Biography of Sting. Best Sting Songs


Sting considers the ideal music to be silence, which allows you to concentrate on yourself and your inner world. What is this guy doing then? British performer, if the ideal has already been created? He draws a beautiful frame around it with the help of music, complements it with a new sound, and maintains harmony. Judging by the number of fans, he does this well. How he managed to win the love of the public and why his songs resonate in the hearts of people is our article.

short biography

In one of his interviews, Sting admitted that childhood is not a period that he would like to repeat. The reason for such a categorical statement is simple - the singer was born into a family where there was only enough money for the most necessary things. Dream about new toy I didn't have to.

The singer was born on October 2, 1951. This event took place in a large industrial city in the northeast of England, Newcastle upon Time. The family of Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, as the artist was named at birth, lived on the modest salary of his father, an assembler at an engineering company. While he was earning a living, his wife was raising children - after the birth of Gordon, another boy and two girls were born.

Living within their means, the constant screams and quarrels of children exhausted the parents - they often spoke in a raised voice. Little Gordon even believed that divorce was inevitable. But his worries were not destined to come true. Subsequently, my father changed jobs and became the manager of a small store. He took his eldest son, Gordon, as his assistant. He helped with the delivery of milk and tried to prove that he was the best in this matter.

In his free time from school and work, the boy loved to kick the ball, like all British boys. It was much more interesting than boring lessons, for which he had no zeal. The result is mediocre exam passing and a narrow circle educational institutions for further education.

In 1971, he became a student at Teachers College, where he graduated with a diploma in English and music. With this document, he went on an internship at a secondary school, and then to a permanent job at an elementary school. Here he waited for two years of working with junior classes as a teacher.

When will the time for music come in Sting's life? It has already arrived. A talented teacher at recess in English enthusiastically played the guitar or retired to play the piano. The man did not stop there. His thirst for music extended far beyond the walls of school: he joined local Newcastle bands with whom he performed at the weekend.

The second half of the 70s in the history of British rock music can be characterized by two words: uncertainty and prostration. The former leaders could not offer the public anything new, and new idols had not yet appeared. At this moment, the trio “The Police” appears on stage. The formation of the band began with a simple meeting between Stuart Copeland, who played drums, and Gordon Sumner, our hero. A little later, Henry Padovani joined them, completing the formation of “The Police”.

The group's creativity began with not quite successful work, the track "Fall Out". But this did not stop the musicians, and in 1978, under the leadership of manager Miles Copeland, they released their first album, Outlandos d'Amou. The most popular composition was the song “Roxanne”.

The group's fame grew. Among its participants, Gordon Sumner especially stood out. In 1983, the fifth studio album was released - there was no sign of a breakup. However, in 1984 the musicians decided to pursue solo projects. So a new singer appeared on the scene - Sting.

Gordon Sumner's career with a new name began quite successfully. In the summer of 1985, he released his first album, The Dream of the Blue Turtles. The British awarded it third place in the charts, while the Americans gave it second place. Although the compositions have hints of The Police, the album stands out for its jazz sound. Where did it come from? jazz ? The singer was fond of it in his youth, and now he has the opportunity to play it.

With the onset of his solo career, little has changed in Sting's life. All the same concerts, performances and tours. But he was surrounded by other people, other musicians. They helped him record new hits and albums, for which the Briton received various awards. He was also honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with his own star.

The performer drew his inspiration from surrounding reality. So, in 1991 he released the disc “Soul Cages”. Fans recognize him as the most melancholy. And there is a reason for this - the death of the parents. But melancholy does not last forever. This is proven by the singer’s next album, “Ten Summoner’s Tales,” filled with light and joy.

Another event that prompted the musician to create the album was the explosion of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. He conveyed his mood and impressions through the songs that were included in the “Sacred Love” collection.

Sting currently lives in New York with his family. Actively performs and releases albums every 1-3 years. His tours cover Europe, Russia, Brazil and America. And everyone is waiting for him. Despite his age, 65 years old, he is ready to continue to delight the public with his creativity.

Interesting Facts

  • Sting is just a creative pseudonym. Translated from English, it means “to sting.” There are several versions of the appearance of this name. According to one of them, the singer was nicknamed Sting because at the beginning of his career he constantly wore a yellow-and-black striped sweater. This color scheme involuntarily evokes associations with a bumblebee. Another version says that the singer simply borrowed a pseudonym. In any case, the artist’s acquaintances and friends believe that the name fully reflects his obnoxious and intolerant character. Sting himself no longer remembers why he decided to take exactly such a pseudonym.
  • Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a musician and... a football player.
  • IN school years Sting has collected a small collection of nicknames. At first, for his tall stature, he was nicknamed Larch in honor of the hero of the same name from The Addams Family. Then someone decided to spell his name backwards, giving him the new nickname Noddy.
  • The singer owes his love of reading to his grandmother. It was she who gave him “Treasure Island,” which the famous grandson never parted with as a teenager.
  • The artist's parents were Catholics. To compliance church canons They also included their children. At the age of 7, Sting even sang in the church choir and helped the priest. But he soon became bored with the righteous life, although it left an imprint on his creativity.
  • After receiving secondary education, Sting was able to enroll in two colleges. One predicted a career for him as a linguist, another - as a programmer. But the young man could not make a choice and left both educational institutions.
  • In 1995, the trial of the singer's accountant took place. The plaintiff was Sting himself. He accused Keith Moore of embezzlement, which “secured” him six years in prison.
  • Sting tied the knot twice. The singer's first wife was actress Frances Tomelty. They lived together for about 8 years and gave birth to two children. In 1992, the Briton married another actress, Trudie Styler. Imperceptibly, from a close friend she became a muse and wife. In his new relationship, Sting was expecting the birth of four more children, three of whom appeared before marriage: the first unsuccessful union had such a strong influence on the man.
  • It was not Trudy who forced Sting to enter into a second marriage, but his daughter Mickey. One day she asked him a simple question: who is a bastard (in English culture this is what illegitimate children are called)? This was enough to get married.

  • In the late 80s, Sting and Trudy went on a trip to tropical forests Brazil. They were so amazed by the situation of the local Indians and the future of the “lungs of the planet” that they decided to create the Rainforest Protection Fund. For this contribution, Sting's name was immortalized in the name of one of the subspecies of frogs - Dendropsophus stingi.
  • Sting owes his introduction to the world of music to his mother and uncle. The mother played the piano, planting the idea in the child: for music to appear, you just need to touch the keys. By the way, such conviction affected the singer’s character and perseverance. Well, the uncle simply forgot a guitar in their house, which did not go unnoticed by the curious boy.
  • The singer's daughter from his second marriage, Eliot Paulina Sumner, decided to follow in her father's footsteps. At age 20, she released her first album under the pseudonym I Blame Coco. The second disc went into rotation under her real name. Eliot has not yet managed to outshine her father. Repeat creative path Sting was also decided by Joseph Sumner, the singer's first heir.

  • In the work of the British musician there is a song about Russians. It’s called “Russians”. At the time of recording the composition, 1985, the USSR was living in conditions of the Cold War, which was reflected in the lyrics of the track. In an interview with Vladimir Pozner, the singer said that he was inspired to write “Russians” by watching Soviet television programs for children. He saw warmth and love in them. Therefore, in the song, Sting calls on the USSR to think about the consequences of the Cold War for the sake of children and their future.
  • The singer's best man at the wedding was an unusual person, a tribal leader from the Amazon. Sting met him while traveling through the jungle. Acquaintance grew into friendship.
  • Early awakening, yoga and meditation - a typical morning for the famous singer.
  • In his youth, the musician was interested in athletics and once even took second place in the short-distance running.
  • A glass of good wine from Sting - why not? After all, the singer owns his own wine production, the quality of its products has been appreciated by world-class experts.

Best songs Sting

This Briton wrote many compositions. They are remembered by beautiful musical accompaniment and texts filled with meaning. What Sting songs has almost everyone sung at least once in their life?

  • « Englishman in New York" Despite the fact that the single failed to take a leading position in the charts, it became a real hit in 1988. Whether the loss on the saxophone or Sting's talent is to blame for this is not important. The composition is rightfully considered the most famous in the work of this singer. The history of its creation is connected with the name of the British writer Quentin Crisp, one of the representatives of gay culture in Britain. The musician met him on the set of the film “The Bride.” Their friendship continued in New York, where Sting came to record the album. Here Quentin told his friend about difficult fate. The song was written under the impression of what was said.

“Englishman in New York” (listen)

  • « Shape of My Heart"is known even to film buffs from the film "Leon". The touching and lyrical composition that sounds at the end of the tape is invariably associated with love themes. But only for those who are not familiar with the English language. In fact, it is about a card player who plays in order to unravel the logic of luck. It is noteworthy that the single only managed to reach number 57 in the UK chart. But this did not stop the composition from becoming the most famous.

"Shape of My Heart" (listen)

  • « Fields of Gold" Not only Sting's fans go crazy about this song, but also his wife. And this is not surprising: the composition is dedicated to their relationship. It sings about golden fields, the view of which opened from the windows of the singer’s country house. Why did the fields suddenly turn golden? Because this is exactly what earing barley looks like in the rays of the setting sun. This is what Sting sings about. The single was used as the soundtrack for figure skater Michelle Kwan on Olympic Games. True, it was not performed by Sting, but by Eva Cassidy, who created the most famous cover version of “Fields of Gold.”

"Fields of Gold" (listen)

  • « Fragile" To write a song influenced by impressions of the social situation in the world is in the spirit of this Briton. What prompted the singer to create “Fragile”? The unjust death of American engineer Ben Linder. The man became a victim of the economic and political games of his own government, which tried to restore its order in Nicaragua with the help revolutionary movement. Linder's death outraged the Americans and Sting, who dedicated the song "Fragile" to him. It was recorded not only in English, but also in two other languages: Spanish and Portuguese.
  • « Every Breath You Take" This single was written by Sting as part of The Police. The composition is far from the romance that the public attributes to it. The musician himself calls the song “evil” because he veiled the theme of surveillance and control by the state. Although fans took it the wrong way main idea musician, this does not stop them from dancing to “Every Breath You Take” at weddings and romantic evenings.
Sting (real name Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner) is a true legend of the world rock scene. His music energizes hearts and allows you to understand what real talent and a real desire for creativity are. As one of the journalists said: there is no person in the world who would not love Sting’s songs, there are only those who simply have not heard them.

Countless texts have already been written about the life and work of the legendary musician. However, at the risk of seeming unoriginal, today we will present to your attention another one. In this biographical text we will try to talk about what Gordon Sumner's life was like before his triumphant ascension to the stage and how it remains today.

Sting's early years: black and gray colors

As Sting himself admitted in his later interviews, he would never want to go back to the past and again become the little Gordon he once was. “The main colors of my childhood are black and gray,” said the legendary musician. - “Black is the color of the coal that was mined in my hometown. And gray is the color of the sea, which remained that way even in clear weather.”

The port town of Newcastle upon Tyne, where he was born great singer, is known for its shipyards and industrial production. It was here, at one of the machine-building plants, that the father of the future musician worked. Sting's mother worked first as a hairdresser and then as a nurse. From the very early years Gordon attended a local Catholic school. It is quite remarkable that in old England corporal punishment is still widely practiced by some communities. Sting experienced all the “delights” of such an education system in full as a child. He was not distinguished by diligence and meekness of character, and therefore was subjected to executions much more often than other students. According to some reports, in one of the years of his studies, Sting was subjected to corporal punishment 52 times - this figure is still a record for a local school.

Sting, concert in Moscow

As Sting recalled, the only joyful moments of his childhood were those days when a new ship was launched in the city. On this day, music was played in the city, and invited musicians appeared in the square next to the shipyard. Visiting artists were real celestial beings for little Gordon - people who brought joy to the city; people from another world.

Perhaps this is why Sting decided to pursue music. At an early age, the future singer received a classical musical education. His mother was also involved in developing her son’s creative abilities, personally giving him piano lessons.

In this field, the guy has achieved some success. He was offered to continue his studies at one of the local schools, but for an unknown reason, Sting refused the offer made to him and went to a pedagogical college, where he received a degree in teaching English. It is worth noting that in his youth Gordon changed professions quite often. Until the age of 25, he managed to work as an English teacher, a private music teacher, and even as a road worker.

In his free time, Sting improved his bass guitar skills and performed with a local jazz ensemble. That’s exactly how, at one of the performances, Sting was noticed by drummer Stuart Copeland, who at that time was already quite famous in the London crowd. A visiting musician invited Gordon Sumner to move to the capital and join his new project called “Police”. Sting simply could not refuse this offer.

Interview with Sting

Sting's musical career: "Police"

In 1977, the newly created band recorded their first two singles - “Fall Out” and “Roxanne”. The group's first compositions did not bring it success. However, the period of obscurity for "Police" did not last long. At the end of the same 1977, producer Miles Copeland began promoting the band. Having taken over as the group's manager, he signed a contract with the major British label A&M, which literally six months later released the band's debut album. “Outlandos d’Amour” climbed to sixth place in the UK single chart, and the re-released single “Roxanne” reached twelfth place in the charts and became a real hit in Europe.

Following the first record, others followed. The albums “Zenyattà Mondatta”, “Reggatta de Blanc”, “Ghost in the Machine”, “Synchronicity” (which gave the world the mega-hit “Every Breath You Take”) elevated the Police group to the rank of a cult group. In just a few years, the musicians achieved everything they didn’t even dare to dream about. At the peak of their fame, the group went on a world tour, but after its completion they announced their disbandment. Sting and other members began to pursue solo projects.

Sting's solo stage of creativity and film career

The performer's solo career has become no less successful. Already the first solo record “The Dream of the Blue Turtles” easily eclipsed all the previous achievements of “Police”. His songs instantly became hits, and various awards and statuettes rained down on him like golden rain. Each of his seven albums, released between 1985 and 2003, went gold or platinum in Britain and the United States.

During this period, Sting ceased to be an ordinary musician and became a living legend of British music. For his outstanding contribution to the arts, the musician was awarded the Order of the British Empire, as well as many other awards of various kinds.

Sting now

Currently, Sting is one of the most popular musicians in the world.

In addition to his musical achievements, Gordon Sumner is also known for several notable film roles. Among the most famous films with his participation in the films “Dune”, “Julia and Julia”, “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” by Guy Ritchie and some others.

Sting's personal life and other achievements

Unlike other singers and performers who try to attract attention to their person with many novels, intrigues and scandalous stories, Sting has always been quite conservative in matters of family and marriage. For many years, the musician remained faithful to one woman - actress Trudie Styler, who is his life partner and also the mother of his four children. Currently, the family of the famous musician lives in New York.

In addition to musical performances, Sting is actively involved in charity work. Thus, in 2001, the musician took an active part in the recording of the album “Songs for Japan”, all proceeds from the sale of which were directed to the restoration of coastal areas of Japan affected by the tsunami. In addition, Sting is the founder of the Rainforest Defense Fund. For active support environmental programs One species of tropical frog, Dendropsophus stingi, was even named in his honor.


For some reason, many are convinced that one in a million is able to break through the web of poverty and reach the pinnacle of glory. On the one hand, yes, because the family’s capabilities are not enough for the full development of even a very gifted child. But there is another side. Children from low-income families understand very early what they want. If you add to this a strong spirit, the desire to win and the ability to find development for your passion, you get a very good result. Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner is simply one of those. He once admitted that he would never want to go back to his childhood and become little Gordon Sumner again. And now he is a global star, a couple of whose tracks are known to any radio listener.

Why "sting"?

The nickname translated from English means “to sting.” Perhaps this is a necessary quality for those who want to break out from the very bottom. The origin of the stage name of this British rock musician has not been fully explained. In the majority In many cases, when choosing a stage name, artists take care of euphony. But sometimes a stage name appears by chance, like a nickname that accidentally stuck on.

Translated from English, sting means sting. Some believe that the nickname Gordon given for the fact that for all rehearsals and performances at the beginning of his musical career he came wearing a yellow and black striped sweater. It reminded everyone of a wasp. And supposedly this is where the nickname was born. Others say that this “name” is not new at all, but borrowed or rebought. In general... the main thing is that it completely corresponds to this person. Why?

Gordon Sumner had to be, so to speak, a real drill to get where he is today. Perhaps because of everything he experienced, he developed such an intolerable character, in the opinion of many. At the same time, he is intolerant not only towards others, but also towards himself.

Sting. Start of the fight

with his wife Trudy

In 1987, after touring with the Blue Turtles, he recorded the album “Nothing Like the Sun” (the title was inspired by a line from Shakespeare's sonnet 130). The disc was released in the fall and immediately appeared at the top of the charts around the world. The song “They Dance Alone (Gueca Solo),” written in memory of the victims of repression in Chile, gained particular popularity. In 1988, the musician began to support the activities of the Amnesty International organization, and also cared about the fate of the Brazilian forests and the Indians living there.

In 1991, he released the autobiographical album “The Soul Cages”, from which the single “All This Time” took fifth place in the top 100 of Billboard magazine. Two years later, the single “All For Love,” released on the soundtrack to the film “The Three Musketeers,” topped the US charts, and in December 1994 reached number two in the UK. The collection "Fields Of Gold" proves that he is one of the most talented authors of the second British "new wave" (after 1977).

Sting is just a man

with family on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

With his education and demands, it was very difficult to find a girl. He eventually met Trudie Styler. The famous artist lives in New York with his long-term companion, six children and dogs.

All his family, friends and colleagues continue to admire his close relationship with Trudy. Even when they sometimes exchange isolated angry words, they soon return to stroking each other, kissing, hugging and cooing in some manner that only fairly drunk people or those who love each other very much can behave. states: “We are similar to each other in many ways. We were both born in the early fifties, we both went to classical school, we both come from a family with a relatively low income. We feel nostalgia for the same things, we remember the same commercials. She makes me laugh and lifts my spirits. She is my best friend, my love, my companion, and I really don't want to think about life without her." In one of the newspaper articles Gordon Sting admits that he makes love to Trudy so vigorously that her head flies off to the side. In this, like in no other activity, the passionate nature of this person is manifested.

P.S. Many friends and acquaintances admit in their memoirs and interviews that they have become different: more tolerant of people, not so “prickly” in their statements and criticism.

You can take your hat off to him because Gordon never stops working on himself and, realizing that he overcomes his mistakes. can serve as a standard for eternal struggle.


In the summer of 1995, he testified in court against his accountant, whom the singer accused of stealing income. As a result of the trial, accountant Keith Moore was sentenced to six years in prison.

with daughter Kate

The events of September 11, 2001 had a profound impact on him - not only as a person, but also as an artist. “I had to really think about what I, as a musician, should write about.”

After traveling through the Brazilian rainforest, he became an ardent conservationist and, together with his wife, founded the Rainforest Protection Foundation. For his special services, one of the subspecies of the frog, the Brazilian tree frog (en: Dendropsophus stingi), was named in his honor.

In April 2010 he called for the "decriminalization" of marijuana use. In his opinion, the persecution, imprisonment of marijuana lovers and, in general, the fight against this soft drug are senseless and harmful to society. In December 2010, in an interview with Vladimir The singer explained his point of view on this problem to Posner. Without diminishing the importance of the drug problem, he proposes to find new ways to solve it. First of all, by educating society about the high dangers of drugs.

They say he left The Police because of sleep. He dreamed that blue turtles suddenly crawled out of nowhere into an immaculate English garden with beautiful pink flower beds and began to destroy it. mistook the blooming garden for the group The Police, and the turtles for new team, which he had to create.

Updated: November 26, 2017 by: Elena

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Biography, life story of Sting

Sting is a British singer, musician, and actor.

Childhood and youth

Sting's real name is Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner. He was born on October 2, 1951 in the port city of Wallsend, a large industrial center in the north of England. Sting's father Ernest Matthew Sumner long years worked as an assembler for a local engineering company. Later he acquired a small dairy store. Audrey's mother worked as a hairdresser and nurse.

Sting grew up in a family of committed Catholics. At the age of seven, he even helped the priest at the altar in the Church of St. Columbia - a large Catholic church. Growing up, Sting increasingly moved away from the strict rules and traditions of Catholicism: in his youth, his views and behavior did not fit well with the image of a zealous Catholic. However, many years later in his interviews, Sting repeatedly emphasized that family traditions and Catholic upbringing greatly influenced his worldview and were reflected in his work.

Sting received his secondary education at St. Cuthbert on the outskirts. During his first year of study, he earned the nickname Lurch, after a character from the movie “The Addams Family.” Most likely the reason for this was his height - Sting was then the tallest in his class. Another school nickname, Noddy, which stuck with him throughout his years at the gymnasium, was just an abbreviation of the name Gordon, once written backwards by one of Sting’s school friends.

Having mediocrely passed his final school exams, Sting had a very limited choice of educational institutions where he could enroll to continue his education. However, he was still accepted into two colleges in the Coventry area: the University of Warwick in the English department and Lanchester Polytechnic University in the department of computer technology. Unable to make a choice between linguistics and programming, a few weeks later he left both educational institutions.

In 1971, Sting entered the Northern Counties College of Education. Not counting on a scholarship, during the years of his studies Sting tried the most different professions: From a bus conductor to a clerk in a government financial institution. Finally, after graduating from Teachers College with a degree in English and Music in 1974, he took up an internship at a secondary school in Newcastle. A little later, Sting received a position as a teacher in a Catholic primary school St. Paul in Kremlington, where he worked for two years, teaching all subjects of the program in the lower grades.



While still in college, Sting began to actively engage in music. Without abandoning his hobby, during the years of working at school, during breaks he usually played the guitar or piano in the assembly hall. At the same time, Sting began playing in the evenings and on weekends with several local bands, including the Newcastle Big Band, The Phoenix Jazzmen, Earthrise and Last Exit.

It is worth noting that in those years Last Exit were quite famous in the north-east of England. Perhaps some of their compositions, which combined jazz improvisations and rock music (fusion), could have gained recognition outside of England if not for the wave of punk rock that took over the scene in the late 70s.

Against the general background of confusion and vacillation in rock music in the second half of the 70s, when many recognized leaders dropped out of the race or fizzled out, and new ones were still trying to express themselves in full voice, the appearance of the trio came as a pleasant surprise for fans of the genre.

The group was founded by drummer Stuart Copland, who had already played in Curved Air, a group that had long outlived its better days. In early 1977, he met bass player Gordon Sumner. Thus began the history of the new supergroup. Its third member was guitarist Henry Padovani. It was with this lineup that they recorded their first song, Fall Out, and then several more quite successful compositions.

The most fashionable trend in rock music of the late 70s was punk, and the first songs bear a clear imprint of the influence of other similar groups. On the crest of the punk wave, they easily crossed the gap separating obscurity from popularity. Agree, doing this in direct competition with , Genesis or , would be much more difficult. However, from the first days of their existence, in addition to punk rock, their music contained elements of other musical styles, in particular reggae.

A few months later, Padovani was replaced by Andy Summers, who had previously played in New Animals and collaborated with Mike Oldfield himself. The band's producer in those years was Stuart Copland's brother Miles.

With almost the same line-up, Sting recorded the live album Bring On The Night (1986), which contained both new and old songs, and the following year the disc Nothing Like The Sun was released, in which Eric Clapton also took part. A year later, Sting recorded several songs from this album in Spanish and Portuguese (Nada Como El Sol...).

Only in 1991 a new disc, Soul Cages, was released, the most melancholy of all the musician’s albums. The reason is two deaths that followed one after another - first of the mother, and then of the father. Completely new musicians participated in the recording of the album. With them, in 1993, Sting recorded perhaps his most successful disc, Ten Summoner’s Tales, which differs from Soul Cages in the light and humor so characteristic of the musician.

With an interval of 3 years, two more Sting albums were released - Mercury Falling (1996) and Brand New Day (1999), with the latter of which he won two more Grammys. In 2003, the musician presents new album Sacred Love, in 2006 the album Songs from the Labyrinth was released. In 2009, Sting presented If On a Winter’s Night, in 2010 – Symphonicities, in 2013 – The Last Ship.

Sting is certainly one of the cult singers. The secret of his success is extremely simple - Sting writes truly intellectual music, and his performance of his songs is distinguished by rare sophistication and sophistication. His texts, unlike the words of the vast majority of authors, "who set them to music", filled with deep meaning. Sting's music is rich food for the mind and heart, a real feast for rock gourmets.


Talking about Sting's work, one cannot fail to note his work in cinema. He starred in more than ten films and recorded soundtracks for more than forty films, including “48 Hours” (48 Hrs), “Demolition Man”, “Leon” (The Professional), “Leaving Las Vegas” ( Leaving Las Vegas), “Four Weddings and a Funeral”, “The Thomas Crown Affair”, “ New move Emperor" (The Emperor's New Groove) and many others.

Sting's most successful acting works traditionally include roles in films such as Dune, Grotesque and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

Private life

Sting owns several houses around the world: in England, Italy, and the USA. Despite rumors, he does not have a castle. However, he has a very large estate, built in the sixteenth century, where he spends most of his free time from concerts with his family - his wife and six children from two marriages. The musician's first wife is Frances Tomelty. Sting's second wife Trudie Styler is a film producer. They married on 20 August 1992 in Camden Town and were married two days later in a church near their Lake House home.

From his first marriage, Sting has two children - son Joseph (1976) and daughter Fuchsia (1982), from his second - four - sons Jake (1985) and Giacomo (1995) and daughters Bridget (1984) and Eliot (1990).

During his high school years, Sting abandoned a promising career as an athlete, finishing third at the National Junior Athletics Championships, declaring that being anything other than first was not for him. Speaking as part of

Musician Gordon Sumner is best known as Sting, his nickname for performing on stage. The vocalist and multi-instrumentalist achieved worldwide recognition as the frontman of the British The group Police. After its collapse, the musician began a solo career. In addition, he has several serious roles in big films.

early years

Gordon Sumner was born on October 2, 1951 in Wallsend, an important industrial center of Great Britain. Through years of hard work, his father was able to afford to buy the store. Mother was a hairdresser and a nurse. The family raised Gordon in Catholic traditions. He even served as a servant in a local church for some time. However, in his youth the musician moved away from Christian traditions - his lifestyle had little in common with the church.

After finishing school, the young man entered a pedagogical college. He didn't have a scholarship, so young man I had to work in a variety of places. He was both a bus conductor and a minor government employee. After receiving her education, Gordon Sumner began teaching at school. This measured life continued for only two years.

First performances

Gordon Sumner became interested in music during his college years. He did not have a favorite instrument - he played both the piano and the guitar with equal pleasure. The future Sting did not give up music even while he was teaching at school. Famous performer he even recalled that he often rehearsed in the assembly hall during breaks, when he had the opportunity to leave the office.

His first participation in local groups dates back to the same period. These were short-lived bands that played in pubs and other entertainment venues. In them Sumner gained experience and honed his skills. From the very beginning of his career, he declared himself as a leader. In order to become one, the musician only has to create his own group.

The appearance of The Police

In the second half of the 70s, the world rock scene experienced times of stagnation. Recognized leaders fizzled out, and new groups still existed in the underground. Against this background, the trio The Police appeared, in which Gordon Sumner became the vocalist. As a singer, he established himself in numerous jazz and rock bands in the early years of his career.

The Police was born after fateful meeting Gordon and drummer Stuart Copland. They immediately agreed on common musical tastes. The entrepreneurial spirit of their youth told them that it was time to think about creating their own group (before that they played as guest performers). All that remains is to find a guitarist. It was their good friend Henry Podovani. Sumner Gordon himself became a bassist and part-time vocalist.

Musical roots of the group

The trio's first recorded song was Fall Out. It immediately became popular in English clubs, where local youth reacted eagerly to any interesting novelty.

In the late 70s, punk rock was booming in the UK. This style originated in the deep underground, but by the time The Police appeared it had become a popular and sought-after genre. The Sex Pistols were considered a style icon. From the very beginning, her work had a significant influence on the music that Gordon Matthew Sumner wrote.

Punk rock turned out to be the best choice that young and ambitious guys could make. By that time, it was too late to play music in the spirit of Led Zeppelin, Genesis, Pink Floyd or any other cult group. It was impossible to become famous in this niche. But punk rock was on the crest of a wave. However, even then, Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner added other genres to his works, for example, reggae or new wave.

Group success

A few months after the start of active work, Padovani decided to leave the project. In his place was Andy Summers. With this lineup, the trio recorded their debut album Outlandos d'Amour. It was 1978. Several songs from this record immediately became international hits. The young guys gained national fame as new and long-awaited rock stars.

In subsequent years, the band recorded four more studio albums. Sting became the main composer in the group (it was then that he took the habit of using his stage name). With each new record, his music moved further and further away from the original punk rock. In the early 80s, The Police released softer-sounding albums that could be classified as new war(or in other words new wave). Each release was successful, the group went on world tours year after year, possessing one of the most recognizable and sought-after signs.

The Police's last album, Synchronicity, hit store shelves in 1983. At the same time, the group went on tour, after which it suddenly ceased activity. And although over the next few decades the eminent group periodically gathered again to give several concerts, the creative paths of the three musicians finally diverged.

Solo albums

The history of rock music knows many examples when famous group disintegrated, and its members took up solo performances. Sumner Gordon was no exception. The musical works he wrote when he was the frontman of The Police were performed by the vocalist in both the 80s and 90s. However Solo career could not be complete without its own albums.

Therefore, it is not surprising that relatively quickly after the collapse of the previous team, Sting released his first album, The Dream of the Blue Turtles, in 1985. The album went on sale not under the artist's real name, but under his pseudonym.

Of the songs recorded in 1985, the single Russians especially stands out. Sting wrote this composition, dedicating it to the Russian people, the fear of nuclear war and tension in the world. Indeed, in the mid-1980s the Cold War reached its peak. Songs about the threat of use nuclear weapons were written by many rock bands (for example Iron Maiden). So Sumner’s creative impulse in this direction is not surprising.

History of the nickname

From then until today Sting regularly releases new albums and continues to perform at concerts. It’s difficult to say what his name is more associated with today - The Police or solo career. One way or another, both creative paths turned out to be successful.

Sting's nickname dates back to the 70s, when he played in one of his first little-known groups, the Phoenix Jazzmen. There was a tradition in the team according to which each member had to receive a stage name. Sumner was named Sting because of his black and yellow striped sweater (he resembled a bee). Sting is translated from English as “sting.” From that moment Gordon Sumner began to bear this pseudonym. A photo with a musician is often signed with both his real name and a fictitious one.

Film career

Sting, like many other creative personalities, never settled on one form of art. The popularity of The Police allowed him to make a good career in cinema. Sumner has appeared in more than ten films. He wrote the soundtracks for many of them himself, thus combining two favorite things.

Some of Sting's most famous roles on the big screen include his appearance in Lynch's film Dune.

This picture appeared in cinemas in 1984. The film was based on the cult fantasy novel of the same name. The picture became a significant event. In it, viewers could see the most modern special effects at that time for the first time. Sting played one of the antagonists - Na-Baron from the Harkonnen family.