What are the numbers of Scorpio? Scorpio, from what date are purposeful individuals born?

  • Although Scorpio is credited with the ability to control emotions well, there are still distinctive characteristics that make it stand out from the zodiac circle.
  • First of all, Zodiac sign easily recognized by the eyes. They seem to have a hypnotic effect and it is difficult to say goodbye to such an interlocutor. But it is also the only thing that reveals their true nature, which is why they often wear glasses. In conversation you will come across his ego. The Zodiac knows his worth and does not allow anyone to shake his opinion of himself or belittle his dignity. They tolerate insults without problems, but they can also treat compliments coldly. They remain deaf to conversations about personal shortcomings, since they have studied them perfectly themselves and do not need reminders.
  • The smile is always sincere and comes from the heart, but they don’t let strangers get close. The tactic is to penetrate someone else's soul, but not open the door to your own. If you are afraid of the truth, then it is better not to ask his opinion. Scorpio does not waste time on flattery and soft lies, preferring to say what he really thinks. But this is also perceived as a plus, because their criticism is always constructive, and if something pleasant is addressed to you, then you can be 100% confident in the reliability and sincerity of their judgments.
  • There is an erroneous assumption that scorpion focused only on himself. In fact, he is ready to help in words and deeds, and is often surrounded by fans. What can we say if even their enemies treat them with respect. The zodiac attracts attention with fearlessness and courage given by nature. Moreover, these are loyal friends.
  • They have extraordinary memory. Do good to him and you will get even more in return. But inflict pain, and he will focus on a sophisticated plan of revenge, preparing a poisonous sting for a crushing blow.
  • I wonder what Month of birth also affects health. Thus, Scorpio often suffers not from weather conditions, but from hard work and a melancholic mood. But their will and desire are enough to start the healing mechanism. They don’t get sick often, but if they do, recovery is difficult and has consequences. Moreover, Scorpio rarely goes to doctors, because he believes that he can handle it himself. Problems occur in the back, throat, heart, circulatory system and legs. You should stay away from fire, places with radiation and explosions.

Compatibility horoscope: Scorpio zodiac sign from what date is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Almost everyone born under this sign knows what number the sign of Scorpio begins with. This will be the topic of our article. We will definitely clarify what number Scorpio begins with, since there are some disagreements between ancient wisdom and the changes that have occurred over the millennia. Let's touch on other equally interesting questions.

The name "zodiac" comes from the Greek word for "animal". Indeed, all signs, with the exception of Libra, appear to us in animal, or anthropomorphic, form. They are associated with four elements: fire, earth, air, water. The constellations continuously rotate in this circle, acquiring slightly different qualities for each sign. So, for Pisces, water is a mysterious underground ocean, for Cancers it is a spring, for Scorpios it is frozen or stagnant water in which their desires are stored.

Astrology suggests that during the year the sun passes through 12 equal parts, which are 9° apart from the circle in which the sun moves. The zodiac year begins when the sun enters spring sign Aries, and then, passing every 30°, enters a new sign. The radiation of not only our star, but also any planet of our system or any distant star passes through part of any zodiacal lobe and gives it its own qualities. Therefore, it is difficult to create a personal individual horoscope– it is influenced by too many different factors. Even knowing what date Scorpio begins, it is impossible to correctly predict events in the future.

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Natal chart

A map that predicts events awaiting a person or state is called natal. She will predict the events that a person will go through during his life. When the baby is born, the astrologer should be given accurate information about the geographical coordinates of the place of birth, hours and minutes, then he will be able to see how the planets influence his destiny. They are very active in this. Zodiac signs carry energy through which certain planets manifest themselves in our lives. They can interfere with or, conversely, contribute to some events. At this time, aspects are included - the interaction of planets and zodiac signs. At the same time, the questions are resolved: who depends on whom, who will be in charge.

For Scorpio, its planets, Pluto and Mars, will not necessarily become the most important. The astrologer knows what date Scorpio begins, and will carefully look at what celestial bodies could enter this house: Pluto, Neptune, Saturn or others, and how they affect the life of a particular person. Houses in horoscopes are the places where a person’s potential is revealed: attitude towards property, death, dangers, mysticism, magic, sex. With this enumeration we have now specifically touched upon Scorpio. Eighth house in zodiac circle suits him exactly.

What general qualities does the 8th house bring?

Greek myth tells that the hunter Orion angered the goddess Artemis. She awakened the scorpion, and it stung and killed the hunter.

As constellations, the Greeks transferred them to the sky, and, looking at Scorpio, we can think about what date does the constellation Scorpio begin with? The sun enters this sign at different time. This process is called ingression. Modern astrology moves the transition to this sign to October 21. Therefore, there is an intertwining of the character traits of Libra and Scorpio in the initial zone and Sagittarius and Scorpio in the final phase.

How Scorpios are divided into groups

On the other hand, almost everyone knows what date Scorpio begins according to the horoscope - October 24th. At the same time, some divide “Scorpios” into three degrees of maturity:

  • October 24-31 are young immature Scorpios.
  • November 1-12 – the makings of Scorpios do not fully manifest themselves.
  • November 13-22 are obvious Scorpios with all their inherent negative and positive qualities.

Others argue differently:

  • From October 21, the sign gains strength for seven days.
  • From October 28 to November 20, all the properties of Scorpios appear. Over the next seven days, their qualities decrease, as Sagittarius, who follows them, gains strength. That is, the question of what date Scorpio begins is very controversial.

Let us give another example of such ambiguity. What number does the zodiac sign Scorpio begin with?

Those born from October 24 to November 2, says the astrologer, are under the influence of Mars. They are disillusioned with life and very capable of medicine. In youth they are not confident in themselves, but in adulthood they are full of energy.

Those born from November 3 to November 13, being under the influence of the Sun, are strong and full of passions, nobility, and generosity. They have initiative and strong will.

Those born from November 14 to November 22 are influenced by Venus, and therefore they are frivolous, amorous, emotional, artistic and filled with passions.

Scorpio Health

They have the most powerful life energy. When a Scorpio baby is born into a family, it takes away the strength and life of one of the family members. This may happen a year before his birth or up to a year later. And when Scorpio dies, a new creature is born from the energy that was released after his death.

General characteristics of the sign

This is a very mysterious and powerful zodiac sign that constantly strives to improve itself. He exhibits vivid emotional outbursts and has the willpower to which he strives to subordinate them. They are full of passion in everything they do. These are workaholics who forget about food, sleep, and family. Everything they do, they do with complete seriousness and dedication.

A sign of death and love, Scorpio has a very strong influence on other people. Mars gave him the following qualities: stubbornness and temper, aggressiveness and irrepressible eroticism. The fulfillment of sensual desires calms him down.

Pluto gave Scorpio depth of soul and parts of the devilish character. Strong, dormant passions simmer latently within him. At the same time, he is quite satisfied with himself, no matter how life circumstances turn out.

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At any age, everything in Scorpio rebels against death - he is full of zest for life.

This sign has intuition and mystical abilities. He knows how to penetrate the souls of people, predict events that are destined to happen, although, it would seem, this does not concern him.

Positive qualities of Scorpios:

  • Purposefulness and responsibility.
  • Cheerfulness, ability to appreciate people.
  • Ability to find correct solution in hard situations.
  • They always have their own opinion on every issue.
  • Selfishness and selfishness.
  • The desire to be mysterious.
  • Tendency to depression.
  • Self-love and jealousy.

We looked at the most recurring traits of Scorpios and approximately found out what number the zodiac sign Scorpio begins with.

What are the numbers of Scorpio?

One of the most confident and mysterious people, according to the observations of astrologers, were born under the sign of Scorpio. When such a person is next to you, you immediately feel his strength and amazing ability to solve any problem. Let's determine what dates Scorpios are born and analyze the characteristics of their personality.

Scorpios: logic and passion

Representatives of the constellation Scorpio are born from October 24 to November 22. With them you never know what to expect. One moment they think soberly, making irrefutable arguments, and the next they passionately prove their opinion, not paying attention to the facts. Sometimes it seems that these men and women are gifted with hypnosis and always know what is in the head of the interlocutor.

Scorpios are difficult to control, because to do this you need to have the same strong character. They can usually boast good health and they get sick rarely, but seriously.

The influence of Pluto gives the sign the smile of Fortune, so it seems to others that Scorpios get everything at the snap of a finger. In fact, luck helps these hardworking and purposeful people only a little.

Scorpio men are prone to dedication in all areas of life. Women are proud, beautiful and attractive.

A few facts about Scorpios:

  • these people do not suffer from low self-esteem;
  • you won’t surprise them with a simple compliment;
  • they know their shortcomings;
  • seeing and feeling all your emotions, they are able to hide their own to the last;
  • distinguished by courage, devotion and readiness to help;
  • love to win;
  • can become slaves to bad habits due to a lack of sense of proportion;
  • they are terrible in anger and know how to take revenge in a sophisticated way;
  • make decisions independently and are ready to take responsibility for their consequences;
  • honest with themselves and others, which sometimes seems cruel.

You can spend hours or even years and still not find out what is in the heart and thoughts of Scorpio. Undoubtedly, these are complex and beautiful people. Those who are truly dear to them are the real lucky ones.

WHAT DAY DOES SCROPIO START, Zodiac sign by month and date

So, October 23 - Libra or Scorpio? My sister's zodiac sign is Scorpio, so I know very well that this sign begins on October 24th and ends at the end of November (22nd).

The zodiac sign Scorpio is ruled by two planets - Mars and Pluto. Since my one and only mother was born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio - October 27, of course, I could not ignore this question.

Scorpios 10/23-11/21 what is your birthday?

It is believed that people born under the sign of Scorpio have a wide variety of characters.

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  • Scorpio, from what date are purposeful individuals born?

I can assure you, as a lover of horoscopes and star predictions, as well as the wife of a Scorpio, that the beginning of this sign falls on October 24th. Very, of course interesting sign. As many Scorpios as I know, they are very unique individuals, self-confident and can present themselves well in society. Not all Scorpios are the same. According to the horoscope, the action of the sign of Scorpio continues from October 24th and ends on November 22nd.

The strongest and goal-oriented person is someone who was born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio. From what date to what date does he most clearly manifest all his characteristics, as well as the most favorable compatibility for successful love horoscope is discussed in this article.

People who were born from October 24 to November 21 can consider themselves Scorpios. People born during this period most clearly express all the qualities that correspond to all the characteristics of the sign. The personality of the “pure Scorpio” is extremely interesting.

From what date Scorpio is born does not matter when it comes to love. Any representative of this sign surrenders to feelings completely and completely. On what date do you need to be born to be lucky in love? More often than not, it is not the birthday that is decisive. The answer to the question about the sign Libra - from what date to what date does its influence last - astrologers usually name the dates from September 23 to October 23.

  • Astrology
  • Zodiac signs
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Libra - from what date this sign lasts, was mentioned earlier - is ruled by the planet Venus - this gives its representatives a special charm and charm. Libras (from what date to what date, discussed earlier) are extremely indecisive, they hesitate for a long time and have a hard time with the need for decisive action. 666. What can you say about this? Is there any evidence for this?

Do you know what number the zodiac sign Scorpio begins with?

From what date Scorpio (the zodiac sign of the eighth house) begins to patronize is a long-standing subject of debate among many astrologers. According to some sources, the earliest date of birth that brings into force the eighth sign of the zodiac corresponds to October 22. Others claim that it is the 23rd or 24th day of October. But whatever the truth turns out to be, the sign of Scorpio, like the others, ends its “reign” a month later. This happens on November 22nd.

Those born at the turn of the beginning of the Scorpio era find it very difficult to determine their true zodiac sign. But, despite the disagreements, astrologers are still able to name the horoscope sign for each specific case. To do this you need to know the exact place and time of your birth. The correlation of this information and the astrological chart of the date of birth will put an end to doubts between Libra and Scorpio. But in any case, your character will take something from Libra, because your date of birth is a kind of moving number.

The eighth sign of the zodiac in the first ten days of its reign (until November 3)

It is very difficult for those born during this period to find themselves in their youth (the influence of the element of Water is visible), but the onset of maturity will bring with it self-confidence and inner peace. Young Scorpios (starting from early age) show aggressiveness, harshness, and intolerance towards other people’s shortcomings or opinions that do not coincide with their worldview. At the same time, this personality is an unbending fighter who stubbornly moves towards the intended goal.

Closer to the age of 30, Scorpio calms down and becomes more loyal, but still sees things through to a victorious end. After 40, his daring stubbornness gives way to hard work, and his intransigence gives way to wisdom and tolerance.

Second decade (November 4-13)

The ruler of Scorpio in the second decade is Pluto. He empowers his ward force of action, great mind and some vanity. Thanks to this “cocktail”, Scorpio, whose birth month is November, always easily achieves what he wants (provided that he really wants it). Since childhood, he loves everything secret, so parents sometimes don’t even know about some of the thoughts and aspirations of their child.

The sign of Scorpio endows young representatives with romance and sensuality, but often self-obsession. When this happens, it's hard for their partners. Drains his inner world and Scorpio himself - the period up to 40 years becomes a test for him peace of mind. Adding fuel to the fire is his self-satisfaction, which by the age of 60 becomes almost screaming. However, if Scorpio’s parents taught him tolerance from childhood, then he may not have such problems in adulthood.

Third decade (November 14-22)

Venus is the ruler of Scorpio in the third decade. Thanks to her, the personality of the person born during this period is filled creative energy and artistic talents. Creativity is his element. What is his nature? This is a constant emotional storm, dominated by amorousness, frivolity, passion and thirst for impressions.

Scorpio sign early childhood instills in its representatives the need to show love towards them, but at the same time they must feel parental authority. If you support a child in his creative impulses, then he can subsequently achieve world recognition in his field.

Until the age of 25, Scorpios float through life on the wave of their own irrepressible energy, which after 25 transforms into sensual sexuality. The character is dominated by altruism and kindness, which, if uncontrolled, can lead to bad consequences. By the age of 40, a person of this sign acquires tact and diplomacy, using them to his advantage. After 50, disappointment in life often sets in. It's like everything didn't work out the way I wanted. But if Scorpio wins the fight with himself, the truth of what is happening to him will be revealed to him and he will calm the spiritual storm.

But no matter what month Scorpio was born, from what date to what date the decade to which he belongs lasts, three traits will definitely be present in his personality:

  • the ability to think outside of spaces, times and stereotypes;
  • the ability to understand the secrets of the human soul;
  • constant resistance to oneself.

The sign of Scorpio dooms you to internal torment, but gives you almost magical power streamline these torments and turn them into fertile soil for your own bright future.

Scorpio, from what date are purposeful individuals born?

The strongest and most purposeful person is the one born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio. From what date to what date does it most clearly manifest all its characteristics, also about the most suitable compatibility for a successful love horoscope is described in this article.

General characteristics of the sign Scorpio

From what date does the symbol have its effect on those born under it? This question is fascinating to many. People who were born from October 24 to November 21 can consider themselves “Scorpios”. The symbol gives their character strength, acumen and tenacity. If “Scorpio” is a man, then he is a seducer who will not leave any lady indifferent. And if a woman, then a wonderful wife and mother. “Scorpios” are very sensitive people who intuitively understand where lies are and where the truth is. They hate falsehood, hypocrisy and betrayal. Anyone who offends Scorpio should stay away from him.

Scorpio – from what date to what date is the symbol “pure”

The symbol is considered “clean” from November 5 to November 13. People born during this period most clearly express all the properties that correspond to all the characteristics of the sign. The personality of a “pure Scorpio” is extremely fascinating. This person is often very talented. From time to time it may even seem that there is not a single area in life in which a “pure Scorpio” could not confidently express himself.

How does a Scorpio in love behave?

From what date “Scorpio” is born does not matter when it comes to love. Any representative of this sign surrenders to feelings completely and completely. If a man falls in love, then he is ready to do everything for his chosen one. He is capable of doing the most a brave deed. If a woman falls in love, she will not do anything stupid. On the contrary, she will first take a closer look and analyze the behavior of her beloved man, and then find an approach to her chosen one and conquer him with her sensitivity and femininity. In addition, “Scorpio girls” are wonderful mothers.

Does it really matter from what date?

The horoscope of a “Scorpio” who has not realized himself in life will be radically different from what is written in the genus of a person born in the same period, but who managed to fully realize all his abilities.

From adolescence, people born under this sign are different from others. They can be closed within themselves, or, conversely, be leaders. Everything depends on how their parents raise them. “Scorpio” cannot be compared with others, he must be praised often, always listened to and supported, only in in this case he will be able to realize himself as a person. And a person who shows his talents in in the right place and direction is always successful.

What sign does Scorpio go well with?

On what date do you need to be born to be lucky in love? Most often, it is not the birthday that is decisive. The best couple for a person born under the sign of Scorpio, there will be a person of the opposite sex, born under the sign of Sagittarius or Aquarius. It is expected that such a union will be successful, because people born under the above-mentioned signs will cede leadership to their “Scorpio” partner. After all, it is so important for him to be the main one! Combinations with “Taurus”, “Libra” and “Virgo” are also good. Since the latter can easily and naturally extinguish the anger of “Scorpio”. Those born “Leos” can also become faithful partners, but in this union everything is more complicated: both signs have leadership characteristics. If only they manage to agree, then the relationship in the couple will be able to approach flawless.

Scorpio symbol

From what date its period begins, this has already been said above. But this does not mean that all Scorpios are the same. Each of them is a feature with its own character traits. A horoscope can only give general characteristics. To find out more details, it is better to contact a specialist.

What number does the zodiac sign Scorpio begin with?

Scorpio, as a zodiac sign, has two patron planets. This is passionate Mars and cold Pluto. These two largely opposite celestial bodies are combined in the character of Scorpio.

The Autumn Sun deprived them of warmth, but gave them the ability to receive energy in love. Perhaps this is why Scorpios need her so much: without her they passionate nature unusually destructive. They are very attractive to the opposite sex, and often take advantage of this.

Representatives of this zodiac sign, who have not found their soul mate, usually cannot contain dark side of your nature. They can humiliate a person in front of others, they can trample on someone else’s dream or play petty mischief. It is difficult for a Scorpio living without love to control himself. He can sting everyone around him and injure himself.

Those Scorpios who have found a life partner and are happily married are incapable of meanness. Love helps them take over dark side of your nature. Yes, they are still ready to sting, but not everyone, but only those who encroach on their happiness. They are loyal and reliable friends, loving spouses and wonderful parents.

The zodiac sign Scorpio begins on the 24th of October and ends on the 22nd of November. Their favorite colors are all shades of red, from scarlet to burgundy. The talisman stones are:

Among people born under the sign of Scorpio, there are such famous personalities like Dani de Vito, Whoppi Goldberg, Roman Abromovich, Mikhail Galustyan, Vlad Topalov, Demi Moore, Leon Trotsky, Hilary Clinton, Niccolo Paganini, Bill Gates, Auguste Rodin, Pablo Picasso.

Zodiac sign Scorpio.

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Scorpio is a nature of contradictions and extremes, ruthless and passionate... The most powerful among the constellations of the Zodiac. You can love and hate. There are no obstacles for Scorpios. They are energetic and almost always strive for success. They are analysts and at the same time have subtle intuition. They are sarcastic and have a deep understanding of life.

Note: November 30 - December 18, in the constellation "Ophiuchus" - adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1977.

Temperament and character:

Scorpio is the sign of love and death and has a strong influence on others. The Water sign is feminine, constant, fierce, silent, resourceful, fertile. Motto: “Song of love on the battlefield.” Ruled by Mars, Scorpio is influenced by Pluto, the newest of the Planets. The water of Scorpio is stagnant, in contrast to the water of Pisces (ocean), Cancer (spring). Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the eighth house - the house of death, forgetting that the whole house is wealth, inheritance, benefits. Changeable or constant, Scorpio has enormous resistance and, like a Phoenix, can be resurrected. Scorpio is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. This type lives to the fullest with alternating successes and failures. Dry and sultry Mars gives Scorpio stubbornness and hot temper; it has warlike qualities. Scorpio has dangerous energy, like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion. Pluto symbolizes the depth of the soul, the devilish image. Scorpio is defined by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly. This manifests itself in inviolability and disorder, restraint life aspirations, leads to internal conflicts, suffocation and neurosis (merciless Pluto reveals deep meaning existence). An imperious, frantic instinctive character, irrepressible, even if the fire is hidden under the mask of infantility. Scorpio carries strong passions that lie dormant, but do not die. This character does not change. Satisfied with himself, despite external changes. He knows what he wants. The essence of his nature is determination. The taste for life is tireless. Rebels under any coercion, rebellious to the point of anarchism if he is contradicted. Individualist, despiser public opinion and customs. Born under an inharmonious sky. His decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, he knows how to defend himself, but is afraid to attack, thanks to his strong will and perseverance. Scorpio has a great influence on other signs. He penetrates the souls of others at one glance: he himself is distrustful, the secret is impenetrable and inaccessible. Fulfillment of sensual desires mysteriously liberates, calms and elevates him. Not a talker and not expansive. Scorpio is hardworking and more or less a sadist-masochist. Aggression and eroticism are the most destructive and prolific sign. Scorpio women are wonderful cooks; in the physical sense, they are of medium height, thick-set, with strong limbs, a dense face and enormous capacity for work. In general, they are active, proud, reserved, demanding, curious, irritable, stormy, and thoughtful. Researchers and observers are envious, ironic and contradictory. They are easily excited, capable of kindness, prone to magnetism and strong sexuality; reformists, sometimes clairvoyants, know how to moderate their chimerical plans and use their will constructively. They love struggle and never lose heart when overcoming difficulties. They have many children. Among them you can find the type of “femme fatale”.

Love and marriage:

Scorpio is a sensual nature, prone to excesses, including in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for her with all his being. Scorpio does not allow defeats. Knows the value of his charm. Scorpio, if circumstances are such that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, will love his chosen one stronger and more tenderly than legal wife or husband He listens only to what his heart says. The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his feelings in public. In public he is rude, inattentive, and even cruel, but in private he confesses his true attitude. He is very suspicious and jealous. The Scorpio woman is partly a witch. With her sixth sense, she recognizes her future chosen one at first sight. He has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft spells. She is an unusually passionate person. But passion has only to do with love. He experiences such feelings in extremes: he either loves him very much or hates him madly. The Scorpio woman, being terribly jealous, does not like it when people are jealous of her. And it is very difficult to resist jealousy towards a Scorpio, since she attracts glances. For marriage, Scorpio chooses like-minded partners so that there are fewer disagreements. They are fraught with war. Inconsistencies in character are not scary for a Scorpio, you can get used to them, but differences in beliefs are useless. Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation. Must avoid Aquarius and Leo.

Choice of profession:

They make navigators, surgeons, sailors, chemists, miners, and mechanics. If he doesn’t have a bad voice, he’ll probably have a career as a good pop singer, opera singer. Scorpio has an excellent balance of reason and emotions, and if he is highly intellectual, he can be a philosopher and search for the meaning of life.

Attitude towards money:

Scorpio loves having money and treats it as a form of energy. Therefore, as a result of their absence, the processes of self-digging intensify. Outwardly, this often manifests itself in the form of a change in goals or an increase in the level of instability, when it is difficult for him to be responsible for his actions.

Comfort preferences:

Scorpio is not comfortable in a secluded environment. He feels good where he has friends. Where there is a basis for exchange and restoration of strength. This is the inadequacy of this zodiac sign, which is often fraught with misunderstanding on the part of others.

Life planning:

When making plans, Scorpio considers many little things. Often he builds a system of life in which all events are connected together. One follows, being a consequence of the other. If he does not have such a system, then life becomes not a joy, because he has to adapt a lot.


Scorpios are sensitive. But very often their insight concerns the behavior of others. Therefore, when Scorpio talks about the reasons for the behavior of others, it is better to listen to his words.

Scorpio, a lively character, does what he wants. His motto: "All or nothing!" If you can win him over, then consider that you have a very loyal friend. Scorpios like blue flowers, maybe because this color of their element is water, and this color has a calming effect on them. They like delicate aroma narcissus. Citrus scents stimulate their spiritual power. Vanilla scent improves the mood of a nervous Scorpio, softening his mental conflicts and making him more approachable. Scorpio may be impressed by an asymmetrical bottle in dark blue, dark red or rich green packaging.

Days and numbers:

Favorable numbers: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100, 666.

Lucky day: Tuesday.

Unlucky day: Monday, Friday.

Those born from October 24 to November 2 - under the influence of Mars - are frustrated, capable of medicine, with the gift of healing people, insecure in youth and energetic in maturity. Important years: 1, 30, 45, 60.

Those born from November 3 to November 13 - under the influence of the Sun - have strong and passionate natures, initiative, willpower, noble and generous. Important years: 15, 25, 30, 45, 50, 60, 75.

Those born from November 14 to 22 - under the influence of Venus - are frivolous, emotional and amorous, with artistic talent and strong passions. Important years: 15, 25, 30, 45, 50.

The health of a Scorpio is entirely in his power. He can both destroy himself with sad and angry thoughts and disregard for danger, and he can heal himself by gathering together a strong will. The vitality of a Scorpio, given to him from birth, is enormous. Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they do get sick, the illness is severe. Scorpios often have pain in: nose (chronic bleeding), throat, heart, back, legs. Diseases of the circulatory system and varicose veins are common. Due to contempt for danger, many accidents occur; Scorpios should be wary of fires, explosions, etc. The vital energy of Scorpios is so great that at his birth, additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth (his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives a year or a year after his birth). And vice versa, when a Scorpio leaves for another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature (the death of a Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it). There's no denying that it's powerful driving force in the life of Scorpio is mainly psychosexual energy, but it can also manifest itself at the highest level of intelligence and spirituality (Eagle). Tierens notes that they are “subject to the influence of productive and reproductive forces, as well as to degenerative forces.” Their reaction depends on how they use their potential. The Hindus, who identify sexual dynamism with the mysterious psychic current of kundalini, gathered at the base of the spine, warn that if it is not controlled, it can rush down, uniting with the lower order of consciousness. Then sensual appetites intensify and lust, perversity and secret vices take over. But when these forces are directed upward through consciousness, Scorpio acquires spirituality and takes possession of the spiritual power to transform the world. Because of this diversity of nature, Scorpio is the only sign of the Zodiac that has three different names: Scorpio, Eagle and Snake. Scorpio, born under an unfavorable planetary arrangement, responds to the low influences of the sign. He is secretive, malicious, poisonous, hiding in the shadows. But those who develop their minds become eagles, soaring to the heights of spirituality and human achievement. Illnesses in Scorpio adults are often the result of poor adjustment or childhood adversity. Emotional trauma in children causes nervous disorders up to hysteria. The influence of Scorpio mainly affects infectious diseases, especially those whose pathogens penetrate through the nose, throat, genitals, urinary tract and excretory system. During the outbreak of any epidemic, it is better for Scorpio to try to isolate himself until the danger of infection disappears. Weak areas of his body that should be addressed Special attention, reproductive organs, large intestine, appendix, urethra, coccyx. Some astrologers say that in the early stages of body development, the opposite sign of Scorpio, Taurus, takes away its power over the throat and larynx. Therefore, sexual activity is always reflected in the throat and voice. For the same reason, Scorpio must protect itself from chronic throat diseases, especially if the constellation complex Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius is unfavorably located. In addition, Scorpios are susceptible to hepatitis, bladder disorders, short-term seizures of epilepsy, loss of strength, inguinal hernia, lesions of the genital organs, dilation of the spermatic veins, gonorrhea and syphilis. Women with an unfavorable placement of the Moon may suffer from menstrual irregularities. As a rule, Scorpios recover from any illness faster if there is no panic around them about the state of their health. Left to their own devices, they can reveal amazing secret reserves of energy and recover quickly if they can fully rest and look optimistically about the future.

Scorpios usually love to eat well, but do not know how to cook unless Venus was the main planet in the chart on their birthday. Because they often have high level blood lipids, foods rich in fat should be avoided. Although scientists do not yet know everything about the body's utilization of cholesterol, all scientific research in this area gives reason to believe that it creates the preconditions for heart disease. Saturated fats (animal fats that are solid at room temperature) are especially dangerous. Skimming fat from meat dishes and by reducing the amount of butter, cream and cream, you can get closer to the desired balance. In addition, low-calorie foods help maintain normal weight, which is difficult to do in adulthood. A certain amount of fatty acids is still required for the proper functioning of the body and the production of bile, so a diet that is too limited is not a wise solution. Eating too little fat may even cause weight gain rather than weight loss. General rule(of course, if there are no objections from doctors) reduce the amount of animal fats to the norm accepted in America, and supplement it with two tablespoons per day of unsaturated vegetable fats to provide the body with lenoleic acid. Meals should contain a lot of protein and include, in addition to lean meat, seafood, game, eggs, yogurt, nuts and soybeans. Scorpio mineral salt calcium sulfate. It helps restore epithelial tissue and maintain the body's natural resistance to disease, preventing the accumulation of organic waste. Often the first sign of a deficiency of this salt is a runny nose, sinusitis, and respiratory infections. A serious deficiency can cause ulcers, pleurisy, kidney disorders and liver disease. In order for the body to receive the required amount of this element, you need to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, only from them this salt is absorbed by the body. Its main sources: onions, asparagus, cabbage, figs, garlic, watercress, mustard leaves, leeks, radishes, black cherries, prunes, gooseberries. Herbs that can be used in nutrition and for treatment, basil, nettle, wormwood. It is worth regularly taking vitamins C, E and group B and iron supplements. If you are constipated, it is advisable to avoid laxative tablets. They are annoying and harmful, best case scenario bring symptomatic relief. The best way to solve a food problem high content protein, a daily cup of yogurt or 1-2 teaspoons of molasses with port or rum.

Breathing exercises not only stimulate or weaken certain functions of the body according to choice, but also cleanse the body of many impurities. The following exercise is designed to control the excessive sexual energy of Scorpio. Time from 8 to 16 hours; place is a well-ventilated room without drafts; duration 5 minutes in the morning and evening. Sit up straight, close your eyes and breathe slowly rhythmically, completely relaxing your body and brain. After 2 minutes of slow breathing, inhale for a count of 2; hold your breath for a count of 8, while simultaneously moving the anal sphincter in and out (you should mentally imagine how the etheric flow rises from the base of the ridge to the brain); then exhale on a count of 4 through the left nostril for men and through the right nostril for women. Repeat the cycle 10 times. After 7 min. After a week of practice, the score can be doubled, but no more.

Scorpio man:

The Scorpio man is a passionate and ambitious person. It is these qualities that lead him to instability in his life. In general, he values ​​stability, but his desire to constantly improve and change something leads to its disruption. He is a knowledgeable person. The success of the cognition process is often achieved through own experience with the participation of others. Their participation is not always safe, because the Scorpio man’s experiments sometimes take place with a certain amount of explosive material, both literally and figuratively. The reason that he does not take care of himself is clear. But this is why those around you are not included in this calculation. Scorpio is capable of regeneration. There were cases when, after a complex operation, possessing this quality, he got back on his feet in a short time. It is believed that the famous Grigory Rasputin had this ability. But not everyone is able to recover in a short time. This means recreating the past from what has been lost in the same form or even better. In this regard, he has quite a few envious people, and if he starts to fight with them, then he also has enemies with whom it is more difficult to come to an agreement. Scorpio usually finds it difficult to change his views, so he has difficulty adapting to a new environment. The Scorpio man passionately defends his positions because they are the basis of his worldview. The person who dares to contradict a Scorpio man can become his enemy in the future. long time. The revenge of a Scorpio man is dangerous because it can lead to complete destruction of the psyche. How best to act if you know that there is a Scorpio in front of you. He needs to be interested.

Scorpio Woman:

The passion of a Scorpio woman does not always manifest itself in such an unambiguously pressing or influencing way. She adapts better to a new environment than a man. She gets used to it more easily and is less eager to change the situation to suit herself. These qualities of Scorpio women and men should be taken into account when you have to negotiate a long-term relationship with one of them. But the Scorpio woman is more passionate and patient than the man of the same sign. She is able to wait for years for her lover to return from prison. But after his return, he will express his feelings fully. But a Scorpio woman can hate just as much as she can love. She is very vindictive if someone has really annoyed her. The psyche of a Scorpio woman consists of these extremes. If she only loves or only hates, which is extremely rare, then the Scorpio woman’s next steps are simple. More often she has to love someone and hate someone at the same time. This situation is fraught with unpredictability. If the situation worsens so much that it becomes difficult to decide what feelings to give to the chosen one, then the psyche may suffer. The first signs of this are the absence of an equilibrium state (excitement gives way to deep depression, then vice versa). The reason is the lack of rest for the emotional system of the woman’s body. This condition is fraught with breakdowns. To avoid it, a Scorpio woman needs to more often analyze the pros and cons of her situation.

Compatibility horoscope: Scorpio zodiac sign date from what date and to what date - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Characteristics of a person born under the sign Scorpio. Characteristics of Scorpio.

Secrets of Scorpio's happiness

You can be the perfect lover, but not always ideal husbands and wives, and the reason for this is your aggressiveness and ruthless ego. You are capable of great jealousy and do not want to share with anyone, but at the same time you are a caring provider and protector of your family. You enjoy the comfort of home and are ready to make conscious sacrifices for the sake of your home.

As a partner in a love game, you are magnificent - full of romanticism, very ardent in your hobbies - sometimes even more than the other party could desire. You are very demanding in your sexual life, and you have a large reserve of physical strength. However, Eagle (in the distant past was also your sign) sometimes gives you the ability to platonic love. Your powerful physique and striking manner often give you considerable physical attractiveness, with a touch of sensuality coupled with your innate magnetism.

Your marriage is almost always very strong, despite the fact that you are not very easy to life together and, perhaps (but unlikely more than once or twice), your partner will have to turn a blind eye to your hobbies (albeit not for too long).

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Ruling planet of Scorpio: Pluto.

Characteristics of the sign: water-fixed-negative.

Sign of a mystic, researcher.

Scorpio character: insightful, intelligent and sober, decisive, passionate, energetic, independent, sarcastic, vindictive; This is an impressionable person, the owner of a large supply of vitality and both base and sublime inclinations.

Positive qualities of Scorpio: strong will, resourcefulness and ingenuity, great self-confidence and the ability to captivate people, sophistication and diplomacy, courage, insight and dexterity.

Negative qualities of Scorpio: power, the desire to subjugate others, envy and cunning, sarcasticism, pride and cruelty, often a tendency to violence.

Your personality is Scorpio

You were born under the eighth sign of the Zodiac, associated with passion for spiritual teachings, spiritual rebirth, violence and finance. This is a high energy sign, allowing you to operate with great intensity. Three keywords to understand your character - it's sex, sin and salvation.

You are courageous and enterprising, a born leader, capable of clearing your own path and finding a free niche. Endowed with a huge supply of vitality and absolute fearlessness, you are a ruthless competitor, a skillful and dangerous enemy. You are loyal to your friends, showing them loyalty and expecting exceptional loyalty in return.

You are cautious and suspicious, and it is almost impossible to mislead you. You cannot tolerate any damage to your pride, be it real or imagined, and are extremely touchy in such a situation. You have extraordinary strength of mind and intuition, you are a skilled tactician, but you must beware of a tendency to secrecy and excessive cunning. Learn to act more openly and honestly.

The occult and religions irresistibly attract you, but on the other hand, with all your amazing perseverance and willpower, in some way you yourself are destroying your life. However, your most valuable attribute - the ability to be selfless - will help you achieve greater success, especially in later years life.

You do not accept much help or support from anyone and even your children bring you moderate joy due to differences in views. You create for yourself big number enemies, although they do not really harm you so much as they cause tension and anxiety in you.

Your views are a combination of mysticism and realism. Death fascinates you irresistibly, the tendency towards despondency and melancholy corresponds to the nature of your sign, and at the same time Scorpio is known as the sign of the doctor, the healer; this profession is perfect for you.

"Scorpio" as a friend

Are you in highest degree a loyal friend and extremely sensitive in everything that concerns your pride and sense of self-esteem. At times you can be too domineering and overwhelming. Learn not to notice the trivial mistakes of your friends. You yourself as a friend are like dynamite - you are just as secretive and just as capable of causing significant harm; Despite all your sincerity, you are also capable of treason.

"Scorpio" as a father

You are strict, proud and hot-tempered. But showing concern does not mean being too strict; extreme demands are often counterproductive. Your sensitive child may even develop an inferiority complex. People like you because of your ability to be forgiving, but tolerance is an important parental quality that you should consciously develop.

Scorpio as a mother

Here the Scorpio mother has few equals. This woman may, however, be too demanding of children. Filled with maternal pride, like her “Scorpio” father, she is prone to excessive severity. You offer your children a lot of fun and, in fact, you are a wonderful mother, but at the same time you need to work hard to bridge the gap between generations.

A look at the decades

If you were born between October 24 and November 1 (first decade), then your ruling planet is Mars, and you are doubly a Scorpio - all the usual Scorpio qualities are especially pronounced in you. No doubt this refers to amazing willpower and energy, but also to cruelty, pride and deceit.

If your birthday fell between November 2 and 11 (second decade), then your ruler is the planet Jupiter, helping you achieve your main aspirations. You can sacrifice everything for the sake of a cause in order to gain fame for yourself, to make all your dreams come true.

If you were born between November 2nd and November 22nd (third decade), then you are ruled by the Moon. You strive to be free and to make others free, but you must learn to persevere and avoid melancholy, depression and indecision. You are especially good at international cooperation, travel and advertising.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between October 22-25, then your birth date was during the Libra/Scorpio transition.

Grace and awkwardness, love and hate are fused in you, as in a strange crucible: Indian texts dedicated to the patron god of sages, Ganesha, claim that there are common traits that run like a red thread through the signs of Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, and this clearly affects people born on the borders of these three signs. This common thread is curiosity and investigative talent.

Your passions will be strong and passionate. Excellent taste in books, clothing, food, arts, etiquette, design should come naturally to you. Among the people born during this period are good doctors, lawyers, detectives, inspectors, orderlies, insurance agents, miners, treasure hunters, hoteliers, chemists and pharmacists, surgeons, actors and artists, research scientists and nuclear physicists, geneticists, psychiatrists and even gurus. Your colors are blue, red, scarlet, crimson, purple.

In your case, you should pay special attention to the genitals, back, urinary tract, there may be problems with breathing, sinuses, leg diseases (for example, a sprained ankle or knee that periodically makes itself felt) - or you may have to deal with consequences of your own negligence.

Those born on these days are credited with a little bit of cunning, and also sincerity. Often they find themselves forced to pretend to be someone they are not - and circumstances are mainly to blame for this. Thus fate encourages them to play their part on the stage of life. They are forced to obey it, and in the innermost depths of their hearts they understand this.

The following years will serve as a key to the main cases and events: 5, 6, 9, 23, 24, 32, 33, 36, 41, 42, 45, 50, 51, 54, 59, 60, 63, 68, 69, 72, 77 , 78, 81, 86, 87, 96.

Your lot in life is often (though not always) great glory or complete oblivion. Vedic astrology talks about a lot of excitement, adventure or at least enough unusual life! Fierce waves of emotions, analysis and research, spiritual issues and carnal issues, freedom, law and order - everything is completely mixed up here. Sleep, awakening, borderline states of consciousness somehow acquire a new dimension here. An astrologer often sees you as a restless, yearning soul, ready to give so much and accept so much from others. This is a combination of hidden egoism and genuine human qualities. Contrary to what people may say about you, you know how to forgive mistakes and offenses caused to you. At the same time, you are capable of being petty, but everything that concerns general view on objects and questions, a holistic vision of the depth of a person and spiritual understanding, you do wonderfully. You sense the situation and maneuver superbly, and this will really help you win glory. A sense of justice haunts your heart.

Do you like to check everything personal experience, if possible, exceeding the limits of human endurance. These are the innermost secrets of your personality. With one effort you will throw off the shackles that bind you, fighting not only for your freedom, but for the liberation of all mankind. This is undoubtedly your mission, indicate the texts dedicated to the knowledge received from Ganesha. Purple, violet, indigo, red, pink are good colors for you.

Health problems may be related to the genitals, spleen, legs, feet, thighs, liver and throat.

Usually you have amazing eyes - angels and demons lurk in them. Politics, law, surgery, mining, chemical industry, mentoring (sermon), war, strategy, space, aviation, computers, research activities, genetics, farming, banking, inventions - all these roads are open to you.

For those born during the sign change period of April 18-22 and May 19-22, the same career (business) paths are open.

The most important years for you will be: 3, 9, 12, 21, 27, 29, 30, 36, 45, 48, 54, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 81, 84, 90, 93, 99.

Know what's good for you:

Lucky number Scorpio: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, etc. (series of nines).

– Scorpio’s lucky color: red, scarlet, red.

– Scorpio's lucky day: Tuesday.

– Scorpio’s lucky flowers and herbs: geranium, gorse, honeysuckle, thistle.

Scorpio Birth Dates

The zodiac sign of Scorpio begins on October 24th, but for seven days does not enter into its full powers. The sign of Scorpio is in full force until November 22nd - then for seven days, it gradually loses its influence due to the rise of the sign of Sagittarius. Symbols for Scorpio are the scorpion, an earth-dwelling killer with a poisonous sting in its tail, as well as the eagle, a far-sighted predator that soars above petty earthly problems in free flight.

People born in this section of the year seem to be filled with inherent contradictions. The best and the worst, good and evil, seem to make this period their battlefield for the souls of the owners of this ambiguous zodiac sign. Until almost the age of twenty, Scorpios are usually extremely reflective, as they are intellectual, virtuous, and religious, but once their true nature is awakened, they often begin to rush from one extreme to another, and their behavior often defies ordinary logic.

Scorpio Dates: October 24 – November 22

People born during this period of the year are often very attractive personalities, have skills in manipulating the crowd, and more often, in the process of persuading their opponents, resort to methods of putting pressure on a person’s emotions. Scorpios are seekers, with an insatiable thirst for discovering everything new and unknown. Spiritually and intellectually, Scorpios want to reach the edge of possibility and cross it.

In dangerous situations and sudden crises, they remain calm and very decisive in their actions. Representatives of this zodiac sign often become workaholics; they themselves often work extremely hard and mercilessly demand the same from those around them. They despise weakness in themselves or others.

Sex life is an important part of their personality and plays a vital role in their lifestyle. Women attract men and men attract women, but in cases where desire and ambition are dominant, these people can be driven by their strong sexual nature. Relationships are something of a mystery for Scorpios, so anyone involved with them must prepare for deep changes in themselves, their mysterious partner will definitely present something unusual in their relationship. Typically, Scorpios are interested in marriage and long-term commitments. Scorpios are monogamous; love for them is a strong, passionate and stable emotion that can only be directed at one person.

Sooner or later, Scorpios begin to show interest in the secret and occult sciences; they readily develop unusual clairvoyant abilities, and quite often become famous as book authors, painters or poets. They are natural philosophers, deep thinkers, observe and analyze the characters of other people better than any other representative of the zodiac signs. Usually people born in this sign have two sources of income. They often have to overcome troubles and various difficulties in life, but sooner or later success and fame almost always find them.

Scorpio Compatibility

Do you know what number the zodiac sign Scorpio begins with?

From what date Scorpio (the zodiac sign of the eighth house) begins to patronize is a long-standing subject of debate among many astrologers. According to some sources, the earliest date of birth that brings into force the eighth sign of the zodiac corresponds to October 22. Others claim that it is the 23rd or 24th day of October. But whatever the truth turns out to be, the sign of Scorpio, like the others, ends its “reign” a month later. This happens on November 22nd.

Those born at the turn of the beginning of the Scorpio era find it very difficult to determine their true zodiac sign. But, despite the disagreements, astrologers are still able to name the horoscope sign for each specific case. To do this you need to know the exact place and time of your birth. The correlation of this information and the astrological chart of the date of birth will put an end to doubts between Libra and Scorpio. But in any case, your character will take something from Libra, because your date of birth is a kind of moving number.

The eighth sign of the zodiac in the first ten days of its reign (until November 3)

It is very difficult for those born during this period to find themselves in their youth (the influence of the element of Water is visible), but the onset of maturity will bring with it self-confidence and inner peace. Young Scorpios (starting from an early age) show aggressiveness, harshness, and intolerance towards other people's shortcomings or opinions that do not coincide with their worldview. At the same time, this personality is an unbending fighter who stubbornly moves towards the intended goal.

Closer to the age of 30, Scorpio calms down and becomes more loyal, but still sees things through to a victorious end. After 40, his daring stubbornness gives way to hard work, and his intransigence gives way to wisdom and tolerance.

Second decade (November 4-13)

The ruler of Scorpio in the second decade is Pluto. He empowers his ward power of action, great intelligence and some vanity. Thanks to this “cocktail”, Scorpio, whose birth month is November, always easily achieves what he wants (provided that he really wants it). Since childhood, he loves everything secret, so parents sometimes don’t even know about some of the thoughts and aspirations of their child.

The sign of Scorpio endows young representatives with romance and sensuality, but often self-obsession. When this happens, it's hard for their partners. Scorpio himself also drains his inner world - the period up to 40 years becomes a test for his peace of mind. Adding fuel to the fire is his self-satisfaction, which by the age of 60 becomes almost screaming. However, if Scorpio’s parents taught him tolerance from childhood, then he may not have such problems in adulthood.

Third decade (November 14-22)

Venus is the ruler of Scorpio in the third decade. Thanks to her, the personality of the person born during this period is filled creative energy and artistic talents. Creativity is his element. What is his nature? This is a constant emotional storm, dominated by amorousness, frivolity, passion and thirst for impressions.

The sign of Scorpio in early childhood instills in its representatives the need to show love towards them, but at the same time they must feel parental authority. If you support a child in his creative impulses, then he can subsequently achieve world recognition in his field.

Until the age of 25, Scorpios float through life on the wave of their own irrepressible energy, which after 25 transforms into sensual sexuality. The character is dominated by altruism and kindness, which, if uncontrolled, can lead to bad consequences. By the age of 40, a person of this sign acquires tact and diplomacy, using them to his advantage. After 50, disappointment in life often sets in. It's like everything didn't work out the way I wanted. But if Scorpio wins the fight with himself, the truth of what is happening to him will be revealed to him and he will calm the spiritual storm.

But no matter what month Scorpio was born, from what date to what date the decade to which he belongs lasts, three traits will definitely be present in his personality:

  • the ability to think outside of spaces, times and stereotypes;
  • the ability to understand the secrets of the human soul;
  • constant resistance to oneself.

The sign of Scorpio condemns one to internal torment, but gives an almost magical power to streamline these torments and turn them into fertile ground for one’s own bright future.

What date does Scorpio start from according to the horoscope?

Almost everyone born under this sign knows what number the sign of Scorpio begins with. This will be the topic of our article. We will definitely clarify what number Scorpio begins with, since there are some disagreements between ancient wisdom and the changes that have occurred over the millennia. Let's touch on other equally interesting questions.

The name "zodiac" comes from the Greek word for "animal". Indeed, all signs, with the exception of Libra, appear to us in animal, or anthropomorphic, form. They are associated with four elements: fire, earth, air, water. The constellations continuously rotate in this circle, acquiring slightly different qualities for each sign. So, for Pisces, water is a mysterious underground ocean, for Cancers it is a spring, for Scorpios it is frozen or stagnant water in which their desires are stored.

Astrology suggests that during the year the sun passes through 12 equal parts, which are 9° apart from the circle in which the sun moves. The zodiac year begins when the sun enters the spring sign of Aries, and then, passing every 30°, enters a new sign. The radiation of not only our star, but also any planet of our system or any distant star passes through part of any zodiacal lobe and gives it its own qualities. Therefore, it is difficult to create a personal individual horoscope - too many different factors influence it. Even knowing what date Scorpio begins, it is impossible to correctly predict events in the future.

Natal chart

A map that predicts events awaiting a person or state is called natal. She will predict the events that a person will go through during his life. When the baby is born, the astrologer should be given accurate information about the geographical coordinates of the place of birth, hours and minutes, then he will be able to see how the planets influence his destiny. They are very active in this. Zodiac signs carry energy through which certain planets manifest themselves in our lives. They can interfere with or, conversely, contribute to some events. At this time, aspects are included - the interaction of planets and zodiac signs. At the same time, the questions are resolved: who depends on whom, who will be in charge.

For Scorpio, its planets, Pluto and Mars, will not necessarily become the most important. The astrologer knows what date Scorpio begins, and will carefully look at what celestial bodies could enter this house: Pluto, Neptune, Saturn or others, and how they affect the life of a particular person. Houses in horoscopes are the places where a person’s potential is revealed: attitude towards property, death, dangers, mysticism, magic, sex. With this enumeration we have now specifically touched upon Scorpio. The eighth house in the zodiac circle corresponds to it.

What general qualities does the 8th house bring?

Greek myth tells that the hunter Orion angered the goddess Artemis. She awakened the scorpion, and it stung and killed the hunter.

As constellations, the Greeks transferred them to the sky, and, looking at Scorpio, we can think about what date does the constellation Scorpio begin with? The sun enters this sign at different times. This process is called ingression. Modern astrology moves the transition to this sign to October 21. Therefore, there is an intertwining of the character traits of Libra and Scorpio in the initial zone and Sagittarius and Scorpio in the final phase.

How Scorpios are divided into groups

On the other hand, almost everyone knows what date Scorpio begins according to the horoscope - October 24th. At the same time, some divide “Scorpios” into three degrees of maturity:

  • October 24-31 are young immature Scorpios.
  • November 1-12 – the makings of Scorpios do not fully manifest themselves.
  • November 13-22 are obvious Scorpios with all their inherent negative and positive qualities.

Others argue differently:

  • From October 21, the sign gains strength for seven days.
  • From October 28 to November 20, all the properties of Scorpios appear. Over the next seven days, their qualities decrease, as Sagittarius, who follows them, gains strength. That is, the question of what date Scorpio begins is very controversial.

Let us give another example of such ambiguity. What number does the zodiac sign Scorpio begin with?

Those born from October 24 to November 2, says the astrologer, are under the influence of Mars. They are disillusioned with life and very capable of medicine. In youth they are not confident in themselves, but in adulthood they are full of energy.

Those born from November 3 to November 13, being under the influence of the Sun, are strong and full of passions, nobility, and generosity. They have initiative and strong will.

Those born from November 14 to November 22 are influenced by Venus, and therefore they are frivolous, amorous, emotional, artistic and filled with passions.

Scorpio Health

They have the most powerful life energy. When a Scorpio baby is born into a family, it takes away the strength and life of one of the family members. This may happen a year before his birth or up to a year later. And when Scorpio dies, a new creature is born from the energy that was released after his death.

General characteristics of the sign

This is a very mysterious and powerful zodiac sign that constantly strives to improve itself. He exhibits vivid emotional outbursts and has the willpower to which he strives to subordinate them. They are full of passion in everything they do. These are workaholics who forget about food, sleep, and family. Everything they do, they do with complete seriousness and dedication.

A sign of death and love, Scorpio has a very strong influence on other people. Mars gave him the following qualities: stubbornness and temper, aggressiveness and irrepressible eroticism. The fulfillment of sensual desires calms him down.

Pluto gave Scorpio depth of soul and parts of the devilish character. Strong, dormant passions simmer latently within him. At the same time, he is quite satisfied with himself, no matter how life circumstances turn out.

At any age, everything in Scorpio rebels against death - he is full of zest for life.

This sign has intuition and mystical abilities. He knows how to penetrate the souls of people, predict events that are destined to happen, although, it would seem, this does not concern him.

Positive qualities of Scorpios:

  • Purposefulness and responsibility.
  • Cheerfulness, ability to appreciate people.
  • Ability to find the right solution in difficult situations.
  • They always have their own opinion on every issue.
  • Selfishness and selfishness.
  • The desire to be mysterious.
  • Tendency to depression.
  • Self-love and jealousy.

We looked at the most recurring traits of Scorpios and approximately found out what number the zodiac sign Scorpio begins with.

Who is ready to rush into battle at any moment, without thinking at all about the consequences and without listening to what people tell him. This constellation shines on people who were born between the following dates: October 24 and November 21. It’s quite easy to recognize a Scorpio; you just need to ask what he thinks on this or that issue. Scorpio is very cruel and ruthless in his judgments, but not without objectivity and iron logic. Moreover, the latter can even be deadly. And this despite the fact that quite recently there was some flirting on his part, when answering your question, emotions give way to logic. Below you will learn some details about Scorpios.

Any of your questions, no matter how harmless it may be, will be subject to careful analysis, and the answer will amaze with its logical accuracy. For Scorpio there are no empty words; everything must have a logical and precise explanation.

Therefore, people of this sign are often treated with suspicion and are afraid of making statements, especially addressed to themselves. An opinion so rigid and logically structured can either give you wings or clip your wings, because not every person dreams of hearing the authentic truth about themselves, even if it corresponds to reality. For this reason, there is a twofold attitude towards Scorpios: they are either madly loved, or in the same way, hated. But in any case it will not be possible to ignore them.

The representatives of this zodiac sign themselves are not at all interested in the opinions of others about themselves, it is indifferent to them. This is because they believe in their strength, therefore, no matter what is said about them, they bounce off of them like “peas from a wall.” Scorpios have overflowing energy, enormous vitality, so he doesn’t care about any obstacles, he can always overcome them.

It turns out, in fact, that these character traits have no restrictions, no matter what blows fate deals, Scorpio will always remain on top and will not lose heart. Truly an invincible fighter. His confidence in his strength, his habit of fighting difficulties, invariably leads to victory.

This invincible principle is reflected in all other areas of Scorpio’s life. Having set a certain goal for himself, he will not give up at any cost until he achieves his goal. No one and nothing can stop this sign. Even fate itself does not dare to interfere with his plans.

Scorpio is the water sign of the zodiac. For him, water keeps incredible secrets and saves him from the vicissitudes of fate. The owner of this sign is the planet Pluto. Thanks to her influence, Scorpio is insightful. And the sexual energy of this sign is legendary; in this regard, it has no equal. Pluto's assistants are Mars, the eternal, inexhaustible warrior. That is why Scorpio is endowed with assertiveness and simply incredible strength.

    My sister's zodiac sign is Scorpio, so I know very well that this sign begins on October 24th and ends at the end of November (22nd). I propose to get acquainted with the characteristics of this sign in more detail below:

    The Scorpio sign is the eighth in the general series of zodiac signs. Refers to the water element. Starts every year on October 24th and lasts until November 22nd.

    It is believed that people born under the sign of Scorpio have a wide variety of characters.

    According to the horoscope, the action of the sign of Scorpio continues from October 24th and ends on November 22nd. I know this for sure because I myself was born under this glorious sign and all my life I have felt its ambiguous and contradictory influence.

    I can assure you that, as a lover of horoscopes and star predictions, as well as the wife of a Scorpio, the beginning of this sign falls on October 24. By the way, it is October (end of October) and November that are considered the months of Scorpios.

    It is also very important when determining the zodiac sign under which a person was born, you need to know that at the beginning of the period (October 24 - October 31) these are young, immature Scorpios, that is, they do not completely fall within the characteristics of Scorpios. In the middle of the period (November 1 - November 12) - more or less. But the end of the period is the real Scorpios (November 13 - November 22).

    The Scorpio zodiac sign begins on October 24 and ends on November 22. Those born under the sign of Scorpio are distinguished by a stubborn and unpredictable character, stubbornness is not just words, but madness. Nothing will stop a Scorpio if they think of something negative, they simply do not have enough energy for good things and for some reason they are not very attracted to such an activity.

    Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac. He is the second sign from the element of Water.

    The zodiac sign Scorpio is ruled by two planets - Mars and Pluto.

    Scorpio is my sign. And it starts on October 24 and ends on November 22. Not all Scorpios are the same. A sign of sexuality. He knows no fear and death. The people under him are bright and emotional. Scorpio strives for self-improvement.

    A very interesting sign, of course. As many Scorpios as I know, they are very unique individuals, self-confident and can present themselves well in society. These are often people who are able to adapt well to circumstances and people.

    My horoscope is Scorpio and I know for sure that my zodiac sign begins its countdown on October 24th and ends on November 22nd. People born under this sign have a difficult character, they are smart and independent, they are torn apart by contradictions.

    According to the zodiac horoscope, the sign of Scorpio begins on October 24 and ends on November 22. see here: http://orakul.ua/. In addition, by date, month and year of birth of a person, you can see on this site other interesting decodings of your horoscope in other horoscope systems.

    Since my one and only mother was born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio - October 27, of course, I could not ignore this question.

    In principle, everyone believes that Scorpio, like the other 12 signs, begins on the 20th, and in most horoscopes, on October 24th. However, it turns out that everything is not so simple. After spending more than half an hour searching for information and viewing dozens of sites, I was able to discover the following fairly reliable scientific data. It turns out that even in astrology - not to mention astronomy - there is no clear division of zodiac signs, therefore, the moment the Sun enters one of the constellations (ingression), due to the presence of many factors (corrections for leap year, changes in the inclination of the ecliptic to the equator, etc.) d.) cannot be determined with an accuracy of one day.

    You can read more about this here. Therefore, modern astrology postpones the onset of the sign of Scorpio by three whole days, i.e. to October 21.

    It is no coincidence that many have noticed that in the border zone of the zodiac signs, an interweaving of character traits from two constellations is often observed.

    In any case, whether you are Scorpio or Libra, Pisces or Aquarius - it doesn’t matter, but most importantly, remain yourself - and always try to be a real Person!