It's fun to celebrate the New Year with your family. How to make your family New Year fun

Yes, it's coming again New Year. This means, again, running around the shops, multi-ton bags, salads, New Year's night gorging, a mountain of dirty dishes, “the sleepiest day of the calendar” - January 1... Lord, why does everyone love the New Year so much? So much trouble, but for what? We'll spend the whole night watching TV anyway. They say it is the most romantic holiday of the year. And what's romantic about it? Well, a Christmas tree, well, toys, well, candles...

By the way, what a cool Christmas tree we had last year - only three colors: red, white, green. Almost according to Krzysztof Zanussi. Green Christmas tree, red balls, red beads, white bows. Everyone gasped. Candles... My collection of candles! It started the year before last, when I was given such an amazing thick candle with a starfish and shells! I'll have to buy her a couple more girlfriends next year. And to be sure to match the new white curtains! I love White color- the color of freshness, sea ​​foam, the first snow... Oh, how I want snow! Fluffy, light, so twinkling under the stars! And New Year.

New Year again! This means searching for gifts, the rustling of wrapping paper in snowflakes and Santa Clauses, a mountain of surprises under the Christmas tree, festive table, salads, New Year's goose with apples, festive program on TV... So, stop! What TV? After all, this is New Year - the most romantic holiday of the year! And the most family-friendly... Eh, it’s a pity that you can’t organize a carnival in your family. And who said that it is impossible? Well, what could you come up with? What if:

1. Make blank masks so that everyone can choose who they will be for this evening and make themselves a mask (I will be a fortune teller).

2. Organize a competition for the most original “wish in an image”, i.e. come up with an unusual greeting on behalf of your character

3. Hold a toast competition. Daddy will probably like it. Possible options:
- just different toasts,
- distribute cards with the first part of the toast, and you need to come up with the second part yourself.

4. Play the "Fortune Lottery". Make crackers (or hearts) filled with:

Coin (wealth),
- candy (sweet life),
- fruit pit (rich harvest in the garden),
- key (apartment),
- a piece of fabric (new outfits),
- ticket (travel),
- vitamins (health),
- small trumpet (glory),
- theater program (social life)

5. Organize a competition for the best snowman. Since we're in the village, why not take the opportunity to tinker with the clean snow?

6. Come up with something for each family member comic horoscope. Well, it’s very simple! How many of them are printed before the New Year. I’ll somehow be able to take a ready-made one and put something very personal and funny into it for everyone.

7. Dress up our dogs as Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Since we have two of them, let them also take part in the family carnival.

8. Organize an exhibition of homemade Christmas tree decorations. Hmmm, you'll have to tinker with this. You can, of course, make them in advance, or you can make them at the same time as the masks.

9. Start a “Family Chronicle.” This is an idea! Combine this with the beginning of the third millennium. It will be the most real history families - family traditions, events, holidays, with photographs, notes, drawings. You can even find out the rating family values.

10. Make New Year's punch. My husband will do this. You just need to clarify the recipe so that your memory doesn’t fade away ahead of time.

11. If you still have some strength left, you can hold a Festival of Theater Arts, for example, stage a children’s fairy tale, but in a new way. It might just work if you're in the mood!

Family New Year is a responsible event. To ensure that the holiday is not a simple feast, you need to prepare for it in advance. It doesn’t matter what age the children are, the approach itself is important. The peculiarity of this holiday is that age limits are erased, because we were all children, and on this holiday Santa Claus allows us to become the same age as his children.

The first thing you can do is write a letter to Santa Claus with a request to congratulate Vasya and Masha on the New Year, and if the boy Vasya is 50 years old, then this is not a hindrance. The address is simple: Veliky Ustyug. Santa Claus. The letter will certainly arrive, and in order for the answer to arrive on time, the letter should be sent 1 - 3 months in advance. The technique has been tested and it works. You can write it together with the children, or make it a surprise, here are the options to choose from.

Stage 2 of preparation - Christmas tree decorations and home decoration. No expense is spared for this holiday. But making toys with children will bring many hours of pleasant communication. There is no need to be afraid to offer this to teenagers; maybe deep down they themselves want to be closer to their parents.

Stage 3 - holiday scenario. This is also a joint activity. Let everyone plan a competition and prepare their own prize for it. It could be a trinket bought in a store, preferably with meaning, or made with your own hands. The price of the prize is not in money, but in memory. And if after many years, the gifted mug will warm you not only with the warmth of tea, but also with memories - the gift was a success.

Stage 4 - pre-New Year traditions. They may have already developed in the family, or maybe they are just being laid, the main thing is that they are not a burden, but an important addition to the holiday. This could be a walk in a winter park or a skiing trip, a visit to the theater, you can run to relatives or friends “for 5 minutes” with congratulations, or heat the bathhouse. Even going to the grocery store together. It is important not what to do, but how.

5th stage - Christmas tree. Of course, you can dress it up in advance, but after standing for several days before the holiday, it may lose its relevance - the unforgettable aroma of pine needles and the process itself is already a holiday.

Stage 6 - preparing the table. You can involve family members to prepare meals. Young children will be pleased to help their parents, or they can share responsibilities, the main thing is that everyone is involved in the pre-holiday bustle. Of course, a lot can and should be done in advance so that preparing for the holiday does not tire you out and become a burden, but there is no escape from the pre-holiday bustle. Everyone knows from experience that a crowded table is just a waste of money and time. It often turns out that some dishes remain untouched. Therefore, you should not load the table with a large variety. 2-3 beautifully decorated dishes will create a festive mood, and the rest, as they say: “for the stomach.”

Stage 7 - holiday. You should not sit down at the table early, at least until 22-23 hours. Alternatively, you can put out a few light sandwiches, a bunch of grapes or an orange cut into slices. This symbolic feast will allow you to take a break from the main table, and the main activity will be competitions and the more dynamics in the entertainment, the better. Chiming clock, holiday greetings from every family member with humor and kindness. All this can be recorded on video. It's time for little children to go to bed, and adults can continue competitions, go to the slide or the city Christmas tree.

8th stage. After the holiday. This is the time to visit friends and relatives, don't forget to bring some competitions with you. A pleasant surprise may turn out to be an unforgettable surprise. Go to the city Christmas tree with your children or ski in the forest. It is important to prepare in advance. Buy tickets for celebrations, book places in holiday homes, sometimes six months in advance.

There are many options for celebrating the New Year and much depends on the circumstances. The main thing is that they be objective, and not rest on “I can’t and don’t want,” or on their own laziness.

New Year's Eve with your family should definitely leave pleasant memories for all members of a large or not so large family. To do this, you need to try to hold a celebration at the highest level.

The New Year, no matter where you celebrate it, at home, in the forest, at a party, at a corporate party, always carries the smell of pine needles and tangerines, glows with cheerful lights and sparkles with tinsel. At this time it is unusually fun, noisy, and the atmosphere is festively elegant.

The celebration of the New Year has been considered since ancient times family holiday. If throughout the year it is not possible to gather the whole family at one table, then this can be corrected by arranging a family New Year.

It will be very difficult for the organizers of this holiday, because the public has different ages and different interests. The older generation will want to sit quietly in front of the TV and, even if for the umpteenth time, watch everyone’s favorite pictures: “The irony of fate, or light steam", "Carnival night", "Zigzag of luck". You never know the wonderful New Year’s films that make your soul feel warm...

Little ones will tirelessly run around the Christmas tree, but young people need dancing, games, and humor. It’s not at all difficult to have a fun and interesting holiday. Of course, it needs to be organized through joint efforts, then the hostess will not feel tired and exhausted at the festive table.

It’s probably not in vain that they say that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Therefore, the holiday should be bright, joyful and with jokes. The first step is to decide where to celebrate the New Year. You can offer many options: at home, in the country, in the forest, in the city square.

Everything will depend on the amount the family has.

A holiday tour abroad or a round dance around a real Christmas tree in a winter forest can leave the same impressions if peace and harmony reign in the family.

In any case, the main accessory should, of course, be a Christmas tree. Handmade toys, especially if you entrust this important task to children, will bring even greater delight to all family members.

You definitely need to decorate the apartment: if a mother and daughter start baking a New Year’s cake, then the father and son can set up a Christmas tree at this time and dress it up in tinsel, rain and streamers. Children should be present both during cleaning and during preparation of the festive table.

A New Year's wreath made of fir branches on the door and flickering candles on the table look very beautiful and original. Windows and walls can be decorated with foil snowflakes, and there must be a multi-colored garland on the Christmas tree, on the windows and on the wall.

All these elegant crafts will give your apartment a festive and elegant look.

You can prepare small souvenirs in advance and place them on a plate for each guest. The youngest family members will accept their gifts with great admiration.

Before sitting down to the festive table, everyone present can be offered bright caps, ears, and masks. This will also bring a touch of joy and lift the mood of the household.

Interesting solutions for the family New Year

Greeting cards are an important part of the New Year's celebration. It will be very nice to receive paper congratulations made by yourself. Such gifts should be for every family member.

But figuring out how to give them as a gift is more difficult. If cards can be put on the table, hidden in a closet, then larger gifts can be given to Santa Claus or, as is customary in most families, put away under the Christmas tree. Each gift must be placed in colorful packaging.

Kids can demonstrate their abilities and talents in front of Santa Claus or relatives. After the performance, be sure to give the child a prize. Prizes can be different: small toys, puzzles, puzzles bought in a store, or baked gingerbread cookies in the form Christmas decorations, sweets and fruits, originally packaged.

When preparing and holding various kinds of competitions, it is necessary to control that they are not vulgar, because the team almost always includes children and elderly relatives. If the former cannot see or hear such things under any circumstances, then the latter will not feel entirely comfortable. Therefore, any competition and any joke should be as decent as possible.

A prepared video about relatives will be a very pleasant and interesting surprise. It can be made from frames different years, collected from the New Year holidays.

How pleasantly surprised your grandmother will be when she sees herself or her grandfather very young! Then the frame will be replaced by another, in which she will see her grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. This is how several generations will meet in one film.

One more no less interesting option. You can prepare humorous certificates of commendation or honor for each member of the household. The forms of such certificates or diplomas can be printed, or you can draw them yourself.

It’s not difficult to find a reason for an award for any person: one of the guys finished the semester with “excellent” marks, someone became more successful in physical culture, maybe there is a child in the family who has only recently learned to walk independently, and it would be desirable for the mother to be given a certificate for endless maternal care.

And one more thing: during the award ceremony, you can film everyone, this will already be ready-made material for the next event.

Ideas for a strong family, or how to please each other

What's a Christmas tree without a round dance? It would be a shame not to sing the most wonderful and beloved song, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...” on New Year’s holiday. Not only the little ones, but also all the adults will sing it with great pleasure. For every adult family member, this will be a return to childhood for a fraction of time.

An option for the next New Year is to make a wish box in advance, decorating it beautifully on the outside. Each family member writes a wish on a piece of paper, the fulfillment of which he expects in the coming year. The secret is not revealed to anyone. Kids can draw what they want.

Next, all the leaves are put into a box, the lid of which can be sealed or wrapped with tape. And at next year’s celebration, open the box: now everyone will be happy to read their note. Did everything come true?

Holding a lottery is an exciting event. You can organize it in different ways. But it is necessary to comply mandatory rule: All lotteries must be win-win.

You can hang snowflakes with ticket numbers on the tree, and on the back write what awaits the winner in the new year. You can purchase small souvenirs and gifts to give away in exchange for tickets.

Of course, between serving hot dishes, you can go outside, ride each other on a sled, roll in a snowdrift, play snowballs and explode fireworks. But the latter must be done in compliance with safety rules. Under no circumstances should we allow the holiday to be overshadowed.

We must remember that the New Year with your family means wealth and happiness.

One can only envy people whose home on a winter holiday evening is filled with joyful cries of relatives, because there are so many in the world who are forced to celebrate the occasion alone.

New Year's Eve with your family is a great reason to get together once again and remember interesting points from life, invent general plans, make each other's wishes come true.

After New Year's holiday All family members will long remember moments of shared fun, comfort and true happiness.