What is a small homeland? Small Motherland is a significant image for the formation of patriotism

Small Motherland L.N. Petukhova

The village got its name from the area.

The center of the Utmanovskaya volost was the town of Sosnovets, located not far from the confluence of the Yontaly River with the Yug River. The confluence area was called “Utmanovo”, derived from “duck”, “duck” meaning mouth, “man” - small, small.

Utmanovo is mentioned for the first time in treaty documents Vasily III in 1511.

What is "Small Motherland"? What does this expression mean to you?

Before starting to analyze the lyrics dedicated to our small homeland, we decided to find out what meaning our contemporaries put into this concept. Adults and very young. To this end, we have posted the following questions on the Internet forum:

1. What is “Small Motherland”?

2. What does this expression mean to you?

People responded to this topic with desire and interest. Below we present the most common answers and reflections:

· City where you were born. The place where your home is.

· For me, “Malaya Rodina” is the village where I spent my childhood and youth.

· This is the place that you miss most when you are abroad, and it doesn’t matter whether you were born there, for me it is the place where I went to school and spent my childhood

· Where you spent your childhood.

Small Motherland in the poems of Lyubov Nikolaevna Petukhova

Reading my grandmother's collection of poems, I was surprised that most of her poems, written in different topics, one way or another, the theme of the homeland is touched upon.

“True, not ostentatious patriotism, pain and anxiety for one’s small homeland and the fate of fellow countrymen - distinguishing feature creativity of L.N. Petukhova,” writes Nadezhda Mokhina, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, head of the literary association “Rodnik”, in her review of the book.

“The Village is Crying” is the title of a chapter in L.N.’s poetry collection. Petukhova, which combines poems dedicated to her small homeland.

Let us turn to the poem that gives the title to this chapter.

The village is crying with rotten roofs,

Cries through empty window openings.

I didn’t hear children’s laughter or songs,

The faces of the saints have been missing for too long.

In the corners of the day there is darkness and darkness,

Russian stoves have been cold for a long time.

The one where the gate stood at the entrance, moss-covered logs are visible.

In the center of the village there is a crane at the well,

As if about to fly up.

What are you people? Will anyone come back?

Maybe there will still be life here?

But... silence, even the reveling wind

No longer dances and sings here,

Small homeland! Sad... However,

Who will believe us, forgive us and understand us?!

The village is crying. The title of the poem is based on personification. This artistic technique lies at the very foundation poetic text. The village is a living being. Therefore, everything in it is alive: “the crane at the well / As if it’s about to fly up,” and “the wind is a reveler,” and the cold Russian stoves, and the gates, and even the darkness and snares in the daylight corners seem alive. But my heart is so sad that a cry bursts out of my chest: “Small Motherland! Sad…". Why is the village crying? Where does this aching, inescapable sadness come from?

There has been no children's laughter for a long time, which means there is no happy future for the village. I have not heard children's laughter or songs.

It was as if “the soul had abandoned the Russian village” because “the faces of the saints have been missing for too long,” and “there is darkness and darkness in the corners of judgment.”

A Russian stove is a symbol of a prosperous home, a symbol of a strong family, and if the stove is cold, i.e. there is no heat in the house, which means there is trouble, misfortune, grief. “Russian stoves have been cold for a long time,” the poet laments, and his heart clench with pain and regret.

Even the cheerful “reveler wind no longer dances and sings here.” And only the crane, albeit from a well, as a symbol of family happiness, standing next to living water, still stands in the center of the village, although it is “about to fly up.” This means that there is hope that the still living village will not die. “Maybe life will appear here again?” - wants to believe lyrical heroine. She feels responsible for what is happening in her native village. Responsible to future generations and to the homeland, for the fact that they could not save it, for the fact that the village is “crying.” “Who will believe us, forgive us and understand us?!”

The poet’s soul aches for his native places, for the people who have lived their whole lives here and are now left completely alone.

In the village of Strashkovo lives the only, last old woman Khudorozheva Serafima Mikhailovna, who is already 95 years old. Lyubov Nikolaevna Petukhova wrote a poem about her, “Loneliness.”

I'll come to the village, which is made up of three houses,

Well, who will understand that sheer torment

Look at the village elders.

In a hut with a rickety roof

One old lady, with her beloved cat.

She is blind and does not hear,

But, they say, he lives by hope.

She is still waiting for her sons and grandchildren,

Perhaps they will come to stay in the summer.

Her calloused hands are knotted,

Could once move mountains.

And again, pain for the village, for its last inhabitants and a great desire to help at least in some way. But the “old lady, again on duty at the window,” really wants, as they say, for the last time, to see not just anyone, but her own “sons and grandchildren.” And the lyrical heroine sadly understands that “I cannot console her.”

The poet’s heart is so wide that it wants to embrace everything that is dear, everything dear; warm and maybe even revive with your love. And in this high impulse, the Christian soul seeks support and help from God:

Soul hurts? So that means she is!

We should not cry, but should rejoice,

The blizzards will dance, spring will ring,

And the May thunderstorms will be followed by cannonade.

The ice of doubts and worries will melt.

Again the peasants will go out to sow in the field.

God bless us all, God bless Russia,

She deserves a better life.

Lyubov Nikolaevna knows her native places well. Her memory holds memories of happy times when villages were full of life.

The poet with admiration and joy conveys to us the details of the past, which today have become history:

Podgorbunye was a good village,

What kind of singers the women here were!

Almost in a meadow, near a small river

There was a chapel with a planked porch.

Five-walled houses, barns and bathhouses,

Here they measured their strength at every party.

At the end, behind the village, at the old forge

Couples in love sat until dawn.

The picture is conveyed so brightly, vividly, colorfully that we seem to see the village of Podgorbunye with our own eyes, hear ringing singing, smell fragrant rye bread:

And the smell of fragrant rye bread

Hovered over any village in the morning...

And again my grandmother, Lyubov Nikolaevna Petukhova, feels bitter because:

But all this was a long time ago, not yesterday...

Today the houses caved in and sank,

All the windows are broken, snowstorms in winter

Here they cry and dance like little children,

Alas, these are signs of our Russia.

The poems truthfully paint a sad picture of reality. Today there are fewer and fewer people left in the village less people. Most try to go to the city. Some villages are completely deserted, and there are others that don’t even have their names left. But this is our homeland, its past. I know that my grandmother loves the history of her homeland very much; it’s hard for her to see how places where they once happily lived, worked and loved are disappearing from the face of the earth and from people’s memories. Perhaps that is why she came up with these lines:

I want to resurrect the past.

There is neither Zhukov nor Podgorbunya,

Who should I ask about them?

It would be good for every village,

Or where she stood

Signs appeared one day,

And on them are the names of villages.

So that they stand in silent reproach

For our soullessness, sins,

Oh, how I want to believe that soon

The roosters will crow in the villages.

It should be noted that the poet speaks again and again about personal responsibility for what is happening to his homeland today. How difficult it is to live with such a feeling!

Not only pain and sadness for the homeland fill the poems of the Vyatka poetess and teacher. A feeling of pride in her native places, a desire to talk about their beauty and greatness is another side of her lyrics about her small homeland. This is exactly how the native side is revealed in the poem “The soul of Russia lives here”

Smells like mint, bread and honey

The air of our fields and meadows.

Neither time nor years will cool

Our love for Podosinovets.

My village, my capital,

You started it all.

I want to bow to you again

You are the pier of my hope.

Pearls in January and gold

The dawn gives you generously,

Osinovets was once here,

Merchants dropped anchors in the South.

Villages and towns brotherhood -

Initially it happened here,

Only our main wealth

These are the people who live here.

Along the forests and emerald meadows

The river flows slowly

And beautiful, and honest, and difficult

The soul of Russia lives here.

I think that it is in the depths of our vast Country, among forests and endless fields, where small villages and ancient villages are hidden, as my grandmother, Petukhova Lyubov Nikolaevna, said in her poem, that the soul of Russia is located. That is why we must love and take care of our small Motherland.

Homeland is a part of me Small Motherland. Every person has their own small homeland- the land where he was born and where everything seems special and dear to him. My small homeland is the village of Kulaevo. Maybe to a stranger everything here will seem ordinary and simple, but every little thing is dear to my heart.

Homeland in my soul. My homeland is not around me, it is in my heart, in my thoughts, soul and memory. She is a part of me, and I am a part of her. I love this place where I was born, these paths along which I walk with my friends, the people who surround me. I associate the word “Motherland” with my parents and loved ones, with my home, with a birch grove, with little Shemelka and big Mesha. My homeland is not around me, it is in my heart, in my thoughts, soul and memory. She is a part of me, and I am a part of her. I love this place where I was born, these paths along which I walk with my friends, the people who surround me. I associate the word “Motherland” with my parents and loved ones, with my home, with a birch grove, with little Shemelka and big Mesha. I was born in Russia, in a small village, I was born in Russia, in a small village, And my heart was given to him! And my heart is given to him!

Feeling of Motherland. The word “Motherland” means so much that you can’t cover and explain everything. Each of us has our own homeland, but we all have the same feeling - the feeling that you were born here, the feeling of pride and love, the feeling of patriotism. The word “Motherland” means so much that you can’t cover and explain everything. Each of us has our own homeland, but we all have the same feeling - the feeling that you were born here, the feeling of pride and love, the feeling of patriotism. People who go to live abroad experience feelings of sadness and sadness for their native places all their lives. Many, even knowing that they were in danger of death, returned back. After all, it’s even easier to die in your native land. People who go to live abroad experience feelings of sadness and sadness for their native places all their lives. Many, even knowing that they were in danger of death, returned back. After all, it’s even easier to die in your native land. Even birds cannot leave their native expanses forever for warm, but foreign countries. Even birds cannot leave their native expanses forever for warm, but foreign countries. They fly across seas and deserts, exhausted in order to return to their fields and forests, even for a short time. They fly across seas and deserts, exhausted in order to return to their fields and forests, even for a short time.

There is no side more beautiful than our Motherland. Every person has his own favorite place in nature, where he likes to go and where he likes to dream. My favorite place is the Mesha River, a small place called Shum. On hot summer days it is noisy and fun, with a lot of people. Standing on the shore weeping willows, which bowed their branches low. In warm water you immediately feel a surge of strength. The waves caress you, as if they are glad of your arrival. Summer is changing Golden autumn, and then yellow boats float on the water, taking with them memories of the hot summer. So months after months fly by, and a snow-white winter comes. It’s also fun on Shum in winter, but I’m still looking forward to summer. I love you very much native nature, because I am a small part of it. I like all the changes that occur in nature. What mysterious power does nature keep within itself! Is it possible not to love the nature of your region?

The future of my village In the future, I imagine my village will be even more beautiful. The streets will be clean and green. Flowers will grow everywhere. I want it to be built in our village new house culture. To be School of Music and a large gym with a swimming pool. A children's playground will be built in the future. In the future, I imagine my village will be even more beautiful. The streets will be clean and green. Flowers will grow everywhere. I want a new House of Culture to be built in our village. To have a music school and a large gym with a swimming pool. A children's playground will be built in the future. Our village will specialize in the production of livestock products. Small factories will be built to produce, for example, cheeses, butter, and canned meat. Our village will specialize in the production of livestock products. Small factories will be built to produce, for example, cheeses, butter, and canned meat.

Very often you can hear a phrase from a person: “My Motherland is...”. But there is no clear continuation of this phrase. Everyone talks about their homeland differently.

At the origins...

For one, the Motherland is the place of his birth, for another, the city where he lives in this moment. There are many similar opinions, and they are all true in their own way. A person chooses as his homeland what is dear to his soul, what is dear to his thoughts, what determines his behavior and perception of the world around him.

“My Motherland” is a concept that dates back to ancient times, and was talked about long before modern history states A lot of books and poems were written about him, many songs and various stories were created. And for everyone this concept was warm and joyful. And sometimes it caused melancholy. Is the homeland necessarily the state in which the citizen was born? Anyone can answer this question on their own.

Huge country

“My Motherland is Russia,” patriots say with pride. People born and raised in this state revere its history. Every year our ancestors, those who lived through the era of war, crisis, and perestroika, pass away. But these people never complained about their fate, about the fact that they had to endure hunger, the loss of loved ones, and all sorts of other difficulties.

On the contrary, their character became stronger than steel, and they conveyed their memories to us in stories, songs, poems, and films. This is a huge value of every Russian person. My Motherland is a coat of arms, an anthem, the words of which we have known since childhood. By observing the traditions and laws of Russia, a person respects his country and treats it with love. The whole world is discussing this state: some criticize it, some support it, while others are unclear about the policy. Double headed eagle depicted on banknotes, seals, documents, passports, and in force Russian army it is simply impossible to doubt.

Endless fields and forests, many beautiful places, great amount minerals, the broad Russian soul is a wonderful reason for the pride of every Russian. And any foreigner who has visited this country returns home with unforgettable impressions and, of course, a set of nesting dolls.

Such a different homeland

My Homeland is not only a certain country in which this or that citizen was born. In other words, if a person was born in the USSR, what now? Does he have no homeland? This is absolutely not true. Homeland is where a person felt good at some point in his life.

The land where a person feels like a part of it, where his thoughts and memories return, about which he yearns - all this is his native side. The fact is that the first “institute” for understanding the Motherland is a person’s immediate environment.

“My little Motherland” - this is how a person can call the region or city in which he grew up, a part of the land that is connected with his friends, with the street on which in childhood he played hide and seek with them. It also happens that a person leaves his motherland looking for better life, but this does not mean at all that he forgets about his beloved city.

Remembering our native lands

My Homeland is a city, town or village where I spent my childhood, where the first words were spoken, where the first steps were taken. Having grown up, we look through old photographs and return to those distant days where we first knew bitterness and joy.

We remember how we first fell off our bike, breaking our knees, how we built snow tunnels with the neighbor kids, how we secretly took out a piece of our mother’s freshly baked bread for a homeless puppy, secretly from our parents. My small Motherland is all these memorable moments that will be with me forever, they cannot be taken away from a person, they cannot be sold or bought. Blooming trees near the house, a creaking swing, morning birds singing outside the window, the road to school - this is all part of everyone’s soul, this is the homeland of man.

About the most important

Where does the Motherland begin? How does a person learn about this word? Homeland begins with close and dear people. My homeland is my family. From an early age, our parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters instill in us a love for our Fatherland. They teach us to appreciate and honor our native traditions and culture, tell instructive stories, and reveal interesting historical facts about our Motherland.

Who else can give us this? valuable experience? Of course, patriotism is cultivated in us at school, but the family still makes a greater contribution. Our grandfathers spoke with tears in their eyes about the heroism of young guys at the front, about selfless deeds in the name of their native lands. It is the family that should help the child in raising patriotism, and a full-fledged personality cannot be raised without pride in one’s country, region or city. The family teaches us to be responsible for our actions, for our words and, of course, for our homeland.

Native land

From all these examples it is easy to understand: “my small homeland” is a broad concept. Everyone understands it differently. One thing is clear - we call the homeland the place where our memories are, where our thoughts are. This is what the best moments of life are associated with.

Nowadays, people all over the world are leaving their homes in search of a better financial situation. And some go on vacation for a long time to other countries and cities. But when we go to foreign lands or countries, and meet there a person from our native side, we rejoice. It's easier for us to understand it. We quickly find him mutual language. We want to be closer to him. This person is part of the Motherland, part of that big thing that evokes tender and at the same time melancholy feelings in us. Is it worth raising such feelings in children? Of course it's worth it! After all, no matter where a person is, he should always know: solace can be found in his native land.

Class hour “My small homeland...”


  1. Expanding and deepening students’ knowledge about the history of their native village.
  2. Fostering a sense of love and pride for your small homeland.


  1. Teach children to see and feel the beauty of their native land.
  2. To cultivate respect for the moral experience of representatives of the older generation.
  3. To formulate the need for the preservation of historical, cultural, and natural monuments of the native land.
  4. Develop an interest in reading documentary historical literature.
  5. Promote children's moral development.


An hour of communication.


Photos of the nature of the native land, village, WWII participants, books about the Tulun region “The Land of Silver Lakes and Golden Fields”,« There can be no Russia without villages,” Balloons Russian flag colors

Progress of the lesson


“For Russia, our village is a particle,
And for us it is our parental home.
And we are glad that we can be proud
Small homeland where we live.”

  1. Introduction.

Today we will talk to you about the Motherland. About the small homeland.
What does mine mean? What does small mean? What does homeland mean?

MINE - because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school...
SMALL - because it is a small part of my vast country.
HOMELAND - because people dear to my heart live here.
What is HOMELAND for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where you were born; a birch tree on your native threshold; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.

A student reads the poem “Small Motherland”

Small Motherland -
An island of land.
There are currants under the window,
The cherries have blossomed.
curly apple tree,
And under it there is a bench -
Affectionate little one
My motherland!

The homeland is the land, the state where a person is born.
The word “Motherland” comes from the ancient word “Rod”, which means a group of people united by blood (Kinship).

  1. The “Kinfolk” competition is being held.
    It is suggested to name as many words as possible with the root “genus”.
    (Options: give birth, parents, relative, relatives, relatives, pedigree, people, nationality, spring, native, etc.)
    PARENTS - father and mother who give birth to children.
    RELATIVE - relative, member of a clan.
    RELATIVES - relatives.
    PEDIGREE – a list of generations of one kind. People are proud of their ancestry and study it
    MOTHERLAND is both the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.
    PEOPLE – nation, inhabitants of the country.
    Teacher: Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home - this is where my small homeland begins.
    A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, and service to the Fatherland. Relatives, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - such simple, warm, human values ​​become the basis true love to the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.
    So we have keyword- HOMELAND. Proverbs speak of how carefully the Russian people have always treated their Motherland.
  2. Game make up a proverb
    Motherland is mother, serve the Motherland.
    To live, know how to stand up for it.
    A man without a homeland will come in handy there.
    Where someone is born is like a nightingale without a song.
    - The concept of “Motherland” is broad and capacious. The vast expanses of Russia with the breadth of its fields, rivers and lakes, forests and arable lands immediately appear in my thoughts. And among all this diversity there is earth, there is a point, there is the very dear to the heart and a place for your soul: this is your small homeland.
    - But there is a place in our country where we were born and grow - this is our native land, this is our small Motherland. I wrote this word down twice. What is their difference?

When is the word “Motherland” written with a capital letter?

When is the word “homeland” written with a small letter?

Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?

Do you know famous fellow countrymen?

Famous people of Wutai.Our main wealth is people.






  1. Student:

They will overcome evil and grief,
They will find light in the pitch darkness...
My heroes are the main root,
The basis of life on earth.

- What history of your region can you tell?

Today Utai is included in the Kotik settlement from the settlements: Utai, Krasnaya Dubrava, Kotik, Zausaevo, the population of Utai is more than 400 people. In addition to the administration, there are Kotik secondary school, Utayskaya primary school, comprehensive school, kindergarten in Kotik, therapeutic department in the village of Kotik, paramedic stations, cultural and leisure center Kotik, Utai, post office Kotik, Utai. Who is the head of our settlement? (Fisher Tatyana Aleksandrovna)

II. My home street.

Teacher: The floor is given to a group of students who have researched the names of the streets where they live.


About my homeland I speak quietly:
After all, there is no need to shout about great love.
She is my joy and reward,
I’ll say about her and say a prayer:
“Be forever in prosperity and glory,
Give you strength, Almighty, to preserve peace,
Give us strength to live without further ado
And I won’t let myself down in front of you!”

Here are the photographs. Imagine that you have been offered to organize an exhibition of photographs telling about your small homeland. Which photos will you choose? Why? Justify your choice. (Problems of environmental protection and the beauty of nature, the disappearance of production in the village and at the same time jobs)

Russia, Motherland, small homeland. Such painfully familiar words.
Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth.
But wherever we are, your native land will always be for us that bright light that will be ours. bright light invite us to our native lands.
Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his family.
Feel proud of the people who glorify your country
Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!


Guys, what do you think he meant? English writer Jack London, who claimed that true meaning a person to live, not to exist. What is the difference in the concepts of “live” and “exist”?

- “To exist” is to spend time aimlessly, carelessly, not thinking about the future, not remembering the past, not caring about anyone or anything. “Living” means being useful, having goals in life, achieving them, caring for your neighbor.

No wonder they say: “Where you were born, you came in handy.” This is about a person’s attachment to the place where he was born, where he grew up, where he made friends; about attachment to your work, to people with their customs and traditions. Each of you has your own path in life, your own path, but let love for each of you live in your heart. native land, native land, to hometown and the street where you lived, LOVE FOR YOUR SMALL HOMELAND.

Student: They say all paths lead to home,

They say he started the beginning.

A man like no one, in any case

I missed him and missed him.

A man was born here.

And from here he will go forward,

But no matter where he settles,

His native home will call him again.

And sometimes it's impossible to go back

We go to where half of our lives have passed.

Home is far away, and the years keep rushing by,

But only there we feel light and warm.


1.The village is my small homeland

2.My village and seasons

Small Motherland is the most the best place on the ground! My Motherland is Russia. But the place where I was born and still live (my small Motherland) is my native village. It may be very small, but I love it. My parents and sisters live here, as well as my grandparents. When I come to visit, my beloved granny always greets me with pies, the taste and smell of which I will remember for the rest of my life. And I bring my grandparents, with whom we often go fishing, postcards that I make during labor lessons at school.

I like my home village at any time of the year. In the summer, when my holidays come, we go to the nearest forest. It is very green there and there are a lot of mushrooms and berries. Usually we collect a full basket, and mother or grandmother cooks from them delicious dishes. In autumn and winter in the evenings we sit and drink tea, while bad weather rages outside the window. But we are not cold at all, because when the whole family is together, the soul is in the same place. Well, in the spring my home village transforms - the first flowers bloom, the grass turns emerald, the birds sing beautifully, and the mood is very good. I love my small homeland very much. When I grow up, I will have to go to the city, because I want to go to college, which we don’t have in our village. But I will come to the village very often and visit my relatives. And when I graduate from university, I will definitely return to my native land, because my small Motherland is the best place on earth!

Essay My Small Motherland 7th grade


1. Memories of the small Motherland.

2. My village today.

3. My small Motherland is my pride!

I live and study at school in the capital of Russia, in the city of Moscow. It is very noisy and fun here, there is always a lot of entertainment, but every evening, before going to bed, I remember my small Motherland - my native village. Its small houses beautiful lake, huge forest. Just recently I had a vacation, and I was able to visit the village where I spent my childhood.

What makes me especially happy: unlike other villages, my small Motherland is not dying out, but, on the contrary, is being transformed. And all thanks to the fact that hardworking people who love their native land live here. They are the wealth of the village. I am very grateful to them for not only preserving, but also enhancing the beauty of the village; for the fact that I have the opportunity to return again to the walls of my native school and remember how as children we gnawed at the granite of science here, raced along the corridors, fell in love and hurried to grow up. And every visit I make to my small homeland is an opportunity to return, at least for a short time, to the country called “Childhood.” Here I am again running barefoot through the dewy grass to meet the June dawn, but my sled is rushing at full speed along the snowy slope, and my grandmother is still worried that I might catch a cold!

Yes, it was a good time, fabulous. This, unfortunately, will not happen again. Years will pass, but I will return again and again to the village of my childhood. It is more valuable to me than any large and comfortable city. After all, the small Motherland for me is not just a phrase, but a region with which my best memories, most pleasant meetings and days are associated. I wish with all my heart that my native village becomes more beautiful and richer every year. I am proud of my small Motherland!

Essay My Small Motherland 11th grade


1. “Where does the Motherland begin?”

2.The village is my small homeland:

A) a description of the atmosphere that the native village “breathes”;

b) the nature of the native village;

3. Small Motherland is forever!

“Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your ABC book,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard."

There is probably no person who does not know these lines from the song. But everyone has their own answer to the question of where the Motherland begins. Some people prefer to consider the place where they currently live as their homeland. But someone like me, for example, will never forget the land on which he was born and raised, the place about which they say “my little Motherland.” For me, this is my home village.

The village of my childhood is a completely small, but cozy and picturesque settlement. There may be no large enterprises, plants or factories here, but the nature here is very picturesque. There is a special air here that you can breathe easily and freely. Or maybe it’s because this is my small homeland?! And I’m simply not able to objectively describe the atmosphere that this village breathes?! But here’s what we can say for sure: this is that small piece of land where a person can take a break from the hustle and bustle big city, communicate with nature, heal body and soul. My home village is very beautiful in all seasons. In winter it is covered with fluffy silver snow and resembles a fairy valley. In spring and summer the village is all in bloom and greenery, and in the fall it dresses in golden decoration.

Now, unfortunately, I am less and less able to visit my small homeland; I live and study at a school in a big city, where I am overwhelmed by business and worries, and where sometimes I feel very lonely. But still, whenever possible, I try to come to my native village. Small Motherland is forever!