Astrological forecast for September from Angela Pearl. Horoscope for July from the famous astrologer Angela Pearl for all zodiac signs!

Angela Pearl is a well-known and sought-after astrologer who advises people around the world. Horoscope from famous astrologer for July 2017 will help you achieve success in all areas of life and avoid many troubles.

Angela lives permanently in Australia, travels the world and helps many people follow their life purpose.


For Aries, July will be ambiguous. At the beginning of the week, the Sun aspect can create internal tension and external conflicts with people dear to you, colleagues or neighbors. In the middle of the month, you need to show activity and determination: this is required by your patron planet Mars. On July 21, the energy of the planets will contribute to increased activity, new meetings and interesting acquaintances.


The first week of July may be tense due to the opposition between Mars conjunct the Sun and Pluto. Try to be extremely careful when driving vehicles and beware of theft. On July 6th, the influence of Venus can help you improve your financial condition. In the middle of the month, short trips, important business trips and new useful acquaintances are possible. At the end of the month, the position of the planets will contribute to changes in material sphere life.


For Gemini, the beginning of the month can bring financial problems. Negative influence planets can provoke theft, unexpected expenses and stress. Starting July 6, the positive energy of Venus in Gemini will help increase self-confidence and improve the quality of life. In the middle of the month, the placement of planets can contribute to internal changes and conflicts with a loved one. At the end of the month, trips, business trips and new useful acquaintances are possible.

Angela Pearl is a well-known and sought-after astrologer who advises people around the world. A horoscope from a famous astrologer for July 2017 will help you achieve success in all areas of life and avoid many troubles.

Angela lives permanently in Australia, travels the world and helps many people follow their life purpose.


For Aries, July will be ambiguous. At the beginning of the week, the Sun aspect can create internal tension and external conflicts with people dear to you, colleagues or neighbors. In the middle of the month, you need to show activity and determination: this is required by your patron planet Mars. On July 21, the energy of the planets will contribute to increased activity, new meetings and interesting acquaintances.


The first week of July may be tense due to the opposition between Mars conjunct the Sun and Pluto. Try to be extremely careful when driving vehicles and beware of theft. On July 6, the influence of Venus can help you improve your financial condition. In the middle of the month, short-term trips, important business trips and new useful acquaintances are possible. At the end of the month, the position of the planets will contribute to changes in the material sphere of life.


For Gemini, the beginning of the month can bring financial problems. The negative influence of planets can provoke theft, unexpected expenses and stress. Starting July 6, the positive energy of Venus in Gemini will help increase self-confidence and improve the quality of life. In the middle of the month, the location of the planets can contribute to internal changes and conflicts with a loved one. At the end of the month, trips, business trips and new useful acquaintances are possible.


The beginning of the month for Cancers can be quite difficult time. Opposition of planets can negatively affect your relationship with others, cause conflicts and disagreements. In the middle of the month, your social activity may evoke nostalgic memories; meeting old friends will be useful. At the end of the month, unexpected expenses are possible, which, however, will pay for themselves in a short time.

a lion

The beginning of July is complicated by the conjunction of Mars and the Sun in opposition to Pluto. There may be difficulties at work, conflicts in relationships with superiors and colleagues. On July 6, Venus in the 11th house will promote creative growth. In the middle of the month, the influence of Mercury can provoke problems with a loved one. At the end of the month, the influence of Mars can provide enough energy and strength to achieve your goals.


For Virgos, July 2017 may be a very ambiguous time. At the beginning of the month, opposition of planets can cause problems and quarrels with loved ones. Try to avoid conflict situations and control your words. In the middle of the month, the location of the planets will have a beneficial effect on your self-esteem and the opinions of others about you. At the end of the month, changes in the household sphere are possible: repairs, sale of property and purchase of household items.


For Libra, July promises to be quite calm. In the first week of the month, there may be minor problems at work, but you can easily overcome the difficulties if you put in enough effort. From July 6, the influence of Venus will begin to smooth out the situation and positively influence your self-esteem. In the middle of the month, the position of the planets will contribute to new beginnings, creative work and interesting acquaintances. At the end of the month, the energy of the patron planets can help you realize your dreams in a short time.


For Scorpios, this summer month can be extremely difficult. Opposition of planets can lead to internal contradictions and conflicts with loved ones. Venus can correct the situation in the middle of the month: its energy will help increase your self-esteem, harmonize relationships and improve physical well-being. At the end of the month, unexpected unpleasant discoveries or situations that require a colossal investment of energy are possible.

The whole truth about the influence of planets on people's destinies
Exclusive interview with a famous Australian astrologer
Angela Pearl. For the first time in Ukraine

It's no secret that the mighty of the world this, famous people and heads of large companies often have a personal astrologer, and even his office is next to their own. All this is not without reason, because calculating the influence of planets on a person will help not only to accept right decisions in business, but also to take fateful steps, and will also help when buying real estate or even in your personal life.

Today, the World Wide Web is simply teeming with recommendations from astrologers, gurus and other experts in the field of unfamiliar Everyday life Sci. And therefore, the influence of astrology on people's destinies long years was distorted, mainly due to the appearance large quantity incorrect horoscopes, as well as astrological video blogs, the forecasts of which often do not correspond to reality or promise the reader everything at once. After all, most often they are written by those who do not have a cat. special education and in general ideas about the influence of planets on the destinies of people.

The famous Australian astrologer with Slavic roots, Angela Pearl, decided to dot all the i’s in astrology and talk about the real influence of planets on humans in her exclusive interview.
Let us remind you that Ajela Pearl is personal astrologer many celebrities in the CIS, maintains her own constant video blog and has become known throughout the world for the fact that her predictions are correct and always come true.

Angela, hello, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule for this interview. With such knowledge of astrology, you can achieve success in any business. Are you involved in other areas of business, and how does knowledge of astrology help in this?

Yes, my schedule is really busy, because I receive more than 1000 letters a day from subscribers alone, which I try to pay attention to. As for astrology, this is my life. And accepting important decisions, I always check the horoscope and choose lucky days. Besides astrology, I have another passion - jewelry and especially pearls. Australia, where I live, is the country of the most beautiful and most expensive pearls in the world. Thanks to my knowledge of astrology, 10 years ago I opened a successful jewelry business, which is still thriving.

Now you are one of the most successful astrologers in terms of the number of subscribers on, more than 11 thousand around the world. Tell us how it all began?

The idea to create my own video blog came after I saw that the Internet is saturated with thousands of ridiculous astrological forecasts. I am always surprised by this, because people learned the same thing somewhere, so why then are their forecasts not connected with reality?! In my video blog, I decided to put an end to the misinterpretation of astrology and show the world a truthful approach to the horoscope and the influence of planets on each zodiac sign.

After all, not only the sun sign is important, but also the ascendant; many astrologers simply do not talk about this.
The Ascendant is the rising sign of the zodiac at the time of birth. It leaves an imprint not only on a person’s character, but also on his appearance. And wise experts in astrology can find out the sign of the ascendant just by looking at a person. It can also be calculated using the date, time and place of birth. Often the Ascendant sign is more important than the Sun zodiac sign.

The sign in which the Moon was at birth is also important. The moon is our emotions and how we react to events in our lives. And, therefore, this is what we do. Each person is a unique “cocktail” consisting of the signs of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. That's why full horoscope cannot be based only on the zodiac forecast.

Angela, you have a large number of fans and subscribers around the world, including celebrities. How do you deal with this?

I am grateful to subscribers for their attention to the blog. More than 10 thousand subscribers in four months! I am incredibly pleased to know that my blog is needed a huge number of people.
I was on vacation over the Christmas holidays, and after receiving more than 1000 emails asking me to post new video horoscope for February 2016, I realized that there is no turning back, and you are already like a kind of guide for a million people into the world of astrology.

Many astrologers in their blogs do not indicate how the movement of planets affects a person’s condition. And even the position they are in, retrograde or normal, radically affects the energy. Tell us simple people a little about this impact.

Yes, indeed the influence of the planets is undeniable. And this has been known since ancient times. For example, it is well known that during the Full Moon people become more emotional, which means they should not make important decisions.

In fact, the planets never move in the opposite direction, it just seems so to us relative to the Earth, when the speed of movement in the orbit of our planet is greater than the other. However, the energy of retrograde planets becomes more intense. For example, Mercury in astrology is responsible for information, contacts and documents. During periods Mercury retrograde The confusion in documents increases exponentially, information is lost, we cannot get through by phone to the right person, we tend to overthink or be inattentive. Therefore, it is not advisable to sign important documents or make deals during Mercury retrograde.

Angela, tell us about your education, and which famous astrologer do you consider your guru?

I am a linguist by training. I graduated from the University of Canber in Australia and before starting a business, I taught Russian at the Australian National University.

And thanks to knowledge in English, I became interested in books on astrology. Over the past 15 years, I have attended seminars by the world's leading astrologers in England, the USA and Australia.

I consider my teachers Bernadette Brady, Liz Green, Erin Sullivan, as well as many other astrologers from whom I received invaluable knowledge.

And now I understand that the time has come to become a teacher for others, because in the CIS there are not many sensible modern publications about astrology. Therefore, for everyone who thirsts for knowledge in this area, there are also training videos in my video blog. Later, based on it, I also plan to write a book.

How can people use astrology in everyday life, and what results can they achieve by correctly calculating the horoscope?

The energy of the planets is like a fair wind in the sails. You can easily sail through life, or you can row without a fair wind. In the first case, the journey will be easy and pleasant, and in the second, it will be exhausting and difficult. By knowing and using the energy of the planets, especially positive ones such as Jupiter and Venus, we can make our lives much easier. And by following the dates of the New Moon to start things, and the Full Moon to complete them, we will avoid delays. It's up to you to decide whether to make life easier or waste an immense amount of energy on things that do not promise success.

Angela, what does 2016 promise us, what will it be like for different zodiac signs?

2016 will be a year of change for many zodiac signs, as there is virtually no fixed or holding energy this year.

For example, Aries will be most lucky in work, and will also experience improved health.

Taurus are those who dream of meeting new love, this is your year, and those who are planning to add to the family will also be lucky.

Gemini is a great time to move and buy property.

Cancer - luck in studies and contacts, new acquaintances, as well as buying a car.

For Lviv, 2016 is a great year to increase finances and acquisitions.

Virgo kings and queens 2016, great year for any endeavors in your personal life and business. This is the year of making important decisions.

Libra - for you this is a year of freeing yourself from everything unnecessary and planning for the future. The year is also good for immigration.

Scorpios are a socially very active year, new circle friends, new hobbies, including romantic ones.

Sagittarians can expect a climb up the social ladder, new work opportunities and a career take-off.
Capricorns will be lucky in foreign trips, in studies and legal affairs. And also expect an increase in popularity.

For Aquarius, this is a year of investment, distribution of finances, and a mystical turn of events for the better is also possible.

And finally, for Pisces, 2016 will be a fantastic year for marriage and business partnerships.

Tell us a little about your video blog on YouTube “Angela Pearl”, who might find it useful?

In my video blog I talk about horoscopes in simple and accessible language. Additionally, I make educational videos for those interested in astrology. You don't need to have any special training. A website will be ready soon, where there will be a lot useful information, for example, how to cope with eclipses. This year there are as many as 4 of them. And together with the knowledge of astrology, it is easier to experience them!
I wish all the zodiac signs, without exception, all the best and success in all their endeavors!

Official Video blog of the astrologer:

Astrological forecast for September 2016

September 7 in the capital restaurant "Dom Griboyedov" at 19:00 there will be a meeting with the famous astrologer Angela Pearl, which is popular on all continents due to its positive approach to forecasts, as well as video horoscopes on the YouToube channel, which has received 2 million views.

Among her clients are the most influential businessmen and show business stars, and ordinary people, because, regardless of status, each of us has tasks for which we would like to get a hint or find out the direction of where to move next. And already at the beginning of autumn you have the opportunity to attend a meeting with astrologer Angela Pearl in Kyiv and get an answer to one of the most important questions.

Astrological forecast for September from the famous astrologer from Australia Angela Pearl

And today, especially for resource Angela will make an astrological forecast for the zodiac signs. And before moving directly to the forecast, I would like to note that September this year is a special month; it will bring many changes in the fate of each sign. And all because this month we will have 2 eclipses:

  • September 1, solar and lunar,
  • 16 of September.

Mercury, the planet responsible for documents, tickets, trips, information, will be retrograde until September 22 and can be confusing. Be careful and check that there are no errors, It’s better to postpone important purchases of equipment and phones until the 22nd.

And here Jupiter, the planet of luck, changes sign and Libra enters and will bring success as well as gifts to many signs this month.

Aries there will be changes at work, also September is a very good time for healing and changing your daily routine. During this period, work and health will come first.

Also September good time for Aries to complete things, as well as end relationships and get rid of the past, what is no longer needed. Jupiter will bring Aries a meeting with a loved one or a long-awaited marriage. For those who are in a relationship, September will bring you improvements in your family or between partners.


Taurus this month may expect love or a bright romance. If you want to get pregnant, then September is a great time to have a baby, start creative project or open your own business. The lunar eclipse on September 16 may also mean the end of a friendship or a break in relations with a friend or girlfriend, or you can find a group of interests, as in real life, and on the Internet.

Jupiter will bring good luck in terms of a new job, a raise or an increase in salary. Your health will also improve and your daily energy will increase.


The solar eclipse on September 1 may will bring changes to the family: such as the birth of a child, the wedding of a daughter, son, or a move, change of place of residence.

It is also possible to sell and buy real estate, at the beginning of the month. The second eclipse on September 16 will highlight changes in the profession, work and general direction in a career.

According to Jupiter, you may be lucky to meet a loved one, it could also be a significant meeting or very good news related to children, new hobbies or expanding your own business.

For Cancers, the sphere of contacts will increase many times over, a very good time to start an online business, launch a YouToube channel, and whatever you want to convey to a large number of people. For example, read a book or give a course of lectures, learn something. The end of the month is good for buying a car.

In the middle of the month, a lunar eclipse in your 9th house of meaning in life is a good time for learning and spiritual practices.

For Leos, eclipses will bring changes in financial affairs, income, possible job changes.

The lunar eclipse on September 16th also indicates financial matters, but related to other people or other institutions: repaying a loan, completing financial obligations, or registering an inheritance or other matters related to other people's money.

Jupiter will bring you luck in contacts, in dating, or good news about a brother or sister, as well as expanding your client base.

For Virgos, the eclipse is September 1 will bring big changes in life, especially for those whose birthday is on August 31st or September 1st-2nd, this is a year to remember. This could be marriage, the birth of a child, moving to another country, another city, or absolutely new job. An important time for Virgos is in the middle of the month. The lunar eclipse will highlight matters related to your partner. These may be matters related to a business partnership, as well as a husband or wife. For some Virgos, marriage in September, meeting their future husband or wife, is possible.

Jupiter, the planet of luck will bring you luck in finances. Perhaps you will find a new job or a new source of income or repay the debt; in any case, Virgos will be lucky in finances.

For Libra solar eclipse September 1 may bring immigration to another country. It may happen that someone from the past will return to your life, or vice versa you will get rid of your past, in which case you will remember what once happened to you.

September 16 - lunar eclipse in your house of work, perhaps a change of job, or something related to health, for example, a successful operation, since a lunar eclipse usually ends our problems, so recovery is possible.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, will bring you luck in any endeavor, because this planet is included in your sign. Also for many, marriage or meeting a future partner is possible. If you are planning a divorce, it will be very easy.


On September 1st there is a solar eclipse in your 10th house of career. If you want to change your job and open own business, It will be easy for you to implement this. The beginning of the month is a good time for ambitious work plans. And the eclipse will give you the opportunity to see the direction of activity.

September 16 lunar eclipse. It will bring you news that will complete the stage associated with real estate. Perhaps the apartment that you have been unable to sell for so long will be sold and you will finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Planet of luck Jupiter will promote Internet business and expanding contacts, and within a year you will reach a level you never even dreamed of.


Solar eclipse on September 1st will bring you new friends, expansion of contacts or new group according to interests, which will take your time and will remain for a long time.

The lunar eclipse on September 16th will bring you a new love or a new creative passion. September is a good time to start your own business.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, changes sign and will bring you luck in matters related to foreign countries, maybe it’s immigration, or it’s spiritual growth, everything related to religion, esoteric development. Perhaps decide to visit a monastery, or take up meditation. In September you can see prophetic dreams and you will even feel a guardian angel next to you.


The solar eclipse on September 1st will open up new opportunities for you: travel, opportunities, trips abroad, university studies, many Capricorns will begin to learn something new starting from September 1st.

And some may face legal obligations. And the lunar eclipse on September 16 - things with your sister, brother or news related to them will end. Cases dominated by contracts and communication will shift to new level. Perhaps you will open your website on the Internet, and many will recognize you.

Jupiter, the planet of luck will bring you success in your profession. A new job or promotion, an increase in salary is possible, some achievement will occur that you will be proud of.


For Aquarius A solar eclipse can bring an unexpected situation, this is something for which it is impossible to prepare. And also, this may be associated with an inheritance, with a lot of money and a new sexual intimate partner. And yours life situation may change dramatically.

The lunar eclipse on September 16th will bring changes to your financial situation, perhaps you will finish paying off the loan, or repay credit cards. This may also promise the emergence of a new source of income.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, will bring you luck in matters related to legal issues or in business and work are connected with abroad. And also those who want to meet foreigners. September is your time.

For Pisces, the solar eclipse on September 1st may bring long-awaited marriage or new partner. And for married couples changes in relationships are possible: either you change your partner, or your relationship will come to the fore.

On September 16, a lunar eclipse in your sign of Pisces can transfer to any area of ​​your life. It is possible to change your image, you will have a new hairstyle.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, will bring you good luck in terms of investments, other people's money. If you want to take out a loan, you will get it. In September there is also the possibility of receiving an inheritance for many fish.

If you liked the horoscope from Australian astrologer Angela Pearl, register for a meeting in Kyiv.

  • What: Meeting with famous astrologer Angela Pearl
  • When: September 7, 19:00
  • Where: restaurant "Dom Griboyedov" st. Malaya Zhitomirskaya 3A, Independence Square, Kyiv
  • Price entrance ticket: 500 UAH
  • Important: Before purchasing a ticket you must fill out the form registration .
  • Details by phone:+38095 490 98 38, Maria Borovenskaya, official representative of astrologer Angela Pearl in Ukraine.

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The energy of the planets is like a fair wind in the sails. You can easily sail through life, or you can row without a fair wind. In the first case, the journey will be easy and pleasant, and in the second, it will be exhausting and difficult. By knowing and using the energy of the planets, especially positive ones such as Jupiter and Venus, we can make our lives much easier. And by following the dates of the New Moon to start things, and the Full Moon to complete them, we will avoid delays. It's up to you to decide whether to make life easier or waste an immense amount of energy on things that do not promise success.
Contact us for astrological forecast, which will be compiled based on your date of birth, time of birth and information about your place of birth.


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Education: confirmed

I am a linguist by training. I graduated from the University of Canber in Australia and before starting a business, I taught Russian at the Australian National University. And thanks to my knowledge of English, I became interested in books on astrology. Over the past 15 years, I have attended seminars by the world's leading astrologers in England, the USA and Australia. I consider Bernadette Brady, Liz Green, Erin Sullivan, and many other astrologers to be my teachers, from whom I received invaluable knowledge. And now I understand that the time has come to become a teacher for others, because in the CIS there are not many sensible modern publications about astrology. Therefore, for everyone who is hungry for knowledge in this area, I am preparing video training. Later, based on it, I also plan to write a book.