That there is a high probability of big winnings. Lucky numbers and lucky numbers for the lottery. Who managed to win the largest sums in the lottery?

Gosloto- systematically or at random? Which solution has more benefits? We will tell you how to play lotto to win. And what not to do so as not to lose your fortune.

The answer is simple - both the “system” game and filling out lotto coupons at random gives exactly the same chance of winning...

Proponents of lotto systems analyzing the results of thousands of draws might, of course, be right, but only if the drawing mechanism was unfair or flawed - for example, the balls in the randomization machine would have different weights, which changes the frequency of dialing. Otherwise, complex date and number comparisons make more or less as much sense as raw liver fortune telling.

Game systems discredit probability. The number of six-digit combinations in the lottery "" gives about 14 million combinations (8,145,060), and filling out a dozen or dozens of coupons does not significantly increase the chances of receiving a first-degree win. If we decide to devote a few months, we can really tick off all the combinations, but in addition to time, we need in addition a little more than 200 million rubles to pay for the tickets. Well, a good archivist will come in handy in order to find the correct ticket in time and receive the winnings... When replacing the winnings, we will not contribute much to the whole business, but only a few million or several tens of millions.

Probability of winning in "6 out of 49"

Chance to win the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery

Probability of winning the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery

How does the lotto system work?

An attempt to discard incorrect sets of numbers is, in fact, the system of playing in Gosloto. If we can't come up with our own, we can easily buy a ready-made system on the Internet or through newspaper advertisements. There is only a small question - is anyone who owns a tool for easily receiving prizes in Gosloto actually selling their discovery? random people for a few hundred rubles?

All sets of numbers have the same chance of being drawn; a series of six consecutive numbers is no less likely than any other bet, although we reflexively find it surprising.

It must be remembered that the lottery organizer is not charitable organization, and allocates about half of the proceeds from the sale of bets to winnings; thus, the only real winner who gets half the pot each week is the lotto itself. The rest of the players can only rely on luck...

In connection with the entry into force yesterday, June 30, 2009, of paragraph 1 of article 17, paragraph 1 of article 18 and article 19
FEDERAL LAW of December 29, 2006 N 244-FZ “ON STATE REGULATION OF ACTIVITIES IN ORGANIZING AND CONDUCTING GAMBLING AND ON AMENDMENTS TO SOME LEGISLATIVE ACTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation 2 0.12.2006), http://nalog.consultant. ru/doc64924.html


Opportunity - an opportunity to be disappointed

(“Aphorisms, quotes, and winged words»,

Your chances of winning the lottery will increase
if you buy a ticket

Winston Groom (from Forrest Gump Rules)
(“Aphorisms about games”,

"The Lottery Paradox"

It is quite expected (and philosophically verifiable [English]) that this particular ticket will not win, but one cannot expect that no ticket will win” (“Academics”, List of Paradoxes, /ruwiki/165304).

“The paradox of the lottery (such as sports lotto)

Most lottery players (in which the winnings are distributed among all the winners, as in sports lotto) usually do not bet on “too symmetrical” combinations, although all combinations are equally possible. The reason is simple. Players know from experience that, as a rule, non-symmetrical combinations win. In fact, it is more profitable to bet on the most symmetrical combinations precisely because... Why?" (excerpts from the book: G. Szekely. Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics. M.: Mir. - 1990,


Everyone has played some kind of game in their life, not necessarily gambling, which is, in one way or another, related to probability. And if someone didn’t play, they probably tossed a coin a couple of times in their life. Just like that, for fun or when solving some issue on which it turned out to be overwhelming or impossible to make a choice on one’s own. And I did the same thing as a child. But even then, some doubt crept into my head about the correctness of justifying my choice of solutions to even trivial issues by tossing a coin. Apparently, even then I did not want to entrust my own right of choice to blind chance. But not so much because I can choose myself the best option right now and just for myself, but more because such a choice will not be fair. So fair that without any further thought or internal hesitation I could accept it and act in accordance with this choice. And then I completely stopped further attempts at making decisions in such a simple way when my fears were confirmed while watching one of the popular Indian films that took place here in the 80s. If I'm not mistaken, it was the film "Revenge and Law." In it, one of the main characters, making a choice of something, tossed a coin with a serious look. And everything would have been fine, but only when he was shot after all, and he gave his “lucky coin”, it turned out that it had two identical sides. Apparently, this hero has well learned the first rule of success: if you want to win at a casino, become its owner.

To the question of the problem given by Székely in his book about why it is MORE PROFITABLE to choose symmetrical options for the geometric arrangement of numbers on the card field, the answer is not so complicated. The conclusion follows based on three conditions:

1) all options: both symmetrical and asymmetrical are equally probable;

2) most players choose asymmetrical options;

3) the amount of winnings received depends on the number of: a) participants, b) winners (by winning categories, of course);

Therefore, from the point of view of benefit, that is, increase possible profit when guessing, symmetric options will be guessed by a much smaller number of players with the same number of participants in the lottery, and the winning amount will be divided among a much smaller number of winners.

But on the other hand, if everything were that simple, then there would be no difficulties in determining the probability of certain events. And there are no fewer paradoxes and various paradoxical problems in probability theory, or even much more, than in other branches of science (in the same mathematics, logic, physics). For example, this task.

"The Dice Paradox"

A fair die, when thrown, has an equal chance of landing on any of the sides 1,2,3,4,5 or 6. (The sum of the points on opposite sides is 7, i.e. falling on 1 means rolling a 6, etc.) .

In the case of throwing 2 dice, the sum of the numbers drawn is between 2 and 12. Both 9 and 10 can be obtained by two different ways: 9 = 3 + 6 = 4 + 5 and 10 = 4 + 6 = 5 + 5. In the three-dice problem, both 9 and 10 are obtained in six ways. Why then does 9 appear more often when two dice are thrown, and 10 when three are thrown? (excerpts from the book: G. Szekely. Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics. M.: Mir. - 1990,"

There is no paradox in this problem. The paradox, or rather the trick, is hidden in incomplete information: the number of possible combinations is greater than indicated. Because only the types of options are indicated, the methods of composition that need to be distributed over the number of bones.

The answer is simple: 9 appears more often when two dice are rolled, and 10 when three dice are rolled, because the probability of rolling a total of 9 with two dice is greater than the probability of rolling a total of 10 with three dice, which reflects the ratio of the number of options compilation of these amounts.

Number of options for summing up:

A. 9 on two dice: 3+6 (2 possible options, that is, on the first 3 on the second 6 and vice versa) and 4+5 (2 options). Total: 4 options

10 on two dice: 4+6 (2 var.) and 5+5 (1 var.). Total: 3 options

The odds ratio is in favor of the sum 9.

B. 9 on three dice: 1+2+6 (6 varieties), 1+3+5 (6 varieties), 1+4+4 (3 varieties), 2+2+5 (3 varieties) , 2+3+4 (6 var.), 3+3+3 (1 var.). Total: 25 options

10 on three dice: 1+3+6 (6 options), 1+4+5 (6 options), 2+2+6 (3 options), 2+3+5 (6 options), 2 +4+4 (3 options), 3+3+4 (3 options), 4+4+2 (3 options) Total: 30 options

The odds ratio favors the sum of 10.

Why does the probability of events give rise to so many contradictions?

I may be wrong, but in my opinion, even mathematicians, not to mention those who are not at all familiar with the theory of probability, are captive of one false initial premise about the probability distribution. This is the idea that events occur only according to their probability, without taking into account the distribution of probability over time. Life does not always go according to calculated patterns and exactly as it is described mathematically. A reflection of this two-facedness: mathematical calculation and at the same time not a coincidence with it, is given in the following paradox.


“The ratio of heads or tails to the total number of attempts with a large number of throws tends to 1/2. Some players believe that with a series of heads, the probability of landing tails increases. And at the same time, the coins have no memory, they do not know the previous throws, and each time the probability of heads or tails falling out is 1/2. Even if before that 1000 coats of arms fell in a row. Doesn’t this contradict Bernoulli’s law?” (excerpts from the book: G. Szekely. Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics. M.: Mir. - 1990,

Bernoulli's law of large numbers

“Let a sequence of independent trials be carried out, as a result of each of which event A may or may not occur, and the probability of the occurrence of this event is the same for each trial and is equal to p. If event A actually occurred m times in n trials, then the ratio m/n is called, as we know, the frequency of occurrence of event A. Frequency is a random variable, and the probability that the frequency takes the value m/n is expressed by Bernoulli’s formula ...

The law of large numbers in Bernoulli form is as follows: with a probability arbitrarily close to unity, it can be stated that with a sufficiently large number of experiments, the frequency of occurrence of event A differs as little as desired from its probability, i.e.... other words, with an unlimited increase in the number n of experiments, the frequency m/n of event A converges in probability to P(A)" (Theory of Probability, §5. 3. Bernoulli's Law of Large Numbers. , theory/ter_ver/5_3)

Thus, from the contradictions contained in these paradoxes, a general problem can be formulated.


1. The paradox of the lottery - the probability of winning a specific ticket is negligible, but the probability of winning any ticket is 1, that is, 100 percent;

2. The paradox of Bernoulli's law of large numbers - the probability of getting any option is equivalent, but in reality it should change as some options get out more to bring the probability to balance.

The problem, in my opinion, lies in a misunderstanding of the uneven distribution of probability over the number of options or, in other words, the dependence of the probability of one option of an event on another in a time context.

No one will argue that the sum of the probabilities of the event options is equal to one. But why does everyone think that the distribution among options is even? This approach completely ignores the variability of the world over time. And the same sides of the coin must then strictly alternate in turn: heads, tails, heads, tails. Then the probability distribution calculated by the formula will completely coincide with the actual one FOR ANY SPECIFIC TIME PERIOD. Because within this time period, the number of drops different options will be the same. But in reality this is not the case. Within individual periods, the probability of each event option varies from 0 to 1 (from zero to one hundred percent). For example, when out of ten times, heads come up all ten times (or red, if it’s roulette in a casino). I know of a case where the roulette wheel came up black 15 times in a row. From the point of view of calculating probability, this is generally impossible if we take it as a unit, that is, the sum of all possible options, for example, 20 drops, which include these fifteen. And this, by the way, continuing the thought, for some reason did not lead to the next fifteen drops of red. Players call such hits in a row as streaks. Series are observed in sports, and in general everywhere.

Would you say that Bernoulli's law describes periods with large, "unlimited numbers of experiences" and within these limits it is true? Then why shouldn’t the same coin fall out first 1000 times on one side in a row, and then a thousand times on the other? After all, the law in this case is not violated one bit? In reality this does not happen. In fact, any long series of occurrences of two possible variants of events (A and B, which can be replaced, for example, by “heads” and “tails”) will closely correspond to the pattern of occurrences:

A, B, A, B, AAA, B, AA, BB, AA, BBBBBBB, AA, BBB, A, BBBBBBB, AAA, B, AA, BB, A, B, AAAA, B, AA, BBB, AAAA, B, A, B, A... (30 A and B each, 60 in total).

As you can see, within each specific segment (fallout periods or time periods) there are unevennesses. And the duration of the “series” of occurrences of one option a) in a row and b) within a period (for example, 10 occurrences) may fluctuate. Theoretically, the amplitude of such oscillations is not limited by anything, but there are no practically unlimited duration series. That is, there is a certain limit to which the duration of the “series,” its “length,” increases. These two restrictions regulate the balance of the probability of event options: firstly, the variability of options within an arbitrary period (time), in other words, the change in the “length” of series from 1 to several repetitions in a row, and secondly, the limitation of the length and frequency of series in within an arbitrary period (time). This achieves a variety of events, variability.

This probability distribution is noted by players who choose asymmetrical options for the arrangement of numbers on a lottery card. They do not proceed from an equal probability distribution for the number of numbers, that is, their equally possible occurrence, but precisely from an uneven probability distribution over the numbers. For some reason, the same numbers have not yet appeared, not only in two draws in a row, but in the mass of all draws. I can say this with confidence based on studying the “Sportloto 5 out of 36” lottery, which has been running for decades. For two draws in a row, a maximum of 1 number from the previous draw will appear (quite often - about a quarter of the draws), 2 (in isolated cases), 3 (in rarer cases). According to the theory of probability, someday all five numbers would come out the same for two draws in a row. But this would take thousands of years, even if the circulations were held every day instead of once a week. This follows if we assume that the total number of possible options in the “Sportloto 5 out of 36” lottery (36 * 35 * 34 * 33 * 32 / 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5) = 376.992, and repeat five numbers of the previous draw will occur no earlier than all possible options have been drawn at least once, which will happen when conducting 1 draw per day, taking into account leap years for: 376.992 / (365 * 4 + 1) * 4 = 1032.1478 ~ 1032 of the year. But even after a complete search of all possible options in a row, two identical editions may not appear for several thousand years, and perhaps never.

Therefore, I absolutely agree with players choosing the most frequently dropped, asymmetrical options. Because waiting for the option to appear, for example, from the film “Sportloto - 82” with M. Pugovkin and M. Kokshenov - 1,2,3,4,5,6 is simply unrealistic. You might as well wait for rain on Mars.
I will add that, having fixed the probability distribution in a certain way, I saw that the types of options similar to those given from the film make up an insignificant fraction of a percent of all other types, classes of options that appear, and according to the theory of probability they are equally possible.

The paradox of the lottery arises due to the fact that the probability of winning each specific ticket separately, that is, any one, is negligible, tending to zero, but the probability of winning any one specific ticket is one hundred percent. Because the probability of specific numbers appearing in a specific draw is distributed unequally among all options. Roughly speaking, one hundred percent of the probability is divided not into the entire mass of tickets, but into two parts - all the winners (that is, one, for simplicity) and all the losers (all the rest). Thus, everyone and no one has a chance to win. Because it is impossible to know WHICH ticket will win, but we know in advance that SOME ONE ticket will win (without going into details of the number of winners and winning conditions).
At this point, no matter how funny it may seem, the correctness of “female logic” becomes obvious, which claims that the probability of a meteorite falling on Red Square is not one in several million, but fifty to fifty - either it will fall or not.
Apparently, such a famous mathematician as Poincare held a similar opinion to mine. “Poincaré once remarked sarcastically that everyone believes in the universality of the normal distribution: physicists believe because they think that mathematicians have proven its logical necessity, and mathematicians believe because they believe that physicists have verified it with laboratory experiments” (De Moivre’s Paradox , excerpts from the book: G. Szekely. Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics. M.: Mir - 1990,

That is, the lottery paradox arises due to an incorrect initial premise - the probability distribution is not uniform within a particular period, but variable. And if we take one circulation for a separate period, then ALL possible options CANNOT appear in it, but only ONE will appear. Therefore, the contradictory understanding of probability disappears: the probability of the absolute majority of options appearing will be equal to zero, and only the probability of one option will be equal to one.

There are no contradictory conditions in the lottery paradox:

1) only one option appears in a particular draw out of all possible ones (one ticket wins);

2) there are many more possible options.

Consequently, the probability of expecting to win only ONE of all possible options (tickets) tends to one, and the probability of expecting to win ALL REMAINING ONE options (tickets) tends to zero.

There is also no contradiction in Bernoulli's paradox of large numbers:

1) the probability of getting one of the possible options is half – 0.5;

2) the expectation of a change in the probability of the second of the possible options falling out after a series of falling out of the first one changes.

Consequently, the probability of the event as a whole does not change, that is, the sum of the probabilities of the options remains the same, but within a single period, especially if it is incomparably small in relation to the sum of all possible periods of occurrences, the probability changes, which is reflected in the expectations of the players.

Try to prove to the winner a large sum that the probability of this was infinitesimal. Moreover, try to prove this to several or thousands of such people. The probability of even being born was absolutely negligible for some, but, nevertheless, it happened.
Many compare the impossibility of winning to the possibility of a meteorite falling on one's head or being struck by lightning. Try to prove that this is impossible, because the probability of this is infinitely small, to those affected by them. Like, for example, a woman who was healed from a lightning strike: “A unique case was recorded in the Serbian city of Slivovica, reports the DELFI portal. Lightning hit 51-year-old Nada Akimovich, who previously suffered from arrhythmia. However, as a result of exposure to a powerful discharge electric current the disease has passed” (Lightning strike healed a woman/, 23:23 / 07/10/2009, – or to a boy from Germany: “ ...The chance of being hit by a meteorite is 1 in a hundred million... "First I saw a large fireball, and then suddenly I felt pain in my arm." (A German boy was hit by a meteorite /, 06/14/2009, 02:42,


01.07.2009 03:00 – 6.30

Photo - Gosloto,

PS: the probability of another article appearing instead of this one was close to 100 percent, today or in the coming days. However, this did not happen. And the appearance of this article in the coming weeks was generally close to zero. However, it happened.


"The chance of being hit by a meteorite is 1 in a hundred million... A German boy was hit by a meteorite." The example is not identical to winning the lottery, since it is not at all clear where the ratio “1 to one hundred million” comes from.

If we talk about the lottery, then, let’s say for Israel, winning the first prize is 1 in 18 million. The person who won knows that his chance was negligible, but he sees that people win at least once every month or two, and therefore, even “knowing”, he does not realize the “smallness” of his chance. The catch is that the chance is small only for a specific person, but for the country as a whole, with a population of 6 million, it is very logical to win one of 10-20 games (not everyone plays, but each player can fill out more than one form).
A classic scenario, as in the birthday paradox.

As for the numbers - not for me, I took the quote. And it’s not so important, in theory, that the numbers may not be entirely accurate, the main thing is that they illustrate the idea - even very rare events have happened, are happening and will always happen. Therefore, I think the example is still identical.

Yes, you yourself pleased with the numbers, Dmitry. Speaking about Israel, in purely Jewish terms, they reduced the country’s size a little, maybe by a couple of million :) And then why did you decide that the main prize is won “once or twice a month.” This is out of the blue, sorry. And don’t think that people are all stupid, that they don’t understand the insignificance of chance. They understand! But the costs are insignificant compared to the profit, just as the chance of winning is insignificant. So there is, one might say, a balance here. And some people actually win all their lives! I recently read about a woman who, after a health misfortune, began playing every quiz and lottery available. So her whole apartment is littered with various prizes. The guy often won Russian lotto from 1-2 tickets, when others received nothing even from a pack or two. I myself participated in the lottery at the presentation, where the 1st main prize - a computer - was won by a woman who bought a computer, that is, she had only 1 ticket-receipt. And the second prize - a monitor - was won by the guy who bought the monitor, also with the 1st ticket-check. There were a hundred or two people. However, fraud is also possible here, which is not uncommon in our country.

Well, there is no paradox. For one person, the probability of winning tends to zero, and for a country, it approaches one hundred percent. This is my conclusion. I talked about birthdays, but it is completely inadequate for this, as far as I remember. Suffice it to remember how they recruit for classrooms.

“they reduced the country’s population by a couple of million... why did you decide that the main prize is won “once or twice a month”. This is out of the blue, excuse me...” - about the number you are right, due to my mistake I was using data for 2000, but about the “from the ceiling” - you’re wrong. It just so happened that for almost 5 years I worked as the head of the computer department of the Israeli lottery and all statistics went through the database I managed. The number of known users is updated every 10 years (so the data is from 2000), but the winnings and the number of winners with their amounts (even if it is only 10 shekels) are recorded twice a week. So this is not an assumption, but a statement.

“And don’t think that people are all stupid, that they don’t understand the insignificance of the chance” - I didn’t say that. My quote: “even knowing,” he does not realize the “smallness” of his chance.” A person is not able to comprehend very large or very small numbers, i.e. It is important for him to walk 10 km or 20 km, but the distance to the moon is 380 thousand or 400 thousand does not matter - he is simply not able to realize this, since he himself does not personally operate with such distances.
The odds can easily be reduced from 18 million to 1 to 9 million to 1 by just buying two tickets. A person imagines this as an incredible advancement. And it’s not about stupidity, but about awareness. In my memory, it’s rare... VERY RARELY that a person buys JUST ONE column in the lotto, precisely for this reason: to double, triple,...-10 times the chance. Although essentially it doesn't matter.

Ahh.. so it’s you Systematism and someone else there, then, sir? ok:) By the way, you didn’t respond to one of my old reviews, and God bless you. I forgot myself.

AS: having read to the words “for almost 5 years I worked as the head of the computer department of the Israeli...”, the reader automatically added “intelligence” and, either hiccupping or giggling, swallowed convulsively...#:-0))

As for increasing your chances: if you take 1-2 tickets, then count the increase as zero. If you start to really increase, the game will be at a loss, because there is no guarantee that everything will pay off in the end.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

One way to earn a large sum of money quickly is to win the lottery. Although this activity is associated with great risk, however, if you analyze the rules of the game and identify the main trends, you can develop winning strategies. Also, to win you need faith in success and a little luck. According to mathematical statistics, winning the lottery is possible. Any ticket purchased anywhere can win. In gaming, there is a term “distance”, which shows how quickly a person can receive a reward. The point is that you can try your luck in the game for as long as you like (from several days to several months). It is impossible to predict exactly when the jackpot will occur, since all tickets have the same probability of winning. That is, both a beginner and a pro can get money. In addition, many players believe in special conspiracies, spells, lucky numbers, with which you can get into a winning streak. Stories of people associated with their successful use are demonstrated in literary works, TV series and films. Of course, the importance of faith in special signs and one’s own strengths is difficult to overestimate. But any player also counts on basic mathematical statistics and probability theory.

Which lottery has the best chance of winning?

Today there are a large number of lotteries on the market. For beginners, it is best to start with the most famous and largest domestic lotteries with simple and transparent rules. Namely:
    The larger the draw, the easier it is to win. You can participate in Russian lotteries without intermediaries.
The player will know the result of instant lotteries immediately. To participate in the drawing, you need to erase the protective coating on the coupon, tear off part of the ticket and unfold it, etc. Most small prizes can be received right on the spot, but for the jackpot you will have to contact the organizers, and in a short time. In draw lotteries, prizes are distributed to players at a certain time. To participate in the game you need:
    choose certain numbers and write them down on the ticket or cross them off the list; receive a company card with the participant’s serial number.
Draw lotteries also include quizzes and auction drawings (held by brands as advertisements for their products). In such competitions, gifts are often given rather than a cash prize. Experienced players are advised to participate in such frivolous lotteries. Due to the small circulation of tickets and the limited number of players, winning the lottery is quite easy.

Secrets of Guaranteed Wins

There are a lot of strategies. They are all built on basic principles winning. First, you need to decide on a specific game. Secondly, you need to collect statistics on winning numbers in the lottery. Professionals advise indicating at least one of the winning numbers in the previous game on the new ticket. You need to play the lottery constantly. The likelihood of winning a large sum in a major lottery is small. In order not to miss your chance, you should buy tickets as often as possible. Try it different games. Even if you have developed a strategy for a specific game or simply prefer a particular game for some other reason, it is still worth testing your strategy in other lotteries from time to time.

How to guess the numbers in the lottery - 7 out of 49 winning probability theory

The domestic lottery “Gosloto 7 out of 49” attracts players with a large super prize. A person who guesses 7 numbers will receive 50 million rubles. To calculate the probability of winning in this and any other lottery, you can use a formula from combinatorics. To do this, you need to find a combination of k elements (in our case 7) from n data (out of 47): The probability of receiving a prize in Gosloto is:

Lotteries in which you can actually win a large sum

It is better for beginners to start training on domestic lotteries. It will be easier for the winners to claim their prize or cash reward. The most popular in Russia are:
    Lotto “6 out of 49”; "Keno"; Gosloto; “Golden Key”; Russian Lotto; Housing Lottery.
A list of the most popular foreign lotteries and winning statistics for them are presented in the table below.

Russian Lotto - secrets of the game

Russian lotto is the simplest and exciting game, which is liked by millions of Russians. During its existence, players managed to find out some secrets:
    Potential winnings come from the balance of even and odd numbers. The ratio of small and large numbers must also be observed. Ideally, you need the same number of numbers ending in the same number. If 90 numbers are played, then the probability of numbers associated with 45 being drawn increases sharply. The probability of winning is very high. According to the results of each draw, 3-5 numbers out of 90 remain unused. That is, to receive a prize you need to buy at least 3 tickets and not use the same combinations in each of them.

Calculate winnings in SuperLoto, Stoloto or StateLoto

The chance of getting the jackpot in EuroMillions is 1:116 million, and in Gosloto “5 out of 36” it is 1:376,992. Every ticket buyer can become lucky. You just need to know how to calculate the winning combination of numbers. Method 1 “Statistical” Typically, state lotteries provide detailed statistics for each ticket draw. Information on the organizers' website is updated daily:
    statistics on frequent combinations - in the last 10 draws, throughout the history of the game; rare numbers; common pairs of numbers; common numbers in the first rounds of lotteries; archive of all lotteries.
You need to analyze 3-4 previous draws, find repeating combinations and use them in the current game. Method 2 “Emotional” Alex Bellos, author of the book “Beauty Squared,” argues that numbers serve not only as a tool for counting, but also evoke certain feelings. Based on the results of his research, he identified humanity’s favorite numbers: When filling out tickets, lottery winners repeatedly used numbers that were significant to them. For example, the winner of the 1054th edition of the game “6 out of 45” used the birth dates of seven sons, and the winner of the 200th edition of the same game bet on the page number from his favorite book. Any number can evoke emotions: the date of birth of a relative, wedding anniversary, day of promotion, etc. Method 3 “Random” The largest win in the Powerball lottery in 2015 was $188 million. The winner, Marie Holmes, did not develop a strategy, but used the option to automatically fill out the ticket on the computer. According to statistics, there are 70% of such winners, but with a smaller winning amount, all over the world. The option to autofill a ticket can be used by Sportloto players who purchase a coupon via the Internet. Method 4 “Observational” The day before purchasing a ticket, you should be very careful and record all unusual things that happen in everyday life. For example, the license plate number of the car that attracted attention, or the telephone number and advertisement.

What are the best lottery tickets to buy to win?

Professionals advise buying scratch lotteries. The chance of winning in them is 1:5. That is, by purchasing 5 tickets you will have a chance to receive a prize once. Or play in groups. Then expenses and prizes will have to be divided equally. Superstitious lottery winners claim that you need to buy the ticket that your hand reaches at the kiosk. It’s even better if, before buying a ticket, you have a dream foreshadowing an unexpected profit.

Is it possible to win the jackpot?

In the history of any major lottery there are lucky ones who managed to hit the jackpot at least once. The stories of these people confirm that you need to find the right game, study strategies for making money and learn how to choose the right combinations. Numerous research results have proven that:
    There is always a chance of winning for any ticket purchased anywhere. There is no 100% winning strategy. The probability of any ball falling out of the lottery machine is uniform. There is no way to increase the probability of guessing the numbers.
From all that has been said above, it follows that it is impossible to win the lottery using the formula; you can only increase the chances of winning. It is not only the strategy that influences the amount of winnings. Suppose that hundreds of people chose the same combination of numbers, which, according to the results of the draw, became the winning one. In this case, the main prize is divided among all participants. From here it appears psychological trait lotteries. You need to choose those numbers on which the masses bet the least, that is, play not against the lottery machine, but against other players.

How to win a million in the lottery - the secret is revealed

A seven-time American lottery winner shares his secrets:
    Find your lucky numbers for each lottery. Take participation in the game seriously, that is, systematically buy a ticket. Make at least 10 bets in one draw, and even better, participate in joint games.
According to lottery winners, dark-colored clothing should be worn on the day of purchasing a ticket. Stripes, checks, lace, colored patterns and bright shades scare away luck. You should also not wear new wardrobe items or gold jewelry. For good luck, pin the pin head down to inside collar

The most winning lottery - reviews and statistics

In May 2017, a resident of Sochi won a super prize in the game “6 out of 49”, winning 365 million rubles. This is a new record not only in this game, but also in the industry as a whole. Until this moment, Gosloto “6 out of 45” was considered the most winning. In the 1138th draw, which took place on January 30, 2015, a super prize was drawn - 203.1 million rubles. The previous record was 202.4 million rubles. was delivered on 08/09/14 during the 915th edition. In total, in the history of the lottery, 67 Russians became millionaires. The secret of their success is in the large circulation rate. To increase your chances of winning a prize, you should bet several games in advance.

Where and how to get your lottery winnings

The lottery usually involves winning money, a car, an apartment or Appliances. It is not at all necessary to pick up the “goods”. You can request the monetary equivalent of its price. In addition, during the circulation period, the studio usually holds competitions with special prizes. To receive a prize you must:
    Check the lottery website for your ticket number. All paid coupons are registered in the system. The ticket must contain the following details: name of the lottery; number, date and time of circulation; game combination; price; date and time of purchase; ticket barcode. If any of these details are missing, the ticket is considered invalid. Visit the organizers’ office within 180 days from the date of the draw. Provide the ticket, payment receipt and secret code. Pay 13% tax to the Federal Tax Service.
If the winning amount is not large, then you can get it in retail point sales, postal order or through a quick payment terminal. If a phone number was specified when purchasing a ticket, then based on the results of the draw, the winner will receive an SMS with a secret code. If the message was not delivered, then either the operator encountered technical problems or the telephone number was entered incorrectly. In the second case, you will have to contact the organizer’s office to change the phone number in the database. Only using a secret code can you log in personal account on the exchange website and choose the method of receiving the prize.

People who won a lot of money in the lottery

Russian players will probably remember the story of Albert Begryanka. He bought lottery tickets for several years, until in 2009 he hit the jackpot worth 100 million rubles in Gosloto. Most big win Kristen and Colin received €185 million in EuroMillions in 2011. A young couple bought a lottery ticket for the first time to try their luck. Both victories are recognized as records in the history of domestic and world games. Even earlier, Ed Nabors, a driver from Georgia, and the Messners from New Jersey guessed the combination of the MegaMillions draw, which brought them $390 million. Of course, the prize had to be divided among all the winners .In the crisis year of 2009, Russian Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles. Given the unstable exchange rate of the national currency, this amount was more attractive than it is now. Evgeniy, as an avid gambler, hoped for success every time he bought a ticket. He profitably invested the money he earned in his own business.

Frequency analysis. The essence of the strategy comes down to tracking winning combinations for one month. The numbers that come up more often than others are called “hot”. If the same number appears at least 2 times out of 4 games, then most likely it will appear in the next draws. This strategy helped American Jeni Callus hit the $21 million jackpot in Texas Lotto. Moreover, she did not have enough information to analyze a specific game. She used data from other games. Multi-draw bets are the choice of the same combination in each game. This strategy helped the winner of the 1157th tirade of the “5 out of 36” lotto receive a prize of 1.8 million rubles. As Vitaly Dmitrievich admits, he simply went ahead, because he was sure that his strategy would work sooner or later. It took six months to turn the dream into reality. The same strategy brought 185 million rubles to the winner Valeria T. from Omsk in the 735th draw. - the largest win in the history of the domestic lottery.

Lucky numbers and lucky numbers for lottery

If you have to cross out numbers in the lottery, then let at least one of them be significant to you. For example, if your date of birth is 05/20/1966, then you need to select 20 or 5 or 22 on the ticket (the four digits of the year should be summed up). Some players believe that the date of purchase of the ticket is also important. To increase your chances of winning, it is better to purchase a coupon on your birthday. If you were born on October 11, then you should purchase a lottery ticket on the 11th of each month. As for the days of the week, Monday and Tuesday (first half of the day) and Saturday and Sunday (afternoon) are considered the most favorable for purchasing.

How did life turn out after winning, where was the money spent?

As sociological research shows, lottery winners behave cautiously, strive to preserve their wealth and try their luck again. The lucky ones are very afraid of the money that has fallen on them, and therefore they downplay its volume, spend it on paying off debts, and hide the rest in a piggy bank. At the same time, random money is practically not spent on entertainment and tourist trips. These statistics were shown by 11 Swedish millionaires national lotto, which in different time won 100-600 million euros. Victor Ballon, winner of the 1082nd draw of the Russian Lotto, received 1 million rubles on the eve of his 47th birthday. invested in the purchase of real estate. Also entered was entrepreneur Albert Begryan from St. Petersburg, who received 110.1 million rubles in the 36th edition of the game “6 out of 45”. He purchased one apartment for his family. He bought two more apartments, as well as a plot of land, as an investment. The remaining 2 million rubles. were sent to charity. Winners of lotteries abroad have many more questions. In 2016, an Australian resident became the proud owner of a tropical island, which can be reached by plane or ship. The former owners decided to sell the “real estate” very in an original way. They organized a lottery, releasing 55 thousand tickets, costing 49 aust. dollars. They received 2.6 million aust for the island. Dollars. Stuart Grand from the UK planned all expense items in advance. Being disabled since childhood, he was forced to lead a reclusive life. But the jackpot National Lottery worth £3.5 million Strelings changed his life. He paid off all his debts, built a house, started a family and became a VIP client of the country's leading bank.

Is it possible to make a permanent income from lotteries?

You can constantly make money from lotteries. Another question is that the income will be small and unpredictable. You can, for example, play the online lottery “Social Chance” for free. To participate in the draw, just register on the website by entering your email address. Immediately after this, the chance to play the lottery once will be available. After filling out your profile, the number of chances will increase to 5, and then will be updated daily. The essence of the game comes down to guessing 6 numbers that will appear on the scoreboard after pressing the lever. If a person used the services of a computer instead of plugging in the numbers himself, then the amount of his winnings will be less. Numbers are viewed from left to right. The table below shows a list of prizes if the numbers match: No clever schemes, tricks or tips. You can make money just by having fun. Withdrawal of funds (minimum 50 rubles) is carried out to an electronic wallet within 2-4 weeks. To get an additional chance and increase the likelihood of winning, you can:
    By joining a group on social networks - 4 chances. By filling out your profile in full - 4 chances. By linking social network accounts - 4 chances. By publishing the results of your draws on social networks daily - 1 chance. By visiting the lottery website daily - 5 chances. By participating in the affiliate program - for Each person you refer gets 1 chance.
Similar online lotteries There are many on the Internet. They all work pretty much the same way. They allow participants to play for free and pay money for promoting the lottery website on social networks.

Many people buy lottery tickets in hopes of winning big. prize fund. However, winning statistics show that the chances of hitting the jackpot are extremely low. None of the players knows when he will get lucky. Therefore, lottery companies continue to make profits, and participants increase their participation. And only a few players manage to get a substantial jackpot.

Lotto history

Lotto first appeared in Italy in the 16th century. It immediately became popular throughout the country. In the USSR, lotto was considered a family game. Over time, it spread throughout the world. People have the opportunity to win big money.

In Russia, the game began to be accompanied by real cash prizes in 1970. This is how sports lotto was born. Statistics of winnings in sports lotto recorded the largest prize pool in 2013. The participant guessed 10 numbers out of ten. The winning amount was 10 million rubles.

There are known cases when a jackpot contender did not come to claim his prize. For example, in Bashkiria a resident won 50 million rubles. and disappeared.

Tickets can be purchased both at kiosks and. If the game is not broadcast or the broadcast was missed, you can check your winnings using the ticket number at the kiosk. When purchasing online, a personal code is issued. In this case, you can check the ticket using the winning code. Almost all lotto games have the same rules.

Statistics of winnings in the Russian lotto show that today there are many satisfied people who guessed the treasured combinations of numbers. But such victories are difficult to predict.

What are the winning statistics for 6 out of 45? The probability of winning is 1 in 8.1 million. But despite this slim chance, people guess these numbers.

What are the stats for winning 7 out of 49? The probability of winning is 1 in 85.9 million. As you can see, hitting the jackpot here is even more difficult.

In Russia the largest distributor state lotteries is "Stoloto". You can find out where to buy Stoloto tickets on the company’s website.


Today, Gosloto lotteries are the most beloved among Russians. Winning statistics show that 24.4 million tickets were purchased in 2013. Of these, 9.4 million won. More than 50 people received large prizes (over 1 million rubles). Today, statistics on lottery winnings in Russia record 4 new millionaires every month.

The game has two combinations - 5 out of 36 and 6 out of 45. The statistics of winnings in Gosloto 6 out of 45 recorded the jackpot being missed several times. In 2016, a resident from Novosibirsk won more than 358 million rubles, paying only 1,800 rubles for the lotto.

Previously, in 2014, the prize amounted to more than 200 million rubles. A resident of the Volga region spent only 700 rubles. What is the secret of the winning participants? Some people want to find out the logic behind the numbers that were dropped. However, all numbers are random.

Drawings take place twice a day, but are not broadcast. You can check the numbers on the official website. The Ministry of Youth Policy monitors the fairness of the game. The statistics of winnings in the 6 out of 45 lottery show more modest results than those of competitors. However, the prize fund here is much larger.

What are the statistics for winning the 4 out of 20 lottery? The probability of winning is 1 in 23 million. “Four” is the youngest of the Gosloto lotteries. However, she has already managed to gain fans. Almost every third person has a chance to win small money. Statistics of winnings in Gosloto show that already more than 7 billion rubles. paid to the winners.

Russian lotto

Are there statistics on winnings in Russian lotto? First broadcast of the lottery in live took place in 1994. At first, only Moscow residents could participate in it. But since 1996, the game has become all-Russian. The winnings occurred from 1995 to 1996. It was very difficult to purchase then; people stood in line for a long time.

Russian Lotto and Golden Key provide participants with the same chances of winning. However, a lot depends on the number of tickets purchased. In the Russian lotto, the probability of winning according to statistics is 1 in 7 million. If the prize fund is not drawn, then with an increase it will go to the next draw.

According to the conditions for winning the jackpot in Russian lotto, any 15 numbers on the ticket must be closed in the first 15 moves. This is why it is so difficult to become the lucky winner of the main prize in any lottery. Winning statistics show that not only mathematical calculations play a big role in this matter, but also simple luck. If you're lucky, you can hit the jackpot in the amount of 100 million rubles.

In cities, people buy tickets more often than in rural areas. Russian Lotto winning statistics by city:

Winners Region of residence Winning (RUB)
Raisa Osmanova Stavropol 2 000 000
Natalia and Vladimir Makeev Tver region 1 500 140
Tamara Dmitrievna D. Kursk 1 000 000
Gennady Tsyplukhin Vladikavkaz 1 000 000
Irina M. Chuvash 1 000 000
Tatyana Mityaeva Vladikavkaz 1 000 000
Oksana Timchenko Novosibirsk 500 000
Ruslan Sadykov Chelyabinsk Apartment
Ignatiev family Chuvash Apartment
Sergei and Marina Fedorov Kstovo (Nizhny Novgorod region) Apartment
Evgeniy and Svetlana Pavlikova Moscow Vacation home
Tolbo Tolboev Dagestan Automobile

Statistics of winnings in the Russian Lotto lottery show that the average income of the winner is 100–200 rubles. Small victories give people hope for the big prize.

If you believe the statistics of lottery winnings, then every fourth ticket brings such money. The possibility of acquisition also attracts many participants in sweepstakes. For example, in the Russian and housing lotteries, apartments are often played out along with large cash prizes.

Housing lottery

You can win in the housing lottery:

  • Vacation home;
  • other object .

Winning statistics include more than 1 thousand houses that were received by participants in the drawings. This is a great chance to get your own home.

The largest prize was won in the summer of 2017. In the housing lottery, winning statistics recorded a prize of 24 million rubles. The draws are broadcast every Sunday at 08:20. Ticket price is 100 rubles. Prize amounts usually increase during the New Year.

Other types

During the Soviet era, about 70% played sports lotto. The first program took place in 1974. The drawing's winnings amounted to 5,000 rubles. It was a lot of money back then. The number of tickets sold reached 10 million units. – record number in the history of the Soviet lottery. When interest began to decline, they decided to give a bonus along with the super prize, i.e. the opportunity to buy a car without waiting in line.

What are the winning statistics in the Golden Horseshoe? The probability of winning is about 33%. Because at the end of the game there are only three barrels left in the bag. The size of the prizes is calculated before the drawing and is 50% of the cost of tickets sold in last edition. Draws take place every week. At the same time, the jackpot amount is 3 million rubles. guaranteed in the lottery golden horseshoe. Winning statistics confirm this fact. That is, regardless of the number of tickets sold, the super prize amount does not decrease.

What are the winning statistics for the 6/36 lottery? The probability of winning is 1 in 1.9 million. A lot depends on the number of tickets purchased. The cost of one lottery is 50 rubles. The jackpot size is about 3 million rubles. Winning statistics 6 out of 36 depending on the number of matching numbers:

Numbers Probability Winning
2 numbers out of 6 1 to 4, 47 100 rub.
3 numbers out of 6 1 to 23.99 300 rub.
4 numbers out of 6 1 to 298.51 2000 rub.
5 numbers out of 6 1 to 10821.07 20,000 rub.
6 numbers out of 6 1 to 1947792 Super prize

There are many stories of winnings all over the world. Fate smiles on many people. Nobody knows what the next edition might turn out to be for him. Lotto winning statistics recorded a case where a New York resident hit the jackpot twice. While others play all their lives and get nothing significant. The biggest win according to statistics was in 2017. An American resident won 758.7 million dollars.

Lottery winning statistics show that this is the largest prize in American history on a single ticket.

In Russia, a resident of Sochi hit a jackpot in the amount of 364 million rubles in 2017. As winning statistics show, this is the largest prize in the entire history of the country.

However, the lottery is not the only way where people try their luck. Winning bets is not uncommon these days. In 2012, a Muscovite earned 141 million rubles. guessing the results 15. He bet only 50 rubles.

Today, lotteries are also being played to obtain American citizenship. People from all over the world rely on a Green Card to move to the United States. Only luck helps you qualify for this program. Green Card winning statistics show that the chance of passing decreases every year as the number of applications submitted increases.

After winning

The results can be found on the official website, at a kiosk, or via SMS. If the amount is small, then it can be obtained at the place where the ticket was sold. Winnings are verified by ticket number. When purchasing through prizes up to 100 thousand rubles. sent to an electronic wallet. You can check your ticket using the winning code. The numbers are sent to the participant mobile phone when purchasing a ticket. In Russian lotto you can also receive your winnings by mail, using fast payment terminals.

Where can you win big? If the amount is more than 1 million rubles. You must submit the documents to the central office of the company. After checking the documents, the prize can be received by bank transfer. You can check your winnings and receive your money within 180 days.

The funds received are subject to taxation. Therefore, you need to pay taxes on your winnings. The responsibility for payment and fees lies with the recipient of the benefit. What is the tax on lottery winnings? For residents, the personal income tax rate is 13% (Article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).


Millions hope to hit the jackpot when they buy Stoloto tickets. Lotto winning statistics show that every fourth player can win 100–200 rubles. While the chances of a super prize are small. The likelihood of winning is fueled by the constant and stories of other people's victories. However, statistics of winnings in Stoloto or other types of lotteries record isolated cases of large victories, while millions take part.

Win a large sum of money in the lottery in order to fulfill all your desires and the desires of your loved ones... Who hasn’t dreamed of this at least once in their life? Let's figure out how realistic it is to win the lottery, what are the chances of winning and how many lucky people in Russia are there who hit the jackpot.

Is it possible to win the lottery?

People are divided into two types: those who do not play the lottery and those who play it. The former are of the opinion that the organizers always win, but the chances of winning a large sum of money for each individual player are so small that it is not worth even trying. The latter buy lottery tickets regularly or from time to time and believe that all players still have a chance of winning, so anyone who buys a randomly selected lottery ticket at any time can get rich. official point their distribution.

There are many lotteries in Russia, and their popularity continues unabated precisely because victory does not cost the player who hits the jackpot anything except a very small (literally symbolic) amount of money. The lottery business brings in huge profits, which is why it is controlled by the state. It is quite possible to win the lottery and receive your prize. The main thing is that the company involved in its distribution is well-known and has been operating successfully for a sufficiently long period of time.

Types of lotteries

In order not to waste your money on scammers, you should give preference to well-known domestic lotteries - this way you can easily purchase a ticket and, if you win, receive everything you are due from it. Those who prefer foreign lotteries have to use the services of intermediaries, who may turn out to be unscrupulous.

There are two main types of lotteries: instant and draw. Each of these types has its own advantages and a large number of supporters.


Instant lotteries are extremely simple: you buy a ticket and, by erasing the special protective coating on it (or unfolding the ticket), you will immediately find out whether it is a winner or not. You can often receive the small amount you are entitled to (or a real prize) right at the place where you purchased the ticket. If you win a large sum in an instant lottery, you will have to spend several days to receive the money you are entitled to.


Draw lotteries are divided into two types: in one, players are given the right to choose numbers from a limited list, and in the second, participants are given tickets with numbers already on them. In any case, luck smiles on the one who has the lucky number determined during the drawing. Such drawings are held regularly (usually at the same time) and broadcast on television.

How to win a large sum of money in the lottery?

When playing the lottery, where, when and how you buy a ticket will not affect the amount you win. Therefore, in order to win a large sum of money, you can use any approach to selecting and purchasing tickets that seems worthy of attention to you. The most well-known approaches are listed below.

Psychological factor

In draw lotteries, where the players themselves are asked to choose the sequence of numbers, not only the laws of probability theory are triggered, but also those of psychology. Since people tend to think stereotypically, they prefer some numbers more or less than others (for example, 7 and 13). Since you still can’t predict which numbers will come up, try to guess which ones other players bet on the least. If the unpopular numbers you have chosen come up, the size of your prize will be much larger, since in lotteries the reward amount is distributed among all players who bet on the lucky sequence of numbers.

Lottery syndicate

The lottery syndicate is a great approach to purchasing lottery tickets, invented by experienced players. This method consists in the fact that a group of people united by common interests regularly chip in money in order to purchase as many lottery tickets as possible.

As a result, if no ticket wins, it turns out that each person in the group spent very little money to try their luck. If you win, the amount is divided equally between all participants of the lottery syndicate, regardless of which of them offered to bet on the winning combination of numbers (sometimes quite decent amounts are obtained). Using this approach allows you to actually increase (from a mathematical point of view) the chances of winning in proportion to the number of tickets purchased.


Those who dream of winning a large sum and at the same time rely entirely on luck will find the multi-circulation approach convenient. In this case, you need to choose any one sequence of numbers allowed by the rules of the game and bet on it every time you buy a lottery ticket. This will allow you not to bother yourself with numbers and spend a minimum of time playing the lottery.

Distribution circulation

A distribution draw is a drawing in which the main cash prize is divided among all the winners. In this case, the likelihood of receiving a very large amount compared to the usual circulation increases significantly. Therefore, to increase your chances of winning, it is worth buying more tickets than usual for distribution draws.

Expanded rate

An expanded bet is a method that is only suitable for lotteries where participants themselves are given the right to cross out the numbers. For example, in the “5 out of 36” lottery, a player who wants to make an expanded bet can cross out not 5, but 6 or more numbers in one field. In this case, the chances of winning and the size of the cash prize in case of guessing the winning sequence of numbers increase significantly. But it should be taken into account that the ticket price increases significantly (when crossing out 6 numbers instead of 5, it increases 6 times, since 6 different combinations are obtained).

Lotteries you can actually win

  • Gosloto (“5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 49”);
  • Golden Key;
  • Housing Lottery;
  • Russian gold;
  • Sportsloto.

Among foreign lotteries, the American Mega Millions and the European EuroJackpot are very famous. The listed lotteries differ in the type and size of prizes, as well as the probability of winning them.

Important: The purchase of lottery tickets from well-known foreign lotteries, although associated with somewhat higher costs and hassle, can bring simply stunning winnings (in terms of rubles) compared to domestic lotteries.

Gosloto (“5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 49”)

The distributor of Gosloto lottery tickets “5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45” and “7 out of 49” is JSC Trading House “Stoloto”, and the organizer is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. This is the largest lottery distribution company in the Russian Federation, which has made (according to statistics) more than 17 hundred people millionaires. Cash prizes in this lottery are awarded for matching 2 or more numbers.

The probability of winning the jackpot in the Gosloto “5 of 36” lottery, thanks to which a record number of people became millionaires, is 1 in 376,992. The probability of winning the jackpot in the Gosloto “6 of 45” lottery is 1 in 8,145,060 (how to win the “6 of 45” lottery 45” 365 or 358 million rubles with such small chances of winning, the lucky ones from Sochi and Novosibirsk can tell). The odds of winning the jackpot in the 7/49 lottery are 1 in 85,900,584.

Golden Key Lottery

The organizer of the Golden Key lottery is Interlot CJSC. Apartments and cars, as well as substantial sums of money, are raffled off weekly among the participants in this lottery. The rules are similar to the rules of the game table lotto. The circulation consists of four rounds.

Housing lottery

Tickets Housing Lottery also distributed by JSC Trading House Stoloto. The prizes distributed among the participants are apartments, country houses and sums of money. The rules are similar to the rules of the well-known table lotto game. The drawing is held in 3 rounds.

Russian lotto

Russian Lotto is another analogue of the table lotto game from JSC Trading House Stoloto. The drawing takes place in 3 rounds, after which an additional drawing called “Kubyshka” is held. This lottery offers cash prizes, houses, apartments, cars, travel packages and much more.

Since the owner of every third ticket has a chance of winning the Russian Lotto lottery, avid players regularly receive the joy of victory. This has maintained interest in this lottery since 1994.


Sportloto LLC is an operator of state lotteries, organized by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. This company distributes lottery tickets “Sportloto 6 out of 49”, “KENO-Sportloto” and 10 instant lotteries.

Draws of the Sportloto 6 of 49 lottery are carried out 3 times a day. The chances of winning are increased thanks to the bonus ball. Cash winnings are awarded to everyone who matches 3 or more numbers.

“KENO-Sportloto” is a lottery in which you can win without even guessing a single number. In total, there are 37 categories of winnings in this lottery ranging from 10 to 1 million rubles. At the same time, the player can increase his winnings independently by choosing a multiplier from 2 to 10. Draws are held every 15 minutes.

Sportloto instant lotteries have been sold since 2011. During this time, more than 170 million tickets were sold, and the winners of these instant lotteries receive a total of 1 million rubles. daily.


Let's look at frequently asked questions regarding lottery winnings.

How much is lottery winnings taxed?

In our country, lottery winnings are subject to a standard income tax of 13% for citizens of the Russian Federation and 30% for those who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation.

How to choose a lottery ticket to win?

To win a large sum of money in the lottery, you only need luck. The belief that you will definitely win, various conspiracies, rituals invented by players - all this does not have any influence on who will ultimately get the jackpot. Both a person who bought a lottery ticket for the first time and a person who regularly buys lottery tickets for many years can win. At the same time, mathematics says that the chances of such people are equal.

Many people do not believe the claims of mathematicians and are working on creating strategies for playing the lottery. Developing your own lottery strategy can be a lot of fun, especially once it starts to “work.” However, be that as it may, the streak of success can end at any moment. Therefore, in the lottery, as in any gambling game, in the event of a series of successes, you need to be able to finish placing your bets on time, and in the case of a series of losses, you must not spend a lot so as not to be left without pants.

Which lottery is most often won in Russia?

In Russia, the record winning jackpot is 365 million rubles. from Gosloto “6 out of 45”. It went to a Sochi resident in May 2017. The lucky winner spent only 700 rubles on buying lottery tickets. Prior to this, in February 2016, a record winnings in Gosloto amounted to 358 million rubles. went to a resident of Novosibirsk.

Since there are several Gosloto lotteries (“5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 49”) and large winnings are paid out accurately and regularly, this lottery is in great demand. Since the prize is awarded not only for the correctly guessed entire sequence, but also for part of it, after each drawing cash prizes are paid out to JSC Trading House "Stoloto" a large number players. So to the question “Is it possible to win at Stoloto? » Millions of Russians will respond positively.

Biggest lottery win in the world

The world's largest lottery win was $1 billion 586 million, which was split between three lucky winners from California, Florida and Tennessee in 2016. To each of the owners winning ticket the Powerball lottery received $528 million.

On the Internet you can find many newspaper and magazine publications about the fate of people who, quite unexpectedly, find themselves the owners of very large sums of money. As you can see from the interviews that these lucky ones give to journalists some time after receiving their winnings, big money does not bring happiness to all of them. But this does not reduce the number of lottery adherents. People like to try their luck and participate in gambling: often the road to a goal is better than achieving it.

How to win a million in the lottery?

As a result of winning a huge amount of money, which would normally take years (and in some cases centuries) to earn, people hope to solve all their financial problems. Therefore, for many, buying a lottery ticket is a kind of outlet in life, in which few interesting and joyful events happen: such players come up with conspiracies to attract good luck, believe in various signs, approach the choice of lottery tickets with great trepidation and watch the draws with bated breath.

For others, purchasing a lottery ticket is a unique way of giving fate a chance to take them to new heights. At the same time, they do not become fixated on the lottery winnings and do not place all their hopes on it, but improve themselves and work to implement their plans. For others, playing the lottery involves numerous time-consuming mathematical calculations and is an exciting hobby that sometimes generates income. Each of the people belonging to the listed categories can win a million or more. The main thing is to buy a lucky lottery ticket.

Which strategy is winning?

There are no such strategies. The chances of winning using any of the existing lottery strategies are no different from the chances of winning when choosing a sequence of numbers at random (no matter what the inventors or supporters of certain strategies claim).

How to increase your chances of winning?

You can increase your chances of winning only by purchasing more tickets. It should be taken into account that the probability of winning a big prize, despite the number of tickets purchased, will still remain small (since the number of combinations that can appear during the drawing is very large).

How to get a prize?

The procedure for receiving prizes won is described in detail on the websites of the relevant lotteries. Small prizes are usually awarded at the point of sale of tickets, and large prizes are usually awarded at the central office of the company that issues and distributes lottery tickets.

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If you play the lottery, then choose absolutely any strategy that you like. The only thing to consider when buying tickets is the amount of money spent. The amount should not exceed the individually determined minimum that a person can part with completely painlessly for his family’s budget.