Meaning of the word episode. How is the episode “It was terribly hot outside” connected with the problems of the novel Crime and Punishment? New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

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Meaning of the word episode

episode in the crossword dictionary


Dictionary of medical terms

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


m. Greek an incident, an incident in itself that is extraneous, but in conjunction with the main incident; introductory story. -wild, -wild, related to this.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


episode, m. (Greek epeisodion, lit. incidental, extraneous).

    In ancient Greek drama - part of the action between the performances of the choir (lit. historical).

    incident, event, occurrence. All sorts of episodes began to happen to us on Thursdays. Leonov. Society used the episode with Nekhlyudov as a convenient subject of conversation. L. Tolstoy.

    A minor, unimportant incident. Minor episode. His passion for theater is just an episode in his life.

    More or less finished part work of art with relative independence. An interesting episode of the novel.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    Incident, incident. Episodes from life. Interesting E.

    An insignificant, special case. It's just eh. in his life

    Part literary work, possessing relative independence and completeness. Plug-in e. in the play.

    adj. epieodny, -th, -oe (to 3 meanings).

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Incident, incident.

      One of the links of something. phenomenon, process.

  1. Insignificant, insignificant incident, event.

    1. An excerpt, a fragment of something. a work of art that has a certain independence and completeness.

      A part of a film that is a complete plot fragment.

      Phenomenon, scene theatrical performance, not related to the development of the main action, of secondary importance.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


EPISODE (Greek: epeisodion, lit. - insert)

    incident, incident.

    Part of a work of art (epic, dramatic), a relatively independent unit of its action.


(Greek epeisódion, literally ≈ insertion),

    an isolated incident, a small event.

    An integral part of the plot of a work of art (novel, drama, comedy, etc.), which has a relatively independent meaning.




  1. A separate small event, incident.
  2. An integral part of the plot of a literary work or film that has independent narrative significance. The episode is related to the main theme of the essay, but is complete in itself and can be isolated as a separate story.
  3. A brief appearance in a film, cartoon, or some kind of fairy tale.
  4. A very large part of a film or cartoon

Examples of the use of the word episode in literature.

At the same time, under the Somersetshire name Avalon or Avallach, he takes part in episode from St.

Very characteristic in this sense episodes Green gives in one autobiographical sketch.

Several times Azary seemed to lose consciousness or fall asleep - it’s unclear, as if he had drunk heavily: only unrelated things remained in his memory episodes.

All episodes, allegorically representing the onset of human old age, are developed in great detail.

There are many others in this morality tale episodes, allegorically depicting history human life from cradle to grave.

The principles of commenting are traditional: first of all, realities, quotes and reminiscences, literary and political allusions, parodies, specific events related in one way or another are explained. episodes novel, textologically significant discrepancies.

The effect of fascination is achieved in them thanks to contrasts - the juxtaposition of powerful replicas of the whole choir and transparent ensemble episodes, chord and polyphonic presentation, even and odd sizes, changes in tonal and modal colors.

Lev Nikolaevich thought for a minute and then remembered another very interesting episode: - After a conversation about vegetarianism, which the family was talking about, Mechnikov began to talk about the tribe of anthropophagi living in Africa, in the Congo.

There are well done battle scenes episodes, there are folk scenes full of humor, there is a wonderful idyllic picture of the life of the persecuted Llewellen in the forest, inspired by the ballads of Robin Hood.

Here, in this first book of the novel, the writer’s skill in reproducing colorful landscapes, colorful household paintings And genre scenes, impressive battle episodes, and most importantly, her ability to sculpt living human characters.

Elijah the Prophet, because to everyone episode from the life of this saint Brankovic adjusted events own life and made notes about this on the back of the icon.

But in the part that concerns the description of the first war, let’s leave aside Budennovsk and many others episodes that war is described, to put it mildly, inaccurately.

Thirdly, we wanted to draw attention to the wrong episodes even the history of Budennovsk, which is known to everyone, but for that one episode of this complex history that is not known to anyone.

But at the moment when he received a ticket and accountable dollars for expenses from the accounting department, a small episode, to which Golubkov himself did not seem to pay special attention, but his corrosive memory recorded it with photographic precision.

Of course, you can approach episode and somewhat skeptical and assume that the epic greatly embellished what happened.

- (Greek epeisodos introductory action). 1) a random event associated with the main action in a literary work or life. 2) in music: intercalary place, intercalary phrase. 3) in ancient Greek tragedy: those parts that were pronounced between... ... Dictionary foreign words Russian language

Episode- (Greek έπεσόδιος insert): A separate small event, incident; An integral part of the plot of a literary work or film that has independent narrative significance. The episode is related to the main theme of the essay, but... ... Wikipedia

episode- Cm … Synonym dictionary

episode- a, m. episode m. , gr. epeisodion extraneous. 1. An individual incident, event, incident from life. MAS 2. One young man put on trial and discharged without any evidence. was exiled to Siberia according to the reasoning of the Grand Duke.... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

EPISODE- EPISODE, episode, husband. (Greek epeisodion, lit. incidental, extraneous). 1. In ancient Greek drama, part of the action between the performances of the choir (lit. history). 2. Incident, event, incident. “All sorts of episodes began to happen to us on Thursdays.”... ... Dictionary Ushakova

EPISODE- EPISODE, a, m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

EPISODE- male, Greek an incident, an incident in itself that is extraneous, but in conjunction with the main incident; introductory story. wild, wild, related to this Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

EPISODE- in geology sometimes syn. term phase. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengoltz et al. 1978 ... Geological encyclopedia

episode- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? episode, why? episode, (see) what? episode, what? episode, about what? about the episode; pl. What? episodes of what? episodes, why? episodes, (see) what? episodes of what? episodes, about what? about episodes 1.… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

episode- an episode of existence/creation, subject, fact occurred; an episode occurred of existence/creation, subject, fact... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


  • An episode from the life of neither a peahen nor a crow, A. S. Osipovich-Novodvorsky. Novodvorsky Andrey Osipovich - Russian writer. Published under the pseudonym A. Osipovich. He came from an impoverished Polish noble family. He died at the age of 29 from tuberculosis. Published in... Buy for 2003 RUR
  • An episode from the history of Kharkov University. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1873 edition (publishing house "Moscow, University Printing House")...

Text based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

How is the episode “It was terribly hot outside” connected with the problems of the novel?

The said episode is integral part exposition of the novel. Against the backdrop of poverty, drunkenness, and dirt, the life of the “humiliated and insulted,” representatives of the urban lower classes, develops. It is no coincidence that Rodion Raskolnikov main character novel, it was in this situation that a monstrous experiment was conceived - “to break everything once and for all.”

In a room that looked like a coffin, in his fevered imagination the theory of dividing people into “trembling creatures” and those who “have the right” emerged. The murder of Alena Ivanovna divided his life into “before” and “after”. The period that followed this event was painful for Raskolnikov, not only because of the misfortune that happened to him. The perfect act immediately plunges the main character into the abyss of suffering. He understands that he has irrevocably lost the purity of his moral feeling.

However, his crime does not answer the question of what the way out of life’s impasse could be. Even

In hard labor, he does not immediately realize that he has made a terrible mistake, putting his own ambitious plans and monstrous ideas about the unjust structure of the world at the forefront. But Sonya's influence, sincere awareness of his guilt and, most importantly, his first steps towards faith, towards God regenerate Raskolnikov.

This rebirth of the main character is the problem of the novel. It can be formulated like this. True liberation from crime lies not in a court verdict, but in the atonement of sin through repentance before people, the earth, the world and God.

The main problem of the novel is moral. Realizing the fallacy of one’s ideas about life, condemning oneself and painfully coming to the truth is a task for strong and extraordinary people, to whom Raskolnikov belongs.


  • analysis of the work crime and punishment episode on the street the heat was terrible
  • the heat outside was terrible exposition in Kratsi

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Human life is a continuous stream of events. Each of them has a beginning and an end, is self-sufficient, but at the same time is often a consequence of the previous ones or entails subsequent ones.

Let's get acquainted with the concept

These events can be designated capaciously and in a short word: episodes. It applies both to the fate of an individual individual and to entire nations. In addition, as special term the word is widely used in literature, cinematography and other forms of art. Let's look at what an episode is. Greek in origin, this word is translated as “insertion”, “inserted fragment”. For example, you were getting ready to go to the store, went out, but on the way you were overtaken by a downpour. To hide from him, you jumped under the roof of the nearest cafe, sat down at a table, ordered juice and, while drinking it, met the eyes of a guy similar to yours. ex-lover. Because of a quarrel, you broke up a long time ago, but life stopped going well. And now you are dialing a number that you haven’t called for a hundred years. What is an episode in in this case? A chain of several incidents, completely random, as a result of which two lovers will reconcile and be happy. And it might not rain, you might look into another cafe, or the neighbor at the table might not suddenly turn out to be so similar to the one you care about!

Conclusion - what is an episode? A small segment of reality that has a certain - important or secondary - meaning. The ancient Greeks, who interpreted the word, were in many ways fatalists and believed in the destiny of everything that happens to us. From this point of view, what is an episode? A phenomenon, tragic or happy, is necessarily filled with a certain meaning, which a person cannot always recognize immediately. Since it happened, therefore it had to happen.

Episode in voluminous literary text

Episode in short-form essays

What is an episode in a story, what is its role in short works? By and large, the same as in novels and stories.

Let’s take for research Turgenev’s story “Date” and the episode of Akulina’s waiting for her lover, Victor. It fits harmoniously into bright day, sweet, naive, pure, like the surrounding nature. Against her background, Victor looks especially pompous and false, like a crude fake next to the natural, natural one. Akulina is a simple peasant woman, her lover is a valet who adopts the habits of his master. Using the technique of contrast, Turgenev emphasizes the moral superiority and spiritual purity of people from the people.

Episode in cinema

IN feature films episodes are small fragments that play an insignificant role in the semantic outline of the work. These are the so-called minor episodes.

But there are also large ones, equal in size to full-fledged series. In the famous once " Star Wars"Each new episode was called that way: episode two, three, etc.