7 out of 49 results of the latest draws. Is it possible to hit the Jackpot?

last known circulation No. 10008 dated 2019-12-17 19:00:00. Numbers: [

,]. Sum of numbers = 131.

Probabilities of winning in "Gosloto 7 out of 49"

The probability of winning in the minimum category is 1 to 4.8. The prize fund is only 50% from revenue. Total mathematical probability of winning - 1 to 3.87, consisting of 6 winning categories. Minimum guaranteed super prize size - 500 million rubles.
This lottery has only one playing field, consisting of 49 numbers. To win in the minimum category, it is enough to guess 2 numbers, and the win in the minimum category corresponds to the cost of the ticket. The probability of winning a super prize is one of the lowest among existing lotteries, which greatly discourages potential participants. This lottery is very popular in distribution draws.

Detailed information about the rules of participation in the lottery can be found on the official website www.stoloto.ru .

Changing the jackpot size on history 1000 latest draws:

In the Gosloto “7 out of 49” lottery, a super prize is won very rarely; for the first time this happened in 7924 circulation. This is not surprising, since the mathematical probability of winning is 1 in 85,900,584. Changes in the jackpot graph from top to bottom primarily tell us not that a super prize was drawn in this draw, but that it was another distribution draw.

Number of combinations participating in the drawing:

As a rule, player activity slows down after a super prize is drawn or when the cost of a ticket increases. If the cost of tickets decreases or the size of the super prize becomes large enough, then activity gradually increases. During distribution runs, activity increases sharply (in the form of a jump in the diagram). The highest activity of participants is manifested precisely in distribution runs, at such moments the number of participating combinations increases tens of times.

The ratio of the number of participating combinations to the number of winning ones:

This ratio on average corresponds to the mathematical probability of winning the lottery, equal to 1 to 19.81 up to 9518 circulation, and 1 to 3.87 starting from the 9518th draw (because the rules of the lottery game were changed by adding a winning category - matching 2 numbers).

Draws with the lowest ratio of "number of combinations"/"number of wins", i.e. there were many victories:

Based on the numbers present in these draws, you can determine the most popular numbers used by lottery participants. As soon as these numbers come out, there are immediately more winners than usual.

Draws with the highest ratio of "number of combinations"/"number of wins", i.e. there were few victories:

These circulations contain numbers that people are reluctant to use. Among them are numbers: 1-6 and 40-49. People do not like to use values ​​close to the boundaries of the interval - (1, 49) , and for some reason they are afraid of large numbers, especially when large numbers there are many in one combination at the same time, more than 3 pieces. When the numbers listed above are rolled, there are fewer winners than usual.

Hi all! The dream of winning good money in the lottery haunts many of those who are tired of spending a third of their lives in an unpleasant job and surviving on meager earnings.

Many people think that by hitting a good jackpot in the lottery, they can solve all their financial problems once and for all and finally afford what they have long dreamed of. Last years lotto and instant lotteries which many people were interested in Soviet time, have become popular again. In particular, this applies to lotto 7 of 49.

Before we talk about whether it’s realistic to win lotto 7 out of 49, I’ll still remind you of the rules of the game. In order to take part in the draw, you must purchase a ticket and place a bet. This can be implemented in several ways at once. Firstly, it is possible to go to a point of sale (usually bookstores and soyuzpechat shops) and purchase tickets.

Also, those who prefer to play 7 out of 49 online should go to the website stoloto.ru and place a bet there.

Owners of Android smartphones appreciated the special application that allows them to scan codes and send them to the center for the next draw. If you don’t have a smartphone, but want to take part in the game from a distance, you can also place a bet via SMS by simply sending the codes to the appropriate number. After the ticket is purchased, you need to place a bet. If the ticket is paper, the game coupon is attached to it upon sale.

How to play 7 of 49

Now I’ll tell you a little about how to play 7 out of 49. The game coupon, which was discussed just above, consists of 6 playing fields, and the bet represents seven non-repeating numbers from 1 to 49. You need to mark 7 numbers in the game coupon, in this option this will be the standard rate. It is also possible to make a detailed bet. To do this, you need to mark up to 15 numbers if you play with a paper ticket.

Many people are interested in what is the probability of winning the lottery. I’ll say right away that the purpose of my publication is not detailed story about how to win 7 out of 49. I’ll only tell you about possible ways making bets.

Few players know that in Stoloto 7 out of 49, the rules of the game provide for the possibility of automatic bets (provided that you play on the site). You just need to select the appropriate option by checking the box on the page on the site where the bet is placed. It is also important to remember that the rules allow you to take part in any number of draws from two to 9. In order to implement this, you simply need to tick the appropriate number of draws.

How the prize fund is distributed

Many of those who have never played the lottery are interested in what the probability of winning is and whether there is a chance of getting it. Reasoning as to how often winning combinations occur does not relate to the topic of this article, but rather to the branch of mathematics called probability theory.

I’ll just tell you briefly about how the prize fund is distributed and how you can get a cash prize.

To receive a cash prize, you must match 4 to 7 ticket numbers. Anyone who guesses the 4th number will receive a cash prize in the amount of 25% of the total winnings. The one who guesses 5 numbers will get 15% of the prize fund, those who guess 6 out of 7 numbers will get 20%, and finally, the lucky person or lucky ones who can correctly name all the numbers will get 40% of the prize fund of the draw.

For those who made an expanded bet, the winnings are calculated slightly differently. From all the guessed numbers, combinations of 7 numbers are formed and, after that, the winnings are calculated based on all the resulting combinations.

Is it possible to hit the Jackpot?

Sometimes in the lottery it happens that no one guesses the required 7-digit combination. In this case, the prize fund does not go to anyone, and to distribute it, an additional distribution draw of 7 out of 49 is organized. The winner of this draw gets the largest prize, last time As far as I remember, a similar circulation was organized in 2015, and its winner managed to hit the jackpot of 35 million rubles. An impressive amount that many may envy.

But I also found a video where the winnings were much smaller, but I think some will be interested in seeing the winner’s face:

How to get your winnings

After you have placed a bet in State Loto 7 of 49, you must check your winnings immediately after the end of the last draw. On the official stoloto website, as well as on the gosloto 7 of 49 website, the results of the last draw are usually published a few minutes after its end and are stored on the site until the end of the next draw. What about those who couldn’t various reasons track your winnings?

According to the rules, you can claim your winnings within a month after the end of the draw that became a winner for your ticket. For those who did not have time to check their ticket, there is an archive of Gosloto draws 7 out of 49. In it, the results of winnings are stored for six months, so anyone who is late in receiving information about their winnings can check their ticket in the archive. The information will be stored there for six months.

Those who are finally sure that they have become the winner of the drawing must receive their winnings. If its amount is less than 2,000 rubles, it can be paid directly at the point of sale. Winnings greater than this amount are also paid at points of sale, but this must be known in advance, since the amount is individual for each case.

“Gosloto 7 out of 49” is unique lottery in which you can win 50,000,000 rubles. The cost of the bet is only 20 rubles. Here you can see the results of all Gosloto draws and check your ticket. After each draw, detailed tables are posted. To find out how to win the lotto, just follow the news on the site and analyze the statistics of numbers.

Rules of the game

It’s very easy to take part in the game, just buy lottery ticket and mark 7 numbers for gaming bets. This combination will cost you 20 rubles. To get a minimum cash prize of 50 rubles, you need to guess 3 numbers. The maximum payment can be 50 million rubles.

It is very convenient that circulations take place 3 times a week. The draws are broadcast on the Internet at 21:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Where to buy a lottery ticket

You can play the lottery using SMS; to do this, simply send the text 749 to the number 9999. You can also buy tickets on the Internet and in Svyaznoy salons.

Hello, dear players of the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery!

Circulation 3206 by ticket number or drawn combination can be found on our website portal. You can get acquainted with the results and results of the draw on June 29, 2016, half an hour after the draw.

Results of draw No. 3206, June 29, 2016 at 10:35 p.m.

A grandiose event is approaching, which happens only a few times a year. You probably already guessed that we will be talking about the distribution draw of the Gosloto lottery 7 out of 49, which will take place at 22:35 Moscow time on June 29, 2016. In the Gosloto lottery 7 out of 49 in the 3206th draw, the accumulated super prize in the amount of 27,825,974 rubles will be drawn, which will be added to the main prize prize fund. Please note that the circulation will be distribution if no one manages to guess all 7 numbers. In the entire history of the game, no one has managed to get a super prize.

The prize fund will be distributed as follows:

  • for 3 guessed numbers - 150 rubles;
  • for 4 guessed numbers - 30-40%;
  • for 5 guessed numbers - 25-35%;
  • for 6 guessed numbers - 30-40%.

And those who manage to guess 6 numbers will become millionaires winning combination. If you came to us before the circulation, add the page to your browser bookmarks.