Full moon on September 20th. A ritual to attract good luck on the New Moon. Attracting money luck on the New Moon

Each New Moon has its own energetic characteristics that can be used to achieve well-being. It is believed that on this day it is easiest to attract good luck.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 20 will facilitate rituals aimed at getting rid of problems and bringing good luck into life. The harmonious union of the Moon and the constellation Virgo will have a beneficial effect on people, but many will feel lethargy and apathy associated with the renewal of lunar energy. The site's experts present to your attention effective rituals that will help you change your life for the better.

Tired of lying in the sun, staying home to watch the rain. You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today. And then one day you find that ten years are behind you. Nobody told you when to run, you missed the launch of the guns.

In the final degrees of Virgo, ignorance is not bliss. In the Virgo mind, ignorance consists of living without meaning and dying a meaningless death. Pamper yourself from enslavement to ignorance by investing more time in your own self-care, self-education, and self-criticism.

New Moon ritual to get rid of financial problems

In the evening, take a handful of change and put it on the windowsill with the words:

“I’m collecting my last money, filling it with the energy of the Moon. As the Moon is renewed, so will the financial flow be revived.”

Ritual to attract good luck on the New Moon

Recommit to yourself by offering your service to the world, even if you may not always receive praise. And reconfirm your love relationship with your arts and skills, even if you don't always feel nurtured by them. Every year gets shorter, you never seem to find the time.

Plans that either fizzle out or end up with half a page of line art. Around the same time as the New Moon, Venus will leave Leo and enter Virgo, joining the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars. With such a high concentration of planetary energy concentrated in Virgo, your personal experience may involve what you perceive as painful criticism. But becoming more aware of your shortcomings so you can be healthier, safer, or more skilled is a key element of this new moon's healing potential.

In the morning, place the coins in the places where you keep your money. Put one coin in your pocket and carry it with you, periodically touching it and mentally saying:

“The moon has been renewed, money has appeared in your pocket.”

This coin will attract monetary abundance to you and save you from financial difficulties. Before the next New Moon, donate some money to a good cause by attaching this coin to it.

If you can maintain enough humility to accept criticism where it's due, even from less angelic messengers, you can use this New Moon to inspire new devotion to heal your heart and refine your mind.

This New Moon's ruler in Virgo is who will oppose Neptune in Pisces. Although Mercury is in its strongest placement in the zodiac, this aspect will cause a feeling of mental uncertainty about things. Feeling overwhelmed and confused, the meaning of many messages can be misinterpreted, taken out of context, or deliberately distorted.

Getting rid of health problems during the New Moon

On the day of the New Moon, stand under warm shower and stand for a few minutes with your eyes closed, concentrating. Imagine how diseases and illnesses are washed away by water, and then say:

« New Moon she came into the world and took away my illnesses. As she grows, so will health come to me.”

The strongest aspect is between the New Moon and Chiron in Pisces, known as the wounded healer. This sensitive opposition will try to uncover fears and wounds from the past. Instead of remaining haunted by your hidden weaknesses and perceived failures, you can now improve your level of self-awareness. Set a precedent for your healing by practicing self-compassion. Remember that, for the most part, you always did the best you could, what you knew at the time.

Suspension in quiet desperation is the English way.

Because Virgo's ideals are immersed in the oceanic realm of fantasy, you may find yourself dreaming of perfect spheres, Praxilian proportions, and utopian realms. Although some of your rational thinking may be confused, there is powerful potential here. After all, dreaming an impossible dream can offer true inspiration for best choice in the real world.

Starting from the New Moon, brew medicinal herbs for a week and drink these decoctions every day. They will increase your immunity, and the energy of the new and growing Moon will increase your body's resistance and energy protection.

Attracting money luck on the New Moon

So that capricious Fortune does not turn away from you at the most important points life, perform the ritual on the New Moon. With its help, you can attract good luck into your life and make your dreams come true.

Ideals of perfection provide a reason to grow, while perfectionism offers a reason to remain stagnant. So don’t let yourself settle into the dream of perpetual perfection when you finally achieve it. Instead, use this New Moon in Virgo as a time to do something practical to improve your circumstances now.

The story of our readers informed us about what is said about this autumnal equinox. Are we taking our last breath? It seems that more and more people are buying into this theory and are beginning to prepare for Revelation.

They refer to the apocalyptic theory as "Revelation 12".

During the New Moon, pick up some valuable items. This could be jewelry made from precious materials, coins, silverware. Lay them out on the table, saying:

“I attract capricious Fortune, I appease her with gold and silver.”

Place all the items in a small transparent container and throw a few coins on top. Leave it on the table overnight, and in the morning put all the items, except money, in their places. Place the coins in a wallet with the words:

It looks like they are "using" astrology to prove that they are right. Astrology used by Christian evangelical sites. Although we are the last people on Earth who would denounce astrology as a pseudoscience, we are talking about the worst kind of astrology. Looks like asking my mother about what happened at baseball last night.

The Coming of the Mysterious Woman

Taking astrological advice from people who disparage astrology is pretty lame. Astrology of study and practice takes years to master. So what is prophesied - or should I say they say it is prophesied? Revelations in the New Testament predict that the Rapture will come upon us when “a woman clothed with the sun appears, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.”

“I leave good luck amulets in my wallet, I don’t know poverty or poverty.”

Carry them in your wallet until the next New Moon, and then spend them on purchasing a long-awaited item.

Ritual to attract good luck on the New Moon

On the day of the New Moon, purchase any natural mineral. Experts on the site recommend paying attention to stones that suit you according to your Zodiac Sign. Bring it home and put it on the windowsill. Leave the stone until the morning. After waking up, take the mineral in your hands and hold it for a while so that it tunes into your energy. Say your future talisman for good luck:

“She was pregnant and was crying from the pains of labor and the pangs of birth.” Revelation 2

According to these evangelists, “there will be a significant alignment of Virgo and Leo and other planets, which has even been recorded in Egyptian pyramids».

They also believe that this mysterious Woman is actually the constellation Virgo, who is pregnant with Jupiter, which apparently remained for over 9 months in the constellation Virgo. Moreover, according to them, another strange situation will occur, which, apparently, is considered additional weight for their apocalyptic claims. This rare alignment called the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" will occur and it has never happened before.

“The stone was saturated with the power of the new Moon, it tried for me. I'll say a new spell for good luck happy life I'll start."

Carry the talisman with you so that luck will accompany you in all matters.

On the New Moon you can get rid of any negativity, bad habits and troubles. Renewing the night luminary can remove adversity from your life, restoring your confidence and well-being. If something is bothering you, then during the New Moon, light a candle and, looking at its flame, say all your fears. Esotericists say that this way you can renew your own energy and leave troubles behind. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

It's actually a kidnapping good people who don't deserve to die. Finally, in these circles it is believed that a large planet is coming straight to smash the earth into stardust. According to them, this planet is somehow hidden from the mere sight or ability that our telescopes possess.

The mysterious planet appears to be home to a race of ancient aliens called the Anunnaki, who the author credits with creating human race and civilization. Christianity also condemns numerology. However, these sources insist that they know the truth better than we do. So while they periodically prophesy about doomsday scenarios - and all fail one after another - they have another argument.

20.09.2017 03:13

The energy of the waning moon can help get rid of troubles and attract financial well-being. During this period, conspiracies and rituals have...

Lunar horoscope- the calendar for today defines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

A strange wave of energy change is approaching

The Virgin Mary has nothing in common with St. Mary the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus Christ. Virgo is a name given by the ancient Greeks, referring to Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, wife of Hades. It is unlikely that Apocalypse refers to a pagan goddess. If a large planet was approaching, it should already be visible from scratch. If the world ended, we would see something like astrologers.

  • You don't take astrological advice from people who judge him.
  • The constellation Virgo is not the sign of Virgo.
  • Therefore, what was said is incorrect.
The exact opposition will occur on the 15th of the month.

Moon in Virgo

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Virgo

This period lunar calendar favorable for painstaking work. Financial affairs may not bring the desired success. On this day, you can carry out any operations that will be related to real estate. The lunar horoscope for today promises successful purchases; activities related to mediation will bring success. The Moon in the sign of Virgo portends good luck in studies.

So the question is not whether Chiron's influences will not be strong or intense during this lunar circle, but when they will be less intense and less intense. And Chiron is retrograde in the zodiac of fears, hopes and unbalanced emotions. Just the right place to make a mess!

It seems that diplomacy is failing and barbarian instincts sense peace with abundant intentions. But while Chiron is here to teach us some hard lessons, Jupiter's Hexagon with Saturn will protect us and strengthen us. It's definitely not the end of the world, but there's quite a long period of time before our world is tested. Do we still believe in humanity? Are we attached only to material gain? The answer to these questions will determine our future. Although the world will not end soon, there will be a major energy shift.

Lunar day today

1st lunar day

Collective and individual work on this day will not give a positive result. Make plans, evaluate and analyze past actions. Refuse from difficult and risky tasks, perhaps they will result in losses in the future. Sit back, relax, read good book. Restore vital energy for future affairs.

This is what scares me. Ideas come to me instantly. Thoughts appear at lightning speed, captured in real time, and then presented to all of you in the form of a written article. This is my open self-help journal with those who want to read and know my deepest, inner thoughts. If not, find out and please share. You support me and your feedback inspires my creativity!

Hey, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and Mercury rules the Mind, including memory. When we think of the constellation Virgo, we associate objects and symbols with it such as hygiene, health, all things analytical, details, information, hospitality, work and service. Most of what we hear about Virgo is basic and very worldly in nature.

The dream I had this night was prophetic. The fulfillment of the events shown to you by Morpheus should not be expected soon. As a rule, its embodiment in real life they are found no earlier than a month after you see them.

This figure at this point is approximate . Exact value the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year.

She is the only image female body in the wheel of the Zodiac. Many see the Virgin, the Mother of God, as a Pure and Immaculate being, but underneath the surface she is completely different. Contrary to popular belief, she is not what some people think she is. Virgo, the virgin priestess, in her divine state, also embodies the "holy whore." Don't be confused, "virgin" doesn't mean being sexless, celibate, or infertile. "Virgo" essentially translates into the Self, which is complete and whole. The self that is not fragmented.

The true and purified Self that has not changed! Not only does Mercury rule Virgo, but the asteroid Vesta also rules Virgo. Although the conjunction is “outside the sign,” it is nevertheless a conjunction. This means that new ideas and ideologies surrounding the Divine Feminine energy, women, and the relationship between men and women are on the horizon. Which The best way to begin is to redefine what we refer to as gender in terms of feminine and masculine epithets.

New Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The phase of the moon today is New Moon. This time period of the lunar calendar is characterized by its short duration and powerful impact on nature. A powerful charge of energy is supplied, aimed at carrying out any type of activity.

It’s better to start all your plans in lunar day today, this will help you get powerful motivation for their further implementation. Great for the first day of quitting smoking, dieting or fasting.

Many sacred and religious texts refer to the "virgin". For example, in the biblical tradition, Christ is born from the “virgin” Mary. However, let's take a closer look at the science behind the term "virgin." One must carefully analyze what is being described when religion speaks of a “virgin.” Immediately, we associate "virgin" with a person who has never had sex, or a woman who is chaste, a typical description. The question is, how is it that a child is born from a “virgin” mother and has no biological father?

Lunar horoscope Wednesday

Wednesday is under the auspices of Mercury, who is the messenger of the gods. On Wednesday, luck smiles on knowledge workers.
If you have a lot of things to do, solve them on Wednesday and don’t put it off until later. The day is suitable for doing office work; you may have to work with a large amount of information.
The lunar horoscope for today foretells the successful signing of contracts and the conclusion of profitable deals. On Wednesday you can organize conferences, business meetings, the second half of the day can be left for rest.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday overflowing with activity and an abundance of different stories. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible.
Such dreams do not come true in reality. However, there is a small chance that some individual parts dreams that never have anything bad in them.
The lunar day also suggests the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for September 20th

You will be surrounded by friendly, helpful people all day long. If you pass this test, you will receive a good reward for your endurance, patience, delicacy and good upbringing.

Be mentally prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to keep everything under control today. To prevent subordinates or competitors from taking advantage of this circumstance, enlist outside support in advance.

You have so much strength that you are ready to move mountains. Everything works out successfully, without tension. But not everyone likes it. In order not to ruin your mood, do not pay attention to the nasty attacks of envious people.

Be attentive and vigilant when communicating with people. Today they will try to either hint to you about something important or deceive you by providing incorrect information.

Think about whether you accidentally offended or offended someone. If you remember at least one of those who were offended by you, be sure to ask for forgiveness today, otherwise it will be too late later.

You are now searching, but you don’t know what exactly. Then put aside all your current affairs and think about this question. This is the only way you will calm down and get what you need. Moreover, today you will have a unique chance, which it would be a sin not to use or miss.

Everything about you is simply fabulous. Does this worry you? Relax and live for your own pleasure, so that later, when a dark streak comes in your life, you will have something to remember.

You will be surprised at how witty and resourceful you are today. However, don’t get carried away and hold back the caustic statements that are about to come out of your mouth, otherwise you will make enemies.