Astrological forecast for June from Vasilisa Volodina. Sagittarius


The internal state of Aries will interfere with the implementation of their plans and ideas. For unknown reasons, they will lose confidence in their own abilities and may even fall into complete apathy. It is very important that at this moment there are close people nearby who can provide moral support. In the last few days there will be large targeted expenses and unexpected expenses. In this regard, the stars advise Aries to reconsider their financial policies, as well as start planning their funds.


The beginning of summer will please Taurus with success in the professional sphere. There will be an opportunity to take initiative, develop vigorous activity, and find new business partners. But mistakes cannot be made. Inattention and careless attitude towards one's duties will lead to the opposite result. In the second half of the month, luck will smile on Taurus, who are in search of basic work or additional income.


Geminis can no longer sit back and be lazy. June for them is a time of active action and the implementation of ambitious plans. Whatever the goal, it must be achieved during this period. But in personal life, not everything is so simple. The third decade promises difficulties in relationships associated with misunderstandings. Gemini's excessive emotionality will only aggravate the situation, so the development of the conflict will depend on the other half.

The stars advise Cancers to go on vacation in June. A dreamy mood will still not contribute to fruitful activity. In the middle of the month, your emotionality will increase and you will want to change something in your life. Favorable time to start new ones romantic relationships. The acquaintances that happen during this period can turn out to be fateful. It is possible that Cancers will meet future spouses.

The first ten days of the month will present Leos with unpleasant surprises related to changes at work. There may be a change in management, deadlines, inspections by regulatory authorities. The situation will stabilize in the second half of June. In the love sphere, Lviv will experience complete harmony and mutual understanding with their partner. Many couples will deal with the housing issue. The last 10 days are a good time to plan a wedding or pregnancy.


June for Virgos is a successful month in all respects. They will feel the support of loved ones and will be able to realize ideas that they have long dreamed of realizing. Only the last week promises troubles. During this period, a conflict with management or major quarrel With best friend. Virgos will spend the rest of their time fruitfully, strengthening their authority in work collective. Lucky for people in creative professions, as well as those involved in the financial sector and sales.


The first month of summer will remind Libra of a roller coaster. Sudden ups will be replaced by downfalls, and success in love will be completely disappointed in this bright feeling. Only optimism and self-confidence will help you overcome difficulties. The very beginning of summer is very suitable for various kinds of transformations, for example, changing a boring interior or improving your own image. During this period, many Libras will become addicted to sports.


The stars advise Scorpios to slow down the pace of life and look around. There is a great risk of missing out on something important in the pursuit of material wealth. Workaholics are strongly encouraged to go on vacation or at least spend more time in nature. In June, Scorpios need to restore internal harmony so that by the end of the year they do not experience signs of overwork and professional burnout.


High energy potential will allow Sagittarius to complete several important tasks at once. Successfully solved legal issues, repair work will be completed, an important project will be completed, etc. It's a good time to learn and find new hobbies. It will come in your personal life white stripe. Free Sagittarius will be the center of attention and attract admiring glances. On the 20th, couples will experience a small conflict based on jealousy.

Vasilisa Volodina - famous TV presenter, astrologer and psychologist. Her horoscopes have helped thousands of people find their purpose and achieve success in all areas of life.


For Aries, June 2017 does not promise to be an easy month. Your patron, the Sun, is in a neutral position, and the antagonist planets, on the contrary, are strong and negatively affect your energy.

The most favorable time for planning important events, communication with a loved one and hard work is the very beginning of the month. From June 1 to June 5, your antagonist planet Venus is in a weak position and is unable to interfere with your plans. At this time, you can easily complete all assigned tasks and attract the necessary attention to yourself.

From June 6, Venus sharply increases its strength, moving into the constellation Taurus. Violation of stability in relationships with a significant other and monetary losses possible June 10. At this time, the sextile of Venus and Mars can negatively affect your energy field and lead to unpleasant consequences.

On June 20 and 21, the strong position of your antagonist, the Moon, can create a dangerous situation at work. Try to fully control the process entrusted to you and not for a minute forget about your direct responsibilities.


For Taurus, the first month of summer is filled with unstable energy. Frequent changes in the positions of the planets that protect you can lead to an imbalance both in personal relationships and financially. Meditation - opening the chakras will help you harmonize your state.

The first half of the month is unfavorable for any important events and long trips. The neutral position of your patron Moon cannot provide you with energetic support, and the weakened energy of the patron planet Venus intensifies the negative situation. From June 1 to June 5, try to avoid conflict situations and carefully monitor your physical and moral state.

6 June 7, 11 and 12 - extremely bad lucky days for planning the future and active activities in all areas. The weakened energy of the Moon can disrupt your plans and lead to a loss of vitality.

The second half of the month is more favorable for all Taurus. A good time for communicating with loved ones and romantic meetings is June 16, 17, 20 and 21. These days, the Moon is in a strong position and significantly enhances your energy.


For Gemini, June is a very good time. Your ruling planet, Venus, is strong most of the time and keeps your energy field at the proper level.

In the first 5 days of the month, you should be careful and conserve your strength. The weakened patron planet Venus from June 1 to June 5 may not in the best possible way affect your morale. Try to pay more attention to the positive atmosphere in your family and take a responsible approach to your work responsibilities.

From June 6, Venus sharply increases its strength, taking a position in the constellation Taurus. By feeding and filling your biofield with positive energy, the patron planets contribute to success in all endeavors. From June 6 to June 30, you can safely take on difficult matters, develop relationships with your loved one and expect pleasant gifts from Fate. The stars favor you, so nothing is impossible.


For those born under the constellation Cancer, the first month of summer can bring many unexpected changes. Frequent changes in the positions of the Moon that protects you may not have the best effect on your mood, emotional state and financial well-being. Control the situation and save good mood A holotropic breathing session will help you.

From June 1 to June 15, the location of the planets may negatively affect the outcome of current events. The weakened energy of your patron planet Venus from June 1 to June 5 does not contribute to your success. Try not to participate in dubious activities at work and devote more time to household chores. On June 5, the Moon and Venus aspect may lead to internal conflicts and the return of old problems.

On the 16th and 17th, the Moon is in the constellation Pisces. This position enhances her energy, positively affecting your condition. This period is well suited for realizing any plans and romantic dates. June 20 and 21 are a favorable time for decisive steps in any area. The strong position of the Moon in the constellation Taurus provides you with the support of the stars and increased personal energy.


For Leo, June 2017 is a contradictory and ambiguous time. The conflict between patron planets and antagonist planets can lead to an imbalance in your energy. You can strengthen your biofield and relieve stress with the help of meditative drawing of mandalas.

In the first half of the month, the weak energy of your antagonist, the Moon, is unable to disrupt your plans. The period from June 1 to June 15 is best for implementing work projects and communicating with your loved one. The luckiest days are June 6, 7, 11 and 12. At this time, the energy of the Moon is so weakened that it is not able to negatively affect your energy.

From the 15th to the end of the month, the position of the planets is not in your favor. The strong position of your antagonist, Venus, can upset your inner balance and interfere with your plans. You need to be especially careful on the 20th and 21st. During this period, lunar energy is especially strong and may not have the best effect on your condition.


For representatives of the star Virgo, the first month of summer is unstable. Frequent changes in the positions of patron planets can negatively affect all areas of your life. The “Sunny Day” meditation for attracting good luck will help you avoid conflicts with loved ones and improve your financial situation.

From June 1 to June 5, the weak position of antagonist planets contributes to your luck. During this period, you can easily achieve success with due diligence and luck. On June 2, the aspect of your patron Moon and Mars can create difficult situation, which will serve as a kind of test of your abilities.

From June 6, your antagonist planet Venus occupies a strong position in the constellation Taurus. This period can lead to difficulties in all areas of life. To avoid problems and troubles, try to focus on work until the end of the month and direct all your efforts towards achieving career success.


For Libra, June 2017 is favorable in all areas of life. The placement of the planets plays on your side and contributes to success both in your career and in love affairs. It is possible to preserve your newfound well-being with the help of herbal amulets.

Troubles are possible at the very beginning of the month. The weak position of your patron planet Venus can negatively affect your luck and success. To avoid problems and conflicts from June 1 to June 5, try to devote more time to your significant other. A reasonable distribution of time between work and rest will help you find the “golden mean” and improve your emotional state.

Since June 6, Venus has been in a strong position in the constellation Taurus. Sharp increase its energy has a positive effect on your biofield. From June 6 to June 30, you can easily achieve all your goals and find what you want.


For Scorpios, June 2017 is not a good time. The patron planets of your Sign are in a neutral position and cannot fully influence your energy field. Planets that deprive you of energy, on the contrary, are in a strong position and can disrupt your plans.

The first half of the month is more positive than the second. All important issues can be successfully solved from June 1 to June 15. During this period, the energy of your antagonist Moon is significantly weakened and is not able to destroy your biofield. June 11 and 12 are especially successful: at this time you can achieve your goals without much difficulty.

From the 15th to the 30th, the placement of the planets is not in your favor. Particular caution should be exercised on June 16, 17, 20 and 21: the strong position of your antagonist Moon in the constellation Pisces can interfere with success in work and personal life.


For Sagittarius, the first summer month of 2017 is filled with unstable and changeable energy. Confrontation between patron planets and antagonist planets can lead to an imbalance in your energy field and conflict situations. You can avoid the undesirable outcome of personal and professional relationships with the help of special rituals for every day of the week.

Throughout the month, your relationship with a loved one will be successful and career success mostly depend on your determination. From June 1 to June 15, the energy of your antagonist planets is weakened, so you don’t have to worry negative influence to your biofield. On June 5, the quintile of Jupiter and Saturn patronizing you contributes to the manifestation of your creative talents and gaining self-confidence.

In the second half of the month, the placement of the planets is not in your favor. From June 15 to June 30, the strong position of Venus and the Moon is not conducive to success, so you need to be extremely attentive to your moral state and maintain a good mood with all your might.


For Capricorns, June 2017 is very successful both personally and financially. Your ruling planet Venus is generally in a strong position and has a positive effect on your energy field.

The beginning of the month is not very good for new ideas. The placement of the planets is not in your favor, but concentration negative energy can interfere with the implementation of plans that are important to you. From June 1 to June 5, try to avoid conflicts with loved ones and devote more time to work.

From June 6 to June 30, your patron planet Venus is in a strong position in the constellation Taurus. This period can bring you success in any field with minimal effort and time. On June 29, the aspect of Venus and Saturn can help bring to life long-standing creative ideas and gain the attention of people important to you.


For Aquarius, the first month of summer is filled with positive energy. Your patron planets are in a strong position most of the time, maintaining your energy at the required strong level.

Despite the favorable forecast, the month is not off to a great start. From the 1st to the 5th, the location of the planets negatively affects your energy field and can disrupt plans that are important to you. At this time, try to exclude your participation in dubious adventures and stick to the initially chosen plan.

From June 6 to June 30, Venus occupies a strong position in the constellation Taurus. At this time, you can safely take on any task that requires creativity and concentration. Feel free to take initiative and take responsibility for developing your ideas.

On June 29, the location of the planets may cause a small conflict on domestic grounds. Try to smooth it out sharp corners and take a diplomatic approach: this way you can easily resolve the problem and maintain a good mood.

The internal state of Aries will interfere with the implementation of their plans and ideas. For unknown reasons, they will lose confidence in their own abilities and may even fall into complete apathy. It is very important that at this moment there are close people nearby who can provide moral support. In the last few days there will be large targeted expenses and unexpected expenses. In this regard, the stars advise Aries to reconsider their financial policies, as well as start planning their funds.


The beginning of summer will please Taurus with success in the professional sphere. There will be an opportunity to take initiative, develop vigorous activity, and find new business partners. But mistakes cannot be made. Inattention and careless attitude towards one's duties will lead to the opposite result. In the second half of the month, luck will smile on Taurus, who are in search of basic work or additional income.


Geminis can no longer sit back and be lazy. June for them is a time of active action and the implementation of ambitious plans. Whatever the goal, it must be achieved during this period. But in personal life, not everything is so simple. The third decade promises difficulties in relationships associated with misunderstandings. Gemini's excessive emotionality will only aggravate the situation, so the development of the conflict will depend on the other half.


The stars advise Cancers to go on vacation in June. A dreamy mood will still not contribute to fruitful activity. In the middle of the month, your emotionality will increase and you will want to change something in your life. A favorable time to start a new romantic relationship. The acquaintances that happen during this period can turn out to be fateful. It is possible that Cancers will meet future spouses.


The first ten days of the month will present Leos with unpleasant surprises related to changes at work. There may be a change in management, deadlines, inspections by regulatory authorities. The situation will stabilize in the second half of June. In the love sphere, Lviv will experience complete harmony and mutual understanding with their partner. Many couples will deal with the housing issue. The last 10 days are a good time to plan a wedding or pregnancy.


June for Virgos is a successful month in all respects. They will feel the support of loved ones and will be able to realize ideas that they have long dreamed of realizing. Only the last week promises troubles. During this period, a conflict with management or a major quarrel with your best friend is possible. Virgos will spend the rest of their time fruitfully, strengthening their authority in the work team. Lucky for people in creative professions, as well as those involved in the financial sector and sales.


The first month of summer will remind Libra of a roller coaster. Sudden ups will be replaced by downfalls, and success in love will be completely disappointed in this bright feeling. Only optimism and self-confidence will help you overcome difficulties. The very beginning of summer is very suitable for various kinds of transformations, for example, changing a boring interior or improving your own image. During this period, many Libras will become addicted to sports.


The stars advise Scorpios to slow down the pace of life and look around. There is a great risk of missing out on something important in the pursuit of material wealth. Workaholics are strongly encouraged to go on vacation or at least spend more time in nature. In June, Scorpios need to restore internal harmony so that by the end of the year they do not experience signs of overwork and professional burnout.


High energy potential will allow Sagittarius to complete several important tasks at once. Legal issues will be successfully resolved, repair work will be completed, an important project will be completed, etc. It's a good time to learn and find new hobbies. There will be a white streak in your personal life. Free Sagittarius will be the center of attention and attract admiring glances. On the 20th, couples will experience a small conflict based on jealousy.


June for Capricorns – promising month from a financial point of view. Many will be able to pay off debts or save the required amount for a desired purchase. In the first ten days there will be a chance to receive an additional source of income. But it is better to stay away from speculative operations, since participation in adventures will bring nothing but losses to Capricorns. After the 25th, the likelihood of cheating increases. During this period, it is recommended to double-check all incoming information.


The first month of summer provides Aquarius with complete freedom of choice. You can go on vacation, do what you love, build relationships with others, or throw all your energy into conquering career heights. The absence of obstacles will allow them to spend this time as productively as possible. The love sphere will noticeably revive. For Aquarius, I expect pleasant surprises, romantic dates and interesting acquaintances.


The first half of the month should be devoted to household chores and communication with household members. Family events will be good. Pisces will use the remaining time in their own way. Some will engage in self-knowledge, others will decide to radically change their appearance, and others will begin to prepare for vacation. Last numbers June is characterized by high tension. It is advisable not to start new businesses and avoid participating in risky activities.

Horoscope of Vasilisa Volodina for June 2018.

June carries a special energy, giving confidence to the representative of the sign. Previously impossible tasks will now become feasible. It is possible that some knowledge and skills are not yet so developed, but for a start, the existing ones will be enough. In order to continue moving forward, you need to rely on others, their help will support you in difficult times. You will have to be very social, visit crowded places and events, and your friends will also need your support. You should draw your energy supply from your favorite activities; if you haven’t had a hobby before, you should start looking for one.

June is quite a productive month for Taurus; the main thing is to control the course of events and not rush them. So as not to lose last strength In pursuit of changing circumstances, you need to get used to a measured pace. And if there is any left excess energy, it should be implemented in other activities that do not require endurance. When harmony appears in life and all tasks are solved as they come, you will notice how events change without your participation. To avoid losing money, you need to be wary of scammers, especially at the end of the month.

June- perfect time For personal growth. Any important situation will now be easily resolved, and you need to rely on your opinion and knowledge, authoritative people will give advice, but if there are other considerations, they will be more useful. Self-thought-out tactics and strategies will bring much more results, they can be seen by the end of the month, the main thing is not to change the setting. Perhaps there will be circumstances that will require you to change your principles, but you shouldn’t be led, you can quietly do everything your own way.

Cancers need to seriously think about their dreams and desires; they may not be consciously chosen at all, but imposed by society or a narrow circle, so other people’s dreams need to be returned to their owners and think about something of their own. All the illusions with which you have surrounded yourself for so long may begin to collapse dramatically, so it is better to figure this out before everything collapses. The planets are supportive and provide a lot of energy, and it is very important to direct it in the right direction. It is at this moment that you yourself will control reality, the main thing is to do own ideas. You will be able to cope with any circumstances, the main thing is to believe.

There will definitely be something significant in June, it is either already known or will come unexpectedly. The main thing is to keep everything under control, without attaching great importance to the moment, just mind your own business. Everything else will happen according to plan, the main thing is to wait, because in this case You have already done everything possible. It is important not to become arrogant while you are happily running up the status ladder, otherwise this success will not result in satisfaction, but a lot of problems.

Virgos need to learn to control themselves as much as possible, yes, this is already typical for this sign, only in June you will want to relax and barely move your legs in a lazy rhythm, but now is not the time at all. You need to be as responsible as possible, and to yourself, because you really want to shift all the blame from your laziness onto the shoulders of others. June will partly determine the future, its prospects, so for maximum productivity you will have to fight with yourself. If this turns out to be possible, then the result will not be long in coming, as will success.

This month will be routine for Libra, which will also affect your mood. I am glad that the influence of the planets will be favorable and it will be possible to find a suitable business that will somehow switch to positive emotions. To diversify the dullness of days you need to work hard, success will definitely come, but it is very important not to stop there, for an equally successful continuation you will have to work harder. You definitely need to develop yourself so that it becomes more interesting to work with you and people will immediately reach out to you.

June will give you the fulfillment of your desires, so you will be able to achieve all the intended aspirations that you have been dreaming of for so long. Only bad luck, it will become unclear why this was so necessary and what to do now. This desire will have “side effects” that will obviously not be to your liking. According to the planets, this should be an experience, perhaps bitter, but certainly useful, and it will be possible to get out of this situation unscathed. Moreover, thanks to this, new acquaintances will appear, very interesting and useful, for them you will become an indestructible authority for a long time.

You shouldn’t make any fateful plans for June, and you’ll have to be careful with your decisions. To avoid paying too high a price for a careless mistake, you need to think through all the possible consequences. More than a month will not bring any problems, all that remains is to tune yourself to positive emotions, and not start thinking about something that doesn’t exist and creating inconvenience for yourself. If it seems that those around you speak badly about you or treat you differently, then you should not pay attention to your speculations, it doesn’t matter to them, everyone wants to take care of their own happiness.

June for Capricorn month rest, yes, you will have to give up both your ambitions and new ideas, otherwise they simply will not bring success. There will be a clear desire in the soul to do something new, but the time for this has not yet come; intensive rest is indicated. This is especially true for those who like to teach others; you won’t influence them anyway, you’ll just waste your energy. There may be increased attention to detail, a desire to control everything, but you should get rid of this, otherwise there will be only failures.

Pisces will really want solitude, at least for some time, but for this they will have to use all their ambitions. You may want to reconsider your social circle or change your field of activity, or even move to another city, the main thing is that any of these ideas will come true very successfully. It will be difficult for those who have a lot of choice, it is perplexing, so here intuition will come to the rescue, it will come in handy more than once this month, the main thing is to correctly recognize its signals.

Vasilisa Volodina knows how to attract and keep love in 2018. This means that love horoscope, compiled by a leading astrologer, will become your main assistant in the fight for the right to be happy.

You can not miss the chances that 2018 will open before us with the help of astrological forecast. Knowing the behavior of the planets, it is easy to determine how the year of the Earth Dog will turn out for each Zodiac Sign. Vasilisa Volodina warns: 12 months can become a source of new problems and difficulties, but this does not mean that you need to give up. Mistakes and troubles are inevitable, but they help us become stronger. He will pave the way to success in love for you positive thinking. It all depends on the angle from which you look at the problems.


According to the forecast of Vasilisa Volodina, Aries will be able to find their happiness this year. Winter will be a quiet time. This is a kind of preparatory stage for the inevitable changes that will overtake you in the spring and summer. New Year will begin with an idyll, or at least with an acceptable level of mutual understanding with your loved one. But the transformation of relations will continue. If you don’t like something, you have the power to seize the right moment and rewrite the love script the way you want it.

Your love luck will be guided by Mars, which is marked by a strong position throughout the year. From January 1 to January 25, you need to follow your heart. Although this time is not suitable for searching for a soul mate, no one forbids casting a fishing rod. Until March 17, Mars will sleep, and with it, your sexuality. Don't try to change the course of the game. From March 17th, all doors will open to Aries, and they will be open until November 15th. The main weapon will be passion and self-confidence, Mars does not skimp on this. In 2018, love will be in your hands, you just need to learn to be responsible for the feelings of others.


In 2018, Taurus risks losing their heads from love. This will be a busy year, which will be ruled by the restless and changeable Moon. Recommendations will be the secret to your success lunar calendar for every day. You will have every chance to set your relationship in the right way. But to do this you will have to not lose your natural sanity. The stars are sure: it will be difficult for you to resist your partner’s charisma and sexuality, but sometimes this is the only chance not to fall into the abyss of trouble. Use common sense more often, don’t let yourself be fooled. Sometimes we need to say a firm “no” even to those we love with all our hearts. Intuition will help you with this. Listen to your inner voice and ask yourself for advice more often.

You should not create an idol for yourself out of your partner. Don’t idealize people: you can forgive a person a hundred, even a thousand times, but he will never change. Look at everything objectively. This year you need to allow yourself to act selfishly. Love will not leave you anywhere, but you can lose yourself in love.


Twelve months for Gemini will be spent in an aggressive struggle for a place in the Sun. To find love, you will need to find yourself. A person cannot comprehend love for another until he knows true love to yourself. In 2018, learn to accept yourself with all the pros and cons. By learning to appreciate the most important person, you will look at your partner differently. Don't let feelings of inferiority ruin your happy life.

The stars are sure: this year you have every chance to find yourself next to a person who will truly love you - love your soul. Gemini will spend the beginning and middle of the year searching for spiritual and intellectual harmony with their partner. If you want to know loved one better, then get down to a common cause: go on a trip or start repairs. You will understand with whom you are on the same path, and whom it is better to throw off your shoulders. It will be easier for free Geminis to fall in love with someone who is constantly nearby, who helps or needs help themselves.

Cancer is the most family sign Therefore, in 2018 the emphasis should be placed on the love sphere of life. Luck will accompany you in everything if you achieve harmony in your relationships. According to the behavior of the planets, this year is fateful for you. Representatives of the constellation Cancer will have many chances to find love. Perhaps you will finally meet your ideal or find common ground with your loved one.

If something is not going well in a relationship, by the middle of the year the situation will improve significantly. You don’t even have to worry about expressing your feelings correctly: if love is real, it doesn’t need words. Success in love will lead to success in work. In 2018, you will be forced to walk in a vicious circle - luck in one area of ​​life will follow on the heels of luck in another. There is no other option. Don’t try to let everything take its course: the Universe will reward you for your efforts and patience. The main thing is to move forward, become better in the relationship, not outside of it.

Leos, who are accustomed to taking risks, astrologers have bad news for you: in 2018, you will have to live according to the established order of the Universe. The Year of the Earth Dog can be a difficult time for narcissistic Leos who are accustomed to sticking to their line in relationships or who are confident in their invulnerability to the arrows of Cupid. The coming 12 months will be truly shocking for you, especially if you have been on a “love diet” for a long time. Passion will take you captive, so powerfully that you will stop resisting. Life events will force you to admit that you are vulnerable to love, like most people. Your superhuman durability is just a simple farce.

The stars will open your eyes to inner imperfections, you will learn compassion, mutual respect and sensitivity. This year will be something of a struggle for you. 12 months will not pass without a trace and will leave behind the ruins of the old shackles, stereotypes and clichés. You won't notice large-scale changes if you don't dare to plunge headlong into the pool.


In the year of the Yellow Dog, Virgos will have to work on themselves, or rather, on their inner world. Deep down, you are stained with negativity, the pain of the past, grievances and fear of the new. You will have to fight back, but not alone, as you are used to doing, but together with your loved one.

In 2018, Virgos will easily refute the idea of ​​themselves as “crackers” and selfish people. The planets will open people's eyes to your inner world. What you are used to hiding under seven locks, others will begin to notice. First of all, those people who care about you will have access to this. This is a good year for emotional and intimate intimacy. To remain in a state of complete idyll, experts recommend reading love poems, rather than morals, to your passion. The only thing you need to avoid is sudden changes. Stop changing the direction of movement, follow the chosen path to the end. Don't go out of sight of the Universe this year, then luck will catch up with you.


The coming 12 months will take representatives of the Libra sign on a roller coaster ride. Mainly your mood and energy will suffer. This means only one thing - demands and tastes will change in 2018, most likely in an exotic direction. Your gaze will fall on the spiritual, intimate and material components of the relationship. The planets will show you your love union from a completely different perspective. Against this background, you cannot avoid problems in your relationship with your partner. Astrologers advise balancing interests and conquering yourself.

Any problems in a relationship must be resolved quickly and strictly. While you expect a lot from your partner, try to reward him for the sacrifices he makes for you. When applying for something, you must meet your needs. Avoid commercialism in 2018. Remember: anything can be bought, but not love.


The material component of relationships for Scorpios this year will become the most main problem. But astrologers advise not to pay increased attention to money - it is best to turn it on your own self. In 2018, all representatives of this constellation will become extremely attractive to the opposite sex. You will be especially irresistible in the eyes of your loved one. Be careful: priorities will be set automatically. This means that you will intuitively choose “passive initiative” for yourself. This course of action is much more effective than an open offensive. You will attract the attention of your other half, arouse burning interest in yourself and create some intrigue.

The stars advise you not to accumulate personal problems, but also not to focus too much attention on them. Act wisely and cunningly, use your hidden talent to achieve what you want without any battles.


A sober look at things will help Sagittarius attract love in 2018. Problems in relationships will overtake you inexorably quickly if you continue to act impulsively and domineeringly. It is possible that you yourself will find yourself in the grip of love addiction. Many of you will understand the meaning of the saying “the forbidden fruit is sweet.” You will fall into love's web and even forget about all your hard-earned principles if you continue to act on inspiration.

Astrologers recommend trying to rationalize your own feelings. Immerse yourself in creativity, ask your loved ones for advice if you suddenly find yourself in hopeless situation, but don't rely on your feelings. As soon as you give up, everything will go wrong. In the Year of the Dog, you will need great endurance and willpower so as not to accidentally find yourself in a trap of love. Don't live for one day, think about the future.


This year, Capricorns will experience a love unfreezing, and astrologers suggest that this will only be the beginning. The planets will line up in such a way that you will not allow yourself unnecessary liberties and will not rush things. However, a “flood of feelings” is guaranteed to you. You will be seized by a love obsession, all-consuming and paralyzing your will and mind. Don't be afraid: giving up now means voluntarily letting go of your happiness. Be decisive and confident.

The Year of the Dog will help you find love, relax and increase your sexuality. If you find the opportunity to move from words to action, the path to new level relationships. Don't be shy about your desires and fantasies, respond to flirting, go on dates and make new acquaintances. If you are already in a relationship, take responsibility and take the first step towards living together.


This year Aquarius should beware of strong feelings: you may get into love addiction. Do not confuse love with energetic attachment, otherwise you will face disappointments that will be very difficult to bear. Overcome the fear of loneliness that destroys every year huge amount marriages and other people's destinies. Don't be afraid that someone will leave you, - the right people remain under any circumstances. It is important that you understand this now: it is not scary to be alone, it is scary to live with the wrong person.

The forecast for 2018 shows that a star will shine next to Aquarius, some unusual person who will change a lot in your life. Passion should be added carefully to a love union - it is accompanied by affection. This year you will fall in love with renewed vigor, and no shortcomings of your partner will prevent you from deifying him. But be wise: rose-colored glasses glass breaks inside.


This year Pisces may migrate from the happiest Signs of the Zodiac to the section of the most unhappy and vice versa. The whole point is that the representatives of this constellation do not know how to properly spend their strength. They thoughtlessly give preference to everything that destroys them from the inside. It's time to open a new chapter of your novel and finally get rid of the garbage in your head and personal life. In 2018, single Pisces can find their happiness or guess where exactly to look for it.

The stars tell you: all the answers to your questions will lie on the surface. Therefore, learn to notice the signs of fate. Ask yourself often what you want from the relationship and from your partner. The Universe will answer you. Astrologers advise not to get too carried away in the search for meaning - it is better to trust your heart. Discover it for yourself, and then for the whole world. Don't be afraid of past disappointments, leave the past in the past - you are already a different person, so live here and now.

Vasilisa Volodina’s astrological forecasts are based not only on the influence of planets, but also on astropsychology. The TV presenter is sure that nothing is impossible for a person. We are all children of the Universe, and the one who lives in unison with it receives everything. Making your wishes come true is easy! The main thing is to start living according to the influence of cosmic impulses.

May this year be special for you and bring you happiness.