Layout of a restaurant for 100 seats dwg. The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils. organizing proper storage

One of the promising areas for creating a business these days is the organization of small public catering outlets, more precisely student or company canteens, designed for 50-100 people. In this article we will try to offer a full-fledged business plan for a canteen for 50-100 seats with calculation of approximate costs for starting a startup, as well as valuable advice how to run such a business in Russian reality.

After perestroika, funding for state canteens ceased. Therefore, many businesses closed, and people had nowhere to eat cheaply and tasty. Almost the only way to have a good lunch time was to go to a restaurant, which is accessible to very few.

Prerequisites for starting a business

Given the modern pace of life, city dwellers have little time to prepare food at home and take it with them to work. Therefore, during lunch at enterprises, people need to find opportunities to eat, preferably quickly and economically, and the only chance to do this is to have a snack at a shawarma shop or buy a hot dog. Consequently, the creation of a small canteen with 50-100 seats is a fairly promising project that can fill the existing niche in the market.

But before you open a small business, you need to create a business plan for opening a canteen. For someone unfamiliar with entrepreneurship, it may be intimidating to do any serious planning, but essentially you just need to make a list of the activities and purchases that are vital to keeping your business alive.

Example of a ready-made company development plan

As an example, consider a ready-made business plan for opening a canteen. It can be taken as a basis, and then processed to suit the required size of the establishment, as well as the specifics of the existing realities in your region.

First of all, you need to analyze the existing market. The closest competitors, firmly established in the catering niche, are fast food establishments, hot dog stands, shawarma shops and restaurants. But the dining room differs in format from all of the above.

Fast food is a quick snack with very limited time, which of course brings satiety, but at the same time problems with digestion and health. Russians, who became dependent on this Western invention in the early 2000s, are now beginning to understand the dangers of such food for a long time

Restaurants, on the contrary, I guarantee high quality services and serve fairly healthy food. But such prices are only available to management - fairly wealthy and wealthy people. The niche of inexpensive, but healthy and satisfying food remains empty and, perhaps, it’s up to you to expand it.

After analyzing the competitors existing on the market, you can move on to considering the business plan for a cafe or canteen designed for 50-100 seats.

Company registration

First, you need to start registering your activities with government agencies. The best option is to register an individual business, since to create a small business with a small turnover there is no need to create a legal entity. This will allow you to save both money and time.

Determination of pricing policy

Then you need to move on to the definition pricing policy. Since the audience has an average income, the prices on the menu should be quite attractive for the consumer. In order to set the price correctly, you can try to analyze student scholarships: you just need to take medium size scholarships in your city, divide it into thirty days and three meals. The amount received should become a guideline for setting the price. In addition, you can focus on competitors’ prices existing on the market and dump them - deliberately lower the price to attract customers. The main thing is that the revenue is greater than the costs.

When setting prices, you should take into account the services that you will provide to the consumer. For example:

  1. Preparation and sale of dishes designed for three meals.
  2. Organization of corporate parties, weddings, birthdays and other events.
  3. Possibility to take food with you.

Studying the characteristics of the market and competitors

Before opening an establishment, you should understand which cafes and restaurants, stalls, and other food outlets you will have to compete with. Are they far from you? Are they targeting the same population? Afterwards, you should study all the existing mistakes of competitors, their range, and then try to avoid them in your enterprise.

An important stage before opening an establishment is establishing good relations with a representative government agencies who will supervise your enterprise. This can help in the future when solving various legal issues.

Production plan

First, you should find a room to place your dining room there. Nice place will be any business center, industrial area or streets close to universities and centers student life. It will be advantageous to place a canteen next to a large shopping center under construction, and if you open in advance, many of the builders and future employees will get used to having lunch with you. This will help to look at the functioning of the enterprise in advance and debug existing inaccuracies. And, of course, the ideal location for the dining room would be any tourist area of ​​the city, the very center, where mass celebrations are constantly taking place and excursions are organized.

But the premises you choose should not only be located in a prime location, but also suit all existing standards(for example, the presence of two exits, division into a kitchen and a living room). It is also worth considering the requirements for the size of the area, the height of the ceilings, the presence of ventilation, and so on.

The next important step that needs to be considered is the purchase of the equipment necessary for the enterprise. Now on the market of industrial units there are quite a lot of models of different brands with different characteristics. Due to their high price, it is necessary to carefully select equipment and avoid mistakes.

The minimum set consists of:

  • Gas, wood or electric stove;
  • Cooking and frying cabinet;
  • Cutting and production tables;
  • Sink or dishwasher;
  • Tables, chairs for visitors, and other furniture;
  • A set of all necessary utensils for cooking and serving;
  • Other inventory.


Separately, it is worth thinking about the personnel, without whom the operation of the enterprise is impossible. Thus, it is the level of skills of the cooks that will directly affect the quality of service, and therefore the profit. Therefore, you should approach the selection of personnel wisely.

We can say that a catering establishment designed for 50-100 seats should operate:

  • Manager;
  • Two cooks, or more - if possible starting capital;
  • Several kitchen workers;
  • Cashier;
  • Cleaning lady and dishwasher;
  • Handyman.

The next thing is creating a menu. It should include popular dishes of Russian cuisine, as well as the most common recipes in your region. As an example, a list like this might work:

  • Borscht and several other traditional Russian first courses;
  • Several options for potato dishes (mashed potatoes, potato pancakes, etc.);
  • Meat dishes;
  • A variety of salads (Olivier salad, vinaigrette, etc.).

Advertising campaign and opening

Financial plan for the canteen structure

  • The rent is about 1,000,000 rubles per year.
  • Equipment – ​​about 500,000 rubles.
  • The annual salary of employees is 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Overhead and other costs – 100,000 rubles.

The total initial investment is 3,600,000 rubles.

Considering the average payback rate similar business, with such an investment, the canteen should pay for itself in a maximum of one and a half years.

As we can see, the organization of the dining room is quite simple and at the same time profitable business, relevant in our country. And while this niche remains free, don’t miss your chance!

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Diploma on the topic "Project of a European cuisine restaurant at a shopping and entertainment complex with 100 seats"


  • Introduction
  • 1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise
  • 1.2 Competitors of the designed enterprise
  • 2. Organizational section
  • 2.1 Type of enterprise
  • 2.2 Organization of enterprise management
  • 2.3 Enterprise structure
  • 3. Technological section
  • 3.2 Drawing up a production program
  • 3.3 Calculation of the required quantity of products
  • 3.4 Calculation of the area of ​​premises for receiving and storing food and containers
  • 3.5 Design of a pre-product preparation workshop
  • 3.6 Hot shop design
  • 3.7 Cold shop design
  • 3.8 Washing tableware
  • 3.9 Service room
  • 3.10 Kitchenware washing
  • 3.11 Administrative premises
  • 3.12 Premises for consumers
  • 3.13 Determination of the total area of ​​the designed enterprise
  • 4. Architectural and construction part
  • 5. Technical and economic section
  • 5.1 Refrigeration supply of the enterprise
  • 5.2 Enterprise power supply
  • 5.3 Water supply and sewerage
  • 5.4 Heat consumption for heating
  • 6. Development of recipes and features of cooking technology
  • 6.1 Chemical composition of pork meat
  • 6.2 Development of branded recipes for dishes using the example of the hot dish “Dragon Dinner N.G.”
  • 7. Labor and environmental protection
  • 7.1 Comprehensive assessment of the state of work and stimulation of work on its safety
  • 7.2 Environmental protection
  • 8. Economic section
  • 8.1 Calculation of the volume of planned trade turnover
  • 8.2 Planning gross income from sales in a restaurant
  • 8.3 Planning production and distribution costs
  • 8.4 Calculation of profit and profitability
  • Conclusion
  • References


Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats affects his health, mood, and ability to work. Consequently, a person’s nutrition is not only his personal, but also a public matter.

Public catering is a branch of the national economy that was, is and will be the most market-oriented area of ​​activity.

Despite changes in public catering over the years of economic reforms, in comparison, the number of seats in enterprises in the city of Volgograd increased by more than 45%. These are mainly high-class bars and cafes, as well as restaurants. Nowadays, catering establishments are introducing new modern technologies, contributing to improving the quality of culinary products. In this regard, knowledge of the basics of designing public catering establishments becomes important for process engineers.

Public catering was one of the first sectors of the national economy to embark on the path of transformation, taking the burden of the most acute problems of the transition period onto market relations. The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, and the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed.

The topic of my thesis is the development of a project for a European cuisine restaurant "Europe" at the shopping and entertainment complex "Europe City Mall" with 100 seats. The relevance of this topic in modern conditions is undeniable, since at the stage of development of economic relations and stabilization of the economic situation in our region, the issue of providing the population with high-quality and affordable public catering services is urgent. The absence of a first category restaurant at the shopping and entertainment complex "Europe City Mall", as well as within a radius of 500 meters from the shopping center, determines the economic feasibility of this project.

My thesis contains the main characteristics of the enterprise, technological calculations related to the work and sale of dishes on the sales floor. Based on these calculations, it is possible to analyze the production efficiency of the designed enterprise and outline its main features related to the implementation of production and economic activities.

The restaurant of European cuisine "Europe" as an enterprise focused on a certain contingent of consumers in this situation justifies its creation, which is due to the increased interest of potential consumers in catering services for organizing leisure time in modern conditions.

When writing my diploma project, I widely used not only special literature and regulatory and technical documentation, but also practical materials on the design of public catering establishments of this type.

restaurant catering project

1. Feasibility study

Design is understood as the process of developing technical documentation for any object intended for justification, evaluation, approval, construction or reconstruction of the object.

When designing public catering establishments, it is necessary to ensure, based on the widespread use of industrial technological processes, advanced equipment and construction solutions, an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the costs of all types of resources, and a reduction in the cost of construction of facilities.

The result of design is drawing up a project. A project is a scientifically based set of technical documentation (calculations, drawings, explanatory notes and estimates) necessary for the construction of an enterprise.

IN explanatory note the rationale for the adopted architectural, planning, technological, constructive (construction), engineering (sanitary, electrical, etc.) decisions is given, and the main technical and economic indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the project are given.

Drawings - This is a graphic representation of the adopted architectural, technological and constructive solution of the designed object, its elements and details.

Estimated documentation determines the total cost of construction of the building and serves as the basis for the allocation of capital investments, financing the construction of this facility and settlements between the contractor ( construction organization) and the customer for the work performed. Radchenko L.A. "Organization of production of public catering enterprises", 2000 Phoenix.

The development of design and estimate documentation is preceded by the presentation of materials that provide justification for reconstruction (expansion, technical re-equipment) or construction of new enterprises. They are compiled on the basis of the layouts of these enterprises and feasibility studies (TES) or technical and economic calculations (TEC) developed in accordance with them, clarifying these materials. Design and estimate documentation of public catering enterprises should provide for improving the organization of work, strengthening the material and technical base, introducing industrial technology for the production of semi-finished products and products of a high degree of readiness and centralized supply of them to pre-preparing enterprises using functional containers, various types of containers, specialized road transport etc.

1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

The specialized restaurant of European cuisine "Europe" is an enterprise that belongs to the public catering establishments, providing consumers with a wide range of complexly prepared European cuisine, mainly for individual orders, as well as wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery products. A high level of service is combined with the organization of recreation for visitors. The restaurant "Europe" organizes catering for receptions, family celebrations, banquets, and theme nights. The company provides the population with additional services:

production of dishes from the customer’s raw materials at the enterprise;

cook service for preparing meals at home;

waiter service at home;

delivery of culinary products according to consumer orders, including for banquets;

organizing business lunches.

The restaurant hall has a capacity of 100 seats and is located on the territory of the shopping and entertainment complex "Europe City Mall".

According to GOST R 50762-2007 “Public catering services. Classification of public catering establishments,” the “Europe” restaurant belongs to the first category restaurant.

The main visitors to the restaurant are visitors to the Europa City Mall shopping center, as well as residents of nearby areas, employees of nearby institutions, students of educational institutions, as well as tourists and guests of the city.

Restaurant visits are also influenced by proximity to heavy pedestrian traffic and public transport.

1.2 Competitors of the designed enterprise

The competitors for the Europe restaurant are the following restaurants:


What kind of cuisine do they offer?

Where are they located?

Restaurant "Volgograd"

European and Russian cuisine

Central district, st. Mira

Restaurant "Grail"

European cuisine

Krasnooktyabrsky district, st. Mendeleev

Restaurant "Ole"

European cuisine

Central district. st. Sovetskaya 13

Restaurant "Min Herz"

European cuisine

Voroshilovsky district, st. Kim, 10

Restaurant "Oktyabrsky"

European and Russian cuisine

Central district, st. Kommunisticheskaya 5a

Restaurant "House of Guests"

European and Russian cuisine

Central district, st. Novorossiyskaya 21


European cuisine

Central district, st. Mira

"Golden Prague"

European and Czech cuisine

Central district, st. Sovetskaya 28a

The competitors for the "Europe" restaurant are established restaurants and cafes with European or mixed cuisine located in nearby areas of the city of Volgograd (see table). However, due to its specialization and application modern forms service and production, the restaurant "Europe" can very well count on soon becoming a leader in the network of public catering establishments existing in the area. This is the only enterprise in the area and in the city with such a wide range of European cuisine and a high level of service by waiters, head waiters, and bartenders. The operating hours of the enterprise are from 09-00 to 3-00. When developing the operating mode of the restaurant, its type was taken into account Durovich A.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook. allowance/ A.P. Durovich. - M.: New knowledge, 2008., location and composition of the potential contingent of consumers. The way it is located around the restaurant large number various types of enterprises, and also taking into account the fact that the restaurant will be located on the territory of the shopping and entertainment complex "Europe City Mall" in the elite part of the city, this will satisfy consumer demand both at lunchtime and in the evening.

2. Organizational section

2.1 Enterprise type

Restaurant "Europe" as an organization is a limited liability company (LLC). A limited liability company is a type of capital association that does not require the personal participation of its members in the affairs of the company.

The range of products of own production and purchased goods in the Europe restaurant is very wide and varies depending on seasonality and consumer demand. The menu includes cold dishes and snacks from fish, meat products, vegetables, hot snacks, various soups, main hot courses, sweet dishes, hot and cold drinks, bakery and flour confectionery products.

2.2 Organization of enterprise management

The supreme body of a Limited Liability Company is the general meeting of participants. The executive body that carries out the current management of its activities and is accountable to the meeting of its participants. The executive body may be sole.

Powers of the general meeting of participants:

1. changing the charter of the company, changing its authorized capital;

2. formation of executive bodies of companies, early termination of their powers;

3. approval annual reports and the company's balance sheets and distribution of its profits and losses;

4. decision on reorganization or liquidation of the company;

5. election audit commission society.

2.3 Enterprise structure

Production divisions of the enterprise - workshops, sections,

service farms and services (directly or indirectly involved in the production process), taken together, constitute its production structure. Durovich A.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook. allowance/ A.P. Durovich. - M.: New knowledge, 2008.

The construction of a rational production structure of an enterprise is carried out in the following order:

1. The number of workshops, sections of the enterprise, their capacity in sizes that ensure a given output of products are established;

2. The areas for each workshop and warehouse are calculated, their spatial locations in the general plan of the enterprise are determined;

3. All transport connections within the enterprise and necessary external communications are planned;

4. The shortest routes for the movement of products during the production process are outlined.


The functional task of management is a certain stage

(planning, organization, etc.) management of a certain resource (finance, personnel, etc.) in a certain field of activity.

Specific management functions are closely related to the specifics of the enterprise and the main areas of its activity (general management, financial management, production, R&D, marketing).

General management of an enterprise consists of its structuring, organization of activities, planning, personnel management, control, accounting and analysis of performance results.

When managing production, the problems of production economics (costs, prices) and production planning are solved. Production planning tasks include:

· choice of technological process;

· production program planning;

· production sequence planning (operational

· planning);

· formation of production systems (equipment systems);

· maintenance and operation of equipment;

· organization of logistics.

Implementation of functions in the field of marketing includes:

· organizing the collection and processing of marketing information;

· selection of target markets and their segmentation;

· application of marketing solutions for the product;

· selection and interaction with distribution channels;

· product promotion;

· selection and implementation of pricing policy;

· planning and analysis of the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Financial management of an enterprise includes:

· acquisition of financial resources;

· use of financial resources;

· liquidity management;

· structuring of capital and property;

· management of payment instruments and payment transactions;

· financial planning and financial control.

Thus, specific functions of company management can be

considered as system components of its management.

In the restaurant "Europe" LLC, general management functions are carried out by

economic department.

Specific management functions: engineering and operational department, supply department.

Special functions: service hall, workshops.

2.4 Organization of production in the designed catering establishment

The essence of organizing production is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of food preparation.

To successfully express the production process in catering establishments it is necessary:

· Choose a rational production structure;

· Production facilities should be located along the technological process to eliminate counter flows of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Thus, the procurement shops should be located closer to the warehouses, but at the same time have a convenient connection with the pre-production shops;

· Ensure production flow and sequence of technological processes;

· Place the equipment correctly;

· Provide workplaces with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools;

· Create optimal working conditions.

The production premises of the "Europe" restaurant are located on the ground floors and are oriented to the north and northwest. The composition and area of ​​production premises are determined by Building Codes and Design Rules depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise.

The area of ​​production premises ensures safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of the usable area occupied by various technological equipment, as well as the area of ​​passages.

Area standards adopted, sq. m: for hot shop-7-10; cold - 6-8; for procurement shops-4-6.

The height of the production premises is 3.3 m. The walls are lined with ceramic tiles to a height of 1.8 m from the floor, the rest is covered with light adhesive paint.

In modern rooms, the walls are lined with light ceramic tiles to the full height, which improves the conditions for sanitary processing.

The floors are waterproof, have a slight slope towards the ladder, they are covered with metlakh tiles, which meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.

An optimal microclimate has been created in the production premises. Microclimate factors include temperature, humidity and air speed. The microclimate of the hot and confectionery shops is also affected by thermal radiation from the heated surfaces of the equipment. The exposed surface of a hot stove emits rays that can cause heat stroke in a worker.

The optimal temperature in the procurement and cold shops should be within 16-18C, in the hot and confectionery shops 23-25C. Relative air humidity in workshops is 60-70%.

An important condition for reducing worker fatigue and preventing injuries is the correct lighting of production premises and workplaces. There is natural consecration in the workshops. The lighting ratio must be at least 1: 6, and the distance of the workplace from windows should not be more than 8 m. These requirements have been met. Production tables are placed so that the cook works facing the window or the light falls from the left.

For artificial illumination, fluorescent or incandescent lamps are used. When selecting lamps, the standard was observed - 20 W per 1 m2 of workshop area.

Production premises have hot and cold water to washing baths, electric boilers, and digester boilers.

Sewerage ensures removal waste water when operating bathtubs and digesters.

In production workshops, noise occurs during the operation of mechanical and cold equipment. The permissible noise level in industrial premises is 60-75 dB. We achieved a reduction in noise levels in production areas by using sound-absorbing materials.

Organization of work places.

A workplace is a part of the production area where a worker performs individual operations using appropriate equipment, utensils, tools, and tools. Workplaces in public catering establishments have their own characteristics depending on the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the operations performed, and the range of products.

The area of ​​the workplace is sufficient to ensure rational placement of equipment, creation of safe working conditions, as well as convenient arrangement of equipment and tools.

Workstations in the workshop are located along the technological process.

The dimensions of production equipment are such that the worker’s body and arms are in the most comfortable position.

As experience in organizing a chef's workplace shows, the distance from the floor to the top shelf of the table, on which a supply of dishes is usually placed, should not exceed 1750 mm. The optimal distance from the floor to the middle shelf is 1500 mm. This area is the most convenient for the cook. It is very convenient when the table has drawers for equipment and tools. At the bottom of the table there should be shelves for dishes and cutting boards.

Movable wooden racks are installed near production tables and baths.

Each workplace must be provided with a sufficient number of tools, equipment and utensils. The requirements for production equipment are: strength, reliability, aesthetics.

When calculating the number of waiters required for fast, uninterrupted service, we proceed from the following approximate standards:

· Normal service - 1 waiter for 10-12 visitors.

· Service for participants of congresses and conferences - 1 waiter for 12-14 visitors.

· Buffet - 1 waiter for 25-30 guests.

· Banquet with full waiter service - 16-20 waiters per 100 guests.

· Banquet with partial waiter service - 8-10 waiters per 100 guests.


At the "Europe" restaurant, food delivery is carried out by a forwarder. To provide an enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following problems: what to buy; how much to purchase; from whom to purchase; under what conditions to purchase. In addition, it is necessary to: conclude an agreement; monitor the execution of the contract; arrange delivery; organize warehousing and storage. These tasks are solved by the restaurant supply department. It works independently, performing its functions defined above. The company has a list of suppliers from whom products are constantly purchased, as well as purchases from markets and wholesale warehouses. The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed based on special criteria. They are often limited by the price and quality of the supplied products, as well as the reliability of supplies. Other criteria taken into account when choosing a supplier include the following: distance of the supplier from the consumer; deadlines for order fulfillment; organization of quality management at the supplier; the financial position of the supplier, his creditworthiness, etc. Delivery of products is carried out in centralized and decentralized ways. Centralized delivery of goods to enterprises is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers. With centralized delivery, the company is freed from the need to have its own transport. With decentralized delivery, the removal of goods from suppliers is ensured directly by the enterprise itself, using its own transport. Mintzberg G. Structure in the fist: creating an effective organization / trans. from English edited by Yu.N. Kapturevsky - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. Transport plays an important role in the movement of goods. During the movement of goods, transport drivers and the freight forwarder must ensure the safety of the cargo during transportation; timely delivery of cargo; compliance with loading and transportation rules; efficient use of vehicles. At the "Europe" restaurant, each vehicle intended for transporting products has a sanitary passport issued by the sanitary and epidemiological service institutions. Reception of goods in a food establishment is an important part of the technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages. Products are obtained according to quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to waybills, invoices, by recalculating containers, and weighing.

If the goods arrived in a serviceable container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to require opening the container and checking the net weight. The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and number of product units are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods. If a shortage is detected, a unilateral act on the identified shortage is drawn up.


The process of logistics of production is aimed at the timely delivery of the material and technical resources required in accordance with the business plan to the enterprise's warehouses or directly to workplaces.

The composition of material and technical resources includes: raw materials, materials, components, purchased technological equipment and technological equipment (devices, cutting and measuring tools), new vehicles, loading and unloading equipment, computer equipment and other equipment, as well as purchased fuel, energy, water. In other words, everything that comes to the enterprise in material form and in the form of energy belongs to the elements of material and technical support of production.

For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics support (MTS) is necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities.

Objectives of logistics support of production:

timely provision of enterprise divisions with the necessary types of resources of the required quantity and quality;

improving the use of resources, increasing labor productivity, capital productivity, reducing the duration of production cycles for manufacturing products, ensuring the rhythm of processes, reducing turnover working capital, full use of secondary resources, increasing the efficiency of investments;

analysis of the organizational and technical level of production and quality of products from the supplier’s competitors and preparation of proposals to increase the competitiveness of the supplied material resources or change the supplier of a specific type of resource.

To achieve these goals, supply workers must study and take into account the supply and demand for all material resources consumed by the enterprise, the level and changes in prices for them and for the services of intermediary organizations, choose the most economical form of product distribution, optimize inventories, and reduce transportation, procurement and storage costs.


In the warehouses of public catering enterprises, short-term storage of raw materials and semi-finished culinary products necessary for the operation of the enterprise, as well as items of material and technical equipment and waste, is carried out.

They include:

- refrigerated chambers for storing frozen and chilled meat, poultry, fish;

chamber of dairy and fat products and gastronomy;

-chamber of vegetables, fruits, drinks, pickles and herbs;

- food waste chamber;

-potato and vegetable pantry;

- dry food pantry;

- pantry containers;

- storage room for equipment;

- storekeeper's room.

The main tasks of warehousing are:

organization of proper storage of material assets;

- uninterrupted maintenance of the production process.

Functions of warehouse departments:

work planning;

- acceptance, processing (including sorting) of cargo;

- organization of proper storage (creating conditions to prevent spoilage; maintaining the required temperature and humidity);

- constant monitoring and accounting of the movement of material assets;

- timely provision of the production process with materials, components, etc.;

- creating conditions that prevent the theft of material assets;

- strict compliance with fire safety measures. Mintzberg G. Structure in the fist: creating an effective organization / trans. from English edited by Yu.N. Kapturevsky - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.


The pre-product preparation workshop is organized at medium-sized enterprises with a full production cycle. These workshops provide for the processing of meat, poultry, and fish in one room.

Given the specific smell of fish products, it is necessary to organize separate processing flows for meat and fish. In addition to separate equipment, there are separate tools, containers, cutting boards marked for processing fish and meat.

The meat processing line is equipped with a bath for washing meat, a cutting chair, a production table for boning meat, cooking, a meat grinder, and a scorching cabinet for processing poultry. In addition, a refrigeration cabinet is installed in the workshop for storing and cooling semi-finished products.

Poultry can also be processed in meat processing areas.

At the fish processing area there is a bath for defrosting frozen fish, tables for cleaning and gutting fish. The fish is gutted on the production table manually using a small chef's knife. Non-food waste is collected in a special tank. A separate workplace is organized for preparing portioned semi-finished products. To prepare minced fish, a meat grinder is used, which is not used for preparing minced meat.

The technological process of processing sturgeon fish is carried out at the same workplaces as the processing of small fish. Semi-finished fish products are placed in trays and stored in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding 5°C. Shelf life - up to 12 hours, chopped - no more than 6 hours.


Hot shops are organized in enterprises that perform a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main workshop of a catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products is carried out, broth is boiled, soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses are prepared, and products for cold and sweet dishes are also cooked. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (pies, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop ready meals go directly to dispensers for sale to consumers.

The hot shop occupies a central place in a catering enterprise. In the case where a hot shop serves several sales areas located on different floors, it is advisable to locate it on the same floor with the sales area that has the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be serving rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these dispensing stations with finished products is ensured with the help of lifts.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes produced in a hot shop are distinguished according to the following main characteristics:

1. Type of raw materials used - from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from eggs and cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc.;

2. Method of culinary processing - boiled, poached, stewed, fried, baked.

3. The nature of consumption - soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc.;

4. Purpose - for dietary, school meals, etc.;

5. Consistencies - liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, viscous, crumbly.

Hot shop dishes must comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical specifications and be produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with the Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, the assortment of culinary products sold through buffets and retail chain enterprises (cooking shops, trays).

Microclimate of a hot shop. The temperature, according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, should not exceed 23° C, therefore, the supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air movement speed 1-2 m/s); relative humidity 60-70%. To reduce exposure to infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area should be 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.

The operating mode of the hot shop depends on the operating mode of the enterprise (sales floor) and the forms of release of finished products. In order to successfully cope with the production program, hot shop workers must begin work no later than two hours before the opening of the sales area.

The hot shop must be equipped with modern equipment: thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking boilers, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and shelving.

Depending on the type and power, the use of mechanical equipment in the hot shop is envisaged.

Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping with commercial, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its operating mode, the maximum load of the sales area during peak hours, as well as forms of service. Thus, in restaurants where entrees are prepared in small batches, fewer stationary cooking kettles are required than in canteens with the same number of seats.

In a hot shop, for the convenience of organizing the processes of preparing hot dishes, it is advisable to use sectional modulated equipment, which can be installed in an island manner, or organize several technological lines - for preparing broths and first and second courses; side dishes and sauces.

Sectional modulated equipment saves production space by 5-7%, increases the efficiency of equipment use, reduces worker fatigue, and increases their ability to work.

Sectional modulated equipment is equipped with an individual exhaust device that removes from the workshop harmful gases formed during frying of products, which helps create a favorable microclimate in the workshop and improve working conditions.

To rationally organize the chef’s workplace, sectional modulated production tables and other non-mechanical equipment should also be used. This equipment can be used in all pre-production shops.

The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. In the soup department, broths and first courses are prepared, in the sauce department, second courses, side dishes, sauces, and hot drinks are prepared.

The number of cooks in each department is determined by the ratio 1: 2, i.e. There are half as many cooks in the soup department. In low-power hot shops, as a rule, there is no such division.

Soup department. The technological process of preparing first courses consists of two stages: preparing broth and preparing soups. In the restaurant, broths are prepared in small quantities and therefore boilers with a capacity of 100 and 60 liters are installed to cook the broth. Cold and hot water is supplied to the digester boilers. The number of boilers and their capacity depend on the capacity of the enterprise. Near the boilers, for ease of work, production tables are installed in a line, designed to perform auxiliary operations.

Bone, meat and bone, chicken, fish and mushroom broths are prepared in the hot shop. The longest cooking time is for bone and meat and bone broths (4-6 hours). They are prepared in advance, usually the day before the current day.

After preparing the broth, the cauldrons are washed and used for cooking soups.

In a restaurant where broths are prepared in small quantities, 50 and 40 liter stovetop boilers are used for cooking them.

In addition to stationary digester boilers, the soup preparation workplace includes a line of thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment. The distance between the lines should be 1.5 m.

The line of heating equipment consists of electric (gas) stoves and electric frying pans. The stove is used for cooking first courses in small batches in stovetop cauldrons, stewing, sautéing vegetables, etc. An electric frying pan is used for sautéing vegetables. Insert sections for heating equipment are used as additional elements in the lines of sectional modulated equipment, creating additional convenience for the cook’s work.

Non-mechanical equipment lines include sectional modulated tables and a mobile bath for washing garnishes for clear broths. At the workplace of the cook preparing the first courses, the following are used: a table with a built-in bathroom, a table for small-scale mechanization, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet for storing food supplies.

The technological process of preparing soups is organized as follows. The day before, the cooks get acquainted with the menu plan, which indicates the quantity and range of first courses for the next day. Bone and meat and bone broths are cooked in concentrated or normal concentration, as mentioned above, also the day before.

At the beginning of the working day, cooks, in accordance with the task and technological maps, receive required quantity net weight of products, prepare the workplace - select dishes, equipment, tools. With a clear organization of production, preparing the workplace and receiving products should take no more than 15 minutes of the cook’s working time. The remaining operations that the cooks perform depend on the assortment of first courses. First, the cooks strain the broth (using a sieve or cheesecloth), set it to boil meat and poultry, chop vegetables, stew beets for borscht, sauté vegetables and tomato puree, sort out cereals, etc.

For cooking soups, stove-top boilers of 50, 40, 30 and 20 liters and stationary boilers are used. The sequence of cooking soups is determined taking into account the labor intensity of the prepared dishes and the duration of heat treatment of the products. To speed up the cooking process, use measured dishes (buckets, pans, etc.).

In restaurants where first courses are prepared in small batches, food warmers are installed in the hot shop, which ensures that the temperature and taste of the soups are maintained. First courses must be served at a temperature of no lower than 75°C; the duration of sale of first courses in mass preparation is no more than 2-3 hours.

To prepare puree soups, the products are pureed and crushed.

Flour culinary products (pies, cheesecakes, pies) are prepared with clear broths. Additional jobs will be created for their production. The dough is kneaded in stovetop kettles and cut on a production table with a wooden shelter using rolling pins, manual dough dividers, and cutters.

Sauce compartment. The sauce compartment is intended for preparing main courses, side dishes and sauces. To perform various processes of thermal and mechanical processing of products, workplaces are equipped with appropriate equipment and a variety of utensils, tools, and equipment.

Thermal and mechanical equipment is selected in accordance with the standards for equipping public catering establishments.

The main equipment of the sauce department are stoves, ovens, electric frying pans, deep fryers, as well as food boilers and a universal drive. Stationary digester boilers are used in the sauce department in large workshops for cooking vegetable and cereal side dishes.

Acceleration of cooking food can be achieved by using ultra-high-frequency devices. In microwave devices, semi-finished products are heated throughout the entire volume of the product due to the properties electromagnetic waves penetrate into the product to a considerable depth.

The sauce department equipment can be grouped into two or three technological lines.

The first line is intended for heat treatment and preparation of semi-finished dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, as well as for preparing side dishes and sauces in stovetop dishes. The line consists of sectional modulated equipment and includes an oven, stoves, electric frying pans, and deep fryers. In restaurants, this line is also equipped with food warmers designed for short-term storage of main courses in a hot state.

The second line is designed to perform auxiliary operations and includes sectional modulated tables: a table with a built-in washing tub, a table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet (in restaurants).

Meat, fish, and vegetable semi-finished products are prepared for heat treatment on production tables. A production table with a refrigerated slide and cabinet is used in restaurants for portioning and preparing dishes.

The third line is organized in large hot shops, where stationary digester boilers are used to cook side dishes. This line includes sectional

modulated boilers with functional containers, work tables for preparing products for cooking (sorting cereals, pasta, etc.), a bath for washing side dishes. In restaurants, where complex side dishes are mainly prepared in small quantities, stovetop cookware is used instead of stationary cooking kettles. Deep fryers are used for frying potatoes (fries, pie, etc.).

The work of the cooks in the sauce department begins with familiarization with the production program (menu plan), selecting technological maps, and specifying the quantity of products needed for preparing dishes. Then the cooks receive products, semi-finished products, and select dishes. In the restaurant, fried and baked dishes are prepared only upon the order of visitors; labor-intensive dishes that require a lot of time to prepare (stews, sauces) are prepared in small batches. In other enterprises during mass production, no matter what volume of products is prepared, it is necessary to take into account that fried second courses (cutlets, steaks, entrecotes, etc.) must be sold within 1 hour; boiled, stewed, stewed main courses - 2 hours, vegetable side dishes - 2 hours, crumbly porridge, stewed cabbage - 6 hours, hot drinks - 2 hours. In exceptional cases, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, the forced storage of the remaining food must be cooled and stored at a temperature of 2-6°C no more than 18 hours. Before sale, chilled food is checked and tasted by the production manager, after which it is necessarily subjected to heat treatment (boiling, frying on a stove or in an oven). The shelf life of food after this heat treatment should not exceed one hour. Do not mix leftover food from the previous day or with food prepared earlier on the same day.

In raw materials and food products used for preparing dishes, the content of potentially hazardous substances of chemical and biological origin (toxic elements, antibiotics, pesticides, pathogenic microorganisms, etc.) should not exceed the standards established by medical and biological requirements and sanitary standards for product quality nutrition. This requirement is specified in GOSTR 50763-2007 "Public catering services. Catering products sold to the public. General technical conditions."

The following utensils are used in the sauce department:

1. Stovetop boilers with a capacity of 20, 30, 40, 50 liters for cooking and stewing meat and vegetable dishes; boilers (boxes) for boiling and poaching fish whole and in sections;

2. Boilers for steaming dietary dishes with a grate insert;

3. Pots with a capacity of 1.5, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10 liters for preparing small quantities of boiled, stewed main courses, sauces;

4. Saute pans with a capacity of 2,4,6,8 and 10 liters for sautéing vegetables, tomato puree. Unlike cauldrons, stewpans have a thickened bottom;

5. Metal baking sheets and large cast iron frying pans for frying semi-finished products from meat, fish, vegetables, poultry;

6. Small and medium cast iron frying pans with a handle for frying pancakes, pancakes, preparing omelettes;

7. Cast iron frying pans with a press for frying tobacco chickens, etc.

The following equipment is used: whisks, whisks, chef's forks (large and small); bolt; spatulas for pancakes, cutlets, fish; a device for straining broth, various sieves, scoops, skimmers, skewers for frying kebabs.

In the sauce department, jobs are organized mainly according to the type of heat treatment. For example, a workplace for frying and sautéing foods and semi-finished products; the second - for cooking, stewing and poaching foods; the third is for preparing side dishes and cereals.

At the chef's workplace, cooks, frying cabinets, production tables and mobile racks are used to fry and sauté food. In restaurants where the range of dishes is more varied and deep-fried dishes (Kiev cutlets, fish fries, etc.) are prepared over an open fire (grilled sturgeon, grilled poultry, etc.), an electric grill is included in the heat line , deep fryer. The prepared semi-finished products in a mesh are immersed in a deep fryer with heated fat, then the finished products, together with the mesh or slotted spoon, are transferred to a colander placed on a saucepan to drain excess fat. If the assortment of dishes includes kebabs, then a specialized workplace will be organized, consisting of a production table and a kebab oven.

Workstations for cooking, stewing, poaching and baking products are organized taking into account the chefs’ performance of several operations simultaneously. For this purpose, heating equipment (stoves, ovens, electric frying pans) is grouped with the aim of making it easier for cooks to move from one operation to another. Auxiliary operations are carried out on production tables installed parallel to the heating line. Heating equipment can be installed not only in line, but also in an island manner.

Porridge and pasta for baked dishes are cooked in stovetop cauldrons. The mass prepared for baking is placed on baking sheets and placed in ovens, where it is cooked until cooked. Stew food in stovetop boilers or electric frying pans. Radchenko L.A. "Organization of production of public catering enterprises", 2000 Phoenix.

At the workplace of a cook preparing side dishes from vegetables, cereals and pasta, the technological process consists of the following operations: cereals are sorted on a production table, washed, then cooked in stationary or stove-top boilers.

For cooking and quick removal of the finished product from stationary boilers, stainless steel mesh inserts are used. Boiled pasta is drained in a colander and washed.

The selection of stovetop boilers of a certain capacity for cooking cereals of various consistencies is made based on the volume occupied by 1 kg of cereal along with water.

To prepare sauces at the workplace, digester kettles are used when it is necessary to prepare a large volume of sauces, or pans of various capacities when preparing a small amount of sauces. Sieves are used to strain vegetables and strain broths. various shapes or filters.

Basic sauces (red and white), as a rule, are prepared for the whole day, and derivative sauces are prepared for 2-3 hours of selling dishes on the sales floor.


Cold shops are designed for the preparation, portioning and presentation of cold dishes and snacks. The assortment of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise and its class. The assortment of the cold shop includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuca, jelly, compotes and etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning a workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of products necessary for preparing cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution and washing of tableware.

When organizing a cold workshop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the workshop, after manufacturing and portioning, are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in quantities that can be sold in a short time.

In small enterprises, universal workplaces are organized where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program. Specialized workplaces are organized in large cold shops.

The cold shop must be equipped with a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment. Restaurants and bars use ice makers to produce ice, which is used in the preparation of cocktails and cold drinks. The selection of refrigeration equipment depends on the capacity of the cold shop, the number of products and finished products to be stored.

A variety of tools, equipment, and devices are used in the cold shop.

3. Technological section

3.1 Determination of the number of consumers

The number of consumers can be determined based on the occupancy schedule of the hall or the turnover of seats during the day.

When determining the number of consumers according to the hall's loading schedule, the main data for drawing up the schedule are: the operating mode of the enterprise, the duration of a meal by one consumer and the percentage of the hall's occupancy according to its operating hours.

The number of consumers served per 1 hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

Nch = (P* *x) /10 0,

where Nch is the number of consumers served per 1 hour, people; P - number of seats in the hall, seats; - turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour; x - hall load at a given hour, %.

Loading schedule for the trading floor.


The initial data for determining the number of dishes is the number of consumers and the consumption rate of dishes.

The total number of dishes is determined by the formula

n = N * m,

where n is the number of dishes sold by the enterprise during the day; N is the number of consumers during the day, people; m - food consumption coefficient.

For a restaurant of this type m = 3.5.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

How can a mini-cafe generate maximum income? In this article, we understand all the intricacies of the restaurant business, plan a budget and share secrets on how to earn more than 200 thousand rubles a month.

A cozy, authentic cafe can become a favorite place for meetings and leisure for many people. Despite the abundance of such establishments, not all of them find regular customers and are forced to close. This is due to improper planning, management errors and ignorance of the nuances of business. To avoid such mistakes, we have prepared a detailed guide to opening a cafe from scratch.

Market analysis and idea development

Every year the culture of public catering is developing more and more actively. The demand for eating out is growing, and so is the number of establishments and variety of offers. As a result, an active and very capacious public catering market is being formed, which is not afraid of even a financial crisis. Statistics indicate that during periods of economic instability, although Russians save on eating out, they do not give it up altogether. From which the conclusion follows: the catering sector is very relevant and promising.

The prospect of high and stable profits brings many players to the market who have to work in a highly competitive environment. Nevertheless, participants in the restaurant business find their clients, because everyone’s gastronomic preferences are different. Restaurants of national cuisines, bars, pizzerias, burger shops, dumpling shops - choose what you like.

Today we have chosen a mini-cafe and will tell you how to turn 100 sq.m. into a source of income.

The zero stage of opening a mini-cafe should be defining the concept. When the market offers many different establishments, only those who offer an interesting concept and are ready to surprise can stand out and attract their customers.

RBC statistics, which reflect the structure, will help you decide on the direction domestic market catering From this information it is clear that competition in the field of cafes with national cuisine will be much higher than, for example, dumplings. If you are new to business, we recommend choosing a niche that is more open. Although if available interesting idea, which will definitely “shoot”, it is possible to gain a foothold in a popular direction.

Figure 1 – Structure of the public catering market in terms of establishment concepts (data from RBC)

Development of the concept of the establishment

Let's start by choosing a cafe concept. When deciding this issue, you should clearly understand what kind of establishment its owner wants to have and for whom he wants to open it. These positions are key and determine the future of the institution. It will depend on them:

  • identifying the target audience;
  • selection of premises;
  • menu;
  • visitor service form;
  • territorial location;
  • competitive advantages.

The scope for imagination is truly limitless. You can focus on the original kitchen or create a cozy, creative environment. You can choose a specific theme for the establishment, come up with an original way of serving or serving dishes, and serving guests.

The main thing to remember is that any idea must be well thought out and calculated.
The restaurant concept includes all components of the enterprise’s activities: choice of establishment format, target audience, location, promotion, menu, type of service, necessary equipment, production process technology, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

For example, if you plan to open a family cafe, then it is better to locate it in a residential area and develop a children's menu. If the chosen location is located next to an office center or public establishment, the cafe should have a sufficient number of seats and a wide selection of snacks, while the design does not play an important role. And if you plan to open a themed establishment, for example, a cafe based on a film, then significant investments will be required in the design of the premises.

Consequently, the concept of an establishment is a single whole, the foundation on which the entire business is built.

Finding a suitable location, planning room renovations

For any catering establishment, the right location plays an important role. Finding premises for a mini-cafe is determined by a number of important nuances. One of the most common options is non-residential premises located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building. Its location itself is not so important, although it must meet certain requirements. On the one hand, good traffic will attract the attention of new visitors. On the other hand, with proper organization of the establishment itself, the location can be somewhat neglected and save on rental costs. The main condition for the location of a cafe is the convenience and safety of the entrance or approach to the establishment.

But for the premises of the future cafe there are more requirements; it should be selected especially carefully. Each premises intended for a catering establishment undergoes a thorough inspection by government agencies - the sanitary and epidemiological station, Rospotrebnadzor, and the fire inspectorate. Strict requirements are imposed on the arrangement of the kitchen and ventilation, compliance with working area standards, finishing materials, organization of food storage, etc. In addition, the functionality of the premises should be assessed - the possibility of redevelopment, the presence of all communications (water supply and sewerage, electricity, gas) that will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the establishment. Particular attention should be paid to electrical power, since food processing equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

Another frequently asked question: whether to buy a property or rent it. As practice shows, it is not advisable to buy a building at the initial stage. It is better to invest the initial investment in the acquisition good equipment, creating an attractive interior, promoting the establishment. However, when drawing up a lease agreement, it is recommended to immediately stipulate the possible purchase of real estate in the future. Also pay attention to the length of the rental period. It will not be profitable for you to move to another place in a year or two: firstly, you will have to spend a significant amount on the move; secondly, the loss of a “promoted” place can deprive the establishment of a share of the clientele. Therefore, it is worth discussing in detail with the tenant all the nuances of the contract.

The area of ​​the room depends on how compactly the clients will be accommodated and on the total capacity. We agreed that the mini-cafe will fit on 100 sq.m. From this area you need to subtract 35 sq.m., which the kitchen will occupy, 10 sq.m. – utility rooms, 3 sq.m. – bathroom. That is, we will have 52 sq.m. left for the hall for visitors. What can be placed in this area? A cozy coffee shop or pastry shop, a themed establishment with a beautiful interior, a self-service snack bar like a dumpling shop or a pancake shop.

Depending on the layout and method of arranging furniture, such a room can easily accommodate from 20 to 40 people.

Ready ideas for your business

The average rent for a normal premises for a mini-cafe is about 50-70 thousand rubles, depending on the location and features of the premises.

He advises you to pay attention to the premises that previously housed catering establishments. This will avoid unnecessary expenses and speed up the process of opening a cafe. Now you can find many options for suitable premises, in which the space is divided into zones, the kitchen is equipped with ventilation and hoods, and the living room is equipped with an air conditioning system. Renting such premises may cost a little more, but the benefits will be greater. It's easier than starting to arrange everything from scratch.

Also, when choosing a room, you should focus on how the cafe’s interior is supposed to look. Different concepts will require different planning solutions.

During the renovation process, you need to focus, first of all, on convenience and comfort for visitors. After all, a cafe is a place to relax and have a good time. And the atmosphere must be appropriate, so it is worth paying attention to the interior of the establishment. It is advisable that each table is in relative isolation from each other, because the privacy of a group is also a kind of comfort.

Ready ideas for your business

The interior of the establishment plays not only an aesthetic role, but also allows you to create the “features” of the establishment and a memorable corporate identity. This makes the interior an effective tool in promoting a catering establishment. It is better to entrust the creation of an interior to a professional designer. Then you will be able to create a unique space in the bar where people will want to spend time and where they will want to return.

Renovation costs can be completely different: it all depends on the idea, the materials used and whether you use the services of a designer or not. That is why it is quite difficult to name the exact amount of repair costs. The average cost of repairing and finishing the premises is about 200 thousand rubles.

For any catering establishment, especially small cafes, properly selected premises play an important role. The cafe should be located in a crowded place: markets, parks, near or inside shopping and entertainment complexes, near business centers, office buildings and educational institutions, on central streets.

When choosing a location, you should also consider the presence of competitors nearby. When studying the competitive environment, you need to pay attention to prices, services offered, quality of service and menu.

Here is a classic list of requirements for an ideal cafe location that every restaurateur should know:

    Entrance from the street. The line of houses from the highway is the first.

    Close to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

    Location at a crossroads. Goal: the cafe's windows face TWO streets at once, which is how the establishment is advertised. It would be ideal if you also build your own separate entrance from each street.

    Proximity to transport stops.

    Beautiful design of WIDE windows. The more comfortable it is for a person sitting in a cafe to look at the street from the window, the more popular the cafe.

    Avoid “labyrinths” indoors. This exerts unpleasant psychological pressure—discomfort. The hall should be a simple and uncomplicated rectangle, or better yet, a square.

    Avoid rooms with low ceilings. The ceiling must be at least 3 meters. Other options (minus the ceiling height) will attract only marginal audiences.

    Beautiful view from the window.

    First floor.

Collection of necessary documentation

Having decided on the premises for the future cafe, you need to start collecting all the necessary documentation. This process is quite labor-intensive and includes several areas. For convenience, we will consider each separately.

    Registration of an organization. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC - there are no special nuances here. As a type of activity, according to new classification OKVED, you should select 56.10.1 Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service

    Preparation of documents for premises

    Registration cash register and registering it with the tax authorities.

    Obtaining permits from the SES and fire service.

    Registration of all necessary documentation at the sanitary and epidemiological station, which is required to start the operation of a catering establishment.

If the cafe does not plan to sell alcoholic beverages, then purchasing a license will not be required. If alcohol is included in the menu, you will have to obtain the appropriate permit. Many cafes refuse to sell strong alcohol because the license is expensive.

Purchase of equipment

The specific list of equipment depends on the concept of the establishment and the menu. For example, for a sushi bar you should purchase a special sushi table, for a pizzeria - expensive ovens, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to provide an exhaustive list of equipment. However, Table 1 contains the main items that can be useful in the kitchen of any catering establishment.

Table 1 – Sample list equipment for mini-cafes


Cost, rub.

Heating equipment:

Combi oven

Electric stove with oven

Refrigeration equipment:

Refrigerated cabinet

Freezer cabinet

Cooled table

Ice maker

Auxiliary equipment:

Meat grinder

Vegetable cutter


Coffee machine

Equipment for cleanliness and order:

2 washing baths

Industrial wall and island tables

2 racks

Island table for waste collection

Crockery and kitchen utensils:

Kitchen utensils

Dishes for visitors

To save on equipment, you can purchase it second-hand. However, you should be careful with this, since there is a risk of running into unscrupulous sellers and buying equipment that will quickly break down. However, you can often find offers on the market when an entrepreneur who is closing an unprofitable business sells high-quality equipment complete at a minimal price.

In addition, you will need to purchase furniture. The cost of furniture and decor for a mini-cafe will be about 150 thousand rubles.

Menu creation, supply organization

At this stage, you should determine the composition of the menu, the list of dishes, their cost and selling price. To calculate the cost of a dish, you will need a technological map, which is also necessary to obtain permission from the SES. The flow chart indicates the consumption of products per serving and the volume of this serving.

When the menu is ready, you should decide on suppliers and establish supply channels. What categories of suppliers for cafes can be:

    supplier of meat, poultry, fish;

    supplier of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs;

    tea/coffee/beverage suppliers

    grocery supplier.

It should be noted that when signing partnership agreements, you can count on additional bonuses for the company - for example, beverage suppliers usually provide the establishment with branded glassware and equipment.

When agreeing on cooperation with suppliers, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. As a rule, transport costs The supply of ingredients falls on your production. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, technological map product preparation and expected sales volume. It is important that the recipe of the dishes complies with GOSTs or separately adopted specifications.

Since in restaurant practice there is often a supply agreement with deferred payment terms, the initial investment in working capital should be no more than 30% of the total cost of dishes in the first billing month.

We are planning promotion

Advertising is the engine of trade. Advertising for a cafe is a supplier of customers. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to developing a marketing strategy. It will be formed depending on the concept of the establishment, target audience and budget.

What should a marketing strategy include? Development of the name of the establishment, its logo and corporate identity; organization of an advertising campaign (promotions, promotion tools).

A bright and memorable name will make the establishment stand out from the many offers on the catering market. Services for developing a corporate identity for an establishment will cost an average of 10,000 rubles. A catchy, eye-catching sign, including its installation or window design, will cost about 30,000 rubles.

To promote a cafe, you can use various marketing tools: promotional videos in the cinema; online promotion; sponsorship participation in cultural projects; installation of billboards and signs; distributing business cards, flyers or menu brochures; event marketing; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, promotions and so on.

Also effective method is advertising on social networks aimed at young people. Within the framework of social networks, you can hold a “happy repost” campaign, “review competition”, etc. This tool is aimed at attracting additional audiences. You can also provide a promotion " happy hours» - the time during which the establishment offers discounts, special menus, etc. The use of this advertising tool should be subject to the following recommendations:

    planning an action for weekdays;

    increasing the price of the most popular menu items to cover cost differences;

    a short and clear slogan for the campaign;

    one group of participating drinks or food;

    tracking stock profitability.

The use of a particular tool depends on the target audience of the establishment and the project budget.

On average, you should budget about 50 thousand rubles for promotion in order to quickly gain an audience.

Determination of service format and personnel selection

Before determining the required number of workers, you should choose the service format in your establishment. This could be the principle of a cafe with a menu and waiters, self-service with cashiers, or a prototype of a traditional canteen. Everything again comes down to the concept of the establishment.

For a mini-cafe with 30-40 seats you will need to hire:

    4 waiters (shift work);

    4 cooks (shift work);

    2 dishwashers (shift work);


    accountant-cashier (outsourcing).

Chefs coordinate the work of the kitchen, develop recipes for dishes and menus, control food costs, are responsible for preparing dishes, storing food, and work at one or more kitchen stations depending on the distribution of responsibilities.

Waiters take orders in the hall, provide customer service, monitor the cleanliness of the hall, set the table, accept payment for the order, are well versed in the menu and can give recommendations to visitors.

Dishwashers are responsible for the use and maintenance of dishwashing equipment, ensuring the cleanliness of dishes, the kitchen and the living room.

The accountant maintains financial records of all transactions and works remotely.

The administrator organizes the work process, hires and manages staff, is responsible for marketing policy, monitors the profit-loss ratio, receives and plans reservations and pre-orders, and controls the work of staff. The owner of the establishment himself can act as an administrator in order to reduce costs. When things go smoothly for the cafe, you can delegate these powers to a hired employee.
Please note that the cafe is open seven days a week, so it is necessary to provide employees with a shift work schedule.

Requirements for public institution staff:

    all employees must have sanitary records with appropriate marks;

    cooks must have professional education and work experience;

    Before being admitted to the workplace, all employees must undergo training and study safety instructions for operating the equipment.

The size of the payroll with such a staff will be about 220 thousand rubles.

Calculation of income and expenses

At this stage we answer the most important question– how much does it cost to open a mini-cafe from scratch? To get an accurate calculation, it is recommended to develop a business plan that will take into account all costs in terms of current prices for a specific region and a specific idea.

Table 2 shows the initial costs of the project. Thus, to open a mini-cafe you will need about 850 thousand rubles.

Table 2. Initial investments for opening a mini-cafe

In addition to the initial costs, the project has monthly costs that should also be planned for. Monthly costs are divided into variable and fixed costs. Variable costs consist of the costs of ingredients that are used in preparing dishes, as well as payment for the facilities consumed during the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). To simplify financial calculations, variable expenses can be calculated based on the amount of the average check (1000 rubles) and a fixed trade margin at 250%.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, fund wages, advertising expenses, taxes and depreciation. The amount of depreciation charges is determined by the linear method, based on the period beneficial use fixed assets in 5 years.

Table 3. Fixed costs

Now let's calculate how much a mini-cafe can earn? With a capacity of 30-40 people and a occupancy rate of 70% per month, visitors can be expected. With an average check of 800 rubles per person, monthly revenue will be 672,000 rubles, and net profit will be approximately 200,000 rubles. At this level of profit, the initial investment will be able to pay off in six months. In this case, the profitability will be 43%. For catering establishments, the maximum payback period is 2-2.5 years. Therefore, the prospect of recouping the business within the first year is quite optimistic.

Risk accounting

Any type of business is characterized by risks. What difficulties can you encounter when opening your own establishment? Mini-cafes may have serious problems, so you should predict them in advance and develop measures to eliminate them.

    poor choice of location and bar premises. Visit traffic may be overestimated or the competitive landscape may be underestimated. When choosing a room, some nuances may be missed that will appear during work. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the analysis of the outlet and take into account various factors;

    rising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials. In the first case, there is a risk of increased costs and, as a consequence, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats by choosing suppliers wisely and including in the contract all the necessary conditions that include financial liability the supplier in case of their violation;

    reaction of competitors. Since the food service market is quite saturated and competitive, the behavior of competitors can have a strong impact. To minimize it, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, have a customer loyalty program, create competitive advantages and unique offers;

    refusal to provide rental premises or increase in rental costs. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to enter into a long-term lease agreement and carefully select the landlord;

    fall in effective demand. This risk can be mitigated by developing effective loyalty programs, including discounts, happy hours, etc.;

    problems with personnel, which mean low qualifications, staff turnover, lack of motivation of employees. This may lead to a decrease in sales efficiency, a reduction in revenue, and the formation of a negative image of the establishment. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the recruitment stage by hiring employees who meet all the requirements. A bonus system for staff should also be provided;

    equipment breakdown and production downtime. Regular maintenance of equipment in order to maintain its performance will help mitigate the risk;

    food spoilage due to low demand, breakdown of storage equipment, improper storage, planning errors. For the restaurant business, this risk is highly probable. Surplus food can occur for two reasons: firstly, due to low sales and unpopularity of certain dishes; and secondly, due to errors in forecasting sales volume. This risk can be reduced through competent planning and forecasting, reviewing the assortment, and excluding unprofitable dishes from the menu. Errors in food storage or breakdown of refrigeration equipment can lead to food spoilage. This threat can be avoided by training personnel and monitoring their work, as well as regular maintenance of equipment;

    decrease in the reputation of the establishment among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring product quality, receiving feedback from the establishment’s customers and taking corrective measures.

Having compiled detailed business plan By properly organizing the work at each stage of the project and providing for the main risks, you can build a profitable and promising business in the field of public catering.

Like any business, a mini-cafe has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is the increased demand for food outside the home, the establishment of a catering culture and a high markup on products, which ensures significant profitability. The negative point is high competition in the market, large start-up capital, difficulties in preparing documentation, and the need for constant participation of the owner in business processes.

However, the growing popularity of small, authentic establishments and the fashion for cozy spaces with beautiful interiors leave room for businessmen to realize their potential: not only entrepreneurial, but also creative. The key to success is to come up with an original concept that will set your establishment apart from its competitors. However, one idea is not enough. Implementation must also be at a decent level so that customers want to return to you.

If you manage to win over your customers, your mini-cafe can become profitable within 3-4 months after opening, and the initial investment will pay off within a year. A mini-cafe can earn more than 1 million rubles a year.

Get current calculations for your business plan

Bashkir State Agrarian University
Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Crop Products
Course project in the discipline "Equipment of public catering establishments"
On the topic: "Project of a cafe for 100 seats with a summer terrace"
Ufa 2012

This project considers a cafe with 100 seats with a summer terrace. The cafe has an area of ​​2302 m2. It includes the main building with an area of ​​378 m2, where food products are produced. There is also a fire tank, trash cans and parking.
The designed main building has an area of ​​378 m2 and includes: hot, cold, vegetable and meat and fish workshops; boot; vestibule; storekeeper's office; pantry; director's office, head production, accountant; wardrobe, toilet and shower facilities for employees; engine room of refrigeration chambers; corridor; washing kitchen utensils; washing tableware; toilet facilities for visitors; wardrobe for visitors; cafe sales area; lobby.
The designed food service production facility satisfies architectural, technical and operational requirements. According to technical requirements the building must have the necessary strength and stability when working in the geographical, climatic, hydrological conditions of the Republic of Bashkortostan, taking into account the specifics of the technological process.

In the design part, a general plan and a plan (layout) of the cafe were developed. The designed building is one-story, with a main grid of columns 6x6. The pitch of the columns is assumed to be 6 m, the span of the columns is 6 m. The main part of the building has a height of 3.3 m (SNiP II L.8-71). The designed building consists of a foundation, columns, beams and slabs that form a spatial structure. The most important elements of a building are the transverse frames of the building frame, including the foundation, columns, beams and roof slabs, since they provide the necessary rigidity to the structures.
The cross section of the columns is 400×400 mm. The columns will be laid on slabs.
The frame of an industrial building will necessarily include roofing and floor slabs. Inside the ribs of the slabs there are holes for the passage of communications and equipment. The thickness of the slabs is 0.5 m. The enclosing wall structures are designed from large wall panels. The external and internal walls, 0.2 m wide, are self-supporting and therefore support only their own weight.

Compound: Master plan cafe, cafe plan, specification, explanatory note

Software: Compass-3D V13