Analysis 7 of 49 according to Lazarev. How to claim your prize when the ticket is a winner

Hi all! The dream of winning good money in the lottery haunts many of those who are tired of spending a third of their lives in an unpleasant job and surviving on meager earnings.

Many people think that by hitting a good jackpot in the lottery, they can solve all their financial problems once and for all and finally afford what they have long dreamed of. Last years lotto and instant lotteries which many people were interested in Soviet time, have become popular again. In particular, this applies to lotto 7 of 49.

Before we talk about whether it’s realistic to win lotto 7 out of 49, I’ll still remind you of the rules of the game. In order to take part in the draw, you must purchase a ticket and place a bet. This can be implemented in several ways at once. Firstly, it is possible to go to a point of sale (usually bookstores and soyuzpechat shops) and purchase tickets.

Also, those who prefer to play 7 out of 49 online should go to the website and place a bet there.

Owners of Android smartphones appreciated the special application that allows them to scan codes and send them to the center for the next draw. If you don’t have a smartphone, but want to take part in the game from a distance, you can also place a bet via SMS by simply sending the codes to the appropriate number. After the ticket is purchased, you need to place a bet. If the ticket is paper, the game coupon is attached to it upon sale.

How to play 7 of 49

Now I’ll tell you a little about how to play 7 out of 49. The game coupon, which was discussed just above, consists of 6 playing fields, and the bet represents seven non-repeating numbers from 1 to 49. You need to mark 7 numbers in the game coupon, in this option this will be the standard rate. It is also possible to make a detailed bet. To do this, you need to mark up to 15 numbers if you play with a paper ticket.

Many people are interested in what is the probability of winning the lottery. I’ll say right away that the purpose of my publication is not detailed story about how to win 7 out of 49. I’ll just tell you about possible ways making bets.

Few players know that in Stoloto 7 out of 49, the rules of the game provide for the possibility of automatic bets (provided that you play on the site). You just need to select the appropriate option by checking the box on the page on the site where the bet is placed. It is also important to remember that the rules allow you to take part in any number of draws from two to 9. In order to implement this, you simply need to tick the appropriate number of draws.

How is the prize fund distributed?

Many of those who have never played the lottery are interested in what the probability of winning is and whether there is a chance of getting it. Reasoning as to how often winning combinations occur does not relate to the topic of this article, but rather to the branch of mathematics called probability theory.

I’ll just tell you briefly about how the prize fund is distributed and how you can get a cash prize.

To receive a cash prize, you must match 4 to 7 ticket numbers. Anyone who guesses the 4th number will receive a cash prize in the amount of 25% of the total winnings. Anyone who guesses 5 numbers gets 15% prize fund Those who guessed 6 out of 7 numbers will get 20%, and finally, the lucky person or lucky ones who can correctly name all the numbers will get 40% of the prize fund of the draw.

For those who made an expanded bet, the winnings are calculated slightly differently. From all the guessed numbers, combinations of 7 numbers are formed and, after that, the winnings are calculated based on all the resulting combinations.

Is it possible to hit the Jackpot?

Sometimes in the lottery it happens that no one guesses the required 7-digit combination. In this case, the prize fund does not go to anyone, and to distribute it, an additional distribution draw of 7 out of 49 is organized. The winner of this draw gets the largest prize, last time As far as I remember, a similar circulation was organized in 2015, and its winner managed to hit the jackpot of 35 million rubles. An impressive amount that many may envy.

But I also found a video where the winnings were much smaller, but I think some will be interested in seeing the winner’s face:

How to get your winnings

After you have placed a bet in State Loto 7 of 49, you must check your winnings immediately after the end of the last draw. On the official stoloto website, as well as on the gosloto 7 of 49 website, the results of the last draw are usually published a few minutes after its end and are stored on the site until the end of the next draw. What about those who couldn’t various reasons track your winnings?

According to the rules, you can claim your winnings within a month after the end of the draw that became a winner for your ticket. For those who did not have time to check their ticket, there is an archive of Gosloto draws 7 out of 49. In it, the results of winnings are stored for six months, so anyone who is late in receiving information about their winnings can check their ticket in the archive. The information will be stored there for six months.

Those who are finally sure that they have become the winner of the drawing must receive their winnings. If its amount is less than 2,000 rubles, it can be paid directly at the point of sale. Winnings greater than this amount are also paid at points of sale, but this must be known in advance, since the amount is individual for each case.

A little about lotteries

IN numerical lotteries a single simple combination is equally probable and is a “single indivisible entity.” In other words, in the space of a complete array, all elements (mentally imagine “cubes”) have the same size, therefore, there are no priority individual combinations. It is impossible to single out “universal combinations” in the entire array that will “always” play better than others, since the lottery machine or circulation generator is equally likely! What is most striking is that even many experienced players do not understand this.

Equally probable distribution of played combinations –
simple proof #1

Let's move on to the most natural statistics in numerical lotteries - combinatorial. To do this, you need to translate all the winning combinations, for example, in the lottery 5 out of 36, into their serial number (index) in the full array. A scatter plot of the distribution of these combinations in the space of the full array can then be plotted, while respecting the interval and location in the circulation history. Each point on this graph represents a combination that actually played in the space of the full array. Since each individual combination is distributed equally likely throughout the entire array, we can divide this space into equal parts (sectors).

Let's divide the full array of 376992 combinations,
let's say - into 12 equal parts - sectors
- 31416 combinations.

All combinations that actually played on this moment in lottery 5 out of 36
(equiprobable distribution), selected sector - any

Let's count the number of matches of each sector per 500 latest draws.
On average, there will be approximately the same number of hits of a combination in any sector - 41 times.
The chance of any sector to match is 376,992/31416 = 1 time in 12 draws (average)
For 500 draws, any sector will play 500/ 12 = 41 times (average) or 4 times for 50 draws or 2 times for 25
If the combination plays in the selected sector, then the chance of the jackpot increases 12 times for one simple combination from this sector, and will be equal to 1 in 31416. If we have 10 combinations in the game, then 1 in 3141.

What is a single combination?

Let's see what a single combination is using the example of lottery 5 out of 36. There are 376,992 such combinations in this lottery. Each combination has its own serial number in the full array (index - cell).

First combination (000001) = 01-02-03-04-05 ...
Last combination (376992) = 32-33-34-35-36 = 376992 pieces

000001 _ 01-02-03-04-05
000002 _ 01-02-03-04-06
000003 _ 01-02-03-04-07
000004 _ 01-02-03-04-08
002024 _ 01-02-07-11-30
002025 _ 01-02-07-11-31
002026 _ 01-02-07-11-32
174078 _ 04-21-25-32-34
174079 _ 04-21-25-32-35
376992 _ 32-33-34-35-36

Absolutely any combination in the full array is no different from others in terms of the probability of a match.
To better understand this, you need to imagine 376,992 individual lottery balls, with all 376,992 combinations labeled.
It is difficult to imagine such a quantity, much less fit it into a picture; I will show only a few balls out of 376,992 pieces.

Let's do a thought experiment- let's place these balls in a huge lottery machine, which throws out only one ball with the combination indicated on this ball for each draw. We should not forget that after each draw, the dropped ball with the combination indicated on it is thrown back into the same lottery drum. Thus, for the next draw, all combinations will be in place again, and when the lottery machine starts, they will be mixed equally with everyone else.

If it is difficult to imagine the option with balls, then let’s try to imagine a huge roulette wheel, where each ball cell represents a combination. There are 376,992 such cells, since such a lined wheel also cannot fit into the picture, so for a general understanding we will draw only a tiny part with combinations - we have highlighted the initial and final ones.

Take a closer look at the picture - the “wheel” is divided into equal cells(equally probable combinations), and the ball (draw generator) can fall into any hole (cell - index), no matter how we designated these cells (even with pictures). After the draw (spin), the wheel does not decrease - all cells remain in place.

  • Note: I would like to draw your attention once again - I am writing about a whole simple single combination. For each individual combination (cell), the meaning of any even, odd, sums, intervals between numbers, repetitions, consecutive numbers, etc. is completely lost - since the combination is a single whole and denotes a cell (index) in the full array, and their huge quantity.

We can trace only individual areas of the array (sectors, ranges, groups of numbers) for the upcoming games, therefore, we will increase our chances of winning the main prize (in individual draws) tens and even hundreds of times. Depends on which sector (array, range) we guess.

Equal distribution
combinations played - simple proof No. 2

Let's take an example of 24 numbers (lottery 6 out of 45), chosen at random.

Let's calculate the probability of complete and partial coincidence on real story circulations in a simplified manner (simple calculation, and quite accurate for a large number of circulations), then we use the special HYPERGEOMET function, which is present in electronic Excel tables. This is a statistical function that can be used to calculate the probability of a complete or partial match.

(click to enlarge)

2311 lottery draws 6-45 have been loaded.

1. One match showed in 128 draws
2311/128 = 1 to 18.1.
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 16.6.

2. Two matches showed in 472 circulations
2311/472 = 1 to 4.9
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 4.9

3. Three matches were shown in 754 circulations.
2311/754 = 1 to 3.1
HYPERGEOMET =1 to 3.02

4. Four matches were shown in 659 circulations.
2311/659 = 1 to 3.5
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 3.6

5. Five matches were shown in 249 circulations.
2311/249 = 1 to 9.3
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 9.12

6. Six matches were shown in 37 runs.
2311/37 = 1 to 62.5
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 60.51

As you can see, the probability of complete and partial coincidence almost completely coincides with the calculated values. This means that the lottery generator produces combinations with equal probability. When generating or manually marking any markers, the values ​​will differ slightly, but they will be close to the theoretical ones. The more circulation history is loaded, the closer the result. Due to the fact that the circulation in the archive is catastrophically small, we use groups of numbers of sufficient length.

From the uniform (equiprobable) distribution, another conclusion follows: it doesn’t matter which numbers are included in the group of numbers - even, odd, top part playing field or bottom and so on. The only thing that matters is the number of numbers in the group, on which the probability directly depends. We look at the screenshot - 18 numbers of markers are marked - random, top, even.

(click to enlarge)

There are no significant differences in the intensity of the coincidence of 5 numbers.
In other words, the circulation generator pays attention to any marked markers evenly, no matter what you “draw” on the playing field. Sometimes they “advise” to play with so-called “pieces” - this will not change anything in terms of the probability of a match - any “piece” will play with the same frequency as a “non-piece”...

Now we know for sure - any marked group of numbers, in equal numbers, has the same probability of coincidence. Why? Because it is made up of equally probable simple combinations. In this case, how can we even understand which group may be more likely to play in the coming games?

Strategic combination generators for numerical lotteries

When you realize that a particular combination is equally likely,
then some people are completely confused about common statistics :)

For example, why “even-odd” is played in the “majority” in a certain proportion, or why “sum” plays in the middle range and more. It turns out that the combinations seem to be not equally probable? This question is easy to answer, precisely after fully realizing that a single combination is equally probable. So why do combinations seem to “love to play” in certain proportions, ranges, amounts - if they are equally probable?

  • Because we “select” arrays of equally probable single combinations with this information. It is important to know here how many combinations obtained in dedicated sectors. Arrays of combinations, highlighted with statistical information - contain different quantities equally probable combinations, therefore, these arrays have different probability for a coincidence.

Let's look at the example of statistics
even, odd numbers

  • Let's try to understand one of the popular tips when choosing a combination:
    choose combinations that contain an equal number of even and odd numbers

Let's figure out why this happens. In lottery 5 out of 36, the most common odds and evens will look like this: 2 even – 3 odd, or 3 even – 2 odd. We count the number (even - odd) of all possible combinations in the lottery 5 out of 36

To better understand why a lottery machine or circulation generator random numbers tries to throw out such combinations of numbers in combinations, let’s turn for clarity to the roulette wheel, which is nothing more than an equally probable random number generator, unless, of course, it’s skewed :)

Let's distribute all combinations according to the even-odd criterion together, and according to the table,
Let's draw a circular graph - imagine that these are marked sectors on a roulette wheel

Mentally add the largest sectors that contain 124848 combinations together = 124848 pieces (2 even - 3 odd) + 124848 pieces (3 odd - 2 even) = 249696 combinations out of 376992 possible, or 66.23%, or the chance of these two sectors is 376992/ 249696 = 1 to 1.5 for each spin (draw) or approximately 33 numbers out of 36.

That is why, with each test (roulette spin) of a lottery machine or draw generator, combinations from this sector will tend, in most cases, to play in an odds ratio of 2-3 or 3-2.

  • IN in this example plays not a separate combination– here a dedicated “huge sector” with combinations plays, in other words, we have marked approximately 33 numbers out of 36, naturally, almost always this number of numbers will “catch” all the prize money!

Why parity in combinations like 2-3 or 3-2? Everything is explained by the costs of the decimal system, which encodes the whole combination. Each individual whole (complete) combination simply represents a cell of 376,992 pieces. Recall the thought experiment with balls, in which the combination is indicated as a whole, or an example with a roulette wheel, where each combination simply designates a cell and is indivisible. But how we select the array of combinations does not matter. It’s just convenient to follow these signs (even-odd) for part of the array - the sector.

If we generate any random combinations for the same number of combinations (2469696 pieces), regardless of these proportions in general, then nothing will change in terms of the probability of matching the resulting array (sector) (1 to 1.5). Any equally probable random combination generator will seem to follow this advice on its own (without any filters) - What’s interesting is that no one specifically programs it this way, putting instructions (algorithm) into it to produce exactly these combinations of numbers.

Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself!

1. Look at the draw history - most odd-even combinations will be 2-3, 3-2 (5 out of 36) and 3-3 (6 out of 45).
2. Take any random number generator, combinations - generate and write down the resulting combinations, then check.


  • Most likely, such advice is addressed to those who manually fill out tickets, without any software, even a simple random combination generator will follow this advice on its own.
  • This advice is of little use to us, since the sector contains two-thirds of all combinations - not in roulette, because we play for dozens, where the chance is 1 in 3.
  • This advice is suitable for lotteries that take place very rarely, although it will not help much.
  • It is more correct to try to guess sectors 1-4, 4-1, and with fairly frequent circulations 5-0, 0-5 (we are waiting for the average period)

To win..

You can also find out more about the game, in which more than 120 million rubles were raffled off.

Official results in the form of a winning combination will be available at 23:30 Moscow time, and then within an hour the completed circulation table with winning amounts, checking the ticket by number and video recording of the determination of the winning combination.

Also, within an hour it will become known whether the accumulated Super Prize in the amount of 161 million 852 thousand 988 rubles was drawn in the 6167th draw of the “Seven”. If this does not happen, then half of the accumulated Super Prize will be distributed among all winners without fail, which will lead to an increase in winnings in each category.

Gosloto results 7 of 49 draw No. 6167, November 16, 2017 at 23:30

If three or more numbers match on the ticket in any order, then your bet is guaranteed to win!!!

Drawn combination: 05/13/14/37/39/47/48.

Gosloto video 7 of 49 draw 6167 from 11/16/2017

Today another one will take place distribution draw of the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery in which half of the accumulated prize fund is planned to be divided among the winners. Unless someone guesses 7 out of 49, of course.

Planned distribution scheme

  • for 3 numbers, 62 rubles are added to the winnings (total 187 rubles); the remaining amount is divided as follows:
  • for 4 guessed numbers - 35%
  • for 5 guessed numbers - 30%
  • for 6 guessed numbers - 35%

Why is half the prize fund being distributed?

The answer to this question is very simple. The organizers need to maintain interest in the game, and most participants still hope to win the main prize. Since the number of participants in each draw is small, only 15-20 thousand tickets, it takes a lot of time to accumulate the next worthy super prize. And it seems that the owners of Stoloto no longer have the desire to offer a big guaranteed prize.

By the way, have you noticed that in all numerical lotteries of Gosloto, which are now held on lottery machines, there are no more huge guaranteed prizes? This is an indirect confirmation that the draws are now being held fairly.

Another confirmation of this is the jackpot “4 out of 20” won yesterday in Gosloto (the third this year, and the first, more similar to the truth) - a player from Buryatia, who made a detailed bet worth 2,500 rubles, receives 47,084,178 rubles.

When will there be seven?

The first draw of the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery took place on May 22, 2011, during which time 6,166 draws took place (now this is 6 draws a day, which is simply unthinkable for such a game) and during all this time (more than 6 years!) no one never guessed 7 out of 49.

The probability of correctly marking 7 numbers (out of 49) is 1 in 85,900,584 (one chance in 85 million!) and, although this is possible in literally every draw, now, after the advent of the lottery machine, it becomes more likely that someday this it will happen anyway. According to our widget “”, over the entire existence of the Gosloto “7 out of 49” lottery, players have already bet 153 million combinations (153,145,486), and statistically at least one appearance of a seven could have happened a long time ago.

Perhaps this will happen in the distribution circulation, which, of course, will be offensive for the other participants. Let's see how it ends today's circulation, we will summarize the results after 23:30

Video broadcast of the circulation

Distribution circulation results

Winning combination: 5, 13, 14, 37, 39, 47, 48

  • No one guessed 7 numbers
  • 6 numbers - 1 winner, winnings RUB 32,410,993.
  • 5 numbers - 208 winners, each winning 130,808 rubles.
  • 4 numbers - 5,125 winners, each winning 6,584 rubles.
  • 3 numbers - 57,985 winners, winnings of 187 rubles.

722,860 tickets, 1,358,924 combinations participated in the draw

Popular in Russia lottery "Gosloto "7 out of 49" continues to amaze with incredible winnings. To win, you need to guess all the numbers drawn from the lottery drum. Check results players strive as quickly as possible, because there is a big jackpot at stake!

To know results of the latest Gosloto “7 out of 49” draws It’s very simple, just visit our website. All relevant information is regularly added to this section. Now you don’t have to follow the online broadcast, because the lottery results on the site are available online from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. “Gosloto “7 out of 49” takes place daily, and the results become known immediately after the completion of the next draw. Experts recheck the quantity winning tickets and calculate the prize amounts - and only after that the updated results are published. You can view the results of a specific draw right here using a special filter. Having selected the appropriate characteristics, the system will present to your attention all the numbers of interest - the drawn numbers, the number of winners, the size of the prizes.

Chances of winning in Gosloto “7 out of 49” quite high. Every week, many players become owners of huge prizes. Everything they did for this was precisely named winning combination. You too can try your hand at the next draw. All you have to do is buy a ticket and pay for it, and then it’s a small matter – the results will appear on our website. Play and win the world's largest lottery.