IX International Competition of Young and Young Performers “Golden Note. Golden notamoda-and-style XIII International competition of young and young performers

Hola!!! Hi all! With you Dayana Hernandez and my column “Fashion and Style”. And again we are at the center of the largest and most interesting events.

December 5, 2014 in Moscow, when the whole country is immersed in the pre-New Year bustle, the first international competition of young and young performers in the direction of pop vocals"Golden Note". The competition was attended by performers of four age categories: Children under 9 years old, children from 10 to 12 years old, young performers from 13 to 15 years old and young performers over 16 years old. The jury included artists, famous producers, Western musicians, television representatives, such as: Joseph Kobzon, Bari Alibasov, Mikhail Grebenshchikov, Alexey Glyzin, Natalya Terekhova, Arthur Berkut, Maria Katz, Victor Chaika, Nikita Presnyakov, Alexander Levshin, Victoria Pierre-Marie, Leonid Melnikov, Eddie Butler and of course Igor Sandler himself. Participants came from 26 cities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, accompanied by parents and vocal teachers. Behind the scenes there was a professional bustle, someone was singing before going out, someone was fixing their hair, someone was spinning in front of the mirror checking whether all the elements of the stage costume looked decent. And who do you think was the most nervous!? These are, of course, adults who sincerely worried about their children, grandchildren and students. Oddly enough, the participants behaved with adult confidence, or at least it seemed so to me.

And finally, the jury members took their places in the hall, the backstage fell into silence, the friendly voices of the presenters announced the first performer, Valeria Baryshnikova with the composition “Vanya”. This was a 13-year-old girl, who at first glance did not stand out among her peers, who came to the competition from the city of Penza. Unfortunately, I cannot convey how many voices the hall was filled with, it was a delight!!! One by one, the participants surprised the guests and jury members with their vocals and self-sufficiency in choosing the business they are involved in...

As difficult as it was for the contestants to hold the Golden Note, it was so difficult for the jury to give their preferences. But what to do, the competition remains a competition!!! I was able to find out what the jury members paid attention to when evaluating the performance.

Victor Chaika - Composer, musician, poet, singer and finally producer, first of all evaluates vocals, since this is the essence of the competition. As a totality of the performance as a whole, it pays attention to how well the song is chosen in relation to the tonality and timbre of the voice. And finally, the stage costume, which completes the act completely. Victor is sure that most of the contestants are potential stars of our stage!!! The main thing is hard work and faith in your star!!!

When talking with Bari Karimovich Alibasov, it was hard to be serious; every comment and discussion of what was happening was accompanied by jokes and funny facts from his creative path. But this did not make him a less strict and demanding member of the jury; during the breaks between performances, everyone needed relaxation and Bari Karimovich understood this very well.

It was very interesting to talk with Arthur Berkut, a Soviet and Russian rock musician. As Arthur told us, even with undeniable vocal abilities, he always tries to look deeper, to discern inner world, the charisma of the performer. And when I am convinced,” says Arthur, that the voice sounds in harmony with the soul, then this is aerobatics!!!

Maria Katz was sincerely and emotionally worried about the guys, although the singer herself was a member of the jury. As Maria explained, “Golden Note” is not the first competition that she evaluates. She has repeatedly served on the jury of the International children's festival arts and sports "Kinotavrik", many Moscow and regional competitions. But despite the fact that she understands very well why she is here and what she is doing, she really roots for the guys.

I myself have been studying vocals since I was 5 years old,” says Maria, and even then I confidently chose a profession for myself. And believe me, I have not always been on this side of the stage and I feel very well all the excitement and experiences that these young hearts are now experiencing.

After talking with many guests, participants and members of the jury, I decided to ask my main question to Igor Borisovich Sandler, a Soviet and Russian musician, music producer, honored cultural worker of Russia and a man who lights up the stars.

Dayana: Igor Borisovich, if a child loves to sing and is good at it, where to start in order to achieve such success as our competitors have achieved?

Igor Sandler: Be sure to work in this direction and under no circumstances be lazy. Where laziness is, there wasted time! Where there is wasted time, there are lost opportunities!

Dayana: What needs to be worked on first?

Igor Sandler: First of all, you need to contact a good vocal teacher, and only after that the painstaking work will begin. It is necessary to position the voice apparatus, to place the breathing correctly, to form the sound correctly. Constantly sing, play etudes, scales, and resort to vocal exercises. Patience and work will grind everything down!!!

Dayana: Please tell me when evaluating the performance of the contestants, do you make allowance for the fact that these are still children?

Igor Sandler: Well, of course, we’re not making much concessions; children will remain children. Young performers should be given a chance to realize their talent and creativity. Children try, they do their best, but not everyone succeeds for various reasons. Some are worried, some have done a little work somewhere, but nevertheless we try to judge strictly. If there are errors, then of course we try to point out these errors in order to eliminate them in the future.

Have you ever wondered what criteria the jury members use when awarding certain points to participants in certain competitions? If you read the comments carefully professional people, with whom I managed to communicate, then a logically correct conclusion can be drawn. There is a main criterion - vocal data, but this is not all. The performer must captivate the audience with a complete, complete performance. Some of the jury members pay attention to the level artistic performance, someone to own stylistic features who's on acting and image. And from such important components a number and a score for its performance are born.

The organizers of the Golden Note competition give a start in life to real young talents and talents. See you soon at big stage!!!

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XIII International competition young and young performers

"Golden Note"

Pop vocals

Moscow, Russia

Venue - Potapovsky Lane, 3

  • The competition partner, Igor Krutoy Academy of Popular Music, has prepared special prizes for the participants!
  • Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"

We invite young and young vocalists to take part in a unique competition. Nomination - pop vocals.

This competition was created to ensure that talented performers received real chance become famous. We don't promise this to everyone. But we will do our best for the best.

We invited established stars to serve on the competition jury national stage, Western musicians, famous producers, representatives of central television, influential people show business, talented and already established young vocalists, as well as representatives of the press.

We will provide information support to the most talented performers on radio stations that support our competition, thematic Internet portals, in the well-known printed press, and will give the opportunity to record a song in one of the best studios in Europe, where world and domestic stars, including Russia’s track for Eurovision.

The guys will have the opportunity to perform at big stages with the stars and will be invited to all projects of the Organizing Committee.


  • All participants in the selected nomination perform one song.
  • The judging system is 10-point, open, after the competitor’s performance, the jury members raise cards with points.
  • The awards ceremony takes place immediately after the end of the performance. age group.
  • Anyone who collects can become a laureate required quantity points.


  • Recording a song in one of the best studios in Europe
  • Participation in a project that claims the Guinness World Record "5775" (the longest song in the world)
  • Rotation of songs on air" Children's radio" (subject to selection by the editor)
  • Invitation to perform on stage at the First Children's Rock Festival
  • Gifts from sponsors.



The choice of nomination (one or two) depends on the participant in the competition and is free. One song - one participation.

  • Up to 9 years
  • 10-12 years
  • 13-15 years old
  • 16-30 years old

Shapes: solos, duets, trios, quartets, quintets.

Technical requirements:

  • The duration of the soundtrack should not exceed 3 minutes 40 seconds! In case of violation of this rule, the organizers reserve the right to interrupt the contestant's performance.
  • Be sure to take a duplicate of the minus on a flash drive to the competition.
  • Any performances with a “plus” soundtrack are prohibited.
  • Instrumental or vocal duplication of the melody performed by the competitor is prohibited.
  • The presence of “backing” in the soundtrack is allowed only for soloists and duets. However, duplicating the vocal parts of the contestants is prohibited.
  • The use of “backings” for trios, quartets and quintets in the phonogram is prohibited.

Regulations for submitting applications

To participate in the competition, you must submit an application through the online form on the website and pay for registration before October 31, 2018. All required fields applications must be completed. Attention! Only 80 contestants can take part in the competition (total for all age categories). This is done so that each participant can receive brief comments from the star jury. Once 80 participants have been recruited, applications will be closed.

The procedure for holding the competition and evaluating the competitive performance:

  • Registration of participants opens 1 hour before the start of the performance.
  • Before the start of each nomination, lists of contestants are posted, determining the order of performance.
  • The evaluation of the contestant's performance is carried out immediately after the performance of the song.
  • Jury members give scores in an open form, using points from 6 to 10.
  • The awards ceremony takes place immediately after the performance of all participants in the age group.


All jury members are well-known media personalities directly related to show business. The competition organizers reserve the right to replace jury members in the event of unforeseen circumstances related to professional activity guest stars.

Members of the jury who judge our competition (for each age group we invite a separate jury, so many stars come to us!):

  • Oleg Gazmanov - Soviet and Russian crooner, composer, poet
  • Bari Alibasov - producer, composer
  • Alexey Kortnev - lead singer of the group "Accident", composer, actor
  • Stella Khachanyants - general manager Igor Krutoy Academy of Popular Music, executive director international competition of young popular music performers "Children's new wave"
  • Boris Grachevsky - director, screenwriter, artistic director of the children's magazine "Yeralash"
  • Victor Chaika - singer, composer
  • Igor Sarukhanov - singer, composer
  • Charlie Armstrong - singer (USA), grandson legendary musician Louis Armstrong
  • Eddie Butler - singer, Eurovision 2006 participant, Israel
  • Oleg Gazmanov - People's and Honored Artist Russian Federation, seven-time winner of the National Russian Prize"Ovation", Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, poet, actor, producer.
  • Rodion Gazmanov - singer
  • Nikolay Agutin - singer, music producer.
  • Igor Sandler - rock musician, producer
  • Alexander Fayfman - general producer of Channel One
  • Alexander Kushnir - journalist, music producer, general director of the music and information agency " Kushnir production"
  • Alla Mutigullina - presenter of "Children's Radio"
  • Alexander Levshin - leader of the group "Recital" (Alla Pugacheva), singer, composer, director
  • Mikhail Margolis - famous journalist, music critic, writer
  • Matvey Anichkin - creator and leader of the group "Cruise", producer of Alla Pugacheva's school "Futurestar"
  • Nikita Presnyakov - singer, actor, director
  • Masha Katz - singer, actress, first represented Russia at Eurovision 1994
  • Arthur Berkut - rock musician, lead singer of the legendary groups "Autograph" and "Aria"
  • Sergey Mazaev - Soviet and Russian musician, singer, author songwriters, actor, music producer, lead singer of the Moral groupcode." Honored Artist of Russia
  • Lyubasha - Russian composer, singer
  • Dina Garipova - singer, winner of the TV show "The Voice" in 2012 "Channel One". Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Finalist
  • international music competition "Eurovision - 2013".
  • Sharif (Sharip Ukhmanov) - singer, semi-finalist of the show The Voice.
  • Dmitry Dibrov - Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer and director, as well as singer, musician and actor. member of the Russian Academy
  • television.
  • Dmitry Guberniev is a Russian TV presenter and sports commentator. Twice winner of the TEFI award.

Prize fund and awards:

  • For each age group, the award includes the titles of laureates of I, II, III degrees.
  • All competitors who do not receive the title of laureate become diploma holders and receive “Diploma of the Competition” diplomas.
  • In each nomination, the jury determines laureates and diploma holders, and also distributes prizes and special prizes.
  • The distribution of laureate degrees is determined by the number of points scored by the competitor.
  • All laureates receive diplomas and prizes in accordance with the jury's assessment

The rules of the competition do not limit the number of laureates.

The competition has a large number of special prizes from both the organizers and the jury members. Master classes from stars, recording a song at one of the best recording studios in Europe, information support for radio stations, information support in famous Russian and foreign publications, invitations to star concerts, invitations to unique projects of the Organizing Committee and much more...

Table of correspondence between points and laureate degrees.

Jury of 5 people

  • 45 points - 3rd degree winner
  • 46-47 points - 2nd degree winner
  • 48-50 points - 1st degree winner

Jury of 6 people

  • 54-55 points - 3rd degree winner
  • 56-57 points - 2nd degree winner
  • 58-60 points - 1st degree winner

Contestants who receive less than 45 points (with a jury of 5 people) and 54 points (with a jury of 6 people) become winners of the competition.


  • Soloists - 7000 rubles for each participant, including registration of the application 700 rubles / person
  • Duets - 5000 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 500 rubles / person
  • Trio - 4000 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 400 rubles / person
  • Quartets and quintets - 3000 rubles for each participant, including registration of the application 300 rubles / person

Participation in an additional nomination (2nd and subsequent songs) is paid in full, without discounts.

Attention! The organizing committee does not provide accommodation and meals; participants accommodate themselves.

Special conditions:

The organizers of the festival-competition are not responsible to the authors of works and songs performed by competitors

The receiving party does not meet or accompany the contestants to the competition venue due to the large number of participants.

All expenses for travel and food for competition participants, teachers, managers and parents are at the expense of the sending party.

All issues related to the competition are resolved only through e-mail, in order to avoid various types of misunderstandings.

With the participation of the Foundation for Support of Gifted Children, on May 19, 2017, the Igor Sandler Production Center will host IX International Competition of Young and Young Performers “Golden Note”.

The purpose of the competition is to search, develop and support young talented performers of popular music, jazz, rock and other progressive trends.

Children, teenagers and young people aged from five to thirty years are invited to participate in the competition. An application for participation can be submitted on the official website of the competition goldnota.ru.

The Golden Note competition was first held in 2014, during which time more than four hundred contestants took part in the project. The competition jury included famous musicians, producers and cultural, artistic and sports figures. In May 2017, members of the jury will mainly be the winners and participants of the show “The Voice”, and other stars of domestic show business.

On May 19, 2017, the “Golden Note” competition will be held at its permanent site, in the center of Moscow, not far from Chistye Prudy, V concert hall Igor Sandler Production Center. The participants of the competition will take the stage where all Eurovision participants, BlackStar musicians and many other stars of domestic show business rehearsed their programs. This room hosted press conferences for bands such as Scorpions, Slade, Deep people, producer and sound engineer Jimmy Douglas, who worked with Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones, and many other world celebrities. Visited the studio huge amount Russian and western stars, and now participants in the “Golden Note” competition have a chance to appear on the same stage as world-famous artists and receive invaluable recommendations from Russian stars.

Competition dates: 09/26/2019-11/25/2019

Participants of the competition:

Adults and children can take part in the competition. There are no age restrictions.

Competition works:

On music competition Audio and video recordings of performances are accepted. Both soloists and musical groups can take part in the competition.

Rules of participation:

In order to take part in the competition you must:

1. Fill out an application for participation in the competition, upload your work and a document confirming payment of the registration fee.

Fee for participation in the competition in the amount of 150 rubles paid to Yandex.Money account 410012519335559 .

The registration fee is paid for each work participating in the competition. If the work is prepared in collaboration, then the authors are issued a single diploma. If each author needs an individual diploma, then the registration fee is paid according to the number of authors competition work.

2. After filling out the application for participation, a notification about acceptance of work for the All-Russian competition will be sent to the email address specified by the participant within one hour.

3. ​Competition material can be submitted to the competition in any format. The data volume should not exceed 80 MB. A competition participant can use a resource for storing files (youtube.com, Yandex.Disk, Files.Mail, etc.) and send a link to the competition material to the competition (a file in doc or rtf format containing a link is uploaded to the application).

4. By submitting an application for participation, the competition participant gives his consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

Awarding the winners:

1. The results of the competition are published on the Center’s website in the section within 5 working days from the date of completion of the competition.

2. All participants receive award materials only in electronic form. The results of the competition are summed up taking into account age categories and provide for the award of the title of Grand Prix winner, laureate of I, II, III degrees.

4. For teachers, diplomas of the curator who prepared the participant(s) of the competition are provided (additional payment). The registration fee for the curator is 100 rubles.

Apply for participation

To take part in this event:

  1. Pay the registration fee.
    The registration fee is paid for each competitive entry. If the work is prepared in collaboration, then the authors are issued a single diploma. If each author needs an individual diploma, then the registration fee is paid according to the number of authors of the competition work
    The registration fee is 150 rubles. Payment methods and details

    Payment of the registration fee is made in cash:

    Cash or by bank transfer using electronic money, as well as by transfer from bank card to an account in the Yandex.Money system410012519335559.

    Methods of paying the registration fee:

    Transfer of funds from any bank card, phone number or from a wallet registered in the Yandex.Money system;

    - Payment in cash using money transfer systems at bank branches.

    Payment from any bank account (bank card) using Internet banking (Sberbank.Online, VTB-Online, Alfa-Click, others).

    Payment via :

    In the “Quick payment” panel, select “Yandex.Money”. Select the card you want to top up your account with. Enter your Yandex.Money account number 410012519335559 and the top-up amount, then click “Continue.” Confirm the operation with a one-time password.

    Payment via:

    In the left menu, you need to select the “Payments” item, and on the page that opens, select the “Yandex.Money wallet replenishment” item. In the “Account in Yandex.Money” field, select “Other”. In the “Custom account in Yandex.Money” field, enter the account number 410012519335559. Specify the payment amount and click on the “Continue” button. Confirm the operation with a one-time password, which you will receive via SMS.

    Payment via:

    Open the "Operations" section. Select “Online Wallets”, then “Yandex.Money”. Specify the transfer amount and enter the account number 410012519335559. Select the account from which you want to transfer money. Confirm the transfer.

    Payment through payment acceptance (multi-cash desks), ATMs. On the terminal display, you must select the “Payment for services” or “Payments and transfers” item, click on the “Yandex.Money” icon. In the “Account number” column you must indicate the wallet number 410012519335559.

    Payment through sales offices (Euroset, Svyaznoy, others).

    Payment from a QIWI account. Go, indicate the wallet number, amount and confirm the payment.

    It is possible to pay in one payment for participation in several events.

    Information about payment of the registration fee by the event participant or curator must be indicated when filling out the application for participation.

XI International vocal competition young and young performers “Golden Note” was held on March 16, 2018 at the Igor Sandler Production Center. Among the jury members were Eteri Beriashvili, Sergei Belikov, Dmitry Chetvergov, Alexander Kushnir, Margarita Pozoyan, Sergei Galanin, Sharif, Mariam Merabova, Alexander Levshin. Representatives of the Igor Krutoy Academy were also present, and presented one of the contestants with their special prize: an invitation to participate in the qualifying round of the competition “ Junior Eurovision" During these few hours, the jury members and the organizers of the competition managed to become young participants real friends: they asked questions and gave not only professional, but also life, human advice. Strict at first glance, Alexander Zhurbin repeatedly raised the sign with the maximum score, not hiding his emotions from the performances of young artists. The judging of Arthur Best became a kind of intrigue: the singer, who has incredibly strict requirements for himself, also meticulously assessed others, giving everyone the expected “ten” only a few times during the competition.

- I give nine points exactly when I like everything. This stimulates us to develop,” Arthur explained.

Despite his skepticism and high demands, Arthur celebrated the performance with the song “When We Were Young”, Sergei Mazaev happily sang along with the song “Sweet Dreams”, and the entire audience applauded the young violinist performing Konstantin Kinchev’s composition “Sky of the Slavs”.

“I am very glad and pleasantly surprised that this time so many debutants performed at the competition,” Igor Sandler summed up the results of the “Golden Note”. - I am glad that all these performances were strong and bright. The guys are very talented. I hope to see them at our next competition.

Competition laureates and jury members

Eteri Beriashvili with the laureates