What profitable business can you start in a village? Review of business ideas for doing business in rural areas from scratch

Today, many city residents are moving closer to nature, to the countryside. Many successful businessmen open their own businesses outside the metropolis. How to create profitable business in the village? You need to choose a suitable idea, after which you can safely begin to implement it.

Business challenges

Each case has its own nuances that should be taken into account when opening it. Business in rural areas is different due to the mentality of the residents. There people are dependent on the opinions of others. Locals don't like to stand out. Enterprising individuals can build a profitable business there.

You should take into account the average income in the village where you plan to establish a business. To local residents You’re unlikely to like a boutique with fashionable clothes, but a hardware store will be in demand. Small businesses in rural areas have an advantage due to low competition. Most people in rural areas work in factories, but they do not want to open their own business.

Opening a business in a village is not difficult. You just need to decide on a profitable direction. This will allow you to make a good profit, as well as live in nature. This is the kind of life that is attractive to many city residents.

Required actions

How to start a business in a village? First you need to decide on an idea. This could be opening a trade organization or a farm. Business demands official registration. You need to start a business, register with tax office and in the funds where contributions will be received.

It is also necessary to perform calculations. Economists and analysts call this a business plan. You need to calculate costs and income. It is important to consider that every agricultural business has risks: unfavorable weather, pests, plant contamination. You should prepare for such problems.


What business should I open in the village? It all depends on the region, personal preferences, and economic situation. Many villagers have cows, goats, and sheep. But you can make good money from these animals. You just need to choose a direction.

If you have livestock, you can sell it for breeding. And the resulting products, such as meat, milk, wool, should be sold in cities. After all, this is where everything natural is valued. This area requires caring for animals and household utensils. At first it will not be entirely easy, but gradually the business will be established.

Growing fruits in greenhouses

You can organize another business in the village. Ideas may vary. One of them is the cultivation of fruit crops. If there is a plot, then there is the possibility of farming. At the same time, there is no need to plow huge plantations. It is necessary to build several greenhouses near the house, which will serve as a place for cultivating fruit-bearing plants. The harvest can be harvested throughout the year.

Profit comes from strawberries, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and greens. If you grow crops in large quantities, it will bring high income. Sales can be carried out through traders. Buyers will come themselves to pick up shipments of vegetables, fruits or berries. But if you have transport, you can run a business in rural areas independently. There will always be buyers for quality products.

Harvesting hay

An interesting idea is making hay. In rural areas, they usually keep livestock, which must be fed not only with fresh grass, but also with dry grass, this is especially true in winter. Therefore, such a product will be in demand.

For work, you can rent a combine that creates bales. They need to be sold with the onset of cold weather. But such a business in rural areas is considered seasonal, since such products are not in demand in the summer. Therefore, the case is ideal as an additional one.


Creative individuals can make beautiful souvenirs. They can be on different topics. Such products are loved among most tourists. These can be nesting dolls, animal figurines, decorative elements.

What will be produced depends on your imagination. You can sell goods in markets and online. Many tourists are ready to buy homemade products, and for decent money. But such a direction is in demand only in those settlements that are rich in attractions.


What business to open in a village if you have your own transport? Many villages are far from cities. People have to travel a long time to get to the desired location. If you have a car, you can open your own taxi. This will allow you to start a business from scratch in the village.

You can calculate the price of services based on gasoline costs and expenses for your work. People can order a taxi at any time. With freight transport you can transport, for example, furniture or building materials. It is necessary to spread information about the services, after which the first clients will appear.


What kind of business in a village can be opened for city residents? Many villages are located in picturesque areas of the country, and therefore many tourists constantly come there. In this case, it becomes possible to establish ecotourism, which lately is becoming very popular. City dwellers relax in nature for several days.

At the same time, guests do the same work as village residents. They take care of animals, spend time in the garden, swim in the river, and visit the bathhouse. Many vacationers pay a lot of money for ecotourism.

City residents can be offered excursions to local attractions. Subject to availability land plot It is possible to organize tent camping with barbecues and gazebos. In summer, such a vacation will be in demand, especially if there is a lake or river nearby. This idea allows you to start a business from scratch in the countryside.

Making butter

One of the popular ideas is the production of butter. This product is always in demand among both rural and urban residents. To the very popular types The following oils include:

  • "Peasant" - 72.5%.
  • "Amateur" - 75%.
  • "Sandwich" - 61.5%.
  • "Grilled" - 99%.
  • "Vologda" - 82.5%.
  • "Chocolate" - 61.5%.

Each type of product has its own production technology and cost. Butter is made from milk. You will also need professional equipment, which will cost between 200-300 thousand rubles. A separator, a packaging device, oil formers, pasteurization baths, and vacuum units are required. It is important to follow the rules for storing the product, and then the product will be in demand.

Fish farming

In the village you can breed both inexpensive and elite fish. The difference lies in the principles of content. Elite fish require expensive care. A pond can also be built in rural areas. It sets its own temperature and conditions for each type of fish.

The business can be combined with crayfish breeding, which is also in great demand. The reservoir must have specific dimensions, and high-quality food should be prepared for the fish. She undergoes regular preventive maintenance. Daily monitoring of the environment is required.

Honey production

The business will be profitable if there are over 100 bee families in the apiary. Honey is an expensive and unique product. The stores sell many useful products used in folk medicine. But the quality of honey that we see on supermarket shelves, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. There is a possibility of purchasing a fake. Therefore, many people prefer to buy honey from farms and beekeepers.

Advertising is also important in this business. We need to decide whether the products will be supplied in bulk, or maybe it will be some kind of brand. In both cases it is required documentation so that the honey trade is legal. Publishing on your own behalf is considered more profitable, but requires advertising and investment in equipment and premises.

When starting your own business, you don’t need to work on your own. It is more profitable to join the community of beekeepers, so that one person can promote the product of all farmers. Later it will be easier to decide whether it is worth working independently or whether it is more profitable to be a supplier of raw materials.

Production of compound feed

In rural areas, you can produce animal feed. This business is low-cost, but profitable. The product is made from grain, meat and bones, fish, herbal flour. Vitamins and minerals are added to these components.

To produce compound feed, the following steps are required:

  • crushing raw materials in a crusher;
  • mixing in the required proportions;
  • granulation in the apparatus;
  • packaging.

Finding a sales market is not difficult. Combined feeds are required by private farms, farmsteads, and livestock farms.

Other ideas

A garage business is great for men. Moreover, the latter can also be used for its intended purpose, for example, it is possible to open a tire shop or auto repair shop. If you have the skills to work with machines, then such a business will be very profitable.

Masters of any field can organize a business in their own area, for example, home renovation, furniture manufacturing, or loader services. There is the possibility of opening a workshop for making keys or repairing shoes.

Whatever business is chosen, it is necessary to competently approach the issue of its organization. It is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail so that complications do not arise later. Every type of business can become profitable if developed correctly.

One of the most common myths about business in small towns and villages, including villages, is the belief that there can only be agricultural activities. In fact, these regions are very promising for small businesses due to cheap labor, small investments in premises and huge opportunities for using space.

What can be organized away from cities? Today we’ll talk about several areas for creating a manufacturing business in rural areas.

It is necessary to take into account that the main disadvantage of provincial regions is their remoteness from the main market, large cities, which automatically implies the need for vehicles. This is perhaps one of the most important disadvantages of such entrepreneurship.

We organize a manufacturing business in rural areas

The first place is the production of bath brooms. Bath brooms are very popular throughout the country. The very process of opening such a business in rural areas is a simple process that requires only organizational skills. What needs to be done is to organize a team of people to collect raw materials for brooms, a workshop for felting brooms, and the actual sales itself.

  • - minimum starting investments in opening a business in rural areas
  • - ease of organizing a mini workshop
  • - (according to the most pessimistic estimates, it starts at 150%)


  • - high labor intensity (it is necessary to attract hired personnel)
  • - competition

Second place - wicker weaving. Products made from wicker are in constant demand and have not lost their relevance today. The main serious disadvantage of such a business has always been the enormous labor intensity of the process, the presence of the vine itself. The first and second problems in rural areas are solved quite simply, labor resources are relatively inexpensive, and I don’t want to take vines (at least in most regions of the country).

Advantages of wicker weaving as a village business

  • - high demand for products, it is possible to sell them outside the country (the price in this case will simply surprise you)
  • - minimum investment in opening a rural business


  • - high labor intensity, the need to train staff

The third place is the production of pallets. Most regions of the country have forest cover, which means huge reserves of wood, including non-commercial wood. Today, such non-commercial wood is either simply thrown away or burned, although it is precisely this that serves as the raw material for the production of wooden pallets. It should be noted that this business is aimed specifically at export; in Russia, wooden pallets are practically not used, and in near abroad so does the EU.

  • - high cost of the finished product
  • - practically free raw materials
  • - huge
  • - the need to purchase expensive equipment
  • - You need to organize sales and establish contacts with customers. This is perhaps one of the most difficult points for business in rural areas. Although by offering a good price you can be sure that customers will look for you themselves, there is too much demand for the product. The main thing is to use the Internet for promotion.

The fourth place is the opening of a mini workshop for the production of cinder blocks or foam concrete. The technology of both the first and second directions is characterized by simplicity and minimal equipment requirements. The output of such a business in rural areas is fairly high-quality and cheap building materials. Practice shows that transporting cinder blocks and foam blocks over long distances is very costly; as a result, local production will have an advantage.

Advantages of the idea for the village

  • - ease of organization
  • - small starting capital
  • - availability of vehicles
  • - it is necessary to fully register the mini-workshop in the permitting authorities (fire department, sanitary station, etc.)

Fifth place is the production of monuments. By and large, the idea has something in common with the fourth option for village business, but at the same time it has a number of significant differences by the method of promotion and purely moral aspects. Agree, not everyone will want to “pour” tombstones from concrete in their own yard. In general, the business is very profitable and has a profitability above 100%


  • - stable demand
  • - high profitability
  • - minimum starting capital
  • - very specific, from the point of view of morality and education.

The development of technology and the introduction of new, advanced management systems lead to two opposite results. On the one hand, labor productivity increases, the efficiency of labor resources increases, on the other huge amount people will be left without work. Such trends gain particular strength precisely in times of instability, when every businessman tries to save money by optimizing expenses. As a rule, employees are first on the layoff list. What to do in this case?

There are not many options, however, within the framework of this article we will analyze one of the most effective (from my subjective point of view) answers for people who do not have any special education search for ideas for business in the village.

In fairness, I can say that I myself am now organizing a business in the village, I think in the near future I will describe those areas of village business that I have mastered, do not forget to subscribe to the blog. I personally believe that this is the best option for starting your own business with prospects for the future.

There is a big myth on the Internet that in a village you can do business growing any crop. This is far from true; cultivation must be understood primarily as crop production in all its forms, and there is one small nuance here. Plants are extremely demanding; they require certain climatic conditions, soils, the presence of water (irrigation), etc.

Business in the countryside, growing from scratch

Among the top most profitable and successful ideas business in the village will include those ideas that have a certain versatility (may be suitable for use throughout a larger territory of the country).

The first place is growing flowers in greenhouses or greenhouses. I have already talked about this on the blog pages. Now let’s state a few main points:

Positive aspects

  • - year-round demand for products. We're talking about .
  • - the opportunity to create a profitable business in rural areas independently. with an area of ​​a couple of tens of acres can be served by one person.
  • - Possibility of online sales throughout the country. Majority indoor plants They will arrive safely in the box.
  • - wide range of grown plants.
  • - the need to invest in the construction of greenhouses, greenhouses
  • - the need for heating and lighting. Additional costs.

Second place - (parsley, dill, lettuce, green onions). For village business this direction one of the most profitable in crop production in terms of profit-to-area ratio.

Positive aspects

  • - year-round demand. It is true that it is necessary to establish a clear crop rotation using open ground cultivation in summer and winter in greenhouses.
  • - simplicity.
  • - high price.
  • - the possibility of organizing such a business in the countryside from scratch, even for beginning plant growers.
  • - the need to build greenhouses.
  • - mandatory presence of a sales market within a radius of 50-70 km, big city or a few smaller ones. There is no need to consider supply (sales) options to large metropolitan areas where imports are made from neighboring countries.

Third place - growing cucumbers. One of the most profitable directions vegetable growing for small businesses in the village due to its relative unpretentiousness and high yield. It is interesting only as a type of greenhouse farming; when growing in open ground, it is necessary to use large areas, and this is a completely different level of mechanization and investment.

  • - high seasonal demand for a quality product with real taste
  • - relative unpretentiousness of plants
  • -high productivity
  • - the need to invest money in the construction of a greenhouse
  • - seasonality of cultivation
  • - high heating costs

The fourth place is growing mushrooms. The attractiveness and profitability of growing mushrooms is very high, but there is also a downside in the great capriciousness of conditions and strict adherence to temperature conditions. For cultivation, you will need a special room where you can control the temperature; the ideal option is basements, cellars, you can use cowsheds, hangars, provided they are lined with foam plastic. In large and small cities such premises are already occupied, but in rural areas the necessary space can still be found.

  • - high profitability of growing champignons and oyster mushrooms.
  • - the ability to automate processes, which allows one person to grow large volumes of products.
  • - stable demand and the ability to quickly organize product sales.
  • - mushrooms are very picky about temperature and humidity
  • - the need to invest money in the purchase of mycelium and equipment; such a business in rural areas requires start-up capital.

Fifth place - agribusiness based on environmental products. I decided to highlight growing healthy and free from pesticides and herbicides as a separate item. In fact, in this regard, it doesn’t matter what to grow, the main thing is to whom to sell. It is optimal and profitable to start such a business in the countryside near large cities, where the bulk of those who want to eat correctly and only clean products are concentrated. The main difficulty is to organize communication between the buyer and the business. For example, in France, special cooperatives are created for such purposes, where city residents initiate the cultivation of such products. Roughly speaking, they order farmers to grow certain products. The current realities of doing agricultural business show that creating a website and the corresponding social group can replace the creation of such a cooperative.

  • - wide range of products
  • - presence of constant demand
  • - the need to create and promote a specialized resource
  • - availability is sufficient large quantity land, from 1 ha
  • - the need to attract additional hired personnel


If you are planning to work in agriculture, then there is one big and pleasant surprise for beginners; in fact, the most preferential system has been established for mini-businesses in the village. To be precise, there is no system as such at all and there will be no need to pay taxes, and quite officially.

The thing is that in the legislation there is such a thing as private household plots (personal subsidiary farming), which allows everyone working on this system to work officially without paying taxes. ABOUT . Now let me just remind you that all of the listed ideas fall under the law on subsidiary farming and you can sleep peacefully

Myths of some popular business ideas

At the end of the first part, I will slightly debunk several popular business ideas for rural areas.

The first is growing strawberries. In fact, strawberries are a very “nasty” crop. She loves certain types of soil, requires very careful watering and is afraid of a lot of sun. Russia has only a couple of regions where it is really profitable to grow strawberries; in all others it is unprofitable even under greenhouse conditions.

Before starting a business in a village from scratch, you need to consider some factors:

  1. Relatively low wages in small towns. In villages, the incomes of citizens cannot be called high either. There is practically no work in the villages.
  2. Demand structure constitute familiar goods and services.
  3. Low start-up costs.
  4. The importance of reputation. Reputation in small town or village is extremely important. A damaged reputation can kill any business.
  5. Besides, you should know the differences between forms of economic government. Most often, a form of business management is chosen, such as individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is easier to open an individual entrepreneur; an individual entrepreneur does not require authorized capital. But if the individual entrepreneur is declared bankrupt, the individual entrepreneur is liable with all his property.

Important! When registering, an individual entrepreneur is not registered legal entity. Individual entrepreneur is an individual with the right to conduct business activities. Therefore, this form of economic governance is not suitable if you decide to sell alcohol. Individuals cannot obtain a license to conduct such activities.

Opening an LLC is a little more difficult. More documents will need to be collected. In addition, it will be necessary authorized capital in total no less than 10,000. But there are also advantages. In the event of bankruptcy of an LLC, the organizers are liable only for the funds that they invested in the LLC.

You should also know the characteristics of the area in which you decide to open your business. You need to know what exactly will be in demand. Let's look at a few ideas for running your own business.

How to start your business from scratch in a small town? Watch the video, which describes the experience of a businessman in the village.

What business to start from scratch in rural areas?


The store is in high demand among villagers. If for some reason there is no store in the village yet, then it’s time to open one.

Important! When choosing your store's assortment It is worth taking into account the specifics of demand. For many household items, villagers are often forced to travel to the nearest regional center. If you offer them household items at a higher price, there will be sales. If you decide to open a niche store, then you may encounter a lack of sales. Therefore, take into account the needs of people who live in the area.

We also recall that Only organizations can obtain a license to sell alcohol. Therefore, if you decide to open a store, you should take this fact into account.


In villages and villages, there is often no pharmacy. Therefore, a business idea in a village from scratch, a pharmacy, is an excellent option. Medicines are items of general demand. The pharmacy will be beyond competition. To open a small pharmacy in a village or town you will need about $40,000. Pharmacy profitability is only 10%.

Important! Although such a business will be profitable, opening it is not so easy. For this license required. The documents required to obtain a license are approved by Russian Government Decree No. 489, and you will also need to pay a license fee.

In addition, it is important to take into account that only a pharmacist can manage a pharmacy, and only pharmacists can work there. Accordingly, opening a pharmacy is not easy.

In the village

If there is no store or pharmacy in the village, this will also be good option to open your own business. But the choice of business options in villages is somewhat wider than in villages. The following can be added to the business options in the village:


The procedure for forming an agricultural business idea from scratch is described in Federal law dated June 11, 2003 N 74-FZ “On peasant (farm) farming” (as amended on December 28, 2010 N 420-FZ).

Farming is a struggling economic market. Of course, there is government support. But in fact, government support is not provided in the required amount. So, if you decide to grow strawberries for sale, it will be a very troublesome and costly affair.


On the Russian market About 300 thousand tons of honey are provided annually. Let us note that Russian production allows us to obtain much less honey, namely, about 150 thousand tons. This is due to the lack of qualified specialists.

This business will be extremely profitable. After all, up to 7 tons of honey can be collected from an apiary during a season. The average price for honey is approximately 150 rubles per kilogram. In addition, you can sell honeycombs, bee bread, and dead bees.

Important! The apiary also has big risks. There are risks associated with weather conditions. Drought or frequent rains negatively affect honey collection. This risk can be minimized by moving hives to more favorable areas.


Yes, even in the village you can drive tourism business if you do enough good advertising. Such a business will help bring an influx of finance to the locality.

In order to run such a business, you need good tourist program. You can make it about everything, about everyday life and way of life.


If it’s easy enough to get to the village or village from large city, such an option as maintaining a stable can be successful. Many city residents go in for horse riding. But, of course, a horse cannot live in an apartment. Therefore, those townspeople who have a horse rent space in the stable. Stables located in villages are in demand due to lower stall rentals than stables in the city.

Stable space can be purchased quite inexpensively. Now stables are often located on the territory of former state farms. In addition, if you have your own horse, you can teach people horse riding and conduct horseback riding for city residents.

In a small town

In a small town, the specifics of running your own business are somewhat different. What are the ideas for starting a business from scratch in a small town? What kind of business can you start from scratch in a small town? Let's list examples:

  1. Restaurant and other options catering. Considering the specifics of a small town, you should not open an expensive restaurant or a specific cafe. Something simple and inexpensive will do.
  2. Entertainment. Perhaps it will be a cinema or club format. You should get your bearings and understand what entertainment is still missing here.
  3. Grocery store

Important! In small towns, there are often already quite a lot of food stores. These are chain stores within walking distance. If they are in the city, there is absolutely no point in opening your own grocery store due to the fact that the prices will be higher than those of the chain store, and accordingly, the demand will be very small.


Every business has its own expenses. Let's look at the main types of costs.

State duty for registration of individual entrepreneurs is 800 rubles.

Amounts to 4000 rubles. In addition, you must have an authorized capital of at least 10,000 rubles.

Print production ranges from 300 to 1500 rubles

The most expensive thing is the premises. Renting or purchasing premises will cost quite a large sum. It is quite difficult to give specific numbers here. IN general outline, V Voronezh region Renting premises for a store costs 25-160 thousand rubles per month.

Primary purchase of working capital. Revolving funds are what will be put into circulation. This amount ranges from 50 to 150 thousand, depending on the characteristics of the business.

The average cost of hives for beekeeping is 3,000 rubles. A family of bees is worth 2000 rubles.

Comparison of business plans

In order to choose a suitable business plan, you need to make a comparison.

You need to choose from all of them exactly the one that will work exactly where you are going to implement the business project. It is necessary to take into account all factors, such as the availability of space for business, the presence of demand, the presence of competitors, experience in running a similar business in this territory, your qualifications and education.

Once you've chosen an idea, you need to take action. First you need to register your business. Next, you should begin to improve the premises or territory for doing business.

Running a business in a small town or village is quite difficult. Additionally, business options are quite limited. But, nevertheless, they exist. And such a business helps ensure the flow of finance to the periphery, which improves its economic situation.

If you are of the opinion that business in a village is not promising, and the profit it can bring is extremely small, then you are not sufficiently informed on the issue and do not have information about real resources and opportunities for deployment entrepreneurial activity. Of course, you won’t be able to immediately reach a decent level of income - implementing a business idea from scratch will take a lot of time and effort, but in the end everything will pay off.

So, the main advantages of starting a business in rural areas

Availability of space. A private country house, a garage and an adjacent garden plot are an excellent opportunity for organizing any enterprise. You can set up a small workshop at home without fear that the noise will disturb your neighbors, set up a warehouse for finished products right in your yard, and so on. The entire area is completely at your disposal.

Availability of resources. The land itself, on which you can grow vegetables and fruits, raise animals and engage in many other activities, is itself a scarce resource for a city person, and yet there are all kinds of agricultural implements that cannot be obtained anywhere except in the village.

What business to start from scratch in a village

We have named the advantages, now it’s time to find out exactly how best to use them. Here are several proven ideas that will help a novice entrepreneur get started. own business in rural areas.

Bird breeding

People really like to buy products household, so you won't be short of clients. Chickens, geese and other birds are unpretentious in food and do not require special care, although you should still have certain knowledge. Sell finished products(meat and eggs) is best on the market yourself, or by hiring a seller. Alternatively, you can trade live chicks, but they are much more more problems during transportation.


This type of activity can be carried out in urban conditions, but in the village this enterprise is much more profitable. Firstly, because of the opportunity to grow your own food for cooking. Secondly, because there will be much more space and suitable conditions for their storage. In almost any private country house There is a cellar where you can put ready-made preserves so that they do not spoil.

Eco-friendly products

If you have ever been to a food market, no matter whether as a buyer or a seller, you have probably seen people meticulously asking the traders standing at the counters: “Are your potatoes greenhouse-grown?”, “Did you use chemicals for fertilizer? ” and stuff like that. People are very concerned about their own health and possible harm, which can be caused to him by poor quality food. So why not give them what they ask for by growing only natural things?

Car service

In villages, the automobile issue is very acute. Due to the lack service centers and auto repair shops, owners of “iron horses” have to delve into the insides of cars, and if their knowledge of this is mediocre, they have no choice but to drag the car in tow to the nearest large populated area. You will be able to help yourself and others if you open a mini-auto repair shop in your garage, where the fullest range of services will be provided. And please note that you will need to deal not only with passenger cars, but also with tractors and other large agricultural equipment.

Seasonal earnings in rural areas

The business ideas published below are very profitable, but due to their characteristics, they are seasonally limited. That is, you will receive income only for a certain period of time, and for the remaining time you will sit without work or look for another type of employment.

Fishing tours

This business is actively practiced by residents of villages located near rivers, lakes and other large bodies of water. The idea is that you take on the role of a guide who will take a rich city dweller to “fishy” feeding places, for which he will pay you money. Earnings, as I said earlier, are purely seasonal - your services will be most in demand in late spring and summer, although sometimes clients show interest in winter ice fishing.


It sounds strange, but some people are even willing to pay to experience all the delights of rural life. You provide them with housing, give them work in the garden, in the garden, with animals or something else, and they also pay you for it. Now in the West, especially in the United States, this phenomenon is very popular - rural residents are even building mini-farms where visiting tourists can rent rooms with all the amenities.

Growing strawberries

Although it is actually growing all year round, if the appropriate temperature conditions are observed, it is in greatest demand exclusively in the winter. On the other hand, strawberries are considered one of the most profitable field crops. That is, the income from one “strawberry” acre will be much higher than if other plants grew in the same space. Demand exceeds supply many times over, so even if you don’t manage to grow a really high-quality product, wholesale and retail buyers will take it up very quickly.


Now the village is not going through the best better times, so you won’t be able to find consumers for your goods and services there (there simply won’t be enough customers to whom you can offer them). On the other hand, it is very profitable to produce your goods in the village and transport them to the city for sale, especially if these are household products - vegetables, fruits, animal meat. Also, city residents are buying knitted, wickerwork, and wooden dishes with a bang.

The idea of ​​a car service is also very interesting. If you put a car service station / car wash / gas station (3x1) on a busy highway passing through your village, you can catch additional customers.

I would like to add a few more ideas:

  1. Pond fish farming (this business is quite expensive to open, but it pays off quickly and, as they say, “with interest”);
  2. Opening a manufactured goods store (as a rule, there are no problems with grocery stores in rural areas, but manufactured goods, even the most necessary ones (such as a light bulb), sometimes force a villager to go to the city. If you help him, you can earn money!);
  3. “Wood-burning sauna” is environmentally friendly, therefore popular among city dwellers and not cheap, why not allocate part of your rather small yard for it?
  4. Suitable for those who live on the river. Opening of a ferry or private pontoon bridge.
  5. Well, one more idea for those who live on the banks of the river, which I wrote about in a separate topic. Renting a dredging machine, which will allow you, firstly, to make money on a co-contract to deepen a river in the area of ​​your village (as a rule, all rivers in Russia sometimes need dredging) and, secondly, to extract sand from the same river bottom sale.

By own experience I know that the most developed areas in rural areas are the cultivation of agricultural products (vegetables and fruits), as well as livestock and poultry farming. They sell it either to suppliers who travel around the villages, or they themselves transport the goods to the nearby market.

I live in an agricultural town, and we have one person who made a fortune in just 5 years from pork. No joke, but he only has one car that costs about 35 thousand dollars. Something like this: he buys little piglets, raises them, and then sells the meat. Of course I described short version, everything is more complicated there, but the principle is the same.

If you live in the rural outback, you can make good money on the environmental needs of some wealthy city dwellers. clean products. And the trick here is precisely that you don’t produce a lot of potatoes or a lot of piglets using the “conveyor method” - not much product is grown, but it is environmentally friendly, and therefore expensive - the profit is big!

Very good business If there is land, it seems to me that a greenhouse will be erected. The price of vegetables in winter is very high. As far as I know, this will not require large expenses, and at first you can not hire workers, but do all the work yourself.

Well, yes, I agree, growing vegetables in greenhouses can bring quite good money. Well, there are a lot of difficulties here, and you need to work a lot, and then stand there and sell it, because if you sell vegetables in bulk, you will sell them for next to nothing.

In addition to vegetables, roses can be grown in a greenhouse. The profitability of growing flowers reaches 300%. Roses are always on sale, regardless of the season. The most important thing in this business is to establish a sales market

From floriculture - you can try not only roses, but also something more exotic, for example, orchids - there are even more opportunities for earning money!
But still, flowers should be considered as an auxiliary activity that complements the main business in the countryside

The idea is good, but much more troublesome than mass cultivation of vegetables. It will take longer to develop clients, since the price is higher and there should be a guarantee of quality. It would be a good idea to develop two directions in parallel - conventional and environmentally friendly

It is unlikely that it will be possible to develop both equally well, because the technology of mass production and “production for oneself” are different. And the time costs for these production methods are very different!

By the way, some types of vegetables go well with some types of flowers, that is, if you have a greenhouse of sufficient size (well, at least 2-3 acres in area), it is quite possible to combine the cultivation of food and ornamental plants!

No, this is somehow not right. I lived in the countryside for a long time and saw my mother growing vegetables. If, for example, cucumbers and tomatoes grow, then there are no flowers nearby, since flowers are weeds, and if weeds grow nearby, then they take up quite a lot of the moisture that the vegetables need.

In order to start a business in rural areas, you will need at least shovels, rakes, hoes, but you won’t be digging the ground with your hands. But you can do it without significant investments. if you live in a black soil zone, you can hire a tractor once a year, they will dig everything up for you, and you can sow potatoes, carrots, and beets yourself. And to expand you will take money from your profits, but it is better to take it initially good technique on credit or in installments.

Breeding livestock and poultry, selling chickens is booming from the end of April until the end of July, now I sell them myself and hatch them in an incubator. The grocery store is a cool business in the village, but it has its own specifics...basically, the entire month they will buy only on credit against the record, before payday or when the livestock is sold, so the turnover of money is delayed. But there are also advantages, regarding the car service, a friend of mine opened a car service in a remote village, it has been thriving for about 10 years, but he doesn’t plow in it himself, but hired and trained the village guys. I was looking for clients from the city, now they come on their own. Because value for money. There is another option but it requires good investment, this is the breeding and sale of pure breed poultry, like a nursery. But the bird is expensive, you will have to travel all over Russia and even transport it from Europe. But this is a separate topic.

Have you tried transporting your products to the city? Even for renting to stores, if you don’t have time to sell it yourself. As for hatching in an incubator, tell us in more detail and how much space is needed, I have a plot of only 4 acres and a dog, a cat, and two cages with rabbits.

In early spring in greenhouses you can sow seedlings of various vegetables, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, seedlings, cucumbers and at the height of planting you can sell the seedlings to people, it is very profitable and there are no special costs, then you can grow vegetables in the same greenhouse for yourself and for sale.

Agree, profitable idea, but the idea is short-term. You can sell the seedlings for a couple of months, and that’s it. And these two months are not worth opening an individual entrepreneur and looking for a place on the market, because the seedlings need to be sold somewhere.

To create a business in rural areas from scratch, you need to analyze demand. For example, a car service will not go to every rural area, since there are villages where there are very few cars and such a business will be idle. A good business idea is computer repair, since villagers are already developing and acquiring computers, but have no idea how to work with software. You can repair computers and install various software; in my opinion, this is a great idea for rural areas.

Yes, you are right, food is expensive now and growing it is very profitable. We grow a little for ourselves so that our daughter can eat everything fresh, and I can say that the budget savings are significant, since we live in the city and have a small plot.

For those who live in the village, I think you can grow a lot of things, depending on the area, if there is a lot of land, then all the vegetables and corn and watermelons, everything will be in demand.