Herbal flour, production of herbal flour preparation. Vitamin-herbal flour production line

Herbal meal is grass that has been dried in a special way and formed into granules. This food is easily digestible by animals, can be stored for a long time and retains all the nutrients and vitamins. This feed is used both in large and small agricultural farms. Among the main advantages of such food, it is worth noting the low cost and the possibility long-term storage. Stocking up on regular dry grass is not always profitable, especially since the shelf life of hay is short. Herbal flour takes up minimal storage space and can be stored for a long time.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:300 - 1500 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:for rural areas
Industry situation:low level of competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 1 – 2 seasons

The development of agriculture is gradually gaining momentum, especially since this industry is lately receives good support from the state. That is why the production of feed, in particular grass meal, can bring good income.

Another advantage is the almost complete absence of competition in this production market, which significantly increases sales opportunities. Sales can be established even on the local market, since farmers have already appreciated positive side use of grass meal in feeding.

The production of grass meal is a simple process, which undoubtedly also adds to the advantages of this industry. Production equipment is easy to buy, inexpensive and takes up little space. Thus, you can set up production at home - provide your farm with grass flour, and also supply it to nearby farms.

Granulated grass meal

Grass meal in granules is an excellent food that does not change its composition during storage and retains all the beneficial substances.


It is easy to establish the production of herbal flour; for this you need special equipment and a separate room. The choice of production equipment will depend primarily on the scale. At the initial stage, for example, to prepare feed for your own farm, a mini-installation will be sufficient, which is inexpensive and does not require additional maintenance.

In the process of production development, equipment can be improved, productivity and volumes increased.

Procurement of raw materials

The production of grass meal is seasonal, but even in this short period of time you can stock up on raw materials and produce a large amount of feed. In such a short time, you can organize and establish production, stock up on raw materials and then sell them to large and small farms in bulk.

Raw materials are needed for production. Green mass is the name given to the raw material for future grass meal. This is ordinary grass, perennial and annual meadow grasses, beet tops, cereals, etc.

Necessary equipment for the production of grass meal

The feed production technology is quite simple and consists of three stages:

  1. Grinding of primary raw materials.
  2. Withering and drying.
  3. Regrinding.

The output is a finished product, which can be converted into granules using special equipment.

Herbal Meal Production Line

At the initial stage, farmers buy special mini-installations, but after that it is necessary to expand production if there is a desire to increase the volume of output.

If we talk about necessary equipment, then this:

  • crusher - for grinding grass mass;
  • conveyor - for convenient supply of raw materials and simplification of manual labor;
  • cooling columns;
  • granulator - for converting the resulting raw materials into granules;
  • packaging and filling equipment.

If you organize a business, you need to buy all the equipment at once, which can be expensive. If production is expanded gradually, then you can get by with minimal costs. Also, if there is a need to save money, equipment can be purchased from little-known manufacturers.

Also, the cost of the equipment will depend on its power. For example, for a beginner, a mini-workshop with a total capacity of up to 500 kg/h will be enough. If production is necessary to provide food exclusively for your own household, you can even purchase equipment with a capacity of up to 200 kg/h.

In total, the purchase of such equipment will cost an entrepreneur from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles, and this is the minimum. Not everyone has such funds, but this does not mean that you need to abandon this idea of ​​​​organizing a business. You can purchase equipment for producing herbal flour with your own hands. It will cost less, but it will be necessary manual labor.

DIY herbal flour

It’s worth noting right away that high-quality herbal flour simply won’t work without special equipment. The raw material (grass) must be dried correctly - for a certain time and at certain temperatures.

To make it at home, you need a crusher, and to convert it into granules, you need a granulator. With the right approach, the availability of certain tools and skills, such equipment can be made independently. Keep in mind that it is not so easy to establish sales of such products; you will need to purchase a mini-installation.

If you wish, then with the help of a crusher and a mini-production plant you can set up the initial stages of your business. Herbal flour is in great demand among farmers, so the return on investment for this type of business is high. Even after investing financial resources in production, you can quickly evaluate the results and payback.

We organize the production of herbal flour

In addition to properly organized production, it is necessary to take care of the premises, personnel and hangars for storing finished products.


The production premises must first of all meet all established norms and standards. Certain humidity and air temperature are quite important indicators during manufacturing. Violation of standards can lead to the fact that the final product will simply be of poor quality. The size of the room will depend on the volume of production.


At the initial stages, a large staff will not be needed; production can be handled independently.

In general, it is necessary to take into account that workers will be needed for the following purposes:

  • grass cutting;
  • procurement of raw materials and their transportation;
  • direct production of products.

Fillers and packers will also be needed. If there is special equipment, then the need for workers is reduced.

Storage of finished products

After flour is produced, it is stored in the warehouse itself. If flour is stored in bulk in a non-granulated form, then a significant loss of nutrients occurs, which is why granulation and briquetting is recommended.

Granulated flour can be stored in paper bags for up to 1 year without loss of nutrients, provided that certain air humidity and temperatures are maintained.

Search for product sales channels

Finished products can be sold in small and large wholesale to nearby farms. If the volumes are large, you can enter the foreign market, but it is worth considering that in this case it will be necessary to obtain a veterinary opinion chemical laboratory, that is, simply certify your product.

Profitability of grass meal production

Profitability of this business quite high, this is based on the high demand for such food. The costs of preparing and growing raw materials are low, and the manufacturing technology is quite simple. This allows you to organize a business at home. Despite the fact that the business is seasonal, its return on investment is high and all money invested in organizing the process is returned quite quickly.

Profitability analysis proves that within six months there is a real opportunity to return all the funds spent and already receive direct income from the business. Organization of this type business will cost from 300,000 to 1,500,000 rubles, depending on the type of equipment and its capacity.

Technological progress does not stand still. Penetrating into all sectors of industrial activity, it also affected the field of agriculture. In particular, technologies for preparing grass feed. As a result, such a thing as vitamin-rich herbal flour appeared on the market.
Read about what grass meal is and how it is produced in the article below.

It will not be a revelation that agricultural livestock farming requires grass harvesting in order to feed livestock. Of course, fresh herbs can only be harvested in the summer-autumn period. Moreover, the hottest time for harvesting is in the summer, so that in winter there is something to feed the animals in the stall.

It is impossible to say that the process itself is simple, since, starting from the moment of bevel and ending with assembly for storage, a lot of time and effort is spent. Plus, it is necessary to provide sufficient space and conditions in which the hay could be stored throughout the winter and spring. However, during the drying and storage process, hay loses most of its nutrients and vitamins, so hay cannot be called a complete substitute for fresh grass.

Grass meal is an excellent alternative to hay

The whole secret of producing vitamin-rich herbal flour (VHM) lies in the introduction of new technological capabilities for the rapid artificial drying of herbs. By eliminating exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation and reducing exposure to temperature, the final product is more nutritious and beneficial than conventional hay. It is thanks to this method of producing feed preparations that it became possible to obtain grass meal and its granulated analogue with the maximum content of the most complete vitamin complex. In addition, due to the small particle size, grass meal has the best digestibility compared to hay and even fresh grass.

The following raw materials are used for the production of herbal flour:

  • - fresh perennial and annual herbs,
  • — meadow grasses, including legume varieties,
  • - alfalfa and clover,
  • - oats and vetch,
  • - clover and alfalfa,
  • - lupine, nettle and goat's rue
  • - pine needles from which pine flour is obtained

Depending on the type of herbs collected, the finished product will contain a certain amount of nutrients. Moreover, in accordance with existing standards, all of them must be confirmed by a conclusion from a chemical laboratory or an appropriate certificate. Plus, just like in options with fresh grass feed, raw materials for the production of TMV are divided into three main types:

- legumes,
- forbs,
- mixtures of grain legumes.

What is grass flour and how effective are its properties?

In any of the finished versions, grass meal becomes a valuable vitamin and protein supplement to the main animal feeds of the agricultural industry.

In terms of composition, TMV is a protein-vitamin complex, which is created by artificially drying herbs. The recipe is theoretically simple. Fresh grass is taken and briefly exposed to warm air. During the processing, beneficial nutritional properties and vitamins are not lost.

For one kilogram of vitamin-rich herbal flour there is:

  1. — feed units - from 0.7 to 0.9, which is almost twice as much as in traditional hay,
  2. - digestible protein - from 140 to 150 g, it contains all the necessary amino acids,
  3. - carotene - from 200 to 300 mg, and this norm is almost 15 times higher than that of hay,
  4. - vitamins B, E and K.

What animals is grass meal suitable for? Effect of grass meal on the metabolism of animals and birds

In total, grass meal can replace up to 30-40 percent of concentrated grain feed for all types of animals and poultry. In some cases, the norms may be smaller or larger. For example:
— For pigs, grass meal can be added to feed in an amount of 10 to 15 percent.
— For sheep and horses - up to 80 percent.

However, wherever TMV is used, the main thing is not to boil it or steam it in mixtures, so as not to lose beneficial properties vitamins If grass meal is prepared correctly, it will become an excellent concentrated food not only for adult animals and poultry, but also for young animals.

Groundbait, which includes vitamin flour, has the most effective effect on animals in a positive way:

— If we are talking about adding grass meal to pigs, then a ten percent norm in the daily ration will help increase weight gain by 9 percent per day.
— If TMV is added to the main feed of chickens in an amount of 4 percent, then the daily weight gain will be about 50 percent.

It should also be noted that the effectiveness of using herbal flour is especially noticeable in the winter. During this period, animals make full use of the nutrients contained in highly concentrated and roughage feed.

What explains the high level of feed value of grass meal?

In order to achieve an extremely high content of vitamins and proteins in the finished TMV product, green herbs are collected only when the necessary elements are fully absorbed in the plants. During the preparation process, the composition is subjected to a single artificial drying, which helps preserve type I carotene and protein. During drying, the grass loses no more than five percent of its beneficial substances. It is also characteristic that artificial drying has one significant advantage - it allows grass harvesting and related work to be carried out completely mechanically, regardless of the prevailing weather conditions.

Benefits of artificially drying herbs

In accordance with the research data carried out by the All-Union Research Institute of Livestock Husbandry (all-Union level), it was found that from one hectare of clover, subject to the use of artificial drying, 4300 kg of grass meal is obtained, which in its mass contains 3655 feed units. This is an order of magnitude higher than what is obtained with natural drying, where similar figures are 3077 kilograms of hay and only 933 feed units.

Most carotene and protein are retained in leguminous grasses that were harvested during budding, as well as in cereal crops collected during the initial heading period.

Particularly valuable grass flour is obtained from mixed seeded herbs and herbs collected from natural meadows, including water meadows. As a rule, the components of herbal mixtures are herbs that are close in ripening time.

At the same time, flour made from:
— tops of root tubers,
- reed grass,
— waste from the vegetable growing industry,
- pine needles and other crops that contain large amounts of vitamins, proteins and very little fiber.

Quality classification of vitamin herbal flour

Classification of TMV is carried out depending on quality. There are three categories in total. But for all three classes there is a single organoleptic assessment, according to which:

- the color of herbal flour should be rich or dark green,
— there must be a specific smell that is inherent in this type of product, but without any mustiness or other odors.

One kilogram of herbal flour should contain:
1. Carotene:
— for class I - 180 mg,
— for class II - 150 mg,
- For III class- 120 mg.
2. Crude protein - 14% for all classes.
3. Raw fiber - no more than 26 for all classes.
4. Moisture - up to 12% for all classes.

All types of grass meal allow minor impurities. These could be:
— Ferroimpurities (metallomagnetic inclusions), the size of which does not exceed two millimeters. There can be no more than 20 mg per kilogram of flour.
— Sand - no more than 1% per kilogram of product.

Features of herbal flour granules

With the progress of continuous improvement in the production of herbal flour, a confident spread of the technology for making granules from vitamin herbal flour has been noticed. This product, in addition to all its valuable qualities, has additional benefits:

  • — Firstly, grass flour in granules is not carried by the wind in the form of dust and does not crumble. This makes it possible to save up to five percent of feed volume compared to the classic loose feed type.
  • — Secondly, the number of storage rooms is reduced by 3.5 times.
  • — Thirdly, grass meal in granules is much more convenient for transportation and mechanical feeding.
  • — And finally, fourthly, granulated herbal flour better retains bioactive and nutrients.

Grass meal granulation process

Grass meal granules are obtained by applying a granulation process, which is carried out as follows:
1. From the aggregate selection system, grass flour follows a pipeline, from where it enters the granulator hopper by suction.
2. From the bunker, the flour is sent to the dispenser, which evenly distributes the mixture to the mixer.
3. In the mixer, the flour is moistened with water. The optimal humidity level is from 14 to 16 percent. The mixture is mixed well and goes into the press chamber.
4. In the pressing chamber, the flour is subjected to high pressure, resulting in the formation of granules.
5. After pressing, the flour is kept in a cooling column for some time, and then enters the sorting stage.
One of the conditions is that the temperature of the finished granules after the cooling stage should not be higher than air environment more than eight degrees Celsius, and the percentage of humidity should not exceed the limit of 13-14%.

If grass meal is intended for calves, the length of the granules should be 6 mm. Then when granular feed will be used to feed young animals whose age exceeds six months, and also, for adult cattle, the size of the granules can be from 7 to 16 millimeters.

Production lines for vitamin herbal flour and TMV granules from Agro Profil Plus

Our technology was developed for industry use food industry, therefore, with its help it is possible to produce a product that exceeds the quality of the first class. Our production base involves the possibility of using technology that allows us to obtain compound feed and vitamin-rich grass meal whose properties are guaranteed to be above the first category, while our installations are incredibly energy efficient and pay for themselves faster than any analogues on the world market. affordable for medium and large farms and agricultural holdings.

Today, the production of TMV is becoming an incredibly profitable type of business due to the constant increase in livestock numbers. And we have everything so that you can set up your own enterprise, which will pay for itself in just one season!

Our contacts

Technical questions:

Sales department: trade@site

7 926 350 51 04
from 9-00 to 18-00

Herbal meal

vitamin-protein food obtained from artificially dried herbs. Production is organized on collective and state farms. The raw materials are seeded perennial and annual grasses, meadow grasses with a high content of legumes, etc. Legume grasses are mowed at the budding stage, cereals - at the beginning of heading. Process Preparations for grass include mowing, chopping (to chop) and drying the grass, grinding the chaff, granulating flour and packaging. The grass chaff is dried and ground in units for preparing T. m. (AVM-0.65, SB-1.5, etc.), and granulated using granulators. For better preservation carotene, antioxidants (santoquine, etc.) are added to T. m. T. m. are packaged in craft bags and stored in a dark, dry room. B 1 kg high-quality T. m. contains 0.7-0.8 feed units, 140-150 G digestible protein, 200-300 mg carotene, vitamins E, K, group B. Protein is rich in essential amino acids. T. m. is used in feeding all types of agricultural products. animals (usually in poultry farming) as a protein and vitamin supplement. Included in compound feed. production of T. m. in the USSR in 1965-82 thousand. T, in 1970-820 thousand. T, in 1975 - over 4 million. T.

Lit.: Handbook of feed production, M., 1973.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Grass meal” is in other dictionaries:

    Crushed, artificially dried grass. Protein and vitamin supplement to the diets of farm animals; included in feed... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    grass meal- Artificially dried feed, crushed into particles up to 3 mm, from herbaceous plants harvested in the early phases of the growing season. [GOST 23153 78] Topics of animal feed General terms types of feed ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Crushed, artificially dried grass. Protein and vitamin supplement to the diets of farm animals; included in feed. * * * HERBAL FLOUR HERBAL FLOUR, crushed, artificially dried grass. Protein and... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    grass meal- grass meal, a feed product obtained from artificially dried at high temperatures and ground grass mass. The technological process of preparing T. m. includes mowing herbs (legumes in the budding phase, bluegrass in ... ... Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

    HERB FLOUR- a feed product obtained from artificially dried at high temperature and ground grass mass. Technol. The process of preparing T. m. includes mowing herbs (legumes in the budding phase, bluegrass at the beginning of heading), grinding them (to ... ...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

    FLOUR, and, female Severe physical or mental suffering. The pangs of hunger. The pangs of loneliness. The pangs of creativity. The torment of the word (about the severity of writing work). Walking through torment (a series of difficult life trials). Not life, but M. M. martyrdom (oh... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I Stern is the rear end of the ship. The shape of the underwater part of the ship affects the resistance of water to the movement of the vessel, its controllability and the operating conditions of the ship propulsion system (See Ship propulsion), and the outline of its surface part determines the convenience... ...

    Feed, products of plant and animal origin, as well as minerals used for feeding. X. animals. K. provide animals with the nutrients necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body, its... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    STERN- products of plant, animal, microbiol. and chem. origin, used for feeding p. X. nykh. Contains nutrition. in va in digestible form. Depending on the source of production, production technology, specifics of preparation and... ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

Here: equipment for the production of vitamin-herbal flour, equipment for the production of animal feed, sale of VTM production lines

The line for VTM includes a new modernized dryer of the 2nd generation ASKT.
Raw material humidity up to 80-85%
All information about the dryer on the page " "

Raw materials for the production of vitamin-herbal flour: seeded perennial and annual grasses, meadow grasses with a high content of legumes, etc., meadow grass, vetch with oats, lupine, alfalfa, clover, goat's rue, pine needles, tops of root crops, vegetable waste and other traditional raw materials... And only we have effective granules from nettles and milky corn.

Final product: granule 2.5 - 10 mm, humidity 9-12%
Granule density: 0.8 -1.1 kg/dm. cube
Bulk density of granules: 600-700 kg/m3

The humidity of freshly cut grass is 82-85%.

Humidity of dried grass 65-70%

Advantages of our line for the production of vitamin-herbal flour compared to domestic and foreign analogues:

  1. Minimal loss of vitamins - up to 5%
  2. Compact dimensions - ability to place equipment in small areas
  3. Explosion and fire safety
  4. High reliability and ease of operation
  5. Fast payback
  6. Possibility of year-round work on other raw materials (if additional equipment is available)
  7. Stern highest quality- beyond competition and beyond categories

Economic effect of the method is that in terms of the quality of the resulting product it can be compared with the method of lyophilization (sublimation), and in terms of cost it is cheaper than any analogues (rotor, cabinet, drum, pneumatic drying (pseudo-aerodynamics) and other methods that use the classical laws of thermodynamics). It also surpasses the Canadian KDS technology - the method of kinetic knocking out of moisture.

ASKT technology (combined aerodynamic dryer) is the newest and most promising technology today. To remove 1 ton of water, up to 100 kW of energy is required (about 1 mW in the drum, about 5 mW in the sublimation chamber). The exposure temperature is from 30 to 90 degrees Celsius (and in the case when it is necessary to preserve maximum protein and vitamins, the drying mode is 30-60 degrees Celsius). The drying temperature exposure time is only 18 seconds. The loss of nutrients is comparable to the sublimation method - 5.7-12% (depending on the drying mode). The productivity of ASKT dryers per hour is quite comparable to that of a classic drum dryer.

Thus, today it is cost-effective and justified to use premium food powders, dry rations, baby food, dietary supplements, feed with high levels of biologically active substances and protein, highly effective fertilizers from manure and litter, dryers based on the ASKT principle. It is this technology that today is the most efficient both in terms of energy consumption and the quality of the resulting product.

Our installations today have no analogues in the world either in terms of the quality of the resulting products, or in terms of productivity, or in terms of the cost per ton of the finished product.

competitive advantages of feed lines using the ASCT method

  1. + Raw materials can be dried without preliminary squeezing and drying (works with natural humidity up to 80%). There are no analogues on the world market
  2. + UV, IR, or microwave radiation is not used
  3. + Ultra-short exposure (only 8 seconds) to low temperatures of conventional drying systems from 40°-60°-90 °C and 10 seconds to temperatures of 30-40°C
  4. + Retention of 95-97% of all nutrients, vitamins, fruit acids, polysaccharides, biologically active substances, flavoring, aromatic and other components, as well as energy of the original product from all types of raw materials
  5. + Powders and granules of the highest category according to laboratory test reports
  6. + Preservation of cell structure and complete sterility of the final product
  7. + Humidity 8-10-12%
  8. + Subject to technical maintenance regulations, the line can operate 18-20 hours a day
  9. + Lowest loss of vitamins on the world market during storage (granules 0.5-0.7% per year, powder - 2-5%)
  10. + Condensation does not form during operation
  11. + Only ASCT uses a combined drying method. It is not evaporation that occurs, but dynamic dehydration. Drying methods: vortex, fluidization, flow separation method, kinetic energy and counter flow method.
  12. + No preparatory fermentation of raw materials and/or additional enrichment of the resulting product is required
  13. + Explosion and fire safety of the line
  14. + Compact installation - the production premises, due to the suspension of equipment at a high height, can also be used as a temporary storage warehouse for raw materials and finished products
  15. + energy efficiency. For 1 ton of moisture removed from a product with 65-70% humidity, less than 50 kW of electricity is consumed.

The total time of the ENTIRE drying cycle is 18-20 seconds, the initial temperature of the agent is 60-80 °C, the final temperature is 30 °C

Composition of the granulating line - production of vitamin-herbal flour and feed:

  • 1. Aerodynamic dryer using ASKT technology
  • 3. Granulation block (Bunker-agitator+granulator+Control)
  • 4. Belt-scraper conveyors
  • 5. Cooling column or block
  • 6. Packing unit (Conveyor + Scales + frame)
  • 7. Control panels

Comparison of a drum dryer and the ASKT drying complex

Drying is usually understood as the process of removing moisture, which is ensured by the removal of generated vapors or evaporation. This procedure is carried out taking into account the purpose of the source material, the characteristics of its further use and subsequent processing. As a result of drying, some materials change their properties, their strength and thermal insulation properties increase. For this purpose, in sectors of the national economy, various installations are used that allow drying large volumes of raw materials. The most common type of equipment is the drying drum.

Purpose of drum dryers

Such units are mainly used for drying granular and lump materials. Depending on the quality of the processed raw material and its type, the most optimal design of the drying drum, its size must be selected, and the necessary thermal calculations must be carried out. Drums can have a capacity from 150 kg to 100 tons per hour, which will determine the size of the loading chamber, unloading chamber, heat generator power, features of the dust and gas purification mechanism, as well as the supply and removal of coolant. Such equipment may differ in the method of material supply (mechanical or pneumatic), as well as in the number of drums in the installation (maximum three).

Drum dryers are equipped with a frequency drive and modern systems automation. This makes it possible to automatically regulate the drum rotation speed and temperature. It also becomes possible to set drying parameters. Thanks to these functions, drum-type drying equipment has optimal characteristics, which allows it to be used in industry as well as agriculture.

Drying drums - advantages

Drying of raw materials is carried out in a single-pass drum, which is located in constant movement and mixes the material under the influence of heated air. The continuous rotation of the drum breaks the raw material into parts and turns it into a homogeneous mass. Such actions allow you to dry the raw materials evenly and efficiently.

The drum, like the flow of hot air, moves due to the vacuum created by the draft machine. The fan is connected to it by an air vent, which is made of corrosion-resistant metals. Depending on the amount of raw materials, the temperature and volume of the gas-air mixture will change.

The main advantages of drying drums are:

  1. — Automation of all processes;
  2. — No difficulties with installation and commissioning;
  3. — A universal machine, the ability to dry as building materials or sawdust and food products;

Disadvantages of a drum dryer

The disadvantages of drum dryers include their large dimensions, as well as considerable capital costs. But such negative aspects can be avoided by choosing an installation according to previously made calculations.

Careless operation or design flaws of the drum dryer can lead to a fire. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow safety precautions when working and take a responsible approach to choosing a specific model.

Low level of quality of the resulting product when it is necessary to preserve bioactive substances in the final product. For example, the loss of nutrients during drying of raw materials of plant origin is on average about 40%.

High operating costs are also a significant disadvantage of the drum dryer. To operate drum-type drying equipment, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the raw material being dried to the contact area of ​​the heated metal. This will depend on the size of the drum, shelves, frequency of the blades, and the amount of material being processed. For normal operation of the unit, per 1 ton of raw material there should be up to 20 square meters heated area.

Internal devices that accumulate heat will operate 15% more economically if there is a heat compensator, as well as an automation system that controls the combustion process and the temperature of the material being dried. High-quality thermal insulation will help reduce the loss of thermal energy from the internal and external parts of the drum.

However, per ton of moisture evaporated by the drum, 1.2 to 1.3 mW of energy is required.

Working principle of a drum dryer

An installation of this type is a drum, inclined, cylindrical in shape with two rings, which move along support rollers during rotation of the unit. From the raised end of the loading container, through the feeder, raw materials enter. Then it falls on the screw blades, where it continues to dry. After the procedure is completed, the raw material moves along the drum under the influence of the internal nozzle, at an angle of up to 6°. Thanks to the thrust rollers, axial displacement of the drum is not allowed. This nozzle evenly distributes the material across the cross-section of the container. Its design depends on the characteristics and dimensions of the dried raw materials.

A positive quality of drum units is that, due to the direct flow of the drying agent, the possibility of excessive drying is controlled, and the material is not carried away in the opposite direction by flue gases. To achieve this, the feed speed of such mixtures is maintained at no more than 2-3 m/s. They come from the firebox adjacent to the drum. It is located on the input side of the raw material and has a special chamber for cooling gases with outside air to the required temperatures.

Gases pass through the drum through a smoke exhauster, which is installed behind the dryer. Between them, in turn, there is a cyclone that neutralizes dust. This design prevents wear and tear on the fan by preventing debris from entering. The drum operates under vacuum; gases do not escape from the container through the holes.

Design features of the drying drum

For materials that can stick to the inner walls of the drum, as well as for large-piece raw materials, a lifting-blade system is used. Its feature is that the blade captures material from the blockage when the drum rotates, and returns it back. Thanks to this action, the area of ​​contact with gas flows increases. This system promotes gas stratification, which increases with increasing drum diameter and reducing its rotation frequency.

The distribution and transfer system is used for small raw materials, which, when mixed, emit a large amount of dust, so the drum has nozzles with closed cells. When mixing raw materials using such a system, it is always in the trash. During the transshipment process, additional evaporation surfaces are formed. The open cell distribution system is used for small-piece raw materials with good flowability. Such nozzles ensure complete pouring of the material, distributing it evenly over the cross section of the drum.

For processing large-piece, low-flowing materials with high density, a sector nozzle is used. It is fixed to inside drum grooves, at an angle of 100-150 °, which divide the working volume of the drum into several isolated chambers. This design allows the material to be evenly distributed, bringing it closer to the center of rotation of the drum and increasing filling capacity.

Comparison of a drum dryer with ASCT technology

ASKT technology is applicable for drying raw materials of plant and animal origin for the pharmaceutical and food industries, feed production, as well as for processing biomass and biowaste of a wide range.

Table: Comparison of the popular and still used drum dryer AVM 1.5 and ASKT technology (die-fuel modification) according to the passport data

AVM 1.5:

  • initial moisture content of raw materials - 75%,
  • productivity - 1.6 tons/hour,
  • electricity consumption - 231 kW per hour,
  • loss of nutrients - 40%,
  • fuel consumption by heat generator - 450 kg = 511 liters/hour household heating fuel


  • initial moisture content of raw materials – 80-82%,
  • productivity - 1.5 tons/hour
  • electricity consumption - 160 kW per hour,
  • loss of nutrients - 5.7 - 12% *,
  • fuel consumption by the heat generator - 15 -20 liters/hour diesel, up to 25 kg per hour with heating oil

*depends on the selected drying mode

You can calculate savings on the production of 1 ton of final products yourself. Depending on the region and energy prices, the difference can reach 8-12 times in favor of ASKT technology.

Technical characteristics of units for preparing vitamin flour

AVM-1.5A and ASKT-1

Indicators AVM-1.5A ASKT-1
70 1800
75 1600 1550
80 1200 1400
85 840 1100
(maximum) 1100 60-80

Output from the heat generator

at the exit from the drum 110-175 25-30

Before crushers

3-9 2850-3000

In rotors

3362 Other methods
Number of crushers 2 2
4; 6; 8
110 2 x 22 =44
232 160
|3 labor costs, pers. - h/t 2,2 4
Overall dimensions, mm:
Length 25540 30000
Width 13580 8000
Height 11020 6000
Weight, t 36,95 6,5

AVZh-0.65Zh and ASKT-0.5

Indicators AVZh-0.65Zh ASKT-0.5
Productivity, kg/h, with flour moisture content 10% and raw material moisture content, %:
70 845 1200
75 650 1000
80 460 750
85 340 600
Evaporation capacity, kg/h, at; humidity of raw materials 75% and flour 10% 1690
| Coolant temperature, °C: at the drum inlet:
(maximum) 900 60-80

Output from the heat generator

at the exit from the drum 100-120 25-30

Before the crusher

Drum rotation speed, rpm 3,5-10 2850-3000

In rotors

Heat consumption for evaporation of 1 kg of moisture, kJ 3100 Other methods
|Fuel operating pressure, MPa 0,5-1,4
Number of crushers 1 1
Grids with hole diameter, mm 4; 6; 8 6
Power of electric motors of crushers, kW 40 22
Total installed power of electricity. equipment, kW 103 104,25
|3 labor costs, pers. - h/t 6 4
Overall dimensions, mm:
Length 20963 30000
Width 8224 4000
Height 8690 6000
Weight, t 15,25 6

Science's opinion

General operating principle of the line for the production of vitamin-herbal flour using ASKT technology, project 2 series

After delivery to the warehouse, the raw materials are fed by a conveyor belt into drying units.
Passing through the dryer, the mass dries to a moisture content of 10-12%.
Next, using a pneumatic feed, the dried product is transported to a hammer crusher, where crushing occurs to a particle size of 1-3 mm, followed by feeding into a turner hopper and granulator, where granules are formed.
After the granulator, the granules are cooled in a cooling column (block) by a counter flow of air from a fan and fall onto the sieving table.
On the sieving table, the placer is separated from the quality granules.
The quality granules are transported through a conveyor to the packaging unit.

Requirements for production premises and personnel

Class B production premises.

The production process requires the availability of space for placing equipment, storing finished products and storing stocks of raw materials. The height of the room must be at least 6.5 meters.
The area occupied directly by the main equipment is about 30 meters long and 8-12 meters wide. Production premises must be heated (not lower than +5 degrees C) and ventilated. Layout of the production facility and technological scheme equipment placement is negotiated with the customer. The peculiarity of the building in which the equipment is located is taken into account.
Service staff - 5 people. Education is at least secondary specialized for workers, specialized for operators and electricians.

Drying and grinding complex WtD



On the run-in. 2014 Operating at minimum temperature. How the grass is dried in the main cylinder and the drying cylinder. And this is only half of our line. But... without working cylinders the complex does not dry.

Humidity after drying cylinder 10-12%
On the run-in. 2017 Increased productivity in relation to ASKT 2 series
Line in the field

Production of vitamin-herbal flour
VTM production equipment in the field

Grass pellet drying and production line VTM drying line




G.A.Poghosyan, A.S.Abramyan, N.P. Sudarev, D. Abylkasymov (Tver State Agricultural Academy)

The importance of the production of grass flour as an effective way of preserving grass and the possibility of restoring its preparation using a new technology of low-temperature drying in a wind tunnel is considered.

The significance of the production of grass meal as the effective method of canning grass and the the possibility of restoring its preparation with the use of new technology of low temperature drying in the wind tunnel is examined.

feed, grass meal, energy nutrition, technology, vitamins.

fodders, grass meal, energy nutritiousness, technology, the vitamins

Herbal cuttings and flour are obtained by artificially drying chopped grass under high temperature in various types of dryers (contact, vibration, aerodynamic, etc.). This method of preserving green mass allows you to reduce the loss of metabolic energy of the grown herb crop to 5%. When making hay, these losses reach 35%, ensiling - 25%, haylage - 15%. When preparing herbal flour, in the best possible way the most labile fractions with high nutritional and biological value are preserved - oligosaccharides, amino acids, vitamins E, K, C, provitamin A (carotene), choline, chlorophyll (with the chelated form of Mg), protein metabolism increases. The nutritional value of 1 kg of vitamin-herbal flour is up to 0.85 energy feed units.

In the recent past, the production of grass flour in Russia was widespread using AVM 0.5-3.0 (t in the mixing chamber 1000-1100 degrees and at the exit from the drum - 100-110 degrees, with a consumption of 3.6 tons of grass per 1 tons of grass flour) and OGM granulators. In 1975, the production of grass flour in the USSR reached 4 million tons. But the rising price of diesel fuel (even the cheapest stove fuel), with high consumption, on average 220 kg per 1 ton of flour, coupled with imperfect technology, organizational difficulties of the transition period, and impoverishment and the collapse of farms, led to a reduction in the production of this valuable type of feed. In 2000 - up to 1.9 million tons and in 2009 - up to 193 thousand tons.

Currently, in the world (Germany, France, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland, etc.) grass meal is quite widely used in the diets of cattle (prestarters and starters for calves, an ingredient in mixed feed for all age and sex groups), pigs, poultry, fish . At the same time, diets are not only enriched with valuable nutrients, but also more expensive concentrates and some premixes are replaced. When using grass briquettes, a complete replacement of hay is possible in ruminant diets.

The feasibility of using grass meal in the diets of high-yielding cows is explained by the fact that the required increase in the concentration of metabolic energy in dry matter to 10 -12 MJ cannot be achieved with bulk feed, and the level of grain concentrates has exceeded the permissible indicators for ruminants. Herbal flour, having a high nutritional value of 0.6 - 0.9 ECU, at the same time corresponds to the physiology of rumen digestion.

Recommended types of raw materials for the production of vitamin-herbal flour are: leguminous grasses in the early budding phase (alfalfa, clover, goat's rue, lupine), bluegrass grasses at the beginning of heading (timothy grass, ryegrass, orchard grass), after-products of forage crops. The use of new varieties of high-yielding crops (amaranth variety Gigant, silphium variety Jungle, Jerusalem artichoke variety Skorospelka, etc.) is promising.

The use of artificially dried feed increases productivity and reduces feed consumption per unit of animal production, and increases the economic efficiency of production.

The norm for feeding grass meal has been established various types farm animals: boars, pregnant and suckling sows up to 800g; piglets 2-4 months old. up to 150g, young cattle up to 600g, older than a year - up to 2000g, sheep 250g, poultry up to 12g.

We have investigated the possibility of using grass flour as a supplier of vitamins and microelements, with full or partial replacement of premixes in the diets of lactating cows. Table 1 shows the comparative content of vitamins in 200 g of premix for dairy cows (daily supply) and 2000 g of clover grass flour (recommended daily norm). As can be seen from the data presented, the inclusion of grass meal in the diet of cows covers the need for retinol, tocopherol, and ascorbic acid. When calculating targeted premixes, it is necessary to take into account the supply of 30% chelated form of magnesium (from chlorophyll), 30% manganese, 20% zinc, copper and cobalt with herbal flour.

Table 1 - Comparative intake of vitamins with premix and

herbal flour

Indicator Unit. P-60-1 Herbal flour %

in 1 kg in 200 g in 1 kg in 2000 g compliance

Vitamin A thousand IU 600 120 — —

Carotene * thousand IU — — 200 400 100


Vitamin D thousand IU 100 20 0, 1 0, 2 1

Vitamin E IU 700 140 93 186 100

Vitamin C mg 600 120 600 1200 100


*- 1 mg of the sum of alpha, beta and gamma carotene corresponds to 400 IU of vitamin A (according to N.I. Kleimenov).

In Russian feed production, there is a process of restoration of feed preparation using the artificial drying method. Large production facilities operate in LLC Farm Glebovskoe (Pereslavl-Zalessky), PZ-collective farm Aurora (Gryazovets district of the Vologda region), in the companies ASK-Group (Ulyanovsk), Capital Prok (Moscow region), Astarta (Volgograd), Ural Podvorie (Ekaterinburg) , Semargl (Krasnodar), etc.

Equipment for the production of grass flour using improved technologies is produced by Andritz Feed end Biofuel (Denmark), Buhler (Switzerland), Muench Edelstahl GmbH (Germany), as well as Russian companies: Doza-AGRO, ASK-Group.

The AGRO Profile Plus company (Moscow region, Zhukovsky) has developed a line for the production of herbal flour using ASKT (combined type aerodynamic dryer; design engineer, MAI graduate Dmitry Igorevich Zakirov). The declared energy consumption per hour for the production of 1.5 tons of flour is 141 kW, and 40 cubic meters. gas, or 15-20 liters of diesel fuel. Drying temperature 40 - 60 degrees. Time spent in the wind tunnel 13 seconds.

A commission from the TGSHA consisting of head. laboratory of agricultural biotechnology G.A. Pogosyan, expert consultant of Tagris LLC A.S. Abrahamyan, head. On January 21, 2017, the Tver laboratory of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Breeding N.P. Sudareva, professor of the department D. Abylkasymov and chief livestock specialist of ZAO PZ Kalininskoye N.V. Ivanova visited a prototype dryer installed on a test bench in the village of Selkhoztekhnika (Domodedovo district), with a view to was to study the principle of operation of the installation, the efficiency of drying, the quality of the finished grass meal and the possibility of placing such an installation complete with dosing hoppers, a vertical screw mixer and an OGM-6 granulator. Samples of raw materials (fermented alfalfa in the budding stage, produced by Alfalfa LLC) and herbal flour obtained from it were selected.

The dimensions of the box for placement have been determined: height 6-7m, width 8m, length 30m.

The presented new resource-saving technology is promising and based on the results of testing the installation, completing laboratory analyzes of the finished product, and carrying out economic calculations, it can be recommended for implementation in feed production.

According to Tekhbiokorm LLC, the Russian market's demand for grass meal currently amounts to more than 2 million tons. The production cost of 1 ton of granulated herbal flour is about 5 thousand rubles, and the selling price is more than 14 thousand rubles. The above justifies the effectiveness and relevance of organizing the production of herbal flour using modern technologies.

About vitamin-herbal flour

Samples of granules from various raw materials

Grass meal is a valuable protein and vitamin additive to feed for all farm animals. Grass meal is a vitamin-protein feed obtained from artificially dried herbs. It is prepared from freshly cut greens with short-term exposure to heated air, which does not affect the preservation of the vitamins and nutrients present in the grass. In 1 kg. grass meal contains 0.7-0.9 feed units, 140-150 g of digestible protein, 200-300 mg of carotene, vitamins E, K, group B. In cattle rations it can replace up to 30-40% of grain concentrated feed , grass meal is included in feed for pigs in an amount of 10-15%, for sheep and horses - up to 80%. In order not to destroy the vitamins in feed mixtures using grass meal, you should not steam or cook them.

Properly prepared grass meal is a good concentrated feed for all types of animals and poultry, especially young animals. 1 kg of grass meal, prepared from perennial grasses, contains about 0.85 feed units, i.e. 2 times more than in good hay, over 250 mg of carotene, i.e. 15 times more than in hay. Herbal flour contains many salts, microelements, over 20% protein, which includes all essential amino acids.

Grass meal added to pigs in an amount of 10% of the daily ration increases the daily weight gain by 9% (according to the Estonian Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Research Institute). Its addition to chickens in an amount of 4% to the daily diet increases weight gain by 50% compared to the weight gain of chickens that do not receive such a supplement. Grass meal fed in winter especially greatly increases the biological activity of animals and birds. It promotes a more complete use by animals of nutrients contained in roughage and concentrates.
The high feed value of grass meal is explained by the fact that the period for harvesting herbs for preparing grass meal is chosen so that they contain maximum quantity\ protein and vitamins. Then, when preparing flour, 1 artificial drying of herbs is used to preserve protein and caro - type I. Artificially dried grass loses only about 5% of its nutrients. Artificial drying also has the significant advantage that it is possible to completely mechanize the harvesting of herbs and carry out all the work in any weather conditions.

From 1 hectare of clover, artificial drying produces 4,300 kg of grass meal containing 3,655 feed. units (according to the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry). With conventional, i.e. natural, drying, 3077 kg of hay containing 933 feed are collected. units Especially a lot of protein and carotene is obtained from legumes harvested during the budding period, and from cereals - at the beginning of heading. Mixed seeded grasses and grasses from natural meadows, especially flooded ones, provide very valuable flour. The components of the mixtures are selected to be similar in early maturity.

Good grass flour is made from cane, tops of root crops, vegetable waste, pine needles and other green plants that contain a lot of protein, vitamins and little fiber.

ASKT technologies make it possible to obtain vitamin-herbal flour and mixed feed of the highest category. Above first class, because originally developed for use in the food industry. Depending on the quality, herbal flour is divided into 3 classes. According to organoleptic assessment, the color of herbal flour for all classes should be green or dark green, the flour should have a specific odor characteristic of this product, not musty, without foreign odors. Carotene in 1 kg of flour should contain: in class I flour - 180 mg, class II-150 and class III - 120 mg; crude protein for all classes - 14%, crude fiber - no more than 26, moisture - 12%. For all types of grass flour, the content of metallomagnetic impurities (ferroimpurities) up to 2 mm in size inclusive is allowed, in 1 kg of flour - no more than 20 mg, sand - no more than 1%. It is unacceptable to contain metal particles with sharp edges.

In recent years, the technology of preparing protein-vitamin herbal flour in the form of granules has become widespread on farms. Such feed does not spray, does not crumble (which allows you to save 5% of feed compared to loose feed), and requires less storage facilities for storage 3.5 times, it is easy to transport, mechanize feed distribution, it better preserves nutrients and biologically active substances.

The granulation process proceeds in this way: grass flour from the unit’s selection system is sucked through a pipeline into the granulator’s hopper and enters the dispenser. The dispenser evenly feeds the flour into the mixer, where it is moistened with water (optimal humidity 14-16%), intensively mixed and introduced into the pressing chamber. Granules are formed in the chamber under high pressure. After the press, it is kept in a cooling column and goes to sorting. The temperature of the granules after cooling should not exceed the ambient temperature by more than 8 ° C, humidity - no higher than 13-14%. For calves, pellets with a length of 6 mm are desirable, for young animals over 6 months of age and adult cattle - 7-16 mm.

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The best food for any herbivore is plant food. For many centuries, our ancestors prepared this important food product for the winter. Hay was often harvested and dried under natural conditions. But with such drying, herbs lose useful elements.

An alternative option for making hay is grass meal. In this article we will look at what it is, its composition and application.

In the agricultural sphere of the USSR, this animal feed has been known since the 60s of the 20th century. It was at this time that the “Recommendation for increasing the production and improving the quality of herbal vitamin flour” was published. The publication of this document became the basis for the industrial production of this green food. However this is not new technology, it originated in the 20s of the last century in the USA.

This is a source of nutrients that are included in the young shoots of herbaceous plants; it is a valuable food for all representatives of agricultural animals. In terms of protein content, dry powder of young grasses is comparable to grain feed, but in terms of biological value it surpasses them.
With the traditional method of making hay, up to 60% of nutrients are lost. And during the period of global optimization of production, effective methods for processing such a valuable product as grass are required. This method was the artificial drying of green feed. During this harvesting process, up to 95% of nutrients are preserved.

The production of grass meal begins with the collection of perennial and annual grasses in the early stages of the growing season. So, to make flour from legumes, they are mowed before budding, and from cereals - before heading. To preserve all nutrients, freshly cut grass must be short term dry.

Artificial drying of green fodder is carried out at high temperatures, after grinding. Drying the grass takes no more than a few seconds, which allows you to quickly and efficiently process the raw material. After the drying stage, the green feed is ground to the consistency of flour. Some manufacturers for more convenient use produce granulation of products.

Important! Non-pelleted green food loses approximately half of the carotene after six months of storage.

This harvesting method provides 1.5-2 times more protein, 3-3.5 times more carbohydrates and up to 14 times more carotene than when harvesting hay. So, per kilogram of grass flour there are 100-140 g of protein, 180-300 mg of carotene, and up to 250 g of fiber.

Green food is a valuable source of vitamins K, E, C, PP and group B. It also contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and others. One of the most important indicators of green food is the content of a large number of essential amino acids and the absence of chemical additives. It should be noted that depending on the types of plants used, the value of the herbal powder may vary
The nutritional value of green food depends on the amount of carotene in the flour. The carotene content is higher in plants with well-developed foliage. Such plants are also rich in protein and other beneficial elements. In this regard, several varieties of green powder are produced.

Types of flour

Herbal flour is made from freshly cut herbs of various plants. These can be legumes, cereals and forbs. The variety of plants used to make green food can change not only the nutritional composition, but also the application of the product.

Alfalfa is a perennial plant of the legume family, which is highly nutritious. Alfalfa-based feed is a rich protein and vitamin compound feed, and green powder based on it has high nutritional value compared to other types of grass powder. This type of feed can be used both as main feed and in the form of vitamin supplements.

Alfalfa meal stands out for its nutritional value and contains 15-17% protein, 26-30% fiber, at least 1.5% fat and 10-12% moisture. If we compare it with other foods, for example, oats, then this food has a more balanced composition of calcium and vitamins.
Alfalfa herbal powder in 1 kilogram contains 0.67 feed units, 149 g of protein, 232 g of fiber. The composition of alfalfa powder includes amino acids such as lysine, methionine, cystine, tryptophan, their content varies from 3 to 12 g per 1 kg.

It is also necessary to note the high content of macroelements such as calcium (14.1 g/kg), potassium (8.8 g/kg), magnesium (2.6 g/kg), phosphorus (2 g/kg) and sodium (0 .9 g/kg). Alfalfa meal contains 376 mg of iron, 6.5 mg of copper, 15.8 mg of zinc and 0.19 mg of iodine.

Did you know? Not a single herbivore has claws.

Carotene, which is part of green food, helps normalize metabolism, and its content in 1 kg of powder is 280 mg. It is also necessary to note the content of vitamins such as D, E, C and group B. These vitamins help maintain animal health and prevent diseases nervous system, strengthen bones and regulate the reproductive ability of the animal.

Although this type of grass meal has high nutritional value, its improper use can cause irreparable harm. For example, it can cause protein poisoning, and a large amount of calcium requires additionally introducing a certain amount of phosphorus into the diet to maintain the potassium-phosphorus balance.

This powder is made from, and other representatives of the Legume family. Flour is made from harvested legumes before they form buds. Such crops contain a large amount of protein, which can reach 17%.
The nutritional value of this feed is 0.66 feed units. One kilogram of legume green food contains 140 g of crude protein, 88 mg of carotene and 235 g of fiber. The rich mineral composition includes 13.9 g of calcium, 21.36 g of potassium, 3.38 g of sodium, 2.05 g of magnesium, 2.2 g of phosphorus, 336.42 mg of iron, 19.58 mg of iodine. Herbal powder from legumes contains vitamins D, E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5.

However, this type of food loses carotene faster than cereals. In this regard, it is necessary to use it first.

Forb grass meal

To produce this type of grass meal, cinquefoil and other meadow grasses are used. This type of grass has no restrictions in its use and is a good substitute for low-quality hay.

Forb grass meal has lower nutritional value than alfalfa and legume grass meal, amounting to only 0.63 feed units. It is also inferior in protein content (the amount of crude protein is 119.7 g/kg).

However, in terms of fiber and carotene content, this grain feed is superior to the above, their amount is 248.2 g and 118 mg, respectively. It should be noted that the herb powder is rich in minerals and vitamins. 1 kg of green mixture contains 10.3 g of calcium, 19.3 g of potassium, 2.6 g of sodium, 5.1 g of magnesium, 683 mg of iron, 649.2 mg of vitamin B4, 101.7 mg of vitamin E and other elements .

This type of feed is used when it is necessary to reduce the amount of starch in the animal’s diet. In this case, he may partially or partially in full replace oats.

Granulated herbal powder is used essentially as a feed improver for cattle, horses, poultry or pigs. This is due to the fact that food consisting of grains is poor in vitamins. It is especially important to introduce complementary foods in winter, when there is not enough carotene in the animal’s diet.
Herbal powder successfully replaces complementary foods of animal origin. So, 1 kg of alfalfa flour replaces 1 kg of fish oil. At the same time, it contains important amino acids that are not found in fat.

For example. Research conducted by employees of Dukchinskaya Poultry Farm LLC (Magadan) showed that when adding 4% herbal powder to the diet, egg production increases by 7.6%, the average egg weight increases by 5.7%, and the increase in egg mass yield by one laying hen is 17.6%.