Larisa Patlakh biography year of birth. Soso Pavliashvili: biography, personal life, family, wife, children. About youth and the path to the big stage

And for good reason. For ten years now the heart of the “singer of love” has been given to one the only woman– former dancer and singer musical group Pavliashvili and simply wonderful person– Irina Patlakh. Two years ago their daughter Lisa was born. Now there is complete harmony in their family. But it was preceded by a whole series of trials, misunderstandings and gossip.

Soso and Irina overcame all difficulties and today exclusive interview They tell our portal in detail about their relationship - without concealment or embarrassment.

- Tell us about your first impressions, how you saw each other...

Irina: Tell me!

Soso: No, tell me! Come on, come on!

Irina: It was in the Palace of Pioneers, where I went to study at the drama studio. Soso's studio was and still is nearby. One day I saw him and decided to get his autograph. She came up and said: “Hello!” He sat with his back to me. And so slowly, slowly he turned around. With a serious face - and broke into a smile. And I thought: “Wow, he’s so cool!” Not pretentious!”

Soso: Even though Irochka was very young, I immediately noticed that she was very beautiful girl, saw her roundness. I remember she was standing on some huge heels that looked like irons - such platforms were in fashion then. And at first I thought: “Crazy! But delicious!” She was sixteen then. But after the first minutes of communication, something else struck me. This girl, a representative of the new generation, said that she really likes my songs, especially one of the most lyrical songs - “I’m with you!”

Irina: Basically, I came to ask for a soundtrack of this song, because I also sang and wanted to ask permission to perform this composition.

Best of the day

Soso: I was very pleased. Because then everyone listened to everyone " Tender May", and here young girl comes up and just asks good music. Don’t think, I’m not praising myself: it’s just that the music I write comes from outer space, I pass it through myself. Some are worse, some are better...

- Which of you was the first to be active in relationships?

Soso: As a man, of course, I was the first to take the initiative. But as a girl, for her part, Irina was not idle either. It was obvious to me that our interest in each other was mutual.

Irina: Oh! He was very proactive! But I restrained this initiative as much as possible. Although it was not easy (smiles).

- Soso, what did you like most about Ira?

Soso: Her parents! When I met her family, I realized that they were very advanced, modern people. And somehow we are without special effort became friends. If not for this, Irishka and I would not have stayed together.

- What struck you with Soso?

Irina: I remember how on the first day I stayed in the studio when he was recording the song “Me and You.” We sat until nightfall, and I talked with his musicians and watched him. Then I realized what a great guy he is, what a creative person he is and what he does in music. This really attracted me. That’s the only way I realized what an expressive and bright man he is.

- Did you give him any surprises?

Irina: At first we communicated as if we were going on reconnaissance mission. Everything about this grown man, artist, was interesting to me. For my part, I tried to somehow amaze him and make him laugh. I came to the concert under the guise of a journalist and pretended that I was interviewing him.

- What about the distance between you?

Irina: He was too temperamental, and I had to restrain this pressure. But there was a pleasant feeling - that he was delighted with me.

- Didn’t it scare you that he has a lot of women, a lot of experience and a lot of fans?

Irina: Why should this scare me? (smiles) On the contrary, I was pleased that among all the fans he chose me. And why do I need an abandoned man who no one needs? On the contrary, I relied on his experience, and the development of our relationship was interesting to me. It was immediately obvious that he was a sincere person, that there would be no meanness from him. And everything else is wonderful when there is real passion and romance between people!

- Why did you need such a young girl? Couldn't you have chosen a more experienced lady?

Soso: If we are talking about sex now, then I can sleep with anyone. But Irka was special. I can't even draw parallels. She became for me not just a girl whose favor I sought. I was pleased to feel her spontaneity. This girl had a sincere reciprocal feeling for me, she was all in full view. And I, along with purely male interest, from the first minutes of communication with her felt responsible for her as the eldest. It was an unusual, wonderful feeling for me. Our relationship developed not only as whirlwind romance, but also as friendship. She was interested in me, and I was interested in her.

Irina: It was during this period of serious courtship that Soso began to have health problems. And then I no longer doubted that he needed me.

Soso: I could call at three o'clock in the morning, say that I feel bad, and not even hint: come! She came herself. Despite her beautiful rounded shape (smiles), Irochka still turned out to be a true friend. And I needed this friendship much more than sex. Ira won’t let me lie: then I tried my best to make sure that she didn’t get used to me. Didn't really get attached. I considered myself a lone wolf, a person with too many problems around me. And I didn’t want her to constantly be involved in these problems. But Irka is stubborn by nature, and I still can’t overcome this stubbornness. If she sets a goal, she will simply achieve it.

- So which of you sought favor?

Soso: I achieved that I plucked her “bud”, and she achieved this state: today Irochka, I and our little daughter are a real family.

- Ira, did you boast to your girlfriends that you were having an affair with Pavliashvili?

Irina: And I never had real girlfriends. Most of my peers are not very purposeful people, many ended up in bad companies. And I didn’t share my life with them, because we were, as it were, from different planets.

Soso: But I also had a hand in ensuring that all her friends left us alone. Because even those few friends who surrounded her usually called when they had difficulties of different nature. And I just dismissed them all with three letters (smiles). The two of us. And we don't need anyone in our lives. Irka, indeed, was different from her peers in terms of upbringing and intelligence. And one of our first conversations with her parents was just about this. I said: “Look at her classmates, her peers! Do you want her to follow their path? To watch them smoke or drink beer in the entrance? Let her be better with me, learn a lot of good things from me, and be protected!”

- Did they believe you?

Believe it! God bless them for entrusting their daughter to me, although there were no guarantees. The issue of marriage was not even discussed. But I felt a huge responsibility for Ira. I simply could not offend her under any circumstances. She was not just my friend - she was a daughter, a child... And she trusted me much more than her parents.

- Was Ira the only one for you at that time?

No one dared to encroach on my personal freedom. I continued to date women. But, apparently, such a serious feeling was already arising in me, which I myself did not understand at first. Irka has already become truly dear to me. And if I were ordinary pop singer, I wouldn't care what happens to this girl. But I simply had no right to offend her. I needed her devotion.

- So your relationship didn’t work out right away?

Gradually, with trials. When I didn’t have a penny of money, but only some problems, I told her: “You are a young beautiful girl, your father is a wealthy man, plays tennis with Yeltsin, works in prestigious places... You will find your happiness, go abroad... Don't get attached to me. It is forbidden! I'm a man without tomorrow" At that moment I had exactly this feeling of life.

- How did Ira react to this?

She said in response: “I’m not interested in tomorrow. I live for today. I’m happy with you today!” And she didn't leave my side. And then gradually everything began to come together a little bit. You know, basically, I deserved good attitude: after all, I was not a drug addict, an alcoholic, or a psychopath. I am an artist who needs understanding. And I am grateful to this young stubbornness and loyalty of hers (smiles).

- Has she really given no reason to be jealous for so long? After all, a young girl loves to play mischief, flirt, flirt...

According to my horoscope, I am Cancer. Jealousy is the lot of every Cancer. And this is normal. If you don't love, don't be jealous. We've been together for ten years now. And, probably, outbreaks of jealousy do not allow us to fall asleep and miss each other. Jealousy is a good color in a relationship. The orgasm from jealousy is brighter. And I don’t even think about cheating!

- Can we say that you helped Ira take an adult look at the relationship between a man and a woman?

Irka’s character is like this: she wanted to show herself off to me. Not even as a woman, but as a teenager. And I had to be patient to raise her, just as I raised my son Levan. And this is no longer just a relationship between a man and a woman, but a completely different approach. There was a time: I put pressure on her and showed aggressiveness. But now, looking back, I understand: if I hadn’t done this, we wouldn’t be together.

- Did Ira have the wisdom not to be offended and not to accumulate resentment?

God forbid! She's too determined. She just wanted to be with me and nothing else mattered. I didn’t understand then why she needed it. And now I am grateful to her for her patience and natural wisdom: we are all together - happy people. And this is ours common world. And Lisa is with us.

- It is believed that every song of the composer is a love story. Some composers say that they dedicate all the songs in their lives to one woman. What about you?

If I say tomorrow: “Ira, I don’t recognize a single woman except you!” - She will spit in my face. My creativity belongs to all people. My songs are my heart. And I put all my masculine being there. Ira looks at this absolutely correctly. I would like women to always believe me and cry only from happiness. All my songs are written for this. Irka has always been proud that women love and trust me. She herself is always for women, in any conflict she takes the women’s side - so that no one oppresses or humiliates them.

- How Ira found common language with Levan?

They weren't looking for a common language, they just grew up together. Ira, Levan and Irkin are Danya's brother. And when the time came to explain something, I sat Levan next to me and asked: “Do you want me to be happy?” He agreed. And I said then: “Wait for your sister.”

- Who decided to live together as one family? And how did you decide to live with Ira’s parents?

And we like it! And we found a common language a long time ago. And now, when the opportunity has arisen to build a family country house, where everything is nice and spacious, it’s generally wonderful. Ira’s mother, Larisa, bought a piano especially for me, because I miss my piano, which remains in my apartment. We also go on vacation with the whole family. And we feel very good together. Now I have my own pack.

- Can we say that you brought the traditions of the Georgian family into your girlfriend’s family?

Certainly! I am a Tbilisi person. And in Moscow I got this family life was sorely missed. My heart remains in Tbilisi. And the more friendly we live, the better! We are now building new apartments in Moscow, and I also intend to move mom and dad from Tbilisi.

- What determines the intensity of passions in a family? How not to get bored of each other in a relationship?

Soso: It all depends on the woman! If I wake up in the morning and every day I’m surprised at how scary she is, I’d better run away from her altogether. Why do men start looking for something somewhere? Because they see no joy in their lair.

- At the beginning of your relationship, Ira danced and sang in a group. Now she completely forgot about creative activity?

Soso: We came up with this creative activity later so that we had something to do (smiles). And at first I just fell in love with her as a man. I had a simple desire to master beautiful girl. Well, then I already did everything so that this beautiful woman I would like to be with me as much as possible - both on tour and in Moscow.

Irina: I haven’t stopped being creative person. I like to sing and dance. And now in Moscow I’m performing again with Soso, and we go on tour together when it’s possible to take Lisa with us, and the conditions allow us to live as a family.

- Soso, are you a happy man?

As a man, I am absolutely happy. I know that I not only receive happiness, but also bring happiness and pleasure to my loved ones. The main thing is that I am not alone, as I was several years ago.

- Ira, what about you?

I have the same feelings and thoughts. But I would like to realize more of myself in creativity. Now I am a beloved mother, beloved daughter, beloved woman. Everything is great with me. But still, I really love singing and want to do it further. But this does not mean that I want to become a pop star...

Soso: You are already a star! Trust my word...

Irina: You are witnessing a family scandal beginning...(exchanging glances, laughing)

- What can you wish for couples who are just starting to live together?

Soso: Don't look for yourself. Everything will come by itself. I believe that any two people can get along with each other if they are united by the main goal - to be together. If someone does not want to give in, but wants to prove something, that is the cause of all conflicts. At the beginning of our life together, I had a conversation with Ira: if we want to be together, then we will be together. And if we don’t want to, then we don’t need to torture each other. And it’s not about the child, not about some kind of responsibility: if you don’t want to live with a person, then you shouldn’t do it.

Irina: The mistake of many young people who start life together, consists in the fact that they are trying to figure everything out “on the shore”, proving something to each other, forgetting about compromises. There is no need to run ahead of the locomotive; there is no need to invent conflicts when there are none. Let everything go by itself. You just need to be able to enjoy each other.

Soso Pavliashvili was born in Tbilisi, where he spent his childhood in the family of an architect father and a housewife mother.


Profession: singer
Date of birth: June 29, 1964
Height and weight: 178 cm. 83 kg.
Place of birth: Tbilisi, Georgia
Best works:"A Georgian is waiting for you!"
Awards: Grand Prix of the festival "Jurmala"
Social networks: Facebook

Mom instilled in her son a love of music. By the age of six, little Soso had mastered the violin and began to take an active part in various competitions and youth concerts. After graduating from school, Pavliashvili entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. At the final exams, Son received the highest score and became one of the most famous graduates of the Tbilisi Conservatory throughout its existence.

After graduating from university, Soso Pavliashvili was called up to serve in the army, where he began performing in an ensemble. It was there that he first discovered himself as a vocalist, and not just as a violinist. After finishing his service, he decided to pursue a career pop performer, however, he did not do it right away.

After demobilization, Soso Pavliashvili soon became one of the musicians of the legendary Georgian band Iveria, which became famous in the 1970s. Together with the ensemble, Soso gained irreplaceable experience by touring throughout the Soviet Union.

In 1989, Pavliashvili went to music competition to Jurmala, deciding to prove himself as a vocalist, where he was awarded the main prize of the festival. The victory brought him popularity, and already in 1993 he released his debut album entitled “Music for Friends.”

In 1996, he recorded his second album, “Sing with Me,” which, like the first, was a success. In 1997, Soso played a role in the film " Newest Adventures Pinocchio."

In 1998, the artist’s next, third album “Me and You” was released, followed at intervals by “About My Love”, “A Georgian is Waiting for You!”, “ Best songs for you", "Remember the Georgian" and "Oriental songs".

Pavliashvili also took part in the filming of several feature films and TV series are: " Ice age", "Friendly family", "On the corner of the Patriarch's - 3", "33 square meters", "Lost the Sun", "First Ambulance", "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Daddy's Daughters", "Happy Together", "Golden Key", "New Year's Matchmakers", "Kiss Through the Wall", "The New Adventures of Aladdin", "8 First Dates" and "The Last of the Magikians".

Nowadays the artist continues to be active concert activities and tour, joyfully performing their favorite hits for their loyal fans: “White Veil”, “Let’s Pray for Our Parents”, “Please”, “The Sky in the Palm of Your Hand” and others.

Personal life

He was married to Nino Uchaneishvili, who bore him a son, Levan. Now the artist is in a civil marriage with Irina Patlakh, backing vocalist of the Mironi group. With his common-law wife, Soso had two daughters: Lisa in 2004 and Sandra in 2008.

Interesting facts

Collaborates with Ilya Reznik, Simon Osiashvili, Georgy Karapetyan, Konstantin Gubin, Karen Kavaleryan and others

Loves football and KVN

His birth as a vocalist occurred in Calgary in 1988, during the Winter Olympics. Soso played the violin in the Iveria ensemble and decided to sing the composition “Suliko” on stage, installed on the square in the city center. His singing caused a storm of applause from the 50,000-strong audience

After he performed in 2004 on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, by decree of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, the artist’s creativity and performances were banned in the country

Makhmud Esambaev called Pavliashvili the “Tuning Fork of Georgia”

The song "Greetings from Soso" by the Ukrainian duet "Carlos and Pindos" is dedicated to him.

IN this material we will talk about who Soso Pavliashvili is. “Without You” is one of the artist’s most famous compositions. Full name our hero - Joseph Pavliashvili. We are talking about a Russian and Georgian singer and actor. In addition to the already mentioned composition, his most famous creations include the following: “Let's Pray for Our Parents”, “Me and You”, “To Please”. Fans call our hero the tuning fork of Georgia, a guardian angel, a knight of the mountains, and the king of oriental music. We will provide details about this person below.


Soso Pavliashvili was born in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. His father, Ramin Iosifovich, is an architect. Aza's mother is a housewife. While still a preschooler, our hero began attending a musical educational institution and started learning to play the violin. Hours of practice and hard work brought quick results. Very soon the young musician began to take part in republican and regional festivals and competitions. The violin captivated our hero. After graduating from general education and music schools Soso Pavliashvili became a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. He chose the direction of violin playing. During his military service, our hero retired from classical music. He joined the pop movement. After receiving his diploma, he became a member of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Iveria”.

So it began creative path Soso Pavliashvili. He started singing songs a little later. His talent as a singer was discovered by chance. The young man was a member of the above-mentioned group for a year. Then he left it, because he realized that there was something more important than a musical instrument. One day he walked up to the microphone. This happened in Canada. There was a concert dedicated to the Winter Olympic Games, held in Calgary. The performer presented his rendition of a Georgian song called “Suliko”. This performance shocked those present. Soon our hero received the Grand Prix as part of the vocal festival in Jurmala as a solo artist. He gained fame. A special feature of our hero’s repertoire is that he is the author of the music for most of his hits. Only occasionally does he resort to the services of famous Georgian and Russian composers.


Almost any concert by Soso Pavliashvili is a success. The reason can be called the uniqueness of such events. Our hero is able to express love, tenderness, and passion from a masculine perspective through singing. The artist’s debut studio album, “Music for Friends,” was released in 1993. This record attracted mainly the attention of women. The following albums “Me and You” and “Sing with Me” strengthened the artist’s popularity. To date, our hero has an impressive number of works, and each composition is filled with love lyrics, soulful lyrics and gentle romantic melodies. The big hits were the songs “I won’t call you by name”, “Let’s pray for our parents”, “The sky in the palm of your hand”, “Me and you”, “To please”. In addition, our hero often performs in duets with other stars. With Lyubov Uspenskaya he performed the composition “Stronger than before.” With Leonid Agutin he recorded the song “Some Thousand Years.” With Larisa Dolina he performed a soulful composition called “I Love You.”


Soso Pavliashvili also tried his hand at cinema. Moreover, he did not limit himself to the cameo format familiar to many musicians. He embodied real film characters in the following films: “Ice Age”, “Matchmakers”, “Daddy’s Daughters”. However, most of all the singer has to do with musical holiday tales. Among them: “The New Adventures of Aladdin”, “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “Pinocchio”.

Personal life

The yellow press writes about our hero without much enthusiasm. On the contrary, if information about this person appears in the media, then most often it concerns creativity. He is mentioned as an actor, composer and singer. There were no outside romances in our hero's life. And he loved few. Soso Pavliashvili's first wife is Nino Uchaneishvili. The former spouses maintain friendly relations. In addition, these people are brought together common child- a boy named Levan. Our hero's first-born did not follow in his father's footsteps. He was educated at Suvorov School. Then I studied at the university. As a result, he chose the path of a military man.

The second love of our hero was the pop singer Irina Ponarovskaya. They did not officially marry, but for several years they lived like a real family. Since 1997, our hero has been in a relationship with Irina Patlakh, a singer. From his chosen one he has two daughters - Sandra and Elizabeth. The civil union of these people lasted 17 years. In 2014, our hero proposed to his beloved from the stage.


The performer recorded the album “Music for Friends” in 1993. In 1996, his album “Sing with Me” was released. In 1998, the work “Me and You” appeared. In 2001, the album “About My Love” was recorded. 2003 brought connoisseurs of our hero’s work the album “A Georgian is Waiting for You!” In 2005, the disc “Best Songs for You” appeared. In 2007, the album “Remember the Georgian” was published. In 2010, the work “Oriental Songs” appeared.


In 1997, Soso Pavliashvili took part in the film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio.” In 2002, our hero worked on the film “Ice Age”. In 2003, he received a role in the film “On the Corner of the Patriarchs - 3.” In 2004, the film “Lost the Sun” appeared with the participation of our hero. In 2007, our hero played in the films “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” and “Daddy’s Daughters.” In 2009 he received a role in the film “The Golden Key”. In 2010, the film “New Year's Matchmakers” with his participation was released. In 2011, the performer starred in the film “Kiss Through the Wall.” Soon another film featuring our hero, “The New Adventures of Aladdin,” was released.

Soso Pavliashvili - famous Georgian performer, which also gained enormous popularity in Russia. This singer performed many hits that were remembered on for many years. Soso is a real Georgian man who has won many women’s hearts.

There were many women in our hero's life. And with 3 of them he even dared to start a family. So Nino Uchaneishvili became the artist’s first wife. This woman gave her husband her first son, Levan. He was born in 1987. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long, but the former spouses still communicate and get along well with each other.

The Georgian's next chosen one was singer Irina Ponarovskaya. The couple lived together for a long time, but they never had time to get married. Their relationship soon fizzled out. We know nothing about the reasons for the separation.

Soso and Irina Ponarovskaya

And in 1997, Soso married singer Irina Patlakh, former member group "Mironi". The future spouses met in a very funny way. 16-year-old Irina ran up to Pavliashvili for an autograph and said that she really liked his work. Soso immediately liked the sweet young girl.

Since then, the couple began to communicate, and the singer began to take steps to win the heart of his beloved. Irina’s parents also played a major role in the development of relations. They turned out to be very smart and modern and did not interfere with the lovers’ relationship. In addition, Soso easily found a common language with them.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife Irina Patlakh

Irina and Soso became not only lovers for each other, but first of all good and close friends. At first, the singer tried to keep his distance; he didn’t want to get attached to anyone, and he was afraid that things would only get worse for Irina with him.

But the girl was persistent, she loved Soso and became closer to him every day. On initial stage The relationship between lovers has undergone many trials.

Soso and Irina

Soso was not rich then and did not want Ira to live with a man who did not know what he would do tomorrow. He wanted the best for his beloved, what he himself was unable to give her.

But despite this, Ira stayed with him. She didn’t care about his situation, she promised that together they would cope with all the difficulties. And so it happened. Now Soso has a strong family, a beloved wife and two beautiful children together - daughters Lisa and Sandra.

Soso with his wife and children

For thirty years now, this singer has been at the peak of popularity in Russia and in all countries of the former Soviet Union. He is charismatic, courageous, confident, but not arrogant or ambitious. Soso Pavliashvili is officially divorced, but maintains good relations with his first wife. He is loved by his show business friends and fans, and it is so difficult to find anything scandalous about him in the media that I want to ask: is he really that perfect? But he really is a real man in every sense, talented singer and composer, caring father and loving husband. Even parodies of him turn out to be kind and not evil; reviews of his work and publications about his personal life are full positive emotions. The singer is the pride of Russia and a real symbol of Georgia.

Brief biography

  • Full names: Pavliashvili, Joseph Raminovich;
  • Date and place of birth: 1964, June 29; Tbilisi, Georgia (former Georgian SSR within the USSR);
  • Height and weight: 178 cm, about 79 kg;
  • Parents: father – Pavliashvili, Ramin Iosifovich; mother – Pavliashvili (maiden name Kustova), Aza Aleksandrovna;
  • Brothers, sisters: sister – Maka Pavliashvili;
  • Nationality: Georgian;
  • Education: higher; graduated from the Tbilisi Conservatory;
  • Possession musical instruments: violin, piano, guitar;
  • Occupation: singer and composer;
  • Marital status: divorced; ex-wife - Nino Uchaneishvili; V at the moment lives in a civil marriage with Patlakh Irina;
  • Children: son – Pavliashvili, Levan Iosifovich (b. 1987), daughters – Lisa (b. 2004) and Sandra (b. 2008) Pavliashvili.

About the childhood and teenage years of Soso Pavliashvili

The parents of the future “golden tuning fork of Georgia” in their youth could not boast of high positions or big money: Ramin Iosifovich was an architect by training, Aza Alexandrovna was always a housewife, she looked after the house and raised her son Joseph and daughter Maka. As the singer later told about his parents: “The main thing in the house was a piano, a violin and a bicycle - we were not considered wealthy.” Soso also said about his father that he did not join the Communist Party at one time, and because of this he could not achieve a good promotion. But here are the words of Ramin Iosifovich himself (as his son remembered) why he did not join the CPSU: “I don’t want to join a party where there is a waiting list.”

In the photo, grandfather and grandmother Soso Pavliashvili

Probably, this modesty and integrity of Ramin Pavliashvili comes from his grandfather and grandmother. The artist’s grandmother raised his father alone - Joseph Pavliashvili died at the front. Despite post-war difficulties, the woman managed to raise good son: Soso’s father graduated from school with a gold medal and entered the capital’s university.

As the singer said in one interview: “I was born in the Tbilisi district with the proud name “Nakhalovka.” Yes, such a district still exists, and it received this name because it was famous throughout Tbilisi for its desperate youth: in Nakhalovka in those years, most of the fights and other petty crimes took place, if you look up city police reports. Shortly before the boy entered first grade, his parents received a one-room apartment and moved to another, more prestigious and quiet area called “Vake”.

To this day, the singer’s former neighbors remember the little black-haired boy who every day, with a violin case on his shoulder, walked after high school to another, music school. Not only was Soso sent to first grade earlier (children went to school at the age of seven back then), but he was also enrolled in the music class for violin class - Aza Alexandrovna dreamed that her son would become a famous musician.

“I enjoyed playing music, but I was a child, a boy, and I really wanted to go outside and play football! And my mother was terrified that the street would “tempt” me in a bad direction, that I would leave the music school and become a street kid,” Soso later said.

He also recalled with a laugh that if he was late on the street and did not have time to play the violin, his mother would get terribly upset, angry and “beat her like a dog.” But he is grateful to her for this: “If mom hadn’t punished her, the truth would probably have lured her away completely.”

When my son graduated high school, his further path was not discussed - only the Tbilisi Conservatory. There Soso entered the violin class; during his studies he already showed himself to be a good violinist: they planned to send him to a competition named after. Tchaikovsky to Moscow, and his parents had already begun to think about moving to the capital - there was no doubt that Soso would be successful.

Soso Pavliashvili in his youth. Army photo

But neither his parents nor he took into account one thing: there was no military department at the conservatory, and there was no money to “get” his son out of the army, and even if there was, it is unlikely that the principled and decent Ramin Iosifovich would have gone for it. And so, in his second year, Soso was drafted into the army, but he was not at all worried about this and went to serve in the Air Force.

About youth and the path to the big stage

But it was not very long, this path - talent (and Soso is undoubtedly talented) will always quickly make its way to success. After the army, he returned to the conservatory, received a diploma, and now Pavliashvili was already part of what was then “thundering” throughout Soviet Union collective "Iveria". He would certainly have turned from a violinist into a singer in this ensemble, but one important thing accelerated the process world event– 1988 Winter Olympics.

“Iveria”, as part of a group of Soviet artists, went to Calgary to support their compatriots with performances. Concerts took place both indoors and outdoors. During one of the concerts at main square city ​​violinist Soso Pavliashvili asked his colleagues for permission to sing, and they probably already heard him sing and gave permission. And now the whole square, with bated breath, listens to the national Georgian song “Suliko” performed by no one (yet) famous singer. There are a few seconds of silence as soon as the last verse has died down, and delighted listeners line up to get an autograph.

He is no longer only a musician, but also a singer as part of Iveria. After Pavliashvili was applauded by fifty thousand people in a square in Calgary, no one had any doubts: this guy has a great future as a singer! A year later, Soso decides to try his luck as a solo singer - he goes to Jurmala for a competition of young performers. The time was “turbid” and turbulent at that time: the end of the 80s became the “start” for the tragic collapse of the USSR, and then came the “dashing nineties”. Already in the Soviet Union, nationalists and separatists raised their heads, pushing the country towards ethnic hatred and hatred. That summer, when Jurmala 1989 took place, speeches against “non-Russians” reached their peak, and they didn’t even want to include Soso among the contestants: what if a Georgian participant becomes a “catalyst” of unrest at the festival?

But it turned out the other way around! When Pavliashvili sang “Samshoblo” (which means homeland in Georgian), the audience began to applaud already on the first verse. The temperamental song ended with Soso on his knees during the last verse and the audience gave him thunderous applause. They didn’t want to let the singer leave the stage; it was already clear that he was a winner. But the commission continued to have doubts: there’s no way a “person of Caucasian nationality” should be given the first prize!

Fortunately for the artist, the jury included Irina Ponarovskaya, who has always been uncompromising and principled when it comes to art. Irina demanded (and she had the right to demand, because she was already incredibly popular) that the first prize be given to Pavliashvili. And in order to “reinforce” the demand, she went to Pauls’ home without an invitation - he was officially the chairman of the jury, but due to illness he was watching the competition on TV. Pauls could not refuse Ponarovskaya - and there was no reason, Soso really was the best. Since the question of first place had already been decided, the talented Georgian singer awarded the Grand Prix.

Further musical career

This is how Soso recalled his state before the performance in Jurmala: “I decided for myself that either this time or never! If I don't borrow prize place, then I will no longer try my hand as a singer. In general, for me, participating in competitions is a difficult task, I am very proud, losing would kill me. God saw my aspirations and allowed me to take the prize, and I still consider it the main achievement in my musical career.”

At another competition he received the Grand Prix when he performed at the “Step to Parnassus” festival in 1992. By this time, he had already become more than just popular: his songs were played on the radio, the first videos appeared on TV, all of Moscow and Russia knew Pavliashvili from his performances at concerts. Why didn’t the singer return to Tbilisi then, but stayed in Moscow; did he really betray his homeland, which he sang about with such temperament in Jurmala? And in Georgia at that time, not only to sing, there was nowhere to work: the shameful civil war, light in the morning and late in the evening, queues for hours for bread, and Soso by that time was married, his son Levan was growing up... The young singer moved to Moscow to earn money for his wife and son by singing - what he knew how to do best.

Another talent of Pavliashvili is he genius composer. In almost all of his songs, the music is his own. His first album, released in 1993, includes nine songs that immediately appealed to connoisseurs of beautiful and high-quality songs - the singer called the album “Music of Friends.” As a composer, Soso does not consider himself very “productive”: he releases one or two discs a year at most. But this is not because the muse rarely visits him - he simply does not want to “churn out” low-quality one-day ones. Each of his songs is hard-won, tortured by long thoughts and experiences. “I never sat down at the piano specifically to write a melody. They come to me themselves, and it doesn’t matter what mood I’m in, how I feel at that moment,” says the artist about his work.

Even in his youth, the singer tried his hand at filming films. He never got the lead roles, but already in his first role in the comedy “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio” the audience remembered him for a long time. In total, he has acted in films sixteen times so far, and all the roles have been successful, albeit small. The most striking, perhaps, were: the friend of the main character Davila in “The Last of the Mohicans”, the father’s friend in “Daddy’s Daughters”. In all films he is the same as in life, and does not act at all, but shows himself. And it should be noted - not a single negative role!

But it wasn’t filming that brought Soso such incredible popularity, of course. First of all, these are his songs, videos, CDs. These are the albums “Me and You”; we must definitely mention the disc “A Georgian is Waiting for You!” – rarely does any celebration still take place without songs from this collection! Pavliashvili presented his last two discs to fans in 2014, “Caucasian” and “Yubileiny”. But he hasn’t been recording new albums for so long, not because he’s “run out of energy” - it’s just that Soso is now actively touring, collaborating with other singers, and presenting solo albums to fans. And one of his most famous songs, “Let's Pray for Our Parents,” has not just been covered by many other singers - it is now a real hymn of children’s love for their parents.

He does not artificially create an “ideal” image for himself: Pavliashvili is in fact a real man, decent and honest. It's amazing how he and his life principles managed to stay on the modern stage! This is especially strange if you listen to his harsh criticism of current performers: “Where have the real men gone from the stage? Where are those who can sing about love for a woman passionately, sincerely and tenderly? Why do they sing on stage about an incomprehensible love without gender, or even with hints of perversion?” And here are his words: “It has become a shame to suffer because of love, but I believe that a real man, if he wants to sing about love, must suffer, as knights once suffered under the balconies of ladies, performing serenades.”

Among his colleagues, Soso Pavliashvili is a real favorite: at any concert, his appearance on stage begins with hugs and kisses. He loves to sing duets, and every duet with any singer is a gift for the audience. Whether he sings with Valery Meladze, or with Stas Mikhailov, or with the A-Studio group, the performance turns into a masterpiece. The talented Georgian (and, of course, Russian) singer celebrated his fiftieth anniversary with a series of concerts “The Sky on the Palms”. The artist’s parents, relatives, children, fellow friends came to the program: Vitas, Grigory Leps, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Stas Mikhailov, Comedy Club almost in in full force– it’s impossible to list them all.

About the personal life of the singer and composer

Officially, Soso was married once: he met his wife Nino even before his army at the Tbilisi Conservatory. Nino talked about the first period of their relationship: “Oh, he was so courageous, assertive, and knew how to look after! He gave me so many flowers, not just flowers - only roses, there was nowhere to put them at home!” The girl waited for her groom from the army, they got married, and their son Levan was born. The festival in Jurmala, where Pavliashvili was given the Grand Prix, became for many young singers the last “point” in international history Soviet music. The country fell apart into separate small states, many of which began to experience unrest. The situation in Georgia was terrible, and his young wife and little son it was necessary to at least feed her, not to mention clothes, pay for electricity... Soso makes the difficult decision to leave for Moscow to earn money, and Nino, like a real Georgian woman, takes it for granted.

In the photo, Soso Pavliashvili’s first wife is Nino Uchaneishvili. Screenshot from the program

Will women ignore such an interesting, temperamental man like Pavliashvili in the big capital? It’s amazing: during the years that he lived and worked in Moscow, no scandalous details about his affairs with the opposite sex ever surfaced! No, one quickly became known to everyone: his affair with Irina Ponarovskaya. And they didn’t really hide the fact that they were passionate about each other: Soso dedicated songs to her, and she performed those that he wrote. They did not hide from the press; photographs of the two of them constantly flashed in the media, looking at each other with love. Irina probably expected that the singer would invite her to start a family and get a divorce, but this did not happen. And by the way, all these years Soso did not forget about his wife and son for a minute, even though he did not live with them: he, according to Nino, regularly sent them large amounts money.

In some of the already published biographies of Pavliashvili, one can notice a strange thing. They write this: “I divorced my wife in 2004. He broke up with Ponarovskaya in 2002.” There is no confusion here yet, but now, attention: “Since 1997, he lived in a civil marriage with Irina Patlakh.” My God, what a civil marriage, because Irina was sixteen years old at the time! Both Soso and Irina, when asked about this, are loudly indignant and answer in the same way: “Nothing happened then!” And they can be trusted, because Pavliashvili is not just a decent man, but a Georgian, which means he respects the law, and would never enter into a close relationship with an underage girl. Many people don’t believe this, but there is another witness that everything happened like that - this is Irina’s father, Boris Patlakh. “Boris is my closest friend, and not just a relative,” Soso says about his father-in-law now, “I immediately admitted to him that I fell in love with Irina, but there will be a relationship when she becomes an adult.” And here’s how Pavliashvili asked Boris for his daughter’s hand in marriage: “We sat down, talked seriously, “drank” some wine along with the conversation - what could we do without it? And he believed that I would make Irina happy.”

Soso Pavliashvili with his family: wife Irina, daughters and son Levan

A year before the singer met his current wife, he was in a serious accident, the result of which was a head injury and a doctor’s diagnosis of epilepsy. For several years, Soso suffered from terrible headaches and seizures, Irina confirms this. “The seizures always happened at night, he would convulse, scream terrible things in his sleep, then wake up and don’t remember anything,” her words. In moments of despair, the man said to Irina: “Why do you need me like that? If you leave, I will understand,” and she confirmed this many times in interviews. The attacks continued, Irina refused to leave and bravely endured, but this was not enough for Soso - he wanted children! In 2004, the couple decided to have their first child - this is how their Lisa was born. And a miracle happened: in just a few months, epilepsy went away without pills or any treatment!

Irina’s parents were in admiration and shock: they themselves were once a “crazy” father and mother and blew away specks of dust from their daughter, but they did not expect to see such a caring dad in the person of Pavliashvili. Boris Patlakh later said: “I was surprised how he could sit in the maternity hospital and look at Lizochka for hours without stopping when she was just born. And when they brought her home, he didn’t let her go if he was at home.” The young family moved to a rented apartment near the Proletarskaya metro station, where four years later they brought another daughter, Sandra, from the maternity hospital.

Now Soso and Irina live in a luxurious mansion in the near Moscow region, and the house can be called the third “child” happy woman: She herself developed the design of every detail and personally supervised the construction. The singer’s studio is also there, and Pavliashvili’s son from his first marriage, Levan, now lives nearby. This decision was made by his father together with his mother: Soso met with ex-wife and asked permission for his son to live next to him. “I appreciate her courage and understanding that she is bleeding, but agreed to my request,” the singer later commented on her answer. And Nino, in turn, never ceases to repeat when she is asked about her divorce from her husband: “This is life, and what to discuss now - it happened. But still, my best years– that was life with him. And he still helps me a lot financially.” This is how he is, Soso Pavliashvili, even in relation to ex-wife- the height of decency!

  1. He not only gives solo concerts and participates in TV programs: he can be seen on shows, but the hosts have never managed to stir up a scandal. Even at “Let Them Talk,” where both Soso’s wives were invited, the program ended not with showdowns and quarrels (as often happens there), but with joint songs and dances.
  2. The artist’s family has two pets, these are... rats of the Dumbo breed. Eared twins Yodo and Splinter appeared in the house when the girls fell ill with chickenpox. According to Georgian belief, a child with chickenpox can ask for anything, and parents are obliged to fulfill his request, then he will recover faster. “Chickenpox is sacred!” – Sandra and Lisa’s mother laughed later.
  3. In 2013, during the next wave of persecution against “non-Russians” in Russia, they tried to accuse Soso Pavliashvili of involvement in the murder of his friend Avto Aduashvili. Nothing came of it: firstly, there were only unsubstantiated statements by the mother of the deceased about this. And secondly, the singer said: “I lent him huge amounts of money for many years. Where is the logic: I killed him, let’s say, but how will he pay me back now?”
  4. The artist, of course, loves Georgian cuisine, but he is also a passionate fan of Uzbek cooking. Recipes for his signature pilaf and dolma in grape leaves with lamb are floating around the Internet.
  5. The “hot Caucasian man” has never offended women; not a single “ex” has said or written a single offensive word about him. When asked about this paradox, he replies: “I didn’t deceive anyone, and I didn’t promise something that I didn’t intend to do. My main principle in treating a woman is insane respect.”
  6. On stage, Soso always dresses brightly, even too pretentiously. According to his wife Irina, this is because of his passion for gangster action films, where fitted jackets, bright ties, and scarves flash. And he himself explains the stage appearance this way: “I want to evoke temperamental experiences in the audience.”
  7. The singer does not seek to invest money in business because he is not business man(by his own admission), he’s used to making money by singing and composing. He even calls a restaurant shared with a friend not a “business”, but a “friendly activity.”
  8. His closest friend now is Irina’s father, Boris. The woman complains with a laugh: “He probably spends more time with dad than with me.”
  9. They are truly happy, Soso and his wife. It's as if they are competing to see who loves whom more! Irina says: “I know that he loves me, but I love him so much that my feelings are enough for two.” And her husband replies: “The main words in the family are “sorry” and “thank you.” Once they are said, words about love are no longer needed.”