Palmistry from Boris Akimov. Marriage line. Boris Akimov: how to tell fortunes by hand for love Boris Akimov palmist official reception

Boris Akimov is the founder of the LavkaLavka farmer cooperative. Until 2010, he worked as a journalist at Afisha and the Snob project. Artist, musician, candidate of philosophical sciences. In 2010, he announced his retirement from journalism and focused on working at LavkaLavka. In 2013, he launched his own farm.


Boris Trevozhny

The city where I live


And also in the village of Knyazhevo, near Pereslavl-Zalessky


Where was he born?


Who was born to

Mother - Elena Vladimirovna Akimova, artist and mother of many children.

Father - Alexey Georgievich Akimov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor.

Where and what did you study?

Russian State University for the Humanities. I studied political science for 5 years, then studied philosophy in graduate school at the Financial Academy

In 1992, he spent a year in the USA, studying at school in Tacoma, Washington.

Where and how did you work?

Once upon a time he washed cars and sent Russian residents for permanent residence in Canada. And a little later he became deputy editor-in-chief - first at the magazine Rolling Stone, then in Afisha. He worked as a creative director in the Snob project.

Academic degrees and titles

Candidate of Philosophy

What did you do?

Dissertation “The phenomenon of power in postmodern concepts (socio-philosophical analysis).”

Public affairs

Member of the Moscow Society of Hunters and Fishers

Successful projects

My children - Varvara, Peter and Alexey

Russian version of Rolling Stone magazine, in the creation of which I was directly involved.

Art project “To Tabloid!”

PVC art group - Simply Great Artists.

I'm interested

I love to cook and eat even more; I raise ducks and geese. In the morning, during a severe hangover, I read Berdyaev. I collect busts and images of Maxim Gorky. I love all sorts of antique things. And in general, things made by talented people. And more weapons.

I have been playing drums, keyboards and other improvised instruments for 10 years now. The group Inquisitorum. In 2002, we recorded the album “The Middle of Big Julius” - together with Lyudmila Petrushevskaya.

My main hobby, which is not even a hobby, but, one might say, my second main job, is painting and creating various art objects from wood, plastic and others. useful materials. In this incarnation he is known as Boris Trevozhny or Boris Akimov-Trezozhny

I love

Sincerity, love of life, strong alcoholic drinks, meat, my wife, three children, friends - of which there are few, but I love them dearly.

Well, I don't like it

Boring, vindictive people around.


Go to heaven.


3 sisters and 1 brother, 5 nephews and nieces. Dad died in 2004. Mom - in 2009.

Wife Olya, daughter Varya, son Petya (aka Uncle Petya) and son Alyosha (aka Kuka)

And in general…

“In 2015, it will finally become clear that Russian contemporary art must speak the same language with its own people. Not even that: it itself will desire to speak the same language with its own people. Peace and idyll will come. Orthodox Christians will stop butting heads with Erofeev, galleries contemporary art will live in peace with the proletariat. Suprematism will take to the streets to finally reconcile Russia with its great avant-garde past. Thus, in 2015, artist Boris Trevozhny will become the initiator and author of a monument dedicated to Ksenia Sobchak and based on the works of Malevich. A giant 50-meter colored monument will be erected in Kupchino, a gloomy St. Petersburg district. The installation of the suprematist Sobchak will symbolize another important sociocultural shift: the heroes of today's tabloids will become a natural part of the cultural landscape. And Ksenia Sobchak, a native of St. Petersburg, will be no different from the St. Petersburg native Dostoevsky. Their images will merge into a single information field - both will, relatively speaking, be representatives of the new Russian style. In addition, such a monument will be part of a gigantic plan to reorganize Russian urban spaces. Gray residential areas will be decorated with monumental and at the same time quite relevant art. A contemporary artists They will again become heroes, role models for children from good and not so good families.”

Magazine "Big City".

Current page: 1 (book has 6 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]


100% +

Boris Akimov
Corrective palmistry. Draw your destiny

Lines on human hand written for a reason; they come from divine influence and one's own human individuality.


© B. Akimov, 2011

© Amrita LLC, 2014

Preface to the fifth edition

Hello, Boris Konstantinovich!

R. S. writes to you from Almaty (Kazakhstan). I have been practicing palmistry for 12 years.

Last year I purchased your books: “Corrective Palmistry” and “Mirror of Karma.”

I immediately made a correction for myself. I checked it on myself. Thanks to the easy money triangle, I received money 6 times, completely unexpected.

I apply your technique to almost all clients, and I recommend it myself and show you your book. Some clients have heard about the technique and have seen you and programs with your participation on TV. I saw it myself, but I started using it after purchasing and studying your book.

Considering that people come to the palmist with difficult fate, then I personally find the correction quite applicable in practice. I have clients who come back several times for “free money.”

Correction of defective lines gives the client hope and faith in the future. I'm at work corrective palmistry helps.

Boris Konstantinovich, thank you for the knowledge, having acquired which you do not hide, but pass on to people!

Sincerely, R.S.

Hello, Borya! Thank you for “Confessions of a Palmist.” I swallowed it in two days. Well done! Happy for you! Great book. It will really help a lot of people. I want to amuse you. Since I am, after all, a scientist and a physician (“doctor squared away,” as friends say), I decided to test your method of corrective palmistry on myself (Mechnikov is resting!). I, like everyone else, have a lot of problems, I am not able to solve them all, mainly due to lack of time. Therefore, I decided to help myself using your method, understanding perfectly what it is, why it is done and how it should be done. Although there were more doubts: after all, there is no prophet in his own country, and I have known you for decades. Well, I think, just for fun, I’ll draw something.

The next morning, after drawing the triangle of money (which, as always, is not enough), I came to the fitness center for yoga classes (I have been going to this center for 11 years, of which 5 years for yoga), and the administrator, whom I also see regularly several years, asked for an appointment. So, the method works.

I've been waiting three weeks. Everything is calm. We need to try again. I'm drawing again. The next day, colleagues from their previous jobs call and offer a development contract. environmental program, although I haven’t worked with them for 10 years. Not a million, of course, but money – it’s money in Africa too. Like this!

Good luck! Write. Marina

For five years I remained silent. For five years I used my method almost every day. For five years I patiently waited for long-term results to make sure I was on the right path. For five years I analyzed, tried and improved my technique. I spent five years cutting a diamond called “corrective palmistry.”

And now I can safely say: “Today this is the most effective technique that allows you to change your life in accordance with your own wishes! Yes, corrective palmistry works!”

For a long time I treated palmistry as entertainment. I applied it in my life and medical practice, but I did it without advertising my knowledge at all. I examined the lines of the patient's arm that interested me, measuring the pulse. When getting to know someone and looking into the eyes of a stranger, I quietly recorded all the movements and anatomical features of his hand. His palm and fingers told me more about his character and inclinations than his eyes and facial expressions.

Having sufficient experience in palmistry, yet as a doctor I saw in palmistry only the possibility of diagnosis, but did not see the possibility of treatment. I was not interested in palmistry as a prediction of the future. I just don't see the point in knowing the future. I see the point in creating it.

But a miracle happened: Fate revealed to me true meaning palmistry - to heal a person's life.

For a long time I did not give in to the persuasion of friends, students and the kind Gayana Sergeevna, editor of the Amrita-Rus publishing house, which published my first book, to write a manual on corrective palmistry. The first book, “Confessions of a Palmist,” is dedicated to mysticism in the life of a palmist, and not to palmistry in the life of a mystic, which I consider myself to be.

For the thousand and first time I tested my method in practice, knowing that everything must pass the test of time. And he rightly believed that the author’s method only works for the author.

But the hour has come. The knowledge that had been accumulated for so long and remained a secret was about to be revealed. Being a mystic in life, I sometimes act on promptings “from above.” The incident did not take long to happen: a lady came to my appointment and began to enthusiastically tell me that there is such a way to correct a person’s life, it is called corrective palmistry. I pretended that I didn’t know about the method, and asked her to tell me more, and then admitted to the authorship. What struck me most was that she used the term “chirography” that I had introduced, which is not known to everyone.

It is with this conviction that I am writing this book.

I hope it helps you make your life better.

General palmistry


If Fate speaks to a person, then its messages must be looked for on his hand. After all, the hand is an organ inherent only to a spiritual and creative being, man; it fully reflects his individuality. And the hand is always “at hand”. Most often, a person sees exactly this. This means that sooner or later he will pay attention to the signs on his palm.

Palmistry, like medicine, originated in different human cultures and in different times. The idea of ​​reading human life from an open hand came to the minds of mystics different eras and peoples.

The first palmists appeared in Egypt, whose priests possessed deep esoteric knowledge approximately 6,000 years ago. In China, various fortune-telling practices were known a little later - from 3000 BC. e. Chinese palmists followed their own path and, unlike the Egyptian ones, paid great attention dermatoglyphs - finger drawings. This is even reflected in a funny Chinese belief: “One curl means poverty, two means wealth, three, four – open a pawn shop, five – become a merchant, six – you will be a thief, seven – meet misfortune, eight – eat straw, nine – you won’t go hungry.” never". This belief reflects the rather naive ideas of the ancient Chinese about dermatoglyphics.

Palmistry is also mentioned in the ancient Indian Vedas.

The custom of telling fortunes by fingers also existed in Rus'. A. Fet writes in an autobiographical poem:

“Give me your pens!” - the nanny wants
Look at their features. -
What, on the fingers of the path
Are they curled in circles?”

From the Egyptian priests, palmistry, like most knowledge, came into Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Aristotle presented Alexander the Great (Macedonian) as a gift with a treatise on palmistry, said to be written in gold.

Avicenna in his “Medical Canon” mentions signs on the hands. The fathers of modern medicine, Galen and Hippocrates, were specialists in palmistry. To this day, medical students study a symptom called “Hippocrates’ finger.”

In the Middle Ages, scientists Johann von Hagen and Paracelsus contributed to the study of palmistry. Then the hills began to be named after the planets: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury. It was believed that the energies of these planets form hills on the palms. During the Middle Ages, palmistry was a subject studied in European universities. The German doctor Rothman introduced a system of hand reading, which became a unified course in medical faculties. However, at this time in England and Spain, palmistry was considered witchcraft and was persecuted by law. Nowadays in London the most large number palmists “per capita” - about two dozen officially registered specialists in palmistry. In Moscow, real palmists can be listed on the fingers of one hand.

In the 19th century, the French d'Arpentigny and Adolphe de Barrol gave palmistry modern look, substantiating the thesis that personal qualities play a big role in the fate of a person himself and studying them is mandatory for a palmist. In the East, fate is considered unchangeable. De Barrol, being an artist, introduced the palm impression technique in 1879. And he discovered that the lines on the palm were constantly changing their shape, appearing and disappearing. Since then, palmistry has become chirology - a science that studies the relationship between psychotype, health and events occurring in a person’s life, based on the structure, lines and patterns of the palm. In parallel with chirology, dermatoglyphics also appeared - the science of papillary patterns of the palm. Unlike chirology, it is officially recognized. She was just lucky. Criminologists became interested in it, and fingerprinting became an integral part of forensic science. And in 1892, Charles Darwin's cousin Sir Francis Galton published his classic work on finger drawings, which attracted public attention.

Currently, in the city of Mumbai (India) there is a National Indian University where palmistry is taught. In the city of Montreal (Canada), since 1940, there has been a National Academy of Palmistry, where anyone can learn the art of hand reading.

My palmistry

My study of palmistry, naturally, began with the classics: d'Arpentigny, de Barrol, Cairo. However, when I began to practice myself, I discovered an amazing thing: the knowledge of palmistry was outdated! The signs described by the classics did not correspond to reality. Then I read contemporaries: R. Webster, D. Fincham, our compatriot A. Desni. Their observations were more consistent with reality. Nevertheless, I discovered many signs on my own in the process of practice. My work differs from the works of the classics. The basis was primarily based on observations from more than twenty years of chirological practice.

I’m not going to write about everything, but only about simple and at the same time important things for everyone. Perhaps over time I will write an encyclopedia of palmistry. But this is serious work that requires many years work and observations. And now I do not set myself the goal of compiling an academic work. Let them remain small or, conversely, big secrets. This will awaken a healthy interest in palmistry and self-knowledge. The truth is always somewhere nearby.

My goal is to teach simple, one might say, everyday things. And of course, change your life. Knowledge is power!

At an appointment with a palmist

I watched the first hand about thirty years ago. Then I observed the hands of my patients. For the last five years I have been practicing palmistry professionally. And the more I learn about my clients, the more I learn about myself. As a professional, I am well aware of my capabilities and my responsibility to the client.

But every time I look new hand, I experience two opposing feelings: curiosity and doubt.

Curiosity. I'm interested in the hands of people, especially strangers. After all, glancing briefly, imperceptibly at the hand of a stranger, I quite clearly imagine his personality and some of the events that have already occurred in his life. I guess I had some kind of need to read hands. I even gave myself a nickname like this: Handhunter– hand hunter.

Doubts. As a person with a higher medical education, I understand the absurdity of predicting the future. And the complete absurdity from a scientific point of view of the fact that a person’s fate is reflected in the lines of his hand.

Nevertheless, I experience a great feeling of joy when, after reading the mysterious signs of palmistry, I make a person surprised.

And only the knowledge that I will really be able to discern human destiny in the intricacy of lines and signs, unraveling them as a scientist, as a researcher, and not as a fortuneteller, guided by my sometimes dubious gift, makes me read human life again and again like an open hand .

And I also feel fear. Fear of secrets. After all, to admit the existence of palmistry means to admit the existence of the otherworldly. Recognize the existence of the intangible world. The Almighty and his angels. The fear of God is what keeps a person from spiritual decline. After all, if there is no God, then there is nothing, and then everything is possible.

The most important question: what will a person get from visiting a palmist? It is difficult for me to judge what my colleagues in the chirological society say to their clients. When communicating, we mainly discuss professional issues. But they are wise people and will not wish anything bad. It is interesting that each palmist has his own experience and palmistry reveals some of its secrets to everyone. Thus, an excellent specialist Alexander Arkadyevich Nurmin (Moscow) always combines palmistry with physiognomy and perfectly sees the signs of misfortune that relate not only to the client, but also to his relatives, and he is sure of their inevitability. Victor Vladimirovich Deshun (St. Petersburg) sees criminal signs on the client’s hand, including a prison sign. This is more difficult for me, and my motto is: “Only happy forecasts!” But I am well versed in health signs. But Andrei Adolfovich Sentsov (Voronezh) sees Vedic signs on his hand, which his above-mentioned colleagues do not see.

However, I also have negative experience - I twice consulted palm readers out of boredom, which I tell about in my first book, “Confessions of a Palm Reader.” In both cases, they lied to me with inspiration. I'm not offended. Women are prone to fantasies. Therefore, I see the point in explaining what a client can get from a qualified palmist.

My communication with a client begins with the question: “How can I help you?” I have been asking people this question since I was 23 years old, when I received my medical degree. True, it sounded different before: “What are you complaining about?”

I do not separate my mission from the medical duty I have assumed, and if earlier I treated diseases, now I treat a person’s life. This is called psychotherapy.

My goal is not to entertain a person with “fortune telling,” but to help him sort out his life.

My direction in psychiatry is mystical psychotherapy.

I prefer dialogue, contact with the client. It is important for him to have a clear understanding of his problem. This makes communication easier. The client's openness is very important when counseling. And although I have the talent to win people over, the people who come to the reception are different. I adhere to the principle: “The more you give (information), the more you will receive.”

The problem needs to be discussed. Sometimes counseling, which usually fits into a class hour (45 minutes), can take two to three times as long. I set myself the task of solving a person’s problem in one session. Most often I succeed. But it’s nice when people come back and consult with me more often. They come once a year: “Everything you said has come true. Look what happens next." One client, S., consults with me every Saturday for three years. Is this good for him? How! During this time he became a famous businessman.

I start my hand analysis with back side Palms – The palm and fingers can provide a lot of information. I cover this practice further. And when I have a complete picture, I move on to the lines that provide more detailed information.

Two things should be sacred for a professional palmist: do not pour water and analyze the past. The first one is clear. There are plenty of experts at tricking clients.

When I start telling a client about the events that have happened in his life, I sometimes hear: “I know my past - I’m not interested in it.” I answer: “It’s interesting to me. I need to see if I'm reading your hand correctly. Having understood the past, it will be easier for me to talk about the future. And you can be sure that I am not a deceiver.” A palm reader or fortune teller who is unable to determine the events of the past will not tell about the future.

What can a human hand tell me?

At one time I was engaged in correspondence consulting based on photographs of hands. You understand that the task is difficult. Because a photograph cannot convey all the nuances of a living hand, and the lack of feedback makes prediction very difficult. It's like giving a diagnosis over the phone. However, I can be proud of my consultations. The forecasts were mostly clear. It's inspiring. But I refused paid correspondence counseling - I don’t have time. Yes, and it’s difficult.

Below I present one of my analyzes.

The client is a 27-year-old girl.

Your hand is elongated, proportionally folded, energetic, speaking of a subtle, sensitive and holistic nature, striving for harmony and beauty. Most likely, you are a young lady, pleasant in many respects, balanced, energetic, with a lively intellect, well-built and popular with the opposite sex.

Fingers are predominantly conical in shape, characteristic of creative people with a rich spiritual world and the world of fantasy. Such people are dreamy and thoughtful. A philosophical knot on the ring finger is typical for people who seek the meaning of life and are prone to a mystical perception of the world, as well as who love to impress others.

Flexible thumb– a wonderful sign, a sign of flexibility of consciousness, broad nature, tolerance, curiosity, love of life. Such people are easy to communicate, quickly get used to any situation and society, are sentimental, amorous at first sight, generous to the point of extravagance. Closed fingers indicate modesty, sometimes shyness. They form a straight line with the palm - a sign of determination. The length of the fingers indicates a quick reaction combined with leisurely conclusions.

The palm hills are well defined. The Mount of Venus characterizes your health, energy and sexuality as moderate. The absence of an active mount of Mars indicates extreme peacefulness. A well-defined Mount of Jupiter indicates a desire to lead and manage rather than to obey. However, ambition can be satisfied through attention and respect. The united hills of Saturn and the Sun indicate that loneliness does not threaten you. A very large Mount of Mercury with an expansion towards the Mount of the Sun - ability to science and business. A well-designed Mount of the Moon with a large number of lines speaks of developed intuition, rich imagination and numerous travels.

Life Line. Fair enough, which indicates stability, but not deep enough during the most active age period from 20 to 30 years - loss vitality and difficulties. Although from birth to this period the line is quite prosperous.

The absence of the Guardian Angel line, or the internal Life line (a very rare sign), indicates that you will have to cope with your difficulties yourself. There is no point in listing the adversities along your path and their chronology - they will occur to you almost every year until the age of 40, and a couple of times they will coincide with illnesses. Don’t be upset, they are not that significant and will only strengthen your character and make you wiser. For every trouble, Fate will give you consolation.

However, after 40 years you will begin a prosperous period of life. At the age of close to 50 years, the Life line bifurcates - the sign of the Immigrant. You have a great chance to change your life by moving far from your place of birth - preferably to another country. Moreover, the sooner you start implementing it, the better.

Another good sign– separate lines of Life and Head, sign of the Adventurer. An excellent combination with the Immigrant sign. It is also good because it talks about stable mental health and the absence of mental and physical addictions. It is easier for you to start a new business than to finish an old one. You are capable of any, the craziest adventures. Unfortunately, they do not always bring success due to a lack of caution. Consult with wise people, or better yet, take part in adventures and adventures organized by other people and guaranteeing success.

From 50 to 60 years of age, life will not be without difficulties, but then a calm and happy old age will come for another 20 years.

Health. Fortunately, I don’t see any obvious signs of illness that I should warn you about. You may have headaches, but this will go away after 40 years.

Line of Fate. You do not have a clear line of Destiny. Education: legal, linguistic. You work more for the future, gain experience and easily fit into any team until the wind of change blows. However, if you are a free artist, then you work only by inspiration. I think that so far your interests do not bring material wealth. However, after 40 years, life will change and you will achieve both success and material well-being. You will change your field of professional activity three times.

You have no signs big money, you will earn everything through righteous labors.

Line of Mind. Straight and short is a sign of practicality. Absence of nervous diseases and mental breakdowns. The line also contains a rare sign similar to Z, corresponding to the age of 32–34 years. At this time, you will reconsider all your life values ​​and start life anew. Of course, this is a painful but necessary process - a person is born in pain and the new arises when the old dies.

Heart Line. You are an idealist in love. But the ideal more often turns out to be an illusion than a reality. In youth, physical intimacy plays a greater role than ideals, and can compensate for the lack of mutual understanding and contradictions in the psychology of the sexes. But this is not for you. Your chosen one should consist of nothing but merits. Alas, searching for a man without flaws is not always justified. Moreover, you are waiting rather than searching.

Therefore, enter into a marriage that will bring you happiness at the age of 31-33, bringing your ideal closer to reality. Big Island on the Heart line indicates great suffering that is yet to come. You are experiencing your first attachment and, accordingly, your first serious love now or have already experienced it. Its duration is three years. Don't be upset - it won't leave a deep mark on your life.

You may have two children of different sexes.

Your karma. You have a young soul. You are a student in this life. Now you are probably even at a stage kindergarten. Therefore, spend more time on studying and self-improvement. Invest strength and resources in yourself. Cut the diamond of your soul - it will definitely sparkle. Live simply and honestly, without thinking about the future. You have the sign of a Samaritan, or healer ( short lines on the hill of Mercury), means your heart is full of love that you can give to people. Do not betray yourself and your ideals and, having reached maturity, you will achieve happiness. The most crucial period for you is 32–34 years. This is a period of reconsidering life values, finding a life partner and the beginning of professional growth. This period is also ideal for immigration. However, Fate will more than once give you a chance to move to a country more favorable to you before the age of 50.

This is what the girl replied:

Boris Konstantinovich, thank you for your analysis. He made a big impression on me - quite truthful. The main features are mine. I always have to achieve everything myself, it’s full of thorns, but always a successful result. I am improving myself, developing professionally, I hope that by 40 I will success will come(“At forty, life is just beginning”). In a word, your forecast and my intuition coincide completely; intuitively, this is how I always imagined my life. Your forecast about possible immigration did not surprise me. I lived abroad since childhood, I speak three languages, I love some countries and feel very comfortable there. So it is quite possible that I can go there.

A career is important to me; it forces me to learn, improve in a specific area, and develop. But for the sake of my career, I won’t walk over corpses. I am too humane, sentimental and kind.

I have a highly developed intuition, as a child it even scared me: whatever I think about, whatever I say, everything will come true. But since I always trusted her, she never let me down. Now I’m not afraid of her, I’m just friends with her. Money doesn’t come easy to me; I have to work all the time. At the age of 16, I entered the university as a paid student, they paid for me - apparently, it was easy money. You are absolutely right that I love to lead (and I’m good at it), but I can easily replace leading people with their respect and recognition. I must say that I am very sociable, my work is directly related to people, and at this stage of my life I am very pleased with this work.

My life fully corresponds to your wishes - I study, move forward, improve. You confirmed that I'm on on the right track! So I hope everything will be fine for me. Thanks again.

I hope you have gained an idea of ​​the possibilities of palmistry.

People come to me most often with two questions: “what to do?” and “when will this happen?” To answer the first question you need to understand human nature. To do this you need to live life. Be a psychologist. Have experience. And the desire to help people.

One day a young man approached me with a request to save his marriage. To do this, he was going to resort to corrective palmistry. I did not see an opportunity to save the marriage, which is what I warned him about. But he insisted, and I said that I would “draw” everything for him as it should be.

- So, are there any chances? - asked the young man.

“Not a single one,” I answered.

- So why draw?

– I see you have an island on the Life line that is a year long and a gap on the idealistic Heart line. All this time you will suffer from unhappy love. Advising you to find a girlfriend is pointless. She won't cure you. You still love your wife. And you will try to get her back. But she has already forgotten you. You have every right to call her, tell her that you love her, offer to meet her. However, your actions will only irritate her. You won't be able to get rid of the pain quickly, and you need to do something about it. As in the joke: “If you don’t catch up, you’ll get warm.” So do it. You will still want to use my method, although I warn you that it will not help you.

I made a correction for the young man.

“Come,” he said in parting, “let’s cry together.”

Six months later he came with the same problem, but with a different mood. This time I corrected the Head line, since the client had almost recovered from the love drama.

If a person asks the second question: “when will this happen?” – I focus it on certain time periods, but always leave a chance for free expression.

Rice. 1

Client S., 26 years old. He is friends with a young man. He asks her to marry him.

On the hand (Fig. 1) there are three Marriage lines - at the ages of 18–19, 27–28 and 42–43. On the Life line, the island at the age of 29 is five years long and has two children.

My advice: “Get married tomorrow, but it’s better to do it in a year. Until the age of 28, abstain from having children, but after giving birth, from 29 to 34 give birth to another one. At the age of 42–43, your marriage will be tested. If you keep it, you will live happily ever after. If Fate separates you (this also depends on your husband), then do not be upset - you will find happiness in a new marriage. But I advise you to keep what you have. Karma is conservation and patience.”

A topic that I do not discuss is the topic of death. Including relatives. I can give advice on what age and what to pay attention to in terms of health, but I will not take on the function of God and talk about the date and circumstances of the client’s death, even if it is clear to me as daylight. Fortunately for me, in most cases this is unknown to me. And clients rarely bring up this topic. And my conscience is clear.

I don't like predicting death. I love predicting life.


Boris Akimov's book is one of the first works of a genre that is just beginning to take shape in our country - original Russian esotericism. Its uniqueness lies in the position of the author, who managed to achieve a combination of mystical, esoteric, everyday, philosophical and even scientific streams of the narrative about his life.

The book also contains “educational” material – and not only on palmistry. It is perceived between the lines - easily and simply, unconsciously. But in order to get this material, the reader will have to work hard! And this, in my opinion, is correct.

The book examines very delicately and carefully, with humor, the interaction of the mystical and everyday planes in the author’s life. Honestly, for the first time I read a book that tells the real, non-fictional story of the life of a mystic in Russia.

The issues that the author raises directly concern mere mortals. When to go to a psychic and is it worth doing it at all, which of them can you trust and what, what to do if the psychic failed, or worse, deceived, asked excessively... The questions are thorny, uncomfortable, there are no clear answers to them. But the author does not shy away from these questions.

Of particular interest are the images famous people with whom the author met. Very lively, drawn with love, they always appear from an unexpected perspective, and while reading the book, I understood in a different way many people who seemed completely familiar to me. It was both pleasant and surprising.

There were three things I liked most about the book: the joy of life, the humor, and the spirit of youth in its pages. And for this – a huge thank you to Boris Akimov!

K. Mkhitaryan, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, doctor...

Akimov Boris Borisovich

Ballet dancer, teacher;
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (05/25/1976).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (12/14/1981).
People's Artist of the USSR (08/18/1989).

After graduating from the Moscow Choreographic School (teachers E. N. Sergievskaya, M. E. Liepa), in 1965-1989 - at the Bolshoi Theater; improved under the guidance of A. N. Ermolaev.
The dancer, endowed with a bright gift of artistry, was especially close to a sharp, expressive language modern choreography. The characters he created were distinguished by their complex, sometimes contradictory character, and the strength of their hidden passions. Member of the CPSU since 1975.

In 1978 he graduated from the department of teachers and choreographers of GITIS.
In 1980-1988 - teacher at the choreography department of GITIS, since 1989 - teacher-choreographer Bolshoi Theater.
He worked under contracts at the theaters Covent Garden (London), La Scala (Milan), Asami Maki Ballet (Tokyo), Vienna Opera, the Hamburg State Opera and the Royal School of London. He starred in the film-ballet “The Terrible Century” (based on the ballet “Ivan the Terrible”, 1978). Boris Akimov is the author of the music, script and director of the musical and poetic evening dedicated to the 100th anniversary of S. A. Yesenin “I remember, my love, I remember” (Bolshoi Theatre, 1995).
In 2000-2003 - artistic director ballet troupe Bolshoi Theater.
In 2001-2005 - professor of the department of male classical and duet-classical dance of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, in 2001-2002 - acting rector of the academy, in 2002-2005 - artistic director of the academy.
On March 12, 2013, he accepted the Bolshoi Theater’s offer to head artistic council theater ballet troupe.

theatrical works

“Geologists” by N. N. Karetnikov, staged by N. D. Kasatkina and V. Yu. Vasilyov (1966) - Geologist
“Assel” by V. P. Vlasov, staged by O. M. Vinogradov (1967) - Ilyas
“The Little Humpbacked Horse” by R. K. Shchedrin, choreography by A. I. Radunsky (1968) - Ivanushka
“Spartacus” by A. I. Khachaturian, staged by Yu. N. Grigorovich (1968) - Krass
“Chopiniana” to music by F. Chopin, choreography by M. M. Fokin (1969) - Soloist
“Giselle” by A. Adam, choreography by J. Coralli, J. Perrot, M. I. Petipa, revised by M. L. Lavrovsky (1970, performed on theater tour in Australia) - Count Albert
“Swan Lake” by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by A. Gorsky, M. Petipa, L. Ivanov, revised by Yu. N. Grigorovich, 1969) - Evil Genius (first performer)
“Swan Lake”, choreography by A. Gorsky, M. I. Petipa, L. I. Ivanov, A. M. Messerer (1972) - Prince Albert
“Swan Lake”, choreography by Yu. N. Grigorovich (1973) - Prince Siegfried
“Ivan the Terrible” staged by Yu. N. Grigorovich (1975) - Kurbsky (first performer)
“Icarus” by S. M. Slonimsky, staged by V. V. Vasiliev, second edition, 1976) - Kleon (first performer)
“Angara” by A. Ya. Eshpai, directed by Yu. N. Grigorovich (1976) - Sergei
“Second Lieutenant Kizhe” to music by S. S. Prokofiev, choreography by A. A. Lapauri and O. G. Tarasova (1977) - Pavel I
“Giselle” by A. Adam (1977) - Hans
“These enchanting sounds” to the music of G. Torelli, A. Corelli, J. F. Rameau and W. A. ​​Mozart, staged by V. V. Vasiliev (1978) - Walks (first performer)
“Indian Poem” staged by Y. G. Scott, Y. V. Papko (1981) - Khorud (first performer)
“Gayane” by A. I. Khachaturyan, staged by M. S. Martirosyan (1984) - Nerso (first performer)

prizes and awards

USSR State Prize (1977) - for performing the role of Sergei in the ballet “Angara” by A. Ya. Eshpai.
Moscow Komsomol Prize (1974).
Lenin Komsomol Prize (1978).
Order of the Badge of Honor (1980).
Order of Honor (03/22/2001).
Order of Friendship (1.10.2005).
III Prize International competition ballet dancers in Varna (Bulgaria, 1965).

Boris Akimov

Corrective palmistry. Draw your destiny

The lines on the human hand are drawn for a reason; they come from divine influence and one's own human individuality.


© B. Akimov, 2011

© Amrita LLC, 2014

Preface to the fifth edition

Hello, Boris Konstantinovich!

R. S. writes to you from Almaty (Kazakhstan). I have been practicing palmistry for 12 years.

Last year I purchased your books: “Corrective Palmistry” and “Mirror of Karma.”

I immediately made a correction for myself. I checked it on myself. Thanks to the easy money triangle, I received money 6 times, completely unexpected.

I apply your technique to almost all clients, and I recommend it myself and show you your book. Some clients have heard about the technique and have seen you and programs with your participation on TV. I saw it myself, but I started using it after purchasing and studying your book.

Considering that people with difficult fates come to the palmist, I personally find the correction quite applicable in practice. I have clients who come back several times for “free money.”

Correction of defective lines gives the client hope and faith in the future. Corrective palmistry helps me in my work.

Boris Konstantinovich, thank you for the knowledge, having acquired which you do not hide, but pass on to people!

Sincerely, R.S.

Hello, Borya! Thank you for “Confessions of a Palmist.” I swallowed it in two days. Well done! Happy for you! Great book. It will really help a lot of people. I want to amuse you. Since I am, after all, a scientist and a physician (“doctor squared away,” as friends say), I decided to test your method of corrective palmistry on myself (Mechnikov is resting!). I, like everyone else, have a lot of problems, I am not able to solve them all, mainly due to lack of time. Therefore, I decided to help myself using your method, understanding perfectly what it is, why it is done and how it should be done. Although there were more doubts: after all, there is no prophet in his own country, and I have known you for decades. Well, I think, just for fun, I’ll draw something.

The next morning, after drawing the triangle of money (which, as always, is not enough), I came to the fitness center for yoga classes (I have been going to this center for 11 years, of which 5 years for yoga), and the administrator, whom I also see regularly several years, asked for an appointment. So, the method works.

I've been waiting three weeks. Everything is calm. We need to try again. I'm drawing again. The next day, colleagues from my previous job call and offer me an agreement to develop an environmental program, although I haven’t worked with them for 10 years. Not a million, of course, but money – it’s money in Africa too. Like this!

Good luck! Write. Marina

For five years I remained silent. For five years I used my method almost every day. For five years I patiently waited for long-term results to make sure I was on the right path. For five years I analyzed, tried and improved my technique. I spent five years cutting a diamond called “corrective palmistry.”

And now I can safely say: “Today this is the most effective technique that allows you to change your life in accordance with your own wishes! Yes, corrective palmistry works!”

For a long time I treated palmistry as entertainment. I applied it in my life and medical practice, but I did it without advertising my knowledge at all. I examined the lines of the patient's arm that interested me, measuring the pulse. When getting to know someone and looking into the eyes of a stranger, I quietly recorded all the movements and anatomical features of his hand. His palm and fingers told me more about his character and inclinations than his eyes and facial expressions.

Having sufficient experience in palmistry, yet as a doctor I saw in palmistry only the possibility of diagnosis, but did not see the possibility of treatment. I was not interested in palmistry as a prediction of the future. I just don't see the point in knowing the future. I see the point in creating it.

But a miracle happened: Fate revealed to me the true meaning of palmistry - to heal a person’s life.

For a long time I did not give in to the persuasion of friends, students and the kind Gayana Sergeevna, editor of the Amrita-Rus publishing house, which published my first book, to write a manual on corrective palmistry. The first book, “Confessions of a Palmist,” is dedicated to mysticism in the life of a palmist, and not to palmistry in the life of a mystic, which I consider myself to be.

For the thousand and first time I tested my method in practice, knowing that everything must pass the test of time. And he rightly believed that the author’s method only works for the author.

But the hour has come. The knowledge that had been accumulated for so long and remained a secret was about to be revealed. Being a mystic in life, I sometimes act on promptings “from above.” The incident did not take long to happen: a lady came to my appointment and began to enthusiastically tell me that there is such a way to correct a person’s life, it is called corrective palmistry. I pretended that I didn’t know about the method, and asked her to tell me more, and then admitted to the authorship. What struck me most was that she used the term “chirography” that I had introduced, which is not known to everyone.

It is with this conviction that I am writing this book.

I hope it helps you make your life better.

General palmistry


If Fate speaks to a person, then its messages must be looked for on his hand. After all, the hand is an organ inherent only to a spiritual and creative being, man; it fully reflects his individuality. And the hand is always “at hand”. Most often, a person sees exactly this. This means that sooner or later he will pay attention to the signs on his palm.

Palmistry, like medicine, originated in different human cultures and at different times. The idea of ​​reading human life from an open hand came to the minds of mystics of different eras and peoples.

The first palmists appeared in Egypt, whose priests possessed deep esoteric knowledge approximately 6,000 years ago. In China, various fortune-telling practices were known a little later - from 3000 BC. e. Chinese palmists followed their own path and, unlike the Egyptian ones, paid great attention to dermatoglyphs - finger drawings. This is even reflected in a funny Chinese belief: “One curl means poverty, two means wealth, three, four – open a pawn shop, five – become a merchant, six – you will be a thief, seven – meet misfortune, eight – eat straw, nine – you won’t go hungry.” never". This belief reflects the rather naive ideas of the ancient Chinese about dermatoglyphics.

Palmistry is also mentioned in the ancient Indian Vedas.

The custom of telling fortunes by fingers also existed in Rus'. A. Fet writes in an autobiographical poem:

“Give me your pens!” - the nanny wants
Look at their features. -
What, on the fingers of the path
Are they curled in circles?”

From the Egyptian priests, palmistry, like most knowledge, came to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Aristotle presented Alexander the Great (Macedonian) as a gift with a treatise on palmistry, said to be written in gold.

Avicenna in his “Medical Canon” mentions signs on the hands. The fathers of modern medicine, Galen and Hippocrates, were specialists in palmistry. To this day, medical students study a symptom called “Hippocrates’ finger.”

In the Middle Ages, scientists Johann von Hagen and Paracelsus contributed to the study of palmistry. Then the hills began to be named after the planets: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury. It was believed that the energies of these planets form hills on the palms. During the Middle Ages, palmistry was a subject studied in European universities. The German doctor Rothman introduced a system of hand reading, which became a unified course in medical faculties. However, at this time in England and Spain, palmistry was considered witchcraft and was persecuted by law. Nowadays, London has the largest number of palmists “per capita” - about two dozen officially registered specialists in palmistry. In Moscow, real palmists can be listed on the fingers of one hand.

In the 19th century, the French d'Arpentigny and Adolphe de Barrol gave palmistry a modern look, substantiating the thesis that personal qualities play a big role in the fate of a person and their study is mandatory for a palmist. In the East, fate is considered unchangeable. De Barrol, being an artist, introduced the palm impression technique in 1879. And he discovered that the lines on the palm were constantly changing their shape, appearing and disappearing. Since then, palmistry has become chirology - a science that studies the relationship between psychotype, health and events occurring in a person’s life, based on the structure, lines and patterns of the palm. In parallel with chirology, dermatoglyphics also appeared - the science of papillary patterns of the palm. Unlike chirology, it is officially recognized. She was just lucky. Criminologists became interested in it, and fingerprinting became an integral part of forensic science. And in 1892, Charles Darwin's cousin Sir Francis Galton published his classic work on finger drawings, which attracted public attention.