What does it mean to see tangerines in a dream? Why do you dream about tangerines and a tangerine tree with fruits?

The meaning of specific dreams is usually associated with the feelings that what is seen causes in a person in real life. Tangerines are very tasty and healthy fruit, which is usually identified with the New Year holidays and the magic that characterizes them. Most dream books say that dreams of these citrus fruits also mean pleasant expectations and other benefits.

True, in this regard, it is important to take into account not only the fact of the dreamed tangerines, but also their visual state. An important role in the interpretation of the dream is played by the fact that the sleeper specifically did with the main “persons” of the dream while watching it.

Among esotericists it is believed that a dream with the “participation” of tangerines promises the seer all-round favorable changes. People say that women dream of these citrus fruits for an upcoming pregnancy. Also similar dreams signal that wonderful lady will easily endure the period of gestation and the process of childbirth, and the child will certainly please her with his health, beauty and early successes.

Among eastern nationalities, tangerines are usually associated with material wealth. And astrologers believe that citrus fruits in a dream foreshadows something bad - gossip, hypocrisy, slander.

And it is important for the seer to learn as soon as possible "separating the wheat from the chaff", giving preference in communication only to close, trusted people.

Interpretations of sleep vary from dream book to dream book, so it is important to rely only on what you yourself want to believe. It should be remembered that the mood changes a lot in life, and therefore the expectation of something bad can really attract sorrows into life in itself.

Also for maximum accurate interpretation your dream, it is important to remember it in detail, down to the smallest details. Why do you dream about tangerines anyway?

Interpretations "in general terms"

Why do you dream about a lot of tangerines?

Traditional Russian dream books say that this dream foreshadows the arrival of guests, and it is quite possible that they will be uninvited. If you dream of tangerines, it means that someone is rushing towards you, whose arrival you are not expecting at all. This could be a distant relative or an old friend with whom for some reason you have lost all contact.

One way or another, this meeting will be joyful, positive, and perhaps even productive for both of you. It may also be that you will soon get married, which means that you are guaranteed a stream of long-forgotten friends and distant relatives. In any case, get ready to meet guests and have a pleasant time in society.

Why do you dream that the seer gives a tangerine? little boy or a girl?

Alas, such a noble gesture as treating a stranger to this fruit in reality promises you troubles associated with the committed act. If you have not done anything out of the ordinary, try not to get involved in any intrigues or get involved in extraneous adventures - this may adversely affect your position in society.

If in a dream you doused yourself or were splashed with tangerine juice, this is bad sign. Such a dream portends you a lot of troubles, which are likely to be associated with your difficult character. Also, this dream may indicate an upcoming incident, as a result of which you will lose your authority and trust among your friends.

Why do you dream of tangerines located on a tree? For a woman, this promises the imminent birth of a wonderful child who will delight her with his achievements until adulthood. For those who are worried about gynecological problems, but dream of a baby, this dream foreshadows a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery.

If a woman dreams of flowers, there is a chance that she will get married soon. Moreover, the marriage will be the only one and very successful. For a person who dreams of a tangerine tree, the dream promises success in his plans and a quick resolution of a difficult situation in his favor. For lovers, such a dream promises harmony and new prospects in relationships.

The Islamic dream book claims that tangerines in a dream are a symbol good health and high material well-being in real life. Muslims also believe that dreaming of buying fruits at the market means a possible revival of past love relationship. Buying tangerines in a dream also means success in business relationships and very useful acquaintances.

Why else do you have a dream in which you happen to buy tangerines?

If the fruits are limp and rotten, it means that your business will fail. Perhaps this will be dismissal or bankruptcy in business. If in a dream you happened to pick fruits from a tree with your own hands, this may mean a serious illness of a loved one for whom you happen to be a nurse.

However, this same dream can be interpreted somewhat differently - perhaps you will be “inspecting” a lonely sick person, as a result of which you will receive valuable real estate.

Trading citrus fruits in a dream on your part foreshadows your progress in career ladder, or quickly organizing a personal business. However, if at the same time you suddenly discover a low-quality product, expect deception on the part of a colleague, boss or associate.

The aroma of tangerines, which you clearly feel in a state of sleep, indicates your fatigue and an urgent need for quality rest.

Interpretations from the “Modern Dream Book”

The modern dream book is the same book on which the majority rely. What will he tell us about your “citrus” dream?

So, tangerines in a dream foreshadow:

  • The early arrival of close or distant relatives who will bring with them valuable and useful gifts;
  • If you ate them in your dream, this indicates excessive trust in others on your part. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards some people, so as not to be disappointed in the future and not be surprised by the machinations on their part. For a woman, such a dream indicates that her husband or husband is carefully hiding something important from her;
  • Prosperity and success in business if the fruits were ripe, bright and juicy;
  • Troubles and the attitude of others against you if, while breaking a fruit, you doused yourself with its juice;
  • If you diligently peeled the fruit, it means that soon you will witness some key event, or get to the bottom of some "terrible secret" that you will definitely want to share with strangers. We recommend that you do not act hastily in this case, since you risk greatly harming the person whose secret becomes known to you. And at the same time, you yourself will gain the reputation of a gossip and a young lady who in no case can be trusted;
  • Luck in love is predicted for those who admired beautiful fruits in their dreams or bought them from a market trader;
  • If you implemented it yourself "citrus product", this speaks of inexhaustible energy and enterprise on your part, which will result in serious profits. But if at the same time you yourself unexpectedly discovered rotten fruit, you should be wary of deception in future transactions.

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Dream Interpretation - Tree

Reflects a person's sense of self.

The trunk represents a person's place in society.

Foliage – relationships with other people.

Roots reflect stability and seriousness of purpose.

The bark is a symbol of your vulnerability or protection.

A forest, a few trees represent a group of people, a family.

A tree with a green, lush crown means prosperity and friendly support.

Dry trees without leaves mean difficulties and loneliness.

Fruit trees - profit, prosperity.

Flowering trees - love, feelings.

Dry branches - dead feelings and relationships.

Damaged bark - someone will take advantage of your trust.

Firewood, logs - dead or long-forgotten people will somehow remind you of themselves.

But to do this we need to understand what the individual parts of the tree are telling us.

Let us highlight individual characteristics of the tree. Let's see what they tell the dreamer.

Tree size. A tree that is too small indicates your insecurity, dependence on powerful of the world this. A tree of normal size will emphasize that you feel free and independent. The huge tree encourages you to reduce your ambitions (as in the example above).

Trunk. The trunk speaks of the dreamer’s strength: physical and moral. The thick trunk of the tree you see foretells that you will gain social weight. If the trunk is thin and swaying, then difficult things await you. life situation, which will not be easy for you to cope with. The trunk may be forked. If this is so, then the dream concerns the problem of relationships with a person close to you. Scars and hollows on the trunk remind you of diseases and operations previously suffered. But, as a rule, they belong to the past. However, a broken barrel should alert you. This is a harbinger of future troubles and life upheavals. What if you dream of a tree stump? This sign is not scary (if the tree did not break before your eyes). More likely this dream emphasizes that, as usual, you will show conservatism in affairs and relationships and will not accept the changes promised by the dream.

Branches. Remember where the branches of the tree you dreamed of were directed? If they stretched upward, it means your immediate plans will be realized. Branches hanging down indicate that you may not have enough energy to solve the problems that arise. Pay attention to broken or cut branches. This is a sign that you feel inferior in some area. Sometimes such cut branches, like hollows, appear in dreams after surgery. The only bad sign for the future is a branch that is broken off before your eyes.

Crown. A very favorable dream is in which you see a tree with a lush, green crown. This portends you many contacts and friendly communication. But if the crown is small and the foliage is sparse, then you are having difficulty finding partners and friends. And the problems indicated by the dream will have to be solved alone. And the most unfavorable case: seeing a tree with fallen leaves. This is a sign that you will experience a period of depression, loss of strength, loss vital energy, faith in the future. Or maybe you saw flowers on the tree in your dream? Then, perhaps, a sentimental relationship with someone awaits you, the blossoming of new feelings. You should pay close attention to such a message as fruit on a tree. On the one hand, they portend success and effectiveness in business and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams fruits often fall, are wormy, and unripe. This means that the results of your activities can be used by someone else.

Roots. It is better for the dreamer if the roots of the tree are in the ground. If you dig them up, looking for something, you may discover some secret or strengthen your spiritual strength. But seeing roots on the surface of the earth is a sign that you are looking for support. In such a dream, you may be shown something or someone you can lean on.

The tree of life is the symbolic axis of the world. The meaning of this Tree is that it unites such different elements as air, earth and water, i.e. those elements that are necessary for the existence of all life on earth. The tree of life is often depicted as a cross entwined with leaves. But human life is inseparable from the Tree of Knowledge. This Tree “tempts” a person with both the fruits of good and evil. The story of the Fall of Adam and Eve is connected with this Tree.

The Tree of Light, which is associated with the legend of the rebirth of souls. The connection with this tree is reflected in the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with candles and light bulbs.

These lights are symbols of wandering souls.

And gifts - toys on the Christmas tree - are sacrifices to the gods. Thus, a tree seen in a dream is sometimes correlated with these original trees. In such cases, it matters what the tree looks like, how its branches grow, and where the roots point.

A very interesting symbol is a tree turned upside down. This means that the basic, earthly foundations are connected with the higher, spiritual.

An inverted tree can also portend the death of a person. And there is no contradiction here, for the death of the body is the breakthrough of the Soul to heaven.

You may often dream that you are climbing a tree. This is the same lucky sign like climbing a mountain.

If climbing a mountain is more a symbol of material growth, then climbing a tree is a transition to a new spiritual level.

Tree Correlates with the original trees.

In such cases, it matters what the tree looks like, how its branches grow, and where the roots point.

A very interesting symbol is a tree turned upside down.

This means that the basic, earthly foundations are connected with the higher, spiritual.

However, sometimes an inverted tree can also portend the death of a person.

And there is no contradiction here, for the death of the body is the breakthrough of the soul to heaven.

Climbing a tree - This is as good a sign as climbing a mountain.

But, if climbing a mountain is more a symbol of material growth, then climbing a tree is a transition to a new spiritual level.

In ancient rituals, an action such as climbing a pole was used.

Not so long ago, at Russian folk festivals, a clever guy, climbing to the top of a pole, received a pair of boots as a reward.

Often the consequence of this little sporting success was success in life.

In most dreams where trees are seen, they are trees without any signs of species.

But they, these faceless trees, turned out to be the most informative signs of sleep.

Too small a tree Indicates your uncertainty, dependence on the powers that be.

A tree of normal size will emphasize that you feel free and independent.

The huge tree encourages you to scale back your ambitions.

Or maybe you saw flowers on the tree in your dream? Then, perhaps, a sentimental relationship with someone awaits you, the blossoming of new feelings.

You should pay close attention to such a message as fruit on a tree. On the one hand, they portend success and effectiveness in business and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams fruits often fall, are wormy, and unripe. This suggests that someone else can benefit from the results of your activities.

Interpretation of dreams from

Mandarin- guests will come to you, perhaps even from afar, but always with good gifts.

Culinary dream book

If you dreamed of a tangerine (tangerines)- this means that soon your distant relative(s) will unexpectedly come to visit you from afar.

Chinese dream book

Eat tangerines- portends illness.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing tangerines in a dream- to guests from afar.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Buying selected ripe aromatic tangerines in a dream- portends an increase in prosperity and a new takeoff old love. If you take overripe, spoiled tangerines at a significant discount- such a dream speaks of the upcoming decline in your affairs and the search for another job and livelihood.

Trade tangerines privately in a dream- means that inexhaustible energy and enterprise will ultimately lead you to your cherished life goal.

Collect tangerines spilled from a large box- means that you will have to be a nurse for a sick elderly person.

Children's dream book

Mandarin- for the holiday.

Eastern women's dream book

If you dreamed that you bought tangerines, but they turned out to be rotten- beware of deception.

A dream in which you smell tangerines, so reminiscent of New Year's holidays - indicates: you are tired of monotonous everyday life and want to have a good rest.

A dream in which you eat tangerines- sets you up for business.

Modern combined dream book

If you dreamed of a blooming tangerine tree- such a dream promises a pregnant woman the birth of a healthy child; young girl- meeting with fate; man- well-being in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ripe, fragrant tangerines in a dream- a sign of pleasant events in a close circle of family or close friends.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn your bed linen inside out.

    Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ripe, fragrant tangerines in a dream are a sign of pleasant events in a close circle of family or close friends.

A dried, hard crust on tangerines indicates that behind the hustle and bustle of everyday life you are missing out on many moments of joy.

Rotten tangerines - warn that some events can seriously overshadow your communication with loved ones. After such a dream, it does not bother you to show more sensitivity to the people close to you.

Green tangerine is a sign that you may have to postpone a home holiday or friendly party at a later time.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Buying selected ripe fragrant tangerines in a dream portends an increase in well-being and a new takeoff of an old love. If you take overripe, spoiled tangerines at a significant discount, such a dream speaks of the impending decline of your affairs and the search for another job and livelihood.

Trading tangerines privately in a dream means that inexhaustible energy and enterprise will ultimately lead you to your cherished life goal.

Collecting tangerines that have spilled out of a large box means that you will have to be a nurse for a sick elderly person.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Modern dream book

There are tangerines in a dream - you trust others too much, everything is not as smooth as it seems. For a woman, such a dream may indicate that her husband does not tell her everything.

Treating a child to a tangerine means you will commit an act that will change the attitude of the people around you.

Breaking a tangerine and dousing yourself with its juice - such a dream foreshadows trouble, the cause of which must be sought in your character, behavior and attitude towards other people.

Seeing a tangerine tree with fruits - such a dream foreshadows prosperity and success in business. For lovers, this dream promises harmonious relationships and mutual understanding. For a woman, such a dream can promise pregnancy.

If you dreamed of a blossoming tangerine tree, such a dream promises a pregnant woman the birth of a healthy child; to a young girl - a meeting with fate; for a man - well-being in the family.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that you bought tangerines and they turned out to be rotten, beware of deception. A dream in which you smell tangerines (so reminiscent of the New Year holidays) indicates: you are tired of monotonous everyday life and want to have a good rest. A dream in which you eat tangerines puts you in a businesslike mood.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Mandarin - You see a mandarin in a dream - you will be captivated by a story about some adventure. You peel the tangerine - in real life you will experience agonizing anticipation. It’s as if you are eating a tangerine - a pleasant adventure will happen to you personally.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What do Tangerines mean in a dream - An unexpected visit from a distant relative. Imagine that you quickly eat tangerines and throw away the skins.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Big dream book

If you dreamed of a tangerine, then soon your distant relative will unexpectedly come to visit you.

If you ate tangerines in a dream, then you trust others too much.

If a woman dreams of a tangerine, it warns her that her husband is hiding something from her.

Tangerine - If you treated a child to tangerine in a dream, then you will commit an act that will change the attitude of others towards you.

If you broke a tangerine and doused yourself with juice in a dream, there could be trouble. Look for the reason in your character, behavior and attitude towards other people.

If you dreamed of a tangerine tree with fruits, then prosperity and success in business await you.

Mandarin - For lovers, this dream of a mandarin promises harmonious relationships and mutual understanding.

If a woman dreams of a tangerine tree, this portends her pregnancy.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

To dream about tangerines is a sign of relatives coming to visit. There are so many tangerines, so many guests.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dreamed that you were buying tangerines, then you will be lucky in love.

Trading tangerines in a dream means that inexhaustible energy and enterprise will ultimately lead you to your cherished goal.

Tangerine - If you saw in a dream how you were picking tangerines, then you will have to take care of a weak person.

See also: why do you dream about an orange, why do you dream about a lemon, why do you dream about a pineapple.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Jewish dream book

What do Tangerines mean in a dream - Scattering tangerines on the floor means being mistaken in your hopes. Red tangerines are a warning about someone's envy. There is tangerine jam. For a woman - Dreamed on Monday night, this dream means that all anxieties and fears were in vain; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday to a meeting with a strong and smart person; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to good news. For a man, having a dream on Monday night means getting rid of serious danger; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to improve your health; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means reconciliation with enemies. There are tangerines. For a woman - Dreamed about in the spring - to pleasant acquaintances; in the summer - to fun; in the fall - to disappointment; in winter - to good news. For a man, a dream in the spring means that there will be an opportunity to quickly solve his problems; If you had a dream in the summer, this dream means eliminating obstacles that prevented the fulfillment of your desire. If you had a dream in the fall, it means receiving important news; and in winter - to luck in business.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, a tangerine is a harbinger of a visit from your family members who live at a great distance from you.

You eat it - be more critical of everyone who is nearby, it is very easy for you to show off.

You break off a slice and juice splashes over you - a sure sign that all your troubles are happening to you only because of your bad character, try to change yourself for the better.

If you dream about an unripe tangerine, a planned celebration or get-together with friends will not take place as planned.

If it has dried out hard peel, take a break from everyday issues and problems at work, there are so many beautiful things around, and you don’t even notice it.

Seeing them on a tree means incredible luck awaits you; you will be lucky in everything.

A dream in which you trade tangerines is confirmation that your extraordinary talents and mental capacity will help you achieve everything you want.

If you see inflorescences on a tangerine tree, your baby will be born strong and healthy.

Why do you dream about tangerines?

Chinese dream book Zhou-gun