Introduction to the proverb motherland, know how to stand. Proverb about the homeland and its meaning. Proverbs and sayings about the native land

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Proverbs with an explanation of the meaning about the homeland

In chapter Hometasks to the question The Motherland is the mother, know how to stand up for her Explanation of the proverb given by the author Irina Globenko the best answer is The proverb “Motherland - know how to stand up for it” belongs to the category of proverbs about the Motherland, mother earth.
Everyone has their own homeland.
People associate the Motherland with Mother Earth.
The wisdom of this proverb is limitless.
The wisdom of this proverb is limitless Since time immemorial, people have used proverbs in their speech - small wise sayings, having an instructive meaning. The judgment formulated in this small genre of folklore is a kind of parable filled with deep meaning. The proverb contains the worldly wisdom of an entire people.
The proverb “Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for it” can be classified as proverbs about the homeland, mother earth. The homeland has long been the most precious place for a person. And it doesn’t matter what meaning a person puts into this concept: either we are talking about the parental home in which you grew up, or small homeland(a small village, hamlet, settlement, lost on the map), or about an entire country in which more than one generation of your relatives grew up.
Everyone has their own homeland. For example, for Sergei Yesenin, his father’s home is the small village of Konstantinovo in the Ryazan region, where he grew up, graduated from the zemstvo school, where he learned to love and understand life. It is thanks to the love for his small homeland that S. A. Yesenin will write beautiful poems about Russia, and this feeling will allow the poet to say:
But most of all
Love for the native land
I was tormented
Tormented and burned.
The people have always perceived the homeland as mother earth, a nurse, an animated being. Songs were composed about her, the best poems were written, beautiful paintings were created. A person who does not know his faceless homeland is morally impoverished. But the feeling of love for the homeland should not be selfish. We must be able to preserve the wealth given to us: forests, fields, lakes, rivers, and also, if necessary, protect our homeland in times of difficult trials.
Thus, the meaning contained in the proverb is enormous, and its wisdom is limitless. Original source link

2 answers

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: The Motherland is the mother, know how to stand up for it Explanation of the proverb

Answer from Lyudmila Shevkyn
Love your Motherland!!!

Answer from Baraba
The Motherland is the mother, it’s you and me, hence the meaning of the proverb, we must be able to stand up for ourselves.

Answer from Koffielle
Meaning: a person must be a patriot of his country.

Answer from Young
you need to be a patriot

Answer from Oliya Melnichenko
1. Our Fatherland, our Fatherland - Matinka Ukraine. We know Ukraine as a country because our fathers and fathers lived and continue to live in it. We call it Fatherland because in the bread, similar to its waters, it was born in it, in it to speak in our own language, and everything in it is in our family, and in our own language. Like a mother who protects and protects us from all enemies...

Answer from Evgeniy Smaragd
Irochka! Love your MOTHER like your HOMELAND!!!

Answer from Yezhaya
It is necessary to defend the Motherland from all sorts of non-humans

Answer from Alexander Svyazhin
Love your MOTHERLAND - your MOTHER.... and protect HER...

Answer from Yotanislav Shcheglov
Needed where was born.

Answer from Greg House
Patriotism in modern Russia invented in order to fool people and get from them for free what they usually pay for in other countries

Answer from Catherine Fox
Don’t let yourself be zombied (put other people’s ideas into your head), always analyze and reflect. Because patriotism (the love for the Fatherland hammered into the head from childhood) is then easily played upon by politicians. Jesus Christ taught to love all people, regardless of where they live. So patriotism is not from God, for sure!

Answer from Just...Lucy))
“Motherland, know how to stand up for it” Probably the proverb sounds like this?

Answer from ****Mrs. Juli ****
Defense of the Motherland is meant.

Answer from Mistress of the still waters!
Do not tolerate interference from other countries, have your say in the world!

Answer from Konstantin
everything is clear here! there is a homeland, there is a mother! that's why they need to be protected

Answer from Columbine Pacific
If you stand up for your Motherland, it means you have to hold on to your mother’s skirt. This cannot be a proverb!
“For HER”….Then it has a completely different meaning - patriotic!

Answer from Dasha Dobraya
The proverb “Motherland is a mother - know how to stand up for her,” says that we must be able to defend the honor and dignity of our homeland. The homeland has long been the most precious place for a person. And it doesn’t matter what meaning a person puts into this concept: either here we are talking about the parental home in which you grew up, or about a small homeland (a small village, hamlet, town, lost on the map), or about an entire country, in which more than one generation of your relatives grew up with.
The people have always perceived the homeland as mother earth, a nurse, an animated being. Songs were composed about her, the best poems were written, beautiful paintings were created. A person who does not know his faceless homeland is morally impoverished. But the feeling of love for the homeland should not be selfish. We must be able to preserve the wealth given to us: forests, fields, lakes, rivers, and also, if necessary, protect our homeland in times of difficult trials.

Answer from IN
Defense of the Motherland. Love for her as for a mother.

Answer from Yaya Snezhnaya
Rod - people
The Motherland is the mother of the people,
Love her like your mother.

2 answers

Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need:

Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland

One mother is dear and one homeland.

The radio broadcasts about those who defend their Motherland.

A reward from the Motherland is a joy to the heart.

The Russian land is great and the sun is everywhere.

The pine tree stands far away, but makes noise in its own forest.

Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.

The native bush is dear to the hare.

They protect their homeland with their heads.

We live without straining, we serve our Motherland.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

It is not scary to die for the Motherland.

Whatever it is like at home, it’s like that on the Don.

To whom Far East, and dear to us.

Whoever steps on Russian soil will stumble.

Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty exemplarily.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

The bird is small, but it protects its nest.

For the Motherland, for honor - even to cut off your head.

The Motherland is dearest to our people.

It’s not time for years to be long, long years of absence from one’s native side.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

On my native side the heart sings.

Shame before the Motherland is worse than death.

The Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Beloved homeland - dear mother.

Our homeland is more beautiful than the sun.

To love your homeland is to serve your homeland faithfully.

Know how to defend your motherland.

There are no relatives, but my heart aches for my native side.

Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

WITH native land die, don't go away.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

We don’t want someone else’s land, but we won’t give up ours.

Proverbs and sayings about the native land

It's warmer overseas, but it's lighter here.

Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

The other side is the stepmother.

Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the daughter, Petersburg is the son.

In Moscow you will find everything except what you need.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

Don, Don, or better yet, a house.

You can't keep a steppe horse in a stable.

It is known as Nizhny, but it stands on the mountain.

I wrote this page on the topic “proverbs and sayings about the Motherland” with special reverence. Probably my socialist upbringing is to blame for this. I remember very well my teacher, who enthusiastically told us about our Fatherland. We sang songs about our homeland and recited poems. I don’t argue that it was such a patriotic time back then. Now, for some reason, people talk less about their homeland with children. It's a pity. After all, if a child from the very early age instill love for his country, his people, then he, as an adult, will always remain a patriot of his Motherland. This is what we sincerely wish for you!

Proverbs about serving the Motherland

A warrior who has a club can defeat a coward with a saber.

Fight is a sacred thing, go to the enemy boldly.

You can't win a battle with past glory.

Without love for a person there is no love for the homeland.

Take care of your beloved land like your own mother.

Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

Be not only the son of your father, be also the son of your people.

Stupid heroism leads to stupid death.

Whatever nation you live in, adhere to that custom.

The enemy is fierce, but our people are steadfast.

To spare the enemy is to destroy yourself.

He went into battle - he earned glory, he hid - he laid down his head.

To be in battle is to know the value of life.

There is no shame in returning home.

Learning military science is always useful.

If you serve faithfully, you don’t worry about anything.

Where to live, there to be known.

Where there is no struggle, there is no victory.

If you fall as a hero, they will lift you up; if you fall as a coward, you will be crushed.

The main thing in life is to serve the Fatherland.

Somewhere there is a lot of gold and yet, the Motherland without gold is more valuable.

A fool gets captured in his homeland.

Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.

Dzhigit is born at home, dies on the battlefield.

Don’t put it off for too long, don’t leave your saber at home.

If the people are united, they are invincible.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

If the battle goes on all around, the house will not remain intact.

Even if the hero dies, the glory remains.

If there is no courage in the heart of a warrior, neither his strength nor his weapons will help him.

If the Motherland is strong, the soul is full of joy.

If the enemy attacks the people, he is not a horseman who takes pity on himself.

If the army is strong, the country is invincible.

The life of a young man is with the people, the life of the people is with the Motherland.

You live on the side, but your village is all on your mind.

Fight bravely for a just cause.

It is not scary to die for the Motherland - mother.

They knew who they were beating, that’s why they won.

For the homeland, for honor - even to cut off your head.

Love to motherland stronger than death.

Those who love their homeland will not be indebted to them.

Those who serve their Motherland faithfully fulfill their duty exemplarily.

Those who do not live in their homeland do not know the taste of life.

You will understand how the homeland is when you get to a foreign land.

Anyone who has not been to a foreign land does not know the value of the Motherland.

When you protect your homeland, you become a man.

The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.

The army is strong as a commander.

The one who is served is the one who is needed.

When you protect your homeland, you become a man.

He who fights hard for his homeland is a true hero.

Whoever fights for his homeland is given double strength.

He who is brave and persistent is worth ten.

Whoever comes to us with hostility will find his death here.

To whom the world is dear, is dear to us.

Everyone has their own side to love.

The horse runs to a place where it will be fed, and the young man hurries to where his homeland is.

Love for the homeland conquers death.

Love for homeland is stronger than death.

You can be better than a hero, but you cannot be better than the people.

To fight courageously is to achieve victory.

God has mercy on his side too.

You can surpass a hero, but you cannot surpass a people.

Moscow is like granite - no one can defeat Moscow.

Mother Volga is both wide and long.

I traveled through many countries, but found goodness only in my homeland.

Our invincible country is sealed by the friendship of peoples. To whom the friendship of peoples is dear, he beats the enemy.

On the other side, the homeland is doubly miles away.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

There are no reservations on the service. The boss’s request is the same as an order.

Not the hero who expects a reward, but the hero who goes for the people.

The shooter is not the one who shoots, but the one who hits the target.

Don't learn to destroy, but learn to build.

Don’t look for the promised lands - they are where your homeland is.

The homeland is dearest to our people.

In our homeland, both days and nights are beautiful.

Don’t rush into service, and don’t renounce service.

It's cold on the other side even in summer.

There is no horse that does not yearn for a school; There is no hero who does not yearn for his homeland.

In a foreign land, even a kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, even black bread is a sweetness.

If you don’t love your country, you don’t love God, but Satan.

Our army is ready to defeat any enemy.

Today he is a tractor driver in the field, and tomorrow he is a tank driver in the army.

Not the fellow who has a brave appearance, but the one who creates victory.

Gain intelligence in learning, courage in battle.

A person has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

Weapons are the strength of a fighter. Use it to the fullest!

An officer is an example of valor.

The radio broadcasts about those who defend their homeland.

A reward from the homeland is a joy to the heart.

From dawn to dawn, the sailors are vigilant on watch.

The first thing in life is to serve the Fatherland.

An order in battle is a holy law, more valuable than life He.

In the sun it is warm, in the Motherland it is good.

A bird in flight, a horse on the rise, a horseman in battle are recognized.

Let there be a leader in front, and support behind.

Disgrace before one's homeland is worse than death.

Take the oath - show courage in battle.

If they call us, we won’t bother, we’ll serve our homeland.

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

Homeland begins with family.

After parting with a friend, they cry for seven years; after parting with their homeland, they cry for the rest of their lives.

The Russian fighter is a model for everyone.

There are no relatives, but the person yearns for his native land.

Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

The glory of a batyr is in battle.

Be proud of your regiment, and distinguish yourself.

Death in bed is inglorious, death in battle is honorable.

No matter how much a person travels, he will return to his homeland.

Go boldly into battle - your homeland is behind you.

A bold start is the same victory.

Courage is half of happiness.

The dog is looking for somewhere more satisfying, and the person strives for his native places.

Learn courage from a scout, caution from a sapper.

The soldier's service ends - the hardening remains.

Hard to learn, easy to fight.

He who despises death wins.

A skilled fighter is a great guy everywhere.

The quick-witted soldier also has a grenade glove.

Please the commander with faithful service, not crooked friendship.

Someone else's food has someone else's taste.

A good shooter has a mark on every arrow.

A brave general does not have cowardly soldiers.

Moscow is good, but not at home.

A good horse rushes forward good fellow returns with glory.

The white fungus is good, and the soldier is skillful.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Keep the soldier's honor sacred.

To serve honestly is to earn an order.

Sayings about the Motherland

Hold your battle lines tightly.

Without roots, wormwood does not grow.

The fight is not dangerous if you have courage.

Every bird loves its nest.

There is nothing like leather.

Whichever nation you come to, you will wear such a hat.

Every pine tree makes noise in its own forest.

Joined the army - family of origin found.

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.

A hero is born from battle.

Where the border guard is vigilant, there are no gaps for the enemy.

Woe to the tongueless in a foreign land.

The goose misses his lake, and the man's longing for his homeland never leaves him.

Where Semyon is timid, the enemy is strong.

Where friendship is valued, enemies also tremble.

A formidable enemy is just around the corner, but a more formidable one is behind us.

To Moscow - on tanks, and from Moscow - on sleds.

If the commander is skillful, the enemy’s legs are lifted up.

If your homeland is calm, your face will not turn yellow.

It’s warmer overseas, but here it’s lighter.

The native land is a golden cradle.

It’s good to sing songs beyond the mountains, but it’s better to live at home.

And a speck of dust from our native land is gold.

Go to your native land, there is paradise under the tree.

Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before the impact.

Whoever trades his homeland will not escape punishment.

Every bird likes its own nest.

Whoever sells his country will not live for two days.

Those who fled from the people will remain without burial.

If the bush were not nice, the nightingale would not build a nest.

No matter how you open the door, it returns to its threshold.

Such is Savva, such is his glory.

The bird is small, but it protects its nest.

In a foreign land, sweets are mustard, and in the homeland, horseradish is candy.

On the other side, even the bones cry for the Motherland.

On his street there is a dog - a tiger.

The heroic people will sweep away their enemies from their native land.

Not into service, but into friendship.

On the native side, even the smoke is sweet.

On the native side, even the pebble is familiar.

In a foreign land, you dream about your native land.

In a foreign land, as if in a home.

There is no son without a Fatherland.

The enemies ran into Russian bayonets.

The other side will teach the griefer.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow.

Do not renounce the Russian land, and it will not renounce you either.

Russia has never worn a yoke.

He who lifts the sword will die by the sword.

I went to war and forgot my club.

On my native side, my heart sings.

The native land is a paradise for the heart.

The native bush is dear to the hare.

The Russian man leads bread and salt.

Russians are patient to the very beginning.

Heroic Rus'.

The homeland teaches, the homeland helps out.

The Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Beloved homeland - dear mother.

Our homeland is more beautiful than the sun.

A divided country will collapse, but a united country will survive.

They protect their homeland with their heads.

Know the Russian commandment - do not yawn in battle.

From your native land - die, don’t leave!

Your side strokes the fur, the other side strokes it against you.

Your milk for the child, your life for the Motherland.

Your service is seen in your native land.

Serve the people in such a way that for them you will go through fire and water.

Courage is the horseman's companion.

Cheek brings success.

Gain your glory in battle.

The warmth of the Motherland of its fire is much hotter.

The mind of a horseman is like gold, the mind of a country is like a thousand gold.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

Courage is the sister of victory.

The kingdom will be divided and will soon go bankrupt.

A foreign land will not add joy.

Foreigners don't believe in tears.

The foreign side is dry without wind and chills without winter.

I read these sayings and proverbs about serving the Motherland and was amazed! How much our ancestors who composed these short phrases, loved their land! Someone had it Big city, and someone said this about the small village in which he grew up. But for everyone it was his homeland! And if, after listening to these wonderful sayings, some child exclaims: “I love my Motherland!”, it means that our efforts were not in vain. And children can also read others useful proverbs and sayings that talk about high feelings

The topic of patriotism is one of the most beloved in the genre of oral folk art, which includes proverbs. The word led into battle, inspired to heroic deeds, and consoled: Battle is a holy cause, go boldly against the enemy. Russian national proverbs about the Motherland reflect longing for one’s native land during a stay in a foreign land, ardent love for one’s land and readiness to fight for peace in it, respect for the people.

In apt folk sayings we find geographical realities: the Volga is the mother of all rivers, Siberia is a goldmine. The people characterize themselves (“the Russian is proud in words, firm in deeds”) and Moscow the capital (“Moscow is white-stone, golden-domed, hospitable, talkative”).

History preserves many wars and glorious battles for Mother Russia, so the idea of ​​serving the Motherland runs through the collections of proverbs: To live is to serve the Motherland, Take care of the Motherland like the apple of your eye. Can be traced in proverbs and historical moments: the era of the USSR (“Soviet power came, life began in a new way”) and the Great Patriotic War(“The Nazis’ overcoats are not suitable for the Russian snowstorm”).

Russia - multinational state, so proverbs about her sound like different languages. There are proverbs on this page peoples of Russia about the Motherland placed in a special section.

It is important, first of all, to know and understand proverbs dedicated to the Motherland. For education children. The feeling of patriotism, love for the Motherland and people are the unshakable values ​​that every citizen of his country should honor.

  • Proverbs about the Motherland for children,
  • Proverbs about serving the Motherland,
  • Proverbs about the Motherland,
  • Proverbs about love for the Motherland,
  • Proverbs of the peoples of Russia about the Motherland,
  • Proverbs and sayings on the topic “Motherland”.

Proverbs about the homeland for children

The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.
The Volga is the mother of all rivers.
Everyone has their own side.
Houses and walls help.
Each has its own sweet land.
Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.
On the other side, the Motherland is doubly dear.
There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.
Homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more valuable than gold.
You can even dream about your native land.
The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
The Russian is proud in words and firm in deeds.
Anyone who has not been to Moscow has never seen its beauty.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
Afonushka is bored on someone else’s side.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
On the other side, the Motherland is doubly dear.
The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

Proverbs about love for one's homeland

Every bird loves its nest.
Everyone has their own side.
The native land is a paradise for the heart.
The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.
Each has its own sweet land.
Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.
On the other side, the Motherland is doubly dear.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
Without love for a person there is no love for the Motherland.
Take care of your beloved land, like your mother.
It's warmer overseas, but it's lighter here.
Seek goodness on the side, but love home in the old way.
Love for the Motherland is born at the family hearth.
If you love your wife, love her homeland too.
Love for the Motherland conquers death.
Only he will be honored who loves his homeland not in word, but in deed.

Proverbs about the Motherland

Where someone is born, that’s where they will come in handy.
The Volga is the mother of all rivers.
Every bird loves its nest.
The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
Foreign land is viburnum, Motherland is mother.
You cannot find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land.
A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.
Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.
Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, mother of Holy Russian land.
The other side is the stepmother.
That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth.
The Motherland is the mother of all mothers.
Beloved homeland - mother, darling.

Proverbs about serving the Motherland

It’s not scary to die for Mother Moscow.
He who stands up for his homeland is a hero.
If the people are united, they are invincible.
If it is tailored in Russian, and there is only one warrior in the field.
To us with guns, and away from us with clubs.
What is the regiment, such is the meaning of it.
The Soviet sailor has a strong hand.
Whoever fights for the Motherland is given double strength.
Whoever competed with Russia did not remain on the right.
He who is brave and steadfast is worth ten.
He who serves honestly is the friend of glory.
Either the chest is covered in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.
Better death on the field than shame in captivity.
They fight not by force, but by skill.
There is no defense - even the crows will peck.
A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general.
The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.
The Russians harness slowly, but then gallop quickly.
Perhaps, yes, I suppose leave it at the front.
Take care of your native land like a beloved mother.
Fight is a sacred thing, go to the enemy boldly.
The fascist eye sees Moscow, but the tooth gnaws.
The enemy wanted to feast, but he had to grieve.
Where Semyon is timid, there the enemy is strong.
For a Soviet soldier, the border is sacred.
To Moscow by tanks, and from Moscow by sled.
Feel free to go into battle, the Motherland is behind you.
The fascists' overcoats were not suitable for the Russian snowstorm.
The fascist goes noisily, the Russian takes it with his wits.
Keep the soldier's honor sacred.
The Russian soldier knows no barriers.
The Russian fighter is a model for everyone.
The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.
The Russian does not joke with a sword or a roll of bread.
We don’t want someone else’s land, but we won’t give up ours either.

Proverbs of the peoples of Russia about the Motherland

Hura halăkhăn hura tăpra çine urine chikmesen hyrămĕ tăranaymast. - Ordinary people cannot feed themselves without working on the black soil. (Chuvash)
Yultashran uyrălăn – pĕr çul yĕrĕn, kil-yyshăntan uyrălăn – wun çul yĕrĕn, yal-yyshăntan uyrălăn – ĕmĕr yĕrĕn. - If you part with a friend, you will cry for one year; if you are separated from your family, you will cry for ten years; if you separate from the people, you will cry for the rest of your life. (Chuvash)
Mahko vakkhinarg diina visna, makhkah valllarg vaina. - Those saved by the Motherland survived, those who left the Motherland died. (Chechen)
Mokhk botsu alrzu kyigo a tergal tsa yo. - An eagle without a homeland and a raven do not notice. (Chechen)
Daimohk - yalsamane, nekhan mokhk - jozhakhate. - Homeland is heaven, foreign land is hell. (Chechen)
Home village everyone is dear. (Udmurt)
Don't sit in someone else's sleigh. (Udmurt)
One's own country is warm, but another's is cold - θθryn daya haluun, khariin daya khγyten (Buryat)
The power of the people is stronger than an icebreaker on the river (Yakutskaya)

Proverbs and sayings on the topic “Motherland”

And wormwood grows on its roots.
And the dog knows his side.
On my native side, even the pebble is familiar.
You cannot find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land.
There are no relatives, but my heart aches for my native land.
Where to live is what you will be known for.
Overseas there is joy, but it is someone else’s, but here we have grief, but our own.
A bad bird is one that soils its nest.
The Russian land is all under God.
His side strokes the fur, the other side is opposite.
On the native side, even the pebble is familiar.
Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.
People's friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.
Our strength is a united family.
What is great for a Russian is death for a German.
Why is it so far away and it’s good here?
On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.
Without roots, wormwood does not grow.
He doesn’t carry his burden, he doesn’t eat his smoke from his eyes.
That's why the cuckoo crows because it doesn't have its own nest.
In Rus', not all crucians are crucians - there are also ruffs.
The bird that dislikes its nest is stupid.
There is joy overseas, but someone else’s, but here we have grief, but our own.
In a strange place - like in the forest.
Someone else's side is not watered with honey, but with tears.

To the question: Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her. Explanation of the proverb given by the author. Irina Globenko the best answer is The proverb “Motherland - know how to stand up for it” belongs to the category of proverbs about the Motherland, mother earth.
Everyone has their own homeland.
People associate the Motherland with Mother Earth.
The wisdom of this proverb is limitless.
The wisdom of this proverb is limitless Since time immemorial, people have used proverbs in their speech - small wise sayings that have an instructive meaning. The judgment formulated in this small genre of folklore is a kind of parable filled with deep meaning. The proverb contains the worldly wisdom of an entire people.
The proverb “Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for it” can be classified as proverbs about the homeland, mother earth. The homeland has long been the most precious place for a person. And it doesn’t matter what meaning a person puts into this concept: either here we are talking about the parental home in which you grew up, or about a small homeland (a small village, hamlet, town, lost on the map), or about an entire country, in which more than one generation of your relatives grew up with.
Everyone has their own homeland. For example, for Sergei Yesenin, his father’s home is the small village of Konstantinovo in the Ryazan region, where he grew up, graduated from the zemstvo school, where he learned to love and understand life. It is thanks to the love for his small homeland that S. A. Yesenin will write beautiful poems about Russia, and this feeling will allow the poet to say:
But most of all
Love for the native land
I was tormented
Tormented and burned.
The people have always perceived the homeland as mother earth, a nurse, an animated being. Songs were composed about her, the best poems were written, beautiful paintings were created. A person who does not know his faceless homeland is morally impoverished. But the feeling of love for the homeland should not be selfish. We must be able to preserve the wealth given to us: forests, fields, lakes, rivers, and also, if necessary, protect our homeland in times of difficult trials.
Thus, the meaning contained in the proverb is enormous, and its wisdom is limitless.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: The Motherland is the mother, know how to stand up for it Explanation of the proverb

Answer from Lyudmila Shevkyn[guru]
Love your Motherland!!!

Answer from Baraba[guru]
The Motherland is the mother, it’s you and me, hence the meaning of the proverb, we must be able to stand up for ourselves.

Answer from Koffielle[guru]
Meaning: a person must be a patriot of his country.

Answer from Young[guru]
you need to be a patriot

Answer from Oliya Melnichenko[active]
1. Our Fatherland, our Fatherland - Matinka Ukraine. We know Ukraine as a country because our fathers and fathers lived and continue to live in it. We call it Fatherland because in the bread, similar to its waters, it was born in it, in it to speak in our own language, and everything in it is in our family, and in our own language. Like a mother who protects and protects us from all enemies...

Answer from Evgeniy Smaragd[guru]
Irochka! Love your MOTHER like your HOMELAND!!!

Answer from Yezhaya[guru]
It is necessary to defend the Motherland from all sorts of non-humans

Answer from Alexander Svyazhin[guru]
Love your MOTHERLAND.... and protect HER....

Answer from Yotanislav Shcheglov[guru]
Needed where was born.

Answer from Greg House[guru]
Patriotism in modern Russia was invented in order to fool people and get from them for free what they usually pay for in other countries

Answer from Catherine Fox[guru]
Don’t let yourself be zombied (put other people’s ideas into your head), always analyze and reflect. Because patriotism (the love for the Fatherland hammered into the head from childhood) is then easily played upon by politicians. Jesus Christ taught to love all people, regardless of where they live. So patriotism is not from God, for sure!

Answer from Just...Lucy))[guru]
“Motherland, know how to stand up for it” Probably the proverb sounds like this?

Answer from ****Mrs. Juli ****[guru]
Defense of the Motherland is meant.

Answer from Mistress of the still waters![guru]
Do not tolerate interference from other countries, have your say in the world!

Answer from Columbine Pacific[guru]
If you stand up for your Motherland, it means you have to hold on to your mother’s skirt. This cannot be a proverb!
"For HER"....Then it has a completely different meaning - patriotic!

Answer from Dasha Dobraya[guru]
The proverb “Motherland is a mother - know how to stand up for her,” says that we must be able to defend the honor and dignity of our homeland. The homeland has long been the most precious place for a person. And it doesn’t matter what meaning a person puts into this concept: either here we are talking about the parental home in which you grew up, or about a small homeland (a small village, hamlet, town, lost on the map), or about an entire country, in which more than one generation of your relatives grew up with.
The people have always perceived the homeland as mother earth, a nurse, an animated being. Songs were composed about her, the best poems were written, beautiful paintings were created. A person who does not know his faceless homeland is morally impoverished. But the feeling of love for the homeland should not be selfish. We must be able to preserve the wealth given to us: forests, fields, lakes, rivers, and also, if necessary, protect our homeland in times of difficult trials.

Answer from IN[guru]
Defense of the Motherland. Love for her as for a mother.

Answer from Yaya Snezhnaya[guru]
Rod - people
The Motherland is the mother of the people,
Love her like your mother.

Tell me, grandma, did our ancestors often fight? – Mitya asked a question that had been tormenting him for a long time.

Only when someone attacked them.

What about yourself? Didn't they attack other countries?

No. And why? To seize other people's lands? In Rus' there was plenty of their own lands too. For the sake of wealth? So there were so many of their riches that they couldn’t be counted, and if something was missing, you could do it with your own hands. For fame? Yes, the glory of Rus' was already spreading throughout the whole earth - why else?

Well, so that others would be afraid.

Is it good when your neighbors are afraid of you? They don’t respect, don’t love, but are they just afraid? What if something happens and you can’t keep them in the same fear? After all, then everyone will instantly remember previous grievances.

Have enemies often attacked our lands?

Yes, it has happened.

Since ancient times, our lands have been abundant and fertile. Forests, fields, lakes and rivers provided our ancestors with everything they needed. And the people living on our land were not lazy, increasing the glory and wealth of our Motherland. Many overseas guests came to Mother Rus', many merchants sought to trade here, bringing various curiosities.

But not all surrounding peoples were good neighbors. There were among them those who came to rob and kill Russian people, trying to take possession of their property. Often the civilian population was forced to take up arms to protect their relatives, their home and their property from foreign invaders. And the Russian land has always had many enemies, greedy and cruel, wanting to profit from the misfortune of others. That is why Russian cities were built as fortresses. Each house of our ancestors was a small fortress - that is, strong, impregnable to enemies.
It is not for nothing that Rus' has always loved heroes - the defenders of their native land, and sang their exploits in songs and epics. Our soldiers stood as an insurmountable barrier on the path of the invaders, guarding the borders of their native land.

Everything would be fine, but only the princes who ruled our country lived unharmoniously, fought with each other, burned and ravaged cities, killed each other, fought for power. Meanwhile, trouble came from the east to Rus'. The Mongol-Tatar army came, led by Prince Batu. The Russian land groaned and cried, the cities burned. For the first time in many centuries, the soldiers were unable to drive out the enemies from their land; the enemy captured our Motherland. Khan Batu destroyed many Russian cities, many of them completely wiped off the face of the earth. The invaders were cruel, they spared no one - neither the elderly, nor women, nor children.

However, as the old Russian proverb says, trouble does not come alone. The conquerors in the east were still raging, when clouds gathered in the west. On Principality of Novgorod, where Batu Khan could not reach, the crusading knights attacked. They thought that Rus' had been drained of blood, weakened, and would not be able to fight back. But it was not there. Prince Alexander Nevsky of Novgorod gathered an army and drove out the crusader invaders from his native land.
However, for another two hundred years the Mongol-Tatars ruled our land. Only by combining all their forces were our ancestors finally able to drive out the invaders from their land. Once again Rus' became a free country, began to grow rich again, and overseas merchants, as before, began to frequent guests on Russian lands.

Is it long or short? Peaceful time lasted, but once again the dishonest neighbors wanted to profit from the good in Holy Rus'. An impostor came to Russian lands, declared himself the tsar’s heir, and brought the Polish army with him. Foreign invaders trampled Russian cities again, killing and ruining civilians. But our ancestors did not want to live under the foreign yoke, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin united them, and drove the people of uninvited guests from their homeland.

And once he brought his troops to Mother Russia french emperor Napoleon. By that time he had conquered half the world, half of the countries on the entire planet were subordinate to him. And so Napoleon extended his greedy hand to the lands of our ancestors, thinking that with such a strong army as his, he would easily conquer Rus'. It wasn’t like that! The Russian army, led by commander Mikhail Kutuzov, defeated the French and drove them out of their native land.

More than once or twice more invaders came to Mother Rus', but our warriors stood strong, vigilantly guarding their Motherland from evil enemies. Since ancient times, the profession of a warrior and defender in Rus' was considered one of the most honorable. Our troops stand guard over the world, and with them - all the warriors of antiquity, who defended their Motherland with weapons in their hands. All these are the holy defenders of the Russian land - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky and many others! And if something bad happens again - not only the soldiers - all the Russian people will stand up to defend their land. Because there is no more sacred cause than defending the Motherland from foreign invaders!

Mitya thought. Grandmother's story was interesting and instructive. For the first time, the boy experienced a great feeling - pride for his country, for his people, who defended the freedom of their Motherland and did not allow foreigners to seize it.

Someday you, Mitenka, will become a defender of your land, your Motherland,” Baba Olena hugged her grandson. - Remember that there is no more sacred cause in the whole wide world than standing guard over the peace and tranquility of your Fatherland.


I read and thought: how amazing my Motherland is, how many times it was offended, enemies attacked it, plotted against it, betrayed it, and yet it is still just as loving, generous, kind, gentle! Like any Mother, my Motherland loves her sons and daughters, and not only her own, but also everyone who is deprived of maternal warmth and love, my Motherland is ready to take under its wing! And if anyone dares to offend her, every loving son and daughter will defend the Motherland!

With the warmth of spring... Oh! Oh oh! I forgot! Happy Spring Festival to you, Natalya! Let the birds sing in the yard, foreshadowing warmth, and let them blossom in your soul. spring flowers! Your Avdotya.

Oh, thank you, you, Natalya, are not the first to congratulate me today! This is what I understand as a pleasant pastime: on February 23, go to the men's page - praise awaits you for your masculine valor, and then quickly put on a skirt, do makeup - and receive flowers and sweets! :)))

A proverb is a small wise saying.
Main part
The proverb “The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for it” belongs to the category of proverbs about the homeland, mother earth.
Everyone has their own homeland.
People associate the Motherland with Mother Earth.
The wisdom of this proverb is limitless.
Since time immemorial, people have used proverbs in their speech - small wise sayings that have an instructive meaning. The judgment formulated in this small genre of folklore is a kind of parable filled with deep meaning. The proverb contains the worldly wisdom of an entire people.
The proverb “The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for it” can be classified as a proverb about the homeland, mother earth. The homeland has long been the most precious place for a person on the planet. And it doesn’t matter what value a person puts into this concept: either here we are talking about the parental home in which you grew up, or about a small homeland (a small village, hamlet, town, lost on the map), or about a whole country in which more than one generation of your relatives grew up. Everyone has their own homeland. For example, for Sergei Yesenin, his father's home is the small village of Konstantinovo in the Ryazan region, where he grew up, graduated from the zemstvo school, where he learned to love and understand life. It is thanks to the love for his small homeland that S. A. Yesenin
will write beautiful poems about Russia, and this feeling will allow the poet to write:
But most of all
Love for the native land
I was tormented
Tormented and burned.
The people have always perceived the homeland as mother earth, a nurse, an animated being. Songs were composed about her, the best poems were written, beautiful paintings were created. A person who does not know his homeland is faceless and morally impoverished. But the feeling of love for the homeland should not be selfish. We must be able to preserve the wealth given to us: forests, fields, lakes, rivers, and also, if necessary, protect our homeland in times of difficult trials.
Thus, the meaning contained in the proverb is enormous, and its wisdom is limitless.

What is patriotism? Each of us knows from an early age that this is a feeling of love for the Motherland, for its nature and history. This is the desire to work for the good of the Fatherland and the willingness to protect it from the enemy even at the cost of one’s life. Common truths, in general, that modern youth, spoiled by gadgets and explicit stories on YouTube, turn a blind eye to and do not perceive in pure form. They are bored, young and early.

In order to reach their warm hearts and effectively convey the main “” to the masses, today we must think creatively and be an indisputable example to follow.

Each person has his own concept of what patriotism is. For some it is faith, for others it is strength and an irresistible desire to fight for their Motherland to the last drop of blood,” says teacher Dinara Saparovna Dzhumasheva at the point of opening fire (holding an enemy plywood soldier at gunpoint). - When you have patriotism in your blood, you will never leave your homeland in trouble, you will fight for her to the end and wish her prosperity. And now it's mine the main task- get into the top ten, thereby proving not in words, but in deeds that I am a real patriot (smiles).

After these teacher’s words, there is deathly silence in the shooting range. All you can hear is the metronome counting down the seconds. Targets on the battlefield stand for ten seconds, no more. The shooter has only three cartridges at his disposal and three tall enemy figures opposite, twenty meters away. Here, as they say, it’s hit or miss.

There is an accurate hit on the target, - the voice of the shooting director sounds after the first burst from the Kalash. - Two nines and a ten. Cool. Not every soldier can do this. Well done!

High school students applaud their to the class teacher, and she literally shines with pleasure and satisfaction.

I always tell my students that a patriot is, first of all, a defender, a brave and determined fighter. Defender of the country, city, homeland, yard, home, street, family, school, class. I never tire of repeating this. A patriot is a person who knows how to stand up for himself. We also discuss in class: to improve your country and life, you first need to improve yourself. Nothing will change if you don’t work on yourself and achieve your goal.

While the ninth-graders practiced shooting with a Kalashnikov assault rifle and got acquainted with the models at a special stand modern weapons, Director of the Higher Technical School Colonel of the Reserve Mirass ZHILGILDIN held a meeting at which the prospects for the development of the military-technical school were discussed.

We are ready at our base not only to conduct classes in basic military training with schoolchildren, but also modern methods, - said in exclusive interview Correspondent of “CARAVAN” Mirass Zhilgildin. “We are ready to conduct classes with them at the race track and in equipped classrooms, where there are all the necessary conditions for high-quality training of young people in the basics of military affairs.

So that inexperienced school military leaders from former contract soldiers dismissed from the army, whom school directors are forced to hire today without sufficient experience and practice, do not make annoying mistakes.

Remember something recently during class?! The child then died, and the military commander was convicted and sent to a colony. A terrible thing, a tragedy.

I am also a patriot of my country and I want to make a worthy contribution by teaching the guys military affairs in a real way. The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her!

In our country there are many orphans, difficult teenagers, failed students who, for a number of objective reasons, can study here at the Higher Technical School. And it's free.

Employment centers allocate money for these purposes. Children from so-called difficult and disadvantaged families would then have the opportunity to cook in an army cauldron, harden themselves, stand on true path, and not wander around the gates and not suffer from idleness. And here they would receive a working specialty, and a driver’s license with the qualification “professional driver”. Look, there would be fewer hooligans in the city and country.

- Mirass Safargaleevich, have you heard that guys from Pavlodar have already studied at your school free of charge?

The other day released them as telegraph specialists. All 60 people were drafted into the army. I want to note that they entered the ranks trained and prepared for hardships and hardships military service. The adaptation was successful. It’s good for both the kids and their parents. And it’s good for the state too.

The military-technical school prepares a high-quality military-trained reserve for the future. And all of them, without a doubt, are patriots of Kazakhstan.

While studying here, the kids even willingly donate blood as free donors. And do other good deeds. The main thing now is that the Ministry of Defense gets involved in this noble and important cause for the country and makes good use of budget money.