Encyclopedia of Marketing. Interesting and profitable business ideas for providing services

Entrepreneurship in our country is a relatively new phenomenon, which explains the lack of a modern level of entrepreneurial culture, an appropriate level of knowledge and experience among entrepreneurs who are forced to actually start their activities from scratch. At the same time, at the present stage of economic management, the service sector is an important source of mobilizing the potential for economic growth of regions and improving the quality of life of the population, which predetermines the need for its development in various sectors of the national economy. The development of service sector enterprises is directly related to the development of entrepreneurship in all areas of economic activity.
Entrepreneurial activity is understood as initiative, independent activity of citizens aimed at generating profit or personal income. The general meaning of entrepreneurship in the service sector comes down to starting your own business, which, in turn, is determined by the presence of desire and opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, entrepreneurship is characterized by the obligatory presence of an innovative moment, which allows us to consider it from the perspective of two main elements:
innovation activity as an entrepreneurial function;
— actions of the entrepreneur as the bearer and implementer of this function.
The economic essence of business activity in the service sector lies in the search and implementation of new types of services in various sectors of the economy in order to satisfy the explicit and potential demand of consumers. The objects of entrepreneurial activity are services provided that can satisfy certain needs offered on the market for acquisition, use and consumption.
However, the definition of “entrepreneur” includes small traders, farmers, the director of a large commercial bank, and owners of small service enterprises, which differ significantly in the nature and content of work. Therefore, it seems wrong to consider entrepreneurship as special kind professional activity. It is more expedient to proceed from the definition of entrepreneurship as an innovative economic activity carried out under conditions of risk and uncertainty and aimed at achieving profit. Entrepreneurs act, first of all, as persons who own or manage property, which they invest in their enterprise using hired labor. The distinctive features of entrepreneurial activity from a psychological point of view are: economic freedom; the opportunity to ensure a higher level of material well-being; the opportunity to more fully realize their professional abilities and inclinations; high responsibility for the results of their activities; lack of a guaranteed minimum income and risk of losses in case of failure; lack of help and patronage. These signs are especially characteristic of entrepreneurs operating within small and medium-sized enterprises.
The formation of the foundations of a market economy in Russia, as in a number of countries, is accompanied by the emergence of a large number of small and medium-sized organizations. The role of small and medium-sized businesses in a market economy is significant - it is its essential part, the basis and integral component of the competitive market mechanism.
Small and medium-sized businesses, dynamically responding to changing market conditions, endow the market economy with the necessary flexibility and adaptability. These features are of particular importance in modern conditions due to the increased individualization and differentiation of consumer demand, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, and the expansion of the range of services provided. Small and medium-sized business structures mobilize significant financial and production resources of the population (including labor and raw materials), unclaimed in its absence. Small and medium-sized businesses make a significant contribution to the formation of a competitive environment, which is of paramount importance for the domestic economy in modern conditions. It is difficult to overestimate the role of small and medium-sized businesses in solving the employment problem. Finally, it is necessary to note the importance of small and medium-sized businesses in overcoming social tensions and in the democratization of market relations, since it is small and medium-sized businesses that are the fundamental basis for the formation of the “middle class” and, consequently, the weakening of the tendency towards social differentiation inherent in a market economy. All these and other properties of small and medium-sized businesses, especially in the service sector, make their development the most important factor in Russia’s economic growth. Without small and medium-sized businesses, a market economy is unable to function and develop effectively. Consequently, their formation and development is a strategic task economic policy during the transition to a socially oriented market economy.
Summarizing experience developed countries, as well as the original domestic one, E.P. Kulik notes that the progressive movement of small and medium-sized businesses is: the most important factor in successfully solving the problems of forming competitive, civilized market relations; expanding the range and improving the quality of goods (works, services); bringing the production of goods and services closer to specific consumers; promoting economic restructuring; giving it flexibility, mobility, maneuverability; attracting funds from the population for the development of production; creating additional jobs, reducing unemployment; formation of a social layer of owners, owners of enterprises (firms, companies); intensification of scientific and technological progress; promoting the activities of large enterprises; liberation of the state from low-profit and unprofitable enterprises through their lease and purchase. These and other economic and social functions of small and medium-sized businesses place their development among the most important government tasks and make them an organic part of the state’s economic policy.
Despite this, small business in the Russian Federation is still poorly developed (table). In the country as a whole, the share of small business in the service sector in GDP does not exceed 15.5%. Meanwhile, in EU countries, small and medium-sized businesses account for more than half of the generated GDP. The total number of small businesses in individual countries is also impressive: 2.3 million in Germany; 6.5 million in Japan; 19.3 million in the US.

Development of small business in the Russian Federation Source: Economic Newspaper. - 2008. - No. 16 (April). — p.1.

The goal of entrepreneurship is not only to make a profit at the moment, but to obtain even greater profits by intensifying activities in the market. The environment in which business activity is carried out determines the characteristics of the areas of activity, the largest part of which relates to intermediary activities, and not to purely production ones. The transition to market relations predetermines a change in the tasks of the service sector, the system of generating income for service sector enterprises, as well as the formation of new organizational and legal structures that are adequate to the requirements of the time.
Successful development of entrepreneurial activity in the service sector is possible only with the formation of diverse organizational forms of enterprises and their management systems, because Today, the main problems of entrepreneurship development are: insufficient level of management and marketing of innovative and commercial activities of service sector enterprises; the level of organization of enterprises is not adequate to market requirements; low professional level of personnel, etc., these problems simultaneously act as factors inhibiting the formation and development of the service sector in various industries.
In modern conditions everything higher value For the functioning and development of service enterprises, especially small and medium-sized forms, the organization of sales of services acquires entrepreneurship, creative initiative, competence and efficiency. To do this, it is necessary to study and apply the experience of developed countries of the world and Europe, where large labor and financial resources are concentrated.
The commercial activities of service sector enterprises should consist of solving a set of tasks of a different nature: collecting data from market research of the services market; timely and high-quality provision of services to consumers in accordance with contracts (orders); ensuring the communicative system of relationships among all participants in the process of production and sales of services, etc. With this approach, it becomes obvious the need to forecast and conduct marketing research to formulate plans to expand the range of services provided, their structure, sales channels, attracting consumers, etc. Transformations in the country's economy place new demands on enterprise management, changing its focus on quality, profitability and range of services.
When developing a system for managing business activities in the service sector, it is necessary to take into account the distinctive socio-psychological features of entrepreneurship in Russia, associated with the specifics of historical development, national traditions, and the characteristics of the current state of the economy, politics and culture of Russian society. This approach can adapt the management tools used to the specifics of regional and sectoral changes. Entrepreneurial activity in the service sector will provide jobs for a large number of the working-age population of the region, because has significant labor-absorbing capacity. This should contribute to the sustainable development of various areas of the region.
An entrepreneur’s own business can be organized different ways: through the purchase of an existing one, the establishment of a joint venture with other individuals or legal entities, the creation of a new enterprise. Last way associated with the presence of a new idea. A freely emerging market situation requires the presence of a wide range of service enterprises of various specializations, types of activities, industry affiliations, and forms of ownership. However, statistics show that, since 2000, the number of business structures in the service sector, especially social ones, began to decline, and the volume of paid services to the population by type is very limited.
On the territory of Dagestan in 2009, paid services worth 53,452.8 million rubles were provided to the population (which in comparable prices is 12.2% more than in 2008), of which 76.0% were transport, communication, housing and communal services and household services. And other types of services, especially cultural, educational and medical, tourist, sanatorium and health-improving, necessary and possible climatic conditions regions that contribute to the development of the social sector of the economy occupy an insignificant place in the structure of the volume of paid services (10%). The share of expenses for paying for services in the consumer baskets of the population of Dagestan was 15.1% in 2009, which corresponds to the level of the previous year (in 2008 - 15.3%).
Of the total volume of paid services, small enterprises of the republic provided services worth 29,818 million rubles, which is 55.7% (in 2008 - 40,671 million rubles, or 70.5%). Such a significant decrease over the year in the share of small enterprises in the volume of paid services provided to the population indicates a deterioration in the situation with entrepreneurial activity of small businesses in the region.
The role of the service sector in shaping the regional economy correlates with the material sphere and has a certain sectoral focus. Thus, the contribution of trade and Catering comparable with industry (18%), housing services - with construction (5%). Significantly increased over last years the number of business structures in such industries as finance, credit, insurance, cultural sphere, healthcare, housing and communal services, etc. In general, all the main trends in the development of the service sector can be considered in accordance with general structural changes, taking into account the general conditions conducive to increasing employment in the service sector. Therefore, we can talk about the relationship between the expansion of the sphere of material production and the growth of labor productivity with the development of the service sector.
The development of a labor market that meets the requirements of the time is hampered by a whole range of problems that have arisen in connection with changes in the economic formation, irrational structural transformations, as a result of which there has been a decrease in the level of employment of the population against the backdrop of an economic downturn, an increase in hidden unemployment, which is specific to the Russian form of employment, and also an increase in the number of truly unemployed. At the same time, statistics show a decrease in the economically active population, a deterioration in the financial situation of the unemployed, caused by the imperfection of benefits and delays in payments. Solving the employment problem can help accelerate economic reforms, which should be facilitated by the development of service sector infrastructure and the creation of small and medium-sized business structures that create new jobs. To solve employment problems, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of the service sector, covering consumer services, housing and communal services, tourism, where human labor is used and its high qualifications are not required.
The development of consumer services for the population as a whole has a positive trend, with the overwhelming majority of household services in the republic (in 2009 - 90.6%) accounting for eight types of services: repair, painting and sewing of shoes (9.4%); repair and sewing of clothing, fur and leather products, hats and textile haberdashery products, repair, sewing and knitting of knitwear (7.0%); repair and construction of housing and other buildings (30.3%); hairdressing salons (14.3%); rental (10.4%); repair and maintenance of household radio-electronic equipment, household machines and appliances, repair and manufacture of metal products (6.5%); maintenance and repair Vehicle, machinery and equipment (10.4); manufacturing and repair of furniture (2.8); These services are primarily provided by small businesses and organizations, rather than by individual individuals.
Shoe repair services, furniture manufacturing, photo studios, ritual services, i.e., have sustainable development. entrepreneurs who have adapted to new business conditions can adequately respond to changes in environmental factors and market conditions. The most significant positive dynamics in 2009, compared to the previous year, there were 3 types of household services: services for the manufacture and repair of furniture (increase in the volume of services by 2.7 times), services for repair, painting and sewing of shoes (increase in the volume of services by 1.5 times) , photo studio services (increase in the volume of services by 1.5 times). Housing repair and construction services, on the contrary, show the opposite trend (a 30% decrease in the volume of services provided).
The overall labor intensity of household services is quite high, which requires a high price, narrowing the circle of potential customers.
An analysis of the development of the service sector in the region shows that the most problematic sectors remain social security and social services, which require government support and regulation of financial flows in favor of population groups in need of such support. Many sectors of the social sector are not adapted to new economic conditions, despite the presence of mass demand for the services of these sectors. Such industries include healthcare (medical services), education, and the intellectual sphere, despite the fact that there are already certain positive trends in the development of services in these industries. The scale of medical, educational, and cultural services that are provided directly to each individual should reflect the level of interest of the state in preserving the health and increasing the level of knowledge, intelligence and culture of its citizens.
Most business structures in the service sector are private (70% of total number) and municipal (22%). The share of liquidated enterprises and organizations in the service sector in relation to newly registered ones over the last year is about 20%. Despite the fairly rapid development of the services market, there is no effective impact of the functioning of the service sector on GDP growth in the region. This is explained by many factors in the socio-economic development of the region and its territorial characteristics. However, the main problem hindering the development of entrepreneurship in the service sector is the lack of effective management at all levels. Tax conditions hinder the growth of activity of entrepreneurs working in the service sector in many sectors of the regional economy. Adopted at the highest level and currently in effect, regional programs to support small and medium-sized businesses are aimed at creating general market conditions for the functioning of the service sector without taking into account the tasks of their financing, stimulating entrepreneurial activity, the specifics of regional territories, and coordination with the development goals of the region and the country as a whole. This discrepancy predetermines the emergence of many problems associated with the lack of coordination of economic and social interests and the tendency towards commercialization of the social sphere. Industry management bodies do not coordinate the interests of the development of their industries with the interests of social groups living in a particular territory. In the region at present, there are practically no organizational forms for identifying the interests of the population and service sector enterprises, while the formation of a consumer market is impossible without a comprehensive study of the factors influencing its development.
When implementing these management functions and forming a mechanism for managing the development of the service sector at the regional level, it is necessary to take into account the objective circumstances that are emerging today:
— differences in the level of socio-economic development of individual regions;
— the presence of enterprises with different legal forms and forms of ownership;
— the degree of influence of the state on their activities;
— organizational, economic and legal support by the state for the implementation of regional policy objectives;
— infrastructural support for the functioning and development of the service sector in various sectors of the regional economy.
The social orientation of the service sector management system, when achieving its goals, must be maintained in the process of development of enterprises, industries, and the region as a whole. In a developed market economy, the main element is the consumer as a representative of the middle class, whose consumer basket includes a certain standard of consumption of services. The consumer basket is constantly reproduced at the expense of the middle class’s own incomes, and is ensured through the market of equilibrium between the demand for services of various nature and proposals from business structures. This approach ensures wide access of the population to services without government participation, thanks to the high paying capacity of consumers and the developed business sector of services. In Russia, a situation has arisen where, as a result of economic reforms, the living standards of the population have fallen sharply. Therefore, despite the rapid development and spread of entrepreneurship, the effective demand of the population remains low and does not allow the service sector to develop effectively, especially knowledge-intensive and intellectual industries. In other words, with low effective demand of the population, the market mechanism and private entrepreneurship are not able to solve the problem of wide availability of various types of services, which predetermines the need to develop and implement regional policies aimed at developing a system of goals, objectives, legislative, economic measures for the development of the service sector, maintaining stability in the field of employment, environmental protection, etc. The methodological prerequisite for the implementation of such a policy is a clear definition of the functions of management and regulation, i.e. what social needs of the population and in what way are provided by the region in the process of its functioning. Therefore, the main feature of managing the development of the service sector is the management of a significant part of industries and enterprises by the state. Economic function regional management in this case consists of the most appropriate use of material, labor and financial resources to meet the needs of the population and ensure the necessary standard of living.
Taking into account the basic provisions of the functioning of the management system for the development of the service sector and relying on the trends of modern management, the management system should reflect, first of all, a turn towards the person - the consumer of services, expand the use of market mechanisms, and increase attention to the prevention of problems arising in the process of development of the service sector. At the same time, the problem of information support remains complex, the solution of which should be reduced to assessing the position of the country, region and enterprises in certain industries in which the service sector operates, to determining the real state of innovation activity in the region, competing enterprises, which will help determine industry and regional areas of state support for business activities in the service sector. The objectives of information support for business activities in the service sector must be adequate general directions reform and development of statistics in the region (country), consisting of the following:
— adaptation of statistics to changes occurring in the socio-economic sphere;
— ensuring the timeliness of formation, completeness and efficiency of statistical information through progressive monitoring methods;
— improving the quality of information through interaction with information systems of other regions;
— effective provision of all categories of users with the necessary statistical information;
— strengthening the role of the regional level in the formation of statistics of innovation and the dynamics of the results of entrepreneurial activity in the service sector.
The weak development of infrastructure to support small businesses offering a high-quality set of necessary services at an affordable price is a necessary area of ​​government support. At the same time, the infrastructure must be equally accessible and have a “throughput” adequate to the needs of small businesses. To develop entrepreneurship in the service sector, you can use the mechanism of support for small businesses by large businesses, which should become one of the important directions in the policy of state economic regulation. Considering the importance of the infrastructure for supporting entrepreneurship in the service sector, performing social function, its development must be partially or fully financed from public funds. With partial government funding, additional funds from entrepreneurs and financial resources from private sources can be attracted on a non-profit basis. Infrastructure support for small businesses is based on conditions that differ from market ones: free consultations, services at reduced prices, low-priced rent, etc., which is fundamentally different from the system of enterprises and organizations specializing in the provision of commercial services of various types.
However, objectively there are internal problems development of civilized entrepreneurship in the service sector, which include the following:
— low level of socio-economic development of the Dagestan region as a whole;
— low standard of living of the population;
— uncompetitiveness of products and services;
— unfavorable investment climate in the region;
— obsolescence of fixed assets;
- the republican budget deficit and the complete financial dependence of the Republic of Dagestan on revenues from the federal center.
At the same time, serious problems remain the lack and inconsistency of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, their inability to adapt to the functioning of the republic’s economy, the lack of a mechanism for implementing the rights, powers and responsibilities of management structures at the highest level, and the lack of a rational system for managing business activities in the service sector.

The sphere of providing services to the public is an attractive niche to open own business. Centuries-old business practice proves that services remain in demand even in conditions of economic downturn during a crisis.

And if you add some special “zest” to your own business that the consumer will like, a small business can generate a stable and quite significant income.

Any private enterprise requires a competent approach and knowledge of all promotion issues. Often, many beginning businessmen neglect to monitor the pros and cons of their business and make mistakes, slowing down the start and development of their own business.

The consumer services sector has a number of undeniable advantages over other market segments. Even during the war, people did not stop sewing clothes, getting their hair cut at the hairdresser's or washing in the bathhouse. Today, this niche provides a more expanded range, which only adds to the attractiveness of this type of business.

So, its advantages:

  • Starting a business is possible with little or even no investment.
  • Ease of management compared to trade or production.
  • Great opportunities for providing discounts, bonuses, and promotions.
  • Services are able to advertise themselves, which allows you to save on media advertising.

The disadvantages of such a business are insignificant and, most likely, may appear due to the personal incompetence of the entrepreneur himself and his inability to compete. But you shouldn’t forget about them:

  • The appearance of active competitors nearby can bring all your initiatives to a standstill.
  • If the service is unknown to most consumers, then it will have to be widely advertised, spending a lot of money.
  • Poor quality of service can create spontaneous anti-advertising.

However, a talented entrepreneur and professional in his field can always turn any shortcomings of a business into advantages and make them work “for themselves.” But to become such an entrepreneur, you need to have a really good understanding of the field of activity and the target audience for which the project will be created.

You can learn how to start your activity in this area from the following video:

Options for effective directions

It should be noted that you can open your own service business from scratch without major investments, opening an office or creating a staff.

The most successful entrepreneurs at the start of their business become an employee, an accountant, and a director all rolled into one. This move not only allows you to save on investments, wages and other expenses, but also to “grope” for the prospects of a given direction.

Repair and finishing

All people periodically need repairs to their apartments and houses, electrical wiring, sewer and water supply networks, as well as household appliances. If you are a professional in this field, why not offer your services.

All you need at the first stage:

  • Placing advertisements in newspapers and the Internet.
  • Tool.
  • The phone number that clients will call.

Active advertising in the form of a small module in a newspaper of free advertisements may be needed only at first, and then your clients will be friends and acquaintances of those for whom you have already made a high-quality apartment renovation or replaced the electrical wiring.

Subsequently, you can assemble a team and apply for larger projects.


This service is in great demand in major cities. Anything can be delivered to the client's address:

  • Flowers.
  • Food (pizza, sushi, grocery items from the supermarket).
  • Tickets to the theater, circus, museum.
  • Medicines from the pharmacy.
  • Alcohol.

On initial stage you can do without any investment at all by introducing yourself in leaflets printed on your home printer. Leaflets can be posted on the entrances of houses so that residents can find your phone number at any time, remembering that it is possible to order delivery.

For the project you will need a car. If you have it, that's half the battle. Next, it would be a good idea to enter into agreements with small cafes, pizzerias, and Japanese cuisine studios that cannot afford to deliver food to people on their own.

Nanny or caregiver

Today, having a pedagogical or medical education, few people want to go to work in a kindergarten or clinic because of the low salary. If you are knowledgeable in this area, then an agency providing such services can become a profitable business.

True, here it will be especially necessary be meticulous in recruiting staff, because this is exactly the type of activity when a poorly provided service will quickly create anti-advertising for your project. Trusted employees can be found at their previous place of work in their specialty or through recommendations.

Taxi service

Even if your city already has several services, yours, with the right approach, can become the most successful. In this project, everything depends on the cost and quality of the service.

If your taxi arrives very quickly and the cost of the trip is low, customers will prefer to use a new operator, forgetting about the one they used before. In addition, services that award clients bonuses for each trip are in great demand.

To organize such a project you will need:

  • Office.
  • Dispatchers.
  • Computers equipped with headphones with a microphone.
  • Software.
  • Car park.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem. Renting an office can be inexpensive, because all you need is a small space on the outskirts of the city, and not in a large business center. Dispatchers can be hired under an agreement with the employment center and receive a good percentage for their employment.

The software can be purchased via the Internet; as a rule, sellers also provide remote installation.

To open a taxi service completely it is not necessary to buy a whole fleet of cars. In any city there are always many drivers with personal cars who are ready to earn extra money as a taxi driver. Offer them profitable terms and install your software on their smartphone.

Cell phone repair

Most of us can no longer imagine how it was possible to exist without a mobile phone just a couple of decades ago. Therefore, problems with your phone can be very upsetting and disrupt your usual way of life. Of course, the stores have cell phone models for every choice. But do you always have the funds to purchase a new device?

Phone repair is a profitable business. Often in shopping centers You can see how people approach the counter installed in the aisle and receive a repaired mobile phone or hand over a broken one for repair. Everything you might need:

  • Receipt and delivery point.
  • Accessories.
  • Advertising on social networks and local newspapers.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to purchase a large number of spare parts at once. If the established repair period is 3-4 days, then you can purchase the necessary spare part after determining the cause of the problem.

Photo printing

Almost all people have cameras and mobile phone cameras, and most of them love to take photographs. But not everyone has the opportunity to capture a significant moment in life or just a successful photo on paper. Small points of instant photo printing, located in different parts of the city in shopping centers, take up little space, but bring good income to their owners.

All that may be needed at the initial stage is space rental, printer, computer and photo paper. Additional profit for the service can come from the sale of related products - photo frames, albums, souvenirs, as well as printing on dishes, T-shirts and artistic photo printing.

Marriage Agency

Many people cannot find their soulmate on their own, and you can help them with this. Good marriage agencies are always in demand and bring good profits with small investments.

To open such a business, you will need a well-designed premises, where a person would feel comfortable when he comes to it. Active work on social networks will help to collect a detailed database of brides and grooms. And all you need to do is receive applications, process them and offer clients suitable options. And every newly created couple in love is your profit and salary.

How to choose the right option?

The choice of idea for starting a business depends on many factors that can make the business you start successful and highly profitable.

  • First, assess your level of competence in the chosen area. If you are not good at it, consider whether it is worth opening such a project.
  • Secondly, try to calculate how popular the service you offer may become. If there are already several similar organizations in the area where you are planning to open your business, you may not be able to “outrun” existing competitors.
  • Third, assess the risks. You must determine exactly why clients will come to you and not to a competitor, what you can offer them, and why your service will be better.

If all your questions receive only positive answers, feel free to start your own business. And remember that only high-quality provision of services will help you achieve success in the service sector.

Baltic State Academy

Fishing Fleet

Department of Marketing

“Commerce in the service sector”

Completed by: 1st year student

groups K-11

Efimov Artem

Scientific supervisor: associate professor of the department

Marketing Matveeva E.A.

Kaliningrad 1999


> Types and sectors of services

> Essence of the service

> Main characteristics of the service

> Classification of services

> The role of services in the economy




The life of a modern person, one way or another, is connected with services. After all, to

trade in services includes the provision of public goods, communications, and

banking business, and wholesale and retail trade, transportation,

as well as insurance, legal, medical, educational services and

etc. Both state income and company profits depend on the quality of services.

comfort, safety, and consumer welfare.

The connection here is direct and obvious: quality services attract attention,

make you want to use them to make your life easier. Gradually

the emerging positive situation in retail trade allows

consumers to compare one service with another, and also encourages

competitors to provide constantly improving services while ensuring

their qualities.

The need to develop the service sector requires significant restructuring

consumption structure of the population, a significant increase in the share of services and

reducing the share of material consumption. It is necessary fundamentally

improve the quality and culture of service, expand the network of relevant

enterprises, increase the volume of sales of services, introduce their new types and

forms (this is especially beneficial for the Kaliningrad region, which is visited by

a large number of tourists).

One of the main phenomena of American reality is

gigantic growth in the service sector. Today it accounts for 73% of jobs from

the number remaining after deducting all those employed in agriculture. For

comparison: in Germany, 41% of the workforce is employed in the service sector, in Italy - 35%.

Growing prosperity, increased free time and

the increasing complexity of products requiring maintenance has turned

The United States of America is the world's first service economy.

Types and sectors of services

Service industries are extremely diverse. To the service sector

This includes the public sector with its courts, labor exchanges, hospitals,

loan offices, military services, police, fire department, post office,

regulators and schools, and the private non-profit sector with its

museums, charities, churches, colleges, foundations and

hospitals. The service sector also includes a good part of the commercial sector with

its airlines, banks, computer service bureaus, hotels,

insurance companies, law firms, consulting firms

management issues, private practitioners, film companies,

repair of plumbing equipment and real estate companies.

Service sectors:

1. Airlines.

2. Transport organizations (railway, waterway, road).

3. Hotel management.

4. Insurance companies.

7. Household services.

Along with traditional industries, service industries are constantly emerging

new services. There are companies that will help you for a fee.

balance your budget, wake you up in the morning, take you to work or

they will find a new house, a new job, a new wife, a fortune teller, etc.

Maybe you'd like to rent a garden tractor, a few heads

cattle or several original paintings? If

you need business services, other firms will plan your participation in

conferences and trade meetings, develop the right products for you,

will process the necessary data or place temporary

secretaries and even managers.

Essence of the service

Services refer to a huge variety of activities and

commercial activities. The service is defined as follows:

Service - any activity or benefit that one party can

offer another and which are largely intangible and do not lead to

taking possession of something. Production of services may or may not be

associated with the product in its material form.

Renting a hotel room, putting money in the bank, traveling by plane,

visiting a psychiatrist, getting a haircut at a hairdresser, getting a car repaired,

In all these cases we purchase services.

Services have four characteristics:

1. Services are intangible. They cannot be seen, tasted or heard.

or smell it before purchasing. Woman "renewing her face"

cosmetologist, will not see the results until he buys the service, and the patient,

who comes to see a psychiatrist cannot know the result in advance

visits. The buyer is forced to simply take the seller's word for it.

To build trust among clients, a service provider can

take a number of specific measures. Firstly, it can increase the tangibility of its

goods. Specialist in plastic surgery can draw how it will be

look like the patient's face after surgery. Secondly, he can not only

describe your service and focus on the benefits associated with it. So,

A college admissions representative can tell potential

students not only about campus life, but also about how wonderful

graduates of this institution are employed after graduation. Thirdly, for

increasing the degree of trust the supplier can come up with for his service

brand name, for example, the company “Ideal Service” (luxury vacation),

service "On the red carpet" (i.e. as distinguished guests of honor). IN-

fourth, to create an atmosphere of trust, the supplier can involve

promoting your service to any celebrity.

2. The service is inseparable from its source, be it a person or a machine, then

how a product exists in material form regardless of the presence or

the absence of its source. Let's take a visit to Mark's concert for the reception

Almonda. Entertainment value is inherent in the performer.

The service will no longer be the same if the presenter announces that Almond is unwell and

will replace Masha Rastputin. This means that the number of possible buyers

services, i.e. those wishing to attend a “live” performance by Marc Almond,

will be limited to the time of the performer’s concert tours.

There are several strategic approaches to overcome this

restrictions. The service provider can learn to work with more

numerous groups of clients. Psychotherapists have already switched from

therapy of individuals or small groups to work with large audiences,

when more than 300 people are present at a psychotherapy session at once.

The service provider can learn to work quickly. The same

a psychotherapist can spend not 50, but 30 minutes on each patient. And

accept many more people. The service organization can prepare

a larger number of service providers and thereby strengthen their credibility with

on the client side, as, say, H. & R. Block did, expanding

its nationwide network of tax advisors.

3. Inconsistency of quality. The quality of services varies widely

depending on their suppliers, as well as on the time and place of their provision. IN.

Sassoon will cut your hair much better than a young man who has just graduated

hairdresser. But Sassoon himself can cut your hair differently depending on

your physical condition and state of mind at the time of the haircut.

Buyers of services are often aware of such variations in quality when choosing

The service provider is consulted with other buyers.

To ensure quality control, service firms may conduct two

Events. First, allocate funds to attract and train

present good specialists. Airlines, banks and hotels are spending

significant sums to train their employees in the art of good service. IN

At any Marriott hotel, the visitor will be greeted by equally helpful and

friendly workers. Secondly, the service provider must constantly monitor

monitoring the degree of client satisfaction through a complaint system and

offer, surveys and comparison shopping to identify

cases of unsatisfactory service and correction of the situation.

doctors also charge fees for patients who do not show up for appointments, is that

that the value of the service existed at the time the patient failed to appear. IN

under conditions of constant demand, service failure is not a problem,

because it is possible to properly staff the organization in advance. And here

if demand fluctuates, service firms face serious challenges.

For example, taking into account the demand for transportation during peak hours, enterprises

public transport we have to have much more transport

funds than would be necessary given a constant level of demand for

throughout the day.

From the demand side

1. Establishing differentiated prices can shift part of the demand from

peak times for periods of calm. Examples of this "approach" include:

Establishment low prices for early evening screenings in cinemas and prices from

discount on car rentals during the weekend.

2. You can intentionally cultivate demand during periods of decline. Firm

McDonald's has come up with special breakfasts for children called “Happy”

Meal”, and hotels began offering weekend mini-vacation programs.

3. During periods of maximum demand, you can offer Additional services V

as an alternative for waiting customers, e.g.

set up a cocktail bar for visitors waiting for a table in a restaurant or

access to an ATM machine.

4. One way to manage the level of demand is to introduce systems

pre-orders. Such systems are widely used by airlines,

systems and doctors.

From the supply side

1. To serve customers during periods of maximum demand, you can

engage temporary or part-time employees. At

increasing the number of college students attracts additional

teachers for temporary work, and the restaurant, if necessary, hires

additional number of waitresses for temporary work.

2. You can establish a special work schedule during peak load periods. IN

At such times, employees perform only the most necessary duties. IN

During the period of maximum workload, doctors are assisted by nursing staff.

3. You can encourage clients to do more work themselves, who

can fill out their own medical records themselves or independently:

package store-bought products.

4. A service delivery program can be developed jointly, such as

in cases where several hospitals jointly purchase what they need

medical equipment.

5. Action can be taken to enable growth of existing

capacity, as in cases where an amusement park acquires

surrounding land plots for further expansion.

Service commerce includes the rental of goods, modification or repair

goods owned by consumers and personal services. Sometimes they mix

goods and services. However, when we purchase the use of a hotel room, we

We take nothing with us except the memory of our stay. Although

the consultant's products may take the form of an intertwined message,

consumer buys mental capacity, not paper and ink.

Classification of services

Among the first attempts to classify services, the ideas of which received their

further development should include the work of Stanton and Judd,

Stanton differentiates services provided on a commercial basis by 10

groups including:

1. housing services;

2. family services (home repairs, landscape maintenance, residential cleaning

premises, etc.);

3. rest and entertainment;

4. individual sanitary and hygienic services (wash, dry

cleaning, cosmetic services, etc.);

5. medical and other health services;

6. private education;

7. business and other professional services (legal,

accounting, consulting, etc.);

8. insurance and financial services;

9. transport services;

10. communications services.

In this list we would like to draw attention to the seventh group, in which

The term professional includes diversified services. IN

later this idea served as the basis for one of the fundamental

signs of classification of services in, namely:

their division into professional and non-professional


Judd proposed his scheme for classifying services, highlighting three fundamental

Services related to physical goods that the customer owns and

which he uses, but not as an owner;

Services related to proprietary physical goods

Services not related to physical goods.

Note that Judd’s idea of ​​identifying the nature of the connections between services and physical

goods undoubtedly served as a prototype for a number of characteristics that

today they are used in various marketing classification schemes. IN

in particular, two years later, in 1966, Rathmell3 published

research results on the structure of various product offerings with

highlighting the specific weight of physical and service components in their

composition. At the same time, the basis for the primary grouping of services by Rathmell is almost

Stanton's list was adopted in full (eight groups out of ten).

Based on the results obtained, Rathmell arranged the analyzed

product offerings along the horizontal axis as they increase in

composition of the specific gravity of the service component, which was clear

illustration of the described sign of classification of services. In 1974, he

it was proposed to classify services by types of sellers and buyers,

by motives and practices of making purchases, as well as by the degree of their


The end of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s were marked by a blast wave of deepening and

expanding the list of characteristics for classifying services.

Building on the work of predecessors, Szostak (1977), Sasser, Olsen and

Wyckoff (1978) develop the content of the relationship between physical goods and services

as part of product offerings, calling the latter food packages.

Shostak introduces a spectral scale of services, distinguishing between tangible and

intangible dominant, and also offers a molecular model,

describing the composition and relationships of tangible and intangible elements of the service.

In 1978, Hill notes the difference between services with impacts on people

or on physical objects and between individual and collective

services. In addition, a differentiation is made between the effects

caused by the provision of services, namely between:

Permanent and temporary;

Reversible and irreversible;

Physical and mental.

In the same year, Chase proposes to classify services according to the degree of required

contact (high - low) of the service organization with customers, and Thomas - in

depending on whether the provision of the service is based on human labor

or on the use of equipment. He identified two, most general, groups

Based on the use of human labor (people based)

Equipment based services. In your

The first group of services includes:

Services performed by unskilled labor;

Services performed by skilled labor;

Services professional workers(professionals). Second group of services

divided into:


Performed by relatively unskilled operators

(monitored by relatively unskilled operators);

Performed by skilled operators

In 1980, Kotler synthesized the work of his predecessors, while highlighting

differences in the purposes of service organizations, and Lovelock conducts

difference in services by:

Basic characteristics of demand;

Delivery procedures.

Having shown enviable analytical and creative activity, Lovelock in 1983

publishes a summary review in the Journal of Marketing

approaches to the classification of services in marketing, as well as the matrix principle for

development of new analysis schemes This publication is awarded the prestigious

awards, and the arsenal of marketers is replenished with very significant and flexible


Thus, Lovelock’s first and most important matrix is ​​based on two

fundamental features of classification of services:

The composition of objects (to whom or what the actions that are the essence of

The nature of these actions is whether they are tangible or intangible.


1. Taking tangible actions aimed at people (for example,

transportation by plane, hair cutting, surgery, etc.). During

These service delivery processes require physical presence

the customer so that he can receive the desired benefits.

2. Performing tangible actions aimed at physical property

customer. For example, freight transportation, lawn mowing, dacha security, etc.

In these cases, the customer's physical object must be present, but not the customer itself.


3. Intangible actions aimed at human consciousness, such as

radio and television, education (mental stimulus processing - mental

stimulus processing). In this case, customers must be present

mentally, but can be either in a special room where

the service is provided, or at a specific place, communication with which

carried out through transmitted signals or using


4. Intangible actions aimed at intangible assets (insurance,

information processing, investment, banking, etc.). For

the provision of these services, the direct involvement of the customer can be

unnecessary (at least in theory) - it is enough to be initiated

service order.

By conducting a deeper analysis of this matrix, Lovelock creates a platform for

differentiation of possible strategies of service organizations based on the concept

client involvement in the service process. Looking at the content

service component in the product offer as

differentiating feature, Kotler in 1991 proposed to identify

four food groups

1. A pure tangible good. In this case, tangible

the product is, for example, soap, toothpaste or salt. The product is not

involves the provision of any services.

2. A tangible good with the provision of related services (a tangible good

with accompanying services). In this case, the proposal consists of

a tangible product and one or two related services to make it

even more attractive in the eyes of the buyer (to enhance its consumer

appeal). For example, a company that produces cars sells them at

warranty obligations for repairs, etc. Kotler refers to

Levitt, who notes that “the more complex the type of product produced

(for example, a car, a computer), the more its implementation depends on

quality and availability of related services provided to the consumer

(For example, exhibition halls, delivery, repair and maintenance,

instruction manual, training for operators of sold devices and

machines, fulfillment of warranty obligations). General Motors is

for example, more service-intensive company,

rather than manufacturing-intensive. If she

did not provide services, then its sales volume would immediately decrease"

3. Core service with minor related goods and services (a

major service with accompanying minor goods and services). In this case

the main part of the offer is the service with some additional

services and/or supporting goods. For example,

air passengers acquire the right to transportation services. They arrive at

destination, without having anything tangible in hand indicating

their costs. However, the transportation included such tangible products as

food and drinks, ticket stub and magazines offered on board

airplane. Finally, in order to carry out transportation services, it is necessary to have

such a capital-intensive product as an airplane, but the bulk of the supply

after all, it constitutes a service.

4. A pure service. Here the proposal is first

queue from the service. An example of a pure service would be psychotherapy and massage.

The psychoanalyst provides a pure service, where the only tangible

the commodity is his office.

Kotler emphasizes that services also vary depending on

Are they aimed at satisfying personal needs -

personal services or business needs

needs). The doctor charges different fees for the medical examination depending on

whether the patient is an individual or an employee of a company with

contract for medical care (an employee on a retainer).

Service providers usually develop various marketing programs to

market personal services and the market for services to enterprises.

Finally, service providers differ in their objectives,

which can be profit-oriented or

non-profit (non-profit - nonprofit) activities, as well as

the nature of the property - private (private) or public (public). IN

The combination of these characteristics results in four different types

service organizations. It is clear that marketing programs

hospitals with private capital will differ significantly from programs

a similar institution created by a charitable foundation.

Despite the currently existing fairly thorough

development of the foundation for the classification of services in marketing, this process cannot be

specialists, at a time of revolutionary changes, the service sector requires everything

new and new marketing ideas. In particular, a serious catalyst

here comes the development of information and biotechnologies, as well as means


In our opinion, the world of service has already taken a step into a new dimension, where one

one of the first questions that many managers will need to find an answer to

companies, along with the classic - what kind of business are we in? - will -

What market space are we going to operate in?

The previously traditional single market space now has two


Existing in reality - real market space

Existing in virtual reality - virtual market

space (GRP).

By introducing this new feature into the commercial classification of services, we also

We reflect the actual reality.

According to Western experts, in the near future banking institutions

Revolutionary changes await. Development of telecommunications and facilities

computing technology will allow millions of employees to work from home.

The need for administrative buildings and office space will be reduced.

The house will become for the employee the workplace where he will process


The first step on this path has already been taken. In October 1995, the first

the world's virtual bank (Security First Network Bank). It provides

its customers the opportunity to pay bills and check their balance through

World Wide Web. But customers can't go to their local bank branch because

how it functions on the Internet. The address of this bank is: http://www.

sfnd.com. The bank's clients are located in 45 US states. They deal with checks

and deposit accounts, maintain electronic budgets. The bank's plans include

virtual trading of securities, transactions with credit cards,

mortgage lending and consumer loans. And his global goal

A full range of interactive banking services in real time

around the clock. Virtualization will make it possible in the future to reduce bank costs for

personnel and capital construction. It is noteworthy that Security First

Network Bank pays out on a certificate of deposit for a period of 1 year and

minimum amount of $1,500. 6% per annum - this is more than other banks.

One of the factors stimulating such changes is the expansion

time-saving opportunities for clients, which reflects their desire to receive

faster and more convenient service. Paradoxically, but electronic

contacts can help bring producers and consumers closer together

services. Service organizations are increasingly aware of the opportunity

improving services through the use of modern technologies.

The role of services in the economy

Due to the growth of trade, the exchange of services has sharply increased: scientific-

technical, production, commercial, financial and credit

character. Active trade in machinery and equipment has given rise to a number of new

services such as engineering, leasing, consulting, information

computing services. Relying on information Technology And

telecommunications, many types of services have crossed national borders

the global market is being integrated. A powerful impetus to this process since the mid-90s

g. provide the Internet and other network information transmission systems. Volumes

World trade services exports increased by 1997. up to 410 billion dollars and

approaching 1/4 of the value of commodity exports. In terms of dynamics and

In the foreign trade sector, the group of business services is in the lead: their share in exports

services from developed countries increased to 44%.

Tourism remains a major item, its share in the cost of services

exceeds 1\3. Foreign trade turnover of services is concentrated in the group

developed countries. The main exporters are the USA, Holland, France and

Great Britain, Germany, Japan largely import services

Italy. And here financial and computer services lead in growth rates

consulting on marketing, management, efficiency improvement

etc. In 1997, developed countries accounted for 88% of all exports

business services. New technologies significantly expand the scope of external

trade in health services, education, science, culture and

art. The remaining non-transportability of many services will determine more

the major role of foreign investment in this area. To direct foreign

investments as an alternative form foreign trade operations actively

resorted to by transnational companies in many industries. Direct investment

go into telecommunications, trade and many service industries - public

food, banking, insurance business, business services,

healthcare, etc. Although legal and political barriers to

international exchange in this market remained until recently more

higher than in commodity markets, services actively promote

globalization of economic life, accelerating and deepening this process.

The United States of America is often presented as the country with the most developed

service economy in the world. In the private sector, 75% of employees work in the field

service. In the 1960s, the average family spent 40% of its budget on

services. By 1985 this figure had reached 50%. During the same period, annual

spending on services increased from 131 billion to 1.3 trillion. dollars for final

consumers, 80% of which are expenses for housing, medical care and

home goals.

Various reasons for the growth of services to end consumers are indicated, such as

improving the well-being of the population, the availability of complex goods that require

specialized installation and repair, etc. In industry, business and

repair services have also experienced a turbulent period over the past decade

height. The most dynamically developing of them are: computer repair

and training to work on them, management consulting, engineering and

equipment rent. Despite these impressive numbers, service data

underestimated. They do not include the hidden services sector, which is related to the supply,

installation, maintenance, training, repair and other services that

provided by firms that focus on selling goods. For example,

despite the fact that Apple and Xerox are classified as

manufacturers, many of their employees are employed in dealer training programs and

users, in maintenance, supply of spare parts and warranty

Competition between credit systems is extremely intense.

cards. Among the three leading systems in this area is Visa (77 million).

cardholders within the US and a total transaction volume of $80 billion in

year), "Mastercard" (60 million holders in the USA and an annual turnover of 40 billion.

to ensure that trade organizations recognize their cards and offer

additional services such as traveler's checks and cash payments. One

One of the newest firms in this area is the Sears division -

Since several million personal computers are currently in use

computers, another area of ​​service is thriving - computer repair. Now

Personal computer owners spend $1 billion annually on repairs.

dollars - an amount that is expected to double. The largest

an independent company (i.e.: not associated with any computer manufacturer)

is TRV, which carries out 100 thousand repairs for companies, or

places, or at the TRV repair center.

Examples of the Kaliningrad services market

The Kaliningrad services market is represented in all its diversity. We

We can buy literally any service we need.

Among them are household ones: “Express washing”, “Express cleaning”, apartment cleaning,

houses, window cleaning. Emergency opening of locks - Riva company.

Printing: company "GS" incl. and advertising.

Hairdresser services: salon “Maria”, salon “Renaissance”

Insurance: "Aini", Rosgorstrakh-Kaliningrad.

Auditing: BaltAudit

This is only a small part of what we can use in Kaliningrad

services market.


Based on the above, we can conclude about the importance of services in

our life. The service market is constantly developing and

improvement. Many services have high costs and

low reliability. One solution to this problem is to use

complexes of hard, soft and hybrid technologies. Solid technology

involves replacement of equipment, such as the use of electronic systems

credit confirmation instead of manual credit check. This

technology cannot be applied where significant personal qualifications are needed

and contact, for example, in the provision of medical, legal services, in

hairdressing salons

Soft technologists replace individual services with pre-planned ones

complexes. For example, many travel companies sell in advance

planned trips. Among them are such Kaliningrad companies as

“Mik-Avia”, “Anyuta”, “Baltama Tours” and others.


N. Chechetkina Marketing No. 2 1999 \\ Analysis and assessment of competitiveness

retail services.

E.A. Matveeva Submodels of Marketing, Kaliningrad 1996

E.P. Golubkov Fundamentals of Marketing, Moscow 1999

A. Chelenkov Marketing No. 3 1998 \\ Basics of classification of services as

marketing product

Newspaper "Extra-Press" No. 33

National Library of Congress (stat. data)

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Currently, there is a rapid breakthrough of services into world markets, the movement of the economically active population into the service sector, an increase in the latter’s share in the GDP of industrialized countries, an increase in the number of service organizations and the volume of international trade in services. According to World Bank estimates, the service sector currently accounts for about 70% of global GDP, which allows us to define the content of the structural transformation of the economy as a “service revolution”, which entailed changes in the composition of economic growth factors, its content and pace.

In the Omsk region alone, in January-March 2014, paid services worth 17.1 billion rubles were provided to the population, which is 1.2% more than in the same period in 2013, including housing and communal services - 5.3 billion. rubles, communication services - by 2.8 billion rubles, transport services - by 2; billion rubles, household services - by 2.1 billion rubles. The turnover of public catering in January-March 2014 amounted to 2.5 billion rubles, which is 9.0% more than the same period last year.

The general trend of evolution of the modern global economy in the direction of services determines the need for multifaceted changes, the functional complication of their types, which highlights the problems of improving strategic positions along with advanced industries that form the dynamic core of a developed economy.

In recent years, there has been a tendency for companies to move from mass impersonal production to client-oriented business, aimed at understanding the needs of their clients and increasing the efficiency of working with them. This is due to the increasing level of competition, as well as the high volatility of consumer preferences. This forces companies to look for new ways to manage effectively. The transition to customer-oriented business allows the company to increase its profitability by increasing income from the existing customer base, as well as reducing operating costs for attracting new customers and optimizing the cost of purchasing and storing goods. In turn, this approach requires a reorganization of the company’s business processes and the development of new indicators for assessing performance.

Traditional practice for determining results economic activity enterprises do not use methods that allow them to predict the consequences of integration processes and take them into account when developing an economic policy for the development of an enterprise. It is very difficult to study the impact of such changes on the development processes of the service sector using traditional methodology. At the same time, increasing the degree of reliability of business results will expand the range of capabilities of the enterprise and make timely decisions management decisions according to available resources. This necessitates changes in the methodology for forming optimal dynamic development based on the inclusion of new calculations in the mechanism for managing the results of economic activity.

Researchers have proven the need to develop a system for managing the synergistic mechanism for the development of the service sector using the example of trade. T. Stepanova connects this with:

  • insufficient use of synergetic tools for making relevant decisions in ensuring the optimal development of trading enterprises;
  • lack of methodological support for assessing synergistic effects that increase the financial results of business entities;
  • the need to assess and predict synergistic effects to increase the validity and effectiveness of the enterprise’s economic policy.

Currently, there are a number of problems that hinder the development of entrepreneurship in the service sector, which include the low level of socio-economic development of certain regions and the standard of living of the population, uncompetitiveness of products and services, unfavorable investment climate, depreciation and obsolescence of fixed assets.

The authors analyzed modern methodological approaches and concepts for ensuring the quality of products and services in the conditions of transformation of enterprises and diversification of their activities. The task of system modeling of the activities of small and medium-sized businesses has been set. It is necessary to take into account that the construction of quantitative and qualitative management models of nonequilibrium processes in economic systems encounters a number of difficulties not only of a technical, but also of a fundamental epistemological nature. Therefore, the development of methods for studying changes in socio-economic systems and the development of methods for predicting dynamics within the framework of this approach are an urgent scientific problem.

Since today more and more attention is paid to the innovative component, one of the most important conditions for the development of the service sector in Russia is its innovative development. It helps to strengthen positions in both the domestic and international markets, increase the competitiveness of services, improve the balance of trade in services and diversify the economy. Innovative development of the service sector makes it possible to satisfy the ever-increasing needs of the population, including the creation of new sectors of the service sector and the development of existing ones.

The key stage in innovation activity should be the development of a sample of an innovative product or service. At this stage, the interests of the author of a scientific idea, who may not be the entrepreneur himself, directly come into contact with the interests of interested business structures. How a compromise is reached between the author of a scientific idea and a business representative will largely determine the final outcome. The role of the entrepreneur is to direct the implementation of an innovative idea in accordance with the type of activity being carried out.

In the service sector and trade in particular, effective and efficient management requires the processing of extremely large amounts of information. Today, it is on the basis of sample surveys that marketing research, study the quality of designed and manufactured technical systems, goods put on sale, the efficiency of pricing and new forms of trade, aggregate consumer demand and the degree of satisfaction of the population for various types of goods and services.

All this necessitates the widespread use of the sampling method in socio-economic surveys, which is based on the law of large numbers. However, its use requires a large sample ensemble of observations randomly selected from a homogeneous population. In reality, any society (general population) is obviously a heterogeneous set, structured according to various nominal (classification) scales.

A survey of more than one and a half thousand consumers was conducted. They were asked both open and closed questions. This form of constructing the questionnaire made it possible, on the one hand, to standardize a number of parameters being studied and to carry out statistical processing of the data. This made it possible to establish the degree of reliability of the study. On the other hand, the presence open questions allowed us to identify additional consumer preferences.

Studying the features of the manifestation of synergistic effects in the activities of enterprises allows us to analyze the factors that determine their occurrence; identify the synergistic nature of the existing results; prepare the basis for adopting the economic policy of the enterprise; develop strategic directions for optimal growth through the mobilization of all types of resources.

Small and medium-sized businesses play an important role in the development of the service sector. Currently, about a quarter of all small and medium-sized businesses are engaged in the provision of various types of services. The small and medium-sized business sector is an integral part of the economic component of development and serves as an indicator of stability and prosperity. The development of entrepreneurship provides the population with new jobs and stable incomes, significantly expands the list of goods produced and services provided, contributes to the formation of a competitive environment and the establishment of market equilibrium.

Subcontracting can serve as an effective mechanism for developing the services market. The work of subcontracting centers can give small and medium-sized businesses an impetus for development and help them enter new markets for products and services. Subcontracting gives small businesses the opportunity to produce high-quality products, provide a variety of services, create new jobs, and not spend significant funds on purchasing equipment or renting space. Such centers become a connecting link between the contractor and the customer.

Thus, the implementation of the prerequisites for sustainable growth requires the formation at the macro- and microeconomic levels of management systems that ensure the expansion of activities, the orientation of small and medium-sized businesses to improve the quality of services, and the development of social sectors that invest in human capital. The latter is especially important since the production of services, due to their intangible nature, involves the use of human capital.

The complexity of modern economic conditions in which business structures operate is associated with growing uncertainty, changing conditions and instability of the external environment. In this regard, the need to ensure and develop the enterprise's adaptive capabilities for a long period is recognized, which determines the importance of implementing constant strategic changes.


1. According to the World Bank [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.worldbank.org/ru/country/russia.

2. Stepanova T.V. Development of a systematic and methodological approach to assessing the synergistic effect in the service sector (using the example of trade organizations): abstract of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. – St. Petersburg, 2013.

3. Cherepanov E.V. Mathematical modeling of heterogeneous socio-economic populations using random samples: abstract of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. – MESI: Moscow, 2013.

4. Ilyina I.E. Formation of a system for managing the competitiveness of enterprises in the field of technical maintenance and the provision of transport services: abstract of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. – Kazan, 2013.