Where is the best place to put an aquarium? The best position of the aquarium according to Feng Shui. Where should you not place an aquarium?

Greetings, Dear friends and blog readers!
According to Feng Shui, an aquarium is a symbol of water that carries the active energy of Qi, so it will work perfectly in the career area and financial prosperity, and also for the benefit family values. I propose to study the basic rules on how to harmoniously arrange the aquatic environment for success and prosperity.

From the article you will learn:

Aquarium according to Feng Shui: basic rules

Have you decided to install an aquarium according to Feng Shui? If you are not strong in aquarium keeping, use the services of specialists who will organize for you correct work aquarium, and will also periodically come to check its condition, clean and care for it.

Goldfish are a sign of abundance in many cultures. I would like to give an example of our fairy tale about the golden wish-fulfiller, but Alexander Sergeevich simply rewrote the interpretation of a Chinese fairy tale.

The size of the aquarium should not be too large compared to the area of ​​the room where it is located. Otherwise, it will flood the areas you were planning to activate.

Keep the water in the aquarium clean and do not forget to take care of your pets, thus attracting money. Pure water, healthy fish and plants are all important.

Feng Shui aquarium in the apartment

Good shapes for an aquarium are circle, hexagon and rectangle. It is better to abandon the square.

  1. Do not place an aquarium opposite the windows and the entrance to the apartment - your finances will leak out through all the cracks. According to Feng Shui, do not place an aquarium in an apartment between the doors, the energy will loop between them and will not flow anywhere. But you can place it on the left side of the door.
  2. It is also not recommended to place fish under the bars and in niches, because... they will die.
  3. Do not place the aquarium in a fire area.

Where is the best place to put an aquarium in an apartment? In the living room, where you receive friends.

Where to put an aquarium according to feng shui

North, east or southeast is the place where the aquarium should be located in the apartment.

  • The Northern Aquarium will take you up the career ladder.
  • Eastern - will improve family relationships.
  • Southeast will activate your influx of finances.

Aquarium in the bedroom according to feng shui

Is it possible to put an aquarium in the bedroom? No, the calm energy of Yin operates in the bedroom, because... you should rest there. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, placing an aquarium in the bedroom is prohibited, as is placing any symbolism associated with the water element.

Aquarium in the bedroom according to feng shui

How many fish should there be in an aquarium according to feng shui

Eight is the number of money, so in an aquarium it is customary to place 8 fish with golden scales and one black one for protection. There is an option - four gold, four red and one black. If some fish died, it is believed that it took bad luck away from you. Don't be upset, just try to buy a replacement for it as quickly as possible.

When it comes to burying your fish, don't throw it down the toilet. It is better to do this in the same way as cats and dogs are buried. The fish that warded off bad luck from you, giving its little life for it, deserves to be buried.

How many fish should there be in an aquarium according to feng shui

If you want to have an arowana, then it alone symbolizes untold wealth for its owner.

In China, they use golden koi carps - Tai fish; they do not require special care, but not everyone can afford their size and gluttony. In modern aquariums, veiltails, discus and cichlids are used instead of koi.

Veiltails also have a good appetite and can quickly spoil the water in an aquarium. Make sure you can maintain them well. The water should always be clean.

Discus fish do not survive with plants in artificial environments. So they should be started if such an aquarium (without greenery) is combined with the general concept and design of the office.

Aquarium in the house according to Feng Shui

Do not place an aquarium in a student's room, it interferes with concentration and discipline. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in a house is best placed in the living room in the career or wealth zone.

If there is often quarreling, disputes and tense situations in your home, it is better to place an aquarium in the north-west. But then it shouldn't be with corals. Corals require water circulation, and for family relations Calm water is important.

If you need to activate the fire zone in your life, then it is better to refrain from buying an aquarium.

Aquarium in the kitchen according to feng shui rules

Kitchen, an area where fire predominates. Water will create an imbalance in this area. And if the kitchen itself is located in the Fire zone, then under no circumstances should the aquarium be placed there. Also, if a child is expected in the house, keeping an aquarium in the kitchen according to Feng Shui rules is prohibited.

Aquarium in the kitchen according to feng shui rules

The number of fish should be nine or, if the aquarium is large, their number should be a multiple of nine, because Nine symbolizes harmony in all areas of life.

Aquarium in the office according to feng shui

You cannot sit with your back to the aquarium; always look at the water. Place it in front of you. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in the office will increase labor productivity, clean bad energy, will emotionally relax and give strength. At the bottom you can put a figurine of a treasure chest, a sailboat or any other shipping vessel. At the same time, your aquadesign should not contain objects that cannot be located there, but in the natural environment.

To monitor the aquarium in the office, they hire a specialist who arrives at the agreed time to take care of your “living corner”.

Don’t forget to ventilate your office more often, otherwise the fish may not have enough oxygen. And do not let employees feed them excessively, this will increase the percentage of ammonia in the water, the pH balance will be disrupted and the fish will often die.

Do you dream of decorating the interior of your home with an aquarium that will delight your eyes after working day, helping to restore serene calm and tranquility? And it is right! Probably doesn't exist anymore effective way restore your mood and relieve the nervous tension that accompanies our everyday bustle in search of “our place in the sun.”

Did you know that artificial reservoirs with their inhabitants can act as unique mascots? Aquariums according to Feng Shui are capable of attracting good luck and prosperity to their owner in his home.

In order for this talisman to “work” in a direction favorable to you, it is important to observe a number of basic conditions regarding its location, arrangement, selection of fish, shape of the vessel and materials used to make aquariums.

So, let's look at each of the conditions in more detail, guided by the advice of experts in the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space.

Where to place an aquarium according to Feng Shui?

Water, according to Chinese tradition, is a symbol of money. Therefore, a talisman vessel installed in the northern, eastern or southeastern part of the house will stimulate cash flow, and therefore increase the well-being of its owner.

The most successful location is considered to be a living room, a hall (large hallway) in a place behind the door, along the path from the door (luck directed into the house), or in a corner (secret happiness). It can also be installed in the kitchen (dining room), provided that there is no woman in your house expecting a baby. Otherwise, this arrangement may negatively affect the course of her pregnancy.

It is strictly forbidden to install an aquarium opposite the entrance to the room (wealth flowing out) or between two doors (quick loss of wealth). Feng Shui masters also do not recommend installing an aquarium:

  • in the bedroom, where the energy of wealth “qi” will be inactive;
  • facing the outside of the house, which will lead to a tendency for family members to have forbidden love affairs;
  • under a ceiling beam that poses a literal and symbolic threat to the talisman and its functionality;
  • against, acute angle walls or other sharp objects.

Shape, size and filling of the talisman

The most favorable shape of a talisman vessel is considered to be round and rectangular. In addition, its dimensions should be proportional to the volume of the room, maintaining the internal harmony of the room. It should be remembered that, according to Feng Shui theory, any excess is worse than a deficiency, which means that an aquarium that is too large can cause big problems. You should not place objects that are strange and unnatural for the fish’s habitat in your pond.

Selection of fish according to Feng Shui

When choosing fish, do not forget that each of them is already a talisman in itself. Therefore, when purchasing, you should listen to your feelings and desires, not forgetting, of course, about aesthetics and the rules of compatibility of different types.

Goldfish represent luck and wealth. It is very good if their number is 1, 4, 6 or a multiple of 9 (9, 19, 27, 36, etc.). Don’t forget to buy one black fish, whose function is to absorb negative energy.

Activation of the talisman reservoir

Good care of fish and aquarium greatly influences Fortune's favor. A vessel with musty water and sick fish can negatively affect the material wealth of the family. If you do not know how to properly care for your pond or do not have the opportunity to do it regularly, then do not risk your luck and entrust this matter to professionals.

The following can enhance the effect of the talisman:

  • shell with a “pearl”;
  • chest with “gold”;
  • a fabulous underwater castle among coral reefs;
  • “gold coins” and “precious” stones scattered along its bottom.

A three-toed frog (toad) or a turtle can also enhance its effect on increasing your well-being. All these symbolic items and many other details for interior decor can be purchased from us at a time convenient for you.

IN Lately The passion for aquariums is growing more and more. On undersea world You can admire it for hours, the fish fascinate with their charm. People are drawn to nature on a subconscious level.

Today there is even a new direction in psychology called zootherapy. It is based on the normalization of a person’s emotional state through communication with animals.

Psychologists claim that an aquarium is an excellent remedy for stress, aggression and irritability.

And since in Everyday life people have enough stress, it is necessary to get rid of them all possible methods. But before purchasing an aquarium, you should think about where you will put it?

Where to place the aquarium?

In general, an office, a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and even a corridor can be suitable for it. The main requirement is that it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

It’s even best to choose the darkest place in the room for it. Fish need bright lighting only during the breeding season, and if they have vitamin deficiency. In this case, they even get additional lighting. In other cases, excess light is harmful to them, since in bright light green microscopic algae begin to actively multiply in the water. They settle on the glass, and the water begins to bloom.

Besides bright light can contribute to overheating of the fish, which is also harmful for them. This negative impact may cause the death of fish. If the aquarium is in the sun, then during the day it warms up greatly, and at night, especially in the morning, the water temperature can drop by 10 degrees. Even undemanding fish can be seriously harmed by such a temperature difference. For these reasons, it is recommended not to install aquariums on windowsills.

An excellent place to locate an aquarium would be a room located on the east side. The aquarium should be located at a fairly large distance from the window, so that its side and front parts are illuminated. It is advisable to place the aquarium on the wall opposite or perpendicular to the window.

The worst solution would be to install an aquarium in a room facing south, but if there is no other option, then the aquarium should be placed no closer than 2-2.5 meters from the window. If the window faces north, then the fish house can be placed right next to it, and if it faces west, a little further away.

It is also worth taking care of artificial lighting of the aquarium. It is best to use fluorescent lamps. The advantage of artificial lighting is that the lighting is easy to adjust. Bright sunlight can change fish behavior and even trigger physiological changes.

If there is a radiator near the aquarium, this can cause stress in the fish. Drafts and tobacco smoke also contribute to this. In addition, it is not advisable to place the aquarium next to a stereo, TV or piano, since vibrations and electric fields are harmful to the fish. The fish should be in a quiet, secluded corner.

It is advisable to place the aquarium so that it is at eye level of a sitting person, so that it is convenient to observe the fish and the aquarium can be easily cleaned. It is best to place the aquarium on a bedside table, table or special stand. The stand must be stable and not wobble.

There are also picture aquariums that are hung on the wall using special mounts. Nearby you can build shelves on which all the equipment will be stored. Built-in aquariums look very impressive. Experts can install them anywhere: in furniture, a bar, a wall, and the like. Long aquariums look beautiful when used as partitions in a spacious room. In such an aquarium, the plants are located in the center, so the fish will feel protected.

Aquarium in feng shui

An aquarium in Feng Shui is an irreplaceable thing. After all, three out of nine Bagua sectors are best activated and supported by water energy: these are the north, east and southeast. Busy people who are not inclined to contemplate can install mini-fountains in these areas. Those who like constant dynamics and have the time and energy to care for it can easily install an aquarium.

It’s not for nothing that people love to watch the unhurried life of the underwater kingdom, so orderly and at the same time changeable. Both the aquarium itself and its inhabitants are excellent generators of positive Qi energy.

Choosing the right aquarium and fish

According to Feng Shui, the size of the aquarium must correspond to the room in which it will be placed. If it significantly exceeds the dimensions of the room, then you will not only not achieve the desired effect, big money or a strong family, but also destroy the existing one. Streams of water large aquarium They'll just wash it all away.

So the first rule for selecting an aquarium mascot according to Feng Shui is that the size should be adequate to the room.

The second is the shape of the aquarium. It is desirable that it be regular, rectangular or smoothly rounded. Here, in general, the practicality of Feng Shui and its significance are again combined: an aquarium of the correct symmetrical shape will send the “correct” energy into the space, and it will be much easier for you to clean it.

Fishes in an aquarium

According to Feng Shui, an aquarium needs good lighting and constant movement of water, which can be achieved by saturating it with oxygen. This again will be good for its inhabitants.

Now about the inhabitants of the aquarium - the fish. They are the ones who create the necessary movement of water in the aquarium. Feng Shui experts advise odd number fish. For example, 8 regular ones (or gold ones for wealth) and one black one. The black fish will carry away negative energy from your family. In general, choose those fish that you like and which, in your opinion, are most suitable for achieving your goals.

Where to put the aquarium

The best placement for an aquarium is in three directions:

  1. East. This side is nourished by the energy of the tree, so water will come in handy for it. By placing an aquarium in the east, you will strengthen and support your family. It will be simply wonderful if the east direction coincides with the living room or any common room for your family.
  2. The southeast is also influenced by wood and in feng shui symbolizes wealth and money luck. An aquarium in the southeast is an excellent movement of energy that cash flows love so much. Having placed an aquarium in this sector, and even planted on it money talismans(for example, a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth), you will get a wonderful complex money talisman.
  3. North – ruled by the element of water in pure form. This place is perfect for an aquarium if you want career growth and promotion. An aquarium in the north is perfect for various types of entrepreneurs and businessmen, especially if its location coincides with a work area or office. A northern aquarium would be very appropriate in a work office.

What not to do

Where to put an aquarium according to Feng Shui

As for the general recommendations for placing an aquarium, it cannot be placed opposite front door. Also, all kinds of partitions and connecting arches between two doors, into which an aquarium often begs to be placed, will be a bad place from the point of view of Feng Shui. The fact is that favorable energy will turn into a disorderly flow under the influence constant movement doors in different directions. If you still want to place the aquarium in the door area, try to have it “turned away” from the door,” i.e. so that the energy of the water is directed into the apartment and not out.

Avoid overhanging ledges, cornices and beams: under them the fish will start to get sick.

Under no circumstances should you place an aquarium in your kitchen if it also belongs to the south—the fiery sector. But even if this is not the case, the presence of a stove makes almost any kitchen “fiery”, and in combination with “large” water in an aquarium this will be bad feng shui. An exception can be made only if you have a purely northern “aquatic” kitchen: the aquarium should be placed in it away from the stove.

Be careful with the color of your aquarium stand. For example, if you decide to place an aquarium in the north, then under no circumstances should you make it red (element of fire). An exception can be made only for the southeastern sector, and even then it would be better to limit ourselves to individual red parts, and not to the entire stand as a whole.

The most important thing is to take good care of the aquarium itself and its inhabitants. For example, if you have it in the “money” sector, and you don’t have enough time to clean it or feed the fish on time, then nothing good will happen to your finances. Therefore, the main rule is to carefully consider whether you have enough time, patience and funds to adequately care for your aquarium. A neglected aquarium that smells like a swamp will be simply dangerous for your family, not to mention the poor fish that will have to live in such a “swamp”. But a well-groomed, clean aquarium with healthy fish is a powerful talisman, and just a lot of positive emotions.

Water is the source of life, the most valuable and necessary resource on the planet. From the point of view of Feng Shui, water is one of the fundamental elements. In the very name of the teaching we see its presence, because “” means “water and wind.”

Flowing, life-saturated Water is the element of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, to attract prosperity to the house, artificial reservoirs or aquariums were used. By bringing the energy of the water element into your home with the help of an aquarium, you can achieve improvements material well-being, career advancement, family well-being.

How to choose an aquarium: size and shape

Simply having an aquarium in your home is not enough. By violating the rules of harmony and proportionality, choosing an aquarium of the wrong size or shape, or placing it in the wrong place, you can achieve terrible results.

The teaching is: too much is worse than too little. If you follow your desire for quick wealth and choose an aquarium that is too spacious, you will only get problems, the least of which will be the inconvenience of caring for a disproportionate tank.

Each geometric shape corresponds to a specific element. Favorable forms include:

  • round - Metal (the most favorable);
  • hexagonal - Water (satisfactory);
  • rectangular - Wood (satisfactory).
The unfavorable ones are:
  • square - Earth;
  • triangular - Fire.

Activation of the aquarium: check-in

Freshwater tropical fish arowana

The inhabitants of the aquarium are no less important than the size and shape of the container. The fish is a symbol and talisman in itself, because the word “fish” in Chinese means “happiness.”

The size of the fish, their number and color must match the aquarium and be in harmony with it and with each other. When purchasing fish, do not blindly follow someone’s advice, also listen to your feelings, this is important.

- an attribute of well-being and wealth. If one of the fish is black, it will become a kind of “lightning rod” for failures and misfortunes coming into your home.
If the number of fish is a multiple of three, for example 9, 18, 36, then the aquarium is “tuned” to attract wealth and it is better for it to stand in the north, southeast or east.

The number of fish in the aquarium directly determines which element it corresponds to. This is related as follows:

  • water - 1, 6;
  • tree - 3, 8;
  • earth - 5, 10;
  • fire - 2, 7;
  • metal - 4, 9.

Activation: placing an aquarium according to Feng Shui

You need to place an aquarium in your home so that it not only decorates the interior, but also attracts success and prosperity as much as possible. The aquarium can be located near the door, but never on the contrary, otherwise you will be guaranteed a constant outflow of luck and finances. You can arrange an aquarium in the corner - this is not bad and will symbolize the hidden happiness inherent in your home.

A good choice is to place it in the living room, but not in the “love zone” (southwest), and not with the front side facing the outside of the house. This arrangement encourages spouses to seek connections on the side.

The most successful sector for an aquarium is the eastern or southeastern one. However, both the location and the color of the aquarium stand should be chosen based on the need to enhance the energy of the element that is important to you specifically.

The colors, elements and sectors are related as follows:

  1. Tree - north, green;
  2. Earth - southwest, blue;
  3. Metal - north, white;
  4. Water - north or east, white or green;
If the Fire element needs activation, you should not purchase an aquarium at all.

Where can't it be placed?

As mentioned above, aquariums should not be positioned so that the energy they attract “leaks out” through doors or windows. Do not place the aquarium opposite a door, between two doors or windows, or in general, do not place it where everything is beneficial influence will be “drafted” from window or door openings.

Do not place it where its influence conflicts with the purpose of the room. For example, an aquarium has no place in the bedroom, since the achievement financial well-being does not apply to the field love relationship between spouses. An aquarium in the bedroom can disrupt the harmony of a marriage and make a hole in the family’s finances. There is no place for it in the kitchen, which, as a rule, is entirely dedicated to the element of fire. There it will not be able to fulfill its purpose, and if the owner of the house is expecting a child, it will negatively affect the course of the pregnancy.

Do not place under stairs, ceiling beams, in arches between partitions, or where objects (poisonous arrows) are pointed at the aquarium.

In an office intended for study, the aquarium should be positioned in such a way as to be as inconspicuous as possible, otherwise it will negatively affect the students’ ability to concentrate and discipline.

Proper operation of the talisman

The energy of water directly depends on its ability to be in motion all the time, remaining flowing and fresh. Once you have installed an aquarium in your home, ensure that it is functioning properly and in good condition. The water must be clean, saturated with oxygen, and constantly circulate. By allowing water to stagnate in the tank, you will simply destroy all its beneficial effects on your life.

You can also enhance the work of an aquarium-talisman if you complement one talisman with another by placing it inside. For example, at the bottom of the aquarium, a shell, a model of a ship, a castle, a coral, or a chest with treasure coins would be good. You can sit on the edge with a coin in your mouth - a symbol of monetary abundance.

Decorative decorations in the aquarium should be as natural as possible, close to natural. It contains only those objects that can end up at the bottom of the reservoir in reality. There is no place for anything unnatural or strange.

Good luck and prosperity with Feng Shui!