Summary of educational activities on speech development in the preparatory group “Bogatyrs - defenders of the Russian land. Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: outline of nood on drawing for children of the preparatory group topic: “heroes of the Russian land

Program content:

  • develop interest in the cultural history of the Motherland; instilling respect for the heroes of epics, defenders of the people; enrichment and activation of vocabulary on the topic;
  • development of constructive and creative abilities;
  • nurturing a positive emotional and aesthetic attitude towards the heroes of epics, patriotic feelings, as well as communication skills.
Material: Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”, plastic egg, toothpick needle, tape recorder, “Epic Tunes” (music); TV and DVD, an excerpt from the film “Finist - the Clear Falcon”, three chests, a plywood owl with a spell.

Progress of the lesson

- Hello, good fellows and beautiful girls!

This is how the guys used to greet each other.

Do you know what the word “hello” means?

Children: According to the custom of “hello”, we wish each other well, prosperity, health. “Hello” means “be healthy, live long.”

Yes, guys, the Russian land is rich for everyone. She can feed you warm bread, give you spring water to drink, and surprise you with her beauty. And he just can’t defend himself.

Defense of the Fatherland- the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty.

In ancient times, enemy raids posed a great danger to Russian lands; they went to Rus', ravaged villages and hamlets, took women and children captive, and took away looted wealth with them.

And every time the Russian people stood up to defend their homeland.

Guys, tell me, what were the defenders of Rus' called then?

The defenders of the Russian land were called heroes.

Who are the defenders of the Fatherland?

Those who defend the Motherland, protect, protect, and warn from danger.

Tell me guys, what were they like, how do you imagine them?

They were strong, brave, powerful, tall, courageous, courageous.

Now, guys, I’ll show you an excerpt from a fairy tale, which shows what kind of heroes they were, how they defended the Russian land (watch the excerpt).

People composed songs about the heroic strength, about heroes - tales called epics. They have reached our times, they were passed on “from mouth to mouth” by storytellers. They played the harp and told epics.

Guys, who do you think the storytellers are? What is a gusli?

These are the people who told these epics.

Gusli is a stringed musical instrument.

That's right, guys (audition musical instrument on a tape recorder).

Tell me, guys, what epics did we meet?

- “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugari”.

Guys, you want to go into the past of our Motherland. During the time of heroic Rus'? I have the Magic History Book. Let's go through the opened page, and it will take us to the distant past (children symbolically go through the page of the "Magic History Book").

Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are in the past, take a step and open our eyes.

But what is it? Suddenly the earth began to shake - mother. The violent winds howled. The eagles screamed in the oak trees. A filthy monster wants to attack Russian land.

What do we do? Are there any good fellows or beautiful maidens among you who are ready to defend Mother Earth?

And who will help us protect our mother earth?

Let's play with you.

Finger game "House"

There is a house on the edge of the forest

There's a lock on the door,

There is a table behind the doors,

There is a palisade around the house.

Old Owl sits here

Looks in all directions.

(there is a plywood house with an Owl on it, curled paper in his paws).

Oh, guys, he really has something in his paws. This is a riddle - a hint. If you guess it, you will know how to defeat the monster.

Higher than the standing forest

Below the walking cloud

Neither bird nor beast flies,

And with three heads of snakes.

Bogatyrei notes,

Fire comes out of their mouths,

Ain't afraid of no one

And his death is stored in the egg.

Guys, we need to find his death. She is in the egg, and the egg is in the chest. And not just one – it’s a chest. Well, my squad, line up!

(Children line up one after another and march.)

So you and I have reached the treasured chests. The chests contain quests. Having completed them. We can find the death of the Serpent Gorynych.

I take the assignments out of the chest.

  • Name the names of Russian heroes.

Russian heroes - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich

(show them in Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs”, children show and name them).

  • Name and show the weapons and armor of the heroes.

And now the guys need to be smart and show knowledge folk wisdom. I announce a tournament of proverbs and sayings about exploits and heroes:

“To live is to serve the Motherland”

“Where there is courage, there is victory”

"There is safety in numbers"

“A hero stands up for his homeland”

“Russian fighter – well done to everyone”

“And strength is inferior to the mind”

"Cheek brings success"

“A brave man does not tremble in battle”

“Victory comes into the hands of the brave”

- Well done, you know a lot of proverbs and sayings.

“Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves”

Well done boys. Everyone tried to speak quietly, quickly, slowly, loudly.

I take out the task from the second chest.

  • Build a heroic outpost on the way to Zmey Gorynych (children’s productive activity).

Children build a fortress out of cubes. Upon completion of construction, please tell us about the construction.

We approach the third chest

Well, you can get to the third chest (the children take out the “egg” and pierce it with a needle.

I’m reading an excerpt from the epic:

“Do not let enemies ride on our land!

Do not trample the Russian land with their horses.

They will not outshine our red sun!

Rus' stands a century - it does not waver

And it will stand for centuries without moving!

And strong, mighty

Bogatyrs in glorious Rus'!”

(I break the needle.)

This is how it happened in Rus': the Russian people not only know how to defend the land from the enemy and work hard, but also relax - have fun, love, sing songs and play games.

Russian folk game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Well, we didn’t notice how the red sun had set, it’s time to go back (the children leave through the page of the “Magic History Book”).

The Russian people are famous for their hospitality and noble treats.

Tara - bars, rastabars

Let's drink from the samovar

With sushi, cheesecakes

And Russian pancakes.

(I serve a tray to the children with crackers, cheesecakes, and sweets.)

Bogatyrs are heroes of Russian epics who performed feats in the name of the Motherland, people of immeasurable strength, courage, perseverance, endowed with extraordinary intelligence and ingenuity. Behind the name of each of the epic heroes there is a specific person who lived once upon a time in Rus', and who accomplished his feats only in the epics their characters are embellished by the people. A storyteller walked from village to village and told in a sing-song voice (like a song) about heroic heroes and their exploits. He talked about how it happened. About the deeds and victories of the heroes, about how they overcame evil enemies, defended their land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, and kindness. This is how the epic was composed. Among the Russian people, epic stories about mighty heroes have been passed down from mouth to mouth for many centuries, from grandfather to grandson. The epics reflected the life of the Russian people, which was very difficult in Rus'. Almost every epic mentions Kyiv, Rus', Russian land, Motherland, Russia - what beautiful and mysterious words. Rus. At all a short word. It came to us from hoary antiquity and remained with us forever.

Alyosha Popovich is the son of the Rostov priest Leonty, the hero of epics. Alyosha did not learn to read and write, did not sit down to read books, but learned from an early age to wield a spear, shoot a bow, and tame heroic horses. Alyosha is not a great hero in strength, but he has audacity and cunning, valiant prowess, resourcefulness and heroic courage, hot temper, and boastfulness. Alyosha is cheerful, mocking and sharp-tongued. He often defeats his enemies not by force, but by military cunning: he pretends to be deaf and forces the enemy to come closer, under some pretext he forces the enemy to turn around, etc.

There lived a widow, Mamelfa Timofeevna, near Kyiv. She had a beloved son, the hero Dobrynyushka. Throughout Kyiv, fame spread about Dobrynya: he was stately, and tall, and learned to read and write, and was brave in battle, and cheerful at the feast. He will compose a song, play the harp, and say a clever word. And Dobrynya’s disposition is calm and affectionate. He will not scold anyone, he will not offend anyone in vain. No wonder he was nicknamed “quiet Dobrynyushka.” Dobrynya Nikitich became famous for defeating the Fiery Serpent in a difficult battle, freeing many people from captivity and among them the niece of Prince Vladimir Zabava Putyatichna.

Ilya Muromets is the most popular hero of epics, a mighty hero. His homeland is the city of Murom, the village of Karacharovo. Peasant son, the sick Ilya “sat sitting on the stove for 30 years and three years.” One day, wanderers came to the house, “walking kaliki.” They healed Ilya, giving him heroic strength. From now on, he is a hero who is destined to serve the city of Kyiv and Prince Vladimir. In the epics, Ilya Muromets stood at the head of the squad. The authors of epics emphasize in him strength, courage, reliability, justice, and peacefulness. He is a man of confident strength, experience and worldly wisdom. The memory of Ilya, the people’s love for him has survived to this day. Monuments have been erected to him. They call him by his name military equipment and etc.

Svyatogor is a Russian hero of enormous stature and incredible strength. This is what the epics say about him. The Holy Mountains are high in Rus', their gorges are deep, their abysses are terrible. Neither birch, nor oak, nor aspen, nor green grass grow there. Even a wolf cannot run there, and an eagle cannot fly there. Only Svyatogor rides between the cliffs on a mighty horse. The hero is taller dark forest, props up the clouds with his head, gallops through the mountains - the mountains shake under him, runs into the river - water splashes out of the river. Mother Earth could not wear it. The horse sank knee-deep under Svyatogor. Only the mountains could hold him, and that’s where he lived. The successor, heir to his power is Ilya Muromets.

The hero Nikita Kozhemyaka lived in the city of Kyiv in Kozhevennaya Sloboda. And they called him Kozhemyakoy because he crushed and kneaded ox skins so that they could be used to make clothes, shoes, and military equipment. His strength was enormous. He will start to heat the stove, the smoke will spread under the clouds, he will go out to the Dnieper to wet the ox skins - not just one, but twelve at once. Nikita accomplished such a feat: he liberated the Russian land from the Serpent Gorynych.

VOLGA SVYATOSLAVICH (Volkh Vseslavyevich) hero, character in Russian epics. Main distinctive features Volgas are cunning, the ability to shapeshift and the ability to understand the language of birds and animals. Prince Volga is of extraordinary origin. He is the son of the princess and Zmey Gorynych. He inherited magical abilities from his father, “he wanted a lot of wisdom.” Volga uses these opportunities for good deeds.

Mikula Selyaninovich - favorite folk hero, plowman-hero. No one can compare with him in strength or power. Even Svyatogor, the strongest and oldest of all the heroes, could not lift the bag with earthly traction (force), which Mikula Selyaninovich carelessly dropped. “Fighting is easier than plowing, and a plowman is stronger than a warrior,” the epic teaches about Volga and Mikula. It elevates agricultural labor over any labor, even military labor: “Rus' feeds itself on the village people.”

And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Rus'! Don't allow enemies to gallop across our Earth! Do not trample their horses on the Russian Land. Do not eclipse our red sun for them! Rus' stands a century - it does not waver! And it will stand for centuries without moving! But we must not forget the legends of antiquity. Glory to Russian antiquity! Glory to the Russian side

Lesson notes

Bogatyrs of the Russian Land

Conversation with “smooth speech”

Preparatory group

Conducted by: Tkachevskaya O.I.

Saratov 2014


  • Introduce the epic as one of the folklore genres;
  • To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people, Russian heroes-defenders of the Russian Land: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich;
  • To consolidate knowledge of the names of the elements of the costume and weapons of the Russian hero (shirt, chain mail, helmet, cloak, spear, mace, sword, shield, bow, arrows);
  • To cultivate a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, and a desire to imitate them.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading epics “Ilya Muromets”, “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, etc., listening to audio recordings of epics, looking at the painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov, memorizing proverbs.


  • Reproduction of a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”;
  • Elements of clothing and weapons of a hero.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Oh, you are kind fellows and beautiful girls! We gathered not for an honest feast, but for a kind and orderly conversation, so that we would have peace and harmony, and agreement, and our conversation would be conducted in smooth speech.

And we will talk about the heroes, the defenders of the Russian land, who lived 1000 years ago, and the glory of their exploits has survived to this day. How did we learn about the Russian heroes who lived in the old days and became famous for their exploits?

Children: We learned about heroes from epics.

Educator: Right. What is an "epic"? What word does this name come from?

Children: From the word “byl”, “was”.

An epic is what actually happened.

Educator: The creator of the epics was the people, and the epics were told by storytellers.

A storyteller is a storyteller who told and told Russians folk epics and fairy tales. He walked from village to village and spoke in a sing-song voice (like a song) about heroic heroes, about their exploits, about how they defended native land, and how they showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity and kindness.

“I’ll tell you about old deeds, about old things, about experienced ones, and about battles, and about battles, and about heroic deeds!

Who are these heroes?

Children: Defenders, warriors, brave courageous people.

Educator: Yes, heroes are the defenders of the Russian Land. They were famous for their unprecedented strength and courage. Listen to how the Russian people respected the heroic feat:

  1. The hero is not famous by birth, but by his feat.
  2. He who dared mounted a horse.
  3. There is no better thing than defending your native land from enemies.

Educator: The exploits of Russian heroes are reflected not only in epics, but also in the works of artists. What is the name of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsova?

Children: Bogatyrs.

Educator: We all like her very much. Who did the artist depict?

Children: Three heroes.

Educator: Who is in the center?

Children: Ilya Muromets.

Educator: How did you guess that it was Ilya Muromets?

Children: He is the most powerful, the oldest, the wisest.

Educator: Who's on the left? Who's on the right?

Children: Dobrynya and Alyosha Popovich

Phys. Just a minute.

Educator: The heroes look into the distance to see if they can see any enemies. They stand in defense of the Russian Land. How are the heroes dressed?

Children: They are dressed in chain mail. This is an iron shirt made of rings.

Educator: Why did they wear chain mail?

Children: Protection from arrows, spears.

Educator: What's on your head?

Children: Helmet, head protection.

Educator: What other armor do heroes have?

Ilya Muromets has a spear and a mace, Dobrynya has a sword, and Alyosha Popovich has a quiver of arrows.

Educator: I want to show you a few illustrations of who the Russian heroes fought and won? (Serpent Gorynych, Nightingale - the robber).

Educator: Guys, I also want to show you heroic equipment, but it’s not real, but let’s imagine for one minute that it is.

Children try on armor - helmet, cloak, sword, shield.

Educator: Our conversation about Russian heroes has come to an end, and the Russian heroes have left us their main testament (rule). What is the rule of heroes?

Children: Protect the weak, children, the elderly. Be strong, brave and courageous.

Shvab Olga Leovna,

teacher of the first qualification category;

Yakovleva Svetlana Gennadievna,

physical education instructor

highest qualification category

MADOU kindergarten No. 169 of the city of Tyumen

Program content:

Area " Cognitive development»: to form children's understanding of the heroic past of the Russian people Ancient Rus', great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land;

fix the names of the elements of the costume of the Russian hero (chain mail, helmet, boots, aventail), the names of the weapons of the Russian warrior (spear, sword, bow with arrows, mace);

cultivate interest in the history of Russia; to cultivate a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, and a desire to imitate them;

continue to develop in children a sustainable interest in design, strengthen children’s ability to create high-rise structures;

consolidate ideas about building parts and their properties; train children in joint construction;

develop children's ability for independent analysis.

Area "Speech development": learn to answer questions coherently and consistently, describe the appearance of heroes, use synonyms in speech;

introduce children to verbal art through development artistic perception And aesthetic taste.

Area "Physical development":

foster courage, determination, camaraderie, self-confidence and perseverance in overcoming obstacles:

improve qualities in various forms of motor activity;

develop children’s physical qualities: agility, speed, strength;

continue to introduce children to a variety of games - relay races; develop a sense of responsibility for your team;

continue to form children’s initial ideas about healthy life;

have a training effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

introducing children to the rules of safe behavior for others during physical activity.

Area "Artistic - aesthetic development»: develop children's emotional perception of music;

coordinate the rhythm of movements with the musical accompaniment.

Area “Social and communicative development”: Encourage children to engage in a joint play situation with an adult.

Preliminary work:

Examination of the painting “Bogatyrs” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov;

Reading passages about epic heroes: “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”.

“Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Finist - Clear Falcon”, “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, “Mikhailo Danilovich”, “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan and his glorious son Tsar Guidon”.

Visual activities: drawing: “Russian hero”, “Shield of the hero”; modeling "Heroic horse".

Vocabulary work:

Rus', Russians, Slavs, heroes, epics; armor - clothing of heroes (chain mail, shield, helmet, aventail); weapons of heroes (spear, sword, bow and arrows, mace); outpost.


Projector with slides; recording of the song “Our Heroic Strength” by A. Pakhmutova; stone; acorn, helmet; soft constructor; skittles, balls, hoops, cords, horses; board.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall and look around. The teacher draws the children's attention to the guests.

Educator: "Hello. Children, look, we have guests today. Say hello to them, give them the warmth of your smiles. Well done! Now turn to the screen."

1 slide appears on the screen - a map of Russia.


A long time ago, on the site of the cities and villages where we now live, there were impenetrable forests full of animals and birds. Since ancient times, Slavs lived on this land. Their neighbors, the Khazars and Mongol-Tatars, often attacked the Slavs, devastated lands, destroyed houses, and took people captive. More than 1000 years ago, the Slavs founded their state, called Russia. Rus' defended itself from enemies. Only very strong, hardy and brave people could live in such conditions. Such people were called Russians. Bogatyrs also lived among the Russians. They were famous for their extraordinary strength; fairy tales and epics were written about their exploits.

Educator: Children, who do you think the heroes are?

Children: Bogatyrs are people who defended our Motherland from enemies.

Educator: Bogatyrs are the defenders of our Motherland in ancient times. Children, what do you think the heroes were like?

Children: Strong, brave, courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless.

Educator: That's right, heroes are people of immeasurable strength, stamina and courage who perform military exploits. The heroes protected our Motherland from enemies - they stood at the outpost (fortress).

Slide 2 appears on the screen - the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Three Heroes”.

Educator asks the guys the following questions:

– Who is depicted in the picture?

– Which hero is the most powerful?

– Which one is the dreamiest?

-Who holds the sword?

– Where is each of the heroes looking?

– What are the heroes armed with? (The teacher shows the children separate illustrations depicting weapons: shield, sword, mace, club.)

Slide 3 appears on the screen - an image of the heroes’ weapons. And then slide 2 appears again.

– What are the heroes wearing?

-What is the chain mail for?

– What is a helmet on your head for?

-What do the heroes protect?

– Why did you need a faithful horse?

– What can you call this picture?

Educator: Yes, children, this painting is called “Three Heroes”, and it was painted by the artist V.M. Vasnetsov, who depicted the defenders as fairy-tale heroes.

Educator: And now, I suggest you become heroes.

Physical education lesson “Bogatyrs”

The hero is what he is: (Show the strong man)

He is strong, he is healthy,

He shot from a bow (Imitate movements)

He threw his club accurately,

Standing on the border

Watched vigilantly,

We'll grow up and, look, (Raise our hands high)

Let's become like heroes!

Educator: Children, who did the heroes fight with?

Children: With Nightingale the Robber, Gorynych the Serpent, Koshchei the Immortal, Tugarin the Serpent.

appears on the screen4 slide – d/i “Connect the pictures.”

Educator: Children, what other heroes do you know?

Children: Svyatogor, Sadko, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Vasilisa Mikulishna.

Several slides appear on the screen -portraits of heroes; and then - oak.

Educator: Children used to compare strong and strong people to this tree. Do you know what kind of tree this is?

Children: Oak.

Educator: That's right, this tree is called oak.

Educator: Oak is a strong, strong tree, which was worshiped by the ancient Slavs - the Russians. From its branches a weapon was made - a club, with the help of which the heroes defended the Russian land.

Educator: Children, would you like to walk the path of the heroes, see them, learn about their exploits?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then we need to get ready for a difficult and dangerous journey, where unusual adventures will await us, won’t you be scared? I know that you are friendly and brave. Friendship will help us overcome all obstacles. And I suggest you now warm up before the road.

Warm-up to the music of A. Pakhmutova “Our heroic strength.”

But, before setting off on a long journey, what did the Russian hero have to choose?

Children: Way to go.

Educator: That's right, he had to choose the path to take. In fairy tales and epics, the hero always stood at a crossroads near a stone on which it was written where to go. There is such a stone on our road, and it says:

You'll go straight

You will find yourself at the outpost of the heroes!

You'll go right

You will find honor and glory!

You'll go left

You will find a horse!

Educator: I suggest you go straight to the outpost to the heroes.

Game exercise “Build a fortress.”

Children are divided into two teams, line up in front of the cord and, on command, everyone runs to the soft construction set. Having built an outpost (fortress), the children all return back together.

Educator: Well done, children. You have built strong outposts (fortresses). But the Serpent Gorynych flew to our land and we will have to fight him in battle.

Game exercise “Cut off the snake’s head.”

In front of the outpost, pins are set up according to the number of children in each team. A second cord is placed between the pins and the children, and next to it is a hoop in which the balls lie. The first child, at the signal, runs to the hoop, takes the ball and throws it, aiming for the pin. Then he comes back and passes the pass to the next child.

Educator: And now our path lies to the right. This is the task for future heroes; After all, they are not only strong and brave, but also smart.

Proverbs and sayings about courage, courage, Motherland:

Courage to the strength of the commander.

The hero who fights hard for his homeland.
Whoever dared sat on a horse.
Stand by your edge to the death.
The Russian does not joke with the ball or the roll.
Die yourself, but help your comrade.
Die from your native land, don’t leave.
To live is to serve the Motherland.
Happiness - Motherland more valuable than life.
Not the hero who expects a reward, but the hero who goes for the people.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

D/i “Solve the crossword puzzle.”

Educator: Now I will tell you riddles about the weapons and armor of heroes, and we will enter the answers into this crossword puzzle.

Such a shirt is not knitted or sewn, it is woven from iron rings. ( Chainmail)

An iron cap with a sharp end, and in front a beak hanging over the face. (Helmet)

What kind of canvas was used to shelter the hero from the wind? ( Cloak)

A weapon is not easy to pick up, not easy to pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy to blow their heads off their shoulders... Well, guess what? Of course… ( Sword)

To protect his chest from enemy blows, you know this for sure, the hero has a heavy, shiny and round... (Shield)

Educator: Well done, children. Now you and I will go left and find the horse.

P/i "Brave Riders".

Teams line up in columns behind the starting lines. Then each team is given a toy - a horse on a stick of a different color. The distance between teams is 4 - 5 meters. In the middle between the first and second starting lines, the “players meeting place” line is indicated. At the leader’s signal, the first players of both teams begin to move towards each other, moving at a straight gallop, holding the “horse” between their knees. Near the “players’ meeting place,” children exchange toys—horses—and continue moving in the original direction. Having reached the opposite starting line, the players pass the toys - horses - to the second players of both teams. The following players perform similar actions. The winner is the team whose players quickly change places behind the opposite starting lines.

Educator: What fast and agile riders we have. Do our riders know how to be attentive? We'll find out now.

M – n game “Find the ringleader”.

Photo 4

Children line up in a circle, and the driver is selected using a counting rhyme. A hero's helmet is placed on his head. Then the children walk in a circle, the “ringleader” shows the movements, everyone repeats after him, the driver must guess who the “leader” is. Having guessed correctly, he changes places with the “ringleader”, a new “ringleader” is selected and the game continues.

Educator: Well, guys, our journey into the past has come to an end. You and I overcame all dangers and obstacles, like real heroes, and remembered their exploits. You are all great guys, you completed your assignments well, you were attentive, brave, dexterous, and smart. Do you want to be defenders of the country? To become defenders of your Motherland, you need to be brave, courageous, strong. Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who defend their people, their Motherland, the Fatherland from enemies. This is an army. Every nation, every country has an army. Russia also has an army. And she more than once defended her people from invaders.

Today we are convinced that we have a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland growing up. And this means that we will have someone to defend our Motherland. We congratulate everyone once again on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!

An acorn rolls out.

Educator b: Children, look, do you know what this is? That's right, it's an acorn. And he is magical. Let's open it and see what's inside - this is a gift from our oak tree; drawing of a hero - you can color his armor.

The children say goodbye and go back to the group.

Literature: V. I. Natarova “Renaissance national culture and education of moral and patriotic feelings.” Voronezh: Teacher, 2005;

T. A. Shorygina “Our Motherland - Russia” - M.: Sfera, 2011;

Yu. A. Kirillova “Towards the Olympics. Physical education." St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2012;

O.D. Ushakov “Epics about Russian heroes”. St. Petersburg: Publishing House"Litera", 2010;

T. D. Nuzhdina “Encyclopedia for kids. Miracles are everywhere.” Yaroslavl: Development Academy; Academy Holding, 2000;

L. Yu. Lupoyadova “Visiting History.” Smolensk: Rusich, 2000.

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Program content:

Region "Cognitive Development" : to form children’s ideas about the heroic past of the Russian people of Ancient Rus', the great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land; fix the names of the elements of the costume of the Russian hero, the names of the weapons of the Russian warrior; cultivate interest in the history of Russia and its native land; revive the idea of ​​​​the epic, about epic heroes; develop the ability to solve riddles; continue to develop children’s sustainable interest in design and develop skills in working with ICT.

Region "Speech development" : learn to answer questions coherently and consistently, describe the appearance of heroes, use synonyms in speech; develop the ability to clearly recite a poem; introduce children to verbal art through the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste; develop the ability to coordinate words with movements.

Region "Physical development" : to cultivate courage, determination, a sense of camaraderie, self-confidence and perseverance in overcoming obstacles; improve qualities in various forms of motor activity; develop children's ability to jump "straight gallop" .

Region “Artistic and aesthetic development” : introduce children to the great painting by artist V.M. Vasnetsova "Bogatyrs" ; develop children's emotional perception of music; coordinate the rhythm of movements with the musical accompaniment.

Region "Social and communicative development" : activate the basic forms of greeting and farewell; arouse interest in upcoming activities; encourage children to engage in a joint play situation with an adult; enrich with knowledge that facilitates the assimilation of certain norms of morality, morality, and patriotism; to cultivate a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia and one’s region, respect for Russian soldiers, and a desire to imitate them.

Preliminary work:

Examination of a painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs" , world map, Russia.

Reading passages about epic heroes: "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" , “Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych” , "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey" , "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" , "Finist - Clear Falcon" , "Nikita Kozhemyaka" , "Mikhailo Danilovich" , "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" , "The Tale of Tsar Saltan and his glorious son Tsar Guidon" , "Svyatogor"

Speech development: memorizing poems about the Motherland, heroes; acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about the heroism of Russian soldiers, about love for their Motherland.

Musical activity: singing songs about heroes, about warriors of the Russian land.

Visual activity: drawing: "Russian birch" , "Russian hero" , "Weapon of the Hero" , "Heroic horse" ; modeling "Heroic horse" .

Vocabulary work:

Rus', Russians, Slavs, heroes, epics; armor - clothing of heroes (chain mail, shield, helmet, aventail); weapons of heroes (spear, sword, bow and arrow, mace); outpost.


Projector with slides; board; song recording “Our heroic strength” A. Pakhmutova.

Progress of the lesson:

On the board there is a Russian field slide. Children enter the hall and look around. The teacher draws the children's attention to the guests.

Educator: Children, we have guests today. Say hello to them, give them the warmth of your smiles. Have a seat.

Guys, we live in a country that has amazing beautiful name- Russia. There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only one extraordinary country because it is our Motherland. Homeland means native. Like mother and father.

On the screen is a slide map of Russia.

Here is a map of Russia. Look at the board and please answer what kind of homeland it is – our Motherland.

Children. Big, huge, immense, beautiful, rich. Russia has oceans and seas, rivers and lakes, mountains, forests and fields.

Educator: Russia is the largest country in the world. It has huge inexhaustible natural resources. Has our Motherland always been like this?


Reb. 1: It was smaller and there were few people living there.

Reb. 2: A long time ago, on the site of the cities and villages where we now live, there were impenetrable forests full of animals and birds.

Reb. 3: Since ancient times, the Slavs lived on this land.

Reb. 4: Nomads often attacked the Slavs, devastated lands, destroyed houses, and took people captive.

Reb. 5: The Slavs founded their state many years ago and called it Russia.

Reb. 6: Rusichi defended herself from enemies.

Educator: Yes, children, everything is correct. Our Motherland is rich and abundant. So these riches attracted our enemies - they wanted to take possession of our lands. Only the very hardy and brave could live in such conditions. Among them were people who were called heroes. They were famous for their extraordinary strength; legends, fairy tales and epics were written about their exploits.

Educator: Children, who do you think the heroes are?

Children: Bogatyrs are people who defended our Motherland from enemies, strong men, warriors, fighters, good people.

Educator: Who knows the poem about heroes?

Reb.: The hero is strong as a free wind, mighty as a hurricane.

He protects the earth from evil infidels!

He is rich in good power, he protects the capital city.

Saves the poor and children and old people and mothers!

Reb.: Bogatyr, this is what he is like:

He is strong, he is healthy,

He shot from a bow

He threw his club accurately,

Standing on the border

Watched vigilantly!

Rus' - defended mother.

On the screen is a slide - a painting by V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs" .

Educator: Bogatyrs are the defenders of our Motherland in ancient times. Here's a picture "Bogatyrs" It was written by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, he depicted the defenders in the form of fairy-tale heroes. Look what they looked like. Who remembers the names of the heroes?

Children: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Educator: What words can describe the heroes? What are they?

Children: Strong, brave, courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless, determined, heroic.

Educator: That's right, heroes are people of immeasurable strength, stamina and courage who perform military feats. The heroes protected our Motherland from enemies - they stood at the outpost. Slide is an outpost of heroes.

Who do you think they were fighting with?

Children: With enemies, Nightingale the Robber, Gorynych the Serpent, Koshchei the Immortal, Tugarin the Serpent, Tatars, Mongols, Pechenegs, Khazars.

Educator: Children, what other heroes do you know?

Children: Svyatogor, Sadko, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Volga Vseslavovich, Mikula Selyaninovich, Ruslan, Danube Ivanovich, Peresvet, Gorynya, Dubynya, Usynya.

Educator: Guys, do you think all the heroes were men?

Children: (answer options)

On the screen - a woman hero

Educator: Women's images Heroes, just like men, bravely fight in the steppe expanses for freedom and justice. Recently I came across a collection of legends about the Samara region by Stepan Egorovich Kuzmenko "Pearls of Zhiguli" (show on the board), and I read a fascinating poem "Bogatyrka Usolka" . The heroine of this story is a woman, a defender of her native land. (Slide – Usolye village). On the site of the village of Usolye, Shigonsky district Samara region, in ancient times there was a battle between Russians and Nogais. At its height, when the nomads were already celebrating their victory, a woman appeared on horseback among the Russians - a hero, (slide of a heroic woman on a horse) so inspired her compatriots that the Nogais were completely defeated. Usolka is a hero of our Samara region.

On the screen there is a picture of heroes on horseback

Educator: Guys, have you noticed that every hero has a horse? What was the horse needed for?

Children: he will help you out of trouble, quickly get you home, help you win, give advice, can revive a hero with living water, give you advice, help you complete the king’s tasks, take the wounded home.

Educator: How did you learn about the heroes?

Children: Russian folk tales, epics, poems, looked at pictures, sang songs, read legends about our region.

Slide picture "Bogatyrs"

Educator: You said everything correctly. It is difficult to imagine the heroes otherwise than how they are depicted by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

Educator: Now we will rest a little and relieve tension.

Physical education session with musical accompaniment

They stood up together. Once! Two! Three! (get up)

We are now heroes! (hands to the side)

We will plant our feet firmly (legs together, tense)

Turning to the right

Let's look around majestically,

And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms

And to the right, and again

Over the left shoulder

Letter "l" let's spread our legs

Just like in a dance - hands like gods

Leaned left, right

It turns out great!

The hero is on the screen. Music is playing. The hero comes out in a helmet and chain mail, with a sword on his belt.

Bogatyr: Hello, good fellows and beautiful maidens. I heard that you were talking about me. I decided to come visit you and listen to what you know about the heroes. Now I’ll tell you some riddles, but you can guess what they’re about.

Such a shirt is not knitted or sewn, it is woven from iron rings. (Chainmail)

An iron cap with a sharp end, and in front a beak hanging over the face. (Helmet)

What kind of cloth is there to cover your face from the wind? (Cloak)

A weapon is not easy to pick up, not easy to pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy to blow their heads off their shoulders... Well, guess what? Of course… (Sword)

To protect his chest from enemy blows, you know this for sure, the hero has a heavy, shiny and round... (Shield)

Educator: Well done, guys, you solved all the riddles.

All answers are accompanied by slides

Bogatyr: Guys, what other ancient weapons do you know?

Children: sword, mace, flail, club, spear, axe, axe, bow and arrows, dagger, chains.

General slide of weapons of heroes

Bogatyr: What else were the heroes wearing?

Children: armor, boots, shirt, armor, aventail.

General slide of the clothes of heroes

Educator: Well done, guys, you know a lot about the ancient defenders of the Russian land.

Painting by Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs"

Bogatyr: Would you like to follow the path of a hero?

Educator: Then we need to get ready for a difficult and dangerous journey, where adventures will await us, don’t you agree? I know that you are friendly and brave. Friendship will help us overcome all obstacles.

Bogatyr: But before we set off on a long journey, let’s sing a song, because we, the heroes, did not go on a campaign without a song.

Singing a song “Our heroic strength”

On the screen there is a slide - an image of a stone at a crossroads.

Educator: In fairy tales and epics, the hero always stood at a crossroads near a stone on which it was written where to go. There is such a stone on our road, and it says:

You'll go straight

You will find yourself at the outpost of the heroes!

You'll go right

You will find honor and glory!

You'll go left

You will find a horse!

Bogatyr: Yes! The task is not easy, because a hero needs honor, glory, a horse, and he needs to visit the outpost.

Educator: I suggest you go through all three roads. Do you guys agree?

Educator: And your first test is called "Build a Fortress" . Now the guys will show their skills in construction. Come on, volunteers, come out and show your skills.

Interactive game "Build a Fortress" .

Bogatyr: Well done, children. You have built a strong outpost. And what kind of heroes are we without a faithful horse? We turn left.

A game "Nimble Riders"

And our path lies through a swamp, there is muddy mud ahead - raise your feet higher and walk wider.

Let's show what kind of riders we are. The back is straight, hands on the belt, galloping straight.

The recording is a horse neighing, on the screen is a slide of a heroic horse.

Bogatyr: Look what a horse we got, well done! And now our path lies to the right. This is the task for future heroes, because they are not only strong and brave, but also smart. I invite you to remember proverbs and sayings about courage, bravery, and the Motherland.

Brainstorm slide three heroes

Courage to the strength of the commander.

The hero who fights hard for his homeland.

Whoever dared sat on a horse.

Stand by your edge to the death.

The Russian does not joke with the ball or the roll.

Die yourself, but help your comrade.

Die from your native land, don’t leave.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

The happiness of the Motherland is more valuable than life.

Not the hero who expects a reward, but the hero who goes for the people.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

Bogatyr: It’s time for me to say goodbye to you. And in parting, I want to leave you a letter, in this letter, the heroes left a covenant to their descendants. All the best.

The hero leaves, the children say goodbye.

Educator: Well, today we remembered the heroes - the defenders of the Russian land. All of you are great, you coped well with the tests, you were attentive, dexterous, and brave. Let's read the letter left by the hero. Reads a letter

Testament to posterity.

Protect the weak, the poor, the elderly and children, Be strong, brave, courageous, courageous. To love your native land, your people, your country and your Motherland.

And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Rus'!

Don't allow enemies to gallop across our Earth!

Don't trample the Russian land with their horses

They will not outshine our red sun!

Rus' stands a century - it does not waver!

And it will stand for centuries without moving!

But you should not forget the legends of antiquity.

Glory to Russian antiquity! Glory to the Russian side!

Educator: Well, let's remember the order of the heroes.

Slide - field.

In conclusion, I would like to say that today we are convinced that we have a worthy generation of defenders of our Motherland growing up. They still have many challenges ahead that they will definitely cope with. Well, children, let's say goodbye to our guests.


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