the dancer will stand on one, and we will move the second back, parallel to the floor or slightly higher. After this, you can draw the limbs in more detail.

Imagine that the sketchy lines are bones, so they should be inside the arms and legs. To maintain proportions, keep in mind that the length of the arm from shoulder to elbow is equal to the length from elbow to wrist. The same with the legs: the distance from the hip to the knee is equal to the distance from the knee to the ankle. In order not to be mistaken in height, you need to remember that the head of an adult “fits” seven times in the length of the rest of the body (up to the ankle).

Now let's move on to the next stage of solving the problem of how to draw a ballerina. You need to outline her face in profile, as well as her hairstyle. We detail the arm and torso, add the curve of the back, outline the chest, stomach and waist. Draw the legs, add pointe shoes. On the third circle (hips) we outline the tutu skirt, which looks like a slightly curved disk. We make the edge of the skirt wavy. A little lower, you can add a couple more layers of “waviness” to make the tutu look more voluminous.

When you are satisfied with the resulting sketch, the contours of the dancer can be outlined more confidently, and all auxiliary and extra lines erase with an eraser. It is worth noting that the girl’s second hand, placed in the other direction, should also be slightly visible, but, according to the law of perspective, it will appear smaller. Finish it.

Since we are drawing a ballerina, we can get creative and decorate her outfit. Maybe it will be an original neckline or a closed neckline, or unusual sleeves. You may want her to wear gloves. You can also think about her hairstyle, add a tiara or other decoration. If desired, the finished drawing can be colored. Now you theoretically know how to draw a ballerina. All that remains is to apply your knowledge in practice and believe that everything will undoubtedly work out.

Gymnastics is a type of non-human activity, reminiscent of yoga, only in active movement. Not everyone can do it. It is inaccessible to mere mortals, because to practice it is necessary to fulfill two conditions: firstly, understand your self-esteem from the couch and go to the gym, and secondly, have the willpower to repeat these actions over a long period of life. If you go to the gym once and kick your legs, you cannot call yourself an athlete. So people who do gymnastics deserve respect. Especially girls. Especially in swimsuits. Somehow I deviated from the topic.

So here's what's typical:

  • They also have injuries, perhaps even more often than in other sports;
  • To practice rhythmic gymnastics, you need not only a beautiful suit and a slender body, but also special makeup, this also applies to men;
  • They must adhere to a strict diet, specially prepared by the trainer. Although it would not hurt everyone to do this. At least occasionally;
  • They are a pleasure to look at on the box;
  • It’s even more pleasant to watch them live;

And you still have a chance to draw it:

How to draw a gymnast with a pencil step by step

Step one. In the center of the sheet we draw several circles connected to each other. Like the picture below.

Step two. Using the contours of these figures, we will depict the girl’s body.

Step three. Let's correct the contours, highlight the hair, face, arms, torso and legs.

Step four. Let's remove unnecessary lines and add shading.

Do you want to draw more girls? We have such lessons.

A ballerina is the embodiment of sophistication and grace in every ballet step. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to realize all the painstaking and incredible work put into the dance, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. To preserve memories of him for a long time, you can capture the most beautiful moment on paper - dancing ballerina. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, this task can be done by both adults and children.

How to draw a ballerina - first sketches of the drawing

To give the drawing the natural proportions of a person, you need to draw the outline of the future silhouette, adhering to the rules of the relationship of all parts of the body. To do this, draw an oval in the middle of the sheet, which is slightly inclined downwards on the left side, while making the left side sharp.

How to draw a ballerina - give the primary lines a three-dimensional shape

Now it’s time to “revive” the ballerina’s appearance a little. Emphasize the shoulder line and draw narrow waist. Now give the drawn lines of the legs a believable shape.

Please note that ballerinas are quite thin, so try to depict body parts not too curvy.

How to draw a ballerina - complete the arms and legs of the ballerina

Draw the arms, repeating all the curves. Then proceed to finish drawing the legs - draw out the knees and slender shins with a pencil. Now depict a stand on your toes, taking into account that in the final version the ballerina will be wearing pointe shoes.

How to draw a ballerina - remove unnecessary drawing lines

Using an eraser, erase all the sketches from which the drawing was drawn. At this stage, the ballerina is almost ready. You just need to finish drawing the palms with neat fingers. And then start creating the dancer’s face.

How to Draw a Ballerina - Draw the Ballerina's Face

This stage can be the most difficult if you do not have the skills of an artist. In this case, you shouldn’t be upset, it’s quite possible to do it.

If you are drawing a large silhouette of a ballerina close-up all elements of the face need to be depicted in more detail. To do this, divide the oval of the face into four sections using two lines. This will help draw the eyes and nose in proportion. And if you are making a small image without detail, general strokes of the eyebrows, mouth and nose will do just fine.

The ballerina's hairstyle is always styled in the form of a smooth bun, so only draw a thin outline of the hair on the head.

How to draw a ballerina - finishing touches

To make the picture more believable, you need to complete and decorate the dancer’s outfit and, using a softer pencil, draw shadows on the silhouette.

Draw a tightly tightened corset with a deep neckline. Add decorations in the form of embroidery or rhinestones. Also draw light airy sleeves and pointe shoes with ties. Finally, shade the entire drawing with smooth strokes.

Make sure you don't miss any details, such as the ears or shoe ties. If desired, you can add a floor to the picture and a blurry appearance of the scenery in the background.

Using this scheme, you can draw not only a wonderful ballerina, but a lovely princess or an ordinary girl.

Now we have step by step lesson drawing a ballerina, or how to draw a ballerina with a pencil step by step.

1. First we will draw the face, to do this, draw a circle with very thin lines, then determine the direction of the face with straight lines. As you may have noticed, our head will be very small, so don’t draw out the eyes too much with a pencil, sketch the nose, eyebrows, and you can draw another mouth. You can simplify the face very much, as in the drawing lesson. The contour of the face must be drawn correctly.

2. An important part is drawing the skeleton; you need to roughly draw it and show the main joints. Then we will gradually draw out the body. First, let's draw the hands; the next picture shows an enlarged result. We will not draw the fingers, only the silhouette of the hand.

3. Draw the ballerina’s chest, top and skirt.

4. Draw the legs, now we can erase the entire skeleton.

5. We draw ballet shoes, also lines on the skirt and characteristic lines where the throat is.

6. If you see that something is not working out for you, you can cover this place with some object, thing or hair. IN in this case, I didn’t like something in the hands and I drew bracelets, then the chest was very flat, I drew a few lines to emphasize it, and also drew a few additional folds on the top, and painted over the hair. This is approximately the result you should get. I didn’t specifically focus on the fingers, because... If you start fiddling with them for a long time, you will get nervous and stop drawing.

Already drawn +3 I want to draw +3 Thanks, great lesson +63

Step 1.

We draw eight equal parts in which the picture will be located - the proportions of a person. They will help us a lot in drawing the silhouette of a ballerina correctly. We draw it with a pencil so that we can erase it later.

Step 2.

We began to draw a figure standing on one leg. We are trying to draw with one line. It's okay if the line is a little trembling - after all, we will be drawing with ink. But for now, first, let's draw an approximate outline with a pencil and clarify the proportions - a ruler of eight parts will help us with this.

Step 3.

We have a contour, which we begin to paint over with ink or a black felt-tip pen - after all, we are drawing the silhouette of a ballerina.

Step 4.

Fill it with ink or paint over the silhouette of the ballerina in our drawing with a black felt-tip pen. Remove, if you haven’t removed it before, the pencil outline. Just wait for the mascara to dry so as not to smear the black paint. Mascara dries quickly, unless the layer is very thick and there are no puddles of paint.

Step 5.

Take a thinner brush and work on small details. If you touched the background when you were drawing the silhouette, then you can paint it all with white gouache, then it won’t be noticeable that an error has occurred. But if the paper is thick, it is better to scrape off the erroneous line with a razor blade. But do it carefully, otherwise there will be a hole.

Gymnastics is a type of non-human activity, reminiscent of yoga, only in active movement. Not everyone can do it. It is inaccessible to mere mortals, because to practice it is necessary to fulfill two conditions: firstly, understand your self-esteem from the couch and go to the gym, and secondly, have the willpower to repeat these actions over a long period of life. If you go to the gym once and kick your legs, you cannot call yourself an athlete. So people who do gymnastics deserve respect. Especially girls. Especially in swimsuits. Somehow I deviated from the topic. So here's what's typical:

  • They also have injuries, perhaps even more often than in other sports;
  • To practice rhythmic gymnastics, you need not only a beautiful suit and a slender body, but also special makeup, this also applies to men;
  • They must adhere to a strict diet, specially prepared by the trainer. Although it would not hurt everyone to do this. At least occasionally;
  • They are a pleasure to look at on the box;
  • It’s even more pleasant to watch them live;

And you still have a chance to draw it:

How to draw a gymnast with a pencil step by step

Step one. In the center of the sheet we draw several circles connected to each other. Like the picture below.
Step two. Using the contours of these figures, we will depict the girl’s body.
Step three. Let's correct the contours, highlight the hair, face, arms, torso and legs.
Step four. Let's remove unnecessary lines and add shading.
Do you want to draw more girls? We have such lessons.

Drawing is one of the most beautiful forms of art. With the help of paper and paints, a person can realize all his fantasies and dreams. Those who think that the process of painting a picture is very difficult simply did not take it. However, if you try it once, you will notice how your entire worldview will turn upside down. After all, artists perceive the world otherwise.

The charm of female beauty

Artists have long been attracted to the image of a girl. The ability to embody on canvas the basic qualities of the fair half of humanity has always been considered an indicator of mastery in art.

Beauty and grace female body have long been a favorite image in painting. Apparent fragility, perfection, motherhood - this is how any female portrait can be characterized.

Female athletes always attract attention. Their strong will, hard work, but at the same time deep feminine grace deserve worship. Don’t think that depicting them on paper is too difficult. After reading this article, everyone can feel like a real artist.

How to draw a gymnast yourself

Girls involved in this sport have a chiseled, flexible figure. Their delicate beauty is eye-catching. Unearthly fragility and grace are so perfect that you want to transfer them to paper.

So, how to draw a gymnast yourself? First you need to remember and imagine what the girl looks like. Once a clear image has appeared in your head, you should think of what additional details can be depicted. Gymnasts perform with various sports attributes. It can be:

  • balls,
  • ribbons,
  • hoop,
  • maces.

You can depict a girl with one of the presented sports equipment.


Before drawing a gymnast step by step, you should prepare equipment for painting.

  • Organize your workspace. You can create on an easel or just on
  • Prepare your paper. These can be special sheets for watercolors or a regular sketchbook.
  • Pencil. When working, it is recommended to use soft or hard-soft.
  • An eraser to remove excess.
  • Brushes of different sizes.
  • Glass for water.
  • Palette.


How to draw a gymnast with a pencil? To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main stages of work:

  1. Using a soft pencil, draw the outlines with thin lines. Movements of the hand should be light and precise. Don't put pressure on the pencil. The line is barely noticeable.
  2. We draw the girl's head in the form of an oval. The body is denoted by lines. The gymnast stands in the “swallow” pose: the torso is slightly tilted forward, the girl stands on one leg, raising and extending the other one back. The gymnast's arms are raised up and directed to the sides.
  3. After completing the preparatory stage, we begin to draw the main details of the girl’s figure.
  4. Adding sports paraphernalia. So, you can draw ribbon rings around the figure or draw a ball in the gymnast’s hand.
  5. Let's detail the image. We draw hair and facial features.
  6. Using an eraser, remove excess lines and marks.
  7. You can finish at this stage. If you want to depict a girl in color, you should use paints. How to draw a gymnast in watercolors? Mix yellow and red colors, dilute the resulting orange with water. By lightly pressing the brush we paint over the gymnast's body.
  8. We paint the hair with dark paint.
  9. We decorate the swimsuit. It can be plain or patterned.
  10. Using a thin brush, apply dark paint along the contour. This way we can outline the silhouette of the girl.
  11. Below, use dark blue paint to mark the surface on which the gymnast stands. The image is ready.

From this article you learned how to draw a gymnast yourself. Using the same scheme, you can depict any person. Don't be afraid to show your vision of the world, because the art of drawing is the greatest gift.

I came across these drawings online in some community dedicated to rhythmic gymnastics. They were remembered for their originality - on them it was the other way around! Here, on paper, the gymnasts did not freeze in bizarre poses, but, on the contrary, came to life. The best moments of rhythmic gymnastics programs are depicted frame by frame, like in a cartoon. These drawings conveyed the beauty of movement, the grace of the execution of complex elements, and the emotions expressed by the plasticity of the body. And along with the gymnasts who came to life on paper, the memories of their exercises came to life.

On the blog "Art with a taste of sport" the author of these beautiful drawings talks about himself and his works.

Alina Maksimenko (Ukraine), clubs program 2013.

I discovered gymnastics thanks to Japanese cartoon"The Legend of Hikari".

My name is Catherine Nouville, I am French and live in Paris. I work as a graphic designer for an e-learning development company and am passionate about rhythmic gymnastics. I make my drawings in my free time.

Rhythmic gymnastics is not popular in France. Most of the time, people confuse it with other sports.

I discovered gymnastics when I was 5 years old thanks to the Japanese cartoon “The Legend of Hikari” (“Hikari no densetsu”). After that, I started making drawings about rhythmic gymnastics. Later I watched broadcasts of international competitions on TV. In 2003, I went to the World Cup in Budapest and met Alina Kabaeva there, who really shocked me.

Alina Kabaeva (Russia).

Gymnastics is an art, an art in movement.

I did rhythmic gymnastics for about 5 years, not at high level. I came to gymnastics very late, but before that I was dancing.

I like many gymnasts. The champions of the 2000s were especially impressive. I appreciate elegant rhythmic gymnastics and emotional programs. I am amazed by the work of the Belarusian team with the ball. Music means a lot to me, I think its interpretation is the most important thing in gymnastics.

Of course, I root for my country (France, go!), but also for any gymnast who has good program. I don't care about grades, I enjoy successful performances. Gymnastics for me is an art, an art in motion.

Lyubov Cherkashina (Belarus), ball program 2009.

Anna Bessonova (Ukraine), program with tape 2009.

Carmen Acedo (Spain), ball program 1992.

The idea to create drawings arose after watching gymnastics on TV. I was fascinated by the gymnasts, their incredible poses and movements. I wanted to display my favorite exercises frame by frame so I could watch them whenever I wanted. I created a small album on Facebook with some drawings, calling it RG Sketches, so that the name would be clear to people from different countries. And I left the same name when I created my own website with my drawings.

Anna Rizatdinova (Ukraine), ball program 2012.

Catherine Nouville with Anna Rizatdinova.

Dolphin Ledoux (France), program with tape 2009.

Some drawings take about 50 hours to complete.

First I draw a sketch on paper with a simple pencil while watching the video. Then I scan the drawing and color it on the computer using graphics tablet. I choose exercises that I particularly like or that are iconic for a particular gymnast. The process becomes more complicated when you have to work with old video. I'm looking through some photos to see more details. What ends up happening is just my personal interpretation.

I don't know how much time I spend on each drawing, but some of them - coloring and retouching - take about 50 hours. Often I'll just do a sketch, with minimal coloring, so I can finish it quickly. But I constantly start going into details. Although I know that there are still some errors in my drawings. The most enjoyable moment of my work is the final one, when I present my work to the gymnasts.

I don’t have any favorite drawings, but I’m always extremely pleased when fans and gymnasts recognize my works and like them.

Irina Chashchina (Russia).

Maria Petrova (Bulgaria), ball program 1994.

Crown jumps of Anna Bessonova (Ukraine).

With Maria Petrova (Bulgaria) – three-time absolute champion (1993, 1994, 1995).

Gymnastics This is, first of all, femininity.

I decided to make an exception and draw Ruben Orihuela Galivan after I saw him at a tournament in Paris. In my opinion, he is more expressive than some of the girls who have won medals, and is not inferior to them in skill. Ruben feels the music, he inspires me, like other champions. But the idea is to depict women's gymnastics because gymnastics- This is, first of all, femininity.

Ruben Orihuela (Spain), hoop program 2011.

Oksana Kostina (Russia), ball program 1992.

Yana Kudryavtseva (Russia), crown element with the ball.

Simona Peycheva (Bulgaria), jump rope program 2001.

Evgenia Kanaeva (Russia), ball program 2011.

Silvia Miteva (Bulgaria), ball program 2009.