Palmistry on the fingers - thumb, little finger and phalanges. S. Mahmud Malik - palmist from Pakistan

Pointing the finger plays an important role in our lives: they are used to point out an object or phenomenon that interests us, they are threatened when they are not allowed to do something, they are raised up to indicate importance in a conversation, they are used to forcefully interrupt a conversation and point to the door, etc. This is the finger of success, confidence, and the search for truth. This finger is also evaluated in chirology - it determines the importance of a person in society. This finger of Jupiter(Fig. 20). It defines pride, self-control, confidence, the desire for truth and power, intelligence, forbearance and kindness. These properties are associated with the manifestation of character traits typical of the planet Jupiter.

If the finger Jupiter same or longer nameless(fingers Apollo, aka sun finger– fourth finger of the hand, fig. 20), then fate assigned a person the role of a leader, a manager of other people and success in business. If the finger is crooked and short (comparable to the length of the little finger), then the person will not achieve great success and high positions.

Rice. 20. Index finger

An interesting observation: a person was successful in business, but if his thumb was accidentally damaged, he received a curvature or other deformation, which immediately affects a decrease in his business activity. Therefore, the index finger should be protected from injury.

Many world-famous successful politicians and businessmen had a long index finger. For example, N. Khrushchev, B. Yeltsin, R. Abramovich and others had such a long finger.

The size of the phalanges of this finger matters. Long top(nail) phalanx indicates that a person has high spiritual aspirations, he is often visited by inspiration, he is prone to religiosity and philosophy. Long second(middle) phalanx - he has excellent analytical skills, thoughtfulness, can analyze the consequences of his own and others’ actions, and negative traits can manifest themselves in increased ambition and pride. Long third(lower) phalanx - his character contains the ability to achieve power, in negative manifestation this can be expressed in the desire to command, in the demand for honor and admiration. Depending on which phalanx of the finger is longer, the corresponding features will stand out in a person’s character.

First joint index finger short, and the second long - a sign of a frivolous, addicted nature. Third the joint is longer than the others - a person loves to enjoy the fruits of the labor of others and is not averse to living at someone else’s expense.

Pointing finger bent to the side average finger, belongs to a modest person, prone to self-abasement, and also lacking pride and self-respect.

If we bring together all the interpretations of the meanings of the phalanges, we get general characteristics finger Jupiter - spiritual human aspirations.

Second the phalanx (often called “joint”) of the index finger shows the strength of intention, and the third joint characterizes the practical implementation of the idea or plan that has arisen.

If the finger Jupiter In short, this is a reserved person who cannot look down on others or take on too much responsibility. This good product searching, he is ready to share labor and glory with others. His finger always points to the cautious, unsure person. A very short finger indicates a deeply hidden inferiority complex. A very long finger determines a person’s desire for leadership.

Rice. 21. Index (1) and middle (2) fingers and signs on them: 1 – longitudinal lines; 3 – grid; 4 – cross; 5 – deep lines; 6 – star

Third phalanx Jupiter defines kindness, agreeableness, peace of mind and sociability, shows a person’s desire for knowledge and learning, ability for science.

Let's consider the meaning of some signs on index And average fingers (Fig. 21):

1 – straight lines on the finger – moral purity, chastity, modest existence. It also determines success among businessmen, officials, lawyers, traders, and gives success in the clergy and in society; 1-I – transverse lines on the nail phalanx – stress lines, usually develop with prolonged nervous tension or chronic stress and also slowly go away;

5-I - a vertical line on the nail phalanx means unrestrained and rude character traits, arrogance, but the possession of good logical thinking; 5-II – transverse line on the middle phalanx – envy; 5-II–III – a longitudinal line, deep and passing from the II to the III phalanx, means material success, illuminated by morality; 5-III – the star means an important event, meeting or communication with important people who can positively influence fate;

7-I – star at the end of the finger – an extraordinary and good event; 7-III – clear transverse lines on the main phalanx – material success and successful risky activities are possible. Many transverse lines - this is possible to acquire material wealth or receive a rich inheritance.

Signs on middle finger(Fig. 21): 2-II - the number of clearly outlined vertical lines determines (in combination with other signs on the palm) the number of sons, and the number of thin lines shows the possible number of daughters; 2 – straight small vertical lines – signs of decency;

4-I – transverse distinct lines on the first phalanx – stress lines; 4-III - a cross on the lower phalanx, if it is on both hands of women - infertility;

6-II – grid – unstable state of mind; 6-III – star on the lower phalanx – a big fateful event in life;

8-I – star at the end of the finger – a possible fatal event; 8-II – transverse lines on the middle phalanx (world of intellect)– you should be wary of nervous shocks and stress that will temporarily knock you out of your normal life; 8-III – clear transverse lines on the main phalanx (material world)– the danger of risky business activities that will result in large material losses.

Many signs disappear when the danger of their meaning for the owner of the hand goes away. You can see these signs not only on the described phalanges of the fingers, so we give a general description of the signs used in the text on other phalanges of the fingers; they can strengthen or weaken their interpretation:

star– in all cases a good influence;

cross– always negative, distortion and strengthening of harmful manifestations;

lattice– difficulties in business, obstacles in your plans;

vertical lines– positive manifestations of the meaning of the phalanx, decency;

transverse lines on the phalanx - weakening of positive qualities.

Rice. 22. Middle finger

Rice. 23. Middle and index fingers different shapes: 1 – nodular; 2 – smooth; 3 – blunt; 4 – straight

If for Jupiter characterized by striving forward, then for Saturn - the desire to realize, understand and go deeper. 1st (nail) joint means area divine, 2nd – region abstract and 3rd – region material. Finger Jupiter shows the relationship with society, and the finger Saturn, characterizes human relationships with myself(Fig. 22).

A person with smooth fingers (Figure 23-2) is usually unable to do the same in-depth analysis as someone with knobby fingers (Figure 23-1). The former are usually satisfied with a superficial, general analysis of events or a person, while the latter try to understand the motives, get to the bottom of the event and the reasons for the person’s behavior.

If the finger Jupiter has quadrangular top (Fig. 23–3) is a sign of a person’s great ability for analysis and love of investigation. (Many famous detectives had a quadrangular index finger.) Shovel-shaped the finger indicates soreness, a tendency towards mysticism.

The length of the finger and individual joints in gypsy palmistry also has its own meaning. Thus, people who are short-sighted and less observant have a straight and short pointing finger. In melancholic people, the middle finger takes on very large sizes.

The first joint of the middle finger represents the spiritual perception, the second is spiritual deepening, and the third – defines love for practical work, physical activity and sports.

It is important to consider the ratio of the phalanges finger of Saturn: long upper the joint shows that a person is prone to sadness and superstition, and a very long phalanx reveals his desire for death, possible suicide (especially with failures in life). Long and wide indicates sadness and religiosity.

Long second joint average finger - intuition, ability for exact sciences and a propensity for agriculture are developed, and with equal 1st and 2nd phalanges - a propensity for unconventional sciences and magic. If the middle joint is the longest of the three phalanges, then the person has organizational skills and may be a “workaholic.” With a short middle phalanx, a person does not like to study or engage in mental work.

Long third the joint determines high performance, achievements in sports, and if negatively manifested, stinginess and greed.

Smooth finger(Fig. 23–2) indicates a tendency to applied arts and science, knotty (Fig. 23–1) - to technology and mechanics. With a smooth middle finger (Fig. 23-2), a person expresses anxiety and curiosity.

Man with square with his fingertips (Fig. 23–3) strictly follows social rules, deep thoughtfulness, a lot of internal experiences, frequent mental discord. If the middle finger is thick, then the person is prone to worries and melancholy. If he has overcome his experiences, he stands out positively and brightly from those around him. This finger is considered the “pendulum” of the hand; it determines responsibility in life and a person’s attitude towards it. Success is not easy for people with such a finger.

Shovel-shaped finger Saturn means the ability to do any work and promotes the balance of difficult character traits; he loves order and systematicity. Rarely seen spicy finger Saturn demonstrates mood swings and an unbalanced character.

Direct and proportional to the other fingers (Fig. 23–4), not too long and not too short, speaks of a reasonable attitude to life, a refined nature, for which self-esteem and prestige are more important than material gain. If the middle finger is no longer than the ring finger, this is a sure sign of sedateness and abstinence.

A middle finger that is too short shows a flaw inner strength and a share of irresponsibility. These people despise conventions and are inclined towards artistic or journalistic activities.

In ancient books on palmistry, each of the three phalanges of the fingers was assigned to a specific to the worldmaterial or spiritual. The larger the phalanx of the finger, the more its world dominates the rest of its worlds, which is reflected in the person’s character.

The upper phalanges of the fingers show intuition And spirituality(Fig. 28).

Rice. 28. Three phalanges of the finger - three worlds

If the upper phalanges of all fingers are long, this indicates a thoughtful and curious person, interested in the meaning and philosophy of life. Average phalanges are associated with intelligence. If all the middle phalanges on the hand are long, then a person can become a successful entrepreneur or businessman.

Lower, or basic, phalanges of the fingers are associated with material side of life. If it is long, wide and as if swollen, this indicates a greedy person who does not deny himself desires. If the phalanx is soft to the touch, like the whole finger, and as if swollen, this is a gourmet person who loves to eat tasty food, and he himself is often a good cook.

For accurate hand type definitions It is necessary to take into account the shape and length of the fingers. Conventionally, the length of the fingers can be determined as follows: ask a person to bend his fingers and see where their tips will be located. If the fingers cover almost the entire palm (usually the middle finger protrudes more), then they can be called long. Short fingers cover the palm a little more than half. Finger flexibility should also be considered: more flexible fingers can reach farther than those with less flexible joints.

Now the general characteristics.

People with short They don’t like to delve into details with their fingers, they like to act and often do several different things at the same time. They do not have deep knowledge of any one subject, but know a little about everything. It is easier for them to start a business than to finish it.

People with long With their fingers they usually begin to study objects with pleasure, including small things. They try to see deep meaning in everything; they quickly lose interest in everything simple and obvious. Their meticulous attitude to business is inextricably linked with patience and perseverance.

In the character of the owners of fingers average length combines the qualities characteristic of representatives of the two types described above. They are quite patient and can work with details if necessary, but sometimes they are too impulsive and superficial.

And also, pay attention to the placement of the fingers on the palm: an arc, a kink or a straight line. So, short little finger easily confused with a low-set finger of normal length, however, the problems associated with these two types of abnormalities are completely different. In the vast majority of cases, the grounds index, middle And nameless The fingers are located on the same straight line, and the base of the little finger is slightly underestimated. However, some people little finger set so low that its tip does not reach the fold line of the upper phalanx of the ring finger. At first glance, such a little finger may seem short, but upon careful examination it will become clear that this is not the case. When the little fingers are petite, they indicate a simple and natural approach to life.

Shortlittle finger causes an absolute, childish inability to establish normal relationships with adults with whom the owner of such a hand has Always There are conflicts and misunderstandings.

Research by a psychology professor John Manning from a university in the English county of Lancashire showed that the difference in finger length leading hands can reflect the intimate inclinations of its owner. Length calculations index And nameless fingers help to identify the sexual inclinations of both men and women.

It is believed that testosterone plays an active role in the development of the brain and fingers. Where does its excess come from? According to the professor D. Manning, from the unsatisfied sexual desires of a pregnant woman carrying a child.

Let's do the calculations for the professor D. Manning. We measure length A in millimeters index finger (Jupiter) and length B nameless finger (Suns)- rice. 29. We take the measurement from the side of the palm from the end of the finger (nails are not taken into account) to the lower fold of the finger at the point where it connects with the palm.

We divide the length of A by the length of B and obtain the desired value of the index that we evaluate.

The partner should be with a slight difference in the index in these fingers. Less - this subject will have risks (or temptations!) of cheating. Women with identical fingers (index 1.0) are more faithful, but not passionate. This also applies to men with equal fingers. In other words, the choice is yours: a fountain of emotions or a calm life.

For most men, the ring finger is slightly longer than the index finger, and the index is in the range of 0.97–0.99, which shows its masculine capabilities.

Rice. 29. Leading hand (diagram)

The greater the difference, the more persistently a person strives for opposite sex. He demonstrates good potency, endurance and physical strength, even to the point of possible aggression. Outstanding athletes tend to have long ring fingers.

However, they often suffer from reduced immunity and get sick more often.

In women, the proportion is estimated the other way around: it ranges from 0.99 to 1.1. Their index finger is often longer than their ring finger.

Representatives of both sexes whose indicators fall within these limits heterosexual: men prefer women, women prefer men (Fig. 30).

The greater the difference between the fingers, the stronger than man drawn to same-sex love. Among men with an index greater than 1.1 there are many passive homosexuals. The same is true among women whose index is less than 0.97. Scientists continue their research.

However, the English method can sometimes be useful in your personal life. Young people, for example, can “measure” the indicated fingers (the difference with a partner is sometimes clearly visible even “by eye”) and determine whether it is worth diligently courting the girl they like, or whether she is so indifferent to men that you will only waste time. From a temperamental standpoint, it may be more logical to focus efforts on girls with long index fingers - they will reciprocate faster.

“Determining sexual orientation by the length of fingers is something akin to palmistry,” warns a Russian sex therapist Ilya Vaisman.“Some people believe in it, others don’t.”

English scientists also discovered the importance of the index in studying and choosing a profession. For teachers of exact sciences - chemists, physicists, mathematicians - the index was close to 1.0 or slightly higher. Humanities students have about 0.98.

Do parents need to know their child’s innate abilities before forcing him to study music or dance, or punishing him for failing in math or language? Of course this should be taken into account! How? Chirology provides the answer to this question: look at your child's hands. Students who have nameless finger longer index, Examples and problems are easier to come by, but for those who have the opposite, it is easier to study the humanities.

Sex hormones influence both brain development and the length of fingers, writes The Daily Mail. The results of the study were published in the British Journal of Psychology. “Hormones presumably influence length index And nameless fingers. The results of this study can be used to predict a child’s abilities in key areas of knowledge – mathematics and native language,” writes Mark Brosnan conducted experiments at the University of Bath.

As he writes Vladimir Lagovsky ( [email protected]) , having examined the results of tests in mathematics and language and comparing them with the length of the fingers of those tested, scientists came to the conclusion that children who have nameless finger longer index, during intrauterine development were under strong impact testosterone, therefore, most likely, they will be better at mathematics. Schoolchildren whose index finger is longer than their ring finger were more influenced by estrogen.

Moles on the finger. These people great masters in embroidery, knitting.

Magicians and illusionists have such moles. For example, there is a mole on the finger of a famous David Kotkin(David Copperfield). If this sign is at the base on nameless finger right hand, then there will be disappointments in a person’s personal life. When getting married, he is recommended to hide the mole from strangers, for example, cover it with a wide wedding ring and never take it off. Singles and unmarried people are also advised to cover their mole with a ring so as not to remain single forever.

People with moles on their fingers are sensitive to the influence of negative energy, the evil eye, and slander. There is a belief that such people often get rich because “money just sticks to their fingers.” Some palmists claim that such moles appear on the fingers of scammers and thieves. Jupiter endows the finger with its own properties: such people always strive for career growth, despite the obstacles in their lives, they eliminate competitors and achieve their goal.

Mole on the palms is very rare. It is necessary to take into account which hillock it relates to most. Such a person can, through an effort of will, mobilize his natural abilities to overcome circumstances and self-improvement, and change the quality of his life. People with moles on their palms are sometimes hermits and reject the accepted principles of society.

When starting to master chirognomy, that is, the science of determining a person’s character by the shape of his hands, as well as the length and shape of his fingers, the beginning palm reader discovers how much information the inclination of the fingers and the curvature of their phalanges can convey. As is often the case in palmistry, different authors offer different interpretations of the meaning of such slopes. We will devote part of our article to considering these positions.

The following problem also requires attention: for some reason, most authors do not separate the inclinations of the fingers (their declination) and the actual inclinations and curvatures of the upper phalanges of the fingers. But such a division makes sense. For example, the finger of Mercury may be removed from the finger of Apollo, but its upper phalanx may at the same time be inclined towards Apollo. In this regard, the author of the article calls on his colleagues to be more careful when analyzing fingers, and not to confuse the inclination of the entire finger and its upper phalanx. Of course, there will be no problems in interpretation if both the finger itself and its curved phalanx are directed in the same direction. But we repeat, in practice there are a wide variety of combinations of inclinations of the fingers and their phalanges.

The problem also lies in the fact that it is not always clear how the authors of the interpretations arrived at their conclusions. There are especially many complaints in in this case to S. Fenton and M. Wright, since I fundamentally cannot agree with a number of their interpretations regarding fingers due to a misunderstanding of the idea embedded in the interpretation, as well as the fact that such interpretations are not confirmed in practice. Thus, characterizing the meaning of the index finger curved towards the middle one, they write that such a person may seem open, chatty, knowing many interesting anecdotes, but will never say anything that will reveal his essence. We cannot agree with this either in wording or in substance. Any person with whom we communicate for a long time, regardless of the curvature of his fingers, will somehow reveal his essence in any case. In addition, I am closely acquainted with people with such distortions, and I can note that they are quite sincere. Surely Fenton and Wright took their interpretation out of context. Perhaps the person they described had a number of other characteristics, which, together with the curvature of Jupiter’s finger, gave us a unique type.

Below we will attempt to review the views of various authors on the semantic meanings of the inclinations of the fingers and the curvature of the phalanges.

Thumb (Venus finger)

Regarding the curvature of the thumb, your humble servant did not come across any information in the literature on palmistry. However, in my practice there has already been a case when it was necessary to analyze palms on which the thumbs were severely curved. Moreover, they were curved from birth, that is, not as a result of injury. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say anything definite about this due to the lack of statistics. From correspondence with N. Ganin, I managed to find out that a St. Petersburg palmist with enormous experience had encountered such a deformation of the thumbs only twice in his life. In one case, the curvature of the thumbs occurred in a woman due to a stroke in her 40s. In the second case, there was a congenital curvature of the first phalanx of the thumb in a two-year-old girl. N. Ganin suggested that such a curvature could appear due to an intrauterine stroke. However, this still needs to be confirmed. Because in the tradition of palmistry thumb is in fact associated with the head, will and way of making decisions, then such a connection between the brain and the curvature of the thumb is quite logical. In relation to describing a person’s character, we can assume that the curvature of the thumbs indicates a non-trivial approach to solving problems and unusual brain activity.

Index finger (Jupiter finger)

Bent finger of Jupiter means that: 1) the ego of such a person is suppressed by someone’s authority or circumstances; 2) society forced him to abandon the role of leader and responsible positions; 3) we are talking about an ambitious person who cannot show his character in the existing environment; 4) there is frustration of a person who gravitates towards leadership, power, influence (K. Harwig).

Lack of self-confidence, dependence on parents. Such people need support and encouragement. If the finger is removed from others, then this is a sign of independence in thinking, the desire to be in the center of attention, self-confidence, the desire to achieve good position. The inclination of all fingers towards the Index is the desire to take a worthy position in society, to be the first in everything. Usually found among managers (E. Ostrogorsky).

Jupiter's finger is tilted towards the thumb: Such a person has a materialistic outlook on life and a dynamic, purposeful character. His independent nature needs personal freedom, especially if there is a rather large depression between the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn. However, he is often indecisive in matters of love. Jupiter finger curved towards Saturn finger: a person is characterized by self-confidence, perseverance and constancy in achieving goals and fulfilling intentions. This person has all the data to achieve his goals. He tends to be emotionally closed. It is difficult for him to be frank and show his true essence. He may seem open, chatty, knowing many interesting anecdotes, but he will never say anything that will reveal his essence (S. Fenton, M. Wright).

In case strong bend of the index finger the defect is that a person can take his beliefs too seriously and continues to sincerely believe in them, even if they are clearly wrong. Such a bend is observed among very fanatical people. If a person with a strongly bent index finger tells you about his occupation or expresses his opinion, you can be sure that he believes it himself. If a person with index finger curved towards the middle is inspired, then always seriously and for a long time (S. Savoskin).

If the Jupiter finger is placed further away from the rest, this indicates that the child is very independent and is likely to have strong leadership qualities. It is just as likely that he is an ambitious person. It’s good if the finger of Jupiter on the child’s hand is beautiful, straight and “stands proudly and majestically.” If it is inclined towards the middle finger, then this indicates a person who is very drawn to family and home. Children with such hands, having started a family, become leaders in it. They like to take care of everyone, be in charge of everything, and set the tone for everything. The Jupiter finger is very rarely inclined outward, away from the middle finger, but sometimes the child can hold it apart from the rest, thereby showing extreme independence of character. In children, this feature of nature often manifests itself in rebellion and disobedience. As they grow older, such children are more and more prone to eccentricity. They feel more comfortable if they do not have to adapt to generally accepted conditions and obey rules (E. Hassett).

Middle finger (Saturn finger)

Saturn's finger tilted towards Jupiter, indicates that its owner: 1) can sacrifice his moral values ​​to his ego, strives for personal power; 2) puts himself above the law, tries at all costs to achieve his goal, without worrying about the fact that other people may suffer; 3) characterized by an unbalanced attitude in matters of career, ambition, and enrichment. Saturn's finger tilted towards Apollo, talks about: 1) the tendency to be a “hand-to-mouth artist” who is capable of sacrificing family well-being to art; 2) the fact that artistry and spirituality rule the roost in a person’s life; 3) weakening of connection with the earthly, practical side of life; 4) a tendency towards religious fanaticism. If the finger is tilted only on the dominant hand, then the imbalance is caused by social or family forces. If the finger is curved on both hands, then we are talking about congenital inclinations (K. Harwig).

Tilt of the middle finger towards the index finger- underestimation of one's own strengths and abilities. Inferiority complex. Such people have great difficulty achieving their goals. Tilt from Middle finger to Ring finger- underestimation of one's own abilities, unrealized talents. Similar indicators are found in creative people who, due to life circumstances, were unable to realize themselves. For example, such a person in childhood had excellent drawing abilities, he wanted to become an artist, but his parents decided that he would not feed his future family this way and sent him to study in military school. The inclination of all fingers towards the Middle means great attention to everyday affairs. Such people are not scattered about their goals, they are specific, they set real goals and objectives for themselves (E. Ostrogorsky).

Saturn finger curved towards Jupiter finger: The owner is a very serious person, emotionally reserved. He is able to search for happiness, trying to achieve success in sports or other activities. He is tireless and ambitious. Saturn's finger tilted towards Apollo's finger: This person is under a lot of pressure from his family, household responsibilities and obligations, which sometimes even interfere with his career. He strives for self-expression, job satisfaction and a sense of success. If upper phalanx of the fingers of Saturn on both hands inclined towards Apollo, then a person can become a writer. Fingers of Jupiter and Saturn tilted towards the finger of Mercury: a person is characterized by a need for understanding inner world. If the Life line winds around the lower part of the Mount of Venus, then such a person needs spiritual mutual understanding much more than a successful career (S. Fenton, M. Wright).

Strong bend of the middle finger towards the ring finger indicates that Saturn is reaching out to Apollo with all his might - such a person is clearly dissatisfied with his self-expression and, most likely, is in long-term depression. If Saturn's finger bends towards the index, such a person will perceive any idea and philosophical concept as weak and look at it pessimistically (S. Savoskin).

Ring finger (finger of the Sun)

Bend of Apollo's finger to Saturn tells us that a person: 1) does not nurture his creative and spiritual sides; 2) gives preference to financial concerns over creative aspirations; 3) has unrealized creative ideas and projects, despite the fact that they have potential; 4) constantly puts off the desire to engage in meditation, creativity, i.e. infringes and ignores his creative and spiritual sides (K. Harwig).

It occurs in talented people who work outside their field. This inclination is observed in a person who is forced to earn a living by doing something ordinary, for example, sacrificing creativity for the sake of material values ​​(E. Ostrogorsky).

Apollo's finger tilted towards Saturn: Such people do not get any pleasure from household chores. They find household chores boring and prefer to be professionals in some field. Emotional, with developed intuition, intellectual and rational people, although they often have an inferiority complex. If in the upper phalanx is inclined towards Saturn, then such a person may have the ability to be a medium. The fingers of Saturn and Apollo deviate in other directions from each other: such a person has a rebellious, nonconformist nature (S. Fenton, M. Wright).

In the case of curvature of the ring finger towards the middle finger, Savoskin distinguishes two options: a slight bend and a strong one. In case slight tilt Saturn imposes on Apollo slight restraint and self-criticism. If the ring finger is literally bent towards the Saturn finger, then such a person is characterized by self-irony and often black humor. This is especially pronounced if the ring finger is quite well developed and the person is a professional artist or actor. Tilt of the ring finger towards the Little finger should be interpreted as an unbridled waste of talent for commerce and outright demonstration. Such a person will be completely devoid of self-irony, but can imitate it if it is beneficial to him (S. Savoskin).

Little finger (finger of Mercury)

Bend of Mercury's finger to Apollo communicates the secrecy and thoughtfulness of its owner. Tilt of the Little Finger away from Apollo suggests that we are dealing with a rebellious nature that does not follow the rules of society; such a person tries not to be influenced by others, wants to find his own path (K. Harwig).

Tilt of the Little Finger to the Ring Finger- insight, kindness, attractiveness. The desire to help others, altruism. Strong tilt- deceit, dishonesty, cunning. Such people quickly gain trust. Stands separately from the fingers - greater independence in action and love of freedom. Such a person does not listen to other people’s opinions and likes to do things his own way. Prone to choosing the wrong partner. A pronounced individualist (E. Ostrogorsky).

Mercury's finger tilted towards Apollo's finger: Such a person helps others, he listens to them, supports those who are unhappy. If the slope is too high, then such people are very picky in business matters. They are excellent sellers because they are confident in the quality of the product they sell. They have an optimistic outlook on life. They can be quite protective and very determined. Mercury finger deviating to the side (away from the others): Such a person needs something reliable to give him confidence. He prefers to mingle with the crowd and does not try to impose his own opinions and views on others. If Mercury finger is too curved and twisted, this may indicate a non-standard attitude towards money and property. Slight curvature speaks of a good family man and sexual choosiness (S. Fenton, M. Wright).

Slight tilt of the Little finger towards the ring finger communicates the sacrifice of such a person. This occurs among people whose work requires dedication: nannies, caregivers, primary school teachers. If The little finger is strongly curved, this may indicate dishonesty of its owner. If it is also long, then this combination is characteristic of scammers and manipulators (S. Savoskin).

If a child holds the Mercury finger away from the other fingers, then this is a sign of a desire for personal space, for solitude from everyone. Thus, such a child will need to be alone from time to time. Even if he gets along well with people, he still needs “personal space.” Spending time “with oneself” is a serious need for such a child. And this need, which must be respected, will continue into his adult life. If a child holds his little finger close to his other fingers, it means he likes to feel safe and protected. He usually “keeps his head down” and is more comfortable behind other people’s backs. He enjoys being in a crowd - then he doesn’t feel lonely. He can also become “sticky,” a pale shadow of someone else, and then he will need to be taught to “open up,” express himself as an individual, and communicate confidently with people. Sometimes the Mercury finger is slightly curved. This means that the child has low self-esteem. Such children have a subconscious desire to cross out all their plans; at the slightest difficulty they tend to give up, and therefore need constant praise and encouragement. By letting such a child feel that he is significant and respected, parents will help him overcome the inferiority complex that torments him so much (E. Hassett).

As you can see, palmists use a variety of words to describe their interpretations. We encounter here “tilts”, “curvatures”, “bends”, “curvature”. Are all these words synonyms? I guess not. The tilt of the finger is not in every case a bend. The bend of a finger is its curvature, twisting. Thus, we must distinguish between these concepts when interpreting.

First of all, you should understand on what philosophy the interpretation of the inclinations of the fingers and phalanges is based. Even in ancient times, each finger on the hand was correlated with a certain planetary energy. Thus, the index finger was called the finger of Jupiter, and the middle finger - the finger of Saturn. The curvature of a finger towards another tells us that the energy it symbolizes actively interacts with the energy of the finger towards which there is an inclination. In general, the inclination and curvature of the fingers can be interpreted in three different ways. The curved finger tells us that:

  • the energy it symbolizes is small, insufficient (interpretation - lack of quality, complex);
  • the energy it symbolizes is too much, since its harmonious output is suppressed, blocked (interpretation - to show the qualities of a curved finger, since the abilities and ambitions it symbolizes are clearly present, but not revealed and not properly demonstrated);
  • there is too much influence from the neighboring finger (energy, planet).

Thus, when interpreting the bend of a finger, we should not limit ourselves only to some negative or positive characteristics, but should voice both poles. Most likely, they both have a place to be. For example, curvature of the index finger towards the middle finger often indicates both uncertainty in one’s leadership qualities, psychological discomfort when taking responsibility for others, and a hidden desire for greater authority, greater independence and autonomy. I assume that the inclinations (declinations, not curvatures) of the fingers themselves describe character traits that can be either temporary or permanent. If there is no curvature of the phalanges, then such fingers do not report any problem. Rather, they speak about a person's aspirations, even if he does not express them verbally. The problem occurs when the finger becomes bent. It seems that the curvature of a finger is a clear demonstration from our subconscious that the energy of such a finger does not manifest itself harmoniously or does not manifest itself at all. Thus, the curvature of the finger is a marker from the unconscious that we should pay attention to. After all, such a finger can tell us about unrealized talent, certain complexes that may not yet be manifested, but are already taking place.

Some authors selectively write that, for example, curvature of the middle finger towards the index or ring finger is an underestimation of one’s abilities. But from a certain point of view any significant curvature of the finger is a marker of a complex, non-realization, underestimation of abilities. Thus, the curvature of the index finger towards the middle tells us about a complex in terms of leadership, the curvature of the middle finger towards the ring finger communicates, on the one hand, the desire for more creativity in one’s work, and on the other, that the person does not really value that , what he is doing now. Etc.

Below we will again separately briefly list the main meanings of finger inclinations (not curvatures). At the same time, let us especially clarify that it is worth paying attention to the significant inclinations of the fingers, which are obvious.

  • Tilt of the index finger towards the thumb, especially when removed from other fingers, is a sign of independence in thinking, the desire to be the center of attention, self-confidence, and the desire to achieve a good position.
  • All fingers tilted to the side Index finger communicates the desire to take a worthy position in society, to be the first in everything. A sign of an ambitious person, a potential manager, leader.
  • Tilt of the index finger towards the middle finger- a marker of self-doubt, dependence on parents, need for encouragement and support. Leadership qualities are constrained by the excessively strong influence of Saturn (rules, education, orders, fears).
  • Tilt of the Middle finger towards the Index finger- the desire to achieve the qualities of Jupiter, i.e. authority, respect, leadership. Ambitions are backed by real deeds.
  • Tilt of the Middle Finger to the Ring Finger. Willingness to combine creative aspirations and career. True, in this case, most likely, a noticeable distance will form between the Index and Middle fingers, which shows a strong desire for independence and independence.
  • Tilt of all fingers towards the middle- great attention to everyday affairs. Such people are not scattered about their goals, they are specific, they set real goals and objectives for themselves. Responsibilities, duty, and career issues occupy a dominant role in a person’s life.
  • The fingers of Saturn and Apollo deviate in different directions from each other - a sign of a rebellious, non-conformist nature. The desire to show your creative individuality, and not to obey rules and obligations.
  • Tilt of the Ring finger towards the Middle finger— willingness to combine career and creative, spiritual aspirations.
  • Tilt of the Ring finger to the Little finger or the Little finger to the Ring finger- desire and readiness for intimacy with a partner. A person is psychologically tired of loneliness and does not want to be alone. Willingness to help those in need.
  • The little finger is set apart from the other fingers- a sign of a person’s need for his personal space, the desire to spend time alone with himself. Fatigue from constant interaction with others. Love of freedom. Some authors consider such a Little Finger to be a sign of isolation.

The table below brings to your attention the author’s vision of the meaning of the curvature of the fingers and their phalanges. Where the mark “theoretically” occurs, there is no proper statistics to confirm or refute the assumptions.

Curvature of the Jupiter finger to the thumb
Thirst for shocking, eccentricity, extremely independent and dynamic character. The tendency to disregard conventions and rules in order to achieve one's personal goals. For this reason, problems with the law are possible. Exaggerated thirst for personal freedom.
Curvature of Jupiter's finger towards Saturn Such a person: 1) experiences uncertainty about his leadership qualities; 2) has suppressed or unrealized ambitions due to circumstances and unsuitable conditions. Thus, this is often a person who, deep down in his soul, strives to be a leader and gain a high status, but due to his complexes and uncertainty, he still does not dare to take real steps and projects. An overly critical and pessimistic attitude towards one's projects and initiatives. Also, such a curvature of Jupiter’s finger can indicate jealousy and possessiveness of its owner (due to the desire to control the partner).
Curvature of Saturn's finger towards Jupiter (Theoretically) Desire for greater autonomy, power, and leadership in one's career. Ambitiousness, ambition. A person can set his goals above the law, tries to achieve his goal at all costs, and tends not to worry about the fact that other people may suffer because of his actions.
Curvature of the finger of Saturn to Apollo
The owner of such a curvature subconsciously longs for more creativity and spirituality in his career activities. Such a person is clearly dissatisfied with his self-expression. A sign of artistry and artistic talent. A person is ready to put the interests of searching for his “I”, creative activity above work routine, stability and a standard career.
Curvature of Apollo's finger to Saturn
Most likely, the interests of career, obligations, material problems and everyday life took precedence over the spiritual and creative side of a person. And the subconscious considers this an imbalance, because spiritual and creative interests and aspirations remain, albeit suppressed. Self-criticism, high demands placed on one’s creativity. Ignoring your creative sides; the presence of unrealized creative ideas and projects that, in principle, have potential. This inclination is observed among those who are forced to earn a living by doing something ordinary, for example, sacrificing creativity for the sake of material values. The spiritual world of man is overly subject to rules.
Curvature of Apollo's finger to Mercury
(Theoretically) Tendency to waste one's creative and spiritual talents on commercialism and blatant display. The spiritual and creative sides of a person’s life are in imbalance, which is worth paying attention to.
Curvature of the finger of Mercury to Apollo Intuition has a strong influence on human thinking. A person’s sexual desires are subordinated to the idea of ​​spirituality, the importance of creativity, and meaning. A person is looking for a sexual partner who would be distinguished by spiritual depth and be a creative person. The desire to earn money through creativity or spiritual realization. A person is embarrassed to directly express his sexuality. A sign of sexual choosiness. Excessive curvature of the Little Finger may indicate a non-standard, creative approach to earning money, the ability to embellish information, and be cunning.
Curvature of Mercury's finger from Apollo (Theoretically) Sexually, a person is driven by the spirit of rebellion and independence. Ignoring the spiritual component in relationships. Sexual deviation. Insincerity in marriage and relationships.

This article uses materials from the lectures of Professor Park Jae-woo, fragments from his book “Issues of the theory and practice of Su Jok therapy” and my personal experience doctor - reflexologist.

Hand correspondence systems are energy-informational copies of the entire organism and its individual organs, systems of these organs and parts of the body. They are simultaneously present on the hand and determine the ordered holographic picture of the entire organism.

In addition to the standard matching system, which occupies the entire hand, the “insect” system and the mini-system located on the fingers, there are systems correspondence of the phalanges of the fingers. They reflect the state of specific internal organs and are called Triorigin volumetric systems of correspondence of the phalanges of the fingers.

Correspondence to internal organs on the phalanges of the fingers

It is explained like this. The fingers are under the influence of Hetero's power. They are functionally mobile and sensitive, capable of performing complex, rapid movements. But the phalanges of the fingers are also subject to Homo influence - their Homo form.

The combination of Homo- and Hetero-properties creates a harmonizing influence on these systems of Neutro power. The systems of the phalanges of the fingers allow us to consider the internal organs in their volumetric format, since each phalanx has 3 dimensions - length, width, height. Other correspondence systems display organs in a planar format.

It is possible to determine the painful locus of an organ and influence it with treatment. This allows you to get a quick and stable effect when using the phalanges of the fingers for treatment.

Tri-initial volumetric compliance systems have advantages over other systems; they are more effective.

The hand and its phalanges develop in utero simultaneously with the internal organs, so they are interconnected. The phalanges of the fingers can be used to diagnose and treat internal organs. The phalanges of the fingers and the corresponding parts of the limbs reflect the painful state of the internal organs. Painful points and correspondence zones appear on them.

The endocrine glands, which control many body functions and determine the interaction of internal organs with each other, require special consideration.

The endocrine glands on the hand correspond to the nails and wrist bones. The wrist bones are not available for direct use, and the nail area has some limitations in treatment, so the greatest practical significance has a projection of the endocrine system onto the phalanges of the fingers.

The thumb corresponds to the epiphysis - the pineal gland, which occupies both of its phalanges. The pineal gland regulates rapid Hetero and Homo processes in the body, neutralizes them, determines intuition and is the “third” eye, which does not function in humans, and also produces hormones: melatonin and norepinephrine.

On the third and fourth fingers (Homo fingers) there are correspondences to the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the right lobes of the thymus and thyroid gland, the right ovary and testicle, the right adrenal gland, the lower, anterior or right (head) parts of the pancreas.

On the second and fifth fingers (Hetero fingers) there are correspondences to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the left lobes of the thymus and thyroid gland, the left ovary and testicle, the left adrenal gland, the upper, posterior, or left (body, tail) parts of the pancreas.
See pictures.

I give examples.

If suffers stomach(gastritis, peptic ulcer), then painful points can be found on the lower (nail) phalanx of the fifth finger (little finger) of the hand. Painful points and zones will be on the palm of the hand according to the corresponding pattern.

If sick heart, then the painful points of the zone should be looked for

the upper phalanx of the second (index) finger.Painful points andzones will be on the right shoulder according to the correspondence.

If kidney disease, then the painful points and zones will be on the middle phalanx of the third (middle) finger of the hand and on the right shin accordingly.

If you have cystitis, prostatitis or other bladder pathology, then the painful points and zones will be on the middle phalanx of the fourth (ring) finger and on the left shin accordingly.

If liver disease, painful points and zones will be on the lower (nail) phalanx of the third (middle) finger and on the palm of the right hand accordingly.

If there is pathology of the large intestine(colitis, proctitis, sigmoiditis), then the painful points and zones will be on the upper phalanx of the fourth (ring) finger of the hand and on the left thigh accordingly.

At lung diseases(bronchitis, pneumonia) painful points should be looked for on the upper phalanx of the third (middle) finger and on the right thigh accordingly.

If there is thyroid pathology in its right lobe (nodule, cyst, inflammation), then painful points and zones will be on the nail phalanx of the fourth finger of the hand.

If there is pathology of the left testicle(orchitis, epididymitis), then painful points and zones will be on the upper phalanx of the second finger of the hand.

If there is brain pathology(vascular diseases, encephalopathy), then painful points and zones will be on the upper phalanx of the first (thumb) finger and correspondingly in the neck area, usually in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae.

To have an even more effective effect on the diseased organ, from the painful correspondence points on the phalanges of the fingers, lower the perpendicular to the joints above and below the phalanx. There will also be painful spots.

Diagnostics. If an organ is sick, there are painful changes in it, then painful points and correspondence zones appear in the corresponding phalanx of the fingers, which can be found by pressing with a diagnostic stick, match, pen, or fingernail. The same zones will correspond in a certain part of the limb.

Treatment. The found points and zones should be massaged, warmed up, plant seeds should be placed and secured with a band-aid. The phalanges of the fingers can be effectively treated with a wire massage ring, rolling it repeatedly along the phalanges of the finger until a feeling of warmth appears.

The result of the therapeutic effect on the phalanges of the fingers will be positive for the suffering organ. The general condition of the sick person will also improve, painful symptoms will weaken and disappear.

In this way, it is possible to simply diagnose diseases of internal organs and provide the simplest therapeutic effects on them in addition to the treatment that can be received in a clinic or in a hospital.

Basics corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

The phalanges of the little finger characterize your literature

Now let's look at the ratio of the lengths of the three phalanges of the little finger. The upper phalanx of the little finger indicates the activity of a person’s verbal communication. On most people's hands, the upper phalanx is the longest. The long upper phalanx of the Mercury finger indicates exceptional eloquence. Such people express themselves best through words, so the long upper phalanx of the Mercury finger is a particularly favorable sign for people professional activity which is associated with the verbal form of communication. Salespeople, advertising agents, radio and television announcers, lecturers and teachers and anyone who makes a career out of their eloquence are distinguished by a long upper phalanx.

If the upper phalanx is short, this indicates that the person has difficulty learning and is unable to express his thoughts and feelings clearly and clearly in words.

Very often the middle phalanx is the shortest. Its length quite clearly reflects a person’s literary and writing abilities. People who have a short phalanx do everything possible to avoid the need to express their thoughts on paper.

People with a long middle phalanx of the Mercury finger, on the other hand, like to express themselves in this way. The longest middle phalanges of the little finger are on the hands of writers, as well as on the hands of people who master the art of the epistolary genre, and those who find it easier to express their thoughts on paper than with words. Often such people are well aware of their abilities, but do nothing to develop them and find practical application for them. A long middle phalanx also indicates that a person is capable of starting his own business and can bring it to the end without losing his interest and enthusiasm along the way. If the middle phalanx of the little finger is very short, this indicates that the person lacks good organizational skills.

The third, or lower, phalanx is associated with the material world and especially with money. If this phalanx is the longest, this indicates a person’s love for money as such. Such a person has the gift of persuasion and the ability to manipulate various facts in your own interests.

Sometimes you have to observe the little finger bent towards the ring finger. This little finger is known as the “finger of sacrifice”, which means that its owner will sacrifice his interests and suppress his desires in order to help others. A finger of this shape is often found on the hands of nurses, carers and people working in the social sphere.

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