Rotunda history of creation. Meaning of the word rotunda. Such different locals

(Italian rotonda, from Latin rotundus - round) - a centric structure, a building round in plan (temple, mausoleum, pavilion, hall), usually topped with a dome.

View value Rotunda in other dictionaries

Rotunda- and. French a round building under a vault, sometimes on pillars.
Dictionary Dahl

Rotunda— rotundas, w. (from Latin rotundus - round). 1. Round or semicircular small building with a dome (architect.) 2. Upper warm women's clothing without sleeves. Fur roronda.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Rotunda- -s; and. [from lat. rotundus - round]
1. Architect. A round structure (building, pavilion, hall), usually surrounded by columns and topped with a dome. The temple is in the form of a rotunda. Open river with columns.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Rotunda— This name for a small round building was borrowed from Italian, where rotunda (“round”) goes back to the Latin domus rotunda — “round house.”
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Rotunda- (Italian rotonda - lit. - round), 1) a building with a round plan (temple, mausoleum, pavilion, hall), usually topped with a dome. 2) A long women's cape without sleeves.
Big encyclopedic Dictionary

Rotunda- - round - a building with a round plan: temple, mausoleum, hall, pavilion. In addition, a long sleeveless women's cape.
Historical Dictionary



(French, from Latin rotundus - round). 1) a round building with a dome, sometimes on pillars. 2) women's outer garment without sleeves.

Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


1) a round building with a roof in the form of a dome or tent (often glass); 2) ladies' outer dress, sleeveless.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


1) a round building topped with a dome (often glass) or a tent-shaped roof; favorite form of Roman. and Byzantine. architectures, as well as the Renaissance; 2) ladies' outer dress, long, sleeveless.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


French rotonde, it. rotunda, from Lat. rotundus, round. a) Round building with a dome. b) Women's outer dress.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(it. rotonda lat. rotundus round)

1) architect a round building covered with a dome, often with columns;

2) women's warm outerwear in the form of a long sleeveless cape, common in the 19th century. 20th centuries

New dictionary foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


rotundas, w. [ from Latin rotundus – round]. 1. Round or semicircular small building with a dome (architect.) 2. Warm women's outerwear without sleeves. Fur rotunda.

Big dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


s, and. (it. rotonda lat. rotundus round).
1. architect A round building covered with a dome, often with columns.
|| Wed. belvedere.
2. Women's warm outerwear in the form of a long cape without sleeves (was common in the 19th - early 20th centuries).
Rotunda- related to rotunda 1, 2, rotundas.
|| Wed. mantilla, cape, poncho, talma.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "ROTONDA" is in other dictionaries:

    Rotunda- Capitol. Washington, USA. ROTONDA (Italian rotonde), a centric structure, a building round in plan, usually topped with a dome. Jefferson Rotunda. University pcs. Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. Rotunda with a fountain. Place Charles de... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Pantheon, martyrium Dictionary of Russian synonyms. rotunda noun, number of synonyms: 6 building (45) martyrium ... Synonym dictionary

    - (Italian rotonde), a centric structure, a building round in plan, usually topped with a dome... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Italian: rotonda, lit. round), 1) a building with a round plan (temple, mausoleum, pavilion, hall), usually topped with a dome. 2) A long sleeveless women’s cape... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ROTONDA, rotundas, women. (from Latin rotundus round). 1. Round or semicircular small building with a dome (architect.). 2. Warm women's outerwear without sleeves. Fur roronda. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Since ancient times, many peoples around the world have associated gazebos with solitude, peace and quiet. Historians are convinced that the ancestor of the ivy-covered gazebo was the rotunda. The rotunda is a round building. These can be temples, pavilions, gazebos, halls, mausoleums, etc. Most often, the rotunda is crowned with a dome mounted on columns.

The rotunda is also a garden and park element of architecture. The gaps between the columns in the rotunda can be filled with a balustrade, and the internal space allows, as a rule, to place radius benches. Today, the most common materials for rotunda construction are plastic, wood and stone. An integral attribute of a noble estate of the 18th century, huge round Greek mausoleums - that’s what a rotunda is.

Rotunda in Thessaloniki

One of the most famous attractions in Thessaloniki is the Rotunda of St. George. The building was built at the beginning of the 4th century and belongs to the palace complex, like the famous Arch of Galeria, which is located 125 meters from the place where the rotunda stands.

This palace complex was erected by order of the Roman Emperor Galerius himself. The meaning of the word "rotunda" comes to us from the Italian "rotonda", which literally means "round". There is a version that the rotunda was intended as a mausoleum, but was never used for this purpose.

According to another version, the rotunda is part of the palace for official receptions. But initially, perhaps, it was planned as a temple. What is a rotunda in Thessaloniki? Historians have never been able to come to a conclusion unanimous opinion. Presumably, at the beginning of the 4th century, this building was redesigned into a Christian temple and belonged to Christians until 1591, when the Turks came to the city and made a mosque out of the rotunda. In 1912, after the city was liberated from Turkish invaders, Christians reclaimed the rotunda and opened the Museum of Christian Art there.

In 1988, the Rotunda was included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. Today, services are held in the building on major religious holidays. Initially, the building was cylindrical in shape with thick, at least 6 meters, walls with arches and a massive dome with an oculus. At the end of the 4th - beginning of the 5th centuries, some changes were made to the architecture of the building. For example, a nave was erected in the western part, and an apse in the southeastern part. The main entrance was also moved to the western part. The interior of the rotunda was decorated with magnificent mosaics, some of which have survived to this day. And during the time of the Turks, a minaret was added, which can also be seen today.

Rotunda in ancient Russian architecture

There were rotundas in Rus' too, let's look at examples. A rotunda with a diameter of 18 meters with 4 pillars in the very center was once erected in Smolensk. Only its remains have survived to this day. This is the Church of the German Virgin Mary, which was built by order of foreign traders in the second half of the 12th century. Rotunda temples were built mainly in the south of Rus' - in Galich, Kyiv, Vladimir-Volynsky, Lvov, Przemysl. The foundations of small round buildings were found in Chernikhotsi, Nizhankovichi, Stolpie, Uzhgorod and dated back to the 13th-14th centuries.

The Cathedral of the VysokoPetrovsky Monastery is an excellent example of a rotunda, as is the Cathedral of the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery, which was built by decree of Patriarch Nikon. Trinity Church in St. Petersburg is built in the form of a rotunda. In addition to those mentioned, many other rotundas have survived to this day.

Goryanskaya rotunda

Goryany is a village on the outskirts of Uzhgorod. The name comes from the word “goryans” - mountain dwellers. The Goryanskaya Rotunda is a most valuable monument of Ukrainian architecture, which in its age and significance is second only to St. Sophia of Kyiv. The Goryansk rotunda is unique in that it is a hexagon. There are only a few churches of this form in the world.

Rotunda on Gorokhovaya

This is perhaps the most mysterious and mysterious place St. Petersburg. There are many myths associated with this rotunda. Here, they say, there was once a brothel; Lyonka Panteleev and Rasputin lived here at one time, and they may have initiated them into Freemasons. According to the official version, this building was built for a worldly purpose, for renting out apartments, by order of a merchant named Ustinov. In 1827, construction was completed, and the customer was satisfied. However, there is another version that is more popular among locals. It is believed that the building was originally intended either for Satanists or for Masonic lodge. There are many versions, but they all have the same proof - a strange pattern of lattices, similar to pentagrams.

The rotunda is not in architecture

In typography, rotunda is a type of Gothic font. In geometry there is the concept of a pentagonal rotunda - it is a polyhedral body that makes up half of an icosidodecahedron. In the Middle Ages, dances in which it was customary to walk in a circle were also called rotunda. For example, a round dance. Special view a woman's cape was also called a rotunda.