How to increase your sales level: valuable tips

Imagine company N., which is engaged in wholesale supplies of X components for Y enterprises. This company has been on the market for several years, there is a base of regular customers, profits, business is slowly going uphill... Well, everything, in general, is more or less normal.
Now imagine the sales department of this company. A large, bright room, tables, computers, telephones, printers... Managers, of course, in business suits, already grimy, sit, spit at the ceiling, tell jokes... Between passing a new level in a “standard” office toy, they process incoming applications from partners. The once former sales department has turned from a machine actively pushing the market into a perverted semblance of customer service. Yes, of course, they get new clients, but from where???! In this regard, the reputation and marketing policy of the company helps out, that is, our, so to speak, “merchants” work on the incoming flow and “don’t give a damn.” Moreover, they get pretty good money for all this.

What led the department to such a “collapse” decrease in the efficiency of the functions it performs?

And what to do to optimize its activities?

The reason is simple. Managers, in the process of “stuffing” the client base, constantly increased the number of incoming applications processed. Accordingly, the time for searching became less and less. And one day the number of clients reached the maximum that the manager can process. He works with them for a day, another, a month, six months and then BAM!!! “That’s it: I’m just sitting in the office, and the work goes on, the salary grows...” What happens next - and nothing: the businessman, step by step, begins to degrade... He becomes lazy: making a couple of calls is now a whole problem for him, but holding a meeting - WHAT ARE YOU, WHAT A MEETING: “the soldier is sleeping - the service is in progress”!! ! Such managers are dangerous because their IBD (imitation of vigorous activity) indicator is very high, this already works at a professional level. As soon as the boss enters the room, everyone immediately grabs their phones, starts counting something, writing, and even asking the head of the council: “Ivan Ivanovich, I just talked to the client, he’s asking for a deferment for two weeks, should I give it or not?” »
Department heads, intoxicated by the joy of reports arriving on time, do not even realize that every day they are missing out on a huge amount of money, that competitors have long been ahead and are dividing the market in their own way.

What is the best thing to do in such a situation!?

You will never be able to make them work as before, never and under any circumstances - this is 100%, if you want 1000%. Therefore, don’t even waste your energy and nerves. Because they will sabotage in such a way, even in a “technical” way, that it won’t seem like much!
And take note! They already have such friendly relations with clients that, if desired, they will take their entire accumulated base to competitors.
However (But fortunately), everything is not as bad as it seems at first glance! And the solution won’t take long to arrive!
Given this balance of power, it is necessary to build a new commercial service in parallel, while the old one will smoothly develop into a customer service department - customer service.
You have formed a new organizational structure of the sales department, which clearly separates new customers from those making systematic purchases. Some sell, others serve, the most logical sales model!
It is important to take into account that less qualified personnel are required for customer service. Minimum program: knowledge of the product, market specifics, plus a computer. This means that wages in this department will be significantly lower, so soon your obese “commercials” will be replaced by young, pleasant-looking girls.

2. Adjust the motivation system for your sellers.

A well-built motivation system is a very serious tool for increasing the efficiency of the sales department, and it doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about b2b or b2c sales.
In one of the companies, there was such a case. The managers of the commercial department, in addition to the bonus on the first sale, received a small percentage of current payments, i.e. from those clients whom they brought a long time ago and are now being served by the client department. So, after a couple of years, this small percentage was enough not to receive a salary. The manager found out by chance that employees could get money so easily. One day he overheard a conversation between an “experienced” businessman and a newcomer in the smoking room, who said: “You will work for two years, and then you will live on the interest from the current ones. The main thing is to be quiet: don’t be late, submit reports on time, smile, there are “inboxes”, we’ll share...”
Can you imagine how much money was wasted, it’s terrible.
If the “dogs” are full, what kind of hunting can there be! (may the sellers forgive me for such a comparison).
The motivation system is a powerful management lever! The main thing is to use it wisely.
Reviewing ratios and percentages is as important as changing sales plans. Many companies work the “old fashioned way”: the standard scheme is salary +%. But it doesn't work anymore, forget it!
If you want to keep salespeople on their toes, if you want high intensity in their work, then take into account other indicators when calculating your salary: the number of calls (cold, repeat), the number of meetings, the number of contracts, conversions, average bill, average time “from call to contract”, carrying out assignments within the framework of the project (to improve the quality of service, to study consumer demand, etc.).
Of course, the main principle of any motivation system is its transparency and ease of perception. But fortunately, today's capabilities make it possible to make this calculation automatic and take into account dozens of employee performance indicators. For example, the easiest way is an Excel table. A manager, filling out a daily report, can immediately see his results in the context of one day or week, how much he has accomplished, from the sales plan, what needs to be improved, where the standards have already been exceeded.

Check the relevance of your motivation system!

3. Set sales plans

Maybe someone will consider this method absurd, but believe me, there are many commercial organizations where there is no sales planning, and if they exist, it is only formally.
No sales plan = bankruptcy plan.
The planning process is nothing more than creating a virtual model of what should happen. If you do not have a sales plan, then it will be very difficult for you to evaluate the effectiveness of your work and measure the result, and without measurement, there is no management, in principle.

Let's look at the main stages of drawing up a sales plan:
1) Planning begins with an annual sales plan. Yes, yes, exactly since the year!
Without complicating things, you take the indicators for last year(100 million rubles), add to them the percentage of growth in the industry (10% = 110 million rubles) and add the percentage of growth that you would like to receive (10% = 121 million rubles).
2) Next, you break down the plan by sales channels, according to your specifics, example:

  • Current dealers (40% = 48 million rubles)
  • Newly attracted dealers (20% = 24 million rubles)
  • Tenders and government procurement (10% = 12 million rubles)
  • One-time corporate orders (10 = 12 million rubles)
  • Own sales network (20% = 24 million rubles)
  • Etc. (1 million rub.)

3) Next step: we break down these amounts by sales department and by each manager personally. Current dealers are assigned to customer service, new dealers are assigned to the commercial department, then to the corporate orders department, store directors of the chain, etc.
4) After which you divide these figures into quarters and months, taking into account seasonality, the experience of the previous year, product range, and so on.
Using this simple method, you can set sales plans for all departments for the whole year.
It is important to note one trick!

Ideally, a sales plan is drawn up from two sides: from your employees, and directly from you. When they are agreed upon, something in between is born, and the manager perceives these numbers as a document developed by himself, and therefore thinks more about how to implement it, rather than how to explain why it cannot be fulfilled.
Everyone has their own idea of ​​the future and everyone will believe that their plan is “correct”. You, as a leader, will say that the market allows you to grow and you need to take advantage of it! And the managers, in turn, will fight back and say that their life is hard, the market is not rubber, there are a lot of competitors, and that Russia is not Europe.
Be prepared for this!

4. Provide “total” knowledge of the product.

In fact, not all sales managers know the product they sell well, no matter how strange it may sound. Every day, at meetings, it breaks down great amount transactions due to the incompetence of managers in matters of the specifics of the product. This especially applies to technological products. I think: many people are familiar with the situation when, during negotiations, a client asks a question that you never expected to hear: “Please tell me the exact data on the heat transfer resistance coefficient of your concrete, since we will use it in the northern regions, for us this is extremely important… ". At this moment your eye twitches and your leg cramps - what did he say? YOU take out the phone, saying: “Now I’ll clarify,” call the senior, and, not knowing how to formulate the question, hand the phone to the client...
Any buyer wants to work with professionals! Such a desire is justified at the level of human psychology - they trust professionals, and if there is trust, then there is a purchase.
First of all, the client should see the seller as an expert, an expert in his field, capable of solving any problem and knowing the answers to all possible questions.

Ignorance, or superficial knowledge of information about the product, puts the manager in a stupid position. The client forms an opinion about the company by communicating with a specific person. You will never be able to explain to the client that “he was a beginner, forgive him, now we will send a pro, wait.” No one will wait for you! But you can definitely eliminate such situations in a simple way:

Firstly, collect all possible client questions related to the characteristics of the product;
Secondly, Naturally, write down the answers;
Third, carry out certification for knowledge of the product (those who do not pass are not allowed to negotiate);
Fourthly, supplement the list with new issues that managers face during negotiations;
And finally, fifthly, in case of the slightest change in any characteristics or properties of the product, when adding a new product to the line, add new questions.

Thus, you will constantly form an updated “knowledge base” on the technical characteristics and properties of the product.
Conduct training in the form of “question-answer” - this is the simplest and most effective model for memorizing such material.
Naturally, it is impossible to foresee everything. Therefore, to reduce the risk of deal failure, arm managers with tables, lists, photographs, and any materials that will allow the manager to get out of an awkward situation when selling your product.

You sell nails. Have your manager carry these nails with him to meetings, one of each type. I don’t know a table with the characteristics of the metal from which they are made: torsional stress, bending, tension, what else is there. And in the car, let him have a hammer, a board, and all the same notorious nails, but only from Chinese competitors. He doesn’t believe that you have the best nails, let him try (to pull it out of his hand).

But what to do if a situation arises when you don’t know what to answer?!

Firstly, Don't worry! Until you start to worry, you still have the status of an expert.
Secondly, clarify the question by repeating what your opponent said (writing it down). This way you will show that you are listening to him carefully and gently point out that you are not ready for such a question.
Third, say that you haven’t been asked such a question for a long time, always with a smile, and looking straight into his eyes until he looks away. (“To be honest, I don’t remember the last time I was asked about this...”)
Fourthly, turn your ignorance 180 degrees to your advantage: appeal to the client’s competence in this matter. Somehow: “’s rare to meet a true professional in our industry...”.
Fifthly, ask permission to clarify the information. It’s better to do it in this form: “...let me check this data with the brand manager, perhaps something has changed, it will take no more than a minute...”.
These recommendations will be enough so that “gaps” in product knowledge gradually disappear, and those that arise cannot negatively affect the outcome of the meeting.

5. Create a “sales book” for the department.

What is a “sales book”?
In any business, there is the difficulty of adapting newcomers to a new place. Now I’m not talking about “acclimatizing” a beginner in a new team, but about teaching him your technologies and operating principles. Of course have job descriptions, standards, regulations that fall on the head of an intern employee: “Study!!! I'll check!!!"
Do you think there is such a knowledge base that will allow you to integrate a new link into the sales process in a few days (3-4 days)? Which will allow you to test a newbie within a few days. Do you have time for " probationary periods"? Can you wait for a newbie to “pass an internship”, after which there is a possibility of hearing: “Nah, this job is not for me”?
So there you go! This “litmus test” is the “sales book”.
Nothing stands still - everything develops! Our business is developing, our clients are developing, the products we offer are being modernized, and our approaches to work are changing. What was a unique selling proposition just yesterday is today considered the norm in the industry. How to manage to adjust all these standards and regulations, how to react to external changes with lightning speed?
The “sales book” will allow you to keep your business in shape!
Every day, our managers, fulfilling their professional duty, gain invaluable experience: they find new solutions for effective sales, initiate changes in the sales system, open up new opportunities for concluding deals... Where can we accumulate this knowledge and findings? That's right - in the “sales book”.

The main advantage of the “sales book” is that you get a tool for organizing a self-developing sales department.
About the principles:
There is no form or strict plan for creating this document. This is its essence. The main principle is that the document is “living”. It is constantly changing and supplemented both directly by the manager and by the sales department employees. This form of exchange of experience has a positive effect on the formation of team spirit in the company. All experience and knowledge are stored in one place: all the techniques, all the answers to questions, the best objections and effective speech modules - everything “acquired through back-breaking labor.”
About the structure:
The Sales Book is based on two sections:
1. Organization of the sales process
2. Sales principles and techniques
In the first part, you indicate all the schemes of interaction with the client: who is the client for you, what does he look like, how to work with him, the client’s path, what documents to fill out, where to place them, pricing principles, USP, customer loyalty incentive programs, etc. . In general, everything related to the sales process is contained in the first block.
The second block is devoted to the principles and technologies of sales used in your company. For example, “cold calling”. It describes in detail what they are and how to make them.
Section 3.14. "cold calls"
Description: “cold calling” is a tool for attracting new clients to our company. “Cold” because the potential client is not waiting for our call, and has not considered the possibility of cooperation with us. Blah blah blah…
1. Welcome – presentation
Script: Good afternoon, my name is….
2. Explanation of the purpose of the call
Script: Who can I discuss with...
3. …
4. …
In short - yes.

The main thing is that you describe in detail all the algorithms and specific scripts, preferably with an explanation: why we say this, what technology we use. So that the seller is aware of what he is doing.
Writing a sales book is a very creative process. I have come across “sales books” that contain the organizational structure of the department, a description of business processes, and standard reporting forms. This construction of a “sales book” is actually very convenient. I am sure that, after some time, commercial organizations will completely abandon standards, regulations, instructions and other bureaucratic “pornography”. Personally, in my business, I have already abolished many documents. The simpler the better and more effective. After all, it’s no secret that “everything ingenious is simple”! Is not it!?

6. Provide customer feedback.

How do you know what YOU are doing wrong? How can you improve your company’s performance so as to satisfy not only your own needs, but also take into account the wishes of your customers? How to find out: how can my company be better than others?
Ask your clients about this.
Many clients, in addition to working with your company, have one or more suppliers, that is, they work with your competitors.
Clients, like no one else, know the state of affairs on the market. Who offers what, in what time frame and how they deliver it, what’s new and when, and a lot of other information is floating around in the client environment.
“Feedback” is not only a way to find out how competitors behave, what they are doing and what they are planning, but also a way to get ahead of them, that is, to use the information received when developing a USP.
Naturally, you should not ask: “Well, what are our competitors doing?” " The “feedback” questionnaire should contain a question of the following nature: “What changes in the work of our company will allow us to count on an increase in the volume of purchases on your part? ", -something like this. You can use other words, but keeping the meaning - why do you work not only with us?
“Feedback” will also help you learn about matters within the company: about minor problems that are not so significant, but create certain inconveniences in work.
For example:
If your warehouse opens an hour earlier, it will be convenient for 5 of your clients. Agree: it’s worth paying the storekeeper extra for an hour of work if it’s important for so many clients.

So, create a “feedback” questionnaire. Construct the questions in such a way that the answer is detailed ( open questions). Use assessment questions. The number of questions is not critical and depends on the number of points of contact between the client and your company.
1. What should be changed in the work of our company?
2. What additional products or services would you be comfortable purchasing from us?
3. Rate the professional training of the customer service on a 5-point scale.
4. Rate our work.
5. ….

If, when answering a question with an assessment, the client says: “Yes, everything is fine - a solid 4,” then clarify: why not five.
Also an important point when organizing “feedback” is a systematic approach. That is, it is not enough to call the client once a year with the question: “How are you?”

The effect of this tool will be noticeable only in two cases:
1. You will conduct customer loyalty audits constantly.
2. Based on the information received, decisions will be made and specific actions will be taken.
Appoint someone responsible for “feedback”, set aside a day to collect information and compile a report. You should not call too often, one call per month is enough. Conduct a quick survey (for example, questions regarding employee suitability and ease of work), and once a quarter do a detailed survey with suggestions and recommendations. Also take into account the seasonality of your business, if you sell diesel fuel for combines to farms, then in January, call with the question: “What will allow you to increase purchase volumes?” " - a little stupid.
Introduce feedback and use the information for its intended purpose.

7. Attract clients using cold calls

In b2b sales there is such a thing as “cold calling”. This is nothing more than the main active sales tool for attracting customers. Many companies neglect this way of increasing profits, and in vain. The skepticism is easily explained:
firstly, someone tried to introduce “cold calling” into their sales model, and without getting the desired effect, they abandoned them forever;
secondly, the marketing policy of some companies allows them to attract a certain number of customers solely through advertising, and in principle this is enough for them. But most likely, I would like more!
In the first case, everything is clear: if you don’t know how to fly an airplane, you shouldn’t take the helm. Illiterate cold calling can do more harm to a company than produce any positive results.
In the second case, the situation is more complicated: things seem to be going well, the number of clients is growing, what else is needed to develop the business, but... Imagine: managers of your closest competitor make 100 “cold calls” a day... And what do you think: in whose favor will the market percentage be? in another year?!

So, in order to attract clients using cold calls, you need to start making them! You ask how? In eight steps:

1. Divide the region in which you work into sectors: if you work for the whole of Russia, divide Russia; if you work for the whole world, cut the globe.
2. Assign a responsible manager to each sector (he may have several more managers subordinate to him, then they divide their sector into several more).
3. Each manager needs to collect all contacts of potential clients in his sector, and all the necessary information about them.
4. Collect all contacts of your competitors in this sector and information about them.
5. Make a SWOT analysis of the market based on the information received, and develop Commercial offer for each sector.
6. Create a cold calling script.
7. Set a plan for the number of “cold calls” per month and per day.
8. Implement a daily report (Excel format is fine) based on the results of calls.
In principle, this will be enough for your “cold calls” to work and begin to produce positive results.
Please note that when using this tool, a systematic approach is essential. The first calls will not be as successful as we would like, but everything comes with experience.

8. Structure the negotiation process.

Your manager returned from negotiations, and to the question: “Well, who are they working with now?” “, - he answers guiltily: “I don’t know, I forgot to clarify.” How, in this case, can you build a profitable commercial offer - yes, no way. And calling back with the question: “I forgot to ask…” is stupid, to say the least.
In general, “forgot to ask”, “forgot to clarify” is a widespread phenomenon among active sales managers. This is due not only to the qualifications of employees and the lack of proper experience, but also to the notorious “human factor”. Heavy workload, irregular schedule, high intensity, sales plan - all this affects the quality of negotiations. Especially if the meeting with the client falls in the evening, when your head is no longer in your head and you really want to go home, turn off the phone and go to bed.
I'll tell you about myself in a simple way increase the efficiency of negotiations!
To make negotiations easier, faster, and more effective, use a simple but extremely effective tool -
"questionnaire". What it is?
This is an A4 sheet with a list of questions to be asked at the meeting.
How to compose it?
To begin with, it is necessary to write down, in the form of questions, strategically important information that is necessary to draw up an effective commercial proposal:
What suppliers is it currently working with?
- what items does it purchase, and in what volumes?
- priority deadlines?

In general, all information that, one way or another, will influence the formation of a proposal should be indicated in the “questionnaire”:

1. Then these questions must be arranged in order “from simple to complex.” That is, at the beginning of negotiations, you should not ask what level of capitalization of your investments the client expects when signing the contract.
2. Start with simple questions, or better yet, abstract questions that are not related to the topic of negotiations. Place complex questions that require argumentation in the middle and towards the end of the list. End negotiations too simple questions requiring a positive response.
3. Between questions, do free place to record client responses.
4. Try to make sure that your “questionnaire” contains at least 10 questions. If their number is smaller, then there is a risk of missing important details, and besides, such a document will not look serious. The point is that you need to use this tool openly. That is, during negotiations, you put a “questionnaire” on the table in a beautiful, branded folder, and, without hesitation, use it for its intended purpose, while writing down the client’s answers.
This tool will allow your managers to structure the negotiation process. The meetings will take place in the “channel” they set. This is why they will easily control the progress of negotiations and their duration. Such a “questionnaire” shows the client that your employee is not an ordinary manager, but a well-trained professional and he is here to resolve the client’s issues. A document lying on the table disciplines the opponent. The seller feels confident at any “cost” of negotiations.

9. Check what your salespeople do.

Take a close look at your sales team. Are all managers now at their jobs? Probably not. Someone is at a meeting, someone is on a business trip, someone is at lunch, and someone left on behalf of the accounting department... or went to the stationery store to get some paper... but you never know how many other things there are to do in the office that you can get lost in an hour, or even an hour and a half.
Perhaps some types of work indirectly affect the results of sellers: preparing a contract, sending correspondence, preliminary calculations, booking a hotel or tickets. But if all this takes away at least 20% of the seller’s time from his main work, then you will lose at least as much in profit.
You pay the manager a salary - this is the amount that is payment for daily mandatory operations. You also pay a percentage of sales - this is a bonus for its immediate results. But in practice, you pay for his trips to the store, and long calculations of the cost of the first batch, and the preparation of accompanying documents, and a lot of other things you pay for, without even suspecting how much money is passing by.
But the most interesting thing is that to the question: “Where have you been?” ”, - They will answer you, with complete confidence in their eyes and voice: “So the paper has run out, it’s a long wait for delivery, but I need it urgently - so I ran quickly...” (1 hour). The congruence of what is happening will confuse anyone, but...

Under any circumstances and under any circumstances, the SELLER MUST SELL!

If this is not the case, you are losing money. Even if the manager is the only one left who can go for the ill-fated paper, let the chief accountant go, Otherwise, he will not find work in the future. By the way, from an accountant, especially the chief one, you can hear the opposite: “This is not the task of the accounting department,” - remember, this is your accounting department, and YOU pay them, so what they will do is up to you to decide, this is so - by the way.
How to solve this problem?
First, you need to find out how much “working time” sellers spend “to the left.” This is done using working time tracking. Every day, managers must fill out a form in which they record everything, absolutely everything, the operations that they do during the day (the more detailed, the better). Opposite each operation they put the start and end time of work on it. This must be done within a week, no less. Most likely, you won’t receive applause from your employees when you tell them about the innovation, this is normal. Explain that this is being done for their own good, and you just need to understand: are they not overloaded, that the measure is forced and only for one week, after all: “I am the leader, and it’s up to me to decide whether this is necessary or not.” Yes, and also, data must be submitted daily. In the first days, literally stand over them, checking the filling.
This simple tool will allow you to seriously discipline managers - many unnecessary things will go away by themselves.
Secondly, according to the data obtained, it is necessary to divide the time spent directly on sales (cold calls, meetings, preparation for negotiations, follow-up calls, presentations, etc.) and on operations not inherent to the position. If you get more than 10% of your earnings, you need to take action. Which?
Everything that is not related to sales, and which has been discussed a lot above, does not require special qualifications or deep knowledge. Accordingly, such work can be performed by an additional employee with lower pay (usually a small salary).
For example, when calculating, one manager spends 25% of his working time “to the left.” On average, one salesperson sells 100,000 rubles per month, spending 75% of the allotted working time on this. So you don't get extra,
approximately 33,000 rubles per month. This 25% can be outsourced to a personal assistant. Hire the manager a secretary, or an administrator, or whatever you call him, for a minimum salary (15,000 rubles, for example, not bad money for a correspondence student), and this secretary can work for two or even three managers: preparing documents, answering by email, making simple calculations, agreeing on the time and place of the meeting, booking tickets, hotels, etc. She will do everything that takes away the manager's precious capital - time for which you pay.
An assistant, for 15,000 rubles, will pay for itself in the first month, and your sellers will like this form of work when you can prepare papers for signing an agreement without waiting for the end of the meeting.
By the way, more about the benefits of timing working hours. Pay attention to the amount of time spent on reporting; it should be no more than 15 minutes a day (if reports are daily).

Increasing sales volume is, of course, a hot topic. True, I’m not sure that all 22 methods proposed in this article actually work. But it's worth a try.

Sales volume is the main indicator of the success of every company. And the task of the commercial department is to make this indicator as high as possible.

In this article we have collected 22 effective ways increasing sales volumes for the most common areas of activity. Let's start looking at them.

Volume of sales, or rather its increase, sooner or later begins to worry every manager. It is important to understand that increasing sales volume is a complex and multifaceted task that requires integrated approach for solutions.

In addition, there are no universal solutions in the world of commerce; for each case, you need to try different approaches. As practice shows, some solutions will be effective, while others will not bring the desired result. This is fine.

But it is necessary to work thoroughly to increase sales volume. Let's focus on proven ways to increase sales.

Method number 1. Offer your customers at least three different offers

Often when new clients contact a company, it is quite difficult to predict their price range. Consequently, by offering products from only one price range, there is a possibility of not guessing the buyer’s preferences and expectations. It would be more rational to offer several options - in particular, standard, business and premium sets.

The so-called sales psychology will operate here - the buyer understands that he is offered goods for any price range. Therefore, the likelihood of ordering increases significantly. But it is important to carefully consider the proposed sets from different price niches, explaining to the client the differences between them.

Method number 2. USP or differentiation from competitors

You should analyze your possible differences in comparison with other market participants. If you differ from other companies only in the price offered, fundamental changes are required.

Possible competitive advantages may include: free and/or fast delivery, service, provision of related services, bonuses and gifts for customers, constant availability of products in stock, etc.

Method number 2. Visual commercial offers

The commercial proposal must be drawn up in such a way as to really interest the client. Namely, with a detailed description of the characteristic advantages of the service provided. For short-term promotions, this commercial offer should be supplemented with information about the company’s promotions and discounts.

Method No. 3. Report on completed work every quarter

Clients often do not understand what exactly and how much they receive when concluding a subscription service agreement. Therefore, we decided to regularly send detailed reports, indicating information about the work performed - to improve loyalty from our target audience.

Method number 4. Promotion of services using the Internet

Thanks to the website, we were able to significantly improve the results - there we indicated all the information about special offers, posted videos with information about the features of subscription services, and explained the advantages of working with us.

In addition, we thoroughly approached the issues of search engine promotion, updating the structure, design, and navigation of the site to increase resource traffic.

Method No. 5. Improving application processing

Improvement of the CRM system includes the function of submitting an electronic client application, with which the client can easily find out about the current status of the application. Applications marked “urgent” are processed first, without waiting for the general queue.

Automating the processing of incoming applications allowed us to significantly increase the overall loyalty of the user audience, simplifying the tasks of the company’s engineers.

Method number 6. Increasing sales by mailing to potential customer databases

Formation of databases of people who expressed interest in our project, even if the contract was never concluded. We always ensure that our potential client databases are up-to-date, regularly adding and updating data.

Method No. 7. Development of a selling website

For modern business, the relevance of a website is difficult to overestimate; it is becoming the main means and channel for attracting customers and increasing significant sales. In order to increase the impact of the site, important importance is given to three main elements - home page with high-quality selling text, a form for filling out an application, a form for collecting contacts of potential clients.

Tips to help make your website more effective

  1. Simplify the structure: avoid piling up different types of information on one page. It is very important for clients to understand where and what to look for.
  2. We prepare 2 separate menus - a general menu (for navigating the site) and a catalog of available solutions, which are divided by business segments (in particular, “Expert. Restaurant chain”, “Expert. Club”, etc.).
  3. You should publish information (preferably infographics) about the benefits of your offers in a prominent place on the main page. In particular, it is possible to reflect a visual comparison of losses in the absence of proper automation and the possible improvement in indicators, which its presence will contribute to.
  4. You can place a link to customer reviews on the home page. A visitor who clicks on them goes to the reviews section.
  5. It is also necessary to provide space on the main page for a banner that advertises the company’s current special offers, etc.
  6. A call back button should be placed in the upper left corner of each page.

Method No. 8. Increased sales volume thanks to the right choice of promotion channels

We always recommend using advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct, advertising banners, and articles about plots for sale on the main portals of your region. So, for example, a company selling land plots first briefly advertised a special offer, after which eight plots were sold.

In addition, television advertising is still quite effective today. In particular, thanks to the launch of the reality show “Construction. “Your home in 3 months,” the company was able to achieve brand recognition in a short time.

Method number 9. Organization of work of sales managers

To increase sales volume, we decided to change the general sales scheme. Now the manager had to demonstrate the site to a potential buyer, first bringing him to the office. And it was up to the head of the sales department to successfully complete the deal.

This principle is beneficial for each party - the manager had additional time to attract clients, while the boss achieved a larger volume of concluded transactions, since he did not have to spend time inspecting sites.

We have also approved a standard sales scheme:

  • Call or request to inspect the property;
  • The manager calls to clarify the site inspection plans;
  • The buyer visits the site being sold;
  • Meeting between the buyer and the head of the sales department in our office;
  • Registration of the contract.

During the period March-December, we managed to sell a total of more than 100 plots of the first stage. We managed to increase sales five times compared to the same period last year. The company was able to improve its reputation, with better promotion of the following projects and related areas.

Method No. 10. Improving the quality of your services

The company initially conducted a survey of its customers. This principle allowed us to determine the preferred course of action. First of all, we started improving the quality of services, training employees, and purchasing new equipment. Clients are provided with a number of bonus services and additional gifts for the holidays.

Method No. 11. Free coupons for your first lesson

In addition to fitness services, we have launched two new business areas - health tourism and SPA programs.

Results: we achieved a 30% increase in income, receiving awards in prestigious competitions, attracting many corporate clients and sports teams. The media published news of our competitions - for additional advertising of their center.

Various promotions and special offers are primarily considered as a way to increase sales. But this marketing tool actually brings much more benefits to businesses in a variety of ways. For example, competent work with promotions allows you to replace that portion of the customer base that a business loses over time and stimulates repeat purchases from existing customers.
At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is not enough to simply come up with and carry out an action - you also need to convey information about it as much as possible more people from your target audience. You can organize the dissemination of information using channels such as publications and banners on the website, social networks, banners in the contextual media network, and also use e-mail distribution for this purpose.

Here are 25 ideas you can use for your online store to attract new customers, increase sales, and spread the word about your brand.

  1. Random reward. This option is aimed at working with existing clients, and not at attracting new ones. The rules are simple: among customers who placed an order in a certain period of time, a prize in the form of a certain item or monetary reward, and the winner is determined using a generator random numbers. An example of a service with similar functionality is
  2. Package offer. A proven way to encourage customers to spend more than they originally planned is to combine several items in a package deal format and offer it at a lower price than if purchased individually. For example, a bundle of camera + bag + memory card.
  3. Create a feeling of scarcity. Indicate that the promotion is only valid for a limited time, such as this week or the next three days. Make people feel like they're losing money if they don't take action now. Limited supply stimulates additional demand.
  4. Opportunity to get first. We are talking about such a scheme for purchasing goods as pre-order. True, the return from such a promotion in an online store will only be if we are talking about a very popular product, for example, a new iPhone model.
  5. Weekend offer. Typically, consumer activity drops on weekends, and you can stimulate it by sending offers to your subscriber base with a selection of products that have discounts when placing an order on Saturday-Sunday.
  6. Personal selections. Segmenting customers and offering each group of products that may be of potential interest to them based on an analysis of viewed products or previous orders can provide good returns in the form of repeat purchases.
  7. Buy more to save. These types of offers are attractive to customers because they create a feeling of benefit received, despite the fact that the average bill becomes higher. Don't give big discounts, just make sure they're attractive enough to encourage potential customers to take action.
  8. A small gift. Let's be honest - everyone loves a freebie. It is enough to give just some nice little thing, and it is advisable that it reminds the person of your brand. It could be a mug, keychain, phone case, etc. This seems like a small bonus, but many people will appreciate it.
  9. Loyalty points. Each time a customer purchases something, they are awarded bonus points that can be redeemed for a cash discount on their next product purchase. You can first test this special offer for a certain period of time, and if it proves itself well, make the loyalty program unlimited, relevant for the entire time the online store operates as a business.
  10. Find cheaper. One of the popular ways to promote a brand, relevant for new niches and product categories with a low level of competition. The basic rule is that you will deduct the difference between prices if the buyer found a similar product cheaper in another online store. But it is worth recalling once again that such a scheme will not be relevant if we are talking about a highly competitive niche, which is characterized by a small markup on goods.
  11. Bring a friend. Offer registered users bonus points or a cash discount if a friend signs up using their referral link. This can work great in popular niches, such as clothing retailing. In this way, you can expand your customer base through the users themselves, who act as a kind of marketers for your business.
  12. Birthday gift. If you have enough data about your customers to track this kind of information, you can set up automatic mailings of special offers to those people who have an upcoming birthday. Everyone will be glad to see such attention to their person from the business.
  13. Only for subscribers. The name is not entirely correct, since the first association usually arises with an analogy with email distribution. We are talking about creating a unique offer for a specific channel. For example, this way you can increase activity in in social networks, making a limited special offer for all subscribers of the page, valid for a specific period of time.
  14. We exchange old for new. This technique is called trade-in, and the most famous example Its use in retail is the ability to exchange an old iPhone for a new one in Apple retail stores. You can offer your regular customers to exchange an old item for a new one, with a small additional payment on their part.
  15. Gift certificates. Can work well in a niche that is in high demand, such as clothing, accessories, jewelry, digital technology, books, and others. It often happens that we want to give a gift to someone dear to us, but we haven’t decided what exactly is best to choose, and we just don’t want to give money. In such cases, a gift certificate of a certain denomination will be very useful.
  16. tell me a story. Surely among your subscribers on social networks and e-mail newsletters there are people who don’t mind showing their imagination if in exchange you offer them something valuable. Run a competition where everyone can submit a story related to the theme of your online store, or the use of a specific product category that you sell. In principle, the story does not have to relate to your product; you can, for example, coincide with a specific event.
  17. Family purchase. You can offer a discount or a free gift to those who buy things from you not only for themselves, but also, for example, for their child. So, when ordering clothes for an adult and a child at the same time, offer a discount, free delivery, or even give one set of clothes as a gift.
  18. Service as a bonus. Not all products fit the “buy and use” definition. Some require preliminary installation, configuration and similar actions on the part of the future owner. The seller can take on the solution to this task by offering to complete it completely free of charge, thus acquiring loyal customers.
  19. Master Class. If the products you offer are actively used in creativity or to create something, you can invite site visitors and subscribers on social networks to send a master class in the format of an article (with photo) or video. This is especially true for online stores that specialize in hobby and creative goods.
  20. Guess the result. On the eve of some significant event, before which a certain intrigue remains, you can invite users to guess its results. Moreover, it is not necessary that it be related exclusively to your niche, because there are events that are equally interesting for almost everyone. For example, the football championship and other sports competitions. Whoever guesses the final score will receive a prize!
  21. Bonus for review. If your online store has already implemented a system of cumulative discounts, bonus points, or something similar, you can experiment further, expanding it. Offer your customers bonus points for reviewing a product after placing an order, which they can use to get a discount on their next purchase.
  22. Hurry up to be the first. A promotional offer option that should be considered when promoting a new product or product category. Offer a discount, gift or free shipping to the first 10 customers. The number of buyers, of course, can be anything.
  23. Gift for subscription. Great way for a short time increase your email subscriber base. Simply announce that everyone who subscribes to your email newsletter will receive a gift coupon that guarantees a discount of a certain value on any item in the catalog.
  24. Special days. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of the famous “Black Friday”, the fashion for which came to us from the USA and other Western countries. It’s just that there’s only one Friday a year, and you can conduct an experiment and make a specific day special for customers, but not limit the promotion to one week. Free shipping, a small gift, bonuses on a club card - there are many ways to stimulate customers , and in the end, this one day can generate excellent revenue for you.
  25. Two plus one. An option that is suitable for online stores that operate in niches with good margins. Well, or in cases where you need PR at any cost. Create sets of promotional goods from several products, one of which will be free for the buyer. And you, in turn, will be able to earn money by increasing the average bill.

What else should you consider?

You don’t just need to carry out an action as an end in itself, but also achieve certain goals? Therefore, when planning this event every time, think carefully about whether it will suit the interests of your target audience. So that you don't accidentally end up giving away a set of car tires in the cycling community. An exaggeration, of course, but sometimes similar examples occur.

And one more important point - avoid being overly enthusiastic about discounts. Instead, make an effort to organize promotions that encourage users to return to your online store and make repeat purchases. Work to increase your base of loyal customers rather than random customers.

We hope that the ideas from this article will be useful to you when working to increase sales of your online store and help you achieve success in the difficult task of development. own business. We also recommend that you read our article - any activity that will help you increase customer loyalty is worth spending your time and money on it in our time.

A commercial enterprise is designed to receive maximum profit from a busy niche. To achieve the goal, an increase in volume and a decrease in current ones is required. Individual companies may follow the path of the maximum permissible expansion of sales, but such tactics are beneficial to small businesses only for a short period of time. Let's try to figure out how to increase product sales.

To implement it in the long term, significant investments are needed. However, there are many other ways to increase sales.

Increasing sales volume: ways

Let's look at the main methods:

  • increasing sales volume to existing customers;
  • change in tariff policy;
  • convincing commercial offers;
  • quarterly reports on the progress of work performed;
  • use of Internet resources to promote services;
  • modernizing the application processing process;
  • sending offers to potential buyers;
  • creation of a website for commercial sales;
  • use of promotion channels;
  • organization of work of sales managers;
  • improving the quality of services provided;
  • identification of promising directions;
  • comprehensive solutions for customers;
  • offering expiring discounts;
  • moderate growth;
  • changing the way of motivation.

Increasing sales to existing customers starts with determining how they feel about you. The main direction that ensures sales growth is the regular replenishment of the customer base, as well as the analysis of changing customer needs. Based on this, it is necessary to find out a set of basic questions that will help establish the circle of buyers, their interests and the way they make purchases.

It's common knowledge that 80% of a company's revenue can come from its top 20% of active customers. In addition, 80% of sales may come from just 20% of the most in-demand items. Key questions that characterize clients:

  1. Age, gender, occupation, level, interests.
  2. Type of product being purchased, its intended purpose.
  3. Method, volume, frequency of purchase, form of payment.
  4. Who else may be interested in the company's products?
  5. Approximate amount of orders completed by existing customers.
  6. Are there any other companies that supply similar products to customers?

As a result of the data obtained, the company must establish the main reasons that encourage customers to buy its product and not the products of competitors. Such reasons are usually called “Unique selling propositions”.

However, we should not forget that they depend on all sorts of market changes, which, in turn, creates the need to create separate offers for each group of consumers. Next, consider the factors that will help make your work more effective:

  • the structure of the resource should be simple and exclude the placement of different types of information ;
  • It is desirable to have two separate menus, general and divided into segments ;
  • on the main page place a block with information about the benefits for the client ;
  • the site must contain a link to a page with customer reviews ;
  • presence of a banner with current special offers;
  • The portal must have contact information and a form for ordering a call back.

The methods listed are based on customer needs. The company also needs to regularly monitor the actions of competitors. This will allow us to find new ways to attract consumers. Increasing sales volume and improving marketing policy directly depends on the completeness of the collected information.

Separately, it is necessary to detail the issue related to a possible increase in prices for goods. First of all, you need to understand that by increasing the cost of a product, the client should be given something in return. Based on this, owners of small businesses should remember that the reasons why their products are purchased today may differ significantly from the factors for which they will be purchased in six months. Key factors that will help maintain customer loyalty:

  • product modernization, including the emergence of new options ;
  • price list adapted to the client’s financial capabilities ;
  • flexible scheme of work with the customer ;
  • fixing prices in rubles (for Russian buyers).

Conquering (taking away) customers from competitors

If the clients are, then it is advisable to monitor their market behavior. This approach will allow you to make specific business proposals in a timely manner. As for attracting potential customers, it is necessary to find out who the current supplier of similar products is, how much cooperation with him satisfies customers and take into account the possible benefits for the client if he is ready to change the supplier.

If there are real advantages, the entrepreneur will have a chance to attract new customers. Regarding customers who, for certain reasons, began to use competitors' products, in this case it is necessary to restore contact with them and find out the reasons why cooperation was terminated.

As a result of the monitoring, the information obtained can be used to restore business relationships. The main reasons for not purchasing products are:

  • the buyer no longer needs your product;
  • greatly overpriced;
  • unsatisfactory quality of the goods;
  • low level of service;
  • competitors' offers are more interesting.

When customers start abandoning your products, it's time to increase your company's appeal. If high prices are the stumbling block, then you can use limited discounts, for example, for up to three months.

But, if customers are not satisfied with the quality of the product, then it’s time to conduct a survey among customers to find out their wishes. If there are wishes that are affordable and can bring profit to the company, they need to be applied to other clients.

An additional reason for refusal to purchase is the lack of activity of the supplier. For many buyers, it is important to have regular contact, in particular through telephone calls, friendly visits and postal notices.

If the consumer does not receive this, he thinks that the supplier is no longer interested in him and begins to look for new business contacts. Therefore, an entrepreneur must anticipate such sentiments of his customers and meet their needs.

Attraction of new clients

There are many consumers who have not yet tried your products. At the same time, their interests may correspond to the interests of existing clients. Increasing sales volume, possibly by attracting new customers. Of course, this will require a slight modernization in the customer relationship system, which will ensure that the needs of attracted consumers are met. Such tactics will significantly reduce financial losses associated with an increase in business activity.

To identify the qualitative characteristics of a certain group of consumers, such sources of information as statistical collections, marketing research or trade association reports. Surveying different groups will help you understand that new customers will not necessarily be identical to existing customers. As a result, it will be necessary to establish the main differences when choosing the products to be purchased.

Supplement big picture Customer recommendations can serve as a guide. After identifying the main groups of potential buyers, you can do:

  • making a list buyers with the designation of their basic characteristics;
  • mailing“Direct requests” by E-mail with a commercial offer and a brief description of the company;
  • implementation of the action“Cold appeals”, which consists of direct contact with potential clients in order to determine their purchasing preferences;
  • advertising campaign in newspapers, magazines, radio, television or in;
  • popularization of the method“Personal recommendations” from existing clients;
  • using the technique“Stimulating mixture”, which consists of a set of different activities that provide consumers with competitive advantages of products.

Separately, we need to discuss the sale of goods in the “” mode. It is a universal solution for many companies that seek to increase profitability and reduce operating costs.

For the successful sale of products, the main role is played by cost, quality, product range and availability in the warehouse. An additional factor Timely delivery serves.

Advantages of online trading:

  • significant cost reduction;
  • automated order processing process;
  • the possibility of girth is enormous;
  • 24-hour operation;
  • the ability to instantly receive payment;
  • no need to walk around;
  • continuous improvement of the structure of the products offered;
  • automatic generation of product catalogs.

Increasing the intensity of purchases from existing customers

The increase in sales occurs due to increased purchase volumes by existing customers. Because attracting new consumers is much more difficult. Therefore, it will be useful to study the “Pareto Principle”. According to this principle, about 80% of success is achieved through 20% of the effort spent. Thus, it is quite natural to apply this rule to the issue of making a profit and increasing sales volumes of products. An overview of sales using the Pareto Principle includes:

  • sales volume per customer;
  • income from each consumer;
  • sales volumes by separate species goods;
  • generalized profitability of products sold;
  • total sales and income for each individual distribution channel.

Data analysis includes:

  1. Calculation of sales volumes for each of the above indicators for a specific period in order to obtain the total amount.
  2. Location of the received information in decreasing order throughout the analyzed period.
  3. Percentage calculation all indicators (item 1) and their subsequent arrangement in descending order.
  4. Calculation total percentage in decreasing order.
  5. Identification of product category, for which the total sales volume reaches 80%.
  6. Conducting a comparative analysis obtained data with results for the past period, in order to subsequently focus on those methods that provide 80% of sales.

Thanks to the information received, the company will be able to take adequate measures aimed at increasing sales. An analysis of the situation will show what customers think and say. If the counterparty purchases products closer to the end of the month, then a telephone call received two weeks before the event may turn out to be useful tool guaranteeing an increase in sales volume.

You can also attract attention to the enterprise by regular deliveries or by sending a specialist to eliminate minor equipment breakdowns. An additional incentive could be the sale of certain goods on credit. A good way would be to provide discounts to your customers, especially on products sold by competitors. The method of distributing related products has also found widespread use.

Today's sales guarantee financing for future production. Visually, the actual size of the critical sales volume can be seen on the graph as the point of intersection of the lines that display total expenses and sales income. An increase in sales volume is possible due to:

  • involving customers in games;
  • inviting clients to holidays;
  • teaching customers something;
  • providing the opportunity to taste the product;
  • attracting celebrities;
  • use of various discounts.

Focusing on certain types of buyers is also a good way to increase sales. Experts in the field of neuroeconomics argue that the process of “spending money” occurs until it begins to create inconvenience. The results of separate studies revealed three basic types of buyers:

  • 24% are misers;
  • 61% - average buyers;
  • 15% are spendthrifts.

Every company is interested in buyers who:

  • purchase highly profitable goods;
  • are paid for the products in full;
  • prefer to place large orders;
  • orders are canceled extremely rarely;
  • pay for goods on time;
  • do not require after-sales service.

Taking into account the characteristics of each individual group of buyers and the results of the analysis, it is possible to approximately determine the profitability of consumers. Typically, only a small portion of buyers provide the bulk of the profit. It often happens that large customers may not be profitable enough for a company.

Concentrating on the most profitable customers will free up significant resources for production development.

The technology for identifying the target client involves:

  • strategy definition;
  • conducting market segmentation;
  • market data collection;
  • development of primary hypotheses and analysis of accumulated information (on consumers);
  • division of consumer segments;
  • development of primary hypotheses and analysis of accumulated information (on clients);
  • division of client segments;
  • overview of the attractiveness of each individual sector;
  • identifying criteria for selecting target clients;
  • extracting the target buyer;
  • development of methods aimed at improving the quality of proposals and achieving the break-even point.

Building relationships with clients

Basic rules effective program Customer services include:

1. Identification of the most profitable clients with their further distribution into groups. Primary goal:

  • prioritization during maintenance;
  • analysis of the characteristics of key buyer groups.

2. Compiling a register of internal and external customers.

3. Determining the required level of customer service for each group. Primary goal:

  • definition basic requirements regarding quality of service;
  • identifying requirements regarding the accuracy of order fulfillment;
  • establishing the level of speed of response to the buyer’s request;
  • determining the degree of customer satisfaction with service conditions;
  • identifying the need to train staff and improve their behavior with customers;
  • formation of compliance during conflict resolution.

4. Establishing the degree of satisfaction of company employees with their work.

To increase product sales, you need to focus on quality customer service. Service standards should be developed. You can start by conducting an employee survey. The standards developed should be concise, clearly stated and achievable.

The basic rules for customer service should also contain individual requirements for employees. The main condition is the provision of personalized services and addressing the client exclusively by name and patronymic. Staff must be trained in friendly communication techniques, as well as the ability to resolve any complaints from customers.

Complaint handling must be carried out as thoroughly as possible to maintain customer goodwill and introduce necessary changes that will improve customer service. List of useful activities:

  • attracting employees and customers to co-create service standards through surveys;
  • documentation of standards service;
  • carrying out explanatory work among full-time employees;
  • getting staff support regarding the feasibility of using the developed service model;
  • construction corporate culture relations with customers, excluding any deviations from approved standards;
  • making regular adjustments standards due to changing conditions;
  • introduction of a behavioral assessment system personnel, allowing you to monitor compliance with the developed customer service model;
  • employee incentives for improving customer service.

To monitor the quality of staff work, you can use the Mystery Shopping technique. The main purpose of using such technology is to document all stages of sales. Using a voice recorder, you can see how things really are in the company. For additional control of the quality of work, you can use CCTV cameras. All these methods will allow you to monitor staff incompetence and eliminate any reasons that interfere with increasing sales volumes. Main problems in sales:

  • shortage of qualified personnel;
  • lack of strategic planning for sales managers;
  • lack of an evaluation system that allows tracking the personal contribution of sellers;
  • lack of experienced managers in sales departments;
  • lack of motivation among sales managers;
  • lack of customer focus;
  • lack of effective training methods for training sales managers;
  • lack of a reserve search system.

Companies need to understand that even when working with commercial organizations,they interact with people. Sales of goods are not made by a soulless organization, but to an ordinary person, who can be susceptible to emotions and is guided by the characteristics of his character. The preferences of a living person do not always lend themselves to strict logic, but in any case, the company must do everything possible for the sake of the client.

Of course, the time spent, the competence of the staff and the dedication to customers are worth a lot. If the company manages to convince the buyer that it perfectly understands his interests and is ready to serve them, then the problem of paying for orders will disappear by itself. Satisfied clients will zealously defend the interests of the company in their company and will not allow themselves to miss such a partner. But how to win customer loyalty? Purchases are made where:

  • the buyer finds everything he needs;
  • value clients and are always happy to see them;
  • can listen and understand the essence of the problem;
  • respond to wishes.

Any product sold has three components: a material component, a method of service, and additional service. After-sales service is as important as the product. When a buyer regularly receives all three components, then he becomes loyal. Thus, loyalty can be qualified as high customer satisfaction, which leads to devotion to the company. What gives customer loyalty:

  • systemic and forecasted sales;
  • increasing company value;
  • a criterion that determines that the level of service corresponds to the price;
  • significant savings in searching for other clients.

Features of loyal customers:

  • loyalty and defense of company policies;
  • participation in the acquisition of new goods;
  • attracting new customers;
  • implementation of an advertising campaign;
  • ignoring competing organizations;
  • minimal sensitivity to price;
  • tolerance to one-off episodes of deterioration in quality;
  • disposition to participate in surveys;
  • willingness to make proposals for product modernization;
  • Moderation of additional service requirements.

The European Trade Institute conducted studies that showed that German companies spend 8 times more on attracting new customers. more money than on motivation to repurchase.

An increase in the number of loyal customers by 5% can lead to an increase in sales volumes of up to 100%. A satisfied buyer informs at least 5 acquaintances about a profitable purchase, and a dissatisfied buyer will notify 10 people.

Main reasons for loyalty:

  • period of cooperation;
  • level of satisfaction;
  • experience using the product;
  • making repeat purchases without being stimulated by falling prices;
  • personal contacts;
  • positive experience in overcoming conflicts.

Buyer classification:

  1. Adherent- a client who regularly makes purchases and actively advertises the company.
  2. Loyal Subject- a consumer who systematically makes purchases, without further advertising of products.
  3. Defector- a client who regularly makes purchases both from the company and from competitors
  4. Terrorist- a buyer who is willing to remain loyal in exchange for certain dividends.
  5. Mercenary- a client who allows himself to be outbid.
  6. Hostage- a buyer who has no choice.

Customer retention programs (loyalty)

To understand how to retain a client, you need to know the main reasons why he might leave. Reasons for customers leaving:

  • 68% - inadequate attitude towards clients;
  • 14% - dissatisfaction with the quality of the product;
  • 9% - competitors’ offers are more interesting;
  • 5% - change in type of activity;
  • 3% - geographic relocation of business;
  • 1% - .

One unsuccessful conversation with a company employee can ruin many years of cooperation and prevent an increase in sales. Emotional factors often outweigh rational ones. As a result, almost 70% of company losses occur due to communication problems.

To increase Customer satisfaction needs:

  • train staff to deal with problem clients;
  • make it easier for buyers to access the company;
  • monitor compliance with service quality standards;
  • study customer needs;
  • use the potential of a success story;
  • research customer satisfaction.

Just 10–20 years ago the emphasis was on improving product quality, but today many companies have reached such a level of quality in their products that competition occurs at the service level. If it is necessary to increase sales volume, there is a need to use completely different technologies. To retain customers:

  • preference models are developed;
  • channels of interaction with the company are clarified;
  • communication is ensured between employees of different departments and the buyer;
  • changes in customer purchasing behavior are monitored;
  • the life values ​​of customers are studied;
  • Special offers are being developed to increase sales.

Service automation implies:

  • use of data that maximally reveals information about the client, the problem that has arisen and the buyer’s preferences;
  • automatic control of all applications for timing and quality of service;
  • availability of an information base on current problems and solutions;
  • automatic control of service agreements;
  • ways to manage customer requests.

American Express conducted research that showed that a high level of service is critical for 60% of consumers when choosing where to shop. As a result, they will be willing to overpay up to 7%. However, only 40% of companies work to receive feedback from customers. Common loyalty programs that provoke an increase in sales:

  1. Loyalty card.
  2. Cumulative discounts, bonuses.
  3. Special terms of service.
  4. Prizes, lotteries, competitions.
  5. Gaining a unique experience.
  6. Charity.
  7. Club formations.
  8. Access to closed resources.
  9. After-sales service.
  10. Creation of coalition loyalty programs.
  11. Exchange of old goods for new ones.
  12. Client training.
  13. 24/7 technical support.

1. Introduce bonuses for the number of meetings for managers exceeding the average.

2. Strengthen the visualization of sales results using chips, buttons, squares, pictures

3. Introduce negotiation matches for managers once a month.

4. Run a test drive of your product, service, service, etc. For a few days, for a week, for a month.

5. Place stickers on your products with information about a special offer.

6. Buy an expensive coffee maker for clients.

7. Place a video greeting from the director on the main page of the site.

8. Mail memorable postcards to clients.

9. Implement interactive map directions in the contacts section.

11. Conduct correspondence with clients via WhatsApp.

12. Post a fun corporate newspaper in the public domain.

13. Make a beautiful designer commercial proposal in PDF and use it in business correspondence.

15. Create an original greeting that the client hears during the call.

16. Implement letter templates for managers for all occasions.

17. Implement cloud CRM.

18. Create a script for successful negotiations and monitor its implementation.

19. Launch 2-3 new marketing campaigns every month.

20. Hire a sales department assistant and shift as much paperwork from the managers to him as possible.

21. Give an employee a monthly bonus for the best idea to increase sales.

22. Appoint one of the employees as the chief information officer on competitors.

23. Launch remote sales without opening an office in all key regions.

24. Hire another employee for cold calls.

25. Compare your website and 10 competitors in your industry - maybe it's time to improve it.

26. Make a selling price list.

27. Work with managers on 3 options for presenting your company: in 1 minute, in 10 minutes and in 30 minutes.

28. Convene a strategic sales session with the participation of consultants and all managers.

29. Develop a system of guarantees and returns without any conditions for customers.

30. Analyze the sources of information about potential clients.

31. Teach managers to quickly determine what is most important for the client - price, quality, speed of problem resolution, completeness of the solution, reliability.

32. Delegate more authority to managers to provide discounts and bonuses.

33. Find several assortment items for which it is painless to raise prices.

34. Work on the company's presence on social networks.

35. Move to an open-space office.

36. Add 3-4 lead generation channels.

37. Order a professional photo session for all employees and place it in the reception area.