Production of grass meal and granules: a profitable agricultural business

Technological progress does not stand still. Penetrating into all sectors of industrial activity, it also affected the field of agriculture. In particular, technologies for preparing grass feed. As a result, such a thing as vitamin-rich herbal flour appeared on the market.
Read about what grass meal is and how it is produced in the article below.

It will not be a revelation that agricultural livestock farming requires grass harvesting in order to feed livestock. Of course, fresh herbs can only be harvested in the summer-autumn period. Moreover, the hottest time for harvesting is in the summer, so that in winter there is something to feed the animals in the stall.

It is impossible to say that the process itself is simple, since, starting from the moment of bevel and ending with assembly for storage, it takes a lot of time and effort. Plus, it is necessary to provide sufficient space and conditions in which the hay could be stored throughout the winter and spring. However, during the drying and storage process, hay loses most of its nutrients and vitamins, so hay cannot be called a complete substitute for fresh grass.

Grass meal is an excellent alternative to hay

The whole secret of vitamin production herbal flour(VTM) lies in the introduction of new technological capabilities for the rapid artificial drying of herbs. By eliminating exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation and reducing exposure to temperature, the final product is more nutritious and beneficial than conventional hay. It is thanks to this method of producing feed preparations that it became possible to obtain grass meal and its granulated analogue with the maximum content of the most complete vitamin complex. In addition, due to the small particle size, grass meal has the best digestibility compared to hay and even fresh grass.

The following raw materials are used for the production of herbal flour:

  • - fresh perennial and annual herbs,
  • — meadow grasses, including legume varieties,
  • - alfalfa and clover,
  • - oats and vetch,
  • - clover and alfalfa,
  • - lupine, nettle and goat's rue
  • - pine needles from which pine flour is obtained

Depending on the type of herbs collected, the finished product will contain a certain amount of nutrients. Moreover, in accordance with existing standards, all of them must be confirmed by a conclusion from a chemical laboratory or an appropriate certificate. Plus, just like in options with fresh grass feed, raw materials for the production of TMV are divided into three main types:

- legumes,
- forbs,
- grain mixtures legumes.

What is grass flour and how effective are its properties?

In any of the finished versions, grass meal becomes a valuable vitamin and protein supplement to the main animal feeds of the agricultural industry.

In terms of composition, TMV is a protein-vitamin complex, which is created by artificially drying herbs. The recipe is theoretically simple. Fresh grass is taken and briefly exposed to warm air. During the processing, beneficial nutritional properties and vitamins are not lost.

For one kilogram of vitamin-rich herbal flour there is:

  1. — feed units - from 0.7 to 0.9, which is almost twice as much as in traditional hay,
  2. - digestible protein - from 140 to 150 g, it contains all the necessary amino acids,
  3. - carotene - from 200 to 300 mg, and this norm is almost 15 times higher than that of hay,
  4. - vitamins B, E and K.

What animals is grass meal suitable for? Effect of grass meal on the metabolism of animals and birds

In total, grass meal can replace up to 30-40 percent of concentrated grain feed for all types of animals and poultry. In some cases, the norms may be smaller or larger. For example:
— For pigs, grass meal can be added to feed in an amount of 10 to 15 percent.
— For sheep and horses - up to 80 percent.

However, wherever TMV is used, the main thing is not to boil it or steam it in mixtures, so as not to lose the beneficial properties of the vitamins. If grass meal is prepared correctly, it will become an excellent concentrated feed not only for adult animals and poultry, but also for young animals.

Groundbait, which includes vitamin flour, has the most effective effect on animals in a positive way:

— If we are talking about adding grass meal to pigs, then a ten percent norm in the daily ration will help increase weight gain by 9 percent per day.
— If TMV is added to the main feed of chickens in an amount of 4 percent, then the daily weight gain will be about 50 percent.

It should also be noted that the effectiveness of using herbal flour is especially noticeable in the winter. During this period, animals make full use of the nutrients contained in highly concentrated and roughage feed.

What explains the high level of feed value of grass meal?

With the goal of achieving the maximum high content vitamins and proteins in the finished TMV product, the collection of green herbs is carried out only when the necessary elements are fully absorbed in the plants. During the preparation process, the composition is subjected to a single artificial drying, which helps preserve type I carotene and protein. During drying, the grass loses no more than five percent of its beneficial substances. It is also characteristic that artificial drying has one significant advantage - it allows grass harvesting and related work to be carried out completely mechanically, regardless of the prevailing weather conditions.

Benefits of artificially drying herbs

In accordance with the data of the research carried out by the All-Union Research Institute of Livestock Husbandry (all-Union level), it was found that from one hectare of clover, subject to the use of artificial drying, 4300 kg of grass meal is obtained, which in its mass contains 3655 feed units. This is an order of magnitude higher than what is obtained with natural drying, where similar figures are 3077 kilograms of hay and only 933 feed units.

Most carotene and protein are retained in legumes that were harvested during budding, as well as in cereal crops- collected in the initial stage of heading.

Particularly valuable grass flour is obtained from mixed seeded herbs and herbs collected from natural meadows, including water meadows. As a rule, the components of herbal mixtures are herbs that are close in ripening time.

At the same time, it is enough good quality produces flour made from:
— tops of root tubers,
- reed grass,
— waste from the vegetable growing industry,
- pine needles and other crops that contain large amounts of vitamins, proteins and very little fiber.

Quality classification of vitamin herbal flour

Classification of TMV is carried out depending on quality. There are three categories in total. But for all three classes there is a single organoleptic assessment, according to which:

- the color of herbal flour should be rich or dark green,
- there must be a specific smell that is inherent this species product, but without any mustiness or other odors.

One kilogram of herbal flour should contain:
1. Carotene:
— for class I - 180 mg,
- for class II - 150 mg,
- For III class- 120 mg.
2. Crude protein - 14% for all classes.
3. Raw fiber - no more than 26 for all classes.
4. Moisture - up to 12% for all classes.

All types of grass meal allow minor impurities. These could be:
— Ferroimpurities (metallomagnetic inclusions), the size of which does not exceed two millimeters. There can be no more than 20 mg per kilogram of flour.
— Sand - no more than 1% per kilogram of product.

Features of herbal flour granules

With the progress of continuous improvement in the production of herbal flour, a confident spread of the technology for making granules from vitamin herbal flour has been noticed. This product, in addition to all its valuable qualities, has additional advantages:

  • — Firstly, grass flour in granules is not carried by the wind in the form of dust and does not crumble. This makes it possible to save up to five percent of feed volume compared to the classic loose feed type.
  • — Secondly, the number of storage rooms is reduced by 3.5 times.
  • — Thirdly, grass meal in granules is much more convenient for transportation and mechanical feeding.
  • — And finally, fourthly, granulated herbal flour better retains bioactive and nutrients.

Grass meal granulation process

Grass meal granules are obtained by applying a granulation process, which is carried out as follows:
1. From the aggregate selection system, grass flour follows a pipeline, from where it enters the granulator hopper by suction.
2. From the bunker, the flour is sent to the dispenser, which evenly distributes the mixture to the mixer.
3. In the mixer, the flour is moistened with water. The optimal humidity level is from 14 to 16 percent. The mixture is mixed well and goes into the press chamber.
4. In the pressing chamber, the flour is subjected to high pressure, resulting in the formation of granules.
5. After pressing, the flour is kept in a cooling column for some time, and then enters the sorting stage.
One of the conditions is that the temperature of the finished granules after the cooling stage should not be higher than the ambient air by more than eight degrees Celsius, and the percentage of humidity should not exceed the limit of 13-14%.

If grass meal is intended for calves, the length of the granules should be 6 mm. Then when granular feed will be used for feeding young animals whose age exceeds six months, and also for adult cattle, the size of the granules can be from 7 to 16 millimeters.

Production lines for vitamin herbal flour and TMV granules from Agro Profile Plus

Our technology was developed for use in the food industry, therefore, with its help it is possible to produce a product that exceeds the quality of the first class. Our production base involves the possibility of using technology that allows us to obtain compound feed and vitamin-rich grass meal whose properties are guaranteed to be above the first category, while our installations are incredibly energy efficient and pay for themselves faster than any analogues on the world market. available at medium and large prices farms and agricultural holdings.

Today, the production of TMV is becoming an incredibly profitable type of business due to the constant increase in livestock numbers. And we have everything so that you can set up your own enterprise, which will pay for itself in just one season!

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The agricultural sector in Russia today is considered quite promising direction, because the government has finally turned its attention to it - for example, many startups today are subsidized and supported in every possible way by the state. And in a separate line we will note here the following business idea - the production of vitamin herbal flour and herbal granules. By selling this product, which is in demand on the market, as feed additives for livestock, you can start making good money. Grass meal is a vitamin supplement to mixed feed or a complete feed obtained by drying natural herbs. This is a most valuable product containing protein, carotene, vitamins E, K, B.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 700,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

The production of herbal flour and herbal granules is considered profitable, primarily due to the high demand for the product. Procuring hay for future use is not always profitable for farmers - storing stocks takes up a lot of space, and the product itself loses its beneficial properties over time. Herbal flour is a completely different matter. It, dried under certain conditions and formed into granules, can be stored for a very long time, and its composition does not change. And given that there is practically no competition in this industry, the sale of final products can bring high profits to the entrepreneur - even taking into account its sales only on the local market.
The next argument in favor of this business idea is the simplicity of the technology, which allows you to produce herbal flour at home. You can place simple equipment in your own garage or suburban area. And even a non-specialist in this field can master the technological stages.

It will be quite profitable for farms that have been operating on the market for a long time to start producing grass flour. It turns out that you can provide healthy feed not only for your livestock, but also supply the product to nearby farms. For this, all you need is to study the demand and buy a mini-installation, because large production capacity not needed here.

And even despite the fact that the production of herbal pellets is a seasonal business, the enterprise, even in such a short time, will be able to secure large reserves of the finished product, which can then be sold in bulk to large or small farms.

What will an entrepreneur who decides to launch a mini plant for the production of herbal flour need to take into account?

Assortment and business permits

Despite the simplest technology, the output can produce products of varying quality. And it is divided into 3 classes. This division is based on the content of carotene in the finished product - the higher the class, the more nutritious the additive, and, accordingly, the more expensive. And in order to be able to provide products to all segments of the population, it is better if the herbal flour production line produces each of its possible classes.

To conclude profitable contracts with wholesale buyers, the manufactured product must be certified for quality. To do this, a package of documents must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor, after which the entrepreneur will receive all permits to conduct legal activities. If you don’t have time to collect papers and prepare product samples for analysis, you can entrust this issue to a qualified lawyer.

Technology for producing herbal flour and herbal granules

The technology for the production of herbal flour involves the processing of a wide variety of meadow and field plants - clover, alfalfa, nivinyak, tansy, wheat, St. John's wort, etc. Enterprises rarely carefully sort the incoming raw materials, and therefore a special mill simply mixes all the herbs into a single mass.

In general, the technological line for the production of vitamin-herbal flour can be presented as follows:

  • Primary grinding of raw materials.
  • Drying herbal mass.
  • Grass regrinding.

At this point, in principle, the technology can be completed, since at the end we get herbal flour ready for sale. But the production of grass meal in granules will require the presence of the last stage - granulation of the flour.

Whatever the final product, flour or granules, at the last stage it is fed to the filling and packaging unit.

The described technology is quite “working”. But entrepreneurs today are trying to introduce methods for producing herbal supplements that would significantly reduce the cost of the process. For example, it is not uncommon to dry the crushed mass before drying in order to retain carotene in it and spend less time drying the product. But in this case, you will have to spend money on additional installations for grass flour, which is not always suitable for novice entrepreneurs who are strapped for funds.

Workshop technical equipment

After developing the range and technology, it will be necessary to equip the future enterprise. The price of equipment for grass meal is quite high - starting from 2,500,000 rubles. You can reduce costs by purchasing machines from Asian suppliers - they supply equipment no worse, but at a lower cost.

Technological line for the production and granulation of grass meal

The complete line includes the following machines and devices:

  • Industrial crusher.
  • Conveyors.
  • Cooling columns.
  • Filling and packaging machine.

And to obtain a granulated herbal supplement, the line will need to be equipped with a granulator, the cost of which starts from 500,000 rubles.

For a mini workshop, equipment with low and medium power is enough – 200-500 kg/h.

If the entrepreneur does not have such impressive funds. You can buy equipment for making herbal flour with your own hands. Here you will need semi-automatic dryers and shredders. To purchase everything necessary equipment it will take a maximum of 500,000 rubles. But with this equipment option, it will not be possible to produce large quantities of goods, which means that the profit received will be significantly less than what can be obtained when working with a fully automated line.

Profitability of the planned business

The payback period of the enterprise will depend on the investments made and the set prices for the final product. How much money will be required in total to launch a full-fledged workshop?

To purchase a herbal meal grinder and other equipment, prepare the premises for work and stock up on raw materials, you need to invest at least 3,000,000 rubles. Organize home business with simpler machines and without renting production space, you can literally do it for 700,000 rubles.

As for profit, the following indicators can be taken as the basis for calculations. Herbal flour costs 10,000-15,000 rubles/t on the market. And its cost is 4000-8000 rubles/t. And these are excellent profitability indicators. Allowing the entrepreneur to establish highly profitable business. And granulated grass flour costs a little more – from 12,000 rubles/t. That is why the release of this product is more profitable for a novice businessman.


Grass meal is a feed protein and vitamin product made from herbs harvested in the early phases of the growing season, dried at high temperatures and ground into flour. Herbal flour is usually stored in granulated form, less often in non-granulated form. This technology for the preparation of dry green feed by artificial drying ensures the preservation of up to 95% of the nutrients contained in plants and can significantly increase livestock productivity. Grass meal contains 1.5-2 times more digestible protein, 2.5-3 times more minerals than grain feed, and in terms of carotene content it significantly exceeds all types of feed. Herbal flour contains up to 20...25% of easily digestible nitrogenous substances with all essential amino acids, carotene up to 300 mg per 1 kg, vitamin C, B1, E up to 2500 mg per 1 kg. The introduction of such an additive into the diet contributes to its balance in protein, amino acids, vitamins and microelements, physiologically active substances, amides and carbonaceous substances, resulting in better digestion and assimilation of feed by the animal body. The energy assessment of grass flour is expressed in feed units, taking as a standard that 1 kg of oats contains 1 feed unit (units). 1 kg of high-quality grass flour can contain up to 0.9 units, up to 20% crude protein, up to 300 mg of carotene (provitamin A). According to its characteristics, grass meal belongs to roughage, that is, it is on a par with hay, although in terms of its energy value, grass meal is close to concentrates (0.65 - 0.7 units).

So what is grass meal? Just 2–3 years ago, most rabbit and horse breeders would hardly have been able to answer these questions. Today, grass meal has quite firmly taken its place in the green feed market. It is especially in demand in winter, when it is not possible to feed animals with fresh and nutritious grass. It is used with pleasure for feeding sports, pleasure and breeding horses. In the diets of many horses, grass meal is used as a vitamin supplement; some replace poor-quality hay with it; and in some horses, grass meal almost completely replaces concentrates. Also, grass meal is readily included in the diet of chickens and broodstock of broilers. Herbal granules are given crushed from 5 days of age 2-3 g per head per day and with age increase to 5 g of flour per chicken per day. Grass meal is also included in the diet of rabbits raised on farms. To quickly gain weight, rabbits need balanced nutritious food containing all the substances the body needs: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and, of course, water. In this regard, in farm conditions, complete nutrition is of two types: combined (mixed) and dry (complete feed). Combined nutrition involves feeding with compound feed (often only close in composition to the required, but quite cheap, for example pork) with supplementary feeding with grass, hay or grass pellets and is used mainly when breeding rabbits in the private sector or on small farms with shed keeping animals. Dry nutrition is based on feeding only complete granulated compound feeds with the addition of grass flour and excludes any additional feeding. This feeding method is used on large rabbit farms with an automatic feeding system. The nutritional value of this compound feed is higher than other feeds. Complete feed contains more complete protein and a sufficient amount of minerals, it is enriched with vitamins and antibiotics. This feed contains at least 110-120 feed units per 1 kg of feed, 120-140 g of digestible protein and no more than 10-12% crude fiber. Also, grass meal is successfully used in poultry farming. The green feed complex has a beneficial effect on the deposition of vitamin A in eggs. In the absence of green food, which is rich not only in carotene, but also in xanthophyll, in the winter diet of chickens, their eggs in winter contain less vitamin A than in summer, which leads to a deterioration in the pigmentation of the epidermis and yolk. The deposition of pigments in the yolk in % depends on the feed and is characterized by the following figures (alfalfa flour in the diet was 12.5%): carotene 1.5, zeaxanthin 36.2, cryptoxanthin 17.4, lutein 8.5, xanthophylls on average 14. Numerous experiments on young poultry have shown that good quality grass meal contains digestible beta-carotene in such quantities that adding 1-3% of green feed meal to the diet of chickens, which does not contain vitamin A, prevents vitamin deficiency.

The information that we receive when purchasing herbal flour, as a rule, is replete with listing it useful qualities and high nutritional characteristics. In the understanding of many, “grass meal” or “green grass” includes any herbal granules. And few people think that depending on what herbs and by what technology these granules were obtained, their nutritional properties can vary significantly. Basically, freshly cut grass of legumes, cereals and legume-cereals is used to produce grass flour. Typically, forbs from field grasses are used to obtain grass meal intended for feeding most animals. This is due to the lower cost of its production and the minimum requirements for its quality. But effective in terms of their indicators is the use of only such herbs as clover, horned grass, alfalfa, oriental galega (goat's rue) and timothy. In some cases, herbal flour is produced from a mixture of legumes and cereals perennial grasses or from a vetch-oat (or pea-oat) mixture.

Herbal flour obtained from the horned lamb(folk names: field acacia, batogen, hare's grass, vingroch, sparrow pods, pea, adonis, clawed peas, passerine peas, snap peas, jaundice, hare's grass, komolitsa, lollipop, lollipop, lollipop, lardvenets, lotia, lot, flight, peretinets, rue polena, pod glue, three-chain seed, single end, stalks, pink trefoil, acacia field). Lyadvenets provides a large mass of highly nutritious feed with good palatability and digestibility. It is characterized by a high protein content of 19.5-20%. In 100 kg of green mass of the horned lamb, 25 kg. units. and 4.5 kg of digestible protein, in 100 kg of hay, respectively, 68.4 kg. units. and 15.1 kg. For comparison, 100 kg of timothy green mass contains 20-25 kg. and 1.5-1.7 kg of digestible protein, in hay 50 and 5.0, respectively.

Grass meal derived from alfalfa has a higher nutritional value compared to flour from other types of herbs. Depending on what phase of the alfalfa growing season the grass meal was received, its nutritional value can vary from 0.62 to 0.72 feed units, the protein content, which differs in its usefulness, from 14 to 19%, and carotene from 120 to 200 mg/ kg. This type, like legume herbal flour in general, is distinguished by a fairly high calcium content (12 – 17 g/kg). Alfalfa meal can be used as a substitute for grain concentrates or as a vitamin and protein supplement. It has milk-producing properties - a desirable quality for lactating mares, and has a positive effect on the growth of young horses. Feeding alfalfa meal promotes rapid growth of animals and the development of strong bones. All types of alfalfa feed are readily eaten by livestock, and green feed and grass meal are also eaten by poultry. The digestibility of alfalfa feed reaches 70-80%.

Herbal meal obtained from oriental goat's rue It has a high feeding value, since the oriental goat's rue plant is characterized by good foliage, which is 60-75%. The digestibility of feed dry matter is 50-80%, organic matter 60-80%, protein 60-90%, fiber 40-70%, fat 30-60%, BEB - 60-80%. 100 kg of green mass contains 20-24 feed units, silage and hay contain 21 and 57-58 feed units, respectively. Depending on the time of mowing and mowing, the provision of 1 feed unit with digestible protein ranges from 140 to 200 g. Proteins have a complete composition and contain all the amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of animals. According to research conducted at the MarNIISH in 1998-2001, it was established that the use of diets that included the green mass of the eastern goat's rue contributed to better growth and the development of animals such as piglets and rabbits. The average daily growth of these animals consuming goat's rue increases by 12% compared to the purely concentrated type of feeding. The introduction of goat grass into their diet contributed to an increase in multiple and large-fruited nests to 7.2%.

Bean-cereal grass flour usually consists of a mixture of White vetch and peas or oats. White pink vetch is an annual forage crop. Vetch is cultivated for green fodder, grass meal, and silage. During the period of green pods, the dry matter content in vetch averages 14.5%, protein - 3.5%, fat - 0.1%, fiber - 2.1%, nitrogen-free extractives - 7.7% and ash - 1 .1%. The digestibility of organic substances of pure vetch by animals is 85-86%. 1 kg of green vetch contains 0.17 feed units, 33 g of digestible protein, 2.4 g of calcium, 0.8 g of phosphorus and 47 mg of carotene. Vetch in pure crops is rarely used as green fodder, as it produces low yields of green mass, a significant part of which, moreover, deteriorates when lodging from contact with wet soil. For good development, vetch requires supporting plants, and therefore it is sown in the form of mash. Of these mashes, vetch and oats are most often cultivated. The yield of green vetch mixed with oats averages 250 centners per 1 hectare. This mixture is quite nutritious and is readily eaten by animals. It contains 19.7% dry matter, including 3.7% protein, 0.7% fat, 6.0% fiber, 7.5% nitrogen-free extractives and 1.8% minerals. So, 1 kg of the mixture contains 23 g of digestible protein, 0.8 g of phosphorus, 21 g of calcium and 45 mg of carotene. In terms of the content of feed units (0.66), protein (16-16.5%) and carotene (up to 140 mg/kg), it is inferior to legume grass flour. But continues to be an excellent source of protein high quality, vitamins and microelements in a highly digestible form.

Forb grass meal in terms of its nutritional value (0.63 units) and protein content (10 - 11% crude protein) it is inferior to previous types, the amount of calcium (5.5 - 6 g / kg) and its excess over phosphorus (3 g / kg) in it not as significant as in legume herbal flour, but the content of minerals and vitamins is practically not inferior to the types described above, and in some cases (cobalt, iodine content) and exceeds them. The carotene content usually ranges from 120 mg/kg. This grass meal is much cheaper and can be fed to all groups of horses with virtually no restrictions. It is best to replace hay of unsatisfactory quality (2 - 2.5 kg of hay per 1 kg of flour).

Economic effect of using vitamin herbal flour.
Experience of leading farms and leading scientific institutions in the field of feed production and livestock production indicate the high efficiency of using grass meal. Summarizing the data from scientific institutions, we can conclude that the use of herbal vitamin flour in animal diets makes it possible to increase the average daily milk yield by 12%, the weight gain of young rabbits and cattle by 8...15%, fattening pigs by 10...18%, poultry by 7-12%, egg production of birds by 15%. At the same time, feed costs per unit of livestock production are reduced by 10-20%.

Herbal flour contains vitamins C, K, E, vital for the animal body, almost the entire group of B vitamins (except B12), as well as chlorophyll, xanthophyll, choline, thiamine, folic and pantothenic acids. Herbal flour has a rich composition of minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, chlorine, iodine and some others. That is why grass flour is widely used as an irreplaceable raw material in the feed industry.
Here is an example of the composition of average samples of grass flour from legumes and corn:


Flour from
leguminous herbs

Corn flour

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin K

Vitamin E

Folic acid

Vitamin PP

Vitamin B3



As can be seen from these data, the flour of perennial leguminous grasses (alfalfa, butterfly, clover, goat's rue) contains 10 times more riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin E and 30 times more carotene than flour from yellow corn grain. But the distribution of nutrients in the plant is not uniform. Thus, the leaves of plants usually contain more nutrients, and the stems contain less.
Here is an example of the nutrient and fiber content of different parts of the plant in %:

However, the main indicator of the quality of grass meal is mainly its carotene content. Its content also largely depends on the presence of sheet material. The higher the foliage of plants, the richer the whole plant and its flour are in carotene. As noted above, the leaves are richer in protein and other nutrients. In this regard, herbal vitamin flour is divided into varieties. Depending on the type of flour, the protein and general biological value of herbal flour will be different: the first grade has 19% protein, and the third has 13% protein. In addition, the accumulation of nutrients in the greenery of annual crops increases during the growing season and reaches maximum values ​​by 24-30 days, after which a decrease begins. Therefore, in order to obtain raw materials for the production of grass flour with a high protein content, it is necessary to mow the green mass in the early phases of the growing season: legumes and crops before flowering, cereals before heading. The content of nutrients and vitamins in herbal flour is significantly influenced by the technology for preparing herbal flour and the conditions of its storage. In granular form, the safety of nutrients is greater, but the safety of nutrients also depends on the quality of the granules. Good granules should be dense, dry, smooth and shiny, 1.5 - 3 cm long, difficult to break. Granulated grass meal is usually sold in multi-layer paper bags or BIG BAGS. Store it in a dry, shaded place (since carotene is quickly destroyed in the light) at a temperature not lower than 4C in winter and not higher than 20C in summer.

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2019 LLC "FH GLEBOVSKOE": production of vitamin flour

Experiments have established that during natural drying of herbs, the dry matter of hay contains 2 times less digestible protein, 10-12 times less carotene, and 2.5-3 times less feed units than the dry matter of green grass.

The nutrients of the herb are most fully preserved when the herbs are artificially dried. This method consists in drying chopped freshly cut or dried grass with a stream of hot air to a humidity of 10-13% in special drying units. The dried mass is ground into flour.

During artificial drying, moisture is quickly removed from plants, resulting in very small losses of nutrients - 3-8%, and carotene - 10-15%."

1 kg of artificially dried grass contains 250-350 mg of carotene. Herbal flour is rich in vitamins B2, E, K, as well as minerals. The digestibility of nutrients in artificially dried green mass is higher than in naturally dried hay.

As a result, artificial drying produces food that differs little in the nutritional value of dry matter from the original green mass. Therefore, flour obtained from artificially dried grass, in contrast to flour obtained by grinding hay (hay flour), is usually called grass flour.

Grass meal is not only a protein-vitamin feed, but also a substitute for concentrates.

Experiments conducted by the Lithuanian Animal Husbandry Research Institute showed that chickens that received 3-4% grass meal in their diet weighed 1.5 times more after two months compared to young animals that did not receive this feed.

Using grass meal to feed pigs can significantly save concentrates and increase the nutritional value of diets.

The production of grass meal is necessary to enrich feed with nutrients contained in green plants.

The production of grass flour for the feed industry is organized on specialized state farms, where it is possible to better use installations for drying raw materials and have special grass crops for these purposes.

However, along with expanding the number of specialized state farms, it is necessary to develop the production of grass flour directly on collective and state farms in quantities that satisfy the need of livestock for this feed.

What is the essence of drying herbs with hot air? With this method, the grass is heated in a so-called high-temperature dryer in a stream of air with a temperature of 500-600° to the boiling point of the liquid contained in it, which quickly evaporates. As long as the material retains the properties of a wet body and water evaporates from it, its temperature is no more than 80-100°.

The fact that the substance containing water is heated no higher than 100° makes it possible to dry the grass in a stream of hot air. This allows you to obtain a product with a moisture content of 10-12% from fresh grass within a few seconds.

In addition to high-temperature dryers, low-temperature tray-type dryers are also used. On these dryers, the grass is blown with air at a temperature of 90-100°. Herbal flour prepared in low-temperature dryers is almost no different in nutritional value from flour produced in high-temperature dryers.

How does artificial drying of grass affect the feed nutritional value of the product obtained from it?

Numerous experiments indicate that chemical composition herbs dried under natural conditions in the field and with a grass dryer are different (Table 46).

Table 46

Chemical composition of naturally dried grass meal and hay

The digestibility coefficients of grass meal and regular hay prepared from the same feedstock (perennial legumes) are given in Table 47.

Table 47

Grass meal and hay digestibility coefficients (%)

Since young, non-coarsened plants with low fiber content are used for artificial drying, the nutritional value of herbal flour is close to concentrates, and surpasses them in biological value. Thus, 1 kg of flour made from clover or alfalfa corresponds in nutritional value to 0.80-0.85 feed units.

The high nutritional value of grass meal, as well as obtaining several cuttings from perennial grass crops during the summer-autumn months, make it possible to sharply increase the yield of nutrients per unit area compared to conventional field drying of grasses for hay. Observations show that when artificially drying perennial grasses from 1 hectare, you can obtain 1.5-2 times more protein and nitrogen-free extractives, and 6-7 times more carotene than with conventional drying of grass for hay.

Domestic and foreign data indicate that with the correct agricultural technology for cultivating alfalfa, as well as observing the timing of its mowing, 10 tons of grass meal can be obtained from 1 hectare, which is 8,000 feed units.

When stored in bulk, herbal flour loses a lot of carotene, so it is briquetted or stored in thick paper or plastic bags in a dark and cool place.

To prepare hay flour, first of all, you should use high-vitamin hay obtained through accelerated drying, as well as dried by artificial ventilation. Hay intended for processing into flour must be stored in closed storage facilities or under sheds.

The hay is ground into flour using universal hammer crushers DKU-M, DKU-1, KDU-2, IKB-2. The crushers are equipped with sieves with a hole diameter of 3 or 6 mm for fine and medium grinding, while the grinding module is 1.4-1.7 mm, and the productivity is 200-400 kg per hour.

To prepare hay flour, you should not use hay with a moisture content above 20%, as this will clog the crushers.

Grass and hay flour are especially necessary for pigs and poultry, as they sharply increase the biological value of diets and make it possible to reduce the need for vitamin preparations. Their introduction into pig diets in combination with other feeds improves the functioning of the digestive tract in animals, enhances the secretion of gastric juice, and accelerates and increases the digestion of diet feeds.

Herbal, as well as hay, flour is fed to pigs in a mixture with dry feed or in wet mash.

The following amount of grass meal is introduced into the daily diet of pigs (in kg):

The norms for feeding and hay flour are approximately the same.

In the diets of chickens, grass meal makes up 5-10% nutritional value, for turkeys - 10-20%, for ducks and geese - 20-30%.

Young birds are given grass meal in an amount of 5-10% of the nutritional value of the diet. The daily diet includes the following amount of grass meal: for chickens under 10 days old - 0.1-0.5 g; for chickens up to one month - 0.5-2.0; for chickens up to two months of age - 2-4; for young animals aged 3-5 months - 4-8; chickens - 8-12; turkeys - 30-50; ducks - 30-50; geese - 100-150 g.

Plants for preparing herbal flour. Of the industrially produced installations for preparing herbal flour, the simplest is the two-tray dryer 2LST-400.

Rice. 38. Two-tray dryer 2LST-400

Figures 38, 39 and 40 show a diagram of the dryer, a drying station for preparing herbal flour and a plan for placing equipment in it.

The installation is universal; herbs, grains and other agricultural products are dried on it, as a result of which it can work long time per year and the costs of its construction quickly pay off.

The drying installation consists of two trays 7, in which slatted conveyors 6 are installed; heat generator TG-800 /; air ducts 2, through which heated air is supplied inside the trays through air distribution devices 5; drive mechanism 4; 3 pitched tables; two hammer crushers DKU-M.

The drying tray is made of metal sheet and has a length of 582 cm, a width of 212 cm and a height of 285 cm. Using a lattice partition with a hole diameter of 3 mm, the tray is divided into two chambers: the upper working (open) with a volume of 9.6 m3 and the lower air distribution ( closed). A slatted conveyor moves along the lattice partition, which is turned on during loading of raw materials and unloading them after drying. The conveyor drive is installed between the trays in their front part.

The front wall of the tray is folding and opens when unloading dried grass. At the bottom of the front wall of the tray, under the lattice partition, there is a window with a louvered device through which heated air enters. The louver device serves to cut off the access of heated air to the tray and direct its flow to all zones of the tray.

Under the front folding walls of the trays there is an auger common to two trays, which unloads the dried grain. When drying grass, an auger is not used.

The air required for drying is heated in a TG-800 heat generator running on kerosene or gas. The heat generator consists of a cylindrical combustion chamber with burners; a centrifugal fan with an electric motor, which sucks the coolant (a mixture of hot combustion products and air) from the combustion chamber and pumps it into the drying trays; automatic control systems.

Rice. 39. Station for preparing herbal flour with dryer 2LST-400

Fuel is supplied to the heat generator by gravity from a tank with a capacity of 1320 liters, which is installed on a stand 1.6 m high. Fuel is pumped into the tank with a hand pump.

The heat generator is equipped with a device for automatically regulating the temperature of the coolant by changing the fuel supply.

Depending on the type of product being dried, the permissible limits for changes in coolant temperature are set on the device scale using two movable arrows. It is recommended to maintain the coolant temperature within 90-95° when drying grass, 30-40° when drying seed grain, and 90-100° when drying feed grain.

In addition, emergency shutdown of the fan and fuel supply is provided when the coolant temperature reaches 105°. From the heat generator, the coolant is pumped through an air duct by a fan into the drying trays.

For the drying point, choose a flat, non-flooded area in close proximity to power sources. It is necessary to connect a water supply to the point or build a fire reservoir with 50 m3 of water at a distance of no more than 50 m from it.

The distance from the point to residential and livestock buildings must be at least 50 m, and from warehouses and warehouses at least 150 m. In order for the point to operate in any weather, all equipment is placed under a canopy (Fig. 39) with a fireproof roof. Supports under the canopy should not interfere with vehicle access to the rear of the trays, from where the material to be dried is loaded.

The area under the canopy is asphalted and two concrete trenches 550 mm deep are built on it for drying trays 2 (Fig. 40) and a channel for the air duct, which is covered with removable panels.

The distance between the trays should be 940 mm, and the trays themselves are installed with an inclination of 10°, so that their front part is higher than the back. Adjacent to the front of the trays are pitched tables 3, 5.8 m long and 2 m wide, along which the dried grass is manually pushed closer to the grinding compartment. At the end of the site there are two DKU-M 5 hammer crushers with a common cyclone 4 for separating air from the crushed grass. The productivity of one crusher is about 300 kg per hour.

Rice. 40. Layout of equipment for a herbal meal preparation station with a 2LST-400 dryer

A pipeline with holes running along the entire perimeter of the trays is connected to the water supply. If the grass in the trays catches fire, turn on the water.

A heat generator is installed on the side outside the canopy, for which a separate chamber should be built. The fuel tank is placed at a distance of 25 m from the heat generator.

Drying the grass and preparing herbal flour from it is carried out as follows.

Chopped or unshredded grass is transported on tractor trailers or vehicles to the rear end of the tray (Fig. 39) and loaded into an even layer of 60-80 cm. While loading the tray, turn off the coolant supply to it and turn on the conveyor, which, moving at a speed of 3 m per minute, gradually feeds the grass forward of the tray.

After loading the tray with grass, the blinds are opened. Hot air from the heat generator is forced by a fan under the grid of trays.

To speed up drying, the grass needs to be stirred periodically. Drying stops when the grass moisture content is 10-12%. Depending on the amount of grass loaded into the tray and its initial moisture content, the drying time lasts 1-2"/g hours.

If the grass dries out worse in any part of the tray, it is necessary to change the position of the blinds to direct a greater flow of hot air into this area.

You can dry grass and grain simultaneously in two trays or alternately in each. IN the latter case While the grass is drying in one tray, it is unloaded from another tray and crushed.

At the end of drying, shut off the fuel access to the heat generator and cool the mass by blowing cold air through it for 4-5 minutes. The dried grass is manually pushed through the open back wall of the tray onto rolling tables and then to the crushers. When unloading the tray, its conveyor is turned on.

The grass is crushed using hammer crushers and packed into paper bags. At the drying station, you cannot accumulate more finished feed than the amount produced per shift.

Rice. 41. Unit AVM4),4 for preparing herbal flour.

All work at the point is performed by a mechanic-foreman and 2-3 workers.

The quality of grass meal and, first of all, the carotene content in it depends on the drying time. The shorter the drying period, the better the quality of the flour. Therefore, dryers in which the grass is dried in a few seconds are considered the most advanced. This type of dryer includes the commercially produced drum unit for preparing herbal flour AVM-0.4.

In contrast to the 2LST-400 dryer, the AVM-0.4 drum unit is continuous. In it, crushed products are dried with a mixture of combustion products and air at a temperature of 500-1000°. Figures 41, 42 show the general view and technological diagram of the unit.

The unit consists of a firebox, a drying drum, a hammer crusher, a loading conveyor, a dry mass cyclone, an unloading device, fuel equipment, and electrical equipment with a control panel.

All working parts, except for the loading conveyor and the control panel, are mounted on a common frame with wheels, so that the unit can be transported without disassembly.

There are 10 jacks on the frame, on which the unit is installed during operation and leveled in a horizontal plane.

All working parts are driven by eight electric motors with a total power of 58.3 kW.

On the front part of the frame there is a fuel equipment / (Fig. 42), where fuel (diesel fuel or fuel oil) is sucked from the tanks by a pump and heated before combustion. The fuel heating temperature is adjustable within 0-100°. The heated fuel is supplied by a pump under high pressure (15-30 kg/cm2) to a nozzle installed in firebox 2, where the required amount of air is also pumped by a fan. When atomized liquid fuel is burned, a mixture of combustion products with air is obtained, having a temperature of 500-1000 °, which is used to dry the grass.

The fuel equipment is equipped with a regulator that automatically maintains the temperature of the waste coolant at the outlet of the dryer within 80-110°. As the temperature decreases, the fuel supply increases.

The firebox is cylindrical, lined from the inside with refractory bricks. In the front wall of the furnace there are windows with gate valves, through which air is sucked into the drying drum. The rear wall of the firebox is connected through an o-ring to a rotating drying drum 3.

Rice. 42. Technological diagram unit AVM-0.4 for preparing herbal flour.

The drying drum consists of three concentrically located cylinders, between the walls of which the grass is dried in a coolant flow. The outer diameter of the drum is 2280 mm, its length is 3970 mm. The drum is driven by friction wheels into rotation at a speed of 3.9-5.4 rpm. On the inner surface along each cylinder there are blades, which, when the drum rotates, intensively mix the dried grass.

The dried grass is sucked out of the drum by a fan 7 through a cyclone 6, which is designed to separate the waste coolant from the grass and discharge it into the atmosphere. At the bottom of the cyclone there is a 13 paddle dispenser, which evenly supplies the dried grass to the hammer crusher located at the rear of the unit. The degree of grinding in the crusher is regulated by replaceable sieves with hole diameters of 3, 4 and 6 mm.

Between the dispenser and the crusher there is a foreign object catcher 14 (stones, lumps of earth, etc.), which must be periodically cleaned through the hatch.

A small cyclone 8 with a fan 15 is installed above the crusher, designed to remove crushed feed from the crusher and separate air from it.

At the bottom of the cyclone there is a bladed sluice valve 9, with the help of which grass flour is evenly fed to the unloading auger 12. The auger has several unloading necks, from which the bags are suspended.

The grass is loaded into the dryer by a removable conveyor 4 with a limiting beater 5, which regulates the supply of the mass.

The control panel is mounted in a separate cabinet, which is placed near the unit.

The flour is prepared as follows. After starting the unit and warming it up, the grass, crushed into particles 10-30 mm long, is manually evenly loaded onto the loading conveyor 4 (Fig. 42). The grass enters the inner cylinder of the drying drum 3, where it is picked up by the flow of heated coolant and, due to the vacuum created by the fan 7, moves through the labyrinth between the drum cylinders, constantly in contact with the flow of hot gases.

As a result of thorough mixing of the product (due to rotation of the drum), drying is carried out in a selective manner. Leaves and small particles dry out earlier, become lighter and are carried out of the drum faster by the coolant flow. As a result, uniform drying without overheating is achieved, which ensures high quality herbal meal.

In cyclone 6, due to the action of centrifugal forces, grass dried to a moisture content of 8-10% is separated from the waste coolant and sent to crusher 11.

In the crusher, the grass is crushed into flour, which is sent into bags by an unloading device. As the dried grass passes through the fans, cyclones and crusher, the grass is cooled.

The unit can also be used to dry feed grain, pulp and other feed, which after drying can be crushed if necessary.

When drying feed with relatively low humidity, use a small firebox included with the unit.

The unit is serviced by a mechanic and two workers.

The unit is installed at a permanent location, where, in addition to the production premises, there must be a warehouse for the temporary storage of grass meal, utility rooms and a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 10 m3.

In a production room, it is advisable to make the walls from removable panels, which, if necessary, can be removed to improve the ventilation of the room. The floor inside the production room and the area near the loading conveyor are concreted.

The AVM-0.4 unit is more complex and more productive than a tray dryer. It is most advisable to purchase it for specialized farms with large areas of grass, so that its seasonal production is at least 400 tons.

To prepare grass meal, you must first use highly nutritious legumes (alfalfa, clover) so that the high costs associated with this process are justified.

To reduce the cost of transporting herbs, the point should be located closer to the areas from which the herbs are intended to be used for making flour. The delivery distance should not exceed 10 km.

To provide 2LST-400 dryers with raw materials throughout the entire season, it is recommended to allocate 95 hectares of grass with an average yield of 150-200 centners per hectare, and for AVM-0.4 dryers - 150-160 centners.

Table 48

Technical characteristics of plants for preparing herbal flour

The costs of preparing herbal flour largely depend on the technology and organization of mowing and transporting herbs.

For the AVM-0.4 drum dryer, it is best to mow the grass with a KIK-1.4 mower-chopper, which provides the required degree of grinding. It is more advisable to transport grass over a distance of up to 4 km using self-unloading tractor trailers PTU-YUK, PTU-YUS, 2PTS-4, etc., in which, to increase the capacity and reduce feed losses, the body on top should be covered with an enclosing mesh (mesh size 5X5 mm). To ensure normal operation of the dryer, about 15 tons of grass must be transported per shift.

When harvesting grass with a mower-chopper, in a unit with trailers, all work on supplying the dryer with raw materials can be performed by 2-3 tractor drivers: one for mowing, and the rest for transportation. In this case, there should be one more trailer than tractors used for transportation.

If KIK-1.4 mower-choppers are not available, the grass can be cut with a rotary mower-chopper-gel KIR-1.5. However, in this case, the green mass must be additionally chopped using a RSS-6 straw silage cutter installed at the unit. The straw cutter should be adjusted to the finest cutting possible.

When the delivery distance is more than 4 km, it is more profitable to transport grass by vehicles with extended sides. For a tray dryer 2LST-400, 12-13 tons of grass should be transported per shift.

Due to the fact that grass chopping is not necessary for this dryer, it is most advisable to mow it with a KIR-1.5 mower-chopper, and transport it with self-unloading tractor trailers. Quantity vehicles depends on the delivery distance.

The performance of dryers and fuel consumption, and therefore the cost of grass meal, largely depend on the moisture content of the raw materials. The higher the humidity, the lower the performance of dryers. For example, on the 2LST-400 installation, when drying grass with a humidity of 78%, the productivity was 2 times lower than with a humidity of 65%; in the first case, the same amount of fuel was consumed per ton of flour. According to the Kyrgyz Machine Testing Station, the productivity of AVM-0.4 with a grass moisture content of 85% was 210 kg per hour, and with a humidity of 70% it was 550 kg per hour, the fuel consumption per 1 ton of flour was 2 times less.

In this regard, after mowing, it is advisable to dry the grass in swaths or windrows to reduce moisture. In this case, the herbs should be dried to a moisture content of at least 60-65%; carotene losses in this case during drying do not exceed 10-15%. A greater decrease in the moisture content of grasses in the field leads to significant losses of carotene.

When harvesting grasses with wilting, they are mowed with a single-beam mower KSKH-2.1, which, when harvesting legumes, it is advisable to combine with a PTP-2 conditioner. After reducing the humidity to 65%, the mown and flattened grass is raked with a GBU-6 side rake and immediately collected and crushed .

The easiest way to select grass from windrows is with mower-chopper KIK-1.4 with a pick-up or rotary mower-chopper KIR-1.5.

Drying herbs before drying should only be done in good weather.

What is grass meal? Why does a horse need it and is it needed at all? Just 2–3 years ago, most horse owners would hardly have been able to answer these questions. Today, grass meal has firmly taken its place among other horse feeds. It is in demand (especially in winter); it is used with pleasure both for feeding sports and pleasure horses, as well as for breeding horses and growing young animals. In the diets of many horses, grass meal is used as a vitamin supplement; some replace poor-quality hay with it; and in some horses, grass meal almost completely replaces concentrates.
The information we receive when purchasing herbal flour is usually replete with listing its beneficial qualities and high nutritional characteristics. In the understanding of many horse owners, the concept of “grass meal” or “green grass” includes any grass pellets. And few people think that depending on what herbs and what technology these granules were obtained from, their nutritional properties can vary significantly. And one kilogram of herbal flour purchased a month ago can be twice as inferior or superior in its nutritional characteristics, content of vitamins and microelements, to a kilogram of granules purchased yesterday (even from the same supplier).
So, what is grass meal!?
Grass meal belongs to roughage, that is, it is on a par with straw, etc. Although, in terms of its energy value, herbal flour is close to concentrates (0.65 - 0.7 units). Properly prepared flour is not much inferior in overall nutritional value to grain feed and contains 100-140 g of digestible protein and 180-300 mg of carotene per kilogram. It retains almost all essential amino acids.
For the production of grass flour, freshly cut grass of legumes, cereals and various herbal green mass is used. Depending on what type of grass, in what phase of its growth and by what technology the flour is obtained, its nutritional characteristics and the content of vitamins in it can vary significantly.
The technology for preparing herbal flour is of great importance. In the Vitamin-Herbal Flour (AVM) apparatus, the crushed grass is dried at high temperatures, in a few seconds, to 9 - 12% humidity, while loss of nutrients is almost completely eliminated and we obtain vitamin-herbal flour. However, sometimes, in order to save energy, the cut grass is dried before being sent to the AVM, and some of the nutrients, especially carotene, are lost.
The content of nutrients and vitamins in herbal flour is significantly influenced by the form and storage conditions. In granular form, the preservation of nutrients is greater. But even in this form, the carotene content in grass flour is reduced by 50% after 6 months of storage, without the use of antioxidants. Adding the same chemicals allows to significantly reduce carotene losses. The preservation of nutrients also depends on the quality of the granules. Good granules should be dense, dry, smooth and shiny, 1.5 - 3 cm long, difficult to break. The color of the granules can vary from dark to bright green.
Granulated grass meal is usually sold in multi-layer paper bags, and if you stock it up for future use, it is better to store the granules in the same bags (do not pour them into other containers) in a dry place at a temperature of no lower than 4C in winter and no higher than 20C in summer. shaded place, because Carotene is quickly destroyed in light.
Depending on what type of herb the herb meal is made from, it gets its name.

Alfalfa grass meal

Alfalfa grass meal has the highest nutritional value compared to other types of grass meal. Depending on what phase of the alfalfa growing season the grass meal was received, its nutritional value can vary from 0.62 to 0.72 feed units, the protein content, which differs in its usefulness, from 14 to 19%, and carotene from 120 to 200 mg/ kg. This type, like legume herbal flour in general, is distinguished by a fairly high calcium content (12 – 17 g/kg). Alfalfa meal can be used as a substitute for grain concentrates or as a vitamin and protein supplement. It has milk-producing properties, a desirable quality for lactating mares, and has a positive effect on the growth of young horses.
However, along with all its valuable qualities, this type of herbal flour has a number of restrictions on its use. Firstly, due to its high protein content, such flour can cause protein poisoning if used in large quantities. The high calcium content in flour must be compensated with an appropriate amount of phosphorus in the diet, i.e. When using alfalfa meal, be sure to monitor the calcium-phosphorus ratio. Uncontrolled and unjustified use of alfalfa grass meal in the diet of horses, especially young animals, non-working and old horses, can cause joint diseases and the formation of kidney stones. In addition, this type of grass meal contains substances that have estrogen-like effects, which can cause abortions in pregnant mares.

Herbal legume flour

Grass flour of legumes (vetch, clover, peas, etc.), like alfalfa, is an excellent source of complete protein (up to 17%), calcium (up to 14g/kg), carotene (170 mg/kg), vitamins E and group B. When using it, it is also necessary to strictly observe the feeding standards in accordance with the horse’s protein and calcium needs.
For the production of cereal-legume flour, a vetch-oat or oat-pea herbal mixture is usually used. In terms of the content of feed units (0.66), protein (16-16.5%) and carotene (up to 140 mg/kg), it is inferior to legume grass flour. But it continues to be an excellent source of high quality protein, vitamins and microelements in a highly digestible form.

Forb grass meal

Forb grass meal in its nutritional value (0.63 units) and protein content (10 - 11% raw material) is inferior to previous types, the amount of calcium (5.5 - 6 g / kg) and its excess over phosphorus (3 g /kg) in it is not as significant as in legume herbal flour, but the content of minerals and vitamins is practically not inferior to the types described above, and in some cases (cobalt, iodine content) and exceeds them. The carotene content usually ranges from 120 mg/kg. This grass meal can be fed to all groups of horses with virtually no restrictions. It is best for her to replace hay of unsatisfactory quality (2 - 2.5 kg of hay per 1 kg of flour), such a replacement is also relevant for sports horses during competitions - when they need to receive maximum energy in a limited amount; or used for partial or complete replacement of concentrates (at the rate of 1 kg of oats per 1 - 1.5 kg of grass meal), for horses with reduced performance, during periods of illness, when it is necessary to reduce the starch content in the diet.
Herbal flour is produced not only from cultivated meadow and pasture grasses. Today on sale you can find, for example, nettle herbal flour. In terms of its nutritional characteristics, it is close to herbal legume flour. 1 kg of such flour contains 0.65 units, 215 g of crude protein, 14.7 g of lysine, and up to 150 mg of carotene. In terms of calcium content (21.1 g/kg), it is superior to alfalfa flour. In addition, nettle herbal flour can also have a therapeutic effect on various gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the high content of protein and calcium, when using nettle flour, like alfalfa, it is necessary to strictly control the content of these substances in the diet. You should not introduce nettle grass meal into the diets of pregnant mares, because it affects the contractility of the uterus, which can lead to abortion; but this same ability will allow the mare to recover faster in postpartum period. This type of flour is best considered as a therapeutic and prophylactic additive, and not as a feed product.
In what form should grass pellets be given to a horse? Some people soak herbal flour granules almost overnight, bringing it to the state of a liquid mash, while others simply mix dry granules with concentrates. Which one is right? The basic rule here is that the pellets must be accessible to the horse's teeth. Depending on the strength of the granules, grass meal can be fed either dry, simply sprinkled with water (to avoid dust) or pre-soaked. Moreover, it is not necessary to soak the granules overnight; usually 2–3 hours are enough. Pay attention to whether your horse prefers grass porridge or crunchy kibble. You should not steam herbal flour, because... this will lead to the loss of carotene and many vitamins.

When using dry pellets, especially legume meal, be sure to ensure your horse is getting enough water.

The daily value of grass meal depends largely on its type and nutritional characteristics. On average, an adult horse can be fed up to 2 – 3 kg of flour per day.
Sharaskina Olga. The article was published in the magazine “Hippomania” No. 5, 2006, as well as on the website