How does a Taurus man perceive an Aquarius woman? Compatibility of the Aquarius Woman with other signs. Additional Compatibility Factors

Taurus is a woman belonging to the element of Earth. She is reasonable, wise, hardworking and easily achieves her goals. Aquarius is a representative of the Air element.

He is like the wind - fast, impetuous and changeable. Despite different temperaments, two very different people can create a strong union. As a percentage, their compatibility is 86%.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman

She is beautiful in every way. A woman born under the sign of Taurus is smart, charming and nice to everyone around her. One can only envy her enthusiasm. He is always at the epicenter of events and strives to be the center of attention. It can be characterized as follows:

  • an excellent listener who will always give the necessary advice;
  • very active and strives to accomplish as many things as possible;
  • has a good sense of humor;
  • will never intentionally offend a person, has a gentle and sympathetic character;
  • calm, rarely conflicts;
  • feminine and attractive;
  • values ​​stable relationships.

The Taurus woman is a balanced and strong personality. She will not complain about unfair fate and blame someone for her failures. Silently he will take and decide all his life problems. Taurus is the life of the party. She loves communication, so she is always surrounded by a lot of friends.

Taurus is an ideal companion for men who dream of creating a strong family. In relationships, she is tactful, kind to her chosen one, and will never commit treason. She is ready to do everything to make her loved ones feel confident and comfortable around her.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man

There is probably no person on planet Earth with whom Aquarius is not able to make friends. The representative of this zodiac sign is very sociable, well-read and wise beyond his years. No one will be bored in his company. He is like a ray of sunshine - he warms everyone with his warmth. This person has many friends and is extremely valued at work. The main thing is to give him a foothold, and this man will turn the whole world upside down. Characteristics of an Aquarius man:

  • a born adventurer, loves to take risks and come up with innovative solutions;
  • looking for the perfect relationship;
  • does not like monotony, craves change;
  • always ready to support loved one and give him good advice;
  • freedom-loving, loves to be in society;
  • has good taste;
  • he is a creative and unpredictable person;
  • loves active recreation and travel.

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes, there are no two identical Aquarius men. People of the Air element are strikingly different from each other. In life, Aquarius is unpredictable and headstrong. His behavior cannot be described in a couple of cliched phrases. He tends to constantly change his mind. Located in constant movement, searching for fresh ideas and inspiration.

How are they suitable for each other?

Taurus girl Aquarius guy are socially adapted people. They won't sit at home and waste time watching boring TV shows. They both need something more. Partners love to be in society and have a lot of interests and hobbies. They constantly think about how to diversify their leisure time.

Both are excellent conversationalists. There are no awkward pauses in the conversation between Taurus and Aquarius. This couple always finds topics for discussion. A woman and a man are always surrounded by many people. Taurus and Aquarius will happily introduce their significant other to friends and initiate joint walks.

Both partners value each other. The woman takes care of Aquarius like a mother, and he is delighted with her composure and thriftiness. The main thing is for both partners to be able to negotiate and be ready to make various compromises. Then the couple will have a long and happy relationship.

How they don't suit each other

According to astrology, it is quite difficult for representatives of both zodiac signs to coexist. They have different temperaments and outlooks on life. The first stumbling block is the financial issue.

The Taurus woman belongs to the element of Earth, and therefore she is practical, economical and solves everything with ease everyday problems. She was used to saving money, putting it aside to purchase something worthwhile. Be it new car, a set of dishes or a wardrobe. Aquarius finds it extremely difficult to cope with money. He absolutely does not know how to manage them, spends what he earns on anything, and it is on this basis that frequent quarrels are possible in a couple.

The second difficulty that a couple may encounter is Aquarius’s reluctance to stay in the company of his chosen one for a long time. He is a representative of the Air element, which means he is windy and fickle. He easily finds new hobbies, gradually moving away from his companion. And here the Taurus woman has two options: either come to terms with the vicissitudes of fate, or let Aquarius go on a long and distant voyage, plow the oceans of unconquered women’s hearts.

Taurus is a faithful woman. She will remain faithful to her man under any circumstances. But Aquarius will not appreciate this noble impulse.

It’s as if he will feel constantly guilty in the company of this right lady. A Taurus woman will not be able to build strong relationships right away. They need to get used to each other and better know the character of their companion.


Aquarius will most likely be the initiator of the relationship here. He is bright, interesting, sociable, romantic. And he’s used to pursuing the one he cares about. will not be able to resist such a man. He shows signs of attention in every possible way, ready to come to the rescue at any second. He will also present Taurus with various cute trinkets and large armfuls of flowers.

But quickly conquer self-confident and smart woman Aquarius won't succeed. She carefully chooses her life partner and looks closely at representatives of the opposite sex for a long time. She will first check how reliable Aquarius is and only then will she dare to build a relationship with him.

Despite the mass positive aspects Aquarius, he is extremely irresponsible. He needs a companion who will take care of him and guide him in the right direction. This is what the Taurus woman is. She is overprotective of her man and she enjoys doing it. But she can get tired of such an activity very quickly. Therefore, Aquarius needs to pull himself together and learn to live independently.

The couple's relationship is rich and interesting. Every day will be special and different from the previous one. Aquarius constantly craves new emotions and impressions. And sometimes it seems to him that Taurus is too down-to-earth and does not understand him.


In love, not everything goes as smoothly as both partners would like. Taurus is a constant woman. If she falls in love, she dreams of long relationship"till death do us part" style. But the eccentric behavior of Aquarius puts an end to the dreams of a sensual woman. He simply cannot give her confidence in the future.

At the beginning of a relationship, both partners will look for qualities in their chosen one that they themselves lack. Therefore, Taurus and Aquarius will remain themselves. But over time the situation will change dramatically. The partner’s character traits that initially impressed you will begin to enrage and irritate you. They will seek companionship in the company of their own kind.

Taurus will begin to accuse Aquarius of constantly having his head in the clouds. The man will get the impression that his companion does not need anything other than material goods. Sooner or later, Taurus and Aquarius realize that their views on life are completely different. And either they will solve this problem, or they will break up.


The compatibility of the signs, thinking and emotionality of both raises many questions. This also applies to family life. Overall, Taurus and Aquarius are very comfortable with each other. They both know how to have a good time, they won't get bored. And it is precisely because of this that both partners decide to go to the registry office.

Marriage can happen quickly, literally within weeks of meeting each other. And Aquarius will become the initiator. It is he who will drag his beloved to the wedding palace in order to quickly legitimize the relationship.

But the scenario could be different. Both partners do not consider it necessary to burden themselves with marriage. The reason is simple and trivial: since lovers are already so happy together, why change anything. A lot depends on the woman here. Taurus is conservative and values ​​“everything like people do.” Therefore, several years of living together without a stamp in the passport can cause a real rebellion on her part.

Children of Taurus and Aquarius will be desired in marriage. A woman will do everything possible to provide for heirs. She will wash, cook, get the children ready for school, and take them to classes. Aquarius, although he dotes on his child, is in no hurry to take care of “fatherly” responsibilities. He believes that there is still so much unknown and interesting around. And doing everyday routine things is certainly not what he dreamed of.

Intimate relationships

The stars say that here the partners have observed good compatibility. Aquarius is bold, open and sexy. But on initial stages relationship, he will not open up right away. The man acts carefully, methodically, so as not to frighten off his companion. He has a wealth of sexual experience and, like no one else, he knows how to please his chosen one in bed.

The couple’s intimate relationship can be described as vibrant and harmonious. She will take care of comfort - place incense in the room, turn on relaxing music and buy beautiful bed linen from the store. He will be responsible for leisure time. He will choose a movie that they will watch first, give his woman a massage. And only after an extensive cultural program will the lovers move to the bedroom.

Living together

Before moving in together, partners need to get to know each other better. different angles. Is Taurus ready to tolerate the inconstancy of Aquarius? Is he ready to put up with the barrage of claims that have fallen upon him? Partners must weigh all the pros and cons of the upcoming living together and only after that make a decision.

Taurus is a wonderful housewife. Her house always smells like baking, there is a warm dinner on the stove, and the house is perfectly clean. She tirelessly improves her home and buys new interior items. The house is a fortress for her, where she can retire and relax.

Aquarius is radically different from his companion in everyday issues. He is too enthusiastic and busy to cook dinner and clean the apartment. His home is constantly in creative disorder. And he doesn’t know at all how to put everything in order.

It is better if the Taurus woman manages the finances in this couple. It is economical and practical. Does not make impulsive purchases; before going to the store, she makes a list and strictly follows it. Aquarius does not understand how she handles finances so skillfully. After all, he himself can spend an impressive amount of money on an absolutely unnecessary thing.


In general, Aquarius and Taurus are compatible with each other from a business point of view. A man is a generator of new ideas. He will be constantly busy developing new projects. But the Taurus woman is assigned the role of “embodiment” of all the ideas of Aquarius. She is smart, hardworking, balanced, and easily finds a common language with business partners. If representatives of these zodiac signs decide to go into business together, they should pay attention to the following areas:

  • programming;
  • the latest technologies;
  • journalism;
  • art.

If Taurus is the boss in this couple, Aquarius' newest and sometimes crazy ideas may be ignored. An Aquarius boss, on the contrary, demands innovation from his employees. Taurus is not always able to cope with such demands. Therefore, Aquarius will most likely hand over to her the work that requires perseverance and attentiveness.

What to expect from a relationship

Taurus is reasonable and balanced. She knows how to earn money and is an excellent housewife. It is extremely important for her to know that she is loved and appreciated. And Aquarius will instill this confidence in her every day. He is an intellectual, which is why Taurus values ​​him.

It cannot be said that their relationship will be serene and calm. A breath of wind is enough for a storm to arise. At first, it will be difficult for both of them to get used to their partner. They have too different views on life. But as practice shows, everything changes over the years better side in this pair.

The main thing is to be able to listen to each other, not bend your line and give your partner a little freedom. If Taurus begins to re-educate Aquarius, or vice versa, the relationship will only be a burden for the two. But love works wonders. And even people who are incompatible at first glance can live a long and happy life together.

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The statistics are unyielding - they say that the compatibility of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman is poor, and most couples who get married end up in divorce. The Taurus man and the Aquarius woman have completely different temperaments, and their characters are very different. If this couple comes together, it may seem that they do not touch at any point in their lives. And yet this couple has a chance - if there is sincere love from both for each other. Then it is quite possible that the family and relationship will be preserved, and their fundamental differences will only captivate the spouses.

A Taurus man and an Aquarius woman are a very mysterious couple, because they are so different. Taurus is down-to-earth, practical, rational - it is important for him to have self-confidence and be persistent. He appreciates the state when he stands firmly on his feet and does not worry about his future. In this he is helped by hard work and constant exertion of mental and physical effort.

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The Aquarius woman is the complete opposite. She values, above all, freedom, spirituality, diversity, and the ability to change plans literally on the fly. She will always want something new - new adventures, impressions and events. She will entertain her Taurus husband with unexpected surprises, and surprise will become an inapplicable attribute in such a situation. love union. Imagination is what the Aquarius woman values, and she has it very well developed.

This couple can quickly accumulate a good fortune due to their hard work. It is important to understand that their distance from each other will last until a serious crisis arises or something bad happens. Then Taurus and Aquarius will join forces, and at that moment they will understand how kindred spirits they are and how dear they are to each other. After such “shock therapy”, this couple no longer behaves like distant relatives, and shows more warmth, care and openness. Rather, the Taurus-Aquarius compatibility after this becomes even extreme, since both begin to be very afraid of losing a loved one after everything they have experienced with him.

But nevertheless, the greater tension from maintaining distance in this couple disappears, and they become happier, and can more openly show their love and affection to their partner.

Negative compatibility - Taurus man and Aquarius woman

The physical and sexual attraction of this couple is great, and the Taurus man and the Aquarius woman attract each other physically, but this does not prevent them from experiencing large number difficulties in your personal life. The main difficulty in such a pair is that the compatibility of the zodiac signs Taurus and Aquarius is such - what to find general topics for conversation, and it is difficult for them to come to general conclusions. And in general, finding a common language, accepting and understanding a partner is sometimes not at all easy for this couple.

This is especially true for the Taurus-Aquarius union, when they are young and still full of strength. When you are young, you really want to have a person next to you who is very similar to you, understands you perfectly, and can help you in any situation from the point of view of emotional support. But in a Taurus-Aquarius couple, such relationships do not develop immediately, and only over the years. As a result, the Aquarius woman quickly realizes that the Taurus man does not particularly understand her aspirations and desires, and is not ready to communicate with her on topics that are interesting to her.

The union of this couple is simply unpredictable. The Aquarius girl is so frivolous and uncontrollable that only a man with angelic patience can withstand her. This is exactly what Taurus is. Aquarius creates an atmosphere of mystery around herself and attracts everyone who is within the radius of her gaze. At the same time, Aquarius firmly sets a goal and goes towards it.

She will never go astray. And this integrity of nature and determination so attracts Taurus, who value honesty and directness. True, in many ways it life priorities completely contrary to his aspirations. But it's tolerable.

Taurus - Aquarius: compatibility of signs or a sea of ​​misunderstandings?

A man of this zodiac sign knows how to see right through people. Therefore, he is able to discern that behind the flighty nature of Aquarius lies a skillful and responsible leader who also knows how to save money. However, this can also cause quarrels. After all, despite the fact that the compatibility is perfect, he will not be able to come to terms with her habit of storing all unnecessary and old trash. This gentleman loves that every thing in the house is good and of high quality. As for the rest, quarrels can happen because she explodes quite often. Taurus most often simply does not expect this, and therefore gets offended and withdraws into himself. But such is the case, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Aquarius and Taurus - love and family

Yes, this union is quite complex, sometimes even explosive. But if they get together, then it will be a wonderful union of two lost souls.

Taurus is able to surround his beloved with tenderness and give her as much warmth and love as he can fit in his heart. Aquarius will feel with him like a tender and fragile girl who has finally taken refuge from all troubles behind the wide back of her chosen one. And in return, she will give him the confidence that he is her dream. True, the Taurus man’s imagination is very limited, and therefore there will be no flirting at the initial stage of their romance. There will be no romance, therefore, if this man is dear to Aquarius, you should take everything into your own hands. This couple's marriage will be quick. and the Aquarius woman is so plump that they will become They are both wonderful hosts, however, the Aquarius woman is very touchy, and therefore you should not tell her that the carpet is poorly cleaned and the soup is not salted. Unless, of course, you want to do it all yourself later.

Sex and cheating

In terms of intimate life, Aquarius is very liberated, which at first can quite frighten the Taurus man. But he is a good student and quickly grasps everything new. And besides, he is not alien to the love of pleasure and sexual pleasures. In this regard, he may try to look for something new on the side. If this is a one-time thing and just a small and meaningless hobby, then Aquarius will forgive him. But once he exchanged her for another and regretted it, he will never cross the threshold of his beloved’s house. The Aquarius woman does not know how to forgive betrayal.


Compatibility between a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman is not always serene. He will not keep an eye on his beloved, but quiet jealousy is always present. And Aquarius, if she is crystal clear and faithful only to him, may soon think about divorce. After all, living under constant suspicion is very difficult.

Let's sum it up

So, as you can see, the compatibility of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman can be simply perfect. If it were not for banal conflicts, which, because of their simplicity, never cease to be difficult. If this couple stops perceiving the bonds of marriage as chains, then they will soon develop into thin threads of spiritual unity.

If Taurus and Aquarius want to live like on a volcano, then they can create a love duet. But it is worth noting that they will only dream of peace, although this is unlikely. It is a rare case when the compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in love can be excellent. Taurus will “remake” Aquarius in his own way, which is already a stupid thing to do.

Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

The pairing of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman may seem strange, and it really is. But when there is love and they are both willing to compromise, a relationship can give a lot to each of them. Although their lifestyles are different, they have enough in common to make the romance a lot of fun.

It's easier for partners to get along if both take into account each other's characteristics. The Taurus man is sensual, he loves physical signs of attention - caresses, touches. The more tenderness she gives him, the more he wants. An Aquarius woman should take into account that her chosen one values ​​comfort; he will not tolerate her quirks if they create physical inconvenience for him. Also, he is unlikely to like the idea of ​​​​having many unusual friends and girlfriends around, as Aquarians love. And, of course, he is not attracted to surprises and surprises, since he prefers stability and predictability. For example, if she decides to change her hairstyle, it makes sense to hint him once or twice in advance. In addition, men zodiac sign Taurus is often jealous, so an Aquarius woman should under no circumstances give him reasons for suspicion. For his part, he must understand that his life partner needs freedom; he should not control her too tightly, as Taurus sometimes do.

The Taurus man has such excellent qualities as reliability, practicality, responsibility and hard work. He knows how to earn money, knows how to distribute it rationally, so that his beloved will always feel financially confident. With this man, the Aquarius woman can build a solid foundation for the future, create a strong family and raise beautiful children. They are both representatives of the fixed signs of the Zodiac, their love relationship and marriages often last longer than many others.

In an Aquarius Taurus girl, Taurus is attracted to a feeling of lightness, which he himself really lacks. His beloved becomes a sip for him fresh air. She doesn’t make life difficult for herself or others, and this is very important for a guy. The fact is that representatives of many other zodiac signs tend to use Taurus’s ability to find a way out of any situation, and some of them are completely inactive next to this responsible and generous person.

On the one hand, it is easy for a Taurus to be next to his chosen one - she is always in good mood, doesn’t find fault with little things, doesn’t burden him with his problems. If it were not about a calf, but about another person, the girl would be appreciated. The problem is that the feeling of stability, which is so important for a guy, will completely leave him next to his chosen one. She can be unpredictable in many ways, and often does not think about the consequences of her actions, so the young man will not be able to completely relax next to her.

The Taurus guy is reluctant to make any changes, so his lover will have to periodically push him. It may seem that he has a hard time making decisions, but this is just a misconception. If a girl expects initiative from him in switching to new stage relationship, and he does nothing, then his behavior is an alarming sign. Most likely, he has already decided everything, and this couple has no future.

Taurus and Aquarius are not the most a successful couple. The opposition of the elements of earth and air does its job - in all areas of life, it is very difficult for representatives of these zodiac signs to understand each other. Aquarius lives one day at a time, does not care about the future, since from his point of view, it may not come. For a Taurus, such logic becomes an insoluble puzzle. Being a practical person, he loves complete clarity in everything, and he tries to avoid uncertainty and dubious searches for luck, which go hand in hand with Aquarius.

TAURUS man and AQUARIUS woman

The Taurus man sees his companion as a fickle and flighty person. If they are united by work, the representative of the earth element will do everything to ensure that he has as little business as possible with the Aquarius woman.

In personal relationships, the prognosis is more optimistic, but a serious connection becomes invisible to Taurus. Initially, he has no serious plans for the representative of the air element.

♉ + ♒: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— In an Aquarius Taurus girl, Taurus is attracted to a feeling of lightness, which he himself really lacks. His beloved becomes a breath of fresh air for him. She doesn’t make life difficult for herself or others, and this is very important for a guy. The fact is that representatives of many other zodiac signs tend to use Taurus’s ability to find a way out of any situation, and some of them are completely inactive next to this responsible and generous person.

On the one hand, it is easy for a Taurus to be around his chosen one - she is always in a good mood, does not find fault with little things, and does not burden him with her problems. If it were not about a calf, but about another person, the girl would be appreciated. The problem is that the feeling of stability, which is so important for a guy, will completely leave him next to his chosen one. She can be unpredictable in many ways, and often does not think about the consequences of her actions, so the young man will not be able to completely relax next to her.

The Taurus guy is reluctant to make any changes, so his lover will have to periodically push him. It may seem that he has a hard time making decisions, but this is just a misconception. If a girl expects initiative from him in moving to a new stage of the relationship, but he does nothing, then his behavior is an alarming sign. Most likely, he has already decided everything, and this couple has no future.

♉ + ♒: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- In relation to his wife, the Taurus man behaves as if he is much older than her, despite the fact that they may be the same age. The husband takes responsibility for everything that happens - he manages money, makes decisions, acts at his own discretion, but does not consult with his wife. The Aquarius woman has a flexible mind, and if for some reason this marriage is beneficial to her, she will not outwardly show her dissatisfaction.

Young couples in love, hastily legitimizing their relationship, swear a lot. Everyone tries to prove to the other that they are right; it rarely comes to scandals, but serious disagreements do happen. According to the wife, her husband does not consider her at all, but he is sure that he is acting for the common good. If an Aquarius woman were less decisive and self-confident, she would be grateful to her husband for his care. The fact is that she is by no means weak-willed, and her husband often confronts her with a fait accompli, after he has done everything.

Aquarius needs freedom and endures any pressure painfully. Taurus strives for stability, but does not find it in a marriage with a representative of the air element. This zodiac combination is one of the most difficult. Unfortunately, the marriage of Taurus and Aquarius can only be strong if it was concluded by calculation.

♉ + ♒: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Taurus and Aquarius behave and communicate differently, their views on life do not coincide at all, so it’s hardly possible to talk about. It is difficult for a girl to communicate with a representative of the earthly element; there is no desire to be frank, because he will not share her thoughts, and she will not listen to his advice. The Taurus guy perceives his friend as an immature person, so he is always skeptical even of her sound arguments. These people will not be able to find a common language; they are often even unpleasant to each other.

AQUARIUS man and TAURUS woman

The Taurus woman does not take Aquarius seriously, and she is too difficult for him to communicate with. The personal relationship of this couple has a chance to develop, provided that the man is in some way dependent on this woman. She does not consider it necessary to consult with him, but he is a rather strong and independent person. If there is no calculation on either side, this couple is expected to have many quarrels, one of which will be the reason for breaking off the relationship.

♒ + ♉: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The Aquarius guy loves change, variety, and needs emotional outbursts. A representative of the Taurus sign leads a measured lifestyle, she has everything thought out in advance down to the smallest detail, any surprise can ruin her plans.

For an Aquarius guy, this girl may be attractive during one of the unfortunate periods of his life, if, for example, he got confused or had major troubles. He perceives his chosen one as a comforter; in addition, a Taurus girl in love will readily provide help to her beloved. The problem is that as soon as everything gets better for Aquarius, he will again go in search of adventure. He is not afraid of risk, and besides, he cannot imagine his life without thrills. The stability offered by the chosen one will soon get boring, and further development the relationship will pass entirely into the hands of the girl. If she values ​​her lover and is afraid of losing him, then she will have to turn a blind eye to his spontaneity, dubious connections and frequent absence. The young man will be very grateful for your understanding, and will appreciate the girl’s care.

♒ + ♉: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— Spouses of Aquarius and Taurus lead different image life, despite the fact that they live in the same house. If they do not want to understand each other from the very beginning and argue about every issue, the marriage will not last long.

Incentive to search common language can serve either as a calculation in a relationship, or as a strong mutual love. Spouses should not change each other, because there is no point in it. The changeable Aquarius periodically finds himself in sad stories, from which his wife helps him get out. If she has made a voluntary decision to take responsibility for the consequences of her husband’s actions, she should under no circumstances emphasize this. Aquarius understands perfectly well to whom he owes the solution to the unpleasant situation, but his pride will never allow him to recognize the superiority of his wife.

Sexual compatibility is not the best. The husband expected his wife to show more varied behavior in bed, but she considers his desires strange, which she can say out loud at the most inopportune moment. Most likely, Aquarius will find sexual satisfaction on the side. If he has a permanent mistress, it will be very difficult for the wife to keep her husband. Aquarius is inclined to act thoughtlessly, guided by momentary desires, so another woman can take advantage of the situation in time and arrange her personal life.

♒ + ♉: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- We're talking about in this case inappropriate. The Aquarius guy communicates with more sociable and relaxed people than the Taurus girl, but she sees him as an unreliable person, so she doesn’t look for a reason to get closer. A close connection between representatives of these zodiac signs can arise as a result of the following situations: mutual interest, kinship, calculation on the part of a guy, a girl falling in love. As friends, these people are not attracted to each other anyway.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign