Academic standards for schoolchildren in athletics. What physical education standards are provided for students at school (standards of the GTO complex)

IN modern society Much less importance is attached to physical education than it should be. However, parents should understand that in addition to mental training, the child’s body also requires physical development. For this to happen, you need to attend and be active in all subjects; classes in the gym are no exception. Thus, during attendance at physical education classes already at school age, the foundation of the motivational qualities of the future individual is laid. While playing sports, you can gain the basics of determination and find the strength to overcome your own weaknesses. In life, such people strive to be successful, to work hard, and not to be lazy.

As for health, physically active children, who do not tend to sit on the bench during a physical education lesson, receive stronger immunity. As a result, they manage to get sick less and, accordingly, do not miss school curriculum, where, as many parents wish, children comprehend the train of knowledge. So the relationship between the child’s physical development and his mental development is directly reflected.

Thus, the renewed passing of the GTO allows you to meet the standards in physical education that are required for a child according to the capabilities of his age. So it’s time for parents to watch and use the GTO 2018 standards for schoolchildren at work for coaches and physical education teachers. And the motivation for training, regular classes and successful passing of standards will be rewarding the best children with insignia.

Classification of GTO standards by student age

Stage 1 includes children up to school age, as well as students in grades 1-2. Their program suggests that in 9 tests, 6 should be mandatory and 3 should be optional. This quantity includes 3 mixed tests. Various types sports techniques and loads will allow you to determine the strength, speed, and endurance of the child. The number of credited assignments must correspond to 4-6 out of a total of 9.

For 1st grade

For 2nd grade

Stage 2 includes boys and girls aged 9-10 years, studying in grades 3-4. Here, completing 5-7 tests will count. Here is a table of GTO standards for schoolchildren in 2018 in Russia in all regions.

For 3rd grade

For 4th grade

Boys and girls aged 11-12 who belong to grades 5-6 are promoted to level 3. Here, in addition to the action at the stadium, it is expected to take part in a hike and perform a test in shooting with an air rifle. This age becomes a transition from simply labor to elements with defense.

For 5th grade

For 6th grade

Students in grades 7-9 are prepared for level 4. At this age, the completion of the two primary phases of puberty occurs. In the course of inhibition of growth processes, mental processes follow. This leads to an increase in the intensity of the exercises, but the degree of pressure during training and passing standards decreases. Children engage in sword throwing and go on a hiking trip. Now tests passed with a good score, in the amount of 6-8 out of the expected 11 optional and mandatory, become mandatory.

For 7th grade

For 8th grade

For 9th grade

5, the last level of standards is calculated for girls and boys aged 16-17 years. During these years, students complete the third stage in the process of puberty, the psyche becomes balanced, and the central nervous system– perfect. These physiological data help ensure that the GTO standards for schoolchildren 2018, the table of which is presented below, imply the maximum possible indicators for school age. So, for all types of exercises, the intensity increases, instead of game tasks, strength ones are used. However, due to the unstable state of the heart rhythm with the manifestation of hypertensive disorders in young men, the duration of the motor rhythm remains at the level of the previous, fourth stage, as well as the number of standards required for passing.

For 10th grade

For 11th grade

About school physical education

Unfortunately, modern school physical education is far from perfect. However, in the old days, children were able to express themselves fully without any material surplus in the conditions of training and activities. So, for your own good, it is undesirable to try to avoid participating in classes, no matter how much you want to do so. After all, even children with some physical disabilities will only benefit from exercises that they are able to perform. This allows you not only to become healthier, but also to feel equal to your peers in the class, and not to be an outcast or the weak link.

To begin with, let’s define that a standard for physical education is a term denoting quantitative, qualitative or time indicators that a person (schoolchild, student, military man, etc.) must achieve when performing this or that
In general, if we approach this issue from the point of view of physiology and anatomy, then such standards should be established personally for each individual person, based on his physiometric indicators (height, weight, age, gender, arterial fatigue, etc.) and calculated on their basis certain coefficients. But, it is clear that in no country in the world is there any possibility for this, so there is a kind of compromise: physical education standards are established for groups of people of the same age and gender. That is, the physical education standards for 6th grade students differ significantly from the standards for tenth graders, the physical education standards for students also differ from the standards for schoolchildren, and the standards for girls will always differ from those for boys.

For example, the standard for “flexion and extension of the arms in a prone position” for a 6th grade student is 20 times, for a 7th grade student - already 23, for an eighth grade - 25, and an 11th grade student should be able to do 32 times. For students, the standards will be even higher (that is, more difficult). Boys should always be able to fulfill the standards more times, better and faster. If we take, for example, the 100-meter race in 10th grade, boys should run the distance in 14.2 seconds, and girls in 16.5. The above examples of educational standards in physical education relate to the “excellent” rating; if someone achieves a result lower than that prescribed by the standard, then he receives a correspondingly lower rating.

This approach is not always rational, but it is the most acceptable option of all those existing today. Physical education standards are now standard throughout the world. This means that educational standards in physical education in Russian schools will approximately correspond to the same standards, say, in the USA. They will differ only from the standards of schools with a focus on sports and sports schools.

The educational standards for physical education will also differ for the so-called special group. A special group is students who, for health reasons, cannot fully comply with all prescribed standards, and therefore, temporarily or permanently, fulfill specially lower standards. For example, a 11th grade student must run a distance of 30 meters in 4.4 seconds to get a “five,” but if he runs it in 5.1 seconds, he ultimately gets only a “three.” But if an 11th grade student, but studying in a special group, runs this distance in 5.1 seconds, then he will receive a “four” or even a “five” for such fulfillment of the standard. And he will not run at a distance of 1, 2 or 3 thousand meters at all, since this is strictly prohibited by the doctor. Instead, he will perform another exercise that replaces this standard. Or he will simply sit on the bench while students from the main group fulfill this standard.

A physical education lesson is an integral part of the educational process. Physical activity is simply necessary for modern children. An increase in the number of children with chronic diseases, overweight children, dependence on computer games As a result, a sedentary lifestyle needs correction. The schedule of each educational institution includes 3 physical education lessons. So that children can alternate intellectual and physical activities, learn to play sports games, maintain a high level of activity. It is also necessary to note the implementation of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex among students of all educational organizations in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which will begin in January 2016 and end in December 2016.

The standards of the GTO and Federal State Educational Standards place high demands on the level of development in children healthy image life. This is the kind of education that physical education teachers do. A special category of students are children with disabilities, children from a special health group. For them, the school creates special conditions for completing the physical education program and special conditions for assessing their activities.

Classification of students depending on their health status, features of assessing children from special and preparatory health groups, requirements and standards of the GTO complex, hygienic requirements for a physical education lesson are defined in the following regulations.

  • ​ Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Education).
  • ​ Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” No. 329-FZ dated December 4, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as the Sports Law).
  • ​ Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions for organizing training in educational institutions” No. 189 dated December 29, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as SanPiN).
  • ​ Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the assessment and certification of students classified for health reasons in a special medical group for physical education” No. 13-51-263/123 dated October 31, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Letter).
  • A special group consists of regulations devoted to the approval of state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when performing the “Ready for Labor and Defense (RLD)” complex (“Ready for Labor and Defense (RLD)”) (“ Methodical recommendations to support the activities of physical education workers, teaching staff, students of higher education institutions and volunteers related to the phased implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) approved. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Ministry of Sports of Russia dated 10.31.2014; Government Decree “On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” No. 540 dated June 11, 2014; Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation “On approval of state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when meeting the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (GTO)” No. 575 dated June 8, 2014)

The requirements for students in a physical education lesson depend on which health group the child belongs to. His admission to passing the TRP standards depends on this.

In accordance with the Letter, during a physical education lesson, children are divided into several groups.

Basic health group (I group)

  • Participation in all physical education and recreational activities is permitted.
  • Students of the main health group are allowed to meet the GTO standards.

Preparatory health group (II group)

  • Children related to preparatory group health, are allowed to comply with GTO standards after an additional medical examination.

Special health group (III group)

  • Physical education and health work takes into account the doctor’s opinion.
  • Children engage in reduced physical activity.
  • The physical education teacher and the school doctor should be aware of the health characteristics of the child in a special health group. As tests, it is permissible to use strictly defined exercises that are not contraindicated for the child (Letter).
  • Children from this health group are not allowed to comply with the GTO standards.

The special health group is divided into:

1. Subgroup “A” - students with reversible diseases who can be transferred to preparatory school.

2. Subgroup “B” - students with irreversible diseases.

How to certify students who belong to health groups II and III?

Excerpts from the Letter.

  • The teacher should notice even minor and unnoticeable changes in the student’s physical abilities and give a positive mark.
  • If the student has not demonstrated dynamics in the formation of skills in the subject, then a positive grade should still be given.
  • Certificates of basic general education and secondary (complete) general education must include a mark in physical education.
  • The final grade in physical education in SMG groups is set taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills and abilities, abilities to carry out physical education and recreational activities), as well as taking into account the dynamics of physical fitness and diligence.

How to determine standards for completing tasks for students from the main health group?

With the introduction of the GTO complex at the beginning of 2016, every educational institution will be faced with the need to prepare students to meet the GTO standards. Before the experimental introduction of the GTO complex, standards for the level of physical fitness were not defined in official documents. The standards that were described in various sample physical education programs were used.

The curriculum of the curriculum, the educational program in the subject “Physical Education”, the program of extracurricular courses in physical education should include activities that will ensure the implementation of tests of the GTO complex, prepare for testing of the GTO complex (“Methodological recommendations for supporting the activities of physical culture workers, teaching staff, students of educational organizations of higher education and volunteers related to the phased implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Sports of Russia from 31.10 .2014).

The structure of the complex involves 11 levels and includes age groups of students from 1st to 11th grade (Government Decree “On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” No. 540 dated June 11, 2014). The first five stages cover the age of students from 6 to 17 years, that is, the period of schooling.

For each age, a standard has been determined, upon completion of which the student will receive a GTO sign (gold, silver, bronze). The TRP standards will become a guideline that will need to be compared to when drawing up educational program in physical education. Passing the GTO standards is of particular importance for school graduates, who can receive additional points for the Unified State Exam upon admission to a university.

To receive the insignia of the GTO complex, tests are required to determine the level of development of speed capabilities, endurance, strength, flexibility, etc. The following requirements are imposed on school graduates ( Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation “On approval of state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when meeting the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (GTO)” No. 575 dated June 8, 2014..):


(age group from 16 to 17 years)

1. Types of tests (tests) and standards.

Types of tests


Bronze badge

Silver badge

Gold sign

Bronze badge

Silver badge

Gold sign

Mandatory tests (tests)

100m sprint

2 km run (min, s)

or 3 km (min, s)

Pull-up from hanging on a high bar

(number of times)

or kettlebell snatch 16 kg (number of times)

or hanging pull-up while lying on a low bar

(number of times)

or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor

(number of times)

Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench (below the level of the bench - cm)

Tests (tests) optional

Running long jump (cm)

or standing long jump with a push with two legs (cm)

Raising the body from a supine position (number of times per 1 minute)

Throwing a sports apparatus weighing 700 g (m)

or weight

Skiing 3 km (min, s)

or 5 km (min, s)

or 3 km cross country race*

No time tracking

No time tracking

No time tracking

or cross on

5 km cross-country*

No time tracking

No time tracking

No time tracking

Swimming on

50 m (min, s)

No time tracking

No time tracking

No time tracking

No time tracking

Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or counter, distance -

10 m (glasses)

or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or counter, distance - 10 m (glasses)

Number of types of tests (tests) in the age group

Number of types of tests (tests) that must be completed to receive the insignia of the Complex**

Similar requirements have been developed for each age group of schoolchildren, starting from 6 years old. Find out in detail about the tests (tests) required by the GTO complex for others age groups possible in Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation “On approval of state requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when fulfilling the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (GTO)” No. 575 dated June 8, 2014.

Whatever requirements are imposed on children, you need to remember that the physical education teacher must instruct students on the rules of behavior in class. It is the teacher who is responsible for the life and health of the student while at school (Education Law). A lot depends on how well the children are organized in the lesson, what discipline requirements the teacher sets, and how the lesson itself is organized. If the teacher copes with his duties, then there will be no cases where children get injured or bruised. The GTO complex and the Federal State Educational Standard are the mechanisms that should contribute to the development in children of a conscious need for a healthy lifestyle, taking into account the health characteristics of each child. If a child with a chronic disease or a healthy child shows dynamics in meeting physical education standards, then this is an indicator of the teacher’s proper work.