Circuit training with kettlebells for men. Kettlebell exercises at home - the secrets of a slim body

Missed a workout? It doesn't matter if you have weights at home. Kettlebell workout at home is no less effective than training in the gym. Just one weight can replace an entire home mini Gym. Exercises with a kettlebell for all muscles of the body will help you stay in shape and diversify your training process. For training, you only need a kettlebell, some free space and set of exercises with weights at home, provided in this article.

Exercises with kettlebells for all muscle groups

On this exercises with kettlebell don't end. You can perform bent-over rows, deadlifts, kettlebell overhead extensions, kettlebell chin rows, kettlebell curls, kettlebell side bends, and many other kettlebell exercises for all muscle groups.

A set of exercises with weights for all muscle groups

A set of exercises with a kettlebell for beginners

  • Squats with kettlebell 3x12-15
  • Kettlebell swings 3x15-20
  • One-arm kettlebell press 3x8-12
  • Bent-over kettlebell row 3x8-12
  • Kettlebell row to the chin 3x8-10

A set of exercises with a kettlebell for advanced

  • Squats with a kettlebell in one hand 4x12-15
  • Push two kettlebells 4x8-12
  • Kettlebell push-ups 3-4x8-12
  • Kettlebell swings 3-4x15-20
  • Double kettlebell overhead press 3x8-12
  • Turkish get up with kettlebell 3x8-10

Kettlebell training at home this is a great way not only to keep yourself in excellent physical fitness, but also develop strength and increase muscle endurance, as well as improve posture. All exercises with kettlebells feature natural biomechanics of movement. Therefore, the load between the muscles is distributed evenly and the risk of injury is minimal. Train for your health!

Tkachenko Sergey- master of sports in bodybuilding | more details >>

Master of Sports of Ukraine in bodybuilding, coach. Finalist of the IFBB European Championship Moldova, Chisinau 2013. Champion of Ukraine in the category up to 70 kg. 2011. Multiple winner of the Ukrainian championships in bodybuilding and bench press. Senior moderator of our site.

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Date of: 2018-07-08 Views: 14 122 Grade: 4.0 Tired of barbells and dumbbells? Pay attention to the weights! I found 15 effective exercises, which not only diversify the training, but also pump up all muscle groups. By the way, it is wrong to think that training with kettlebells is only suitable for men. Women do it well too. The main thing is to choose the right weight (more on this later). The peculiarity of training with a kettlebell is that here we focus more on movements rather than on muscles. Those. During the training we develop qualities such as endurance, flexibility, coordination. Moreover, you can practice both at home and conduct training in the gym: everything will be effective. Kettlebell training is often used in the following areas:
  • Crossfit
  • High Intensity Interval Training
  • Cardio training
All of these areas are dynamic, which means that kettlebell lifting is suitable for those who want to accelerate muscle growth, get rid of excess fat and simply improve your body contour. But here's to building up muscle mass a training program with kettlebells will not work: here it is better to give preference to a barbell or dumbbells.

Pros and cons of training with kettlebells

Any sports equipment has its pros and cons. Kettlebell is no exception. Let's start with the advantages, there are still more of them: 1. The training program combines strength and cardio exercise, which means that less training volume gives greater results. 2. The apparatus allows you to work all the muscles. 3. A kettlebell is a durable piece of equipment that will last a long time. 4. With the help of the projectile you can develop endurance and pump up the heart muscle. 5. The result of the training is a muscular body with a minimal percentage of fat and elastic muscles. 6. During the training, the spine is stabilized by strengthening the muscle corset. 7. The kettlebell makes joints strong and resistant to injury by strengthening ligaments and joints during training. 8. The kettlebell can be perfectly used in game types sports - exercises with it develop speed, agility, coordination.

Now the fly in the ointment:

1. Exercises with kettlebells can lead to back injuries, especially for those who have just started training and distribute the load incorrectly. 2. The kettlebell is not suitable for building muscle mass. 3. The projectile is sold at a certain weight, which cannot be adjusted, unlike the same barbell. 4. A kettlebell made of high-quality material can be expensive. Important! If you have problems with the heart, musculoskeletal system, or recent injuries, then it is better to hold off on training or consult a specialist.

Choose the weight wisely

A few words about the weight of the projectile. As a rule, for men it will be 16-32 kg, for women - 8-16 kg. But everything is individual. To find an acceptable weight, you need to try to do five repetitions of one exercise. Was the set easy? Let's add a couple more kilos. Are you exhausted after the fourth or fifth try? So, we reduce the weight. So, the weight has been found, but you shouldn’t relax. If it is suitable for one exercise, then it is not for another. Therefore, it is better to experiment with each element separately in order to ultimately choose the optimal weight. And one more thing: focus on the number of repetitions of one exercise 10-15 times. That's exactly what it requires effective training. Can you do more? Great! Just don't overdo it! Well, that's it. Now comes the fun part. As they say, let's move from theory to practice. Let's start, perhaps, with a list of exercises with kettlebells with a description of their technique. And we’ll finish with developed training programs with kettlebells for different purposes.

1. Kettlebell swings

In this exercise, the weight can be lifted either above your head or just above your shoulders. To do this you need:
  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take the weight with both hands, bend forward slightly and place the weight between your legs.
  3. Swing the kettlebell to the desired level.
  4. Lower the projectile, placing it between your legs again.
Important! Make sure that your back is not rounded, and that the movement begins not from the arms, but from the hips.

2. Swing a kettlebell with one hand

We do the same thing, using each hand in turn, which will allow us to work the target muscles even more effectively.

3. Bent-over Kettlebell Row

An excellent element for pumping the back, performed as follows:
  1. We take two weights and, with slightly bent knees and a straight back, lean forward.
  2. We pull the projectile to the chest, the end point will be the stomach area.
  3. Lower the weights to the starting position.
Important! We make sure that the elbows are close to the body; we pull the weights not with the muscles of the arms, but with the help of the back.

4. Eight

Want to pump up your core muscles? Then feel free to include the element in your program! In addition to the core muscles, the legs and arms work here. The essence of the element is to describe a figure eight around the legs with the projectile, for which you need:
  1. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and take the weight in your right hand.
  2. Bend slightly forward with your knees bent and your back straight, bring the projectile between your legs a little further than your torso.
  3. Reach back with your other hand and take the weight from your right.
  4. Move the limb with the projectile forward and bring it back between your legs.
  5. With your right hand from behind, grab the kettlebell again.
The exercise perfectly develops coordination of movements, and it looks very impressive.

5. Deep squat with a kettlebell

Three elements for effective pumping of legs and buttocks. The additional load in the form of weights allows you to acquire the desired shape much faster. To do the exercise:
  1. We stand up straight, holding the projectile with both hands in front of our chest.
  2. We do a deep squat, moving our pelvis back and keeping our back straight.
Important! We make sure that the elbows are not separated, and at the lowest point the hip joint is below the knees.

6. Jump Squats

This element additionally trains explosive strength. The execution technique looks like this:
  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight and pull the weight forward, holding it with both hands.
  2. Do a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor
  3. Jump up from a squat.

7. Lunges with lifting the projectile

Here it comes to work shoulder girdle. For execution:
  1. Stand up straight and hold the weight at shoulder level bent arm, palm turned towards the body.
  2. We lunge forward while simultaneously raising our arm with the weight above our head.
  3. We return to the starting position, lowering the weight.
  4. Repeat for the other leg.

8. Kettlebell crunches

Despite the fact that the element perfectly trains the core muscles, it is contraindicated for those who have problems with the spinal column. People with weak abs should also wait a bit with this element. The work progress is as follows:
  1. We sit on the floor, pressing the weight with both hands to the body.
  2. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, off the floor.
  3. We make turns with the body in different directions.
Important! We make sure that the back remains straight and do not lower the legs.

9. Mill

In addition to the strength part, the element perfectly stretches the muscles. To perform it, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift the weight with one hand above your head. We tilt to the side, leaving the arm with the projectile extended. We try to reach the foot.

10. Lifting a kettlebell with one hand from a lying position

We lie on our backs, bending our knees and placing our feet on the floor. Holding the projectile in a bent hand, squeeze it upward. Important! In the starting position, the shoulder should lie on the floor, the elbow is pressed to the body, the palm is turned towards it. Make sure that the angle between the shoulder and forearm is maintained at 90 degrees. When pressing upward, the elbow must be turned to the side, and the wrist should be facing the legs. At the lowest point, the projectile should be above the chin.

11. Deadlift with a kettlebell

We continue training the buttocks, thighs and core muscles. Technique:
  1. Standard starting position - stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, weights in both hands.
  2. We tilt the body and lower the weight to the floor, while moving the pelvis back.
  3. For the greatest effect, when returning back, you need to tense your abs and buttocks. The back remains straight.

12. Lifting the kettlebell onto the shoulder

A very difficult element, so use light weight at first. Technique:
  1. We place the projectile between the legs and lean towards it with a straight back.
  2. We grab the weight with one hand.
  3. We place the projectile between the legs and behind the body.
  4. In the swing, we raise the hand with the weight to shoulder level, while directing the palm towards the body.
  5. We lower the projectile so that it passes between the spread legs and bring it up again.
Important! Make sure that the elbow is close to the body and the wrist continues the line of the chest without any bending.

13. Raising weights to the top

We take two weights and throw them over our shoulders. We squeeze the shells up, making sure that at the top point they are located behind the hand. To do this, you need to turn your palms forward.

14. Kettlebell push-ups

We do regular push-ups, but place our hands on weights. You can complicate the element by adding alternate lifting of the arms with the apparatus at the waist.

15. Kettlebell plank + arm raise

Typically, the training ends with a bar that can consolidate the result, keeping all muscle groups in good shape. Let's complicate the element with weights. To do this, place your hands in a plank position on weights. Next, we raise our hands with the projectile one by one. Make sure your hips stay in place.

Ready set of exercises

If you don’t have time to visit the gym, you can get by at home. Fortunately, a kettlebell is a piece of equipment that can be used anywhere. So, the program for the week.
  1. Mill
  2. Deep squat with a kettlebell
  3. Lifting a kettlebell onto the shoulder
  4. Kettlebell Lunges
  5. Kettlebell Bench Press
  6. Kettlebell push-ups
  7. Kettlebell crunches
  8. Deadlift with kettlebell
  9. Bent-over kettlebell row
  10. Kettlebell plank
As you can see, the program is designed in such a way that all muscle groups alternately participate in the training. To begin with, we do one circuit (one approach from each exercise) with repetitions of 5 times. Next, we increase the load according to how we feel. Three sessions a week are enough to see results. There is no need for more: between training sessions there should be at least a day of rest.

Circuit training program with kettlebells

And finally, we will analyze several ready-made training complexes for different purposes. Let's start with circuit training, which involves performing several elements in a circle. Select a few exercises from the list above that include squats, swings, bends and twists. You can start with a minimum, gradually increasing the number of exercises. The essence of the program is to repeat several elements cyclically at the fastest possible pace, taking a short rest only between circles. Three laps are enough to get started. The purpose of the training is to train endurance and fight excess weight.

Crossfit with kettlebell

Do you want to have an excellent cardiovascular system, be resilient and strong? Then this is the place for you! CrossFit involves big number sets without rest at high speed. Any elements related to swings, lunges, jerks, and squats are suitable for the program. The only condition is excellent health, otherwise the training may result in a hospital bed.

A few words at the end

Kettlebells are a fairly simple, but incredibly effective exercise that works all muscle groups and helps you achieve excellent results. And in order for the training to bring only benefits, do not forget about the warm-up before it and the cool-down after, choose the weight wisely, keep your back straight and watch the position of your hands. You can order a training or nutrition program for yourself from me, the author of the article.

  1. My page in

As practice has shown, the kettlebell is still very popular today. It is used as a weight-bearing apparatus for pumping up muscles. About a quarter of visitors to sports complexes use kettlebells in their workouts. This figure is not so small, especially if you pay attention to great amount various simulators.

One of the advantages that a set of exercises with a kettlebell has is the speed and effectiveness in building muscle mass. In addition, the athlete will develop endurance. Kettlebell exercises also strengthen your wrists and hand joints. In order to start training, you should choose a kettlebell that best suits your weight. To avoid injury, you should not strain yourself. It is better to gradually increase the mass of the projectile, starting with the smallest one. In addition, before starting the exercises, you should warm up well.

Exercises with a 16 kg kettlebell should be selected based on your goals. To increase muscle mass, it is necessary to gradually increase the weight of the projectile. But this does not mean that after a few sessions with a sixteen-kilogram weight, you should immediately jump to a 24-kilogram apparatus. You should not increase the load so sharply, as injuries may occur. In order to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, it is necessary to learn the correct technique.

It is very important to breathe correctly while performing an exercise with a 16 kg kettlebell. Breathing can not only save strength, but also increase endurance. While the projectile is being lifted, it is necessary to exhale air with power. When lowering, you need, on the contrary, to inhale. This pattern will help lift the weight.

Exercises with a 16 kg kettlebell should be performed according to specific schedule. Classes must be conducted three times a week. Moreover, you should start training several hours before eating. Also, if you prefer to exercise in the evenings, start doing a set of exercises about two hours before bed.

All exercises with a 16 kg kettlebell should be divided into subgroups. Each subgroup must be completed on a specific day.

For example, on Monday you train your biceps, triceps, trapezius, neck and leg muscles. On Wednesday you should train your back, as well as your legs and deltoids. On Friday you should pump up your deltoids, trapezius and chest, as well as pump up your biceps, back and abs. This short review how to approach exercises using 16kg kettlebells. Classes should be carried out in several approaches, each of which will have ten to twelve repetitions on each hand.

If you approach this with all responsibility and practice regularly, the result will not take too long to arrive. In addition, if you have weights, you can practice at home. But it must be taken into account that without increasing weight it will be very difficult to gain muscle mass. But with the right approach you can achieve good results. Good luck in your studies!

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Exercises with weights are carried out with the aim of accelerating muscle growth or losing weight, as well as improving the mobility and strength of joints; they do not take much time; you can train in the gym or at home.

The article contains a description for each category of athletes. Exercises with weights at home are available to beginners and professionals, girls and men.

What exercises to do with kettlebells for the upper body?

The following tasks effectively develop the muscle groups of the body: squats, push-ups with rows, swings, throws, pushes, mills, lifts. All of them are done after warming up, with a straight back, in 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions (depending on physical fitness and experience).

You need 2 tools, selected according to weight, type of task, training goal, physical fitness.

Basic exercises and technique:

  1. Swing (swing) improves the muscles of the buttocks, hamstrings, and lower back. Starting position (hereinafter referred to as IP): place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, bend over, swing the weight between your thighs and push it to shoulder level, while simultaneously unbending and returning.
  2. Lifting (throwing) onto the chest: the muscles of the upper and lower extremities and torso work. IP: position of the feet, as indicated above, the back and neck are straight, the projectile is taken so that the palm is turned towards the leg, and thumb- to the wall behind your back. They swing the instrument between their legs, straighten their knees with a jerk, bend their arm at the elbow, lower the load onto their chest, turning the hand.
  3. Squats load the legs and deltoids. IP: feet are located under the shoulders, grasp the arch with two palms, and pull it in front of you to chest level. Slowly squat, without changing the position of the upper limbs, until the pelvis drops slightly below the knees, and stand up sharply.
  4. The mill works all the muscles of the torso, thigh, buttocks, shoulder. IP: straight arm with the equipment at the top, body weight is transferred to the same leg, and the opposite foot is placed to the side, wider than the shoulder, looking at the equipment. Without changing the position of your head and sports equipment, slowly exhale and stretch your free palm towards your ankle or floor, linger at the bottom, while rising, you should inhale.
  5. The Turkish get-up improves all muscles of the body. IP: lying on your back, hold the instrument in your left hand at the top, above the shoulder joint. Left foot and right palm rest against the surface, sit down, pull the load up (towards the ceiling), transfer the body weight to the left leg and lean on the right knee (palm comes off the floor), stand on full height, feet shoulder-width apart. They return to the original position in the reverse order. For the left hand, do it in mirror image.
  6. Kettlebell push-ups with deadlifts develop all muscles. IP: the projectiles are placed under the elbow joints, the toes rest on the floor, and the arms are clamped with the palms. Sequence: do push-ups, lean on the handle with one hand, and lift the sports equipment with the other, pull it to the torso, do push-ups, then do deadlifts with the opposite limb.
  7. The push improves the shoulder muscles and pectoral upper muscles. Work with two tools. IP: feet shoulder-width apart, weight pressed to pectoral muscles. With an exhalation, the projectiles are lifted towards the ceiling, extending the arms, fixed above the head and returned.

The weight is selected individually for yourself: with the initial weight, repetitions are brought to maximum quantity times, then move on to heavier equipment. The training is carried out for 40-60 minutes, at the same time, every other day.

Kettlebell training for beginners

Beginners should use such sports equipment after medical consultation and under the supervision of an instructor. If there is a need to train at home, carefully study the set of exercises, techniques and adhere to safety rules while performing.

The basic rule is that the equipment is on the floor in front of the kettlebell lifter, in the center, the athlete with a straight back takes the equipment. Its arch should move freely in the hand; it is clamped tightly in rare cases.

The initial weight of the projectile should be minimal; it is not recommended to lift it above your head until the muscles become stronger. If the instrument accidentally falls, it is recommended to accompany it with your hands, simultaneously removing all parts of your body (head, shoulders, feet) from its path, carefully dodging the bruise, and when it hits the floor or ground, you must hold it so that it does not roll.

Below are described the exercises, which are mastered strictly in chronological order.

List of tasks:

  • front and back squats
  • push, swing forward
  • jerk to the shoulder, to the chest
  • mill: until the muscles are stronger, the load is held with the palm of the hand, which is stretched to the floor.

Repetitions are done with the same number for both hands. After training, they even out their breathing and do stretching to relieve muscle tension. As the muscles get stronger, the type of tasks become more difficult.

Exercises for girls

The variety of equipment is pleasing; in addition, you can purchase “matryoshka dolls” or hollow shells that are filled with sand, adjusting the mass at your discretion. Classic weight starts at 8 kg and goes up to 32 kg (steps – 8 kg).

Kettlebell fitness helps not only to develop muscle definition, but also to lose weight. overweight. Besides a lot joint exercises, you can add other power types of tasks.

Set of classes:

  • rotation around the pelvis (in both directions);
  • pulling the projectile to the stomach;
  • half-squat with weight at the chest;
  • rotation of equipment in a figure eight around bent knees;
  • swing to face level;
  • Turkish half-rise (without getting up from the floor);
  • turns the body left and right with a weight in arms outstretched forward;
  • lunges forward, backward, sideways.

To lose weight, exercises are done with a small weight, but more intensely; for relief, the opposite is true: the weight of the equipment is greater, and the movements are smoother.


Strength tasks are combined with cardio (running, jumping ropes) for better efficiency. or plus another complex, for example as in

Many workout programs include weighted exercises in the form of a kettlebell. The scheme is developed in such a way as to ultimately obtain maximum result. The training plan includes a lot of familiar exercises.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

All the nuances of training with a kettlebell

There are many sets of exercises with kettlebells that are aimed at developing different groups muscles. And their purpose varies greatly - some are designed to develop strength and endurance, while others are simply intended to build muscle mass (for example, in the neck area). There is also a set of cardio exercises that helps you quickly and effectively lose extra pounds. Therefore, before you start exercising, decide what result you want to get as a result of your training - a strong body with defined muscles or just a toned figure.

What weight is best to choose for training with a kettlebell?

The universal mass of a weight simply does not exist, so there is no point in looking for it.

To select the correct weight you need to consider:

  • what type of training do you do (cardio or strength training);
  • initial physical training (for beginners, a load of 32 kg will be simply unbearable);
  • gender (weight for girls is slightly lower).

Fat burning workouts for women require the use of small weight equipment (up to 8 kg). There are several reasons for this, but the main one is that a properly selected complex initially involves toning all muscle groups and weights are intended to better accelerate metabolism.

If it is important for a girl to pump up, then the minimum weight for a beginner is 8 kg. For men, the numbers are slightly different - 16 kg for beginners and 32 kg for more experienced athletes.

General kettlebell training after 40 years

This set of exercises is designed to keep the body in good physical shape at any age. Of course, if you studied well until the age of 40, then after that it is unlikely that anything will change significantly for you.

Another question is, if you are a beginner, you should start here carefully so as not to cause harm. The main thing to remember is that you should not strive for sky-high results and mind-blowing execution speeds. You should have a good measured pace without jerking or acceleration, as well as a minimum of repetitions. Loads need to be increased gradually, step by step and without fanaticism.

Circuit training with kettlebells

The most effective type of exercise. It consists of cyclically repeating several exercises with weights. This can be squats, bends, turns, swings with a projectile. Main feature circuit training - fast pace.

A short rest is allowed between circles, but it should not last more than a minute. This set of exercises does a great job of burning fat and also trains endurance. You need to start with 3 circles of 15 minutes each and gradually increase their number (you add not time or exercise, but circles).

Workouts with weights at home

The optimal kettlebell weight for home training is 8 kg for a girl and 16 kg for a man. Exercising at home should definitely begin with a warm-up in order to warm up all the back muscles and joints. You need to do the exercises at a moderate pace, starting with minimal loads and light weight of the projectile.

If everything comes easy to you, then increase the load during the next session (this way you can evaluate the effectiveness of the training and fully experience all the delights of strength in those muscles that you didn’t even know about).

Weekly home workout program:

  1. Mill exercise. The technique is the same as in the usual version, but a weight is used as weighting. A sufficient number of repetitions is 20.
  2. Squats with a kettlebell all the way. 15 reps.
  3. Standing kettlebell push. First, 15 times with each hand, then 15 times with both hands at the same time.
  4. Kettlebell lunges are done 12 times on each leg.
  5. Bench press lying on a mat or mat - 15 times.
  6. Kettlebell push-ups. Take a position on the weights. After each push-up, raise your hand with the apparatus vertically to the floor. It is enough to do it 10 times.
  7. Exercise butterfly (swing). You need to take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, and pass the weight from hand to hand, moving it from front to back along inside hips. 25 reps.
  8. Romanian cravings. Tilts with level bunks and raising the projectile strictly vertically. 20 reps.

For beginners, one circle is enough, and when the muscles become stronger, increase the number of circles. It will be very good if you spend your first workout with a qualified trainer (or just a “knowledgeable” friend) who will show you how to perform each exercise correctly. But if this is not possible, use video instructions from the Internet.

With this complex, only three workouts per week are enough to get excellent results. The main condition is that there must be at least one day of rest between workouts. During this time, your muscles will fully recover and will be fully ready for new loads.

If you are in excellent physical shape, you can try the same training program with a kettlebell, but with a weight of 24 kg or 32 kg. If you increase the weight of the apparatus in the first lesson, slightly reduce the usual number of circles - if it is easy, within a week you will reach your usual level.

Training with a 24 kg weight also needs to be distributed over days. The training program schedule should include an equal number of training and rest days (it is best to do it every other day). You can also add a few exercises - for example, pistols, jerks or crunches. But I repeat - without sudden jerks and fanaticism (your body will not say “thank you” for this).

Crossfit workout with kettlebells

The CrossFit training program with weights involves high speed of execution and a large number of approaches without a break. With its help, the cardiovascular system, endurance, and strength are trained. But there is no increase in mass in CrossFit - the intensity of the training takes place without constantly increasing the weight of the equipment.

A variety of deadlifts, snatches, squats, swings, and lunges are quite suitable for CrossFit training. Literally all exercises can be done with weights in the form of a kettlebell.

But before you start high-intensity training, make sure you are in excellent health. For people who have problems with the back, joints, heart and blood vessels, as well as any chronic diseases, CrossFit is contraindicated in principle.

Training with kettlebells for strength

Strength training aimed at mass, its proper increase includes heavy loads on the main muscle groups. Kettlebells do an excellent job with this task, however, you should not forget about other equipment (barbell, dumbbells, horizontal bar).

The training program should include:

  • various thrusts - from an inclination, vertical from the floor, to the shoulder, from a lying position;
  • press - overhead, in a lying position, push-ups with one arm raised;
  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • swings.

Choose a medium pace of execution, without sudden jolts. It is especially worth monitoring your breathing - it should be calm and measured. The pulse should not be higher than 70% of the maximum (220 minus your age).

Also alternate days of exercise with rest - for intense muscle building, two days off a week is enough.

Kettlebell training for fighters

An MMA program must focus on both strength and endurance. So it's somewhat of a mix of CrossFit exercises and strength training. But this activity requires a special approach.

Before training, be sure to do a warm-up - warm up all your muscles and stretch. A pyramid is formed from 10 basic exercises—squats, overhead press, bench press, Romanian deadlift, abdominal row, bent-over, push-up, mill, swing, swing, and lunge. On each step you use 5 repetitions of each.

First you do 3 exercises, then 4, and so on until you do all 10. A gradual increase in load promotes endurance, and weighting in the form of sports equipment helps build muscle strength.

Kettlebell Snatch Training Program

This set of classes does not require a lot of time, but you can count on good results after a month of hard work. Kettlebell snatch training should be done every other day for 1-3 months. To begin with, you need to use a minimum of 16 kg, gradually increasing the load to 32 kg.

This complex includes bench presses, pushes, static exercises with a weight held in place, as well as lunges and swings. Total time workouts 20-30 minutes.

You don't have to spend hours in the gym to have the body of your dreams. An hour of training with weights at home is enough - and you look just great.