An essay based on Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes. “Bogatyrs”: description of the painting. Three heroes of Vasnetsov - heroes of the epic epic

Victor Vasnetsov - talented artist who wrote great amount wonderful paintings. He is rightly called a fairy-tale painter, since most of his subjects are illustrations for fairy tales and epics. Despite the fact that Vasnetsov’s paintings are many years old, they still surprise and delight people, and the creativity of the artist himself pleases and creates a wonderful feeling and mood.

IN a new fairy tale You can plunge into it if you look and then carefully examine one of Viktor Mikhailovich’s paintings with such an expressive title as “Heroic Leap.” The hero of this picture seems not only somehow inspired, but alive and real person. It is known that this beautiful painting was created in 1914, and everyone, of course, understands what time it was.

From the history course you can remember that this was the beginning of a war that started slowly but lasted a long time. And, accordingly, no one could know how this war would end. But it was clear that in order to win, it was necessary to unite the entire people of Russia, because they have enormous power spirit and will that will allow you to survive and win.

So, in order to strengthen patriotism in people, Viktor Vasnetsov decided to devote one of his paintings to this topic. And for this plot he chose both the glorious and heroic defender of the Russian land - a hero. It can be seen that the powerful and strong hero, who confidently sits on a horse, is already ready to go into battle to protect his native land from the enemy. He has everything he needs to be a defender: a bow, sword and arrows. He prepared a shield for one of his hands; the hero needs it to protect himself from the enemy. But in the same hand he also has a stake, to which an iron tip is pre-attached. The hero needs him to attack himself and destroy the enemy.

The hero's left hand is also busy. The whip helps the defender of the Russian land to spur on his horse so that he can race faster and be able to get ahead of the enemy. The horse’s outstretched legs show that the hero is not standing still, but the horse is carrying him towards the enemy, and soon the battle will probably begin. Every movement of the horse allows you to see the armor of the defender. Every detail on them is drawn clearly and in detail. And as soon as direct and bright sunlight hits them, they begin to sparkle and shimmer. But the strong horseman, despite riding fast, continues to peer into the distance in order to detect his advance faster than the enemy and to meet him fully armed. The piercing and lively gaze of the hero of the picture seems to be looking far ahead.

Viktor Vasnetsov’s canvas also depicts a horse that is not afraid of anything beautifully. She rushes quickly, and her beautiful and long mane flutters in the wind. Its color is black, so it shimmers when it gets on its fur. sunlight. The heroic horse looks well-groomed and fresh. It is clear that he is surrounded by the care and love of his owner.

The horse's legs are not only fast, but also strong, since in any battle it must help its rider. And the rider’s appearance is serious and stern, and this is created with the help of a thick dark beard and mustache, which the hero never shaved off. It is immediately clear that both the horse and the rider are indistinguishable, like faithful and good comrades. Therefore, in any battle they help each other and help each other out, and this helps them win.

Showing the power and strength of his hero, the artist depicted the rest of the background of his painting much smaller. Yes, in the background painting a dark and dense forest is visible, which seems very small compared to the main figure of the picture. Both the hill and even the forest begin to be shrouded in some strange and cloudy haze. The bright and clear sky gradually begins to be covered with dark and terrible clouds, as if nature itself foreshadows something bad and dangerous.

It seems that nature is waiting for the enemy just like the hero and his beautiful horse. She froze in sad and sad anticipation. All nature changes before the onset of battle, but the artist with his painting tries to instill in people faith in victory, since such strong and courageous heroes will always protect the beautiful Russian land.

And in this pre-dawn hour, the epic hero will be able to defend the right to be winners. No one has ever managed to capture Russian soil! As soon as the battle is over, the sun will come out and the darkness will dissipate. And again there will be a clear day, clean and happy. And this will allow all people to live happily again native land artist. The picture perfectly reflects its title.

The hero, courageous and heroic, and his brave and courageous horse united in a single race. And this one heroic leap magnificent. And I want to believe that this fairy tale hero is about to come to life and a miracle will happen. And people, especially in wartime, always want to believe in miracles and fairy tales.

Contemporaries about the painting “Bogatyrs”.

Its knights and heroes, resurrecting the very atmosphere Ancient Rus', instilled in me a feeling of great power and wildness - physical and spiritual. Viktor Vasnetsov’s work was reminiscent of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” Unforgettable on their mighty horses are these stern, frowning knights, looking from under their mittens into the distance - not at crossroads...

V. M. Vasilenko. "Bogatyrs".

The grass stems are turning red. The hills are steep and bare.
Above them the clouds are silent. From above
The eagles are descending. Ivy entwined
Steep mountain slopes. And naked in the blue haze.

The ravines are deep. And strange verbs
Sometimes in the depths of their thickets one can hear:
The wind is spinning, the honey spirit of spring
Filled everything around - both sweet and heavy.

The shields glow like gold in the sun.
The heroes look into the distance of the steppe, into the desert:
Ilya is a peasant son, Alyosha and Dobrynya!

And their horses are silent. There are flowers at the horse's feet
Spread out, trembling. The herbs smell like wormwood.
The heroes stand at the Kyiv outpost.

F. I. Shalyapin. "Mask and Soul". 1932.

The painting by V. M. Vasnetsov depicts three heroes. Bogatyrs are powerful, brave people, defenders of the fatherland. They vigilantly look into the distance, as they guard the borders of Rus'. And these three mighty men are ready to enter into battle with the enemies of Rus' at any moment. They fulfill their heroic duty and are confident in the rightness of their cause. The expression on their faces is serious, cold-blooded, their gaze is menacing. These three heroes names are Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. All these daredevils are full of dignity, majestic and very collected, ready to fight at any moment not for life or death. They are very confident in themselves and are ready to die for Rus'.

Ilya Muromets - the hero of epics - is located in the very center of the picture. Peasant son from the village of Karacharovo from the city of Muromlya - the oldest and most powerful hero. He is not rich, but it is clear from him that he does not need wealth. He is dressed simply. Ilya Muromets is wearing simple chain mail, a rough gray mitten and the most ordinary boots that match the color of his brown pants. He easily holds a club that weighs more than four hundred kilograms. Also, Ilya Muromets holds a large spear, which is placed in the center of the picture, this suggests that he can cope with such a large weapon. His peasant origins are evident from his face. It is wide with large cheekbones. He looks to the side vigilantly. His eyes are very serious and his eyebrows are furrowed. Ilya Muromets sits on a mighty black horse. His horse is as heavy as the earth and very beautiful. This horse matches his owner. The horse's harness is beautiful, and it seems that when he gallops, a bell is ringing. The horse looks with slight reproach in the same direction as the owner. I think that Ilya Muromets takes good care of his horse, as he is well-groomed, vigorous and large.

Dobrynya Nikitich - the son of the Ryazan prince - is to the left of Ilya Muromets. He's rich. He wears rich chain mail, his shield is decorated with pearls, a golden scabbard and the hilt of his sword. His eagle gaze is stern. His beard is well-groomed and long. He's a visionary. Dobrynya Nikitich is younger than Ilya Muromets. His horse is beautiful and white. His harness looks great on him, and besides, it is very rich. The horse's mane, like a woman's hair, is well-groomed and flutters in the wind. Some epics say that the horse's name is Beleyushka. This horse is as fast as the wind. It seems to tell the owner that the enemy is close.

Alyosha Popovich was born into the family of a priest. He is not dressed richly, but not poorly either. His chain mail and helmet shine. He is the youngest and without a beard. Alyosha is thin. His gaze squints slightly to the side. His gaze is sly, as it seems that he is planning some kind of trick. He holds his favorite weapon - a bow. His bow is explosive, the string is red-hot, and his arrow is fast. He carries a harp with him. Alyosha Popovich is sitting on a red horse with a white spot on his forehead. His mane is light, beautiful and well-groomed. The hero's horse is hot as fire.

I think that Vasnetsov managed to convey the anxiety of that historical time when heroic outposts existed in Rus' through heavy clouds and thunderclouds over Russia. Also via strong wind, which is visible from the fluttering of the horses’ manes and tails and from the swaying grass.

I believe that the artist shows the power of the heroes and creates the monumentality of their images, since they occupy a huge area in the picture. Vasnetsov also raises the horizon line, and the horse figures go into the sky. Vasnetsov depicted the Christmas trees as small and the heroes as large, and this creates a contrast between the Christmas trees and large figures and emphasizes the power of the heroes.

The great Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, whose epic painting Three Knights is known today in all countries of the world, worked on his masterpiece for about 20 years. His soul was excited by the theme of ancient Russian epics, the exploits of heroes standing at outposts, guarding the young Russian state. This theme, once born in the mind famous master brushes, never left him again. The result was the iconic painting Bogatyri. Everyone is familiar with reproductions of this masterpiece of Russian classical painting, the work of the Russian artist is studied in schools, children write essays based on Vasnetsov’s painting Three Bogatyrs.

Online essay based on Vasnetsov’s painting 3 epic heroes

On famous painting Three Russian Bogatyrs stand on a plain open to all winds. Behind them are gentle hills, dense forest on the slopes, the blue distance of the homeland under a gloomy twilight sky, in which among cumulus clouds a thundercloud with a yellow-purple belly accumulates and matures. In Vasnetsov’s painting we see that the three main and most beloved heroes of Russian epics are on patrol - Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. At any moment they are ready to repel the enemy’s onslaught and protect Mother Rus'. By getting acquainted with each of the heroes, I will continue my story based on the painting Three Heroes.

Essay based on the painting Three Bogatyrs by Vasnetsov - heroes of folk epics

This amazing picture artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is like a bridge thrown from the heroic generations of Ancient Rus', personified by 3 heroes from the painting of a Russian patriot artist, to us, the Russian people of today, main task which is the revival of the strength of Russia and the freedom of the Russian spirit. The hero Ilya Muromets on a strong black horse, placed by the artist in the compositional center of the drawing, is the strongest and wisest warrior. From under his hand he peers into the distance - is there any enemy force in sight? In one hand he holds a damask club, in the other there is a sharp spear.

On his right hand, on a snow-white horse, is the legendary hero Dobrynya Nikitich. Ready for battle, he confidently holds his hand on the heavy sword. By left hand Ilya Muromets on a bay horse Alyosha Popovich, the youngest and fastest of the knights, a sharp shooter whose arrows always reach their target. The bright painter Viktor Vasnetsov endowed his heroes with original Russian characters, describing which, one can compose a whole story based on the painting Three Heroes. But each hero of this pictorial masterpiece has a special main feature. Ilya Muromets is endowed with wisdom, Dobrynya Nikitich with calm confidence in his abilities, and young Alyosha Popovich with a quick mind and ingenuity. These Russian characters are flawlessly conveyed very colorfully by the great master in beautiful picture Bogatyrs.

Viktor Vasnetsov is one of the most famous artists pre-revolutionary Russia. His fabulous, fantastic stories are known to almost every schoolchild. Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” is the largest in size, and in importance, in the artist’s career. It embodied the power, pride, strength, and growth of the Russian people. Remain indifferent while looking at this work, almost impossible.

But before analyzing the main images, it should be noted that very often the picture is called incorrectly. The real name is “Bogatyrs”, and not “Three Bogatyrs”, as many believe. Although now art critics do not particularly insist on this.

The idea of ​​the painting

The idea for the painting came to the artist much earlier than it was painted. For thirty years, the first sketch, still a very crude drawing, was created during Vasnetsov’s stay in Paris. As the painter himself said, although the work dragged on for a very long time, his hands were still literally reaching out to it. It was his creative duty to write “Bogatyrs”, a duty to every Russian person.

Already in Russia, within the walls of his favorite workshop, Vasnetsov calmly and painstakingly completed the masterpiece. Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” was released at the very end of the nineteenth century. Immediately after Viktor Mikhailovich finished writing it, it was acquired by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov for the collection of the world-famous gallery. Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” is very interesting and also well remembered by the viewer, the photo is located above.

Critical Notes

Reading critical articles those to whom Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” appeared for the first time, you can notice that reviews about it are only positive character. Color, design, perspective and realism - everything in this work causes only admiration. The critic V. Stasov wrote that no other painting is so imbued with patriotism and the spirit of Rus'.

Painting “Three Heroes”, Vasnetsov. Description

This is a real ode to heroism and love for one’s Fatherland. The main characters of the picture have an unusual appearance. Ancient knights appear before the audience, those same epic heroes about whose exploits legends were once written: Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. So, the film “Three Heroes” was preparing for release for a very long time. Vasnetsov did not leave his own, theoretical description. But there are quite a lot of art historical analyzes of this masterpiece.

Ilya Muromets

In the central part of the picture, the Murom hero Ilya himself sits on a black horse. This image exudes confidence, power and strength. He is strikingly different from the other two heroes in his sophistication and calmness. He’s like a mighty oak tree that can’t even handle a storm.

With one hand he shields himself from the sun, looking out for the enemy, a heavy club hangs on his forearm, and with the other he holds a spear. And although Ilya Muromets is depicted in chain mail, with military weapons, there is still nothing dangerous or frightening in this image No.

Alesha Popovich

To the right is the youngest hero - Alyosha Popovich. His courage seems a little feigned. He doesn't have as much strength as his comrades. But how beautiful and magnificent this warrior is. He is also not afraid of the battle, and if he has to meet an enemy, he will definitely not let you down. Under his saddle there is a red horse, a harp is tied to the saddle, probably Alyosha Popovich is entertaining the heroes during a difficult and long campaign. His weapons are light - a bow and a quiver of arrows.


Well, the third, already on a white horse, appears before the viewer Dobrynya Nikitich. It differs from the other two images, embodying the knowledge and culture of the Russian people. He is as strong as Ilya Muromets, but this strength is hidden in him. He exudes prudence and thoughtfulness in his actions.

That’s why Vasnetsov’s “Three Bogatyrs” is so good, because you see the heroes all together at once. Their images merge into a single spirit - the spirit of the Russian people. The angle from which the artist started is obvious: the viewer seems to be looking at the heroes a little from below, from the ground, which is why the picture looks so pompous and solemn.


The detailing of the picture is also interesting. The fact is that absolutely everything that appears before your eyes when you look at this masterpiece is symbolic. It is no coincidence that a Russian field and forest were chosen as the background; this inspired landscape seems to have absorbed the mood of the canvas. Dark clouds swirl over the field, the wind develops the horses' manes and yellowed grass. A scary bird flies further towards the forest from the scene of events. All nature seemed to freeze in anticipation of the enemy. The same can be felt in the images of the main characters. The gray tombstones that are located on this field push us even more to the idea of ​​the upcoming slaughter - battles once took place here.

But this gloomy place doesn’t make you scared, because there are three brave heroes, three heroes, defending the Russian borders.

It is interesting that usually in Rus' the word “hero” was given not only the well-known meaning - protector, but also a pious, godly person. Vasnetsov’s heroes can be called just such.

Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” is still in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery, next to it you can always see excursion groups that linger for a long time to get a better look at the world famous masterpiece. The canvas by V. Vasnetsov is truly one of the most remarkable creations of Russian artists.

Very often, artists use Russian motifs in their paintings. folk art. This technique gained particular popularity in the nineteenth century, when the artist Viktor Vasnetsov lived. He is a bright representative artistic painting, which was based on folklore motives. They became the main theme of Viktor Mikhailovich’s work.
It is known that Viktor Vasnetsov painted many paintings that have not only survived to this day, but have also become real masterpieces. Most often, Russians were reflected in his paintings folk tales and epics of Rus'. Such unusual paintings, having a certain fairy-tale or epic plot and made the artist Vasnetsov a recognized master not only in our country, but also at the world level.

The history of his magnificent painting “Bogatyrs” is interesting. It is known that he wrote it over thirty years. And it began with the fact that, unexpectedly for himself, the artist, being impressed by the epics, approached the canvas and made a small sketch in pencil, not even imagining at that moment what could come of it. But later he returned to this pencil sketch again, examined it carefully and, having thought everything over carefully, decided to supplement it with some details. But they did not at all spoil what was already on the canvas, but only made it a real holistic monolith of art, in which the love for the native Russian land was so clearly manifested. The picture clearly shows how delighted its author is with the Russian spirit of freedom, unity and those powerful forces that lie hidden in the Russian man.

The painting by Viktor Vasnetsov depicts three heroes who became real epic heroes and glorified their native land. The artist depicted them when they were on patrol in their own way. native land, examining whether everything is quiet and calm in their native land. The young people stopped, they are not only resting, but also carefully examining the area to understand whether there is an enemy on Russian soil, whether anyone is trying to disturb the peace of the Russian people, who live freely and well. These three heroes are watching carefully and at any moment they are ready to go into battle to protect their people and their land, because the Russian land should live calmly and freely. And they took responsibility for this.

Three strong heroes galloped across the field for a long time and then they stopped, vigilantly peering ahead, they listen carefully to the sounds of nature, trying to see or hear any danger. Their weapons are always ready for battle. The oldest of them is Ilya Muromets. The artist placed it in the center in his painting. He sits heavily on his black and bold stallion. His pleasant beard is already gradually becoming gray, which means that with each such silver strand he becomes smarter and wiser. With his left hand he holds a mace, which, although heavy, does not interfere with the hero at all. He easily raises his hand with the mace, puts it to his forehead and carefully peers into the distance. He looks in the direction where some noise was recently heard, but now for some reason everything is calm there again. With his other hand, Ilya holds his fast horse and spear. His leg is extended out of the stirrup so as to be ready at any moment to repel an attack and to enter into battle.

Even Ilya Muromets’s horse is depicted by the artist in a special way. The horse's ear also listens carefully to what is happening around; it hears better than its owner. But the horse also looks in the direction where the noise was recently heard. And how much strength does he need to ride with a hero who is always in full combat gear!

To the left of the mighty horse of light gray color with a white mane, which belongs to Ilya Muromets, stands a beautiful and white-breasted horse. Dobrynya Nikitich sits confidently on it. Apparently, he also heard the noise, and maybe even the first, since he had already managed to pull out his saber and even took off his shield, moving it from its permanent place of being worn on his shoulder to his chest. His horse has a thick and beautiful mane, which, even though it is braided, still develops in the wind. The color of the horse of the second hero is light gray. And this horse also hears an unpleasant noise.

The third hero is Alyosha Popovich. He is depicted by the artist as a handsome and courageous young man with large beautiful eyes and black luxurious eyebrows. You can see from the young hero’s cunning expression that he is relaxed and does not yet feel any danger, since his shield is still behind his shoulders, although his hand is already on the bowstring. And his horse is different from the others, as it has a red color. The young hero’s horse also senses some noise, so it bows its head and, listening, prepares for battle.

Three brave and courageous heroes stopped in a field that was comfortably spread among the hills. Somewhere on the horizon this field meets the gray horizon. And huge clouds float across the gloomy sky. It is clear that the heroes have been galloping a lot for a long time and now all that remains on their shoulders are ravines, hills, large and small, and copses. You can see on the canvas that the most dangerous places where the enemy could get through, brave people have already passed. And now, having left the dark and dense forest, they stopped at a field where there were a lot of stones, steppe grass, yellow and sparse, and fir trees, which were still very small.

But the nature around the heroes is harsh, cloudy, gloomy, as if it wants to warn its defenders about something. Quite suddenly the wind begins to blow, the sky becomes darker every minute, as if it is preparing for rain. Vasnetsov uses dark and dull colors to describe nature, as if it were expecting something bad and unkind. And the heroes are already waiting, have stopped talking and are listening to every rustle. These three courageous man They protect the Russian land and will do everything to repel the onslaught of any enemy.

Everyone always likes Victor Vasnetsov’s painting, as it instills in a person confidence about safety and protection. Such a painting suggests that our country has a wonderful future, since the Russian land gives birth to such heroes. But the stamina and courage of the Russian man, his invincibility, only to become stronger.