Respect for time at the fair. Don't be a horse that gets loaded and carries. Taking advantage of every opportunity

Time is fleeting, the same moment cannot be experienced twice, we cannot see time, but we can feel it through our old age or maturity, experience and wisdom. Time flies unnoticed, it seemed that we were just going to first grade, and after a while our children go to first grade, and we don’t realize how quickly time flies, we don’t realize that life flies by before our eyes, and sometimes we even We don’t have time to take part in it. Time and life - two different words, but they are connected so tightly. This is the period that is allocated to us for action, not for existence, but for action. Life gives us time for any actions and deeds, and time gives us life; as soon as time runs out, we die.

So, what is a person’s attitude towards the time allotted to him? Someone lives in the past, someone thinks only about the future, not realizing the present, and someone lives only for today, one day at a time. Each person has his own philosophy, but whatever it is, you need to take time more seriously and cherish every moment of life. And yet you need to find a middle ground, remember the past in moderation, think about the future in moderation and live in the present, getting everything from it. And someone, realizing the transience of time, runs through life, trying to catch up or even get ahead of time, not noticing all the delights of life. Life needs to be tasted like wine, capturing all the notes of taste.

And so, you have to live somehow, having time to do everything, and without wasting time. Many people complain that they don’t have time for this or that, someone wants to learn to play the guitar, and someone wants to do cooking, but there is no time for all this. Home, family, work, friends, study - some have it all together, while others have it in parts. In order to keep up with everything, the first thing you need to do in the evening or in the morning of a new day is to plan your day, this will make life easier, and you can save enough time for some other activity. A person’s attitude towards planning is not particularly developed, this is the conclusion I draw from looking at my friends. Someone will forget something. Nowadays there are many different organizers, both electronic and paper, diaries are very popular - just write down or enter what you need to do the next day, or throughout the day, and do not make this list haphazardly, but in order, so that you can quickly complete everything. And so, now it will become much easier for you, and you will save time, and everything will be in order.

Another tip, do not waste your time on various unnecessary activities, spend only on activities that will bring real benefit to your future or on activities that support and keep your present in order. Pleasure, of course, is an integral part of our life, but some of them do not bring any benefit, that is, we waste our time in vain. Our entertainment can turn into providing for our present or creating the future.

What do we spend our time on? What do we spend our lives on? Do we have goals that we strive for? Our work relates only to providing our life with money, otherwise, where will we get the money? I'm talking about the life purpose that is given to us from above. Yes, of course, someone can do what is destined for them and make money from it. Means, life goal is both entertainment and a method of making money.

A person treats the time intended for him differently, not realizing that he also treats his life, and no matter how he treats it, it should be so, because not everyone is supposed to value their time. Be that as it may, do not waste time, appreciate it, because by wasting time in vain, we lose some piece of our life.


  1. Reinforce pre-studied mathematics material.
  2. Expand children's knowledge about time, cultivate a caring attitude towards time.


  1. Strengthening computational skills, knowledge of multiplication tables, the ability to solve problems using the action of multiplication.
  2. Formation of ideas about time, units of its measurement, systematization of individual relationships between measures of time.
  3. Development of attention, thinking, general culture.


  • computer,
  • multimedia projector,
  • presentations by teacher and students in Microsoft PowerPoint,
  • booklet – presentation “Daily Routine” in Microsoft Publisher,
  • tasks on cards for working in pairs and groups,
  • watch model,
  • hourglass.

During the classes

Now we will conduct a mathematical dictation. Presentation . Slides 8 – 14

  1. Write the number that is between the numbers 879 and 881.
  2. To 8 hundreds add 4 units.
  3. Write a number that consists of 6 tens and 3 ones.
  4. Increase the number 140 by 7.
  5. Dividend 72, divisor 8, find the quotient.
  6. The first term is 780, the second term is 2. What is the sum of these numbers?
  7. What is the dividend equal to if the divisor is 7 and the quotient is 8?

Let's check the completed task: 880. 804, 63, 147, 9, 782, 56. Presentation. Slide 15.

Now arrange these numbers in ascending order. Presentation . Slide 16.

Let's check what is written: 9. 56, 63, 147, 782, 804, 880. Presentation. Slide 17.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

Now listen to the riddle:

  1. It has no legs or wings, Slide 18.
    He flies fast, you won't catch him. (Time) Slide 19.

Let's return to the proverbs. Name the units of time that are mentioned in them.

(Minute, hour, century, day.)

Guys, what other units of measurement do you know? (Children list familiar units of measurement.)

Raise your hand, who can put them in order of increasing size?

Then let's work together.

(I invite 7 people to the board and hand out cards with the names of units of measurement: minute, month, second, day, year, week, hour).

Your task: position yourself so that the units of time written on your cards are arranged in increasing order.

Guys, do you agree? Say all the units of measurement in unison.

Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year. Second. Presentation . Slide 20.

Let's focus on the units of time - days. Presentation . Slide 21.

What do you remember about this unit of measurement? (A day is 24 hours.)

Many children, and sometimes adults, make mistakes when they use the word day with any number.

Do you know how to pronounce them correctly? Then I suggest working in pairs .

On your desks you have pieces of paper with the numbers 1, 2, 5, 30. Next to the numbers, write the word “day” the way you think it should be pronounced.

Let's check (presentation. Slide 22):

  • One day.
  • Two days
  • Five days
  • Thirty days

A game.

- Now let's check how you have mastered the multiplication table. Before you are sheets and a table of Pythagoras. In the examples, the key to solving the mystery is encrypted in the form of a picture. You must find the factors in the table, calculate the product, enter it in the cell and color it. At the end of the game you will see a secret image. Be careful: the 1st multiplier is always in the left column, and the second in the top cell. Slide 23.

9 * 5 5 * 1 8 * 7 3 * 9
7 * 9 2 * 7 8 * 3 5 * 5
7 * 1 1 * 5 5 * 9 3 * 1 3 * 5
2 * 5 2 * 3 5 * 4 4 * 5 5 * 3

Let's check what pattern you got: Presentation. Slide 24.

Name five days in a row, without using the names of the numbers of the month and without naming the days of the week. Presentation . Slide 25.

Let's check: The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Presentation . Slide 26.

Physical education minute. Presentation . Slide 27.

Tick ​​- tock! Tick ​​- tock!
The clock goes like this!
To the left - step! To the right - step!
Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​- tock!

Task 2. Slide 28.

(16 hours)

Task 3.

Place comparison signs instead of asterisks so that you get true equalities. Presentation . Slide 29.

The solution of the problem. Presentation . Slide 30.

A second grader read 8 pages every day. How many pages did he read in 5 days?

Geometric material.

1) What shapes do you see in this picture? Presentation . Slide 31.

How many are there?

2) Draw a square with a side of 4 cm. Draw a line to get a quadrilateral and a triangle. Presentation . Slide 32.

Let's check: Presentation. Slide 33.

Reinforcing the material covered.

1. Which line contains only time units? Presentation . Slide 34.

a) cm, km, kg, m.
b) km, m, dm, mm.
c) hour, day, minute, month

2. Complete the phrases: Slide 35.

  • In a year... months.
  • In a year... days.
  • In the year...winter months:...,...,....
  • In the year... spring months:...,...,....
  • In the year ... summer months: ..., ..., ... .
  • In the year ... autumn months: ..., ..., ....
  • ... the year ends, and ... begins.
  • In a month... weeks.
  • In a week... days.
  • The shortest month of the year is….

3. A story about a watch.

1) Guessing the riddle: Slide 36.

No legs, but I walk, no mouth, but I’ll say,
When to sleep, when to get up,
When to start work. (Watch)

2) Task: Slide 37.

How many hours are shown here? (16 hours)

3) Familiarization with the types of clocks: sand, water, solar. Slide 38.

4) View the presentation “The History of Watches”, made by student Egor Kruglov.

5) Information about the watch.

6) View the presentation “My daily routine”, made by Ilyina Angela.

7) Conversation about caring for time.

Guys, follow a daily routine, learn to live by the hour.

8) Distributing “Daily Routine” booklets to students.

Lesson summary.

1) Conversation.

Which task did you like the most?

What new did you learn in the lesson? What new things have you learned?

2) Guess the riddles:

1. What cannot be returned? (Time) Presentation . Slide 45

What can at the same time:
stand and walk;
hang and stand
walk and lie down?

Two sisters next to each other
They run lap after lap:
Shorty - just once
The one above is every hour.
(Clock hands)
Presentation . Slide 46

Twelve young men came out,
Fifty-two falcons carried out
365 swans were released.
(months, weeks, days) Presentation . Slide 47.

Time management according to Lothar Seiwert– time management tips from German psychologist and time management expert Lothar Seiwert. His books have been translated into three dozen languages ​​and have sold a total of 30 million copies. Among them are “More time for what matters,” “If you are in a hurry, take your time,” “The boomerang principle: more time for happiness” and “Bear strategy: strength in calm,” “Make your life easier.”


Lothar Seiwert names the following problems that women face in particular:

  • excessive workload;
  • lack of time for yourself;
  • fussiness, tendency to get scattered, inability to concentrate on one thing;
  • Difficulty switching from work to rest.

Planning your day is the key to consistency

A well-known time management expert believes that lists are not at all outdated. You should write down in detail everything that needs to be done the next day. The fact is that the multitasking that all women inevitably face makes it difficult for them to remember everything. Some important things are forgotten, so why keep every little thing in your head?.. Pay the rent, find a recipe, do the laundry, make a face mask, put your papers in order... And how many other things to do at work! And how many little things are connected with children - buy paints, check homework, prepare what you need for a labor lesson, read new book, discuss a child’s quarrel with a classmate. Just write it down and you will never forget anything.

Caring attitude by time - the result of awareness

The psychologist recommends a critical approach to analyzing what time is spent on. Think about who you really enjoy communicating with, and who just drains your energy. Learn to control the talkativeness of your colleagues, which only interferes with your effectiveness. Reschedule communication to a time convenient for you (for example, you can go to lunch with a colleague and discuss office gossip, but it’s better to meet with a friend while training at the gym).

You should avoid visiting stores during rush hour. Why stand in a huge line when you can go to the supermarket at a more convenient time.

Love yourself - take a break

The ability to concentrate on the task at hand and the parallel absence of chronophages releases great amount energy. Problems can really be solved quickly if nothing prevents them from being solved. However, after such efficient work You definitely need a break - you simply won’t be able to stand it for long at an intense pace, and overwork is incompatible with efficiency. Take breaks before you get too tired. Have a coffee break and tidy up your desk. Now you can chat for 10-15 minutes (but no longer!), and then get back to work.

Don't be a horse that gets loaded and carries

You don't have to do all the housework. It is useful to accustom children to feasible work - let them also help with housework (wash the dishes, go to the store, etc.). Ask your husband to take on some of the housework. The easiest way to do this is to give your husband a choice. You can make a list of responsibilities and invite him to read it. Let him choose what he likes best, what seems simpler and less unpleasant to him. It may happen that he will choose exactly what you dislike most, but it will seem simple to him. In addition, the possibility of free choice makes the situation of delegating household chores less stressful.

Napoleonic plans: how to avoid disappointment

Despite the fact that it is not only possible, but also necessary to dream, remember that human capabilities and time resources are limited. Therefore, you should not demand too much from yourself - work, activities with children, fitness, and foreign language, and communication, and everything else. Don't plan too much for one day. It will be much more effective if you separate when to exercise and when to engage in language, when you have an evening of worries and when you have an evening of relaxation.

And, of course, you need to be proud of all your achievements. Every woman who tries to achieve something should have a reason to be proud every day. If you are a housewife, then find time for hobbies and meeting with friends. And at the same time, remember that you are not engaged in some “dirty”, worthless job, but are providing support for your family, taking care of their health, well-being and good mood. You should be even more proud if you find time to read books and develop hobbies. If you work, you should be proud of your work - then others will treat it with respect. It doesn't matter what you do - sell candy or put tags on clothes, give out books or monitor the work of the office. All legitimate work is worthy of respect. Love your work as much as your free time. Try your best, but stop fussing! Everything has its time!


  • Master plan for achieving goals, women's social network
  • 20 best books on self-development, social network for losing weight

How long will the day be and how long will it be light, work, don’t be lazy,
Prayers and good deeds prepare for your sunset.
You walk through life as if along a narrow path,
And you only have to walk along it just a little bit.
Soon dark night your eyes will close,
And a deep grave in the ground will hide your body.
Don't be idle, don't stand, don't waste your time,
“And as long as the day lasts,” work in your field.
The time of harvest and fruit will pass,
And holy work will never remain fruitless.

Just give me, my Christ, when that evening comes,
So that my soul does not feel the breath of eternal darkness!
But let there be only the light of joy and love that evening,
And to see the eternal non-evening day.

/Poem by St. John Domvoitis/

"Stay awake!" - this call is addressed to everyone Orthodox Christian. Stay awake and do your deeds with works of light - the holy Apostles Matthew (26:41), Luke (Acts 20:31) and Paul (1 Cor. 16:13) call us to this.

Our life on this earth is very short, and there is no justification for wasting time. The evil one is constantly doing everything to snatch us away; his task is to lead every believer to destruction. He never gets tired of doing his business. For a Christian, when he is not awake, when he is lazy, such a state is deadly and throws him, without any resistance, into the net of filth, into the net of pernicious darkness.

A man who valued and cherished the time of life, St. John Domvoitis, valued time more than anything else and said that the Lord will judge us for our sinful deeds, since we, as people, are prone to sin. But even more we will give an answer for the fact that we did not value the time in our lives with dignity.

The Evangelist Matthew also calls us to such saving vigilance, saying: “Watch, because you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man will come” (Matthew 25:13). But what is wakefulness?

B waking up is unceasing prayer, reading the psalter, tears of repentance, reading the Holy Scriptures, raising our mind to Heaven and lowering our gaze to earth, giving alms and devotion to our Orthodox tradition.

B Wellbeing is also about life self-organization, precision and exactingness towards one’s lifestyle, and proper management of one’s daily time.

B Sleeping is abstaining from judging your neighbor, from gossip, from idle words that are a waste of time.

B Sleeping is the use of all your time to communicate with others on topics of a spiritual and moral nature, as well as general reading sacred texts.

B wakefulness is a disposition to pray e. We always need prayer, we need it, it is like air to us, because thanks to prayer we have communication with God, and thanks to it we are under His protection. Prayer protects us from selfishness and selfish self-conviction, as well as from lies, vanity and pride.
In times of sorrow and danger, visible and invisible, our prayer to God becomes even more necessary, because it is an expression of our humility and our trust in Him. Through her we receive the help and mercy of God. And we must not forget that the Lord Almighty becomes our helper and helps us in our difficulties.

B Life is a constant preparation for battle, and this means that we must be ready to confront our enemy, who never sleeps. Every time he different ways attacks us and our Church, he is like a “roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). But this unfortunate one does not know that Christ always wins, Christ Triumphant, since he conquered death and He is the “Light of the world” (Matthew 5:14), because He is the Life and Resurrection (John 11:25), He is “ way" and the only Truth (John 14:6).

So, stay awake, do not be idle any longer! Strengthen yourself! So that you are not seduced by the waves of unbelief and indifference. “Be courageous and strong” (1 Cor. 16:13), resist! Evil, which is hidden under the guise of goodness, is daring and cowardly. Therefore, be strong and firm so that you are not overcome by the sorrows of failures and disappointments!

Don't be fooled by the glory of technocracy and scientific achievements. Don't give in to all the charms of our hyper-consumer society. Don't let the huge number of fictitious means depress you mass media news that comes to us from a malicious environment. Don't let all the fears of this world frighten you.

Our salvation is near us! The Risen Jesus Christ is with us, and with Him we are truly confident that in the end, together with Him, we will emerge victorious. But only with Him, because, unfortunately, we wanted to save the earth on our own, but only destroyed it. We tried to overcome distances with the help of technology, but we were left alone, without family and friends. We created new school without walls of morality and faith. We have completely neglected our upbringing. We passionately declared justice and human rights, but we strengthened our weak-willedness with unfair social trends. We were and are worried about our national rights, but we continue to do nothing, expecting that all this horror will pass on its own.

We refused moral principles and thus created a great inner emptiness. Only in times of poverty and crisis, when our pockets are empty and we have no means of subsistence, do we come to reassess and solve problems. But both then and now, we continue to do nothing!

Let us return from the oblivion in which we find ourselves and remain awake, inclining our hearts to prayer and at the same time recognizing our human weakness. And only in this way can we win this battle.

Hymnographer Charalampos Busyas

Appendix 2

Annex 1

Mode is the main condition for effectiveness

student mental activity

Studying diligently does not mean studying well. The effectiveness of a student’s mental activity is determined by the conditions in which it occurs.

The presence of a regime is the first basic condition for the effectiveness of mental activity.

Self-plug mode:

Rational use of time for your development,

Alternation of work and rest, academic and extracurricular work,

Maintaining hygiene rules

Taking care of your health.

General requirements to mode:

The daily routine should reflect the regime of physiological processes occurring in the body and be characterized, first of all, by a clear rhythm and repeatability;

The regime should concern the student’s entire lifestyle, and not just regulate it mental activity;

The main task of the regime is to maintain high level student’s performance, combating fatigue, avoiding overload;

The regime should be modified in extreme cases: illness, graduation, exam session, but even in these cases a new regime is needed.

When drawing up a daily routine, when determining time for self-education and independent work It is extremely important to take into account the period of stable fluctuations in performance. It changes several times during the day:

The morning time zone is the most fruitful period (from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.). Maximum performance and high productivity of the bark cerebral hemispheres falls for the time from 8 to 11 hours 30 minutes, then the indicators decrease.

By 4 p.m., performance rises again and lasts for 2-3 hours. Then in the evening hours it drops again.

The third peak of performance (albeit relatively low - 50-60% of the morning hours) falls for the period from 20 to 22 hours (data from M.V. Antropova).

When drawing up a regimen, the individual abilities of the body must, of course, be taken into account. Compliance with the regime and implementation of the plan will ensure the highest labor productivity.

Business style needed not only in work, but also in study. Efficiency includes organization and the ability to save time.

Folk wisdom Since ancient times, he believes that “time is more valuable than gold,” “an hour of study in youth is worth a year of sitting at books in maturity.”

Everyone experiences time pressure as a student:

Studying takes 8-10 hours a day,

You need to make time for cultural recreation, sports, reading literature, communication, etc.

How to use time wisely?

Some students pay all their attention to studying, forgetting about everything. But this path is fraught with loss of health and decreased performance.

Some students try to work in spurts, sometimes relaxing, sometimes straining to the limit. As a result, overvoltage also occurs, breakdowns occur, etc.

Regular exercise is a prerequisite rational use time. To do this you need:

Learn to plan your working day, time, highlighting the most important, necessary things that must be done at all costs;

Plan your studies and recreation in unity and interconnection, plan your studies not only for the sake of gaining knowledge, but for the sake of preparing yourself for professional activity;

Constantly identify time reserves, find time losses;

Take steps to make the most of every minute;

Learn to concentrate your strength at the decisive moment to overcome difficulties;

Look for the reasons for your failures, preventing them from happening in the future;

Do not take on several things at the same time, first do one, then take on another;

Develop the habit of doing everything efficiently. It’s better not to do it at all than to do it somehow. Any hack work develops shortcomings.