Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle. Production cycle. Economic function of the production cycle


The purpose of the workshop on production organization is to expand and deepen theoretical knowledge, to instill the necessary skills for solving the most frequently encountered problems in practice regarding the organization and planning of production.

The workshop includes tasks for the main sections of the course. At the beginning of each topic, brief methodological instructions and theoretical information are presented, typical tasks with solutions and tasks for independent solution.

Availability in every topic methodological instructions and brief theoretical information allows you to use this workshop for distance learning.

Calculation of production cycle duration

The duration of the production cycle serves as an indicator of the efficiency of the production process.

Production cycle– the period of stay of objects of labor in the production process from the moment of launching raw materials until the moment of release of finished products.

The production cycle consists of working hours, during which labor is expended, and break times. Breaks, depending on the reasons that caused them, can be divided into:

1) on natural or technological - they are determined by the nature of the product;

2) organizational(breaks between shifts).

The duration of the production cycle consists of the following components:

T cycle = t those + t eats + t tr + t k.k. + t m.o. + t m.ts.

Where t those– time of technological operations;

t eats - time natural processes(drying, cooling, etc.);

t tr – transportation time of objects of labor;

t k.k. – quality control time;

t m.o – interoperative care time;

t m.c. – storage time in inter-shop warehouses;

(t three t k.k. can be combined with t m.o).

The calculation of the production cycle time depends on the type of production. In mass production, the duration of the production cycle is determined by the time the product is in production, i.e.

T cycle = t in M,

Where t V– release stroke;

M- number of workplaces.

Under release stroke it is necessary to understand the time interval between the release of one manufactured product and the next product.

The release stroke is determined by the formula

t in = Teff /V,

Where Tef– effective fund of worker time for the billing period (shift, day, year);

IN– volume of output for the same period (in natural units).

Example: T cm = 8 hours = 480 min; T per = 30 min; → Teff = 480 – – 30 = 450 min.

B = 225 pcs; → t in = 450/225 = 2 min.

In serial production, where processing is carried out in batches, the duration of the technological cycle is determined not per unit of product, but for the entire batch. Moreover, depending on the method of launching a batch into production, we get different cycle times. There are three ways of moving products in production: sequential, parallel and mixed (series-parallel).

I. At sequential When moving parts, each subsequent operation begins only after the previous one has finished. The cycle duration for sequential movement of parts will be equal to:

Where n – number of parts of the batch being processed;

t pcsi- piece rate of time for an operation;

C i– number of jobs per i th operation;

m– number of technological process operations.

A batch of products consisting of 5 pieces is given. The batch is passed sequentially through 4 operations; the duration of the first operation is 10 minutes, the second is 20 minutes, the third is 10 minutes, the fourth is 30 minutes (Fig. 1).

Picture 1

T cycle = T last = 5·(10+20+10+30) = 350 min.

The sequential method of moving parts has the advantage that it ensures the operation of the equipment without downtime. But its disadvantage is that the duration of the production cycle in this case is the longest. In addition, significant stocks of parts are created at work sites, which requires additional production space.

II. At parallel During the movement of the batch, individual parts are not detained at work stations, but are transferred individually to the next operation immediately, without waiting for the processing of the entire batch to be completed. Thus, with the parallel movement of a batch of parts, at each workplace various operations are simultaneously performed on different parts of the same batch.

The processing time of a batch with parallel movement of products is sharply reduced:

dl .

Where n n– number of parts in transfer batch(transport batch), i.e. the number of products simultaneously transferred from one operation to another;

Length – the longest operating cycle.

When launching a batch of products in parallel, the parts of the entire batch are processed continuously only at those workplaces where long operations follow short ones. In cases where short operations follow long ones, i.e. longer (in our example, the third operation), these operations are performed discontinuously, i.e. equipment is idle. Here, a batch of parts cannot be processed immediately, without delays, since the previous (long) operation does not allow this.

In our example: n= 5, t 1 = 10; t 2 = 20; t 3 = 10; t 4 = 30; With= 1.

T steam = 1·(10+20+10+30)+(5-1)·30=70+120 = 190 min.

Let's consider the diagram of parallel movement of parts (Fig. 2):

Figure 2

III. To eliminate interruptions in the processing of individual parts of a batch in all operations, use parallel-serial or mixed a launch method in which parts (after processing) are transferred to the next operation one by one, or in the form of “transport” batches (several pieces) in such a way that the execution of operations is not interrupted at any workplace. In the mixed method, the continuity of processing is taken from the sequential method, and the transition of the part from operation to operation immediately after its processing is taken from the parallel method. With a mixed method of launching into production, the cycle duration is determined by the formula

core .

where is the cor. – the shortest operating cycle (from each pair of adjacent operations);

m-1 number of combinations.

If the subsequent operation is longer than the previous one or equal in time, then this operation is started individually, immediately after processing the first part in the previous operation. If, on the contrary, the subsequent operation is shorter than the previous one, then interruptions occur here during piece transfer. To prevent them, it is necessary to accumulate a transport reserve of such a volume that is sufficient to ensure work at the subsequent operation. To practically find this point on the graph, it is necessary to transfer the last part of the batch and move the duration of its execution to the right. The processing time for all other parts in the batch is plotted to the left on the graph. The beginning of processing of the first part indicates the moment when the transport backlog from the previous operation must be transferred to this operation.

If adjacent operations are the same in duration, then only one of them is considered short or long (Fig. 3).

Figure 3

T last pairs = 5·(10+20+10+30)-(5-1)·(10+10+10) = 350-120 = 230 min.

The main ways to reduce the production cycle time are:

1) Reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products by improving the manufacturability of the manufactured design, using computers, and introducing advanced technological processes.

2) Rational organization of labor processes, arrangement and maintenance of workplaces based on specialization and cooperation, extensive mechanization and automation of production.

3) Reduction of various planned and unplanned breaks at work based on rational use principles scientific organization production process.

4) Acceleration of reactions as a result of increasing pressure, temperatures, transition to a continuous process, etc.

5) Improving the processes of transportation, storage and control and combining them in time with the processing and assembly process.

Reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the serious tasks of organizing production, because affects turnover working capital, reducing labor costs, reducing storage facilities, transport needs, etc.


1 Determine the duration of the processing cycle of 50 parts with sequential, parallel and serial-parallel types of movement in the production process. The process of processing parts consists of five operations, the duration of which is, respectively, min: t 1 =2; t 2 =3; t 3 =4; t 4 =1; t 5 =3. The second operation is performed on two machines, and each of the others on one. The size of the transfer lot is 4 pieces.

2 Determine the duration of the processing cycle of 50 parts with sequential, parallel and serial-parallel types of movement in the production process. The process of processing parts consists of four operations, the duration of which is, respectively, min: t 1 =1; t 2 =4; t 3 =2; t 4 =6. The fourth operation is performed on two machines, and each of the others on one. The size of the transfer lot is 5 pieces.

3 A batch of parts of 200 pieces is processed with parallel-sequential movement during the production process. The process of processing parts consists of six operations, the duration of which is, respectively, min: t 1 =8; t 2 =3; t 3 =27; t 4 =6; t 5 =4; t 6 =20. The third operation is performed on three machines, the sixth on two, and each of the remaining operations on one machine. Determine how the duration of the processing cycle for a batch of parts will change if the parallel-sequential version of the movement in production is replaced by a parallel one. The size of the transfer lot is 20 pieces.

4 A batch of parts of 300 pieces is processed with parallel-sequential movement during the production process. The process of processing parts consists of seven operations, the duration of which is, respectively, min: t 1 =4; t 2 =5; t 3 =7; t 4 =3; t 5 =4; t 6 =5; t 7 =6. Each operation is performed on one machine. Transfer lot – 30 pieces. As a result of improving production technology, the duration of the third operation was reduced by 3 minutes, the seventh - by 2 minutes. Determine how the processing cycle of a batch of parts changes.

5 A batch of blanks consisting of 5 pieces is given. The batch goes through 4 operations: the duration of the first is 10 minutes, the second is 20 minutes, the third is 10 minutes, the fourth is 30 minutes. Determine the cycle duration by analytical and graphical methods with sequential movement.

6 A batch of blanks consisting of four pieces is given. The batch goes through 4 operations: the duration of the first is 5 minutes, the second is 10 minutes, the third is 5 minutes, the fourth is 15 minutes. Determine the cycle duration by analytical and graphical methods with parallel movement.

7 A batch of blanks consisting of 5 pieces is given. The batch goes through 4 operations: the duration of the first is 10 minutes, the second is 20 minutes, the third is 10 minutes, the fourth is 30 minutes. Determine the cycle duration by analytical and graphical methods for serial-parallel motion.

8 Determine the duration of the technological cycle for processing a batch of products of 180 pieces. with parallel and sequential variants of its movement. Build processing process graphs. The size of the transfer lot is 30 pcs. The time standards and number of jobs in operations are as follows.

The production cycle (PC) is a complex of basic, auxiliary and servicing processes necessary for manufacturing, organized in a certain way in time. a certain type products. An important characteristic of PC is duration. PC duration- this is a calendar period of time during which materials, a workpiece, or another item goes through all production operations or a certain part and transformation into finished products(cycle duration in days).

The structure of the work cycle includes the time of the working period and the time of breaks. Duration of PT:Tt=Tt+Tpz+Te+Tk+Ttr+Tmo+Tpr where: Tt - time of technical operations; Tpz - preparatory final period; Te - process; Tk - control operations; Ttr - transportation time; TMO - interoperative intervals; Tpr - break time.

The duration of technical operations and preparatory and final work form an operating cycle. Operating cycle- this is the duration of a completed part of a technical process performed at one workplace.

Production cycle- this is the period of time from the moment a product is launched into production until the moment it is fully manufactured, packaged and accepted into the warehouse.

The main ways to shorten the production cycle are to reduce labor costs for basic technological operations, reduce time spent on transport, warehouse and control operations, and improve the organization of production.

1. Reducing the labor intensity of basic technological operations is possible by improving the design and technology, in particular by increasing the level of machine manufacturability and the degree of unification.

2. The most effective way to improve the processes of transportation, warehousing and control is to combine them in time with processing and assembly processes, as is done, for example, in automatic rotary lines.

3. Modern methods control and diagnostics using laser and radiation installations of highly sensitive contact sensors, allowing continuous monitoring of the progress of the technological process and the quality of products.

4. One of the significant organizational ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle is to increase the degree of parallelism of the work performed.

5. Increasing the size of processing batches is especially advisable when moving objects of labor in parallel, since in this case the cycle increases with less intensity than the batch size.

Thus, measures to reduce the production cycle are varied. First of all, these include:

Improving the designs of manufactured products from the point of view of increasing their manufacturability and degree of unification;

Improving technology, introducing progressive technological processes leading to a reduction in the labor intensity of processing and synchronization of operations: comprehensive mechanization, automation, concentration of operations, etc.;

Introduction of a more advanced production planning and organization system;

Rational layout of workplaces in accordance with the sequence of technological operations and improvement of the organization of shop and inter-shop transportation, as well as other interoperational processes;

Improving the maintenance of workplaces, organizing adjustment work and performing them, if possible, during non-working hours;

Increasing the degree of parallelism of work and processes;

Replacement of natural processes with appropriate technological operations, for example, induction drying, artificial aging of castings, parts in thermal furnaces;

Consolidation of the operating hours of workshops and the enterprise, i.e. transition to three-shift work; organization of end-to-end teams eliminating inter-shift breaks.

As a result of shortening the production cycle, product output increases, the efficiency of using equipment and production space increases, the size of work in progress decreases, and therefore the working capital standard, which increases capital productivity and improves other economic indicators, in particular, labor productivity increases, production costs decrease and production profitability increases .

The production cycle is one of the most important technical and economic indicators, which is the starting point for calculating many indicators of the production and economic activity of an enterprise. On its basis, for example, the timing of launching a product into production is set, taking into account the timing of its release, the capacity of production units is calculated, the volume of work in progress is determined, and other production planning calculations are carried out.

Production cycle manufacturing of a product (batch) is the calendar period during which it is in production from the launch of raw materials and semi-finished products into main production until the receipt of the finished product (batch).

Loop structure

The structure of the production cycle includes the time for performing main, auxiliary operations and breaks in the manufacture of products (Fig. 8.2).

Rice. 8.2. Production cycle structure

The execution time for basic product processing operations is technological cycle and determines the time during which a person’s direct or indirect influence on the subject of labor occurs.

Breaks can be divided into two groups: 1) breaks associated with the operating mode established at the enterprise - non-working days and shifts, inter-shift and lunch breaks, intra-shift regulated breaks for workers' rest, etc.; 2) breaks due to organizational and technical reasons - waiting for a workplace to become free, waiting for components and parts to be assembled, inequality of production rhythms in adjacent areas, i.e. dependent on each other, jobs, lack of energy, materials or Vehicle etc.;

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, only those time costs are taken into account that are not covered by the time of technological operations (for example, time spent on control, transporting products). Breaks caused by organizational and technical problems (untimely provision of the workplace with materials, tools, violation labor discipline etc.) are not taken into account when calculating the planned production cycle duration.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the movement of the subject of labor through the operations existing in the enterprise. Typically one of three types is used; serial, parallel, parallel-serial.

With sequential movement, processing of a batch of items of labor of the same name at each subsequent operation begins only when the entire batch has been processed at the previous operation.

Let’s assume that you need to process a batch consisting of three products ( n = 3), while the number of processing operations (T= 4), time standards for operations are, min: t 1 = 10, t 2 = 40, t 3 = 20, t 4 = 10.

For this case, cycle duration, min;

T c(last) = 3(10 + 40 + 20 + 10) = 240.

Since a number of operations can be performed not at one, but at several workplaces, the duration of the production cycle with sequential movement in the general case has the form:

Where C i ,- number of jobs.

With parallel movement, the transfer of objects of labor to the subsequent operation is carried out individually or in a transport batch immediately after processing in the previous operation:

Where R- size of the transport lot, pcs; t max- time to perform the longest operation, min; With max- number of jobs in the longest operation. For the example discussed above; R =1.

With parallel motion, the production cycle time is significantly reduced.

With a parallel-sequential type of movement, objects of labor are transferred to the subsequent operation as they are processed in the previous one individually or in a transport batch, while the execution time of adjacent operations is partially combined in such a way that a batch of products is processed at each operation without interruptions.

The duration of the production cycle can be defined as the difference between the cycle duration for a sequential type of movement and the total time savings compared to the sequential type of movement, due to the partial overlap of the execution time of each pair of adjacent operations:

For our example: R = 1.

T c(par-last) = 240 = 160 min.

Cycle duration

The duration of the production cycle is influenced by many factors: technological, organizational and economic. Technological processes, their complexity and diversity, technical equipment determine the processing time of parts and the duration of assembly processes. Organizational factors the movement of objects of labor during processing is associated with the organization of jobs, the labor itself and its payment. Organizational conditions in still to a greater extent affect the duration of auxiliary operations, maintenance processes and breaks.

Economic factors determine the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (and, consequently, their duration), standards for work in progress.

The faster the production process is completed (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), which is one of the elements of the circulation of working capital, the greater will be the speed of their turnover, the more larger number They make revolutions throughout the year.

As a result, monetary resources are released that can be used to expand production at a given enterprise.

For the same reason, there is a reduction (absolute or relative) in the volume of work in progress. And this means the release of working capital in their material form, i.e. in the form of specific material resources.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop directly depends on the duration of the production cycle. Under production capacity refers to the maximum possible output of products in the planning period. And therefore it is clear that the less time is spent on the production of one product, the greater their number can be produced in the same period of time.

Labor productivity, with a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, increases as a result of an increase in production volume due to an increase in production capacity, which leads to a decrease in the share of labor of auxiliary workers in a unit of production, as well as the share of labor of specialists and office workers.

The cost of production when the production cycle is shortened is reduced due to the reduction in the cost of a unit of production of the share of general plant and workshop expenses with an increase in production capacity.

Thus, reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important sources of intensification and increase in production efficiency in industrial enterprises.

The reserve for reducing the duration of the production cycle is the improvement of equipment and technology, the use of continuous and combined technological processes, deepening specialization and cooperation, the introduction of methods of scientific organization of labor and workplace maintenance, and the introduction of robotics.


1. The production structure of an enterprise characterizes the division of labor between divisions of the enterprise and their cooperation. Rational construction of the production process in space is a necessary condition for its effectiveness.

2- The main elements of the production structure of an enterprise are workplaces, sections and workshops.

3. The production structure can be organized by technological, subject or mixed type, with a full or incomplete production cycle.

4. All workshops and farms industrial enterprise can be divided into main production workshops, auxiliary workshops and service facilities.

5. The formation of the enterprise structure depends on external factors(sectoral, regional, general structural) and internal (nature and volume of products, features and capabilities of the enterprise’s fixed assets, level of specialization, cooperation, etc.).

6. Depending on the range of products, production volumes, types of equipment, labor intensity of operations, duration of the production cycle and other factors, single, serial and mass production are distinguished.

7. The production process is a set of labor processes aimed at transforming raw materials into finished products,

The principles of rational organization of the production process are: specialization, parallelism and proportionality, straightness and continuity, rhythm and technical equipment.

8. Production processes are divided into mechanical, physical, chemical, etc.; continuous “discrete; procurement, processing and finishing; manual and mechanized.

The main parameters of the production process are the tempo and tact of the operation.

9. Production cycle - the period of time for manufacturing a product or batch from the moment raw materials are launched into main production until the finished product is received.

The structure of the production cycle includes the time for performing main, auxiliary operations and breaks in the manufacture of products.

10. The duration of the production cycle is influenced by technological, organizational, economic and other factors.


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The production cycle is a completed full circle of production operations in the manufacture of a product. Due to the fact that the production process takes place in time and space, the production cycle can be measured by the length of the path of movement of the product and its components (in meters). But most often the dimensional value of the production cycle is considered in terms of the time during which the product goes through the entire processing path.

Along the length of the path, the cycle is counted from the first workplace where processing of the product and its components began, then through all workplaces - to last place. Due to the fact that the length of the production cycle is not a line, but an area on which machines, equipment, inventory, etc. are located, in practice, in most cases, it is not the length of the path that is determined, but the area and volume of the premises in which production is located. However, the length of the production cycle is an important technological indicator that directly affects the economy of the enterprise. The shorter the path of movement of a product in the production process, the lower the costs for its interoperational transportation, the less production space required and, as a rule, the less total costs, money, and time spent on processing.

The calendar time interval from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last is called the time duration of the production cycle. The duration of the cycle in this case is measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds, depending on the type of product and the stage of processing by which the cycle is calculated. For example, at a car plant, the production cycle of a car as a whole is measured, the production cycle of individual units and parts that make up the car is determined, as well as the cycle for groups of homogeneous operations and the cycle of individual operations.

The duration of the production cycle in time (7L), as can be seen from table. 16.1, includes three stages: the time of technological processing of the product (working period, T), the time of technological maintenance of production (T) and the time of breaks in work (7L):

Table 16.1

Structure of the temporary production cycle

Technological time

service Time of breaks in work, 7p

production, then

Transport time Waiting time

freeing up the workplace (technological anticipation)

Sorting time, packing time of storage of blanks for forging finished products and parts in the warehouse in the form of in-production inventories

Quality control time Breaks related to operation -

MoM of the enterprise’s work (shifts, non-working days, seasonality)

Time of natural



The time of technological processing of a product (working period) is the period of time during which there is a direct impact on the object of labor either by the worker himself or by machines and mechanisms under his control, as well as the time of natural technological processes that occur in the product without the participation of people and equipment . The length of the working period is influenced by various factors. The main ones include: 1) the quality of design and construction work (the absence of errors and miscalculations); 2) level of unification and standardization of products; 3) productivity of technological machines and equipment; 4) labor productivity of workers; 5)

degree of accuracy of the product (high accuracy requires additional processing, which lengthens the production cycle); 6)

organizational factors (organization of the workplace, placement of sanitary facilities, warehouses where workpieces, tools, etc. are stored). Organizational shortcomings increase preparatory and final time and time for rest and personal needs of workers.

The time of natural technological processes is a period of working time when the object of labor changes its characteristics without the direct influence of man or technology (air-drying of a painted product or cooling of a heated product, growth and maturation of plants, fermentation of some products, etc.). To speed up production, many natural technological processes are carried out in artificially created conditions (for example, drying in drying chambers).

The time for technological maintenance of production includes: 1) stationary quality control and determination of the suitability of product processing; 2) monitoring the operating modes of machines and equipment, their adjustment, minor repairs; 3) cleaning the workplace; 4)

delivery of workpieces and materials, acceptance and cleaning of processed products.

The time of breaks in work is the time during which there is no impact on the subject of work and there are no changes in its quality characteristics, but the product is not yet finished and the production process is not completed. There are regulated and unregulated breaks. In turn, regulated breaks, depending on the reasons that caused them, are divided into interoperational (intra-shift) and inter-shift (related to the operating mode).

Interoperational breaks are divided into breaks for batching, waiting and staffing. Breaks in partitioning occur when parts are processed in batches: each part or unit, arriving at the workplace as part of a batch, lies twice (the first time - before the start, the second time - at the end of processing, until the entire batch goes through this operation). Waiting breaks are caused by inconsistency (non-synchronization) in the duration of adjacent operations of the technological process. They occur when a previous operation finishes before it is released. workplace to perform the next operation. Inconsistency in the duration of associated technological operations, as a rule, is caused by different productivity or unregulated downtime of various equipment on which the product is processed. The least productive piece of equipment slows down the production process and is a bottleneck. For example, of the five installed machines, the first four have a potential productivity of 10 technological operations per hour, and the fifth machine has only 6 operations per hour. Products processed on the first four machines will sit for an average of 24 minutes waiting for the capacity of the fifth machine, which will be the bottleneck, to become available. Removing bottlenecks is an important reserve for increasing production capacity and overall reducing production costs, increasing the profitability of the enterprise. At assembly sites, assembly breaks occur when parts and assemblies lie idle due to the incomplete production of other parts included in one assembly kit.

Breaks between shifts are determined by the operating mode (number and duration of shifts). These include breaks between work shifts, as well as weekends and holidays. These may include lunch breaks and rest breaks for workers.

Unregulated breaks are associated with downtime of equipment and workers for organizational and technical reasons not provided for by the operating mode (lack of raw materials, equipment breakdown, worker absenteeism, etc.).

D.). Unregulated breaks are included in the production cycle in the form of a correction factor or are not taken into account. 16.6.

Economic function of the production cycle

The duration of the production cycle is established and regulated both as a whole for all products (including their constituent elements), and separately for each element. However, the duration of production time for individual parts, assemblies and assemblies (product components) in total exceeds the cycle time of the product itself due to the fact that a significant part of the components are manufactured in parallel at different workplaces.

For example, sewing coats in a garment factory is carried out simultaneously in several areas by a large number of workers. Each worker performs only part of the operation (sewing sleeves, sewing pockets, etc.). In total, the production cycle for one coat is, say, 80 hours (including tracking of its components in anticipation of their demand). But the duration of the production cycle for sewing the coat itself is no more than 20 hours.

The need to regulate and strictly take into account the cycle time separately for each component of the product is caused primarily by the conditions of the economy and organization of production. Firstly, in order to calculate the production cycle of the entire product, it is necessary to have data on the cycles of its elements. Secondly, such regulations are used as a parameter with the help of which operational scheduling work of the enterprise (including the distribution of production tasks among workshops, sections and workplaces and monitoring the timeliness of task completion in accordance with consumer orders). Thirdly, the duration of the production cycle (both the product as a whole and its components) has a significant impact on the economy of the enterprise, primarily on the speed of turnover of working capital. In total, working capital, having made a full turnover, is returned with a profit. If the input into circulation was 1 ruble, then the output was, say, 1.2 rubles.

The task of specialists is to ensure that every ruble Money enterprises, spent on the production of products, turned around faster and, after selling them to consumers, were returned with a profit. The ratio of profit (P) to costs (3) must be greater than zero:

This indicator in economic practice is called profitability, or efficiency coefficient (E);

Profit is the difference between the product price (P) and its cost (C):

Profit is transferred to the company's current account not separately, but together with payment of production costs, the main part of which is formed from working capital. Thus, working capital, passing through the implementation stage, brings profit. However, the characteristics of various sectors of the economy are such that the objectively required duration of the production cycle does not allow accelerating the turnover of working capital beyond the technologically permissible period of production of products.

Let's consider three different enterprises, each of which has a working capital amount of 100 million rubles. with profitability - 0.2. At the first enterprise ( shopping mall) the turnover rate of working capital is 2 months, in the second (machine tool plant) - 6 months, in the third (agricultural association) - 12 months. Let's calculate how much profit each enterprise will receive during the year if they maintain the same level of working capital efficiency - 0.2.

Shopping center: 100 million rubles. x 0.2 x 12/2 = 120 million rubles.

Plant: 100 million rubles. x 0.2 x 12/6 = 40 million rubles.

Agricultural association: 100 million rubles. x 0.2 x 12/12 = 20 million rubles.

In order to achieve equal profitability of the work of these enterprises, their profitability must be inversely proportional to the rate of turnover of working capital. If a shopping center, successfully selecting an assortment of goods, can turn over its products up to 6 times a year, then an agricultural association in the Russian climatic zone can do so only once.

It is assumed that under normal conditions the market should adjust and balance the level of efficiency, i.e., the profitability of goods. Moreover, in such a way that, regardless of the industry of capital application, the annual income of enterprises is 1 ruble. the funds spent were the same, for example, approximately 0.2 rubles. Then, with a capital turnover rate of, say, 6 times a year, the level of efficiency of each ruble per turnover should not exceed 0.04, and with a turnover of once a year - 0.2. Of course, all invested capital must be taken into account, i.e. not only working capital, but also fixed assets.

However, due to the long duration of the cycle of capital flow from industry to industry, it is not always possible to balance the return on capital across industries. But it is impossible to put industries such as, say, agriculture into bankruptcy conditions. Therefore, in all modern industrial developed countries practiced governmental support some sectors of the economy, primarily Agriculture.

Thus, in the USA, direct subsidies to agriculture by year and type of product range from 7 to 20% of total income farms. In Japan, where climatic conditions for agriculture are less favorable than in the USA, these subsidies reach 40%.

Of course, the rate of capital turnover is also influenced by many other factors, in particular the diversification of production and scientific and technological progress. But their influence depends less on the type and level of production organization than on the duration of the production cycle. The specificity of the factor is related to the characteristics of movement working capital. Negotiable material resources At an enterprise, the following transformation phases usually go through: inventory in warehouses - work in progress - finished products in the warehouse and on the way. The duration of the production cycle affects only one phase - work in progress. But in a number of industries, the time spent by working capital in work in progress is dominant.

At a hydroelectric power station, for example, there is no work in progress, which is due to the specifics of production and the speed of transfer of electricity to consumers. Here the production cycle time is essentially zero. The picture is different for the construction industry. Due to the extended construction cycle of one to two years or more, huge funds concentrated in work in progress are frozen. Therefore, for this type of production, the development and application of various technical and organizational measures to shorten the production cycle, and, consequently, reduce the period of freezing of funds in work in progress is extremely important. For this, a variety of technical and organizational methods are used, including accelerating the movement of products in the production process. 16.7.


An important parameter of the production logistics of an enterprise is the production cycle. Its influence on the efficiency of the production logistics system is that the efficiency, flexibility, and mobility of the entire logistics of the enterprise as a whole depend on the duration of the product manufacturing period.

The production cycle is one of the most important indicators of technical and economic development, which determines the capabilities of the enterprise in terms of product output and the costs of its production. The duration of the production cycle refers to the standards for organizing the production process. Both rational spatial placement and the optimal duration of the production cycle are important. In this course work Many factors influencing the production cycle of an enterprise and its structure are considered. Shortening the cycle makes it possible for each production unit (shop, site) to complete a given program with a smaller volume of work in progress. This means that the company gets the opportunity to speed up the turnover of working capital, fulfill the established plan with less expenditure of these funds, and free up part of the working capital.

The production cycle consists of two parts: the working period, that is, the period during which the object of labor is directly in the manufacturing process, and the time of breaks in this process.

The working period consists of the time for performing technological and non-technological operations; the latter include all control and transport operations from the moment the first production operation is performed until the delivery of the finished product.

The structure of the production cycle (the ratio of its constituent parts) in different branches of mechanical engineering and at different enterprises is not the same. It is determined by the nature of the products manufactured, technological process, the level of technology and production organization. However, despite the differences in structure, opportunities for reducing production cycle times lie in both reducing working hours and reducing break times. The experience of leading enterprises shows that at each stage of production and at each production site, opportunities can be found to further reduce the duration of the production cycle. It is achieved by carrying out various events both technical (design, technological) and organizational. This is discussed in more detail in this work.


Manufacturing process is a set of targeted actions by enterprise personnel to transform raw materials into finished products.

The main components of the production process that determine the nature of production:

  • professionally trained personnel;
  • means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.);
  • objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products);
  • energy (electrical, thermal, mechanical, light, muscle);
  • information (scientific and technical, commercial, operational and production, legal, socio-political).

When organizing the production process over time main task is to achieve the minimum possible production cycle time.

Production cycle- this is a calendar period of time during which a material, workpiece or other processed item goes through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and is transformed into a finished product (or a finished part thereof). It is expressed in calendar days or (if the product is low-labor) in hours.

The production cycle is a completed full circle of production operations in the manufacture of a product . Due to the fact that the production process takes place in time and space, the production cycle can be measured by the length of the path of movement of the product and its components (in meters). But most often, the dimensional value of the production cycle is considered in the time during which the product goes through the entire processing path. Along the length of the path, the cycle is counted from the first workplace where processing of the product and its components began, then through all workplaces - to the last place. Due to the fact that the length of the production cycle is not a line, but an area on which machines, equipment, inventory, etc. are located, in practice, in most cases, it is not the length of the path that is determined, but the area and volume of the premises in which production is located. However, the length of the production cycle is an important technological indicator that directly affects the economy of the enterprise. The shorter the path of movement of a product in the production process, the lower the costs for its interoperational transportation, the less production space required and, as a rule, the less total costs, money, and time spent on processing.

The calendar time interval from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last is called the time duration of the production cycle . The duration of the cycle in this case is measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds, depending on the type of product and the stage of processing by which the cycle is calculated. For example, at a car plant, the production cycle of a car as a whole is measured, the production cycle of individual units and parts that make up the car is determined, as well as the cycle for groups of homogeneous operations and the cycle of individual operations.

Due to the fact that the production process takes place in time and space, the production cycle can be measured by the length of the movement path of the product and its component elements, as well as the time during which the product goes through the entire processing path.