Sagittarius zodiac sign love compatibility horoscopes. Union with Earth signs. Business compatibility between two Sagittarius

The characteristics of a Sagittarius woman directly depend on the year in which she was born. Representatives of the sign have a number of common features character, and compatibility with other signs is greatly influenced by Sagittarius’ personal interest in relationships. Born in the element of Fire, they ignite everything they touch.


General characteristics of Sagittarius women

Sagittarians are very lively and cheerful by nature. Easy attitude to troubles and the ability to look in everything positive sides, allows women to create a positive environment around themselves.

Often representatives of the fire sign offend their loved ones with inattention and straightforwardness. They have a respectful attitude towards their parents, but they cannot be called attentive children. They may not call or visit their loved ones for a long time, remembering them on holidays. And this is not a lack of love, but a frivolous nature. Sagittarians perceive their siblings as their best friends, they are ready to look after them and support them in every possible way.

general characteristics Zodiac sign.

The characteristics of Sagittarius women are as follows:

  1. Good nature. They empathize, try to help, and are prone to selfless acts towards people they don’t know well but like.
  2. Communication skills. There is no person to whom they cannot find an approach. At the same time, they cannot be called overly talkative, and you don’t have to worry about revealing secrets. Despite their sociability and openness, they share few of their own secrets with anyone.
  3. Emotionality. They do not hide their emotions, they can cry over a story or a book, or laugh at a curiosity in the lecture hall.
  4. Determination. To achieve their goals, Sagittarius uses the entire arsenal of means. Ready for strict self-discipline, willpower training and incredible patience.

No matter how wonderful the character of the representatives of the sign is, they are not without disadvantages:

  • hot temper;
  • selfishness;
  • vindictiveness.

Sagittarius's attitude towards a person depends on his mood. At some point, a woman shows tenderness, becomes caring and flexible. But she is capable of being aggressive, manipulating people and dominating. If she is undeservedly offended, she will turn into a vengeful and insidious enemy.

Sagittarius women are smart and erudite in nature, so a person who is not inferior to them in terms of knowledge can keep their interest.

Character features and general points are discussed in the video below. Taken from the Semyon channel.

Which profession should I choose?

In most cases, women choose a job where their main need is fulfilled - communication. An analytical mind, creativity and organizational skills help them establish their business. Sagittarians know how to make good money.

Professions that suit their active nature:

  • travel agency employee;
  • guide, tour guide;
  • journalist, writer;
  • artist;
  • event manager;
  • advocate.

Sagittarians do well in leadership positions various fields. They can take on many responsibilities and delegate authority well.

Sagittarius woman in love

In love, Sagittarius is an incredibly romantic nature, inclined to idealize his chosen one. A woman is caring, faithful and selfless, ready to make concessions and improve herself. But in return it requires trust and respect for personal space.

Women of the Fire sign cannot be pressured, otherwise they can lose control. Their curiosity and desire for self-development suggest that their partner will also not mark time. If a Sagittarius woman loses interest in her loved one as an interlocutor, she will begin to look for someone else worthy of her love.

In friendship

In friendship, Sagittarians also idealize people and relationships. They are very loyal and open, while demanding complete dedication from those around them. As a rule, they have quite a lot of good acquaintances, but few real friends. But such people accept Sagittarius with all their shortcomings, are not offended by rude statements addressed to them and support them in everything.


According to Sagittarius, there is nothing in marriage to rush to put a stamp in your passport. And their lives change little, since women do not like to do housework. They are more attracted to their career. But, having entered into marriage, Sagittarius expects that their husband will fully provide for them and generously pay for hobbies and travel.

There is another extreme: a woman in love goes to any lengths to marry her loved one. In this case, even the fact that the chosen one is already married will not stop her. Having achieved her goal, the woman calms down and takes care of arranging her life and creating comfort in the family.

The character of a Sagittarius girl depending on the Eastern calendar

The character of a girl born under the sign of Sagittarius is influenced by the animal Eastern calendar. The table below highlights the main features of women according to the year in which they were born.

Symbol of the year

according to the Eastern calendar

Main features

Sagittarius women

Life forecast
The DragonWisdom, belligerence, obstinacy.Career success, financial well-being, happy marriage.
SnakeCalm, cruelty.Difficulties in love and work.
HorseTirelessness, determination.High position in society, wealth.
GoatHysterical, artistic.Moving, frequent changes of residence.
MonkeyInconstancy, inability to finish what you start.They can raise and lead people behind their idea.
RoosterHomeliness, stinginess.Success in all endeavors, incredible luck.
DogTough, family focused.Troubles and intrigues from surrounding people, many enemies.
TigerIrritability, determination.It can go over the heads of friends, husband and other loved ones, which will cause loneliness. Successful career.
BullToughness, family, consistency.They create strong families with several children.
PigImpulsiveness.Success in all areas.
RatIdea generator, energy.They achieve everything they set out to do.
RabbitIncredible charm and workaholism.Career success.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Sagittarius has every chance of establishing a harmonious friendship or love union with any sign thanks to her fantastic luck and ease. Below we will consider the horoscope of compatibility with the signs of all elements.

Air element compatibility

For the Sagittarius woman, the signs of the air element are understandable and congenial. Such unions last a long time and are equally favorable for development business relations, marriage and friendship.

If we look at compatibility in more detail:

  1. The combination of Sagittarius and Gemini guarantees a long-term relationship built on a love of change and changing places. In this union, people will experience frequent trips and travel, self-development and fun time in different companies. They will understand each other and support each other.
  2. Sociable Sagittarius will find happiness with Libra, who will contribute to the spiritual enrichment and development of his partner. Understanding and a happy life together are also expected here.
  3. A favorable alliance will develop with Aquarius. An active man will happily and knowledgeably help Sagittarius realize her ideas. Together they will have the ability to lead people and organize profitable business. Even if their tandem breaks up, representatives of these signs will remain friends.

Union with Fire signs

Sagittarius is compatible with all representatives of its element.

The ideal partner of a Sagittarius woman is an Aries man.

It is expected that these unions will:

  • quarrels and conflicts, but both partners will strive to smooth them out;
  • winning leadership positions in work and marriage;
  • outbursts of anger and mutual irritation;
  • mutual understanding and love;
  • support and acceptance of the entire partner with all the shortcomings;
  • embodiment of bold ideas;
  • cardinal changes of place of residence (at the country level).

Union with Earth signs

Taurus is ready to love and follow Sagittarius, but the woman quickly gets bored with a calm and balanced partner. Such an alliance is successful for working in a team, but in love and friendship, the fiery female nature will begin to get bored and look for a company to match itself.

The pedantic and criticizing personality of Virgo is incomprehensible to Sagittarius, but close. They can be united by joint plans and the desire for self-development if the man can restrain himself from lecturing and imposing his opinion.

Capricorns for Sagittarius best colleagues or business partners. Representatives of the signs can be friends. In marriage, Sagittarius will be flighty, and men will not be able to get along with a fiery partner for long.

Relationships with Water signs

The least successful alliances will develop with representatives of Water.

A Sagittarius woman can be expected in such tandems:

  • disappointment in family life;
  • strong friendship with Cancer;
  • productive creativity with Pisces.

Water extinguishes Fire, and water signs try to calm Sagittarius and balance their life together. The fiery woman resists, rebels and leaves.

Sagittarius in love and marriage

By love horoscope Compatibility Sagittarius is very amorous, but flighty and fickle. Being in love, he can show the object of his passion all his irresistible charm.

The Sagittarius man is ready to carry his chosen one in his arms, both literally and figuratively, but at the same time he is unlikely to think about a future together, even about the very near future. The fact is that he is not ready to give up until the very end. Feeling that his freedom is being encroached upon, he will most likely run away without hesitation.

However, even with compatibility in love and marriage, it is difficult for Sagittarius to limit himself to rigid boundaries, to the point that he can advocate open relationship spouses. If his life partner does not agree to this or is simply jealous, their marriage is unlikely to last too long.

Sagittarius sexual compatibility

In terms of sexual compatibility with Sagittarius in bed, few can compare. He is strong, tireless, loves to experiment, and his carelessness and good mood are able to make intimate communication with him surprisingly easy and relaxed. On the bed he can have a fun pillow fight or, wrapped in a sheet, pretend to be a Roman emperor. Spending time alone with him is an exciting and unpredictable activity, but also dangerous: it is too easy to fall under the sexual spell of a Sagittarius and too difficult to convince him to stay with you for a long time.

How to make love with a Sagittarius

It is not difficult to attract the sympathy of a Sagittarius to your side - just offer him a fun and unusual time. How long has it been since you jumped from a parachute? Or flew to hot-air balloon? Or, at worst, just went to the zoo? Do this with a Sagittarius and you will gain his friendship, and he will gain yours. Try to make Sagittarius see in you a person with a clear and fresh look, that is, a like-minded person. In communication and love with Sagittarius, show maximum lightness and positivity; for him this may be no less important than your physical and moral qualities taken together.

Date with Sagittarius

How to make your Sagittarius happy? Take a spontaneous, unusual trip somewhere. For example, to the beach, to the desert, Las Vegas, you choose it yourself.

Sagittarius will really like this. They also enjoy outdoor physical activities. Therefore, by inviting him to go on a hike or camp, you will undoubtedly be noticed and appreciated. Don't forget that no one loves to laugh more than Sagittarius. So have fun. Watch some funny comedies, play games that make you stupid, or go to a carnival and see the snake woman.

Tips for Ideal Dates: Camp, go on a long hike together and stop somewhere on the way back, canoe on a lake, visit the zoo, go bowling, go to a casino, visit a comedy club, play mini golf , attend a sporting event, go to a carnival, go to St. Petersburg for the White Nights, go to horse racing, dream about your lover or loved one, go to a variety show, visit a dolphinarium, horse racing, stargazing, attend a fishing competition.

Where and how to find love for Sagittarius

Representatives of this zodiac sign hate sitting at home. Therefore, it is best for them to get to know each other on the road. If your heart is lonely, go on vacation - for example, to another country or to another city. As a last resort, you can take an excursion within your city or region - and a nice fellow traveler may turn up there.

Sagittarius - love failure or finding happiness

Happy family life Sagittarius will be provided with the ability to forgive and deeply feel other people. If Sagittarius is unspiritual, evaluates people only by their appearance, and not by their inner content, then in this case he dooms himself to failure in love.

Sagittarius – compatibility with other signs

Compatibility Sagittarius – Aries

Already the ancient sages argued that “Sagittarius” is a complement to “Aries”. Perhaps this is so, because here it is often observed that love between them comes at first sight,” and “short circuit” - long before the very day of marriage. The marriage union between them generally promises to be harmonious and prosperous.

“Sagittarius”, as a rule, is always and constantly focused on the search for truth, and here he best helper it may turn out to be “Aries”, because scientific disputes, conversations and disputes between both lead precisely to this goal.

Here the following development of events is often possible: if you delay in registering the marriage, then you can say with confidence that “the train has already left” and our partners will separate on the same platform and again find themselves there waiting for the next train, but with the only difference: to go away with another partner

At the beginning of each love epic, the “Sagittarius” directs all his thoughts and conversations only towards the registry office, towards the legal registration of the marriage, but if this period of time begins to drag on for some reason, he already has doubts about the correctness of his choice of partner. Any slowness and hesitation already causes discord and contradiction in his soul, and the intended new union, like the previous ones, can burst like a soap bubble.

It should be noted that with regard to marriage, the initiative comes only from the “Aries”.

It also happens: the “Sagittarius” has finally waited for the desired day, the marriage has already been formalized and the wedding has been celebrated, and the honeymoon seems to show that this marriage suits both, that it can also be funny and entertaining. But, as again confirmed by statistical data, it may still be short-lived. Although both partners try to act together, due to the eternal doubts and indecision of the “Sagittarius”, the last word here belongs to him.

We can say with confidence that a play played together called a “marriage union” will only be successful if the roles between the partners are defined more correctly and fairly.

Aries women, as a rule, quickly and easily cope with their Sagittarius partners. The determination of the former always prevails over the wavering feelings of the latter. Here two equally restless hearts meet, which do not harass each other. In addition, one of them is often absent, although they always travel together and also spend vacations together. And it’s good that external anxiety is a part of their joint life program. Sometimes, of course, certain difficulties arise, but mainly due to different interpretations of such ideological concepts as, for example, “freedom” or “independence” or the like. As long as the “Sagittarius” consults only with his “Aries” and takes into account only his views and opinions, his point of view, everything will be fine in their married life together and in general family relationships. But as soon as he thinks about it and starts looking for advice outside the home, exchanging thoughts with other people, then you can easily predict where these searches can lead and what discoveries will follow.

Let us also note that “Sagittarius” women can never resist “Aries”, for the arrows of Cupid strike them for sure, and mercilessly. And this couple has a lot in common, especially a love of travel and travel, sports activities and mass cultural spectacles, etc. You can’t talk or chat with anyone as easily and freely as with “Sagittarius” women; and the best listeners for them are precisely the “Aries”, who simply relax during this communication. Only if all precautions are taken can this marriage be successful and prosperous.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Taurus

Here it is short - and the “sagittarius” is doomed to death as not having the slightest solid ground under him. Physical attraction alone is a colorful soap bubble that bursts from the lightest breeze of life.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Gemini

And the “Sagittarius” is unfavorable, despite the fact that they have a lot in common. Since these zodiac signs are in opposition in the horoscope, both partners look at the world each from their own bell tower, adhering to their own point of view. Although this in some sense enriches their spiritual needs and increases their spiritual level, all the same, this marriage cannot bring anything other than discord and discord. The attractiveness of a partner in the eyes of another very soon becomes clouded and disappears, and love and physical attraction gradually fades.

If, as a rule, there is never boredom in their home, then money is even less common. If not both, then one of them must already have a very solid experience of previous marriages, a different married life, enriching the material not only for instructive evening conversations, but also for the material part of new experiences.

The fact that both strive for all kinds of changes and changes, turning points and rearrangements, gravitate towards everything new, still unknown, unknown, that both constantly change their views and opinions, beliefs and worldview, as well as eternal mental anxiety, undermine the nervous system and psyche and only aggravate and complicate the problem of this marriage union. True, here boredom has nowhere to take root and there is no time, because it immediately breaks out, and even with its roots. And yet the day comes when these two meteors both fly together and fly apart, never to meet again on their path in life. And the “sun of love” sets behind the clouds.

Since both partners are marked by God’s gift of oratory, then, of course, to last word one does not allow the other, and the lawyer does it for them, involuntarily, in court...

Compatibility Sagittarius – Cancer

"Sagittarius" has that vitality and energy, which, but still only ideal friendship and business cooperation are possible between them. Their marriage is doomed to failure, because as a result there will be a clear discord and rupture with divorce and separation. They are distinguished by the inconsistency and dissimilarity of views and opinions, beliefs and worldviews.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Leo

The marriage union between male “Sagittarius” and female “lioness” is not only problematic, but is doomed to failure and failure, discord and rupture. Soon after honeymoon“Sagittarius” embark on a risky search for new love experiences. “Lionesses” are also in no hurry to begin the strict life of a married lady and strengthen the prestige and reputation of their wife. All this only complicates and complicates the beginning of a joint marriage and married life.

It is known that “Sagittarius” people need an audience, listeners, but it is also known that “lionesses” not only do not know how, but do not even want to listen to others. Most often, they do not allow the poor “streltsy” to say a word. And the soul of a “Sagittarius” is sensitive, very receptive and impressionable, full of internal disagreements and contradictions, and when the cup of patience is already full, with the last resentment they decide to break up, divorce and separate from their former partner in love and marriage.

A completely different picture is visible when in a given marriage he is a “Leo” and she is a “Sagittarius”. If, in eternal riddles and guesses, then “Sagittarius” girls come to marriage with extensive experience in intimate life. They very skillfully, with great skill or even art and extravagance, present and serve intimacy from the kitchen of love on a silver tray. The similarity of temperaments and characters of both partners is the real guarantee of a full-fledged family union, in which the “Leo” man saves his “shooter” from fruitless comparisons of one partner with another.

For a Sagittarius girl, a Leo man is just perfect. Therefore, the latter are trying to create the most ideal conditions, freeing them from disagreement and compromise. “Lion” is both a monument and a shrine for her, for it is he who perfectly understands the most complex labyrinths of her soul, understands her aspirations, desires and needs and not only understands, but also tries to satisfy them. And women from the sign of Sagittarius are great masters in the bedroom; Leo is quite happy. Having accumulated extensive experience in the field of love and intimacy, they can satisfy even the most spoiled “salon lions”, who have a rich enough imagination and vivid imagination to delve into the recesses of their partner’s girlish heart without any difficulty, or even with obvious pleasure from the sign of Sagittarius.

In this marriage union, you won’t hear the lion’s roar at home. And indeed, at home he behaves quietly and meekly, decently and decently. And there is always the opportunity to growl at work or at the stadium.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Virgo

This is a completely different matter. Despite the great physical attraction, this marriage is very unhappy and doomed to failure. This also affects the difference in temperament and outlook on life, for everyone looks at the world and the world around them only from their own bell tower. In this marriage, tension begins to appear immediately after a very modestly celebrated wedding. And during the honeymoon, both partners feel it with all their might.

It’s not at all easy to get used to the well-known originality and poor “Sagittarius”. Only one bait keeps him from exploding - a savings book or a large bank account of the “virgin”. But the trouble is that our “sagittarius” does not have the slightest hope of reaching them. Here records appear only about income, but not about expenses. And this kind of “traffic schedule” does not suit the “Sagittarius” in any way. He begins to think, remembering past free times and dreaming of the tempting open spaces there - beyond the horizon. He is irritated by the “virgin’s” nightly lectures about the necessity and usefulness of work, about prospects and real opportunities. He also begins to be annoyed by the talking shop - eloquent phrases and numbers about such concepts as “duty”, “duty” and “responsibility” of each family member to his small team, etc. and so on.

And the “Sagittarius” cannot comprehend and understand why even love should be shackled and driven deep into the soul into a “high-security camp with walks only according to a schedule.” And realizing the lifelessness of his marriage, that it has fallen into “technical disrepair” and will only have to be written off, the “Sagittarius” lifts his steam and with great relief sets off into the open ocean.

True, the “virgin” will remember this mistake all her life, but will this help her? Even if she more often turns to her horoscope or to the nearest astrologer, she must still remember the ancient wisdom that the stars only point and hint at something, but do not force.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Libra

A strong and happy marriage union can develop between these partners, but only with true mutual love. Then any difficulties will disappear altogether.

There are no “domestic wars” here, even of a local nature, because the partners understand each other perfectly and do not pay the slightest attention to minor sins. In addition, there is no “Sagittarius” man whom a “Libra” woman could not charm and make happy. And for a Libra man, the most valuable thing is victory over a Sagittarius woman.

And yet, according to statistics, the best option is the one where he is a “Sagittarius” and she is a “Libra”. In these cases, together they conceive and general plans, and a program for social upliftment and their future. And in how they are implemented in life, diplomatic abilities, tact and sharp corners, put the idealistic constructions and dreams of your “Sagittarius” on a realistic basis.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Scorpio

Marriage union between "Sagittarius" and. Here conditions are favorable only for friendship; cooperation is not excluded, but only on the basis of mutual trust and understanding. Constant contradictions and confrontation cause high tension, create a negative field that prevents partners from finding mutual language to advocate for common goals.

This marriage is more reliable if the man is a “Sagittarius” and the woman is a “Scorpio”.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Sagittarius

This marriage is distinguished by liveliness and gaiety, rich experience and funny intimate outrages. In general, there will be a lot in it - hectic activity and frequent business trips, tourist trips and travel, sudden surprises on both sides, because on occasion, they both do not refuse new sensations and love impressions in other people's pastures. True, the nervous system of both partners eventually becomes thinner to the thickness of tissue paper, and blood pressure either decreases or rises to a dangerous limit, to the point of crisis.

Roles in home performances are performed temperamentally, with great enthusiasm and skill. Both sides express themselves directly, openly, frankly and without the help of prompters. After such a scene, consisting of two or several acts without an intermission, both the performers themselves and the audience present are very pleased. Obviously, none of them are tired of it. On the contrary, with new forces and in new versions they begin to play out a new life plot, only with a new cast.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Capricorn

This marriage union is more successful in cases where there is physical attraction between both partners and the “Sagittarius” is satisfied. Otherwise, family life will go wrong and begin to fall apart, if not immediately, then later, but inevitably.

The “Capricorn” man acts on his partner like valerian or ammonia, that is, it has a calming or sobering effect. Sagittarius man - in best case scenario, like a coffee surrogate before bed.

Capricorn women believe their partners as long as everything goes more or less smoothly and sweetly, as long as all the fairy tales and fables coincide with the real course of events.

A “shooter” woman will spend many years and even more effort so that her marriage partner learns to appreciate and respect her.

Compatibility Sagittarius – Aquarius

There are good inclinations between them for a successful marriage. Partners look at the world with its orders and rules with almost identical eyes, and also behave similarly in current situations. Both value freedom and independence, both are independent.

There is also physical attraction between them. The best option here is where “Aquarius” is a man and “Sagittarius” is a woman. Because it is the “shooter” who may be the one best woman in the world, that it was she who was created only for him. And this hypnosis works until the “Aquarius” gives her the first surprise, which often remains the last.

Things are worse between a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman. At first, you have to suffer a lot and suffer because of his eternal indecision and mental discord. For this reason alone, their relationship becomes very problematic. He tirelessly demands benefits and advantages for himself - not every woman can bear this, and you have to look for ways to compromise if you want to prolong this union. And then the “Aquarius” inevitably has to engage in psychotherapy and even hypnosis.

Unfortunately, when the speaking abilities of both partners are demonstrated in full force, it creates an atmosphere of tension, malice and anger, bringing annoyance, grief, and disappointment. Here, as a rule, the main culprit is almost exclusively he, less often - she. This is confirmed by statistical data. And, making sure that their partner is far from an angel, they begin a game in which they both feel quite free and at ease, however, only as long as this game amuses them both. But it all ends with their union eventually falling apart

Compatibility Sagittarius – Pisces

Despite the possibility of strong physical attraction, the marriage union between these partners is very problematic, or rather, unfavorable. The contradictions that exist between them are so fundamental that it is almost impossible to overcome them.

The “Sagittarius” man wins his “goldfish” only by storm, without even allowing it to come to its senses, and then either get used to everything, or jump out of your aquarium and run wherever your feet take you. Although every evening he very plausibly reports on where he was, why he stayed, etc., but, like every lie, short legs, and here, over time, it becomes clear what kind of business trips they were, what evening training courses, etc. and so on. And only then will the “fish” remember the words of the astrologer that those born under the sign of Pisces are destined to make sacrifices. And that earthly treasures are transitory and very dubious values, the “fish” are soon convinced of this.

The ambitious desire for a high social position of Sagittarius women greatly irritates their partners from the sign of Pisces, distracts them from the world of fantasy and imagination, forcing them to work. Here the marriage union is already stronger and more stable, especially in the pursuit of literature, painting or music. In these cases, the “Sagittarius” themselves are interested in continuing the marriage.

Sagittarius, whose patron is the fire element, is distinguished by an optimistic outlook on the world and an incredible love of life. People born under this zodiac sign are endowed with unimaginable energy, which explains their inherent activity, sociability and curiosity. At the same time, Sagittarius - purposeful individuals able to achieve their goals. They regard obstacles encountered along the way not as a problem, but as a valuable life experience.

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General characteristics of the sign

Brief characteristics of Sagittarius:

  • Date of Birth: November 23 – December 21.
  • Element of the sign: Fire.
  • Patron planet: Jupiter.
  • Stone: amethyst, topaz, red garnet.
  • Symbol: centaur shooter, stars.
  • Mascot: metal horseshoe, horse.
  • Flower: lily, clover, rose, cornflower.
  • Tree: palm, date tree.
  • Color: blue, blue, crimson and violet.
  • Number: 3, 4, 9.
  • Day of the week: Thursday.
  • Metal: zinc, steel.

The harmony that reigns in the heart of Sagittarius makes the wards of the sign lovers of life and explains their stay in a constantly high spirits. Such people are easy-going and value their own freedom, jealously guarding it. Astrologers note that sincere character and innate kindness, inherent in Sagittarius, are balanced by his emotionality. This can create some difficulties for a person.

Personalities born under this zodiac constellation are characterized by caution, which others tend to confuse with cowardice. Natural resilience allows them to avoid serious injuries, which is why among Sagittarius there are quite a lot of people who choose dangerous professions.

Feeling afraid of a boring and routine life, representatives of the sign easily and gladly change their field of activity.

Being a loyal and responsible person, Sagittarius is ready to lend a helping hand, so loved ones can always rely on him. When doing good, such a person does not count on personal gain; he offers his help from the bottom of his heart. Sagittarius is pleasant to communicate with and easy to be around, which is why he is popular in society. But natural impulsiveness often pushes his loved ones away from him.

Advantages and positive qualities signs are:

  • activity and energy;
  • optimism and love of life;
  • kindness;
  • openness;
  • honesty;
  • understanding.

Among the shortcomings of Sagittarius, the following character traits are especially highlighted:

  • arrogance;
  • intolerance;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • inability to handle money;
  • hot temper.

Sagittarius Man

Men under the influence of a fire sign cannot boast of constancy, and this applies to many areas of life. Sagittarians perceive relationships as a game in which they try to get maximum pleasure and win. If a guy is interested in a girl, he will definitely find a way to get her.

Having conquered another lady, the Sagittarius man is inclined to lose interest in her, after which he sets off for new victories. By adulthood, he had a rather impressive number of broken women's hearts to his name.

However, this does not mean at all that a person does not know how to build long-term relationships: just few people manage to interest him strongly enough. Usually only an equally active person who is accustomed to leading a dynamic life is capable of this. The ideal woman for Sagittarius is a bright and interesting person, whose self-confidence will allow her not to give special significance partner's flirting with other girls.

Sagittarius Woman

Being a bright and active person, such a girl is surrounded by attention from the opposite sex. Natural charm allows her to win over almost any interlocutor, and she successfully uses this skill for her own purposes.

An amazing feature of the Sagittarius woman is that relationships never become her main goal. Men who expect complete dedication from her in a union will have a hard time.

The girl is not used to putting relationships above other areas of her life. She tries to evenly distribute energy in all directions, so she approaches love quite casually, not hesitating to play with her partner’s feelings.

Having decided to start a long-term relationship, the Sagittarius woman strives for a certain ideal and expects the same from her chosen one. If a partner decides to resist, conflict cannot be avoided. A girl of the fire element will require her man to constantly work on himself.

Compatibility with other signs

In order for relations with a representative of this sign to develop successfully, the chosen one will have to win the trust of Sagittarius. By nature, he is not inclined to remain faithful. For the same reason, the sign often becomes the initiator of conflicts based on jealousy, since it is accustomed to judging people by itself. This doesn't mean that Sagittarius will necessarily cheat. He exhibits this behavior only in dysfunctional relationships.

The best match for a person born under this constellation will be a representative of the same or related element. Sagittarians know how to adapt to their loved one, but they will only do this if absolutely necessary. A Sagittarius in love will surround his soulmate with care, affection and tenderness. But in return he demands no less, otherwise his feelings will quickly cool down.


Since in this combination both people are under the influence of the fire element, any of their relationships will certainly be bright and filled with emotions.

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

50% Description

Friendship between Sagittarius and Aries is quite rare. This is due to the latter’s innate stubbornness. At the first difference of opinion, Aries is capable of withdrawing into himself and reducing communication to nothing. But if there is a common goal, people are able to agree

70% Business sphere

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

90% Passion boils between the partners; even the leadership qualities of both do not prevent them from becoming a strong couple. Both Aries and Sagittarius will try to take the dominant position, and this struggle will bring them pleasure. Despite the outbursts of emotions characteristic of the signs, the relationship promises to be long-lasting
60% Grandiose scandals that sometimes arise between partners often end in reconciliation in bed. Their sex life is filled with passion, but there is one serious problem: each of the lovers first of all thinks about their own pleasure

Marriage and family

90% Often love relationship couples develop into marriages, but the decision to start a family is rather thoughtless and has a spontaneous nature, which people manage to regret in the future. Often such a marriage breaks up in the first years life together, but mutual support will allow spouses to survive difficult periods


On initial stage acquaintance reserved Taurus The unpredictability of the fire sign is captivating, but over time, the ward of the earth element realizes all the difficulties of communication and interaction with Sagittarius:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

80% The friendly relationship between Taurus and Sagittarius is surprisingly successful. The active Sagittarius will take care of finding joint entertainment, to which the friend will react positively. Taurus is attracted to the cheerfulness of a new friend
90% The partnership of these signs is developing as well as possible. The energy of Sagittarius will harmoniously complement the slow, but incredibly persistent Taurus. This tandem is capable of generating many ideas that will be consistently implemented using the thorough approach of Taurus

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

40% In love, the signs have fairly low compatibility: they are too different. Taurus prefers to spend his free time at home with his loved ones, but active Sagittarius will not be satisfied with this state of affairs, and he will try with all his might to stir up his chosen one. The latter will be annoyed by this, and he will resist like an ox
70% The sexual attraction between Sagittarius and Taurus is quite strong, but it is not enough to create a long-term and strong relationship. Once the initial passion fades, the couple often separates

Marriage and family

40% The connection between these partners rarely develops into something more due to differences in character. But if Taurus manages to overcome himself and liberate himself, and Sagittarius tries to pacify his restlessness, people will have a chance to create a strong marriage based on friendship


These representatives of the zodiac system are for the most part compatible, as they complement each other. Despite the differences in the elements of Fire and Air, partners prefer to lead an active and eventful life, so there is mutual attraction between them:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

60% Friendship between signs rarely lasts, although there is no place for boredom in it. It’s just that none of the friends makes an effort to maintain and strengthen the connection, since they treat it rather superficially. As a result, people go in different directions

Friendship between Sagittarius and Aries is quite rare. This is due to the latter’s innate stubbornness. At the first difference of opinion, Aries is capable of withdrawing into himself and reducing communication to nothing. But if there is a common goal, people are able to agree

90% These people are ideal business partners. Both signs are capable of generating great amount brilliant ideas that they rarely bring to completion and abandon for a new and more profitable project. The only disadvantage of such cooperation is the inattention to finances on both sides

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

80% The connection between these signs quickly grows from friendship to love. Windy Gemini seems to be created for the frivolous Sagittarius. People don’t have to make excuses to each other for their carelessness, because in this they are absolutely alike
80% Provided that the fire sign’s feelings are sincere, the couple’s sex life will be at its best. In this case, the impulsive impulses of Sagittarius will be instantly picked up by Gemini, allowing the wildest fantasies to come true

Marriage and family

90% A marriage between Sagittarius and Gemini can be almost ideal if the spouses manage to learn to listen to the opinions of their other half. Misunderstandings sometimes arise between them, but partners usually understand the need to find compromises


Sagittarius and Cancer have average compatibility, although in some areas of life they can come to mutual understanding. But in any case, people have to seriously work on relationships if they want to continue them:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

40% Friendly relationships between people are quite difficult. Reasonable Cancer is used to spending time at home, and attempts by cheerful Sagittarius to pull him out of his shell will fail miserably. The latter will eventually simply become bored and disappear from Cancer’s life.
70% These signs can make successful business partners. The role of an idea generator will be assigned to the Sagittarius adventurer, while Cancer will begin to sort the received material, choosing the most promising projects from it. Sagittarius is too wasteful, so financial questions it is advisable to decide Cancer

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

60% The couple will face many difficulties. The straightforwardness of Sagittarius can greatly hurt a vulnerable partner, who will begin to move away from him. Relationships can last long if everyone learns to demonstrate their positive sides
80% In bed, lovers suit each other almost perfectly. Sensual Cancer will like the bold but interesting experiments proposed by Sagittarius

Marriage and family

70% Signs have completely different attitudes towards family values. Freedom-loving Sagittarius often prefers to relax in the company of friends, while Cancer waits for the chosen one to settle down. A marriage can be lasting if the couple comes to a compromise on this issue

a lion

There are many disadvantages in the relationship between Sagittarius and Leo, but there are noticeably more advantages. The signs have a fairly high rate psychological compatibility, therefore the foundation for creating an alliance is initially strong:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

50% In friendly relations the signs will have a hard time. Leo is annoyed by Sagittarius' wide social circle. He makes every effort to completely capture the attention of his friend, but fails and decides to expel the latter from his life
60% The combination of Sagittarius's adventurism and Leo's determination contributes to the development of their joint business. The leadership inclinations and strong-willed nature of fire signs allow them to quickly get rid of competitors, but partners have difficulty managing the financial part of the business
80% In love, signs are ideal partners. There is an incredible attraction between them. Even Sagittarius’s sharp tongue does not hurt the chosen one’s pride, because Leo knows his own worth and knows how to ignore barbs. The only thing that needs to be worked on is the desire of both people to lead
60% The couple's sex life is not going too smoothly. Over time, Sagittarius begins to notice that their partner is only interested in own desires. Even a riot doesn't help change Leo's selfish behavior

Marriage and family

85% Marriage changes partners greatly better side, which makes such an alliance incredibly strong. Family problems will begin to worry Leo more than their career, and Sagittarius will put an end to their usual riotous lifestyle without hesitation. Peace and harmony reign in the home of these spouses


Virgo and Sagittarius have an average level of compatibility. To Virgo, accustomed to rationalism and restraint, fire sign gives the impression of a real madman, which, however, does not prevent people from becoming interested in each other:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

55% Friendly relationships between signs are rare, since they simply do not have common interests. Even if they try to find something in common, it rarely leads to success

Friendship between Sagittarius and Aries is quite rare. This is due to the latter’s innate stubbornness. At the first difference of opinion, Aries is capable of withdrawing into himself and reducing communication to nothing. But if there is a common goal, people are able to agree

40% The partnership between Sagittarius and Virgo also rarely leads to a decent result due to differences in approach to business. Virgo relies on discipline, which contradicts the habits of her partner. Business will flourish only if Virgo manages to quietly take control into her own hands.

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

90% Love relationships between signs are quite complicated at the initial stage. They have to overcome certain differences. But if Sagittarius is materially interested, there is a chance that he will gradually begin to fulfill Virgo’s boring demands, stated in a tactful form
60% The intimate side of life in this couple does not suit Sagittarius. Virgo does not have an equally passionate temperament, so her chosen one is able to seek satisfaction on the side

Marriage and family

80% The success of a marriage largely depends on whether Virgo will be able to reach her chosen one. They have common topics of conversation, both signs love to discuss, so if Sagittarius can be interested, the couple has the opportunity to learn to talk and hear each other


There is low compatibility between the signs. They are too independent and value their own freedom, so the only area where both partners manage to achieve understanding is sex. Otherwise, they will face too obvious contradictions:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

60% Close friendships between Sagittarius and Libra are extremely rare. Frequent communication does not bring them the desired satisfaction, but rather tires them. Long-term friendship is possible only if friends live at a long distance. Rare encounters will inspire them
60% A partnership between Fire and Air in such a tandem will be successful only if the post of leader goes to Libra, who will direct the energy of Sagittarius in the right direction. Cooperation will be fruitful if Libra learns to control a fiery partner

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

60% The couple is faced with the desire of each partner to take a leadership position. The crazy tricks of Sagittarius are condemned by Libra, who try to keep their chosen one from rash actions. By defending their interests, lovers often provoke major quarrels.
85% In bed, a serious flame flares up between the signs. They are drawn to each other with incredible force. In bed, people can open new, unexplored horizons to each other

Marriage and family

40% If people's relationships move to the stage of marriage, it usually does not last long. Disagreements in family life are brought about by the love of freedom of Sagittarius, who constantly feels like he hasn’t had time to get some exercise.


Scorpio and Sagittarius make an unusual pair. The ward of the water element is quite capable of extinguishing the raging flame of Sagittarius when necessary. But closer communication can tire them:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

60% Cheerful and cheerful Sagittarius constantly expands his social circle, meeting new faces. Scorpio, who is accustomed to ruling, may not like this behavior. If the latter manages to overcome his jealousy, friendly relations can last for many years

Friendship between Sagittarius and Aries is quite rare. This is due to the latter’s innate stubbornness. At the first difference of opinion, Aries is capable of withdrawing into himself and reducing communication to nothing. But if there is a common goal, people are able to agree

70% Cooperation between signs can develop quite successfully. Despite the leadership inclinations of both partners, in a common matter, Sagittarius is capable of submitting. Scorpio will be able to keep his wasteful companion from thoughtless spending.

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

70% The union of this couple is unusual, although you shouldn’t count on it for the long term. Both partners are caustic and explosive personalities, so conflict can arise abruptly and practically out of nowhere. But a short-term connection between the signs will bring happiness to each of them
80% Although Sagittarius is secretive by nature, in bed with Scorpio he will not behave constrained, and perhaps even take on the role of initiator. The couple may have differences at the initial stage, but over time the partners will find satisfaction in each other

Marriage and family

60% There are no omissions between the spouses. They will successfully distribute family responsibilities, but the couple lacks compliance and the ability to come to a compromise


The compatibility of two representatives of the same sign is very low, since often each partner strives to show his superiority:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

70% The only type of relationship that develops favorably between people is friendship, provided they belong to the same sex. In this case, people will have fun spending time together
40% The potential of business partners is quite high. Together they can conquer the biggest peaks, but the whole picture is spoiled by the uncontrolled wastefulness of both companions. They will definitely need outside help
35% Sagittarius dotes on each other only at the initial stage of the relationship. Over time, they realize that, even as a pair of adventurers, they are looking in completely different directions. The interests of partners almost never coincide
55% In bed for Sagittarius, everything is far from ideal. Each of the lovers aims to obtain pleasure and does not think at all about the chosen one. Sex between two wards of Fire is hasty and ineffective. They rarely manage to find a common language

Marriage and family

40% Sagittarius relationships rarely survive to marriage. But when this happens, family life brings almost no pleasure to freedom-loving spouses. If they want to grow old together, the couple will have to do some serious work on themselves


In many areas of life, Sagittarius and Capricorn are able to create a surprisingly harmonious tandem:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

80% Friendship between Capricorn and Sagittarius is quite common. The latter brings variety to the quiet life of the Earth sign, painting his everyday life in brighter colors. Capricorn becomes a kind of wise old man to whom a friend turns for life advice

Friendship between Sagittarius and Aries is quite rare. This is due to the latter’s innate stubbornness. At the first difference of opinion, Aries is capable of withdrawing into himself and reducing communication to nothing. But if there is a common goal, people are able to agree

95% Incredible success awaits these partners in their joint business. Projects proposed by Sagittarius will be instantly supported by Capricorn's analytical base. The progress of the common cause will be rapid

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

70% In love, signs remain devoted to each other under any circumstances. There are often situations when, for various reasons, a couple has to separate. But this is exactly the case when love will be transferred after years, and at the first opportunity they will start the relationship again
65% The sex life of the signs is not characterized by passion, but the partners do not keep silent about the problems that arise in bed. Lovers prefer to discuss them and work together to find a solution

Marriage and family

65% Marriage with Capricorn is a real trap for Sagittarius, since it is this representative of the zodiac constellation that is able to competently subjugate a fiery spouse. Sagittarius will take life more seriously, but his love of freedom will periodically disrupt family harmony


Sagittarius and Aquarius have quite high compatibility in the horoscope in many respects. Most often they manage to find a common language:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

75% The friendly relations of the signs are not exemplary, but they are to the liking of each of the friends. They take great pleasure in spending time together, filled with harmless eccentricities.

Friendship between Sagittarius and Aries is quite rare. This is due to the latter’s innate stubbornness. At the first difference of opinion, Aries is capable of withdrawing into himself and reducing communication to nothing. But if there is a common goal, people are able to agree

60% The team of Sagittarius and Aquarius is able to provide themselves with a stable source of income, but they are unlikely to achieve more tangible success due to their inability to handle money
100% The love relationships of these people strive for the ideal. Partners understand each other perfectly and are ready to completely surrender to feelings
65% Sagittarius will be driven crazy by the tenderness and affection of their partner, and Aquarius will be delighted with the sexual appetite and irrepressible energy of their lover. True, over time the flames of passion may subside

Marriage and family

75% Even being in a marriage union, Aquarius and Sagittarius do not claim each other’s independence. This greatly simplifies family life, but can lead to betrayal. In the second scenario, the relationship between the spouses will deteriorate


Communication with Pisces will be a contradictory pleasure for Sagittarius, which rarely leads to anything serious:

It’s difficult to say that they manage to achieve idyll in all areas of interaction, but in some of them the compatibility of the signs is quite high:


Compatibility percentage

60% Friendships between signs are quite difficult due to differences in character. The hot temper and inconsistency of Sagittarius greatly irritate Pisces, next to whom the fiery friend dies of boredom
55% These business partners usually fail to achieve success. But if they gather a team of professionals around them, things will go uphill

Good compatibility is observed in the business sphere. Both do not like routine work and spending many hours in the office, so if the signs manage to hire staff and start developing and implementing business ideas themselves, they will be successful

60% Pisces do not like the restlessness of a fiery partner, so harmony in the relationships of these people is a rare guest. Often representatives of the water element fail to find peace of mind paired with Sagittarius, which is why they decide to break off the connection
90% The only place where a couple can be happy is in bed. The sexual temperament of lovers completely coincides

Marriage and family

40% The success of the life together of Sagittarius and Pisces largely depends on themselves. Such a marriage rarely lasts, but if the spouses learn to respect each other’s opinions, and disputes end in a calm search for a compromise, they can be happy

A union of two like-minded people: direct, open and sometimes childishly spontaneous. Their relationship is intense and emotional. Every Sagittarius is inclined to seek adventure and at times may forget that his partner is nearby. When two such fiery mischief-makers form a couple, they do not feel deprived of their lover’s attention, since both are busy with their own affairs. Compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Sagittarius determines the general desire for new knowledge. Their curiosity and lively mind, together with their sociability and friendly disposition, make every Sagittarius the life of the party. Small clashes are possible due to their love of moral teaching, but they easily manage to overcome disagreements, or rather, even be distracted by something more interesting.

One of the negative aspects characterizing the compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Sagittarius is their reluctance to show feelings, because any weakness for a fiery person is strictly prohibited

Sagittarius relationships will never reach the level where there is a deep spiritual unity of partners, although the atmosphere reigning in their shared home will always be full of joy and optimism. These people are constantly in a great mood thanks to their amazing sense of humor. At the same time, it is almost impossible to offend Sagittarius. He will not fall into despair, but will immediately rise up and go towards new impressions.

The compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Sagittarius is such that both partners are unanimous when it comes to the financial side of the relationship. Availability or deficiency Money They don't care too much. They spend easily without thinking about it tomorrow. Such partners lack practicality and fundamentality, so in old age it may not be easy for both of them. In addition, they have no desire to achieve career heights. Rather, Sagittarius will choose a job that will be pleasant from an emotional point of view.

The basis of such relationships is a common perception of the world. Despite certain shortcomings, this union is quite harmonious. Everyone needs love, friendship and freedom, and they are able to give all this to each other.

Sexual compatibility of two Sagittarius

Vibrant intimate relationships are guaranteed for this fiery union. Sexual compatibility Sagittarius and Sagittarius signs is based on their joint search for new discoveries, so they definitely won’t be bored. Perhaps, over time, the independence of these partners will play a cruel joke on them, and the eternal search for freedom and adventure on the side will be the reason for their separation.

Compatibility: Sagittarius man - Sagittarius woman

Two male sign, ruled by Jupiter, form a strong tandem. Everyone is ready to support their partner and, if necessary, lighten the mood with a great joke. However, their excessive directness often becomes the cause of conflicts that flare up instantly, and quarrels are so strong that they end in separations and moves. But these two’s passion doesn’t last long: after a couple of hours, they are standing on the threshold where the packed suitcases had just been thrown out, hugging sweetly, discussing plans for the evening. Sometimes their unpredictability drives those around them to white heat, but Sagittarians themselves perceive each other’s fervor quite simply, for them it is natural and makes the relationship brighter.

A positive aspect that characterizes the compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Sagittarius is their ability to achieve success on a wave of enthusiasm. When two fiery people are united by a common cause, they have no equal in the speed of implementation of plans. Therefore, they are, first of all, comrades who are able to inspire each other to heroic deeds.

They are thoughtlessly wasteful with money, so they can live their whole lives without ever acquiring their own home. Building a solid foundation for relationships is not an activity for Sagittarius, as they are disgusted by any obligations. Each of the partners feels good with their beloved here and now, and tomorrow, who knows, maybe new adventures will overshadow the joy of being together. They don't think about it. And they are unlikely to be seriously worried about anything.

Business compatibility between two Sagittarius

Representatives of this sign draw inspiration from each other. That's why Compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Sagittarius brings good results in business. Of everything Zodiac circle no tandem is able to cope with the most complex and ambitious projects as easily and mediocrely as they do. The lively mind of fiery people and their sociability, combined with the desire to enjoy their work, allows them to make cooperation incredibly interesting. Sagittarius' courage and impeccable sense of humor helps them successfully face any difficulties.

Sagittarians tend to act hastily, without thinking; this often leads to disastrous consequences: having married at an early age, they soon begin to regret, but cannot break off the relationship. This is due to pride: it is better to torment both yourself and your partner than to admit that a mistake was made. Sagittarians often tend to brag about their relationships even when there is nothing good left in them.

However, neither the male nor the female sex of this sign seeks to marry. First of all, they love freedom, which is why they react aggressively to any attempts to limit it. For them, intelligence and education are important, not appearance or passion.

The life of a Sagittarius is heterogeneous: intense feelings cause scandals, the cause of which is their unrestrained behavior. Sagittarians rarely admit mistakes, but usually try to make amends.

Sagittarius compatibility with other signs in love

The Sagittarius union is usually successful: they have fun together. Another great option is Aries, who can understand the ambivalent Sagittarius and soften his selfishness.

A good alliance with Leo: Sagittarius will charge him with energy and will be able to satisfy vanity. It is not recommended to start a relationship with Pisces: Sagittarius's ardor can ruin the whole relationship.

Sagittarius sexual compatibility with other signs

Sagittarians fall in love for the first time early, usually at childhood. Throughout their lives, they are carried away and give all their strength to each subsequent novel. They are characterized by romance and charm, but not constancy.

From the outside it seems that Sagittarius does not take relationships seriously, but in reality he always falls in love sincerely and experiences the end of the relationship with all the pain. There is no need for reproaches for frivolity: Sagittarians are simply too active, loyalty is difficult for them.

If Sagittarius finds a partner who will develop with him, the romance can be long and successful. But this is not so simple: representatives of this sign prefer to achieve new sexual experiences not by developing relationships with one partner, but by quickly changing them.

In view of the above, the number of Sagittarius partners is extremely large; they almost always get their way, which looks like some kind of unreal luck. Often Sagittarians maintain only sexual relationships: this does not constrain or constrain them.

Most of all, they are afraid of boredom, and this also manifests itself in the sexual sphere. Sagittarians always respond enthusiastically to any proposal and love to experiment. In the same way, they generously share what they themselves can do.