Units for measuring the production capacity of an enterprise. Production management

  1. The concept of enterprise production capacity.

  2. Methods for calculating production capacity.

    Indicators of production capacity utilization.

KEYWORDS:productive capacity; "throughput"; design, current, reserve, input (incoming), day off (going out), input, output (disposable, liquidated), average annualpower;average annual input, average annual outputpower; "bottleneck"; balancepower.

1. The concept of the production capacity of an enterprise.

Productive capacity– the maximum possible production of products by an enterprise in a certain time in a pre-established nomenclature and assortment with full load of equipment and production areas.

Power is measured in the same units, as well as the products produced at the enterprise: natural, conditionally natural and value-based.

Period, during which it is carried out carrying out calculations– as a rule – a year, but it can be an hour, a shift, a day, a month.

Signs classifications production capacity.

By calculation levels:

    power machine, unit, group of equipment, production line. When characterizing production capacity at the first level, the indicator is also used "bandwidth»;

    capacity of the enterprise structural unit : site, workshop, building;

    power enterprises generally.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the total capacity of all production units, which can be calculated at the first level, is not equal to the capacity of the site, and then the workshop. Also, the total capacity of workshops, which is determined at the second level, does not correspond to the total capacity of the enterprise, formed at the third level.

At each subsequent level, capacity is established as an integral indicator, determined subject to the aggregate use of units and workshops in order to produce a certain amount of products of appropriate quality.

By type:

    design power - determined during the design, reconstruction (expansion) of an existing or construction of a new enterprise - also called optimal;

    current power - calculated in connection with changes in the nomenclature and range of products. Represents the actual capacity, which is generated in accordance with market requirements. However, a distinction must be made between actual capacity and actual or planned output;

    reserve power - should be generated in industries where peak loads occur - electric power, gas, transport.

According to the needs of production organization:

    input (incoming)– capacity at the beginning of the year;

    day off (going out) – power at the end of the billing period;

    input– power put into operation during the billing period;

    withdrawn (retired, liquidated) – power output during the billing period;

    average annual productive capacity.

2. Methods for calculating production capacity.

Power indicators are instantaneous, that is, they can change throughout the year.

Power indicators are determined by product output, but depend on the condition and movement of equipment and production areas.

IN general view production capacity is determined by the formulas:


– capacity of the production unit, pcs.;

– productivity of a unit of equipment, pcs. in units time;

– annual operating time of equipment, units. time;

– number of equipment units;

– labor intensity of manufactured products, units. time per piece

Production capacity depends on the specialization of the main workshops.

At subject specialization, when is the release finished products carried out by each individual workshop , capacity is determined by the sum of the capacities of subject-specific workshops.

At technological specialization, when the production of products is carried out sequentially through all workshops , production capacity is determined by the capacity of the leading workshops, and the capacity of the workshop is determined by the capacity of the leading equipment. Presenter equipment - performs the bulk of the work and is distinguished by the complexity and labor intensity of the manufacturing processes. Leading workshop - determined on the basis of the presence of basic equipment in its composition and the large share in the labor intensity of the products produced.

When determining the capacity of a workshop and enterprise, situations arise that limit the possibility of production and are characterized as a “bottleneck”. "Bottleneck" - a workshop, area, group of equipment whose throughput is the smallest compared to the production capabilities of other units.

To identify bottlenecks it is used contingency coefficient:


workshop capacity ;

– specific costs of production of the first workshop per unit of production of the next.

Hence, the production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the presence of bottlenecks in the leading workshops, and the capacity of the workshop is determined by the throughput of the equipment.

output power– capacity at the end of the year (
) is calculated using a formula that reflects power movement:

– power at the beginning of the year – input;

– capacity introduced per year;

– power output per year.

Average annual capacity (
) is determined taking into account the period of operation of fixed production assets throughout the year:


average annual power input, is calculated for each input depending on the period of work (
– number of months of operation of the new capacity);

average annual power output, which is calculated for each disposal depending on the period during which the capacity was not used (
– number of months of power inactivity).

3. Indicators of production capacity utilization.

The power utilization level is determined by:

– current power;

-project capacity.

Where – annual production output;

– average annual power.

Increase in production as a result of improved use of production capacity (


–basic output;

– production capacity utilization factors.

Factors, determining the production capacity of the enterprise:

    nomenclature, range and quality of products;

    quantity of installed equipment, size and composition of production areas;

    possible operating time of equipment and use of space;

    unit power of equipment;

    labor intensity per unit of production;

    specialization and cooperation of the enterprise.

During the production process, each enterprise strives to achieve the maximum possible utilization of production capacity. However, the influence of these factors is ambiguous. Determination of production capacity is completed balance of production capacity, which reflects the influence of all factors over a certain period of time and the formation of output power.

ΔM elevation– change in power due to organizational and technical measures;

Δ M rm– through expansion, reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise;

Δ M ac by changing the nomenclature and range of products;

Δ M V– as a result of the commissioning and disposal of equipment.

Grechanovskaya I.G. Enterprise economy. - OGASA, 2012. - L5.

Production capacity is calculated when analyzing and justifying the production program, in connection with the preparation and release of new products, during reconstruction and expansion of production.

The methodology for calculating production capacity depends on the form and methods of organizing production, the range of products manufactured, the type of equipment used, and the nature of the production process.

To fully calculate the production capacity of an enterprise, you must have the following data:

1. quantity, composition and technical condition of equipment and data on production areas. Production capacity calculations include all available main production equipment assigned to workshops (both operational and inactive due to malfunction, repair, modernization), with the exception of reserve equipment and equipment of pilot specialized sections, the list and quantity of which is approved by order of the head of the enterprise.

The established procedure for accounting for the amount of equipment taken into account makes it unprofitable to maintain excess equipment at the enterprise for a long time. Thus, the methodology for calculating production capacity encourages the enterprise to ensure that all available equipment is installed, and all installed equipment actually works.

2. Progressive technical standards for equipment productivity and labor intensity of manufactured products. There are the following equipment performance standards: passport, planned, technically justified, actual. When calculating the production capacity of newly constructed enterprises, passport standards for equipment productivity are accepted; for existing enterprises, technically sound indicators of equipment productivity are accepted, but not lower than the passport standards.

3. The range of manufactured products and their quantitative ratio in the program. There are planned, optimal, and actual nomenclatures. The nomenclature and quantitative ratio of manufactured products are established based on the rational specialization of the enterprise, workshop or site. When determining the production capacity of an enterprise, the planned nomenclature and assortment (labor intensity) of manufactured products are adopted. When calculating the average annual production capacity, the volume of increase (decrease) in capacity due to changes in the product range is taken into account in full.

4. Production areas of the main workshops of the enterprise. The main factor in determining production capacity is the size of the production area, that is, the area where the technological process of manufacturing products is carried out. Auxiliary areas (repair shops, tool shops, warehouses, etc.) are not taken into account.

5. Operating hours of the enterprise. There are two types of operating modes of enterprises: continuous and intermittent. Continuous operation is established for such enterprises in which the stop of production and the start of the production process are associated with a long period, large losses of power, raw materials, fuel, worsening the technical and economic indicators of production (metallurgical, chemical enterprises).

Separate production divisions of the enterprise can operate in a continuous mode, in the production cycle of which natural processes have a significant share.

Intermittent operating mode is established for enterprises in whose production process stopping and starting the production process does not lead to noticeable losses of power, raw materials, materials. Typical representatives of enterprises operating in a discontinuous mode are machine-building, instrument-making factories, and clothing shoe factories.

6. Equipment operating time fund. In practice, three types of time fund are calculated:

    Calendar fund- This full time operating hours of equipment in the planned period. It is equal to the product of the number of calendar days in a year by the total number of hours per day (365 * 24 = 8760 hours);

    Nominal (regime) time fund determined by the production mode and working hours:

where Kn is the calendar number of days in a year;

B – number of days off and holidays in the planned period;

C – number of shifts per day;

D – shift duration in hours. If necessary, losses for major repairs of equipment are taken into account.

    Effective (real) time fund includes the time during which work will be performed on the equipment to produce the product:

, (6)

where: P r – percentage of planned current downtime.

The production capacity of an enterprise is determined by the capacity of the main (leading) production units - workshops, sections. The leading production shops are those in which the largest part of fixed assets is concentrated and where the greatest amount of labor is spent on the manufacture of products. The production capacity of leading workshops and sections is determined by the capacity of the leading group of technological equipment. When choosing a leading workshop to determine production capacity, the specifics of industrial enterprise. The objectivity of the production capacity indicator, the reality of plans for the production of industrial products and the efficiency of using investments depend on how correctly the leading production workshops and sections of the equipment group are selected.

The method for calculating the production capacity of a site, workshop, or plant is largely determined by the type of production. At serial and unit production enterprises, calculations are carried out by equipment groups and production departments. Determining production capacity begins with calculating the throughput of units or groups of equipment. There are units of periodic action, subject-specific units and units with technological specialization.

The production capacity (M r) of a workshop, a site equipped with the same type of subject-specific equipment (looms, spinning machines, etc.) is determined by the formula:


where: P h – hourly productivity of the equipment;

F pl – planned useful annual operating time of a piece of equipment, in hours;

N is the average annual fleet of this type of equipment, taken into account when calculating production capacity.

The production capacity of batch units (chemical units, autoclaves, etc.) is determined by the formula:


where: V m – mass of raw materials;

F pl – planned (useful) annual fund of equipment operating time;

t cp – duration of the raw material processing cycle;

Kvg is the yield coefficient of finished products from raw materials.

The production capacity of mass and large-scale production workshops is determined based on the planned (useful) fund of time and rhythm, or tact, of the conveyor operation:


where: Ф pl – planned (actual, useful) operating time of the conveyor, min;

t – cycle of finished products leaving the conveyor, min.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop with homogeneous, same-type equipment is calculated using the formula:


where: Ф pl – planned (actual, useful) annual fund of equipment operating time;

t unit – time spent per unit of production (labor intensity), h/m 2 ;

N – average annual quantity of the same type of equipment.

For units and machines with technological specialization, capacity is calculated by determining the need for machine hours for these units or for groups of machines and comparing the results with the available time fund.

Calculations for production areas are carried out mainly only for lightly mechanized assembly and foundry shops, the volume of output of which is limited by the size of the production area. Throughput capacity for production areas is calculated using the formula:


where: P p – production area of ​​the workshop, m 2;

F pl – planned (effective) annual operating time of the workshop (section), days.

For the fullest use of the enterprise's production capacity installed in the leading workshops, it is necessary that the capacities of the leading workshops fully correspond to the throughput of other production and auxiliary workshops. Therefore, the production capacity of the enterprise should be determined taking into account the liquidation "bottlenecks" in production with the development of necessary measures. Elimination of bottlenecks can be done in different ways: in some cases, elimination requires upgrading the equipment; in others, to revise technological processes and standards; thirdly, to reduce the range of work through cooperative deliveries, and sometimes by increasing the shift in a given area of ​​work.

The compliance of the conjugation capacity of leading workshops, sections and other parts of the enterprise is determined by calculating the conjugation coefficient using the formula:


where: M 1, M 2 – capacity of workshops, sections, units for which the conjugation coefficient is determined, in accepted units of measurement;

R u d – specific consumption of products from the first workshop for the production of products from the second workshop.

Correctly calculated production capacity of an industrial enterprise, supported by a detailed plan for eliminating bottlenecks, indicating the effectiveness of their elimination and the timing of elimination, provides the prospect of increasing production using existing equipment.

The production capacity of the leading workshop is calculated using the formula:

M c = M 1 a 1 + M 2 a 2 +… +M n a n (13)

where: M 1, M 2, ...M n – annual production capacity of this type of equipment of the same type;

a 1, a 2, and 3 – the number of units of this type of equipment.

The production capacity of the enterprise as a whole is determined by the formula:

where: n – number of units of leading equipment;

F r – actual operating time of a piece of equipment, h;

N tr – labor intensity norm for processing the product, hours.

Production capacity directly affects the volume of products that an enterprise can produce, i.e. on the production program, and therefore is a powerful strategic tool in the competitive struggle.

What is "production capacity"?

In general, production capacity can be defined as the maximum possible output of products in the corresponding period of time under certain conditions of use of equipment and production resources (space, energy, raw materials, human labor).

In practice, there are several types production capacity:

  • design;
  • launcher;
  • mastered;
  • actual;
  • planned;
  • input and output;
  • input and output;
  • balance sheet

Productive capacity, as a rule, is measured in the same units in which the production of this product is planned in physical terms (tons, pieces, meters, etc.).

The more fully it is used in time, the more products produced, the lower its cost, the more short time the manufacturer accumulates funds for the reproduction of products and improvement of the production system itself: replacement of equipment and technologies, reconstruction of production and organizational and technical innovations.

What factors influence the amount of production capacity?

Production capacity size determined by the level of production technology, the range and quality of products, as well as the peculiarities of labor organization, the availability of necessary resources, the level of specialization and cooperation, etc. Instability of factors influencing production capacity, gives rise to the multiplicity of this indicator, so they are subject to periodic revision. The leading factor influencing production capacity and determining its value is the equipment.

Productive capacity may change during each planning period. The longer the planned period, the higher the likelihood of such changes. The following main reasons for the change are identified: production capacity:

  • installation of new units to replace outdated or damaged ones;
  • depreciation of equipment;
  • commissioning of new capacities;
  • changes in equipment productivity due to intensification of its operating mode or due to changes in the quality of raw materials;
  • modernization (replacement of units, blocks, etc.);
  • changes in the structure of source materials, composition of raw materials or semi-finished products;
  • duration of equipment operation during the planned period, taking into account repairs, maintenance, and technological breaks;
  • production specialization;
  • equipment operating mode;
  • organization of repairs and routine maintenance.

What data do you need to have to calculate production capacity?

For calculation production capacity You will need the following initial data:

  • list and its quantity by type;
  • modes of equipment use and;
  • progressive standards for equipment productivity and labor intensity of products;
  • worker qualifications;
  • the intended nomenclature and range of products, which directly affect the labor intensity of products for a given composition of equipment.

What are the basic rules for calculating production capacity?

When calculating production capacity You must adhere to the following rules:

  • Take into account all available equipment, regardless of its condition: operating or inactive due to a malfunction, being repaired, in reserve or undergoing reconstruction, idle due to lack of raw materials, energy, as well as equipment being installed. Backup equipment intended to replace equipment being repaired should not be taken into account when calculating power.
  • When commissioning new capacities, it is envisaged that their operation will begin in the next quarter after commissioning.
  • Consider the effective maximum possible operating time of equipment for a given shift schedule.
  • Apply advanced technical standards for equipment productivity, product labor intensity, and standards for product yield from raw materials.
  • Focus on the most advanced methods of organizing production and comparable measures of equipment operation and power balance.
  • When calculating production capacities for the planned period, proceed from the possibility of ensuring their full utilization.
  • Provide the necessary reserve capacity to quickly respond to changes in product market demand.
  • When calculating power values do not take into account equipment downtime that may be caused by shortages of labor, raw materials, fuel, electricity or organizational problems, as well as loss of time associated with the elimination of defects.

How to calculate production capacity?

As a basis for calculation production capacity, as we have already said, they accept design or passport standards for equipment performance and technically sound time standards. When the established standards are exceeded by workers, the power calculation is made according to the advanced achieved standards, taking into account sustainable achievements.

In the general case, M is defined as the product of the rated productivity of equipment per unit of time H and the planned (effective) fund of its operating time T ef:

In turn, the effective fund of working time of equipment T ef is defined as the calendar fund of time T cal (length of the year - 365 days) minus weekends and holidays and the time between shifts T non-working, as well as equipment downtime during scheduled maintenance T ppr and equipment downtime for technological reasons (loading, unloading, cleaning, washing, etc.) T tech:

Defining Specific Values production capacity carried out for each production unit (site, workshop) taking into account the planned activities. Based on the capacity of the leading group of equipment, the production capacity of the site is established; for the leading section - workshop production capacity, at the leading workshop - production capacity of the enterprise. When setting production capacity, you can develop measures to identify bottlenecks in order to achieve the best balance between production capacities of production structures enterprises, incl. using parallel-sequential methods of product processing

How to determine the optimal production capacity?

To determine the most optimal production capacity values You need to justify it. The most common method for economic justification of production capacity is critical point analysis. This method is successfully used in planning production capacity. When using this method, you need to build a graph of the dependence of costs and income on the volume of output based on your production data:

The goal of the analysis is to find the point (in monetary units or units of output) at which costs equal revenue. This point is the critical point (break-even point), from which the profit area lies to the right and the loss area to the left. Critical point analysis is intended to justify capacity by selecting the volume of output that, on the one hand, will be optimal from the point of view of its sale on the market, and, on the other hand, will provide the lowest total costs while achieving the greatest result.

Is it possible for a small enterprise to increase production capacity without significant financial investments?

Of course, many owners manufacturing enterprises have rather limited financial resources and simply cannot afford to regularly purchase new, more powerful and modern equipment. However, issues of increasing production capacity needs to be addressed and preferably at minimal cost. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the following table, in which we have tried to list various ways increasing production capacity, including those that do not require significant financial investments.

By increasing the available working time fund:

By reducing the labor intensity of production:

1. Increasing the number of installed equipment.

2. Increasing equipment shifts.

3. Improving the organization of equipment repairs.

4. Reduced production cycles.

5. Improved use of production areas and space.

6. Rational planning of work, elimination of bottlenecks in production.

7. Deepening specialization, developing cooperation between divisions and enterprises.

1. Improving product manufacturing technology.

2. Increasing serial production.

3. Expansion of unification, normalization, standardization of products and their components.

4. Renewal and modernization of equipment.

5. Increasing the level of technological equipment of production.

6. Constant updating and revision of time standards.

7. Rational organization of labor in the workplace.

  • If possible, create additional ;
  • identify the causes and eliminate lost working time;
  • find ways to increase labor productivity (staff incentives, etc.);
  • use the improvement of the personnel structure, promote the growth of personnel qualifications;
  • improve the organization of production and labor, etc.

  • If possible, equip new workplaces with equipment;
  • identify the causes and eliminate losses in equipment operating time;
  • look for ways to improve equipment performance (upgrades, etc.);
  • implement measures to improve technology and organization of production and labor;
  • improve the structure of fixed assets, etc.
  • take measures to reduce material consumption rates;
  • introduce advanced types of raw materials and materials, etc.

What is the production capacity of the enterprise? This concept includes the volume of the maximum probable output. In this case, certain conditions must be observed. Firstly, all released goods must certainly have high quality. In addition, the equipment must be fully utilized in the production process.

The calculation is made taking into account the implemented advanced technology and modern technology, at the most high level in the organization of all links, as well as under other optimal conditions.

Types of indicators

The production capacity of an enterprise is measured in the same units as production volume. These include the value expression of manufactured products, conditionally natural and natural units. During the operation of the enterprise, the value of the production capacity indicator undergoes certain changes. This occurs due to the introduction of new equipment and the write-off of already worn-out equipment. Such actions lead to changes in the quantitative values ​​of the volume of goods produced by the enterprise. There are only 3 types of power. All of them are classified as production. First of all, this is the input power. It is calculated at the beginning of the period for which planning is carried out. There is power output. It is calculated at the end of the planned period. And finally, the third type is the average annual indicator.

Calculation of production capacity

To properly plan the work of an enterprise, it is imperative to determine the volume of products that will be produced by it. The production capacity of the enterprise is directly dependent on the capacities of the leading divisions. These include those areas or workshops that are entrusted with the task of performing the most massive, responsible and labor-intensive work. If we take the engineering industry, the leading divisions of its enterprises are assembly and mechanical shops. For metallurgy, these are open-hearth, blast furnaces and smelting furnaces.

Conditions for calculation

When determining the volume of finished products, certain points must be taken into account:

1. The production capacity of an enterprise is calculated from the bottom up. This chain moves from homogeneous equipment to a specific production site. After grouping all the information, the calculation covers each workshop and is completed by the entire enterprise.
2. When calculating the production capacity of each department, the standards for piece time, as well as output, are taken into account. At the same time, special formulas take into account the entire range of products.

3. The volume of finished products is determined at the target date. This is necessary due to the variability of the indicator when decommissioning or commissioning equipment, and is also due to the need to apply new process conditions, etc.
4. Calculations for assembly shops must be made not according to the equipment they have, but according to their production area.
5. The preliminary determination of the volume of output should not take into account the loss of working time that is caused by certain shortcomings in the technical and organizational support of the production process. Marriage is also not taken into account. Only those inevitable losses of time that are within the approved standard are subject to accounting.

Special cases

In practice, situations arise when the production capacity of individual divisions differs from the capacity of the leading unit. In this case, discrepancies can be both greater and lesser. In this situation, there are divisions of the enterprise that are not synchronized in terms of power.

In the event that calculations indicate that a given indicator of one of the divisions exceeds the same indicator of the leading link, certain measures should be taken immediately. The administration of the enterprise must either utilize the available excess capacity to the maximum, or agree that this unit will have backup equipment. If the calculations made indicate a higher production capacity of the main leading link, then the problem of the so-called bottleneck arises. Then the manager must decide to expand the problem unit. For this purpose, additional jobs may be introduced, the time of use of equipment may be increased, or one-time orders may be outsourced.

Calculation sequence

Determining the volume of output using the equipment available at the enterprise goes through the following stages:

The production capacity indicator is calculated for the leading group of machines and equipment operating at the leading site;
- the calculated capacity of the enterprise is analyzed to identify bottlenecks of the entire production complex;
- certain management decisions are made to eliminate problem areas;

Newly emerging bottlenecks are identified;
- the production capacity is calculated;
- coefficients are established that characterize the use of all production capacity, both for individual divisions and for the enterprise as a whole.

Indicators of production capacity

The maximum probable volume of finished products is calculated under the condition the best organization labor and ideal conditions flow of the technological process. In reality, this is impossible to achieve. That is why the actual volume of output is always lower than that corresponding to the calculated indicator. To adjust planning, it becomes necessary to determine the level of utilization of the enterprise's capacity. In quantitative terms, this value is equal to the ratio of actual annual output to the indicator of production volume determined for the same period. The level obtained in the calculation, which shows the percentage of use of the entire production capacity, directly depends on internal and external factors that manifest themselves in relation to the technological process. The first of them include those that are directly related to the production of products (equipment modernization, operating mode, etc.). A external factors represent the state of the market, the competitiveness of goods, demand for them, etc.

Conditions for increasing production volume

In market conditions the most important factor growth of enterprise efficiency is an increase in the use of production capacity. However, this only makes sense when the entire volume of goods produced will be in consumer demand. Otherwise, the enterprise will become overstocked with products.

If the market is developed well enough and the demand for products is high, then production capacity can be used in the amount of eighty to eighty-five percent. If the necessary conditions are not met, then the amount of equipment involvement in the technological process can drop to a factor of 0.3.

Parameter indicating the possibility of growth

The production potential of an enterprise is an indicator characterizing the ability of an enterprise to produce goods. Some economists consider this concept to be similar to productive capacity. However, in this matter consensus No. In some works, production potential is considered as a certain set of enterprise resources without taking into account technological processes. In another interpretation, this concept takes into account only those resources, the use of which contributes to the reproduction of material wealth.

Production capacity is the starting point for planning the production program of an enterprise. It reflects the potential capabilities of associations, enterprises, and production workshops. Determining the value of production capacity takes leading place in identifying and assessing production reserves.

The production capacity of an enterprise is understood as the maximum possible output of products in the range and range of the planned year, with full use of production equipment, taking into account the planned measures for the introduction of advanced production technology and scientific organization labor.

The economic justification of production capacity is the most important tool for planning industrial production. In other words, this is a potential opportunity for gross industrial output.

Production capacity characterizes the operation of fixed assets in such conditions under which it is possible to fully use the potential capabilities inherent in the means of labor.

Production capacity is determined by the range of products, taking into account the activity profile. In market conditions, the activities of economic entities are focused on meeting the demand for a particular product. Buyer demand is determined through marketing research market; Based on demand, the full value of production capacity is determined. First, the available production capacity is determined, then reserves for increasing capacity are identified. An increase in demand requires additional input of production capacity. Based on the product range, production capacity is determined - a variable value. It depends on a number of factors, the most important of which are:

Quantity and productivity of equipment;

Qualitative composition of equipment, level of physical and moral wear and tear;

The degree of progressivity of technology and production technology;

Quality of raw materials, materials, timeliness of their deliveries;

Level of specialization of the enterprise;

Level of organization of production and labor;

Equipment operating time fund;

The planned nomenclature and range of products that directly affect the labor intensity of products for a given composition of equipment.

Disposal of production capacity occurs for the following reasons:

Depreciation of equipment;

Reducing equipment operating hours;

Changing the nomenclature or increasing the labor intensity of products;

Expiration of the equipment leasing period.

When forming production capacity, the influence of such factors as nomenclature, assortment, product quality, fleet of main technological equipment, average age equipment and the effective annual fund of its operating time under the established mode, the level of fleet connectivity, the size and proportionality of production areas and other factors.

The production capacity of the equipment of an industrial enterprise is determined by the number of workshops included in it. It can be defined as follows:

PMob = PRs. F i T . Kp n 1 (1)

PMob = (F i T . Kp . n i . 60 min)/SE (2)

PRs - quantity of products manufactured at i-th group interchangeable equipment within one machine hour, pcs.;

F i T - effective time fund i-th units groups of interchangeable equipment when working in one shift and average age T, h;

Kp - equipment operating mode (one, two, three shifts);

n i - average annual quantity of available i-group equipment, pcs;

SE i - machine capacity of a unit of production produced on the i-th group of interchangeable equipment, min.

Production capacity is measured, as a rule, in the same units in which the production of this product is planned in physical terms (tons, pieces, meters).

The production capacity of the enterprise is calculated for all its divisions in the following sequence:

By units and groups of technological equipment;

By production sites;

For the main workshops and the enterprise as a whole.

The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the capacity of the leading workshops, sections, and units. The leading ones include workshops, areas, units in which the main most labor-intensive processes and operations for the manufacture of products and semi-finished products are carried out.

The presence of bottlenecks at intermediate stages of the production process should not be taken into account in calculations of the production capacity of the enterprise.

A bottleneck is understood as a discrepancy between the production capacity of individual workshops, sections, and units and the capabilities of the leading equipment.

The calculation of the enterprise's production capacity includes all equipment assigned to the main production workshops, with the exception of reserve equipment, experimental areas and special areas for worker training; cultural and technical level of personnel and attitude to work; achieved level of fulfillment of time standards.

When calculating production capacity, one must proceed from the available equipment and space, advanced production organization, the use of high-grade raw materials, the most advanced products and devices, and the operating mode of the enterprise.

Production capacity varies throughout the year, so a distinction is made between input, output and average annual capacity.

Input power is determined at the beginning of the year based on available equipment. Output power - at the end of the planning period, taking into account the disposal and input of power due to capital construction, modernization of equipment, improvement of technology and organization of production. Average annual power (Mg) is calculated by adding to the input power (Mvx) the average annual input (Mvv) and subtracting the average annual retiring power (Mvb) taking into account the validity period (Tn):

Msg = Mvx + - (3)

To calculate production capacity, you must have the following data:

Planned working time fund for one machine;

Number of cars;

Equipment performance;

Labor intensity of the production program;

Achieved percentage of fulfillment of production standards.

The production capacity of the unit (PMa) depends on the planned operating time during the year (Fp) and its productivity per unit of time (W)

PMa = Fp. W (4)

The production capacity of a site (PMu) with the same type of equipment and the same nomenclature is calculated by multiplying the production capacity of the unit by their number (K). So, production capacity is equal to:

PMu = PMa. K (5)

The production capacity of the workshop (PMc) is determined by the leading section.

The production capacity of the leading production can be determined by the formula:

where M is the production capacity of the workshop or site in accepted units of measurement;

n is the number of units of leading equipment in the workshop;

F MAX - the maximum possible operating time of the leading equipment, h;

M T is a progressive form of labor intensity for processing a product on leading equipment, h.

The production capacity of the plant (PM) as a whole is calculated for the leading workshop.

When determining production capacity, they proceed from the maximum possible working time fund. The maximum possible operating time of equipment under continuous production conditions is equal to the product of calendar days and 24 hours a day.

In conditions of continuous production, the available operating time of the equipment (nominal) is calculated.

The calendar or maximum possible fund is the initial value in accounting for operating time and inactivity of equipment.

The calendar fund is calculated using the formula:

Fk = Dg * tc (8)

Fk - calendar fund,

Dg - number of days in a year,

Tс is the duration of the working day in hours.

The nominal (regime) fund of equipment operating time is defined as the difference in the calendar time of weekends and holidays, multiplied by the number of hours of equipment operation per day:

Fн = (Dg - Dvp) * tс (9)

Fn - nominal fund,

Dvp - number of holidays and weekends.

For a set of machines, the time fund (calendar, routine) is equal to the product of the time fund of one machine by the number of machines.

The effective (disposable, actual) operating time fund of the equipment is equal to the nominal one minus the time for repair, adjustment, reconfiguration and the time the equipment is in reserve, taking into account the use of the machine over time:

Fe = Dg * t shift * S * Kn (10)

Fe - effective time fund,

t shift - duration of the work shift,

S - number of shifts per day,

Kn - utilization rate of machine equipment over time.

Production capacity is determined per year based on the capacity of leading workshops, sections, and units. Leading workshops, sections, and units include those that are involved in the main technological operations for the manufacture of products. At the site, power is determined by the leading equipment. Leading equipment is the equipment on which the main, most labor-intensive operations are performed. The production capacity of a group of similar machines is determined by the formula:

M = (Fe * Qst * Kvn) / tsht (11)

Production capacity serves as the basis for justifying the production program. To do this, it is necessary to determine for each structural unit:

1. Scope of work or load based on the release program.

2. Throughput (or available machine time).

3. To what extent does the throughput of each structural unit meet the requirements of the production task. If the throughput of various production units turns out to be disproportionate to the capacity of the leading workshops, bottlenecks arise.

4. Bringing the throughput of structural links in accordance with the identified load under the program - this means eliminating bottlenecks.

In order to find out whether there is enough production capacity to fulfill the production program planned for the current year, it is necessary to recalculate the production plan for one type of product that occupies the largest share.

Calculations of production capacity depend on the industry sector of the enterprise. At the same time, there are grounds for improving the methodological prerequisites and the choice of source data. Improving the methodology for in-house production capacity planning is directly related to strengthening financial discipline and improving product quality.

Thus, calculating the production capacity of enterprises in various industries has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account in each specific case.