Dream interpretation of large flowers on a tree. Why do you dream about a flowering tree?

A dream is a kind of message that can warn of a bad event from the future, or report the onset of a favorable period in life. There is a world great amount dream books. They are able to help a person understand what the object of his dream means.

It is believed that flowers on tree branches serve as a symbol of wish fulfillment and rebirth. It can be argued that dreams containing flowering trees are interpreted in exactly this way. But, depending on the many details of what is seen, the decoding may differ. General interpretations of a flowering tree in a dream are as follows:

  • Fruits appearing on the tree - to prosperity and enrichment;
  • Flowering that occurs despite the time of year (winter, autumn) - to overcome difficulties;
  • The appearance of buds in spring means a good mood and joyful events;
  • Flowering of a potted tree - to the realization of what you want;
  • Blooming linden - good health and good health.

Interpretation of sleep according to various dream books

Many years and even centuries ago, many dream books were created. Anyone can choose the dream interpreter they see fit and adhere to its interpretations. We will introduce you to several dream books that allow you to decide what you are dreaming about. Blooming tree.

Lunar dream book

Lunar dream book: flowering tree, or rather, parks and gardens in flowers white, interprets it as an upcoming carefree pastime that will bring benefits. If in a dream a person brought home a bouquet of twigs with snow-white flowers, this means that soon family relationships love and understanding will reign.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing flowering trees in your dreams means being confident in the success of your business. If a person organizes a rest under a tree covered in flowers, this means that in his soul he fears for the safety of his happiness, success and well-being.

Azar's Dream Book

Trees in flowers promise joyful events and successful completion of all tasks and responsibilities. If in a dream a person saw an apple tree in flowers, he can be sure that soon one of his loved ones will get married.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

This woman thinker stated in her dream interpreter that a flowering tree seen in a dream means nothing more than the arrival of a happy streak in a person’s life. If there is no foliage on a tree with flowers, the dream book says that some detail in an important project or matter was quietly lost. It is worth mentally going back in time and carefully thinking about what could have gone wrong in the case. It is reassuring that the medium Hasse is confident that everything will settle down and return to normal.

Female dream interpreter

This dream interpreter claims that seeing bushes or a garden in flowers means expecting early prosperity and rebirth.

Miller's Dream Book

The dream interpreter of this expert in psychology says that flowering trees in a dream mean the coming of some of the most joyful, successful and favorable moments in a person’s life. The power of this news is doubled if the tree bloomed in the winter season. It is worth pointing out that a cut down or mangled plant can mean difficulty in achieving what you want and reasons for grief in the future.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

The interpreter of this thinker deciphers a tree in flowers in a dream as receiving a huge and long-awaited inheritance. It will enrich a person both physically and spiritually.

Dream Interpreter of Prince Zhou-Gong

Presenting buds plucked from a flowering tree to someone means long-term separation from him, or even loss of connection. If in his dream the dreamer recognized a lifeless, withered tree with bright flowers, this phenomenon is interpreted as the health and well-being of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, peace of life and peace among young people.

Dream Interpretation Roberti

A psychoanalyst from Italy believes that seeing this object in your dreams means being confident in the strength of your ambitions. The dreamer wishes to be recognized in social environment, and may well achieve this through personal ambitions.

Interpreter of dreams of the all-seeing Vanga

This wise and all-seeing woman assured in her dream book that a tree with flowers is interpreted as the beginning of a joyful streak in life. However, the dreamer will have to work hard before the fun ahead of him. If a person saw a magnolia in his dream, he can be sure that favorable news awaits him.

A large tree, covered as densely as possible with its flowers, promises an acquaintance with a certain person who can influence the course of the dreamer’s affairs and always help. This object can also be deciphered as the upcoming meeting of all relatives together on the occasion of a happy event.

Ukrainian dream interpreter

The dream book, which was created by thinkers from Ukrainian lands, claims that seeing a flowering tree means encountering an unpredicted joyful and happy event in the future. Climbing this tree means a gain of money in the future, success in the household and home.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

This woman wrote in her dream interpreter that a tree seen in flowers promises the successful completion of all problems and problems in life. Or they have already been resolved, unexpectedly for the dreamer.

Dream book of symbols

The tree symbolizes the state of the human body or organism. Therefore, if a plant is full of beauty and health, this is the state of the human body at this moment.

Gypsy dream book

The gypsy dream interpreter has the following interpretation of this dream object: if in winter the tree blossomed bright colors- expect the arrival of a happy period in your life, an increase in all the blessings.

Cherry blossoms - happiness and favor of fate. Blooming apple tree - good news. A flowering tree is a great happiness. Flowering trees - success, joy. Green and flowering bushes - your sympathy will be mutual. Blooming roses - love joys and joy await. Blooming heather...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a flowering tree?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Success in business.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Belly?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A flowering tree grows from the belly or having a very large belly means respect, wealth.

What does the dream mean - Orange

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a blooming orange tree in a dream is a sign good hopes And good news. If you see orange flowers blooming in a dream, then happiness in love awaits you. A dream in which you see an orange tree with many fruits on it...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Tree?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A symbol of a person’s private personal life. Much depends on the shape and appearance tree. If it is clumsy and dry: there are problems that do not allow you to fully arrange your personal life so that it satisfies you. If the tree is green and blooming: it is...

How to interpret the dream “Tree”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Alley of trees: lasting happiness. Climbing a tree: to find luck in something, to get rich. Falling from a tree: imminent misfortune. Looking at the fruits: addiction. Blooming tree: unexpected happiness.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Bird Cherry?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Bird cherry is the personification of purity, innocence and virtue. It is customary to give bird cherry flowers to your beloved girl, because popular belief their scent will definitely intoxicate the one you are in love with and he or she will fall in love with you. Perhaps the image of a bird cherry appeared in a dream in...

Dream meaning - Tree

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing is profit. Climbing a tree means difficulties, failure. Fruity and picking fruit is a long-term success. Chopping is a loss. Planting is wealth. With fruits - prosperity. Blooming - success in business. Chopped off or uprooted - death, mourning. Burning...

I had a dream “Tree”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A tree with fruits or green leaves - to prosperity and profit. Cutting down a flowering tree means losing it; planting it. Sit under a tree - you will have to protect your happiness, fear for it. Climbing a tree is an honor; climbing is very...

I had a dream “Buckwheat”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A blooming field of buckwheat - to success in business and career. Buying buckwheat in large quantities is a sign that the results of the work you have done will be better than you expected. Iterate buckwheat- you are trying to get rid of your shortcomings. Sorts through the cereal...

What does the dream mean - Apricot

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Clicking an apricot nut means being picky. Planting an apricot tree means pregnancy and the birth of a girl. Eating an apricot means idleness and boredom. Seeing a flowering tree means an unsuccessful marriage.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Tree?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a tree blooming in the middle of winter in a dream means unexpected news. Seeing a withered tree in a dream means great disappointment or the loss of one of your loved ones or friends. Seeing a fruit-bearing tree in a dream means that soon you will finally...

Tree - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you dreamed of one tree, then in reality you are sad and lonely, you are looking for a soul mate. If you dreamed of a young tree blossoming, then in reality you need to look back at your loved ones or start organizing your personal life. Dreamed old tree...

Apricot - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A flowering apricot tree in a dream means that you are too carried away by your fantasies and do not want to see reality, hoping that tomorrow you will be as good as yesterday. If you don’t wake up from your dreams in a timely manner and don’t see the real display...

Dreaming of "Len" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a blooming flax field in a dream means a rich harvest.

Dream - Apricot

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a blooming apricot tree in a dream or eating apricots means some very good changes in your life.

Seeing an almond tree in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing it in a dream with fruits (nuts) is a sign of wealth, prosperity, and prosperity, which will not be given to you without difficulty. Seeing a blooming almond tree in a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of a wish, love passion, success.

Dream Interpretation Flowering Trees

The symbolism of the tree is quite multifaceted. It personifies dynamic growth, cyclicality (seasonality) of dying, regeneration, development. The branches extending from a common trunk represent unity and the universe.

Symbols living in dreams

The symbolic meaning of this plant varies depending on how it looks: with budding buds, growing leaves, in bloom, withered. In any case, it is a symbol of renewal.

Interpretations from different eras

If you dreamed of trees in bloom

Soothsayers of past and present times agree that inflorescences on tree branches represent rebirth and the embodiment of desires. But any professional in the field of dream interpretation gives individual forecasts, taking into account those nuances that he considers key. Let's see different points vision in interpretations of the image of a flowering tree.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist confidently stated that flowering trees in a dream are harbingers of perhaps one of the happiest moments in the dreamer’s life.

However, a felled plant, according to Miller’s dream book, indicates a reason for regret. Your expectations will not be met.

Seeing unusual inflorescences on trees in a dream while traveling through exotic countries means that all sad moments will give way to fun and joy.

Wet from rain, covered with bright buds, trees portend negative changes marital relations . Conduct mental monitoring of your actions. Perhaps it’s not too late to fix everything by adding more attention and color to the relationship.

If you managed to climb on it in a dream, you will have the opportunity to gain power and influence.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you happened to see a huge flowering tree, it predicts an acquaintance with an influential person who will always be ready to help.

When in a dream you stood in the shade of such plants, this is a call to stop hiding the truth of your feelings. Don't be afraid to trust the people around you. Open up to them, and you will have a lot of loyal friends.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The famous Miss Medium of the past considered the image of a tree in bloom to be an omen of great happiness.

Perhaps a happy period in your life will soon come

If you happen to see only some inflorescences on it, but no foliage, this is a warning - something was missed in the process of developing a plan for the implementation of the project. Therefore, everything initially went wrong, and the result was not achieved. You should rewind the film and perform the actions again. Everything will be restored.

Freud's Dream Book

Old Freud, as always, associates the image of this plant with the male genital organs, since its main part is the trunk.

The interpretation of dreams where you saw a man watering him comes down to a statement about the dreamer’s inclination towards self-satisfaction, and experiencing true pleasure from this process.

For women, the meaning of such dreams, as the dream book indicates, is the desire to have children and experience the joys of marital sex.

Noble dream book of Grishina

Why did you happen to see a tree in bloom in a dream? This foreshadows wedding troubles. Either the dreamer’s family has a daughter of marriageable age, or a son is a groom.

The interpretation of dreams, where it is covered with flowers before our eyes, foreshadows an event thanks to which the sleeper will experience a state of second youth.

Why see buds blooming? The dream book indicates this promises fateful meeting . She will bring love and happiness for many years.

Why did you happen to weave a wreath from flowering branches in a dream? Due to your haste and lack of composure, you will find yourself in a curious and funny situation.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Blooming bud

Why do we dream of these plants being in flowering time? This is a guarantee that all problems and difficult situations have already been resolved, or are about to be resolved safely, with the least loss for the dreamer.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist believes that the image of this plant, which appeared in a dream at the flowering stage, promises a great inheritance that has been long awaited.

Dream Interpretation by A. Roberti

The Italian psychoanalyst believes that this image is a reflection of the sleeper’s desire for recognition in society. The sleeper clearly has great ambitions.

What tree was blooming

When interpreting a specific image of a flowering tree, we should not be content with one fact of this period of its life - flowering. You need to pay attention to its variety, even age, time of year in a dream. And no less important is the circumstance of what is happening around this image, what phenomena are captured in the fragments of the dream. Let's look at excerpts of plots in our night visions:

  • wood type;
  • flowering period;
  • current events.


Why see blossoming buds on a plum tree? This is the personification of thriftiness for your soulmate. Thanks to her your family life filled with coziness and comfort.

Why did you happen to see a blooming olive tree? Unfortunately, sleep forecasts are associated with an unhappy marriage in which there will be no children and sincere feelings .


Why do you dream about citrus plants? So this is good news. They can be associated with offers of lucrative contracts, with the introduction of innovative ideas into the business that will raise it to the top. highest level and will give huge income. In this situation, a profitable marriage is not excluded.

For married women, this dream promises the normalization of relationships that have been a little shaken. Moreover, they will become even stronger than they were before this moment.

The interpretation of dreams where you happened to see a blossoming lemon tree says that you are unnecessarily tormenting your lover with jealousy. This feeling is unfounded. You're just acting like an owner. Do not escalate the situation, otherwise your loved one will run out of patience and simply leave you.


Why does an apricot appear in a dream during flowering? It promises a gracious, peaceful life.

If the apple tree blossomed

Apple tree

Everything that a blossoming apple tree dreams about predicts temptations. Women connected by marriage are encouraged by such a dream to be prudent. Because a moment's whim can destroy the stable Family status. The dream encourages young unmarried women to be selective in choosing a life partner. Don't be too naive, don't buy into the lush and beautiful words, but focus more on the actions and behavior of your chosen one.


The interpretation of dreams where a pear was present during the flowering period promises tears. However, such a reaction will occur out of joy. Some event will make you happy to the point of tears. This will probably be something long-awaited, something the dreamer has already stopped hoping for.

For women who have adult children who are uncertain in the family sphere, this dream promises wedding troubles.


A blooming pomegranate warns of interference on the love front, quarrels. However, they are as short-lived as flowering.


A fruitful peach warns of labor-intensive and lengthy work before you reach your goal. But a flowering plant, just as in reality it begins to bloom earlier than many fruit plants, also in dreams promises a quick achievement of the intended results.

Cherries and sweet cherries

If the cherry tree blossomed

The interpretation of dreams, where you had a chance to see cherry blossoms, speaks of the beginning of an ascent along career ladder, or this is a statement of the fact that you have opened own business and it promises to be cost-effective.

The interpretation of dreams where cherry blossoms are blown by the wind indicates promises made to the dreamer by someone that will not be fulfilled. Do not rush to take the word of people who make hasty promises. By relying on them, you will miss the chance when you could come to an agreement with more responsible and serious people, or resolve the situation yourself.

If in the plot of your dreams you wanted to pick cherry blossoms, this is a confirmation of your chastity and virginity.

The interpretation of dreams, where cherry blossoms flew away from time to time, indicates regrets about the mistakes of youth. You finally realized that by tying the knot with a person you don’t love, to spite someone, you ruined the lives of three people - yourself, your spouse, and your loved one. Now all you have to do is come to terms with this situation.

If in the plot of your dreams you saw the buds of cherries begin to burst, it means that you will soon achieve popularity and recognition, thanks to your creativity or unselfish character.

If you break cherry branches with inflorescences and put them in a vase, this incriminates you of stealing someone’s very good idea. Admit what you did before it's too late. If you do this and repent, then perhaps you will be taken as a partner. Otherwise, you will create a situation where others will turn away from you.

When in your dreams you shook the cherry blossoms, this indicates your protest against your partner’s infidelity. You will get tired of constantly turning a blind eye to this. Moreover, you will immediately meet true love.

I dreamed that the cherry tree had some branches with inflorescences, and some with fruits setting. This promises you a rapid growth rate of your newly implemented project. This may be due to the increase in the network of enterprises.

When you dreamed of cherry blossoms in winter, it means the dreamer will get a second wind. His rationalization thinking is activated. His seemingly unprofitable business will find a new, rapidly developing life.

If the sleeper ate cherry blossoms, it means he will receive a declaration of love, and possibly a marriage proposal.

Blooming cherry blossoms promise peace of mind and peace.

Other plants

A blooming nut promises the nobleness of risk in the implementation of plans.

Figs promise long-awaited conception.

The mulberry plant portends having many children.

If you had to admire the lilac blossoms, it means that frivolous intimate affairs await you, which will exhaust themselves very quickly.

If you were hiding in the shadow of a lilac, it means you will experience a surge of passionate emotions and romantic encounters.

If the lilac bushes were blooming

For unmarried women, a bouquet of lilacs promises an upcoming intimate conversation, from which she will learn a lot about her partner that she did not even suspect. This news is extremely positive.

For a married woman, a bouquet of lilacs promises a revival of feelings from first dates, restoration and strengthening of sexual desires.

A lilac branch plucked by someone warns of illusions, deceptive hopes that are never destined to come true. Beware strangers who offer seemingly sincere friendship.

Seeing lilacs blooming from a window promises an expensive gift. For married women, this could be real estate or a car. For women who are not married, this can be a gift hinting at a wedding.

I happened to smell a branch of lilac, which means the dreamer has a very strong, almost mystical attraction to the object of desire . This may not be his beloved, but one of the women who will charm him for a while. The dream advises you to try to ignore these false feelings so as not to spoil the happy future.

Picking the color of lilac is a reflection of the dreamer’s desire to please a certain person.

Seeing lilacs bloom in winter is a harbinger of separation.

Have you ever brewed tea from lilac flowers? These dreams are the prerogative of women. This is a reflection of their extravagant desires. They are very romantic natures, loving beautiful relationship, courtship. Everything is as gentlemen should do.

You can admire the beauty of flowering trees endlessly, not only in reality, but also in your dreams. Having seen such beauty in a dream, a person has the right to hope that happiness awaits him. In esotericism, flowers on tree branches are a good symbol.

When interpreting what a flowering tree means in a dream, most dream books recommend paying attention to both the appearance of the tree and what time of year it bloomed. In addition, the color of the petals also matters, but we will talk about this a little later.

General interpretation

It is interesting that a wide variety of dream books interpret a flowering tree as good sign. Such a dream is favorable for married people. It confirms that your other half is a reliable support.

Good predictions

If in a dream you are walking along an alley of flowering trees, then the long trip (business trip) ahead of you will be very successful, and you will be able to solve all the issues that interest you. Why else do you dream about a flowering tree? Dream books foretell the onset of favorable changes in the dreamer's life. Changes can affect family, career, and personal life.

Sometimes you dream of a flowering tree with ripe fruits. Why such a dream? In this case, climbing the career ladder is quite likely. A person who sees such a dream must show his most best qualities management and justify the trust placed in him. For a businessman, such a dream predicts the conclusion of a very profitable large contract, which is guaranteed to bring good profit. In addition, the fruits can symbolize an imminent addition to the family.

Well, if you remembered your childhood and climbed a flowering tree, dream books predict victory in a task that was previously beyond your power. It is a good sign if a tree with dry branches unexpectedly blooms. The dreamer will definitely win a case that he considered hopeless. Luck will be on his side, but only on condition that he acts boldly and takes reasonable risks.

If trees are blooming right under your windows, the dream predicts a pleasant surprise. If you break a flowering twig on a tree in a dream, in reality you need more than you have. Such a desire is soon motivated by your perseverance and desire to ensure a comfortable existence not only for yourself, but also for the people closest to you. Planting a flowering tree foretells that your hopes for a bright future will gradually come true.

When trees that do not bloom in reality bloom in a dream, this portends that your original ideas will prove to be very valuable at the most crucial moment, which will have a beneficial effect on your career.

As you can see, this dream is mostly interpreted positively. Flowering trees have only one negative sign - picking flowers from them. In this case, the sleeper complicates his life and deliberately ignores opportunities leading to success. Indeed, it is not easy to fight with oneself, but a person needs to overcome this difficult period in order to start life anew. After such a dream, it is undesirable to take on very difficult work- there is a great risk of not living up to management’s expectations and you can expose yourself to bad at its best.

Petal color

If you dream that you are walking in the park and admiring young trees with white flowers, then this dream predicts you a carefree time that you will spend with benefit for yourself. And if you break branches with beautiful white flowers and bring them to your home, complete mutual understanding will reign in the family. When you see a tree blooming with white flowers in winter, you will experience unexpected but pleasant emotions.

Red flowers are a symbol of harmonious relationships between lovers. Tree blooming pink flowers- the dream promises an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance, which will make you happy.

What tree is blooming?

Dream interpreters consider a flowering tree to be an ambiguous symbol. Dream books recommend its detailed interpretation. In particular, you need to pay attention to the varieties of trees (or shrubs) that you can see in the kingdom of Morpheus.

Apple tree

It is interpreted as a symbol of temptation, which will be very difficult for the sleeper to avoid. If he sees such a dream married woman, then she should remember her marriage vows and not have an affair. The betrayal will definitely be discovered, and a dark streak will come in the relationship with your spouse. Think carefully - is the game worth the candle? The same interpretation applies to married man who saw blooming apple tree.


A symbol of the sleeper’s professional success. If a person is going to open his own business, this endeavor will certainly be successful. Such a dream foreshadows an office worker career and increase wages.


Unfortunately, this beautifully flowering tree in a dream promises disappointment. Your plans will not be realized, and their failure will greatly upset you. Such a dream, seen by a young girl, suggests that her relationship with her chosen one will not live up to expectations. It should be noted that in general, apricot reflects the dreaminess and ambition of the sleeper. His desires do not always coincide with his capabilities.


Seeing a blooming pear in a dream, you will soon experience pleasant emotions and shed bright tears of joy. If you have adult children, then most likely it's time to prepare for your wedding.

Lilac blooming

Most people associate blooming lilacs with the first warmth of spring, the gentle sun, and the awakening of nature. Sometimes blooming lilacs come to us in a dream. And this is a good sign: most interpreters believe that changes for the better and happiness await the sleeper.

A torn lilac branch warns of vain hopes that are not destined to come true. Avoid strangers who intrusively offer seemingly sincere friendship. If you see blooming lilacs from your home, you will soon receive an expensive gift. For women who are not yet married, this could be a marriage proposal ring.

Picking lilac flowers is a reflection of the dreamer’s desire to please a certain person. If in a dream you make tea from lilac flowers, then a beautiful relationship and courtship await you.

Flowering trees: interpretation of famous dream books

In Miller's dream book, the interpretation of such a dream is positive. The author of the collection was sure that if a person dreamed of flowering trees, then happy events would happen in his life in the near future. Seeing unusual, exotic trees in bloom promises that soon a person’s life will be painted with new bright colors. Sadness will recede, and the sleeper will be completely satisfied with his life.

If the flowers are covered with raindrops, then there may be minor problems in communicating with your lover. In this case, the dream book recommends looking at the situation objectively and, if possible, eliminating the cause of the conflict. Climbing to the top of a flowering tree, according to Miller, signifies the authority and strength of the sleeper.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian soothsayer believed that in the fall, seeing a flowering tree in a dream promises an acquaintance with a very influential person. If you were caught in the rain and you hid from it under a flowering tree, then the time has come to open your feelings. Your life will be filled with happiness from a declaration of love.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse interprets the lush blossoming of trees as a harbinger of great happiness. The dreamer will have the opportunity to take a break from the daily routine and fully restore strength. Such an update will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the perception of life. A person will be able to learn to appreciate what he already has and sincerely enjoy every little thing.

Time of year matters

If you dreamed of flowering trees in winter, then you can rejoice - the long-awaited “ white stripe" in your life. Blooming fruit trees in winter - to add to the family, snow covering the petals of ornamental shrubs promises you a passion for something that was not typical for you before.

The trees bloomed in autumn - good sign: what you thought was long lost will be reborn. Perhaps you will receive good news.

A tree seen in a dream most often represents the person himself. The size of the tree, its position and condition in dreams speaks about the current life situation.

By the lushness of the crown and the power of the roots, one can judge a person’s self-perception, his relationships with loved ones and his financial condition.

Seeing a beautiful flowering tree in a dream

Such a dream is a very good sign. They are expecting you big success and financial profit. In the English dream book, a flowering tree speaks of mutual feelings for lovers and happiness in. Modern dream book interprets what he saw beautiful tree as success in all future endeavors and material wealth.

Tree with apples

Abundance of red fruits portends possible career growth or unexpected cash receipts. Perhaps in the near future you will have the opportunity to get a promotion. Probably meeting new people, which will provide an opportunity to earn good money. See similar dream for a businessman it means stable profits and success in the business he has started.

If you from the tree, and they all turn out to be wormy, then the dream can be regarded as a warning about a possible serious illnesses. Sometimes rotten apples in a dream predict an ambulance, in which you will feel guilty. For a woman to see in a dream two falling beautiful apples from the tree speaks of the future and the possible. A dream about a tree with apples is a good sign for women - she will soon meet her other half.

See how it fell on the car

A tree falling on you can warn about a serious illness. Take your sleep into account - undergo a full examination to avoid serious health consequences. If a tree falls on someone else’s car, then illness threatens your loved ones. There is a high probability of an accident. A tree you cut down in a dream may foretell that your ill-considered actions will lead to serious injuries or the death of a family member.

Climb a tree in a dream

Climbing a flowering tree portends career and great success. Climbing a dry tree means little difficulty. from a tree in a dream can talk about failures and financial losses.

Tree with fruits

Fruits on the tree symbolize material wealth; your endeavors will lead to success and stable profits. The more fruits you see in a dream, the more cash income awaits you in the near future. Picking fruits in a dream means good luck and possible winning the lottery.

tangerine tree

Seeing a tree strewn with ripe fruits in a dream portends a big good luck and resolving an unpleasant situation in your favor. For women, such a dream can be interpreted in two ways:

  • a successful marriage soon and;
  • good news from afar.

For lovers tangerine tree in dreams speaks of complete harmony in relationships.

Tree with apricots

In a dream they talk about possible difficulties And disappointment. Your endeavors may not bring the success you expect. For girls, such a dream foreshadows a stormy relationship that will lead nowhere. A blooming apricot tree in dreams indicates that your dreams and hopes are far from reality.

pear tree

To see in night dreams is a warning that you are surrounded by two-faced people.

Be attentive to your surroundings; there is a high probability that your friendship will be used to achieve selfish goals. The intrigues of dishonest people can harm your career or reputation.

Cherry in a dream

In a dream with abundance, foretells an early well-being and reward according to merit. Perhaps you will soon have a new lover.

Cherry blossoms warn of strong and mutual love, which will lead to the creation happy marriage. Dried berries on a tree speak of departed feelings.

I dreamed about a birch tree

If in a dream you were walking through a birch grove, then in reality you will be surrounded by sincere people who are always ready to help. For a man, a birch tree with earrings seen in a dream portends acquaintance with a young girl, which will soon lead to the creation of a family. For a girl, a birch tree in a dream speaks of a future relationship in which she will experience previously unknown feelings.

burning tree

Burning tree warns about serious damages and losses. Sorrows and failure await you. The more it blazed in a dream, the greater troubles await you.

Money Tree

A dream about a money tree promises changes in life, both pleasant and not so pleasant. A withering tree warns of future conflicts and discord in the family. Planting a tree in a pot speaks of high hopes that you have for the future. If it has taken strong roots, you will not encounter obstacles on the way to your goal.

Tree in winter

Powdered trees in a dream symbolize insurmountable obstacles in business. All your endeavors have failed and suffered serious losses. Maybe you should rethink life priorities. Take care of your loved ones - right now they need your support and participation. Sometimes I dream of trees in front of major quarrels, capable of splitting a family.